When will tank biathlon start? Tank biathlon

The International Army Games, in which more than 4,000 military personnel from 29 countries will take part, will be held from July 29 to August 12 on the territory of 5 states. On the same days there will be " Tank biathlon-2017", which will be attended by 19 countries of Europe, Asia, Central and Latin America, Africa. Azerbaijan, Angola, Armenia, Belarus, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Kuwait, Laos, Mongolia, Nicaragua, Russia, Serbia, Tajikistan, Uganda.

Tank biathlon in 2017


Team standings

final relay"Tank biathlon-2017" was held on the closing day of the Army international games- 12th of August. Crews from Russian Federation.

1st place 1:30:44
2nd place 1:45:40
III place 1:46:05
IV place 1:46:51

Individual offset

In stage" individual race", which took place from July 29, 2017 to August 6, the first three places were won by Russian tankers.

The results of the individual races "Tank biathlon"
1 Russia (1 crew) 19:10
2 Russia (3 crew) 19:34
3 Russia (2 crew) 19:37

The winners of the individual race "Tank biathlon" were awarded in Alabino

All prizes for Russian tankers

Today, August 10, 2017, the third semi-final relay of the "Tank Biathlon - 2017" ended, which determined four teams for participation in the final. And today, in Alabino near Moscow, a solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the "Individual race" stage, which ended on August 6, took place. The awards to the winners and prize-winners of the competition were presented by the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces, Colonel-General Oleg Salyukov. This is reported by the Department of Information and Mass Communications of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The third semi-final of "Tank biathlon - 2017"

Venezuela, Iran, India, China

Behind are two semi-final races of the "Tank Biathlon". August 10 is the day of the third, final semi-final, when four teams are determined that will take part in the final of the tank competition on August 12, 2017. For some, today was a successful day, as the team will continue to fight in the final relay for first place and prizes in Tank Biathlon 2017. But 8 teams (out of 12 semi-finalists) completed the competition. Obviously, China and India had good chances of reaching the final. Moreover, both teams performed on their tanks (China - Type 96B, India - T-90 "Bhishma"). So, August 10 - the third semi-final: Venezuela, Iran, India, China.

The second semi-final of "Tank biathlon - 2017"

Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Mongolia

On August 8, 2017, the Russian team became the leader of the first semi-final of the "Tank Biathlon" (Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Serbia participated in the first semi-final race). And on August 9, the teams of Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Mongolia entered the start of the second semi-final. Of today's participants in the "Individual Race" stage, which ended on August 6, the tank crews of the Republic of Belarus, who took 6th, 7th and 9th places, showed more stable results. But the "Relay" in tank biathlon is a competition much more complex, dynamic and less predictable than the previous one. Who showed best time in the second semi-final? And who will eventually reach the finals of the "Tank Biathlon"?

The first semi-final of "Tank biathlon - 2017"

Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Serbia

Stage "Individual race" completed. According to the results of the races, 12 teams were determined out of 55 crews representing 19 countries at the competition. And in the first semi-final relay teams of Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Serbia competed. According to the judges, the "Tank Biathlon" relay race is the toughest competition. After all, in this form there is a completely different number of targets, a completely different load on the tank, which must go through almost the same thing as in the "Individual race", but three times. The national team performs on one tank, changing crews at the end of the race. Each team had to overcome 12 laps, hit 24 targets and show the best time, which becomes the main criterion for qualifying for the final.

12 teams reached the semi-finals of the "Tank Biathlon"

Semi-final races will take place on August 8, 9 and 10 at the Alabino training ground

According to the results of the meeting on August 6, 2017 of the referee commission international competition tank crews, 12 best teams were determined, which reached the semi-final relay race of the "Tank Biathlon". These are the national teams of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Venezuela, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Mongolia, Russia and Serbia. This fact is reported on the website of the Russian military department. Semi-final races will be held on August 8, 9 and 10 at the Alabino training ground. As a result, 4 best teams, who will enter the final relay race on August 12, the closing day of the International Army Games-2017.

On August 6, the "Individual Race" stage in the "Tank Biathlon" ends

"Tank Biathlon-2017" - brilliant performance of all Russian crews

The "Individual race" stage in the "Tank Biathlon" 2017 ended on August 6, when the crews of Kyrgyzstan, Serbia and Russia competed in race No. 14, and the crews of Armenia, Venezuela, India and Nicaragua competed in race No. 15. What was decided today? Firstly, the winners and prize-winners of the individual race in the individual competition were determined. And secondly, it became known which teams will continue to fight in the semi-final relay races (to be held on August 8, 9 and 10). Thus, the end of individual races does not mean the end of Tank Biathlon 2017 for the top 12 teams.

Individual race "Tank biathlon" August 5, 2017

Races 12 and 13: China and Belarus

The international competition "Tank Biathlon", held as part of the Army Games-2017, started at the Alabino training ground on July 29. And on August 5, 2017, tankers from Azerbaijan, Kuwait, Mongolia and China performed in race No. 12, and Iran, Kazakhstan, Zimbabwe and Belarus met in race No. 13. The winners and prize-winners of the individual race in the individual competition, as well as the 12 best teams that will compete in the semi-final relay race, will be determined on August 6. The semi-finals will take place on August 8-10. According to the results of the semi-finals, the best four teams will advance to the final, which will be held on August 12 (the closing day of the games).

