15 minutes complex of effective exercises. Intermediate Group HIIT Workouts

Each girl has her own ideas about ideals in her head in her head, someone likes appetizing forms, for example, like Kim Kardashian, and someone prefers to have a more athletic figure, like the singer Ciara. If you are not satisfied with your forms, in this case we are talking about the hip area, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the methods that will help get rid of this problem.

How to remove fat under the shoulder blades

The aesthetics of the body is an important factor due to which every girl feels on highest level. But when any flaws appear on the body, complexes come with them that interfere with a full life. If the defect consists in extra deposits on the back, then everything is very simple - you just need to work on the form and learn how to eat right, and now we will find out how to do it!

Protein foods for weight loss

Protein is the most frequent guest in the diet of losing weight. If there is still a constant debate around fats and carbohydrates, then no one questions the benefits of protein. But the question is which protein products choose for weight loss for many remains open. Here is a list of protein products for weight loss, undeservedly forgotten by losing weight. Any of them can significantly diversify your diet.

The benefits and harms of diuretics for weight loss

Using diuretics for relief purposes extra pounds(pills and other drugs) a person can cause a critical blow to health and the consequences can be irreversible, since this procedure is allowed only under the supervision of a specialist. As for natural herbal diuretics, things are much better, but you should not overdo it, everything needs to know when to stop. In this article, we will tell you about the benefits and harms of diuretics for weight loss.

5 healthy meals for the holidays

Festive dishes are special food that not only gives a pleasant taste sensation, but also creates a special, magical atmosphere, thanks to which everything in the area becomes different from usual! But remember that a holiday is not a reason to erase all your work in terms of losing weight, so we bring to your attention 5 exclusive low-calorie dishes for the festive table!

Unloading day on apples: how much can you throw off

Unloading days on apples is one of the most common ways not only to lose a couple of kilograms in one day, but also to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. It's easy to combine business with pleasure! For this you need delicious and juicy apples!

Full body workout for girls

Fullbody (Full body) - training of the whole body in one session. It is suitable for both beginners (for body preparation) and professional athletes(for progression, or in order to gradually enter the rhythm after a long break).

As you get older, the number of cases increases in direct proportion to your age. You complain more and more often that you don’t even have time to go to lunch, let alone to the gym. However, when you run into your classmate on the street, you note to yourself: “Damn, do I really look the same ?!”. Perhaps you look if you score on yourself, justifying your passivity by being too busy. Do not confuse the latter with laziness: everyone goes to work, but some also manage to save good shape. Moreover, there are many opportunities for this. And you don't have to buy a gym membership that you end up not going to, or treadmill, which you leave to gather dust in the basement.

There are excellent home workout programs with a minimum amount of equipment and time. We will tell you about one of them right now. But remember, this time there are no excuses like: "I don't have time" or "It's bad weather outside." You can train at home, and it will take a few minutes. This program is designed in such a way that you do not waste time on rest and complete the entire set of exercises quickly. Therefore, work alternates here different groups muscles of the upper and lower parts body. Rest time is allowed only between rounds. In each of them, you need to perform six exercises according to a given scheme, the number of repetitions of each exercise is 10. Having completed one with necessary quantity repetitions, move on to the next. The entire workout must consist of at least two rounds. If your strength allows, you can do more.

1. Dumbbell deadlift

Why you should do it: This exercise activates the hamstrings and glutes, and strengthens your back. Since you're likely to spend most of your day sitting behind the wheel of a car or at your desk, dumbbell deadlifts that target those muscle groups are a great way to start your workout. How to do it: Start with light dumbbells. In this exercise, the main thing is to maintain the correct amplitude. Do not bend your back as you lower the dumbbells down, and in the same position, slowly straighten up to the original stance.

2. Standing dumbbell curl

What it does: This is a classic and simple exercise that will work your biceps very effectively. It is simple in terms of the amplitude of execution, and not the load on the muscles. In this sense, the number of plates on your dumbbell can complicate it. How to do it: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and straighten your arms at your sides. Keeping the position of the elbows, alternately lift the dumbbells with each hand, turning the palm towards the ceiling. Keep your back straight and do not move your body.

