Fish farming business. Farming fish in artificial reservoirs as a business

By placing suitable fish species in an artificial reservoir, you will always have access to fish delicacies and meat. How to breed fish in a home pond correctly - read this article.

When planning to breed fish in a pond on a personal plot, you need to choose the right type of fish, focusing on financial capabilities, features of the reservoir and water characteristics. In addition, it is important to take into account the water temperature and the climatic conditions of the region. Today we will give the characteristics of the most common types of fish and talk about the features of their cultivation.

What fish is better to breed in a small pond

When choosing a type of fish, they are primarily guided by the climatic zone in which the household plot is located. For example, species adapted for breeding in the southern regions will not be suitable for northern latitudes and vice versa. In addition, the quality of water and the intensity of water supply must be taken into account.

Below are the main characteristics of common species intended for breeding. With the help of these tips, you will be able to determine which fish is best to breed in a small home pond.

Fish breeds

When choosing which fish is best to breed in a pond, you must definitely familiarize yourself with the most common breeds of aquatic pets, the features of their cultivation and the main characteristics.

To help you choose which breed is best for breeding in a large and small pond, we will provide detailed descriptions the most popular breeds.

It has many useful economic qualities and is bred in many farms. This is one of the most unpretentious freshwater species: it easily tolerates a change in food and the chemical composition of water.

Carp is thermophilic, so the optimal temperature for growth and reproduction is the range of 18-30 degrees. The period of onset of puberty also depends on the temperature regime. In a temperate and cold climate, puberty occurs at 4-5 years, and in southern latitudes - at the second or third. It is noteworthy that males become mature earlier than females. However, if the carp is provided with a stable high temperature, puberty can also occur at the age of one (Figure 1).

Note: The fertility of females is very high, but it depends on the conditions of detention. As a rule, spawning takes place near the shore, and the optimum water temperature is 17-20 degrees.

The larvae hatch and begin to actively feed within 3-6 days after spawning. To feed the larvae, you need to use small plankton (daphnia, rotifers, cyclops), and with age they gradually switch to bloodworms or mollusks, but they also willingly eat food of plant origin.

Carp grows quite quickly, and at the age of three, its weight exceeds 1 kg, but in good conditions Carp content can reach a weight of 2 kg.

Figure 1. Carp: adults and fry

There are several types of carp that differ in the type of scales: scaly, mirror scattered, mirror linear and leathery (naked). The first two types are suitable for breeding in temperate climates, but regardless of the type, carp will grow well in a shallow, warm pond with little current.

  • Golden carp

A small fish without antennae, with copper-red sides (Figure 2). It is best grown in stagnant ponds with a muddy bottom. Golden crucian carp is unpretentious to growing conditions, and normally tolerates increased acidity of water or reduced oxygen content. Sexual maturity occurs at two to four years, and spawning occurs in several stages with an interval of two weeks.

Figure 2. Golden and silver carp

Golden crucian feeds on small plankton and aquatic vegetation, and the weight of an adult can reach 3 kg, but more often it is caught after reaching a weight of 0.5 kg. The value of golden carp also lies in the fact that it can be grown in any reservoirs and crossed with other species (for example, with carp or silver carp). Hybrids have high vitality and undemanding to the conditions of nutrition and maintenance.

  • Goldfish

Unlike goldfish with a round body, this species has angular shapes, and the body is covered with large silvery scales (Figure 2). Like the species described above, silver carp is undemanding to the conditions of detention, and can eat both animal and plant foods, but reaches the desired weight much faster.

Note: The silver carp has an unusual biological feature. In cold and temperate climates, the number of males and females in spawning is approximately the same, and in other areas only females are in the offspring, which breed by crossing with other species (carp, tench, golden carp).

Silver carp is excellent for growing in reservoirs with unfavorable water chemistry.

  • White amur

This is a large breed that is fast growing. The homeland of grass carp is the rivers of the Far East and China, and in the European part of Russia it began to be grown only in the middle of the 20th century.

The body of grass carp can reach 1 meter, covered with large scales. Weight is 40-50 kg. It feeds mainly on plant foods, giving preference to young plants, but adults can also eat hard reeds or cattails. In addition, they can feed on terrestrial vegetation that has fallen into the reservoir (clover, cereals, alfalfa).

The rate of growth and puberty depends on the temperature of the water. In the southern regions with consistently high temperatures, grass carp grows year-round, but if the temperature drops below 10 degrees, the individual stops feeding and growing.

Note: The ability of grass carp to eat a large amount of plant food allows it to be used as a cleaner for overgrown ponds.

Sexual maturity occurs at seven to eight years (for males) and eight to nine (for females). The term of its onset depends not only on temperature, but also on the food supply. Spawning in natural conditions takes place in the channels of large rivers with a fast current, and in artificial growing conditions - directly into the water column. The larvae hatch in about a day, but in artificial reservoirs this process can be controlled by changing the water temperature.

