Protein bar Iso Best Enjoy Protein Bar “Chocolate. Protein Bars

Protein Bar XXI Power- protein bar with collagen based on whey and soy protein. 18% protein per 100 grams. The bar is available in chocolate and coconut flavors.

Protein Bar is an energy bar with a high content of fast carbohydrates. Protein Bar XXI Power is an excellent source of energy with natural cocoa, nuts and coconut flakes. The bar will quickly replenish glycogen stores and satisfy your hunger for a long time.

Information for wholesale buyers

There are 24 pieces in one package, but you can buy any number of chocolate bars according to your desire.

The effect of a protein bar

A protein bar is not just a treat for athletes. It has long been known that in order to achieve results in a set of muscle mass, regular and balanced nutrition throughout the day is required. All protein bars contain only "correct" carbohydrates, a small amount of unsaturated fats, protein and vitamins.

The protein matrix of the protein bar XXI Power Protein Bar includes "fast" and rich in BCAA whey protein, as well as "slow", highly satiating soy protein. Part of the protein component is collagen, which is useful for the joints and ligaments of the athlete.

This three-component protein composition makes Protein Bar XXI Power an excellent supplier of protein necessary for muscle growth. Sports is enriched with a vitamin-mineral complex DSM Nutritional Products, Switzerland. It can easily replace one of your meals and give you the energy you need if you train after work or school.

Online shopping sports nutrition They offer a huge selection of sports chocolates. When buying, you should consider the goals you want to achieve. Very often, the composition of protein bars includes special additives that determine its effect on the body.

The XXI Power brand offers you protein bars with L-carnitine, with creatine and an energy bar with natural guarana extract:

  • Slim Bar XXI Power is a protein bar with the famous fat-burning agent L-carnitine. The bar contains 11% high-value protein and 500 mg of L-carnitine, which converts fat into energy. Fat-burning protein bars satisfy hunger for a long time, this is a special sports nutrition product that will easily fit into the diet of those whose goal is to reduce weight due to body fat.
  • Crea Bar XXI Power is a reduced fat protein bar with 12% protein concentration and 2.5 g of creatine. The combination of creatine and protein is energy + muscles. The use of creatine in most sports allows you to increase the athlete's performance in weight, speed and number of approaches by up to 20%.
  • Energy Bar XXI Power is an energy protein bar with a high concentration of whey and soy proteins plus 500 mg of guarana extract per bar. This protein bar will provide you with energy for a long time and give you strength for training in the evening - after work or school.

    How to take a protein bar

    Sports bar Protein Bar XXI Power is an easy-to-use source of high-quality proteins, enriched with vitamins and minerals, it is recommended to take it an hour before training or as an additional serving of protein throughout the day.

    Ingredients: whey protein concentrate Armor Proteines S.A.S., France, soy protein concentrate, collagen hydrolyzate Rousselot Angouleme S.A.S., France, coconut flakes, Indonesia, molasses, sugar, salt, nut mix, chocolate icing, cocoa, Germany, DSM Nutritional Products vitamin mix, Switzerland, sorbic acid, confectionery fat.


Enjoy bars from ISO Best- this is what will allow even the most notorious sweet tooth not to worry about the figure. They are designed specifically for those who are actively involved in sports and who need additional muscle nutrition and improved recovery. Although, often Enjoy is chosen even by those who are far from sports and just love incredibly delicious sweets.

The main feature and difference of Enjoy bars from other similar products is that in addition to protein (16% per serving), they also contain two extremely important components - BCAA and collagen. This already makes it clear that Iso Best products are primarily developed specifically for athletes who need to receive all the necessary substances for muscle growth.

The protein bar contains:

whey protein- in any sport, whey concentrate and isolate are considered reference types of protein. Each serving of Enjoy contains 16% highly purified quality protein;

BCAA– three amino acids that can significantly change the return on physical activity. They are essential for both muscle building and weight loss. They also contribute to faster muscle recovery;

Collagen- an important component that will not only strengthen bones, ligaments and cartilage, but also improve the condition of the skin and hair.

Despite the indescribably delicate chocolate taste, Enjoy from Iso Best is primarily a balanced amount of protein, BCAAs, carbohydrates and other nutrients that every athlete needs. You can buy a protein bar of any flavor to try and choose the one you like the most.

The composition of the protein bar Iso Best Enjoy Protein Bar

Mode of application:

Consume anytime you need a serving of protein. The ideal time to take it is after a workout to restore energy and accelerate protein synthesis.

