Open a pool as a business. Market analysis and target audience

Says Victor Semenov, an entrepreneur from Voronezh and part-time owner swimming pool: “Seven years ago, I had a keen desire to open some kind of entertainment center where adults and children could go. In the end, it was decided to organize the pool as a business. Why not? The direction is very interesting and, as practice has shown, very popular.

What is at the moment?

In fact, I have at my disposal a complex with a fairly large pool, gym, cafes, locker rooms, showers, saunas and other delights. The length of the pool is 50 meters, six lanes.

The average daily attendance is from 500 people, the turnover of the pool is from 3 million rubles per month. To maintain its performance, it takes from 500 thousand rubles (again, monthly).

Number of staff - 20 people. They include trainers, pool maintenance specialists, waiters, cleaners, two administrators and other maintenance staff.

The total area of ​​the premises is 2500 square meters. When I found out the features of turnkey pool construction services, I was very interested in the price.

For this type of business, the costs are quite acceptable. Everything cost me about two million US dollars (this includes all construction work, the purchase of necessary equipment, and so on).

At the start of such an activity, it must be on hand. Otherwise, you'll burn out quickly.

Why is business so attractive?

Today it is difficult to find a person who has not been in the pool at least once in his life. And indeed, both adults and small children love to swim and just have a good time.

This can and should be done business. Firstly, this is a useful thing for people who get the opportunity to spend their leisure time usefully. Secondly, you get a stable and very high income.

If you organize your activities correctly, you can achieve good attendance - from 300-350 people per day, and more over time. It all depends on the volume and quality of the services provided.

Where does the profit come from?

The most interesting thing is that the "lion's share" of visitors (almost half) is occupied by corporate clients. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about the constancy of earnings - there will always be a fixed profit.

Naturally, the clients of the pool are adults with children. It is possible to provide a pool for the training of athletes and rent it out by agreement with the heads of schools and sports institutions. Actually, there are plenty of options here.

Why the pool?

Practice shows that opening a swimming pool is one of the most highly profitable and promising types of business where there is no great competition.

The state itself goes to meet entrepreneurs, arranging tenders and reducing tax payments to a minimum.

Therefore, you can recoup your costs within two to three years, receiving a net profit in the future.

A city with about 4-5 million people should have at least 150-160 pools.

For example, in Moscow there are about 80 of them, which is very few. What can we say about other large cities, where everything is much worse in this area.

In the same Voronezh up to 10 pools. At the same time, all of them are overloaded and not everyone can swim for their own pleasure.

What are the types of pools?

When organizing such a business, you should be aware of the existence of several different forms of pools. They are sports (most often financed from the local budget), complex (they are normally supported by enterprises or educational institutions) and private.

Sometimes the owners of large fitness centers, bath complexes or hotels rebuild the pools as an additional service. Your option is a private pool.

Where to open a business?

As a rule, funds for the construction of a pool, the cost of which is very high, may not be enough. Especially if you are just starting out in this type of business.

Therefore, other options can be considered. For example, renting a room. The cost of such services is from 1,000 US dollars per month. Much depends on the location, area of ​​​​the room and its arrangement.

If you are satisfied with the cost of building a turnkey pool, then you can use the existing standard project or develop your own. There is another option - you can order the design of pools according to SNIP for an amount of 5 thousand US dollars.

Before that, it will be very useful to select and look at a photo of the construction of the pool in order to understand how and in what sequence the process takes place and where to start on your own.

At the same time, teach that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future pool should be at least 1500-1700 square meters. Otherwise, the opportunity to promote your business normally will be limited.

Potential table of consumers of swimming pool services in Russia

What permissions are needed?

Pay special attention to the design of pool ventilation, its heating, fire safety and other very important organizational issues. Otherwise, there may be problems obtaining permission.

In particular, the "go-ahead" of the Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning will be needed. As a rule, this takes a lot of time. Even more difficult is to obtain permission from the SES and the State Fire Supervision.

Therefore, carefully study the rules for the design of pools and strictly monitor their observance. Contracts with suppliers of heat, electricity and water are obligatory.

Be prepared to contribute to the resolution questions mentioned above. Here, the costs can result in the amount of 2 thousand US dollars.

What equipment is needed for a pool?

Another important expense item in the construction of the pool is the purchase of auxiliary elements: water filtration systems, lighting, heating, starting tables, dividing paths, and so on. For all this, at best, you will have to spend about 60 thousand euros.

