How to cook loban fish. Loban fish: benefits and harms, recipes

All representatives of mullet are very popular not only as an object of commercial fishing, but also as a target for sport and recreational fishing. This is due to several reasons. First of all, the mullet fish is lively and stubbornly resists when fished; this mullet can even jump over fixed nets placed on it.

Fish is also valued for the high taste properties of the meat, which, however, is typical for all representatives of this genus. There is one more feature - in the fall this species tends to come close to the shore, entering river mouths and bays, which greatly simplifies the task for anglers who do not have suitable swimming equipment for successful fishing far from the shore.

Mullets, or black mullets, are found in warm seas. They can be found off the coast of almost all continents: Africa, Central and South America, Asia and Europe. In Russia, the fish lives in Primorye, from where, according to some information, it was brought to the Black Sea. The mullet population in the latter is low, but efforts are currently being made to artificial breeding in pond farms, in particular in the Krasnodar region.

Biological features

The Black Sea mullet is very similar to other representatives of the mullet. It has the same elongated torpedo-shaped body. The color of the back is grayish, the belly is lighter, whitish. Brownish-colored longitudinal stripes are found on the sides. On the eyes of the fish there are large fatty eyelids that reach approximately to the pupil. It is they, besides the size, that distinguish this biological species from others, larger than the Black Sea, sharpnose and singil - they have only a small top part the eye is covered with fatty eyelids. The mouth is small, the lower lip has a pointed edge and is quite thin.

The body length of most representatives is up to 50 centimeters, but some individuals are also found in more impressive sizes - they caught fish just under a meter long. The mass of the mullet can reach up to 7 kilograms, so it is a large mullet, second only to the mullet.

The mullet is superior in taste to other members of the family. There is one etymological misunderstanding associated with this.

Attention! You can often find the name loban. This is by no means the second name of our hero, but a trick of the Black Sea traders, who call other mullets by this name, the meat of which is less valuable than that of a real mullet.

Features of nutrition and spawning period

This fish eats mainly detritus - small, undecomposed particles of animal and plant origin that settle to the bottom of the reservoir and cover objects located on it. In addition, small crustaceans and sometimes small mollusks often become food. The fish looks peculiar while feeding - the mullet moves above the seabed at an angle of approximately 45 degrees, scraping off detritus using its spade-shaped lower jaw.

Representatives of this biological species reach sexual maturity starting from the 6th year of life (the body length must be at least 30 centimeters). from May, and can last until September. It can occur both far from the coast and in the coastal zone. Both the eggs and the larvae that hatch from them remain in the water column. The fry quickly gains weight and feeds primarily on food of animal origin, switching to detritus as it grows.

Peculiarities of behavior by season

The fish does not migrate far, but black mullet (another name for mullet) is found throughout the year in different parts of the Black and Azov Seas. Thus, during the spawning period, mullet mullets that have reached maturity move from the Azov Sea to the Black Sea, where the majority of individuals spawn. Closer to autumn, these fish come closer to the shore, often gathering near rivers flowing into the sea or in bays. With a decrease in temperature in winter period Representatives of mullet go to great depths, where sports and amateur fishermen rarely catch them; commercial fishing is more often carried out in wintering areas.

Where to look?

This is one of those sea creatures that you don’t have to go far from the coastline to successfully catch. This species is especially common near the coast in the autumn - bays and estuaries occur at this time promising places catching Often schools of mullet can be found near the places where rivers flow into the sea, since at these points there is a lot of food for fish brought by the current. This fish loves a sandy or rocky bottom, but is rarely found in areas with abundant aquatic vegetation.

Float fishing for mullet

For catching this type of fish, float gear that is familiar to all anglers is quite suitable. Depending on the characteristics of the place, as well as on personal preferences and what gear a particular fisherman has available, the following can be used:

The most popular are fly rods and Bolognese rods. From the usual pond or river fishing such gear often differs only in length - for sea ​​fishing 4 and 5 meter options are not suitable; longer models are often used, which requires the least possible weight from the fishing rod. Low weight is achieved by making a blank made of carbon, but this affects the cost of the finished product, making such rods quite expensive. It should also be taken into account that graphite fishing rods do not withstand impacts well.