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The product is not medicine. It is not recommended to use the drug for people who suffer from hypotension or hypertension, arrhythmias, suffered a stroke, heart attack, have heart, liver or kidney failure, have thyroid disease, as well as pregnant and lactating women and people under 18 years of age. Before you start taking any product, be sure to consult a specialist!

Protein bars are a sports nutrition product that manufacturers want to replace dry protein. There is an opinion that they make up for protein deficiency, contribute to weight loss, as well as a set of muscle mass. Is this true and do they really only benefit the body and do no harm, as the manufacturers claim? These questions will be considered in this article.

The benefits and harms of protein bars

Protein bars contain proteins (protein), carbohydrates (sugar), vitamins, minerals and other substances. It would seem that such a composition should only benefit the body. Nevertheless, this product is capable of causing harm, and which one will be discussed later.

Benefits of protein bars:

  • The product contains protein, which contributes to the recruitment of muscle mass. Accordingly, it should be used by those people who are trying to build muscle.
  • Provide the body with enough energy, which is useful for people who visit Gym. The supply of energy is provided by carbohydrates (sugar) that are present in this product.
  • They supply the body with useful substances, which include vitamins and minerals. However, in this case, it is worth paying attention to the composition. The fact is that not all manufacturers add valuable substances to their product.
  • Easy to use. They do not require cooking, like protein, for example. They can be taken out and eaten without any hassle.

Harm of protein bars:

Many doctors claim that protein bars are harmful. Their harm to the body is as follows:

  • Contribute to weight gain. The fact is that protein bars contain a large amount of carbohydrates (sugar). Their calorie content is 400 kcal per 100 grams. If you use one bar, for example, instead of lunch, then nothing will happen, but if you eat 2-3 or more, you can gain excess weight. Some manufacturers write that the products are low-calorie. However, even their calorie content is 200 kcal per 100 grams, which is a lot. In addition, this product does not contain the amount of carbohydrates (sugar) that the body needs to restore energy. Therefore, the benefit of the bar is also reduced.
  • Some bars do not contain vitamins and minerals. This dramatically reduces the benefits of the product and increases the harm.

Knowing the benefits and harms of protein bars, a person can decide whether to use them or not.

What is the right way to take protein bars or, in other words, when should you eat them? Their use is similar to the cocktail of the same name, namely:

  • In the morning before breakfast.
  • Immediately after the completion of the workout. This will help you get muscle mass and achieve the effect of weight loss.
  • During the day instead of eating, especially when there is no opportunity to have a full meal. In this case, if you need to gain muscle mass and not gain weight, then you should choose low-calorie protein bars and take them no more than 1 in 3 hours.

If you follow these rules for the use of protein bars, then you can count on a positive result without causing harm to the body.

Slimming effect

Protein bars contain carbohydrates or sugar. This means that they are not recommended for weight loss.

However, if they are consumed no more than 1 piece at 3 o'clock, then you can avoid weight gain and even achieve the effect of losing weight, but only if there is nothing else to eat at this time. In addition, for weight loss, it is recommended to choose protein bars that do not contain sugar, containing muesli, fruits, etc.

However, you can also eat them no more than 1 in 3 hours. Then the effect of losing weight can be achieved much faster. This product is not recommended to eat at night. It is better to replace them with lunch. You can also eat protein bars in the morning.

How to cook at home

Protein bars at home can be prepared very easily. It is enough to know the recipe and have the necessary products. Athletes and fans healthy lifestyle lives make them with their own hands. Most of them have their favorite recipe. These bars are much more useful than store-bought counterparts.

Besides, home version gives 100% confidence that only natural products are included in its composition, tk. recipe can be customized. Also, if you make a bar with your own hands, then you can put some products more, some less, that is, you can change the taste. You can make your own protein bar using the following recipe.

Required products:

  • oatmeal - 1 cup;
  • whey protein - 5 parts;
  • chicken proteins - 2 pcs.;
  • banana - 1 pc.;
  • powdered milk with zero mass fraction of fat - 1/2 cup;
  • water - 1/4 cup;
  • vegetable oil (any to taste) - 3 teaspoons;
  • blueberries, raspberries and other berries - 1 glass each.

To make this product with your own hands, first you need to preheat the oven to a temperature of 160 degrees. Next, you need to prepare 2 containers, put in one - powdered milk, oatmeal and protein and mix everything, and in the other - the rest of the products, except for butter, and also mix. After that, the contents of both containers must be combined and passed through a meat grinder. Next, the baking sheet should be greased with prepared oil and put the resulting mass on it, dividing it into rectangles. Bake until done. Such a product, which is made by hand, has a calorie content of only 180 kcal.