  • black carp

According to the region of distribution and body shape, black carp is similar to white carp, but its body is covered with large black scales. Under favorable growing conditions, the weight of an adult can reach 55 kg. Unlike white carp, black carp feeds on molluscs, and the larvae feed on zooplankton.

Figure 3. Types of grass carp: 1 - white, 2 - fry of white carp, 3 - black
  • White and motley carp

A characteristic feature is a large head with low-set eyes. Silver carps grow quickly, and the weight of an adult can reach 50 kg.

Figure 4. Silver carp: 1 - white, 2 - motley, 3 - fry

White and motley silver carp differ in some external features (Figure 4). The Pied has a larger head and silvery scales with brown spots on the sides. In the bighead carp, the scales are also silvery in color, but do not have spots. In addition, they differ in the structure of the filtration apparatus: in the variegated gill rakers are long and frequent, while in the white they grow together, forming a network for straining algae and small plankton. These differences can be determined only at the age of 3-5 years, when the individual reaches a sufficiently large size.

The silver carp eats various types algae, and does not perceive artificial feed. An exception is the bighead carp, which can also feed on artificial feed.

Note: The bighead carp also eats animal plankton, so it cannot be grown together with carp, so that there is no food competition in the reservoir.

Sexual maturity occurs earlier in silver carp (at three to seven years), and variegated becomes mature at four to eight years (depending on the region of cultivation). Modern breeders have developed a hybrid of these two species, which is characterized by rapid growth and can eat both plant and animal foods.

  • buffalo

Naturally found in America. This is a large breed that looks like a carp and grows quickly. There are several types of buffalo that differ in size and weight of adults: large-mouthed (up to 45 kg), small-mouthed (15-18 kg) and black (up to 7 kg). In addition, they differ in the structure of the filtration apparatus and the type of food, but they mainly eat plankton, although compound feed can also be used for cultivation.

Figure 5 Appearance buffalo breeds
  • channel catfish

A large individual, the weight of which can reach 30 kg. Channel catfish were originally grown in the United States, but later they spread throughout the world. The catfish is heat-loving, and the optimum temperature for growth is 25-30 degrees, but the channel catfish successfully endures the winter even in water bodies covered with a layer of ice. However, it is demanding on the oxygen content in the water.

The channel catfish is omnivorous and can feed on plankton, small mollusks and small fish. Sexual maturity occurs at 5-8 years, and spawning occurs in summer, when the water temperature reaches 20-22 degrees, but for the larvae to hatch, the temperature must be higher (up to 30 degrees).

In temperate climates, channel catfish are grown primarily in cages placed in temperature-controlled ponds. Catfish grows quickly, and its meat is of high gastronomic value, but for this it is necessary to feed it with high-quality protein and fortified feed (slaughterhouse waste or minced fish mixed with compound feed).

  • Trout perch

This is a predator living in the fresh waters of North America. The diet depends on the age of the individual. The fry feed on algae or zooplankton, while the adults eat mollusks, tadpoles, small fish and insects. With a lack of food, cannibalism can begin, therefore, when growing trout perch, it is necessary to ensure that individuals have enough food, and fry must be separated from adults. In Figure 6, you can determine what a trout perch looks like.

Figure 6. Species for breeding in the pond: 1 - channel catfish, 2 and 3 - trout perch

Sexual maturity occurs in the first or third year of life (depending on the temperature regime). Spawning begins when the water temperature reaches 18 degrees. To lay eggs, the male digs a small nest in dense soil, and after the female lays eggs, the male guards the nest for several weeks.

Trout perch grows rapidly, and if it is intensively fed and kept in the right conditions, in the second year of life, the mass of an individual can reach two kilograms. The taste of trout perch meat is similar to trout meat.

  • Sturgeons

Sturgeon breeding is one of the most profitable in fish farming. The most common types of sturgeon are (Figure 7):

  1. Bester is a hybrid of beluga and sterlet. It adapts perfectly to various conditions of detention and can be bred in both fresh and salt water. The bester reaches puberty early, and the individual quickly gains weight.
  2. The Lena sturgeon looks like a sterlet, but it is much larger. It feeds on insects, mollusks and small fish. Sexual maturity occurs at 10-12 years old, and tolerates high water temperatures (more than 30 degrees), but the best temperature for breeding is considered to be within 15-25 degrees.
  3. The paddlefish began to be bred in the USA, but now it is also common in Russia. This is the only representative of insects that feeds on plant foods and zooplankton. This is a large individual, which, subject to right conditions cultivation can reach a weight of 80 kg and a length of 2 meters. When kept in water bodies with a water temperature of 20-25 degrees, the paddlefish grows rapidly, and already in the second year of life, the weight reaches 4 kg.

Figure 7. Sturgeon species: 1 - bester, 2 - Lena sturgeon, 3 - paddlefish

The paddlefish tolerates winter well and can stay under the ice for several months. Paddlefish meat resembles beluga meat, and caviar is similar to sturgeon.

  • Acne

There are 15 species of eel, but mainly European and Japanese eel are bred (Figure 8). The eel has a long body with short fins. The eel is an anadromous species and breeds in the ocean. For example, the European eel goes to spawn in Bermuda and the Bahamas in the Atlantic Ocean, and the current takes the eggs to the European rivers, where it develops in the future.