The advantage of the Bolognese fishing rod when fishing for mullet lies, first of all, in the presence of guide rings and a reel, which allows you to pull it out in case of a fish of serious size using , as well as the springy properties of the blank.

Black mullet are very careful, so there is often a need to cast long distances. In such cases, match fishing rods, which have the greatest possible fishing range, come to the rescue. Although it should be borne in mind that strong sea waves can make match fishing impossible.

Important! When catching this fish, it is important to learn to recognize the moment to hook, since it bites very carefully, almost never immediately swallowing the bait, but first carefully testing it.

Donkey on the forehead

It is quite possible to catch this fish. For this purpose, it is suitable with a suitable test and length, since promising points can often be located at a decent distance from the shore. There are no special requirements for the spinning rod; it may well be the cheapest Chinese telescopic option.

Any reel is also suitable, the main thing is that the spool has sufficient line capacity. The size is also important, especially when fishing at great distances. The large diameter of the spool not only can accommodate a sufficient amount of fishing line or cord, but also increases the casting distance by making it easier for the line to come off the spool.

Important! If the reel is not intended for sea fishing, then contact of the inertia-free reel with salt water should be avoided, as the metal parts of the mechanism can quickly become unusable.

Mostly various multi-hook rigs are used, from the usual nipples and “crucian carp killers” to local gear like the “herringbone”. Hooks to give them positive buoyancy sometimes.

Feeder fishing

Although relatively rare, mullet are also caught with a feeder. The variety of these rods allows you to choose the most suitable option for each specific situation. For a short fishing distance, a length of up to 3 meters may be quite sufficient; if you need to work at the longest distances, you can use extra heavy class blanks with a length of 4.2 meters, which will allow you to achieve a maximum casting distance. Compared to a regular donkey, the feeder has an obvious advantage - the thin tip will allow you to notice the bite in a timely manner and hook a sharp mullet in time. Reels are selected for the rod; the greater the length and test of the feeder, the correspondingly larger the standard size of the inertia-free reel should be.

Photo 2. Feeder with feeder.

The mullet belongs to the mullet family. It is sometimes called the “black mullet” for its characteristic color. Sea fish (and therefore not too bony - which is a big plus for me) lives off the coast of Africa, America, and is also found in European waters: mullet is one of the most abundant fish in the Black Sea. Long, narrow body up to 90 cm. Average weight caught fish - 1.5 kg. Sometimes there are specimens weighing 5-6 kg!

Suitable for food, can be cooked by everyone possible ways. Need to try!

In the photo there is a mullet fish in shallow water

What are the benefits of loban fish?

The most attractive thing about black mullet (since its taste is not something special, it is out of the ordinary - an ordinary sea fish of average price) is its low calorie content. Only 117 kcal per 100 g. You can overeat and stay slim! In addition, it contains absolutely no carbohydrates, a minimal amount of fat, but enough protein. Loban is rich:

  • fatty acids (including Omega-3);
  • vitamins: B1, A, E and PP;
  • minerals: zinc, chromium and phosphorus;
  • rare elements: molybdenum and nickel.

Nutritionists say that regular consumption of this fish (2-3 times a week) can protect us from heart attacks and strokes. In addition, the development of cancer tumors slows down and immunity increases. Cholesterol levels decrease, which benefits blood vessels. Finally, the blood pressure returns to normal.

Cooking loban fish

Black mullet can be subjected to any type of processing: boiled and fried, steamed and grilled, stewed and baked. Serve with side dishes as a separate dish, add to fish soup, make fish cutlets from it, whip up casseroles and soufflés. Suitable for making fish pate, risotto and seafood pasta.

Fried loban with onions and carrots, with canned green peas and mashed potatoes is delicious. And baked in foil, rubbed with spices and sprinkled with lemon juice, it will decorate a dietary and healthy table!

Fried mullet looks very appetizing

For whom is black mullet contraindicated?

In addition, like all other types of fish, mullet is an allergen. People with seafood intolerance should not eat it. Otherwise, there are no contraindications to its consumption. The mullet will not harm children, pregnant women, or old people.

Loban fish - benefits and harm

Loban is a fish from the mullet family. It has an elongated body, about 80-90 cm long, characteristic of representatives of this group. The weight of an adult can be several kilograms. Its other name is the black mullet because it has a distinctive black and gray coloration. She is not the most frequent guest on the table. Therefore, few people know about the benefits and harms of loban fish. But its advantages include not only excellent taste, but also wonderful nutritional properties.