3. Vertical neck lift

What it’s for: This exercise will strengthen and stabilize your shoulders, as well as upper part back. In addition, it will help develop your triceps. How to do it: Not every home has a bar, so you can replace it with dumbbells, taking each with a similar grip. Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and clasping the dumbbells or the bar with your palms down. Keeping your back straight, lift the projectile vertically to chest level, exposing your elbows up.

4. Bench squats

What it's for: This exercise teaches you to keep balance, and also ensures the active work of the quadriceps, muscles of the buttocks and thighs. How to do it: With your arms straight at your sides, place one leg on a bench in the back (this could be a sofa at home). Keeping your back straight, squat down with your supporting leg stepping forward so that your other knee almost touches the floor. Then return to the starting position.

5. Lifting dumbbells in a prone position

Why you need it: This is a versatile exercise that develops the biceps, shoulders, triceps and back muscles in a complex way. How to do it: Accept horizontal position, resting your straight arms on the floor, as if you are going to do push-ups, while holding dumbbells in your hands. During the exercise, bend one arm at the elbow, pressing the dumbbell to your chest. Hold for one second and slowly return to the starting position. Then do the same with the other hand. Fulfilling this exercise try to keep your torso as still as possible.

6. Side lunge with dumbbells

What it's for: The side lunge makes your legs strong by developing your quads, thighs, glutes, and improves your flexibility and balance. How to do it: Bend your elbows, holding a dumbbell at chest level. Then take a wide step to the side, bending the working leg at the knee and transferring your center of gravity to it. In this case, the back should remain in a strictly vertical position, and the other leg should be extended to the side. Return to the starting position and do the same on the other leg. Tips and a set of exercises for those who can't bring themselves to go to the gym

Not every girl can boast of the perfect figure that she inherited from nature. Most people have to train hard to get rid of the hated fat and achieve a beautiful body relief.

Unfortunately, not everyone has time for many hours of training in a fitness club. However, there is a set of exercises for weight loss that will help you achieve your dream figure at home and in just 15 minutes a day.

Exercise number 1. plank

Take an emphasis lying on outstretched arms. In this case, the brushes should be located on the same line with the shoulders. Tighten your abdominal muscles, trying not to bend at the waist and not bend your legs in knee joints. You can lower your head slightly.

Photo source: ru.m.wikipedia.org

Hold this position for as long as possible (typically, beginners can do the plank for 30-40 seconds). Repeat this exercise 3 times.

Exercise number 2. Leg swings in reverse plank

Sit on the mat, tilt your body back slightly, bend your knees.

Raise your body slightly. At the same time, do not bend your arms at the elbows.

Raise your right leg up perpendicular to the floor. At the same time, also lift the pelvis up. Then return to the starting position and do the exercise on the other side. The speed of the exercise should be high enough.

Do 4 sets of 10-15 reps.

Exercise number 3. Twisting

Lie on the mat, bend your legs, raise your head slightly, and put your hands back. This will be your starting position.

Perform lifts by lifting your shoulder blades off the mat.

Photo source: youtube.com (AN Trainer channel)

Important! Watch your breath. Perform lifts while exhaling.

Do 3 sets of 15-20 reps.

Exercise number 4. Classic forward bends

Straighten your shoulders, place your arms along the body, and place your legs at a distance of about 10 cm.

Lower yourself slowly as you inhale. At the same time, keep your back straight, do not lower your head.

Photo source: youtube.com (Alisa Zakrevskaya channel)

Do 3 sets of 25-30 reps.

Note! Before exercising, you should always warm up to reduce the risk of injury and improve your results. And after training, it is advisable to take time to stretch in order to maintain muscle elasticity.

Do these exercises daily and soon you will notice the first results. And in order for the fat to go away faster, drink, which you can cook yourself, and do it.

This is not the first time I have read the opinions of experts who say that in order to maintain a good shape, it is not necessary to work for hours in gym. If correctly combined at the right pace, fifteen minutes will be enough.

It sounds very tempting for everyone who is busy at work from dawn to dusk. Is it true?

These exercises were developed by a woman for women, and I'm not sure if they will be useful for men. Perhaps beginners who are taking their first steps on a treadmill at a sports club.

nikki Anderson, personal trainer and owner sports club, believes that a mix of full-body exercises with non-stop cardio for fifteen minutes will help you be in pretty good physical shape.