There are other recipes that can be used to prepare protein bars, however, this recipe is considered universal because it gives the effect of losing weight and allows you to gain muscle mass.

protein bar rating

So what are protein bars good for? With their help, as was said, you can build muscle mass, provide the body with energy, and in some cases achieve the effect of losing weight. However, it should be understood that the protein powder is much more effective than this analogue.

Not everyone knows human anatomy and understands the difference between proteins or amino acids, but modern society knows for sure that athletes need proteins. Why, why - this is the next part of the question. In order to answer it, you need to navigate in this topic. It is known about protein bars that they belong to sports nutrition, but the meaning of their use for most ordinary people is even more vague. In this post, we will look at the composition and benefits of eating Protein bar.

A bar positioned as an integral part of sports nutrition: what is it, who should use it, is it useful for those who are losing weight or gaining weight? What does the Protein bar consist of, is it inferior or superior in terms of characteristics in comparison with bars of other brands? Let's talk about it in this article.

Ingredients Protein bar

The bar, reviews of the taste of which are quite positive, is produced in Russia by the Ironman trademark. Its biochemical composition per 50 g contains 8 g of protein, 6 g of fat and 23 g of carbohydrates. It should be noted that if you stick to a carbohydrate-free meal plan, then 23 g of carbohydrate per 50 g of any meal is quite a lot. In addition, the composition includes biotin, folic acid, niacin, vitamins. The calorie content of the bar is 173 kcal.

Is the Protein bar helpful?

The bar, the composition of which is presented above, does not differ much in quality from other chocolates that are not related to sports nutrition and are positioned as confectionery.

Yes, it contains vitamins and more protein than other chocolates, but from a nutritional point of view, the product is saturated with sugar. On the other hand, is it possible to make a delicious candy without sugar? Sweeteners do not contain carbohydrates, but after them you will want to eat even more, among other things, their effect on the body has not yet been clarified.

Let's compare the Protein bar in terms of composition with other candies on the market. For example, the energy value is 190 kcal, and one candy contains 2 g of protein, 10 g of fat and 21 g of carbohydrates. There is less protein than in the Protein bar, but the same amount of carbohydrates. But the Snickers bar is practically not inferior in nutritional value - it contains 5 grams of protein, 10 grams of fat and 27 grams of carbohydrates in one candy. This is understandable, given that Snickers is loaded with peanuts, which are high in protein and fat.

What does it say? The fact that a slightly higher amount of protein in the Protein bar does not make it a real sports nutrition product. It is even more vain to think that this is a dietary product for weight loss. Instead of carbohydrates, which are contained in the bar, you can eat a couple of apples or a serving of porridge. You will definitely get enough of the last dish, unlike one bar.

Protein bar like on a diet

Whatever was strong will in a person, when he has to go on a diet, then there is a fight with his own body, which is not at all configured to give at least a few grams of fat. For the person himself, folds are an objectionable and unaesthetic sight, but for the body they are a store of warmth and energy. That is why it is so easy for the brain itself to provoke you to eat delicious food so that the body does not suffer. For most people, the most delicious and sweet forbidden fruit is confectionery - bars, pies, sweets, muffins. This is easily explained - the body considers fast carbohydrates as an energy battery, the "power" of which is released immediately.

In this regard, not wanting to "jump" from the diet and at the same time meeting the body's needs for food, many modern "dietists" make a trick that is beneficial for themselves and the body - they snack on protein candy. Protein bar is recommended on forums and blogs as a dietary product, but its composition suggests otherwise.

Do athletes need protein bars?

A modern bodybuilder is a person who has to take care of his body much more carefully than a professional model or movie star. For the sake of performing every six months, an athlete practices up to 5 times in the gym and is required to follow a strict diet rich in proteins. Of course, you want to pamper yourself and delicious. But an excess of carbohydrates or fats in food is highly undesirable - muscles will not be clearly visible under the fatty layer.

It is for this purpose that "sports candies" were created. Protein bar - a bar, positioned as a product for athletes, does not quite fit the description of a protein bar. Let's compare the composition of the Protein bar and other bars that are on the market as a sports product.

Composition of other protein bars

Before considering the composition of other sweets, it should be noted that sports nutrition manufacturers divide bars into protein, low-carb, high-carb, cereal, energy.

Which bar to choose depends on your goal. Weider brand products are very common among protein bars. The 32% Protein bar contains 19 g of protein, 6 g of fat and 18 g of carbohydrates. It is impossible to make a tasty and sweet bar without sugar, and besides, protein is better absorbed along with carbohydrates. Such a bar is better in terms of protein content, but it also costs more than the domestic Protein bar - from 120 to 160 rubles.