Figure 8. Types of eel: 1 - European, 2 - Japanese

For growing eel, it is better to use long and narrow containers. Eels are predators, so small frogs, crustaceans, insects and fry are used to feed them.

  • Tilapia

It grows wild in Africa and the Middle East. Tilapia breeds easily, grows quickly and is undemanding to feed. Meat has a high gastronomic value (Figure 9).

There are about 70 species of tilapia, but the genus Oreochromis is considered the most common. The development of eggs occurs in the oral cavity of an adult, which positively affects the replenishment of the population. Under favorable breeding conditions and keeping in warm water, tilapia spawns several times a year, but it does not have high fecundity.

Figure 9. Adult tilapia and its fry

Tilapia is undemanding to the conditions of detention: it can be bred in fresh and brackish waters, as well as in ponds and pools with a low oxygen content. However, for full growth, the water temperature should not be below 13 degrees. It feeds on plant foods, but some varieties also eat plankton.

Belongs to species that feel better in cool water. It is quite easy to breed, and the meat has a high taste. The color of the trout is silvery with black dots, and a bright rainbow stripe runs along the side (Figure 10).

Figure 10. Adults and fry of rainbow trout

The optimum temperature for breeding is considered to be 16-18 degrees, but at the same time there should be enough oxygen in the water. If its content is 3 mg/l and below, the trout will die.

Feeds mainly on insects, tadpoles and crustaceans, but adults may also eat small fish. With artificial breeding, it is better to feed trout with protein feed.

Sexual maturity in rainbow trout occurs at two to three years, and fertility depends on the age and weight of the individual.

  • Pelyad

Found in rivers and lakes with cool water. Differs in rapid growth, undemanding to the conditions of detention and feeding.

Figure 11. Peled (adults and fry)

It can feed on aquatic plants, small plankton and insects. Compared to trout, peled is less demanding on water quality and oxygen content.

  • Chudskoy whitefish

It is found in Lake Peipus, but can also be grown in other artificially created lakes. The weight of an adult individual can exceed 3 kg. For the rapid growth of the Chud whitefish, it is necessary to provide it with clean water at a temperature of 15-20 degrees and high-quality animal feed (Figure 12).

IN wild nature found in the waters of the Arctic, where the summer is very short. It grows very quickly and reaches sexual maturity in three to four years. Spawning begins in November, when the first ice begins to form (Figure 12).

Figure 12. Freshwater breeds: 1 - Chudsky whitefish, 2 - chir

Due to its rapid growth and simple maintenance, chir can be bred in artificial reservoirs of the northern regions. In addition, a hybrid was created - pelchir (based on peled and whitefish), which is less demanding on feed, has increased disease resistance and accelerated growth.

Can be bred in stagnant cool waters. The only breeding requirement is to provide quality food of animal origin (insect larvae, frogs, tadpoles or fry).

Pike should be reared separately from other species, and since they grow quite quickly, the reservoir for their keeping should be large.

Figure 13. Adult pike and her fry

It got its name due to a biological feature: it changes color after being caught. After being pulled out of the water, he immediately becomes covered with black spots, which fall off and yellow skin is visible in their place. This is because the skin of the tench is covered with a thick layer of mucus, which hardens in the air (Figure 14).

Figure 14. Adult tench and its fry

For tench breeding, it is better to use calm water bodies with a weak current and a lot of vegetation. The tench feeds on small crustaceans, mollusks, insect larvae and food residues that have settled on the bottom. Due to this tench is grown together with other species, mainly with carps. The only drawback of tench is slow growth.

It is found in fresh water bodies with warm water. Catfish are carnivorous, and feed on fry, frogs, crustaceans, and sometimes they can eat small waterfowl.

Catfish can be bred in small ponds, canals, or simply pits filled with water. In winter, the catfish hibernates and is highly resilient. An overview of popular fish species intended for breeding in ponds in household plots is shown in the video.

How to breed fish in a home pond

If there is a free area on the site, it is quite possible to use it for arranging a pond and breeding aquatic pets. In addition, such a reservoir can have not only practical, but also decorative value: if you install a mini-waterfall or an alpine slide on it, such a pond will become a real decoration of the site.

But most often, home ponds are used specifically for breeding and further catching fish for food. It is important to properly organize the conditions for reproduction and growth of livestock, and to choose the right breeds that will easily take root in your reservoir.

More information about breeding you will learn from the video.

What you need to know

To regularly get a rich catch, you need to know exactly how to breed fish in a home pond.

This process has some peculiarities. First of all, you need to properly build an artificial reservoir that is comfortable for fish to live not only in summer, but also in winter. The depth of the pond should be at least 120 cm, but if possible, it is desirable to make the pond deeper. This is necessary, since in severe frost the water will simply freeze and the individuals will die.

Note: In winter, ice holes are necessarily made so that pets do not suffer from a lack of oxygen. If you're planning a large scale breeding, it's best to install a water pump or air compressor right away.