Workout scheme

Your workout should consist of three five-minute sessions. Each five-minute consists of 30 seconds of cardio (running in place, jump rope, just jumping, etc.). The rest of the time (4 minutes 30 seconds) you do some kind of body exercise. As a result, you get a set of three different exercises for different parts of the body and a cardio warm-up.

I did interval exercises in a fitness club for 45 minutes - so far this is the most difficult exercise, after which every muscle in the body is felt.

Lower Body: Climber

Emphasis on straight arms, back straight, stomach pulled in. Quickly change legs with your knee to your stomach, as if running up, raising your knees high. Try to do the exercise at the fastest pace available to you.

Lower Body: Jump Squats

Hand behind the head, elbows to the side, feet shoulder-width apart. Squat down and gently jump up, pushing off with your whole foot, not just your toes.

Lower Body: Stair Lunging Step

To complete this exercise, you will need a ladder or step. Take a step with your right foot on the step, bring your left foot forward and hold it with your knee raised for a few seconds. Then return your left leg to its original position, and with your right leg lunge back with a deep squat. It is advisable to do 10 repetitions per leg.

Housing: Movable bar

The emphasis is on straight arms, the back is straight, the stomach is pulled in. Transfer the weight to the right hand and turn the body and legs completely to the left side, the left hand is raised perpendicular to the floor. In this position, linger for 5-10 seconds, then return to the starting position and do the exercise on the left hand.

During the change of hands, try to keep a straight line in the body, the body must remain in constant tension.

Body: Bicycle

Lie on your back, hands behind your head, elbows to the sides, shoulder blades raised. Raise your straight legs at an angle of 45 degrees from the floor. The right leg is straight, the left knee reaches to meet the right elbow. Then comes the change of legs - this is one repetition.

In this case, the straight leg should always be at least approximately at an angle of 45 degrees to the floor, and the chin should not be pressed to the neck. Otherwise, after the exercise, it will not be the press that hurts, but the neck, since you will support the upper part of the body not with the press, but with the neck. It is advisable to do 20 repetitions.

Upper Body: Side Raises

Lie on your right side, knees bent, legs together (especially the feet). Grab your right hand around your waist, and place your left hand on the floor in front of you. Raise your upper body up, trying not to lean heavily on your arm. Then slowly, without dropping your body, lie down on the floor. It is advisable to perform 10-15 repetitions on one side.

Complication #1: the position is almost the same, but the arm does not hug the waist, but is bent at the elbow and wound behind the back of the head, the legs are straightened. Lifts are made more difficult by simultaneously lifting the upper body and straight leg. That is, if you lie on your right side, lift your left leg up. Then the body and leg slowly, with force, return to their place.

Complication #2: when performing the exercise on the right side, the left leg constantly remains raised up, right leg rises to the left simultaneously with the rise of the body.

Complication #3: both legs are lifted up at the same time as the body is lifted. In this case, the legs are tightly pressed to each other. If desired, you can add weight on one or both legs.

Upper Body: Downward Dog Pushups

Get into Head Down Dog with legs and back straight, arms slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Begin push-ups, bending your elbows to the side, your forehead stretches to the floor. Then straighten your arms.

Upper Body: Triceps Pushups

Standard Triceps Pushups. Girls perform from their knees, men - as always :). The back is straight, the stomach is pulled in, we hold the lower back. Hands are tightly pressed to the body. Starting position - emphasis on straight arms shoulder width apart. During push-ups, the elbows are retracted clearly back, and not to the sides.

Choose exercises and go;)

The exercises "five Tibetans" are designed for 19 energy centers or vortices that a person has. Most of them are located on the 12 main joints of the limbs. Whirlwinds must necessarily rotate, and at a high speed, only in this way it is possible to receive the energy of prana, ether and light. If one of the vortices fails, the flow of energy dries up, the person quickly ages and dies.

Eye of Rebirth Workout or Gymnastics Tibetan monks helps restore the strength and speed of energy vortices.

The complex is also able to tone and strengthen the main muscle groups, recover faster and get in good physical shape. Ideally, each of the five exercises Tibetan pearls must be repeated 21 times.

This number was not chosen by chance. It is this number of repetitions that allows you to achieve the desired effect from the complex of exercises of Tibetan monks.

At first, not everyone will succeed in repeating the exercise 21 times, but this is normal.