The cost of building the pool itself largely depends on the characteristics of the waterproofing system, the quality and thickness of the walls, the cost of the pool bowl, and so on. For example, a bowl about 25-30 meters long, up to 2 meters deep and 8-10 meters wide with a filtration and heating system will cost about 50 thousand euros. If it is planned to organize a bath or sauna indoors, then there will be additional costs in the amount of 3-5 thousand euros.

How to maintain the pool?

Pay special attention to water quality. In particular, timely replacement of all engineering components and water purification in the pool should be carried out.

If it is possible to refuse chlorination - do it. Many people are irritated by the smell of chlorine, which, by the way, can cause allergies. On average, maintaining a swimming pool in working order costs from $200 per month (excluding staff salaries).

This includes cleaning and replacing filters, laundry, buying special products for washing pool walls, and so on.

Video: Business idea - how to open a pool?

When will the pool pay off?

The issue of payback for this type of business largely depends on the volume and level of services offered, the quality of the water in the pool, the location of the building, the cleanliness of the premises inside, the size of the bowl, and so on.

The most popular among people with average earnings are small and, as a result, inexpensive pools with several paths about 20 meters long. Athletes also need a longer length, at least 50 meters.

Payback from the beginning of the project is from two months, taking into account discounting - from two years.

Who is needed from the staff?

For the normal functioning of the facility, one cannot do without personnel. In particular, with a serious business scale, it is advisable to hire four specialists who will monitor the uninterrupted operation of the pool, the state of water and equipment.

In addition, at least one cloakroom attendant, 2-3 cleaners, 2-3 administrators, 2-3 swimming coaches will come in handy. If water aerobics courses are held, then 1-2 instructors can be hired. In the presence of gym 2-3 coaches should be there.

The total cost of staff salaries can be from 10 thousand US dollars per month.

What conclusions can be drawn?

As practice shows, the construction of a pool can hardly be called a low-cost business - you have to invest a lot of money to open and maintain its performance, hire staff and pay for its work, spend money on maintaining the pool in its normal form and providing its advertising.

In addition, you get headache with permits, so the manual for the design of pools must be known almost by heart. On the other hand, you can still count on a good profit. So this is the case when "the game is worth the candle."

Financial results

So, let's briefly summarize the financial results of such a promising type of business:

  • total construction costs - from 1 million US dollars;
  • monthly costs (personnel, maintenance, equipment repair, and so on) - from 20 thousand US dollars;
  • monthly net profit with attendance from 300 people per day is - from 30 thousand US dollars per month;
  • the average payback of a business is 2-3 years.

The idea of ​​teaching children to swim from infancy is not as new as it seems. Even in the USSR, in large clinics there were rooms for a healthy child, in which there were small pools for hardening babies. The return of interest to this issue occurred a couple of decades ago against the background of the active growth of the sphere of joint leisure of children and parents. Today it is a popular type of business, which, however, has its own nuances. Let's analyze the question in detail , how to open a baby pool.

Brief business analysis:
Business setup costs: 2-4 million rubles
Relevant for cities with a population:from 200 thousand people
Situation in the industry:low competition
The complexity of organizing a business: 3/5
Payback: 12-18 months

Business Relevance

The pool market can be described as developing. Large complexes enable adults not only to swim for their own pleasure, but also to learn from coaches, play water games sports, attend group classes. IN last years the number of pools, both individual and in fitness centers, increased by twenty percent.

But in megacities, there is still a shortage of these establishments, and good complexes several times less than the existing demand for them. Fashion trends for a healthy lifestyle, in particular for swimming as a useful and affordable type of activity, are only developing.

A more relevant direction can be called swimming pools for babies and toddlers, because. a significant part of the complexes today serves the adult population. They have great depth, there are no special handrails and professionals who can conduct classes with kids individually or in groups.

There are few existing complexes, most often difficult to get there, some work intermittently, have a poor-quality water purification system or unskilled personnel. Any mistakes of competitors can be turned into advantages by paying attention to water quality, service and pricing policy to make swimming affordable for everyone.

How to write a business plan and define a business concept

The main visitors to the baby pool are mothers with babies aged from two weeks to four months. Doctors say that water activities at this age are more physiological, because. the baby remembers his stay in the womb and can hold his breath. Swimming helps babies sleep better, get sick less often with colds, and not suffer from colic. Such classes can become part of the complex treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal and NS.