The size of the pond directly depends on the number of livestock that will be in it. For example, for small breeds (up to 10 cm in length), a pond with a water volume of 50 liters is needed, and if the fish grows larger, then a much larger pond will be needed.

Other important points breeding include:

  • Adjusting the number of livestock is necessary, since when the pond is overpopulated, individuals will start to get sick or fight for food, which will eventually lead to the death of some of the individuals. To prevent this, part of the livestock will have to be caught for sale or consumption.
  • The correct selection of material for the walls and bottom of the reservoir also plays an important role, since it must be absolutely safe. For this purpose, it is better to choose a high-quality film or special coatings for artificial reservoirs. The bottom must be covered with a layer of sand and gravel with underwater plants, which will not only create comfortable conditions for the fish to live, but also provide it with additional food.
  • Feeding should be moderate, and active feeding is recommended only in summer or spring, when underwater inhabitants grow and develop. After feeding (after about 10 minutes), the remains of food are caught from the surface of the water so that it does not deteriorate and does not cause water to rot. In autumn, feeding is stopped, because when the temperature drops below 10 degrees, the fish completely stop eating.

It is important to correctly relocate the purchased fish to a new reservoir. To do this, it is placed on the surface of the water for some time directly in the bag for transportation, and only after that it is released directly into the water. This is necessary so that the fish adapts to new temperature conditions and does not experience shock. In no case should individuals caught in the river be released into an artificial pond. They can be infected with dangerous diseases and become a source of infection for other individuals. It is recommended to buy fish for home breeding only in specialized farms or pet stores. If you find a sick individual (lying on its side, swimming strangely, rubbing against objects, and a white coating has appeared on its body), be sure to isolate it and take preventive measures with the rest of the individuals.


It seems to many that it is difficult to breed fish in a pond on a plot, but this task is quite simple and can be done by anyone who knows the basic features of growing.

Figure 15. Basic requirements for home ponds

It is best to populate fish in an existing, natural reservoir located on the site. If this is not the case, they dig a pond on their own. The main feature that will help equip an artificial reservoir in the country is the correct selection of varieties.

So, what kind of fish can be grown in a pond in the country? most best breed a carp is considered to do well in small water bodies and quickly gain mass, as it spends less energy searching for food.

Note: A small reservoir is also convenient for the owner, since it is much easier to care for such a reservoir.

For breeding carp or crucian carp, a pond with a size of 4 * 6 meters and a depth of up to one and a half meters will suffice. To determine the optimal number of individuals, you need to calculate the volume of the reservoir. Based on this indicator, no more than 20 individuals are populated per cubic meter of pond water.

Another advantage of a small reservoir is the fact that the water warms up quickly in it, which has a beneficial effect on the growth and development of carp. The optimum temperature is considered to be in the range of 24-26 degrees. If this indicator is higher or lower, pets will slow down the basic processes of life, they will stop eating and growing.


Breeding fish in a home pond is not a difficult task, but it still requires certain rules to be followed.

The main points to consider are(picture 15):

  • The bottom and walls of the pit must be well leveled and compacted, and it is desirable to additionally cover the bottom with cement;
  • The bottom of the reservoir can be covered with a film or old cameras from the wheels of trucks, and if you plan to grow not only fish, but also crayfish, you need to place old pots or pipes at the bottom in which the crayfish will hide during molting;
  • To fill the pond, you can use any water: well, spring or even tap water. But it is not recommended to populate fish immediately, since the liquid should warm up well in the sun, slightly stagnate and be populated by microorganisms.

To speed up the process of preparing water in the pond for settlement, you can pour several buckets of water into it from another artificial reservoir in which fish are bred or place a bunch of grass on the bottom.

What should be the conditions for fish in the pond

For normal life, fish need to create optimal conditions. First of all, this requirement concerns acidity: its indicator should not exceed 7-8 pH.

Note: If the acidity in the pond is too low, you can always increase it by adding a solution of soda or limestone.

The temperature regime also plays an important role. Before settling, it is necessary to equalize the temperature in the pond and in the containers in which the individuals were transported. This will help reduce the risk of developing a temperature shock and prevent the death of young individuals on the first day after relocation.

Dry food is mixed with water to form a thick porridge, and compound feed can be replaced with cereals or legumes. They are steamed and given out in a swollen form. It is desirable to feed the fish at the same time, and pour the food on a certain part of the pond. It is advisable to equip special pallet feeders for this purpose. They are easy to remove from the water for cleaning, and the use of such devices will help control the amount of uneaten food and prevent water from souring.

How to breed fish in a pond: video

To more accurately determine how to prepare a reservoir for fish breeding and what conditions must be provided for aquatic pets, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video. The author will elaborate helpful tips and recommendations for keeping and breeding fish in a pond in the country.

How to grow paddlefish in a pond

Paddlefish is an amazing creature, because this species can live in almost any climate, from subtropical to harsh continental.