The benefits and harms of loban fish

First of all, it should be noted that black mullet is a low-calorie fish. One hundred grams of its fillet contains only 117 kcal. Therefore it is great for dietary nutrition. However, despite this, it is high in healthy omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, there are vitamins B1, A and PP, a lot of zinc, phosphorus, chromium, and also contains rarer microelements - molybdenum, nickel and chromium.

TO beneficial properties Loban fish should be attributed to its ability to protect against the development of heart attack and stroke, and in general, its regular consumption improves heart function, normalizes cholesterol metabolism and blood pressure, and optimizes the condition of blood vessels. Due to the presence of omega-3, fish can have a beneficial effect on the immune system and brain activity. If you eat it at least three times a week, you can significantly reduce the risk of cancer and improve the condition of your hair and skin.

How to cook loban fish?

In addition to the question of what benefits can be from loban fish, many people are also interested in how it can be prepared. It is worth noting that this is a universal product that can be simply fried, stewed in sauce, or baked in the oven. Before frying, cut it into small pieces, rub with salt and roll in flour. You can bake black mullet in foil (pre-cleaned from scales and entrails, sprinkled with lemon juice and greased with oil) or in a mold (cut into thin strips, sprinkled with oil, poured with a mixture of two eggs and 200 ml of milk) for half an hour at 180 degrees.

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Fish Loban - how to catch and how to cook

Loban is of particular interest and is therefore caught on an industrial scale. This is a very interesting and healthy fish. This article contains information about where this fish is found, its commercial fishing, as well as how to cook it correctly and tasty.

The Loban fish is a representative of the mullet family. It differs from its relatives in having a more elongated and flatter body. The head is also flattened and slightly pointed at the edge.

Because of its unique coloring, the fish has another name – black mullet. At the same time, the belly of the fish is distinguished by a silver color, and the back is blue-gray. The body is covered with long scales.

The known maximum weight of the fish was 6 kilograms, with a body length of about 90 centimeters.

Where does loban fish live?

Black mullet are found almost all over the world, both off the coasts of Asia, Africa, South and North America, as well as Europe. In this regard, black mullet is practically ranked among the most common fish species.

In addition, black mullet is found in the Black, Okhotsk and Azov Seas, in the Amur River, in the Tatar Strait, as well as in the Far East. This fish is artificially grown in reservoirs Krasnodar region.


Salmon fish is not a predatory fish species, since its diet is based on detritus and periphyton, which are dead organic substances. These substances include the remains of worms and invertebrates, including plants. In some cases, it also feeds on living organisms.

When the mullet fish feeds, it captures lower jaw the intended food and sends it to the gill area, where a lump is formed from it, after which this lump is sent to the stomach. On the way to the stomach, food is partially ground.


Having grown to a length of 40 cm, the black mullet reaches sexual maturity. Before the start of spawning, the fish tries to move a considerable distance away from the shore. At the same time, she gathers in numerous flocks. A female can lay from 2 to 7 thousand eggs at a time. The spawning process extends over the whole summer and can last from May to September.

Fishing for Loban

Black mullet can be caught as usual float rod, and on the bottom. In this case, a fishing line with a thickness of about 0.25 mm is used. The hook can be attached to:

  • Any type of worms.
  • Not large pieces of fish or crustaceans.
  • Shellfish.
  • Lures using pheromones.

Underwater hunting for black mullet has its own peculiarity, which is associated with the behavior of the fish. In most cases, this fish moves in schools, with a leader in front. The easiest thing to catch is the fish that has lagged behind the school for some reason. You should approach the school as close as possible, as close to the bottom as possible. When a fish feeds, not the whole group does so: part of the group feeds, and some of them are guarded.

Commercial fishing for black mullet is carried out using seines or nets. The second method gives a much larger catch, which can reach about 5 tons.

Loban is a nimble fish that quite often escapes the nets.

Sport fishing for black mullet is practiced quite often in the northern and western parts of Russia. Even fishermen from other countries take part in the competition.

The benefits and harms of lobana

Loban, like other representatives of seafood, is distinguished by the presence in its meat of a sufficient amount of substances beneficial to the human body. Black mullet meat contains protein, fatty acids, minerals, vitamins A, B, E and other useful components.