How to consume protein bars

It would be a mistake to think that a protein bar can be eaten at any time and in any quantity, as it is useful. The energy value in such a bar is the same as in any candy, and there is less protein than, for example, in one egg. How often can you use


What is in these protein bars. How many pieces per day to eat and at what time.

It's no secret that success in bodybuilding largely depends not only on the diligence of the athlete in the gym, but also on the quality of nutrition. The body must receive everything for the full recovery, growth and development of muscle fibers. This is the only way to count on reaching new heights in sports, increasing strength and muscle mass.

It would seem that the Internet has all the information, it is well conveyed and literally “chewed”. But, despite this, most beginners make a big mistake - they do not eat properly in the most crucial period (before and after training). It is at this time that the body needs protein, carbohydrates and vitamins. In this case, one of the best helpers are protein bars. They are always ready to eat, they do not need to be additionally cooked or washed down with something.

What to choose?

One of the most popular supplements in this regard is ironman protein. This is a high-quality bar, which has a well-thought-out composition and excellent taste. Judging by the reviews on the network, the protein bar really works. Many athletes speak well of the taste of the supplement and the effect that the bar gives.

What are the benefits?

IN protein bar has everything you need for the full development of muscles, growth of muscle mass and recovery of the body:

  • Collagen is one of the most important proteins in the body. It is present almost everywhere - in organs, our muscles and bone tissue. Its task is to shape our body and ensure the strength of all tissues. It is thanks to this protein that the cells of the body are connected and held together.

The largest amount of collagen is found in bones, ligaments and cartilage. The action of this element is invaluable - it is perfectly absorbed by the body, strengthens ligaments, forms and protects cartilage, and reduces pain in case of joint problems. The daily dosage of this protein is about five grams per day.

  • The whey protein concentrate in ironman protein performs its most important building function. This is the purest protein, which does not contain fats, lactose and carbohydrates. It is quickly absorbed by the body, broken down and delivered to the muscles in the form of the most useful amino acids within 10-20 minutes after ingestion. This is why protein bars are so beneficial before and after your workout. At the moment when the carbohydrate-protein window opens, the muscles receive everything they need for growth.

In addition, the protein bar contains whey powder, molasses, confectionery fat and icing, a mixture of the most useful vitamins, coconut flakes, sorbic and ascorbic acids. All components are perfectly balanced, so you can be sure of the maximum effect and the absence of any side effects.

It is important to note that the ironman protein bar is also a source of carbohydrates, which are necessary for a full-fledged workout and assimilation of the protein that has entered the body. The energy value of one bar is about 355 kilocalories. At the same time, 100 grams of ironman contains 48 grams of carbohydrates, 11 grams of fat, 16 grams pure protein and 1.5 grams of collagen.

When to apply?

Before you buy a protein bar or any other supplement, you must clearly define the task. For example, today there are bars for losing weight, gaining muscle mass, increasing energy, and so on. The ironman collagen bar we are considering is perfect for athletes who set themselves the task of quickly gaining muscle mass, strengthening bones and joints, maintaining skin and restoring body tissues.

The ironman bar is great not only for beginners and professional athletes, but also for ordinary people who are worried about their health. Agree, if a tasty product that also benefits is doubly pleasant.

How to use?

To obtain maximum effect, ironman bar is important to take correctly. The optimal dosage is one bar per day. Best time reception - one hour before class. But you can eat it if you want. useful product during training or immediately after it. On a free day when you don't have to go to the gym, ironman bar can be consumed throughout the day.

One bar is enough to give muscle fibers all the necessary vitamins, amino acids and carbohydrates. At the same time, the body is not overloaded with unnecessary additives and foods that are heavy for the stomach. Such bars have a powerful anabolic effect and high biological activity.

Bars for athletes are sold in packages, each of which contains 24 pieces. If you wish, you can even buy one bar, evaluate its taste and effect on yourself. As for the result, it will be possible to see it in 3-4 weeks after the start of the reception.

Who to take?

As we have already mentioned, collagen bars will be useful for everyone - both women and men. At the same time, it doesn’t matter what task you set for yourself - to maintain health, gain muscle mass, increase tone, improve skin condition, strengthen bones or cartilage tissue. In all cases, such an additive will be most welcome.

It remains to choose the most suitable taste - crispy corn in white glaze or banana, coconut in chocolate or caramel. For special connoisseurs there is a nut in chocolate.


Thus, collagen bars are a valuable, useful and important product that can strengthen the body and improve athletic performance.