Cultivation of paddlefish is possible only in reservoirs with a good bottom and the possibility of supplying and pumping water (Figure 16). In fact, ponds in which carps were previously grown are suitable for this species, however, it should be borne in mind that paddlefish must be kept for several years in order to obtain enough meat.

For feeding, natural food of reservoirs (zooplankton and phytoplankton) is used. In order for paddlefish to constantly have access to a natural food base, mineral fertilizers must be applied to the pond, often in fractional portions. It is important to thoroughly dissolve the fertilizer in the water so that paddlefish do not eat its particles and become poisoned. Superphosphate, lime, potassium permanganate, or very high-quality rotted manure after a preliminary laboratory test for chemical composition is suitable for fertilizing a reservoir.


There are some features that must be taken into account when growing paddlefish.

Firstly, fry and adult fish cannot be kept in the same reservoir. When the pond is overpopulated, adults will begin to eat the young.

Figure 16. Breeding paddlefish in a home pond

Herbivorous fish are considered the best neighbors for the paddlefish, with the exception of the silver carp, which is very close to the paddlefish in terms of food intake, therefore, mainly carp, black carp and channel catfish are added to the ponds.

The profitability of breeding paddlefish is also explained by the fact that this fish is very easy to catch using a net or any other simple fishing device.


In order for paddlefish breeding to be successful, it is necessary to provide individuals with a good supply of oxygen, since paddlefish are more demanding on the saturation of the reservoir with air.

Note: The optimal level is considered to be 5 mg of oxygen per liter of water, but the paddlefish will normally tolerate a slight decrease in this indicator (up to 2 mg/l) for a short time.

Larvae and fry are kept separately from adults, and starting from the age of one year, they are bred together with other fish (silver carp, white and black carp).

Grown up individuals, starting from the age of seven, are kept in separate reservoirs, and for the winter they are planted in separate ponds. They must be deep enough, at least one and a half meters, so that the fish can move freely in the water column even after the surface of the reservoir freezes.

The larvae are fed with small aquatic insects and zooplankton, and it is desirable to feed it in limbo. Adults must be weighed during the catching process and only the largest individuals are selected, while the rest are left to obtain caviar.

Fish products are always popular with buyers. That is why the fish farming business is a promising direction in the farming sector (especially in the context of limited imports of imported products). Breeding fish in artificial reservoirs as a business will bring good income to novice farmers.


To create a fish farm you will need:

  • creation of a reservoir - 200 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment - 245 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of fry - 10-11 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of feed - 7 thousand rubles. per 100 fish per month.

The cost of feed depends on the choice of breeding technology. If you refuse to buy specialized feed, this expense item will decrease significantly.

The arrangement of the farm will cost in 562–563 thousand rubles.


A stable profit can be expected only 2-3 years after the creation of the farm. In the first year, the profitability of the farm will not exceed 9-10%, but by the third year it will be at least 30%.

Advantages and disadvantages of a fish farm

Breeding fish has a number of advantages:

  • it is easy for a farmer to find a market;
  • business organization does not require serious investments;
  • the enterprise generates income from the sale of fish, from the organization of paid fishing, recreation on the shore, mini-snack bar.

There are also many disadvantages of a fish farm:

  • payback - 2-3 years;
  • fish are caught only in the autumn;
  • the fish population is declining as a result of epidemics and the influence of negative factors;
  • high feed costs.

Conditions for keeping fish

If you decide to start breeding fish, you need to equip an artificial pond for it. Fish are grown in pools, aquariums or cages, but an artificial reservoir on your own site is ideal.

How to make a fish pond

Choosing a place for a pond

The site where you equip the pond for fish may be located in the village. G The main thing is that its dimensions make it possible to build a reservoir ranging in size from 30 to 50 m 2. It is desirable to build a road to it, so that it is easier to export finished products.

Do not place the pond in the lowlands: during the spring floods, it will be flooded. Ideally, if part of the pond is in the shade, because the fish do not like excessive warming of the water.

The site should not be completely covered with bushes and trees. Their roots can deform the bottom of the pond, and the leaves will pollute the water in autumn.

Pond Requirements

In order for an artificial pond to be suitable for breeding and keeping fish, it must meet the following requirements:

  • depth - 1.5 m (in the southern regions, the depth may be less, in the northern regions - more);
  • size - 30–50 m 2 (at the rate of 10–15 cm per individual);
  • bottom relief - the presence of rapids and ledges, alternation of shallow and deep areas;
  • clean bottom without silt and peat;
  • diverse soil and the presence of aquatic plants at the bottom;
  • water temperature - 24–26ºС (for carp), 16–19ºС (for trout);
  • in winter, the layer of non-freezing water should be about 1 m;
  • water must be clean, oxygenated.

A reservoir that meets these requirements is suitable for fattening and rearing adult fish and for incubation of young animals.

How to make a pond in the country with your own hands step by step: instructions

If the site does not have a natural reservoir suitable for growing fish, do it on their own.

Stages of making an artificial pond:

  1. It is necessary to dig a rounded pit, compact the soil at the bottom and pour cement.
  2. A plastic film should be placed at the bottom, and then pour water into the pit by 1/3.
  3. Then soil and river sand are placed in the pit, underwater plants are planted, and water is added to the required level.