In addition, loban is considered a low-calorie product that is easily absorbed by the human body. Therefore, its use is recommended for people with overweight, as well as people prone to typing excess weight.

In addition, consuming the meat of this fish on a regular basis helps strengthen the human immune system, increasing the reliability of the cardiovascular system. vascular system, as well as the body’s resistance to more serious illnesses. In addition, the presence of useful substances in it helps improve the condition of the skin, the condition of teeth, nails and hair.

In fact, there are no restrictions on eating this fish, except that only personal intolerance to seafood can become a reason limiting the consumption of black mullet.

Loban in cooking and healthy eating

Loban, like most seafood, lends itself to any method of preparation, which is why a huge variety of recipes have been invented. The meat of this fish is rich in various useful substances, and you can prepare a wide variety of dishes based on frying, boiling, baking, stewing, etc.

How to cook loban fish - delicious recipes

As mentioned above, there are a huge number of recipes, among which are the most delicious, the simplest and the most accessible for a wide range of housewives.

Fish cooked in the oven

To prepare a delicious dish, you need to prepare the following products:

  • One mullet carcass average size.
  • Eight potatoes.
  • Two tomatoes.
  • One onion.
  • Half a lemon.
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil.
  • Spices.
  • Bay leaf.
  • Paprika, half a teaspoon of curry.

Sequence of cooking:

  1. The fish is cleaned, removing scales, fins and entrails, and then thoroughly washed and dried with a paper towel.
  2. The fish prepared in this way is seasoned with spices, after which it is left for 15 minutes so that it is saturated with spices and marinated.
  3. Vegetables are peeled and cut into rings.
  4. To bake fish according to this recipe, you should take a deep roasting pan. The chopped potatoes are laid out first, then the onions and tomatoes. Each layer is salted and seasoned with spices.
  5. Marinated fish, cut into pieces, is placed on top. Top the fish with oil.
  6. Alternatively, lemon is cut into half rings and placed on top of the fish. You can simply squeeze lemon juice onto the fish.
  7. The container with fish is covered with foil so that there is no unclosed space.
  8. By this time the oven should be turned on and preheated to 220 degrees.
  9. The dish is placed in the oven and cooked for about half an hour.
  10. After this time, the foil is removed and the fish is cooked for another 15 minutes.

Fried black mullet

To prepare this simple, classic dish you need the following ingredients:

  • Half a kilo of loban fish meat.
  • A couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  • 30 grams of flour.
  • Spices.
  • Greenery.

Cooking technology:

  1. The fish is cleaned, cut and washed, as in the first case, after which it is cut into portions.
  2. The flour is mixed with spices, after which the pieces of fish are breaded in this mixture.
  3. The frying pan is heated together with vegetable oil.
  4. Pieces of fish are fried on both sides until golden brown.
  5. The dish is served with lemon slices and herbs.

Loban baked in foil

To bake one medium-sized fish carcass you need to have:

  • One lemon.
  • One tablespoon of olive oil.
  • Seasoning for fish.
  • Spices to taste.

How to cook:

  1. The fish is cleaned and cut, removing the entrails.
  2. The carcass is washed and dried, and also sprinkled with salt, spices or seasonings, and then poured with olive oil and lemon juice.
  3. After this, the fish is covered cling film and goes into the refrigerator for half an hour.
  4. The oven turns on and preheats to 200 degrees.
  5. The marinated fish is wrapped in foil.
  6. The fish carcass prepared in this way goes into the oven for 20 minutes.

Fish cooked in foil can be a tasty addition to a side dish of boiled rice, fresh vegetables, boiled potatoes, etc.

In conclusion, it should be noted that loban fish is amenable to any type of processing, therefore, a wide variety of dishes can be prepared from it. At the same time, it should be remembered that any fish retains more nutrients if it is boiled or cooked in the oven. Fried fish is not so healthy and is heavy on the stomach.

Black mullet or mullet: what kind of fish, where it is found, benefits and harm

Loban fish is quite beautiful and tasty. It has quite a few names, for example: mullet-mullet, black mullet or mullet. This fish is a commercial fish; it is actively grown on fish farms around the world. This is due to the fact that it contains many vitamins and nutrients that can both get rid of the disease and prevent its occurrence.

