School hockey training. CSKA hockey school

Hockey is one of the most popular games in our country, and throughout the world. And it’s not surprising, because this game is surrounded by a special atmosphere, it has drive, speed, and strong energy.

Children's ice hockey allows the best way reveal the child's talents and abilities. Here everyone can express themselves. Hockey training for children develops strength, endurance, coordination, quick response, stabilize orientation in space. They also teach teamwork and mutual assistance, teach order and discipline.

Children's hockey section in Moscow at the Prometheus sports complex

Hockey classes for children in Moscow are held in sections of the Prometheus sports complex. Training takes place in groups and individually under the guidance of professional experienced trainers. The training program is varied and dynamic, tailored to the age and physical capabilities of young athletes.

The program of classes includes master classes with famous professional hockey players, where they share their experience, skills and practice together with the younger generation on the ice. Such experience is invaluable for any beginner. You can enroll your child in hockey from the age of 5.

Hockey training for children in Moscow

Training in the children's hockey section is:

  • Staging correct technique ice hockey skating.
  • Studying the technique of mastering the main hockey “tools”: stick and puck.
  • Training in various hockey techniques: passing, shooting, dribbling, tackle.
  • Practice playing in a team and study team techniques and combinations.
  • Physical activity, speed and endurance training.
  • Repetition and improvement of learned skills.

Children's and youth hockey is given special importance in our country. At a young age, the foundation for the future development of an athlete is laid. Experienced trainers Hockey sections for children continue the traditions of Soviet and Russian renowned specialists and conduct classes using well-designed professional methods. Such preparation of children from a young age will allow them to subsequently reach a high professional level and achieve success in big-time sports.

Young athletes train at the ice arena of the Prometheus sports complex, which is considered one of the best in Moscow. Always smooth, prepared ice at the correct temperature will ensure the easiest and fastest gliding.

The main reasons to enroll your child in hockey:

  1. Regular physical activity will improve your child's health and improve immunity.
  2. Sport strengthens not only the body, but also the spirit; instills the right guidelines and life principles.
  3. Perhaps he is putting on his calling or permanent hobby here.

At the hockey school in Moscow, professional, experienced athletes and coaches conduct classes for children.

The Prometheus sports complex offers individual hockey lessons in Moscow. During personal training, the trainer’s entire attention is focused on only one student, which significantly influences the development of playing qualities. Culture individual training for children came to us from Canada. This experience allowed the founders of hockey to educate hundreds of world stars. Having adopted it, we were able to verify the effectiveness of this technique by our own example. After all, a coach who focuses all his attention on only one ward can develop an individual training system for him.

The benefits of individual hockey training

Personal hockey lessons will benefit both amateur players and children who dream of becoming professional hockey players.

A personal trainer develops a set of exercises based on physical criteria and skills of the mentee. Wherein individual trainer will help improve weaknesses in the game, strengthen your understanding of important techniques on the ice.

Intense training can ensure success on the hockey rink. However, redundant exercise stress, on the contrary, can not only harm the playing qualities, but also discourage the child from training. Our specialists individually determine the required level of stress and conduct training based on the needs and skills of the client.

Our advantages:

  • experienced trainers with confirmed qualifications;
  • affordable pricing policy;
  • a full-fledged sports complex - cafes, showers, recreation areas;
  • all types of training.

Who needs individual hockey training?

Hockey section for adults NHL-center - a hobby with health benefits

Keeping your body in good shape while having fun is real. The hockey school for adults at Arena Morozovo trains amateur teams and improves the skills of professionals.

Hockey classes are the best alternative to the gym. Games and activities on ice:

  • normalize blood pressure;
  • reduce cholesterol levels;
  • aligns heart rate;
  • contribute to the appearance of tone in the muscles;
  • improve the thinking process;
  • speed up the reaction.

And, most importantly, this is a real emotional release for any man.

What does training in the amateur hockey section for adults include?

The New Hockey Legend Hockey Players Training Center (“NHL-center”) offers optimal programs for non-professional players:

  • mastering the game from scratch;
  • classes on practicing throwing techniques;
  • dribbling training;
  • improving skating.

Training is conducted by professionals, so amateur hockey players can feel like athletes preparing for training camp. If necessary, we conduct test bilateral games between amateur teams. Coaches will analyze your teamwork, staff the units, give recommendations and build the right tactics.

Our coaches are not used to giving concessions, so the game will be tough, but exciting!

What can professionals get at an adult hockey school?

Our trainers also provide individual and group training for athletes. Players preparing themselves for professional career, will be able to practice complex techniques, throw-in techniques and learn secret master techniques. Continuous practice also allows you to keep your skating speed under control.