Types of fish: which one to choose?

The choice of fish species for breeding depends on consumer demand. If you live in a large city whose residents can afford expensive fish, feel free to take on the breeding of salmon fish. Otherwise, opt for the carp family.

The most popular among farmers are two types of fish - carp and trout.

Carp require much less care than trout. They feed on everything: algae, aquatic microorganisms, roots of coastal vegetation, insects. To accelerate growth, they will have to be fed with compound feed, but this will take a minimum amount of money.

Trout - predatory fish. It requires a special diet. For feeding this fish, offal of cattle, shellfish, small fish, bird eggs are used. A lot of money will have to be spent on fattening trout.

Carps weighing 1.2–1.7 kg and trout weighing 0.8–1 kg are on sale. Trout acquires such weight in the second year of life, and carp in the third.

Raising fry

Experienced farmers say that it is better to breed fish on their own - from the larvae. This method allows you to reduce the cost of purchasing fry, but it is not suitable for beginner fish farmers: under the wrong conditions, the fry will not hatch.

Therefore, it is better to purchase grown fry from proven fish factories. In this case, the losses will be no more than 10-15%. The amount of planting material depends on the size of the reservoir (keep in mind that the fish will grow up over time). Fry are bought in the spring so that they gain weight over the summer.

How to breed crayfish at home and how cost-effective this species business, you can

Fish in the pond grows 2-3 years. During this time, she is gaining sufficient mass. Breeding fish at home for sale is possible in two main ways:

  1. Traditional technology. This method is very laborious, since it involves the regular movement of fish from one pond to another (from the incubator to the feeding pond, from there to the wintering pond). After each transplant, the water from the pond descends. Such a multi-stage technology is fraught with large losses.
  2. Continuous technology. This method involves growing young animals in a separate pond up to 1–1.5 kg and then transplanting them into a feeding pond. In this pond, the fish lives for several years, gaining weight. Now this technology is used on most farms.

The pond should be kept clean. To do this, install filters that will purify the water from the waste products of fish.

If regular cleaning is not carried out, the fish in the pond will get sick. And any disease turns into an epidemic, as a result of which most of the inhabitants of the pond die. That is why you need to monitor the condition of the fish every 10 days.

Sales of products

The fish is sold 2-3 years after the start of fattening. During this period, it reaches the required weight. You can also sell one-year-old fish, but this will bring little income.

Fish farm products can be sold:

  • in chain supermarkets;
  • in the fish departments of stores;
  • in the markets;
  • through the Internet;
  • from fish trucks.

Fresh fish is readily bought by cafes, restaurants and canteens.

Pisces are picky creatures. They grow rapidly and multiply only under certain conditions, and in the absence of such conditions, they become ill and die. Fish farming as a business at home will bring a good income only if the farmer is ready to devote a lot of time to his wards.

Breeding fish at home for sale: video with expert advice

An artificial reservoir can perform not only a decorative function, but it can also be successfully used for breeding fish. This exciting activity will provide an opportunity to spend your leisure time interestingly. It will also bear fruit in the form of environmentally friendly and, of course, tasty fish. But to achieve the result, you will have to work hard, because breeding fish in an artificial reservoir has its own characteristics and secrets that must be taken into account.

How to correctly determine the size of the reservoir

For an artificial reservoir, you need to choose a place located in the very lowland part land plot. It is also desirable that the pond be in partial shade for most of the day. But at the same time, to create a shading effect, it is not recommended to plant trees directly near the pond. Since fallen leaves will pollute the surface, and their roots can lead to deformations in the size of the reservoir over time.

The depth and width of the pond largely depends on what kind of fish you plan to breed in it. In any case, the pit for the reservoir must be at least one meter deep. And each owner forms the width and length of the pond at his own discretion. It is better to stop at a small but deep body of water, since a shallow and wide pool around the perimeter will absorb too much oxygen. While oxygen vital for fish. The enrichment of water with it is ensured by its production by vegetation, as well as due to the mixing of water under the influence of wind and temperature fluctuations.

In winter, to provide fish with air in the ice crust, you need to make holes, and you can also vertically freeze a bundle of reeds in it, which will become an excellent air conductor.

It should also be borne in mind that a tight reservoir will not suit too large a flock of fish, since the water in it will quickly deteriorate from a large amount of food. Therefore, it is necessary to plan the volumes of the future pond based on the fact that for one fish ten centimeters long, about fifty liters of water will be required.

A sufficiently deep reservoir creates successful conditions for wintering fish. But at the same time, in summer, the water in it warms up unevenly, which slows down the process of reproduction of microorganisms, which serve as an additional source of food for fish. Also, when determining the volume of a future reservoir, it is necessary to take into account such factors as the area of ​​​​the water surface without any vegetation and the quality of water purification.

What types of fish are suitable for breeding in artificial reservoirs

The most unpretentious fish in care include carp and crucian carp, respectively, they are most often bred in artificial reservoirs. In addition, cold-water trout, goldfish, and tench can be successfully bred in a self-created pond.