Loban is a member of the mullet family. He, like other members of the family, has an elongated torpedo-shaped body. On the sides of the fish there are longitudinal stripes that are brownish in color. The eyes of the fish have large eyelids that reach the pupil. This is precisely what distinguishes the mullet from other fish of this family, since they have only a small upper part of the eye covered by eyelids. The mouth of the individual is relatively small. In its lower part there is a thin and pointed lip.

The body length of most representatives is approximately 50 centimeters. This is not a maximum, as individuals up to one meter in length were sometimes caught. The weight of the fish, as a rule, does not exceed 7 kg. This is a fairly large figure, so mullet is considered a large mullet. In size it is second only to the pilengas.


Most often mullet can be found off the coast of Africa, Asia, America, Europe, and Oceania. In Russia, this species lives only in the Black and Azov Seas. Despite this, in the Krasnodar region they successfully practice growing this fish in lagoons, of which there are a huge number.

In nature, black mullet tries to stay closer to the shore. It often enters bays, lagoons, bays and other places with slow currents. There she gathers in small flocks, after which she goes to feed. Due to the high commercial value of loban, several attempts were made to populate it in the Caspian Sea in the 30s, but they were unsuccessful.

Features of spawning

Sexual maturity of the mullet occurs when the body length of the fish reaches 30-40 centimeters. As a rule, the age of individuals of this length is 7 years.

To spawn, black mullet go far into the sea, gathering in huge schools, the formation of which depends on the size of the individuals. The average number of eggs laid by one fish ranges from 3 to 7 thousand.

In the Black Sea, the spawning period of red mullet lasts from the end of May to the end of August. At this time, adult females move from the Azov Sea to the Black Sea, where they spawn.

Young animals that have just hatched, as a rule, head to small rivers, where it is easier for them to get food. Juvenile mullet grows quite quickly, as it feeds mainly on animal food. They switch to plant foods as they grow older. Over the course of one summer, the fry gain a sufficient amount of fat, which is deposited in the muscles and abdominal cavity. For the winter, the young go far to the bottom, where they practically do not lead an active lifestyle.

Fishing methods

Fish such as mullet are caught in different ways. Some people prefer spinning rods, others prefer fly fishing (when fishing in the river). However, the most common method is fishing with a float and feeder rod.

Float rod

For catching mullet, the usual float rod is ideal. Depending on the reservoir in which the fish is found, as well as the preferences of the fisherman, the following can be used:

  1. Regular fly rod;
  2. Bologna rod;
  3. Match form;
  4. Plug fishing rod.

The most popular are fly rods and Bolognese rods. They are quite easy to use and also have a relatively low cost. The main advantage of such rods is the presence of guide rings and a reel. Thanks to this, the angler will be able to pull out even the largest fish using the friction brake. However, they have one significant drawback - their short length.

For sea fishing, gear 5 meters long will not be enough. For fishing in such places, match forms are used. They are long (the length can be up to 8 meters), but at the same time they are light due to the use of carbon fiber as a material. The disadvantage of a blank fishing rod is its high cost and fragility.

It must be taken into account that black mullet is a very cautious fish, so there is often a need for long-distance casting of the tackle. In this case, you can use a plug rod. Thanks to the presence of sections in it, you can achieve incredible long cast. When using this type of gear, it is worth taking into account one fact that if the sea is very rough, fishing with it will be impossible.

Feeder tackle

This type of tackle for fishing mullet is used quite rarely. The main advantage of the feeder is the variety of gear. This allows you to select a fishing rod for each body of water, taking into account its individual characteristics. When fishing at short distances, a 3 meter long rod is quite suitable. However, if you need to cast the bait over a decent distance, you can use an extra heavy class rod, the length of which is usually 4 meters or more.

Compared to the donka, the feeder has one obvious advantage. It consists of having a sensitive tip that will notify the angler about a bite. Reels are selected based on the rod itself. The longer and more tested the gear, the larger and more powerful the reel.

The hardest thing in catching redfish with feeder tackle is choosing the right bait mixture. The groundbait that is used for all other individuals of the mullet family is not suitable for mullet, since it is made on a bread basis. Thanks to this, it turns out to be very viscous, which is why it weakly falls out of the feeder. It is best to use breadcrumb-based bait with the addition of basic bait (usually a worm).