You need to start the Eye of Rebirth or five Tibetans with 3-5 repetitions, gradually increasing their number.

The process of approaching the final result is good in itself, it will bring a lot of pleasure to a person who practices the five Tibetans system.

Tibetan pearl #1

Stand up straight, feet almost shoulder-width apart. Pull the tailbone under you and the stomach, arms to the sides at shoulder level.

Look at a point in front of you. Slowly begin to rotate around your axis until you feel your head spinning slightly. You need to rotate strictly clockwise.

To prevent severe dizziness and nausea, at first, you need to perform the first exercise 3-5 times. Having finished the exercise, we take a rest - inhale - exhale.

After completing the required number of revolutions, if you feel dizzy or tired, sit down or lie down on the sofa, do not ignore the natural desire of your body.

After a few weeks of training according to the Tibetan lamas system, you will have sufficiently trained your vestibular apparatus so as not to experience severe dizziness. Without allowing a long break, you must immediately proceed to the second exercise.

Tibetan pearl #2

You need to lie on the floor with your back. straighten your legs, stretch your arms along the body, palms on the floor, the chin merged with the chest. Raise straight legs up, perpendicular to the floor, make sure that the pelvis is firmly pressed against it. We always start the exercise with an exhalation. At the very beginning, you need to exhale, while raising the legs and head - a deep and full breath. Lowering the legs - the same exhalation.

Try not to stray from the rhythm, breathe at the same pace, if you can’t do the exercise with straightened legs, do it with bent legs, gradually you will learn how to do it correctly.

After several weeks of training, you will be able to bring your legs further behind your head, the main thing is not to bend them. Then slowly return to the IP (starting position).

Having finished the exercise, we put our feet shoulder-width apart, rest - inhale-exhale 3 times.

Tibetan pearl #3

It is necessary to kneel, slightly apart, so that the hips are strictly perpendicular. Place your palms under gluteal muscles. Leaning your head forward, press your chin to your chest. Gradually tilting the head back, bending in the back - we straighten chest and bend the spine. help yourself by resting your hands on your hips. At the very beginning of the third exercise, you need to exhale deeply, and bending back, gradually inhale, returning to the PI - exhale. Having finished the exercise, we put our feet shoulder-width apart, rest - inhale-exhale 3 times.

Tibetan pearl #4

It could seem difficult exercise at first glance, but it is not. Even elderly sick people mastered it, strengthening their body and spirit. Sit on a mat with your legs straight out in front of you. Feet should be approximately shoulder width apart. Straighten your back, touching your chin to your chest. Rest your palms on the floor, fingers should “look” forward. Tilt your head as far back as possible, lift your torso up so that it takes a horizontal position. The shins and arms should be placed perpendicular to the floor, like the legs of a table. After holding this position for a few seconds, return to the IP. Having finished the exercise, we rest - we put our feet shoulder-width apart, rest - inhale - exhale 3 times.

Tibetan pearl #5

The final exercise of the "5 Tibetans" complex allows you to consolidate the result and raise your energy potential by one more step. Lie face down on the floor, palms should be strictly under the shoulders, fingers “look” forward, feet on toes.

We raise the upper body and stretch the top of the head to the ceiling, leaning on our hands - this is the starting position, throwing your head back, exhale, bend your spine, leaning on your toes and palms. Inhale - round the back and raise the pelvis as high as possible, while the head sags down as much as possible.

The body should be folded in half hip joints. Try to make the body resemble an acute angle, the top of which is directed upwards. Press your chin to your chest, pointing your head forward as much as possible, as if we dive forward, bend in the back and again stretch the top of the head up, exhale. Arms and torso in the same plane, the torso does not touch the floor.

Having finished the exercise, we rest - we put our feet shoulder-width apart, rest - inhale-exhale 3 times.

At the end of the complex, an exercise for rest is recommended: we lie down on our back, hands are approximately 30-40 cm from the body, palms up, legs are straightened and relaxed, all attention is in solar plexus, calm breath - long smooth exhalation, exhalation is longer than inhalation, all attention is in the solar plexus - feel how the energy spreads, is distributed throughout the body, track your sensations, relax your arms, legs, body, face, feel how the warmth fills your every cell, everything your body, relax.

Practice the entire set of exercises "5 Tibetans" and after a month of training you will feel how much it affects your body and will.