Carp gets along well even in a small pond and even faster and better builds mass in them. This is due to the fact that in a small area it spends much less energy searching for food. Additional advantage of this species of fish is its omnivorous nature. Carp prefers the sun and slightly alkaline water. In such conditions, it grows rapidly and can reach sexual maturity by the fourth year of life.

For carp breeding, a reservoir up to one and a half meters deep, four meters long and six meters wide is ideal. Moreover, one cube of water should account for no more than twenty individuals. Such parameters provide optimal conditions for their life.

As for crucians, they are perfect Still water with lots of vegetation. In winter, ice holes must be made in the pond to ensure the flow of oxygen. The optimal size of a pond for breeding crucians does not differ from those suitable for carp, so they are often kept in the same pond.

And here tench categorically does not get along with crucian carp. In general, they are very unpretentious in care and easily adapt to fluctuations in the level of acidity and the amount of oxygen in the water. Tench is omnivorous and if the pond is shallow, then it can fight with other species of fish, most often carps, for food.

An artificial pond is ideal as a habitat for goldfish. They are unpretentious both in food and do not impose special requirements on the habitat. And for their active reproduction, two individuals are quite enough. Besides gold fish looks very nice in the pond. Koi, a decorative Japanese carp, also has exceptional decorative qualities. Their coloring is striking in variety, there are red, black, white and even yellow species. And it is almost impossible to predict the color of future offspring. Koi prefers fairly spacious and deep water bodies, and a large amount of time scours the muddy bottom in search of food. This variety requires a lot of food, and does not refuse small fish.

Making a pond for fish

The creation of an artificial reservoir begins with the determination of its future volumes and the preparation of the pit. After the pit is dug, the soil surface must be properly leveled and well tamped. It is recommended to cement the bottom of the future pond and cover it with a dense polyethylene film on top. If it is used carefully, it will serve solid foundation not one year. If financial possibilities do not allow such an option, then you can limit yourself to only one film for covering the bottom. Also, as a budget flooring for the bottom, cameras from trucks are often used, which are pre-glued together.

Modern coating options involve the use of special mats made from coconut or synthetic fiber. Their surface is quickly overgrown with algae, thanks to which they perfectly mask the coastal edge.

After the pit is completed, water can be poured into it. And for this purpose, well or spring water is best suited. But you need to do it gradually, so at first the pond is only one-third full. In this way, an ideal spreading of the film under the influence of the gravity of the water is achieved. The bottom is covered with a layer of river sand, in which a variety of underwater plants are planted. After that, the rest of the water is poured into the reservoir.

The final stage in the design of an artificial reservoir is the landscaping of its banks. To complete the pond on its shore, it is recommended to plant willows, cattails and reeds. And if the owner of the pond plans to breed crayfish in addition to fish, then he needs to take care of the presence of stones, broken pots, etc. at the bottom. This will enable the crayfish to create a reliable shelter from fish during the molting period.

Creating a microclimate in the pond

The arrangement of an artificial reservoir without fail includes the creation of a microclimate suitable for breeding fish in it. Therefore, in no case should fish be immediately put into the water again poured into the pond, because it must settle, warm up and be enriched with the necessary microflora. To speed up this process, you can add several buckets of water from a natural reservoir to it, and put a little grass on the bottom that has had time to wither.

A neutral environment is considered optimal for breeding fish, and the acidity level must be kept within seven to eight ph. If it drops to 5 ph, then this adversely affects the life of fish, especially carp and crucian carp. To increase the acidity, you need to add a portion of a solution of soda or limestone to the water. Measurement of the acidity level of water should be carried out regularly, and at once in several places of the reservoir, since the rate of interaction of substances depends on the intensity of sunlight.

A prerequisite for launching fish is equalizing the temperature in the reservoir and the container in which it is contained. If this rule is neglected, then the fish may develop a temperature shock, from which even adults can die on the very first day after they are launched into the pond.

What to feed the fish?

To be successful in breeding fish in an artificial reservoir? you need to take a responsible approach to the issue of their feeding. The most unpretentious in terms of food is rightly considered carp and tench. These species of fish are omnivorous and gladly absorb everything that their owner treats them to.

They are fed often enough. compound feed intended for poultry and pigs. Moreover, if loose or powdered feed is used, then directly before feeding, it must be mixed with pond water until it reaches the consistency of porridge.

For all other varieties of fish, you can use a mixture of legumes and cereal grains. Moreover, before feeding, they are doused with boiling water, due to which the mixture swells. Also, all fish, without exception, are happy to accept earthworms and various insects as food. The amount of feed depends on the weight of the fish and should slightly exceed it, but not more than six percent.

It is advisable to feed the fish once or twice a day at the same time. For feeding, it is recommended to choose a shallow place in which it is convenient to put a tray or a small table. And after the feeding is completed, it can be taken from there without any problems. This approach allows the owner of the pond to promptly remove the remnants of uneaten food, which can quickly spoil the water in the pond.