The benefits and harms of fish

First of all, it is worth noting that mullet is a low-calorie fish. There are only 117 kcal per 100 grams of product, making black mullet dishes ideal as dietary food. Despite the low calorie content, fish meat contains many vitamins, such as:

  • Omega-3 acids;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Zinc, etc.

The beneficial properties of fish include its ability to protect a person from the development of heart attack and stroke. Regular consumption of lobani meat improves heart function, cholesterol metabolism and blood pressure. Due to the presence of Omega-3 fat in meat, fish has a positive effect on brain activity and vascular function. A person who eats loban meat at least 3 times a week significantly reduces the risk of developing skin and hair diseases.

Lobani dishes

Lobani meat is very tasty. For this reason, a large number of dishes can be prepared from it, but the most popular are shkara and ukha.

Preparation of shkara

Shkara is a very old dish that was invented by sailors. It is quite simple to prepare, but at the same time very tasty. In order to prepare a black mullet shkara, you will need:

  • 4 potato tubers;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 leek;
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

Ideally, this dish is prepared from only two ingredients: fish and onions. However, to give it more flavor, it is better to add some spices to it. The cooking process is as follows:

  1. Gut the fish and cut into pieces. If the fish is small, then it can be cooked whole.
  2. Cut the onion into rings and place on the fish. Top everything with pepper and salt.
  3. Compact with your hands.
  4. Cover the pan with a lid and place on low heat for 20 minutes.

The dish is served with onions. Boiled potatoes are perfect as a side dish.

Black mullet ear

During rest or after happy fishing best dish is the ear. To prepare it from lobani, you will need the following ingredients:

Do not forget about heat treatment of fish before consumption. To prepare this dish you need:

  1. Chop vegetables and celery, then boil in salted water with vegetable oil. Pour into flour cold water and stir. Pour the resulting mixture into the broth.
  2. The fish should be gutted and chopped (if it is large). Next, it must be placed in the broth and cooked for 20 minutes.
  3. The finished fish soup should be sprinkled with pepper.

Loban is a fish from the mullet family. It has an elongated body, about 80-90 cm long, characteristic of representatives of this group. The weight of an adult can be several kilograms. Its other name is the black mullet because it has a distinctive black and gray coloration. She is not the most frequent guest on the table. Therefore, few people know about the benefits and harms of loban fish. But its advantages include not only excellent taste, but also wonderful nutritional properties.

The benefits and harms of loban fish

First of all, it should be noted that black mullet is a low-calorie fish. One hundred grams of its fillet contains only 117 kcal. Therefore, it is excellent for dietary nutrition. However, despite this, it is high in healthy omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, there are vitamins B1, A and PP, a lot of zinc, chromium, and also contains rarer microelements - molybdenum, nickel and chromium.

The beneficial properties of loban fish include its ability to protect against the development of heart attack and stroke, and in general, its regular consumption improves heart function, normalizes cholesterol metabolism and blood pressure, and optimizes the condition of blood vessels. Due to its presence, fish can have a beneficial effect on the immune system and brain activity. If you eat it at least three times a week, you can significantly reduce the risk of cancer and improve the condition of your hair and skin.

In addition to the question of what benefits can be from loban fish, many people are also interested in how it can be prepared. It is worth noting that this is a universal product that can be simply fried, stewed in sauce, or baked in the oven. Before frying, cut it into small pieces, rub with salt and roll in flour. You can bake black mullet in foil (pre-cleaned from scales and entrails, sprinkled with lemon juice and greased with oil) or in a mold (cut into thin strips, sprinkled with oil, poured with a mixture of two eggs and 200 ml of milk) for half an hour at 180 degrees.

Loban (black mullet) is important commercial fish and belongs to the main gray mullet family. Currently, red mullet, along with fish such as mullet and mullet, is caught in industrial quantities, and is also the object of not only sports, but also modern amateur fishing.

For example, in the southern coastal countries, more and more fish farms are practicing commercial cultivation of loban. According to ichthyologists, the black mullet can safely be called one of the most common fish species on the entire earth.


In its structure, mullet (maugil cephalus) is very similar to other representatives of the mullet family. Distinctive feature lobani is a more elongated and flattened body.

The belly has a silvery tint, but the back of the fish is bluish-gray. There are brown stripes on the sides. On the eyes of the fish there are fatty eyelids, which are quite wide and can reach the pupils.