To properly organize a business, you need to understand its concept. A visit to the swimming pool for babies is not aimed at developing swimming experience, but at developing physiological reflexes and hardening the baby.

Following this task, we can highlight the main differences between such a pool for kids and a traditional pool for adults:

  • shallow bowl, with a small diameter, with easy access to the sides.
  • Service by specialists with medical, not physical education.
  • Purification of water by ozonation and infrared light, it is better if it is drinking water. The use of chlorine is prohibited.
  • The presence of changing tables in the locker room.
  • Sale of special shorts for swimming.

However, targeting only infants greatly limits the circle of potential visitors, in particular, cutting off preschoolers who need a bowl with a large diameter and separated by paths. Therefore, if a businessman has enough money, then it is better to open a medium-sized complex, in which there is a division for children of different ages according to sessions and visit times.

The presence of regular visitors is ensured by the sale of subscriptions for different periods, and attracting new customers is possible not only with a swimming pool, but also with a massage room.

As an additional service, you can organize an invitation to a trainer home to teach parents the rules for bathing babies in the bath, as well as water aerobics classes, preparation for childbirth, breathing exercises for pregnant women.

The main requirement for the implementation of the business is the selection of premises that will satisfy all sanitary and fire requirements.

A businessman must know and comply with:

  • sanitary and epidemiological standards;
  • sanitary standards for the arrangement and maintenance of places for physical education and sports, as amended in 2003;
  • PB requirements for medical and preventive facilities, rehabilitation and recovery centers, saunas. Safety standards for sports facilities.

Particular attention should be paid to the creation of a supply and exhaust ventilation system and the installation of air dryers, the calculation of the maximum load on the ceilings in the room.

High humidity provokes corrosion of reinforced concrete, and a significant amount of water leads to an overload of the floor structure, which can cause damage and collapse of the building.

An important point for the implementation of the business is the selection and motivation of working staff. They must have not only medical, but also a second education in the field physiotherapy exercises be able to communicate well with children and parents.

It is necessary to choose high-quality equipment for the complex. This is not only a swimming bowl, but also a water treatment system, heaters, and a disinfection system. The delicate skin of the baby is very sensitive to all sorts of irritants, because of this, mothers pay great attention to how the water in the pool is cleaned and disinfected.

Not the main, but no less significant, are the good location of the premises, the availability of parking and a vestibule for wheelchairs. A well-designed marketing policy will also attract customers: an understandable website on the Internet, a transparent pricing policy, advertising, cooperation with resources that sell discount coupons.

Step-by-step instructions for starting a project:

  • determine the legal form and tax policy.
  • Choose a room that meets sanitary and fire standards, with an area of ​​​​40 to 150 square meters, depending on the orientation of the complex. It is better to choose the basement and first floors of non-residential buildings that are located in large residential areas, near children's medical or educational institutions. A significant plus will be the presence of a park or playground for children near the complex.
  • Availability of project documentation for ceilings and repair work.
  • Selection and purchase of equipment.
  • Recruitment of personnel, registration of medical books of books and additional training for admission to work.
  • Notification of the local Rospotrebnadzor and the State Fire Inspectorate about the start of work.
  • Creation of an Internet resource and organization of a dynamic advertising campaign.

Registration of necessary documents and permits

After the procedure for choosing the premises and equipment for the pool, you need to start designing your business.

To legalize your business, you will need:

  • register with the tax office as an individual entrepreneur.
  • Obtain a work permit from the local committee for urban planning and architecture.
  • Issue all certificates to the SES and the fire service.

It is necessary to be prepared for the fact that strict checks of the complex will be carried out, because we are talking about a swimming pool for babies. Supervisory authorities can control the composition and temperature of the water, the depth of the pool, the presence additional equipment.

Premises for the pool - build or rent?

To organize a swimming pool for babies, you must select a room with an area of ​​​​at least two square meters.

There are several options for organizing an indoor pond for kids:

  • building a swimming pool from scratch. The construction of such a complex on your own will require significant financial investments and time costs, in particular, for the issuance of all permits.
  • Pool rental, room renovation.

It is of course more profitable to rent or purchase non-residential premises in a place where there are many families with children, children's medical and educational institutions, but at the same time it is necessary to control the availability of drains, ventilation, and water supply so that later it is not spent on repairs.