It is desirable to develop a conditioned reflex for eating in fish. This is facilitated by the implementation of feeding at a set time, as well as the use of other external stimuli, such as a bell.

Fish farming can be used as the basis for a self-sufficient business.

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The sale of food products is the most profitable business.

Cultivation of sturgeon fish is great alternative traditional livestock industries.

Sturgeon fish grown in artificial reservoirs is distinguished by its environmental friendliness and excellent taste.

The peculiarity of growing is that the fish does not require special care and is quite capable of surviving in fresh water.

Hence the conclusion that fish farming at home as a business is easy to manage and incredibly profitable, you just have to follow a certain plan.

Features of activity

Sturgeon breeding as a business has a number of its own characteristics:

  • Extensive market. You can realize the fruits of your activity anywhere, for example, in a restaurant, in the market, in shops, in the production of conservation.
  • Absence of competitors. In our country, only a few farmers are engaged in the cultivation of fish, and many residents do not even know about this way of doing business.
  • The main advantage is the low start-up costs.
  • No knowledge of fish breeding is required, everyone can start from scratch, all skills come with time. On initial stage it is enough to read some literature on care and feeding, you can find answers to all questions on the Internet.
  • You do not need to hire staff, you can cope with the work yourself, it will take only 3-4 hours a day.
  • There is no need to create special conditions for the sturgeon, it is unpretentious and can live in artificial reservoirs, moreover, it does not require special feed.
  • Unlike livestock, the sturgeon is not exposed to deadly diseases; if the rules of feeding are followed correctly, there will be no problems with its health.
  • The payback period of the business will be approximately 7 months.


You can grow sturgeons at home or in a pond. To do this, you need a reservoir, you can artificial.

Pond cultivation should begin with preparation, or rather, its cleaning.

To do this, a layer of lime is placed on the bottom of the reservoir, which is first filled with water, then washed.

It is worth holding this event two weeks before placing fry in the pond.

It is best to place fry in the summer at night. For breeding, a separate small pond should be equipped.

When the fish grows to medium size, it should be placed separately. New fry can then be returned back.

For a comfortable existence of fish in the pond, there should be algae and any other greenery, preferably the presence of insects and mollusks.

The second option is to grow fish in the pool.

At the initial stage, it will be enough to purchase an ordinary plastic pool with a depth of 1 m and a diameter of 1.5 m. About 1000 kg of sturgeon can be grown in such a container.

In addition to the main pool, a sorting tank is required, where eggs and fry will be placed, weighing up to 5 grams.

To grow sturgeon in a pool, several important conditions must be met.

First, the water must be clean and changed regularly. Secondly, the comfortable water temperature is from +2 to +27⁰C, for breeding - from +17 to +22⁰C.


For any living organism, high-quality nutritious nutrition is required, health depends on it.

For feeding the sturgeon, you can use any fish food. The main thing is that they contain a sufficient amount of nutrients, namely crude protein, crude fat, fiber, micro and macro elements.

But food for adults cannot be fed to fry.

Feeding 4 times a day for an adult, fry - 6 times.

This should be done at the same time, otherwise the fish may refuse to eat due to stress.

The better and more complete the food, the greater the weight of the individual and the better the taste.

Care and breeding

The most pressing question is: where to start the activity after the preparation is completed.

To begin with, buy fry, then grow them correctly, that is, follow the basic rules of care and feeding.

If the fish is kept in the pool, then it is necessary to change the water regularly.

You can use running tap water. But it should be pre-filtered, for this a simple carbon filter is suitable.

Change the water approximately every three days. To do this, drain a small amount of water, only about 15%, and replace it with fresh water.

At the initial stage, it is extremely difficult to breed fry in the pool, especially for an inexperienced entrepreneur.

Sturgeon fish breeds begin to spawn only at the age of 6. If there is no experience in caring for fish, you can get a certain percentage of mortality of individuals. It is better to acquire individuals on farms.

Issue price

A financial plan excites all aspiring entrepreneurs. This question depends on many factors.

In addition to the cost of pools or pond equipment, the purchase of fry is required.

The minimum cost of one individual starts from 12 rubles. To begin with, you will have to purchase 1800 individuals, their total weight after growing up will be 1 ton. Accordingly, the purchase will have to spend at least 21,600 rubles.

It is also worth considering the cost of electricity and water, the total cost of resources will be approximately 28,000 rubles, plus the cost of feed - 70,000 rubles.

The cost of one sturgeon will be 120 rubles. And the market price per kilogram of sturgeon starts from 500 rubles or more.

With this plan, the proceeds from the sale will be 380 rubles per kilogram, and 380,000 rubles per ton. This is the amount of net proceeds minus the cost of selling sturgeon at the lowest price.

Thus, fish farming is a tasty and profitable business. If you invest in this business as much as possible and own forces, you can deploy a large-scale enterprise.

Sturgeon meat and caviar are highly valued; it is quite easy to find buyers for the products.

Breeding fish at home as a business has many advantages; only minor financial costs and some free time are required from its owner.

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