Schedule of the hockey school for adults “NHL-Center”

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

3 field

Two-way game

2nd field

Two-way game

3 field

Two-way game

2nd field

Two-way game

4 field

Throwing training

4 field

4 field

Throwing training

4 field

Hockey “from scratch” (group for beginners)

4 field

Throwing training

3 field

3 field

skating + hands + throws + game

2nd field

Two-way game

3 field

skating + hands + throws + game

Advantages of the NHL-center hockey school for adults

The sports complex "Arena Morozovo" offers:

  • competent trainers who have awards and great experience;
  • modern platforms with regular ice filling;
  • comfortable location;
  • convenient training schedules;
  • spacious changing rooms;
  • a gym with exercise equipment for all muscle groups;
  • the ability to choose a training program that suits you.

Call us at +7 926 199-6-335 or +7 926 199-6-333 to ask all questions and sign up for your first lesson!


Project manager, head trainer:

Still undecided on choosing a hockey school for your child?
Come visit us for a FREE trial lesson!
Booking by phone 8-925-465-45-00

On trial lesson you and your child:

  • Meet the coach and group
  • See how the lesson goes
  • Give your child bright impressions and a storm of positive emotions!
  • We will be happy to answer all your questions and select the optimal level and mode of training.

Why is the children's school "Hockey Academy" one of the best in Moscow?

We have advantages that set us apart from other sections:

  • qualified coaching staff Our coaches are masters of sports, winners of Russian and world championships. The head of the school is Honored Trainer of Russia Viryasov A.S.
  • convenient training time 4 ice rinks and a team of professional trainers allows you to choose a schedule and training regimen that suits you.
  • individual approach to the child. Each child has individual traits: character traits, temperament, physical level preparation. We try to unlock the potential of each child, strengthen his self-confidence and choose the optimal pace of learning.
  • training from 3 years The school has developed a special educational program for the youngest children. The first acquaintance with ice and learning skating techniques, exercises in a playful way will allow your child to easily get used to the ice and instill an interest in hockey.
  • innovative teaching methods We cooperate only with professional trainers hockey specialists who have extensive experience working with children different ages. The school has developed and successfully applied in practice own methodology training that allows you to achieve optimal results on the ice.
  • modern venues Ice complex Morozovo is a modern sports complex, including 4 ice arenas, as well as convenient changing rooms, dryers sports uniform, halls for training and general physical training, dry cleaning and skate sharpening services. In our sports complex adults won't be bored either. While the children are training on the ice, a cozy LED cafe is at your disposal.
  • permanent enrollment in the hockey section. Didn't manage to make an appointment with us before September 1st? It's OK! You can start training at any time. Come and we will select a convenient schedule and training regime for you.

Section tasks:

  • basic training
  • sports improvement
  • improvement of general physical condition
  • formation of individual and group programs
  • additional game practice
  • conducting training camps
  • master classes with professionals

Registration for the Academy is carried out by phone:
8-925-465-45-00 or online.

What does training for children at the Hockey Academy provide?

The children's hockey section of our complex conducts training for children with any level of training, including training from scratch. If you want to send your child to sports, then you should start with our school. Skating and throwing techniques are practiced on the ice, and general physical training classes are held in the gym.

Professional coaches will help you both take your first steps in sports and work out existing mistakes. An individual approach is selected for each child. The coach always focuses attention on the moments that are more difficult for the young athlete than others, and helps him master the technique.

As part of classes at the hockey school:

  • children have been playing hockey since they were 3 years old;
  • skating and throwing techniques are practiced;
  • pass general physical training classes and SFP.
  • the guys participate in training camps and competitions.

Please note that to enroll in the “Hockey Academy” you need permission from a doctor to practice. physical culture! The authorization certificate must be provided within 2 weeks from the start of training.

Hockey is a team sport, but the team starts with the individual player. The success of the team directly depends on the reaction of the goalkeeper, the technique of the defender and the shooting of the attacker. These and many other skills are practiced at personal training in hockey at the BiLikePro hockey training centers.

Benefits of Personal Hockey Training

Majority sports schools Russia operates under the old group system. It involves simultaneous training of the entire team, regardless of the level, role and problem areas of the hockey player. With this approach, the coach is unable to devote more than a few minutes to the athlete, which significantly slows down and sometimes even stops the player’s progress.

Individual hockey training is fundamentally different from the usual training system. They involve the coach working closely with one athlete for the entire allotted time. The advantages of this approach include:

  • taking into account the level, capabilities and role of the player, as well as the goals that the hockey player sets for himself;
  • quickly identify and eliminate gaming problems, bringing skill to almost any level;
  • rapid progress: the athlete’s skills progress with each hockey training session;
  • real pleasure from the classes and the results obtained.

Efficiency this method proves the Canadian hockey school, which, on this moment, is the best in the world. Canadian hockey players train separately from the team, meeting only to practice tactics and interaction. This approach makes them individually strong players with no weaknesses, which is evident in every match at club and national team level.