The hiring option looks more attractive from a financial point of view, however, relationships with the owner of the premises cannot always be built for the long term. But the arrangement of premises for swimming is a costly business. It is impossible, in the case of the expiration of a lease or an increase in rent, to simply collect all the necessary things and move to another place.

It is more profitable to rent a room in a large fitness center because it already has communications and has a potential clientele in the form of parents who wish not only to go in for sports themselves, but also bring their children here.

Necessary equipment

To equip a swimming pool for babies, you will need high-quality equipment that meets all norms and standards. It is not easy to choose it, there are many manufacturers, and it is necessary to research a large amount of information in order to make right choice. First you need to make a list of everything you need for the pool.

The minimum equipment for a small area toddler pool includes:

  • frame pool, with a diameter of at least 5 meters;
  • water treatment system;
  • water heater;
  • ultraviolet lamp for disinfection;
  • supply and exhaust ventilation with heating and air dehumidification;
  • shower cabin;
  • arena;
  • changing tables;
  • lockers for clothes;
  • seating and waiting area furniture.

pool attendants

One of the main components of a successful business is the selection of qualified personnel who will work with babies. In addition, the pool needs employees to keep the systems running smoothly.

The staff of a small swimming complex should include:

  • two administrators;
  • a pair of swimming coaches;
  • Technical Specialist;
  • medical worker;
  • cloakroom attendant;
  • a couple of cleaners.

The director of the pool is the businessman himself, if necessary, you can hire a manager. The accountant and the security service work under a contract of employment.

Marketing component of the business

For the planned swimming complex, women from 23 to 40 years old with preschool children and preparing to become mothers are needed as clients. They should be focused on a healthy lifestyle, sports and active leisure.

The children's pool should be promoted with the help of advertising on the World Wide Web, in social networks, in thematic forums for parents and pregnant women, street advertising and distribution of printed materials in residential areas located nearby.

The pool must be entered on interactive maps and services for choosing places for recreation and development of kids.

You can increase customer loyalty through promotions, sweepstakes trial lessons, providing discounts from partners:

  • clothing stores for children;
  • children's cafeterias;
  • clubs;
  • educational institutions;
  • shopping centers.

You can place ads in children's clinics and women's clinics. In addition, you can organize excursions and days open doors in the pool, to sell coupons for discounts through specialized Internet sites.

Costs and payback of the project

Organizing a swimming pool for children is a costly business, primarily because of the high criteria for equipping the premises, expensive engineering systems for ventilation and water treatment. Financial costs each month are also relatively high due to the significant volumes of water and electricity consumed. The factor that limits the amount of income is the constant price of an occupation over time.

The baby pool, which is located in the area of ​​new buildings, can be regularly visited by about forty families with a schedule three times a week. With an average cost of one lesson per hour for 500 rubles, the profit per day will be about ten thousand rubles. Approximately 300 thousand rubles a month. Net income, taking into account all expenses and taxes, will be about 170 thousand rubles.

The estimated payback period is approximately five months. In reality, the experience of business owners shows that if the workload in the first six months is low or summer season there will be a decline in activity, then it will be possible to reach payback no earlier than after a year of dynamic work.

Children often come to the area of ​​recreation and development not for high income, but with social and creative ideas. Investments in the organization of a small pool for kids, although they pay off in the first year of work, do not become a source of high profit.

After reaching the point of effectiveness, a businessman will receive no more than two hundred thousand rubles a month. The increase in profits is limited by the constant area of ​​​​the premises and the fixed price for the lesson. Prospects for income growth are possible through the installation of additional bowls and the introduction of classes for other categories of visitors, such as preschoolers or pregnant women.

How to open a baby pool? It is not so difficult as it seems at first glance. Modern parents try to teach their children to swim from infancy. Water has a beneficial effect on the development of the baby. Having visited several classes in the pool, the child will already be able to float on the water on an inflatable ring. If the kid used to be afraid even to bathe in the bath, then after visiting this institution he will be able to freely be in a new environment.

  • Where to start your business?
  • Which room to choose?
  • What equipment will be needed?
  • Required personnel
  • What documents are needed to open a pool?
  • How much money do you need to start?
  • How much can you earn?
  • How to attract customers to the baby pool?

The demand for baby pools is really high. But not many companies provide this service. You can take a good position in the market if you are engaged in the development of this kind of business.

Where to start your business?

Even for small children, you can create special activities by dividing them into groups. Recreational activities can take place under the supervision of trainers.