The caudal fin of the mullet is strongly notched (forked), and the scales above the main pectoral fins (including above their base) are elongated.

The fish's mouth is small with a rather thin lower lip with a pointed edge. In length, mullet can reach 0.9 m, and Weight Limit, which was officially registered - 6 kg.


Loban lives off the very coast of Africa, near Asia, America, Australia, Europe, as well as the islands of Oceania.

On the territory of Russia, black mullet can be found in the Black and Azov Seas, in the Far East, in the Strait of Tatar, in the lower reaches of the Amur and in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk - in its southern part.

At sea, black mullet usually stays closer to the shore, in bays, bays, lagoons, as well as in the lower reaches of rivers, where they gather in small schools. Considering the important commercial significance of Loban, in the 30s of the last century several attempts were made to introduce it into the Caspian Sea, but all of them were unsuccessful.

The black mullet was never able to fully reproduce there. But nevertheless, now in the Krasnodar Territory, the cultivation of this type of mullet in local estuaries and lagoons, of which there are simply a huge number, is successfully practiced.


The mule fish feeds on detritus, which is contained in the upper layer of silt. The fish scrapes it from the bottom using its own pointed lower lip. To do this, the mullet moves along the bottom, positioning its body at an angle of 45 degrees.

The detritus collected by the fish is carefully filtered on its gills. After this, with the help of teeth located in the pharynx, the water is squeezed out, and the resulting lump of food is pushed directly into the stomach. It is partially frayed.

The total length of the intestine of a large specimen of loban can literally be 5-6 times greater than the length of the body of the fish itself. This is primarily due to the fact that such food is low in calories. Therefore, they have to almost constantly process large amounts of detritus.


The black mullet reaches sexual maturity when the body length of the fish is 30-40 cm, this is approximately after reaching the age of 6 - 8 years.

To spawn, red mullet goes far into the sea, gathering in fairly large numerous schools, the formation of which occurs according to the size of the fish.

The average number of eggs spawned by female lobani is 2.9-7.2 thousand eggs.

Inside the Black Sea, the spawning period of mullet lasts from the end of May until the very end of August.

At this time, sexually mature individuals of black mullet from the Azov Sea move to the Black Sea, where they spawn.

The juveniles that hatch almost immediately go to shallow water, including small rivers, where they remain until late autumn.

The fry of the lobani grows quite quickly, since it mainly feeds on animal food and only as it grows it gradually switches to detritus.

Over the course of one summer, the juveniles gain a significant amount of fat, which is deposited in the muscles and abdominal cavity. For wintering, the grown juveniles go far into the depths.

Fishing tactics

They catch redfish on the bottom and float tackle. The bait most often used is sea worms, small pieces of fish, crayfish, mussel meat, small dung worms, but bread and so on are least often used.

The tackle for catching mullet consists of a spinning rod, spinning reel, fishing line with a diameter of 0. - 0.25 mm, a sliding float, a sinker, a leash with a hook. It is recommended to catch black mullet from the bottom.

Underwater hunting for mullet is also interesting, especially since this fish is very careful and strong. Experienced underwater hunters recommend choosing an individual that has strayed from the school and is keen on feeding, and hunting specifically for it.

In general, a school of this fish also follows its leader and adheres to special tactics.

Therefore, you need to swim up to the flock from below or at the very bottom.

In addition, they can be found directly in places with massive underwater rock formations.

In such labyrinths you can find quite impressive specimens of lobani.

Here you can hunt both from ambush and by sneaking up on the fish.

While some fish are absorbing food, others are on guard and then they change places.

When the fish enters it, it is taken ashore using wooden reels (winches). Today, as before, to determine how many fish have entered, they use special balconies on the shore.

Echo sounders and underwater video cameras are also used for this. At a time, the catch in such a “native” can be 2–5 tons. Red mullet is caught in this way from the very end of August until the second ten days of November.

Loban jumps very well and thanks to this, he often escapes the nets. True, although this fish is not the fastest, since its body has a very unusual physique, it is very agile.

It is especially important to consider that almost each of the methods is one of the most suitable, but each of them has its own specific nuances.

This fish is very popular for sport fishing and even competitions are held in the northern and western parts Russian Federation, which are common both among Russians and foreign fishermen.