In addition to one direction - swimming for babies, you can offer visitors other:

  • water games;
  • swimming lessons with a coach;
  • classes for pregnant women;
  • health groups;
  • water aerobics;
  • sports activities in the water.

Subsequently, you can expand the complex and open a manicure and solarium, sauna inside it. But in the article will be discussed only about the pool for small children.

Which room to choose?

Since you are planning to open a baby pool, you will not need a lot of space for this. As a room, you can choose a small extension on the territory children's institution(, developing club,). So you can not spend money on advertising, but look for customers among visitors to nearby places where parents take their children.

It will depend on the financial situation whether you will build a pool room or rent it. Most often, experienced entrepreneurs do not find a suitable place for this business, so they build a new building. It takes at least six months to a year, depending on the number of workers hired at the construction site. The most difficult thing in this process is the formation of a bowl for the pool and all the accessories.

Now in many countries (and our country is no exception) the popularity of healthy lifestyle life. The number of people who become adherents is growing faster active rest, which also has a positive effect on the state of the body. There are enough options for what to do: playing football, exercising in the fitness center, martial arts and much more. Everyone chooses for himself exactly the occupation that suits him. But, one way or another, there are sports that absolutely everyone can do and they are suitable for almost all people. These types include gymnastics in the morning, light jogging, swimming. To engage in the first two sports, no special devices are required, because doing morning exercises you can right in your room, and run in the morning in a nearby park. But if you have chosen swimming for yourself, then you cannot do without a reservoir.

In the period from autumn to spring, it is not possible to swim in natural reservoirs, due to the rather low water temperature. Therefore, people who have chosen such a sport as swimming are forced to use pools.

During the summer, most people have no problem finding a place to swim. Someone lives near a small river or lake, someone has access to a pond, and someone can see the sea coast from the window. The type of reservoir is not important, the main thing is that in the summer you can use almost any view available to you for swimming. But in the period from autumn to spring, it is not possible to swim in natural reservoirs, due to the rather low water temperature. Therefore, people who have chosen such a sport as swimming are forced to use pools.

Naturally, many swimming enthusiasts are frequent guests of the pools in the summer, however, artificial reservoirs experience the largest flow of visitors in the cold months of the year. In this regard, many aspiring entrepreneurs have the question of how to open a pool.

Now in a large number of cities, the demand for pool services exceeds supply.

Now in a large number of cities, the demand for pool services exceeds supply. For customers, this is bad, because they do not have the opportunity to choose among the existing pools exactly the one that will fully satisfy their needs - from its location to the prices for services. But for entrepreneurs, this situation is, on the contrary, positive - as there is a wide scope for starting a business in this area.

The client audience of this business is very diverse, as swimmers can be found among people different ages, different professions, different social statuses. Professional athletes- another category of regular customers. Also, according to experts, almost half of the total number of clients are corporate clients.

How to build a pool

Building a pool is not an easy task, and it requires quite a lot of capital investment. If you plan to open a whole complex with several pools, then its construction will cost 2-3 million dollars. But such a large complex will be in demand in very large cities, such as Moscow. And in smaller cities, it is unprofitable to start the construction of such an object - it will not pay off. In regional cities, it is more expedient to build a medium or small pool. Speaking about the specific investment amounts, the construction of a small pool will cost 70-100 thousand dollars. Keep in mind that the average payback of such a pool is three years, so you will not be able to quickly earn big money in such a business.

The first step in creating a pool is finding or building a suitable space. Select the area of ​​the pool depending on the desired scale of the business. The most advantageous and common pool size is approximately 20 meters with 3 swimming lanes.
The next thing to do is to purchase a bowl of the future pool. A medium-sized bowl of 20x8 meters will cost about 50 thousand dollars. Together with the bowl, this amount already includes heating and water purification systems. Separately, you need to purchase lighting, dividing paths, facing tiles (it will cost 15-17 thousand dollars).

Also, in addition to investments in the construction of the pool itself, additional cash costs will require obtaining a building permit and a license from the SES. It is also necessary to conclude agreements with the relevant services for the conduct of water, sewerage and power networks.

And, of course, for the operation of the pool requires qualified personnel. Again, the number of workers needed depends on the size of the pool, but if you open small pool, then you will need one manager, one accountant, two administrators, two medical workers, two cleaners, several instructors and swimming coaches. Such a set of employees is quite suitable for the first time the pool is open. Further, you will be able to hire staff, in connection with the emerging needs for certain specialists.