Today, red mullet is of interest not only from the point of view of amateur and sport fishing, but primarily from an industrial point of view.

The fish reproduce well, quickly gain weight and reach marketable condition. The most promising is the “lagoon” method of growing mullet.

Mullet is a very energetic fish and catching it is extremely interesting and exciting, and its meat is excellent in absolutely any form - fried, baked, boiled, dried and smoked.

But in order to catch such a fish, you will have to make every effort, since in terms of its characteristics, mullet is quite difficult to compare with any other species.

It is difficult to classify them as aggressive, but especially in the summer, that is exactly what they are. The most important thing is that you can catch this fish only if you catch it in full accordance with the basic “technology”.

How long has it been since you had a really BIG CATCH?

When was the last time you caught dozens of HUGE pike/carp/bream?

We always want to get results from fishing - to catch not three perch, but ten kilogram pikes - what a catch! Each of us dreams of this, but not everyone can do it.

A good catch can be achieved (and we know this) thanks to good bait.

It can be prepared at home or bought in fishing stores. But stores are expensive, and to prepare bait at home, you need to spend a lot of time, and, to be fair, homemade bait does not always work well.

You know that disappointment when you buy bait or prepare it at home and only catch three or four bass?

So maybe it’s time to use a truly working product, the effectiveness of which has been proven both scientifically and in practice on the rivers and ponds of Russia?

It gives the same result that we cannot achieve on our own, especially since it is cheap, which distinguishes it from other means and there is no need to spend time on production - you order it, it’s delivered and you’re good to go!

Of course, it is better to try once than to hear a thousand times. Moreover, now is the season! This is a great bonus when ordering!

Find out more about the bait!

Loban is of particular interest and is therefore caught on an industrial scale. This is a very interesting and healthy fish. This article contains information about where this fish is found, its commercial fishing, as well as how to cook it correctly and tasty.

The Loban fish is a representative of the mullet family. It differs from its relatives in having a more elongated and flatter body. The head is also flattened and slightly pointed at the edge.

Because of its unique coloring, the fish has another name – black mullet. At the same time, the belly of the fish is distinguished by a silver color, and the back is blue-gray. The body is covered with long scales.

The known maximum weight of the fish was 6 kilograms, with a body length of about 90 centimeters.

Black mullet are found almost all over the world, both off the coasts of Asia, Africa, South and North America, as well as Europe. In this regard, black mullet is practically ranked among the most common fish species.

In addition, black mullet is found in the Black, Okhotsk and Azov Seas, in the Amur River, in the Tatar Strait, as well as in the Far East. This fish is artificially grown in reservoirs of the Krasnodar region.

Salmon fish is not a predatory fish species, since its diet is based on detritus and periphyton, which are dead organic substances. These substances include the remains of worms and invertebrates, including plants. In some cases, it also feeds on living organisms.

When a mullet fish feeds, it grabs the intended food with its lower jaw and sends it to the gill area, where a lump is formed from it, after which this lump is sent to the stomach. On the way to the stomach, food is partially ground.

Having grown to a length of 40 cm, the black mullet reaches sexual maturity. Before the start of spawning, the fish tries to move a considerable distance away from the shore. At the same time, she gathers in numerous flocks. A female can lay from 2 to 7 thousand eggs at a time. The spawning process extends over the whole summer and can last from May to September.

Black mullet can be caught both with a regular float rod and with a bottom rod. In this case, a fishing line with a thickness of about 0.25 mm is used. The hook can be attached to:

  • Any type of worms.
  • Not large pieces of fish or crustaceans.
  • Shellfish.
  • Lures using pheromones.

Underwater hunting for black mullet has its own peculiarity, which is associated with the behavior of the fish. In most cases, this fish moves in schools, with a leader in front. The easiest thing to catch is the fish that has lagged behind the school for some reason. You should approach the school as close as possible, as close to the bottom as possible. When a fish feeds, not the whole group does so: part of the group feeds, and some of them are guarded.

Commercial fishing for black mullet is carried out using seines or nets. The second method gives a much larger catch, which can reach about 5 tons.

Loban is a nimble fish that quite often escapes the nets.

Sport fishing for black mullet is practiced quite often in the northern and western parts of Russia. Even fishermen from other countries take part in the competition.