10th and 11th races of the "Individual race" stage

The individual races of the "Tank Biathlon" continued after a short break. On August 4, 2017, the next crews of the teams entered the competition. Today, Armenia, Venezuela, India, Nicaragua participated in race No. 10, and Tajikistan, Angola, Laos participated in race No. 11. The Indian crew hit all the targets, passed without penalties and came to the finish line with a preliminary result of 21:43. Angola passed the scarp on the second attempt. The car of the Laos team needed technical assistance and after some time medical assistance - the commander, who was injured, in connection with which the crew was removed from the race.

About observance of the rules of "Tank biathlon"

China fined, 4 crews from other countries disqualified

As already noted, if earlier the time of the individual race of the second Chinese crew was 23:22, then "suddenly" it increased. It turns out that everything is simple, but sad for the tankers of the PRC. The second crew of the Chinese team, Lieutenant Zhou Bo, was fined 42 seconds for a violation committed by military personnel when loading ammunition at the loading site. This decision of the judging commission of the international competition "Tank Biathlon" was reported on the website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on August 2, 2017.

"Tank Biathlon" August 1, 2017: Russia retains leadership

Runs 8 and 9 individual race

Iran, Kazakhstan, Zimbabwe, Belarus and Kyrgyzstan, Serbia, Russia took part in two races of the Individual race "Tank Biathlon" on August 1, respectively. These were the second crews of their states. Presumably, for the grossest violations and damage to the vehicle, the Zimbabwean tankers were disqualified, adding to the sad list, which previously included one crew from Kuwait, Nicaragua and Uganda. Iran did not hit a single target. The Russian guys managed to get closer to the record time - 19:10, which was demonstrated by the first crew of the Russian Federation. With the results of today, and " overall standings"You can read below.

"Tank biathlon-2017": Arrivals on July 31

Can China beat Russia in the individual race?

Before the "Tank Biathlon" competition on July 31, there was already an intrigue. Indeed, among other worthy teams, the second Chinese crew performed in the seventh race. Recall that on July 29, 2017, the first crew from China demonstrated a fantastic time of passing the distance - 19 minutes 40 seconds. But the next day, this indicator was improved by Russian tankers - by as much as 30 seconds, becoming not only leaders in the overall standings, but also setting an absolute record for speed and accuracy of fire for the entire duration of the Tank Biathlon.

Tank biathlon: three races July 30, 2017

Russia demonstrates the best result and leads in "Tank Biathlon"

On July 29, 2017, on the opening day of the International Army Games, we saw two tank races. And on July 30, 2017, three races of the "Tank Biathlon" awaited us at once, in one of which the Russian crew participated. Of course, many fans of the "Tank Biathlon" hoped that our guys would be able to surpass the excellent result of the Chinese tankers shown yesterday. So, today is the 3rd race: Iran, Kazakhstan, Zimbabwe, Belarus; 4th run: Kyrgyzstan, Serbia, Russia; 5th run: Armenia, Venezuela, India, Nicaragua.

Army International Games 2017 open

"Tank biathlon-2017" has begun

On July 29, 2017, Russian Defense Minister General of the Army Sergei Shoigu opened the International Army Games-2017 in Alabino near Moscow. Speaking at the ceremony, the head of the Russian military department said that every year the International Army Games are attracting more and more interest in the country and abroad. "We remember how it started. Three years have passed, and today more than 3,500 servicemen from 28 states will demonstrate their professionalism," the head of the military department said. This is reported by the website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

About the draw for "Tank Biathlon 2017"

Which team is playing and when?

July 28, 2017.

On July 24, 2017, the draw for teams and tank crews participating in the Tank Biathlon-2017 competition took place. The first race will take place on July 29 (on the opening day of the International Army Games-2017). The first four crews will take part in it. The "Individual race" stage will be held from 29 July to 1 August and from 4 to 6 August. According to the results of individual races, a rating of the best crews will be compiled. The first three will become winners and prize-winners of the "Individual race" stage. According to the sum of the results of three crews from each country, 12 teams of semi-finalists of the "Tank Biathlon" will be determined, which from August 8 to 10 will identify the four best teams for the final relay. The final relay race will take place on the closing day of the Games - August 12 at the Alabino training ground.

"Tank biathlon-2017" will begin on July 29

55 crews will take part in the 2017 Tank Biathlon


The International Army Games, in which more than 4,000 military personnel from 29 countries will take part, will be held from July 29 to August 12 on the territory of 5 states. On the same days, the "Tank Biathlon-2017" will take place, in which 19 countries of Europe, Asia, Central and Latin America, and Africa will participate. In total, 55 tank crews will take part in the competition. Participants of the tank biathlon must arrive in Alabino before July 23, according to the website of the Russian military department. On July 24 at 10:00 in the press center of the Alabino training ground, the draw of teams for the first stage of the "Individual race" competition will take place. According to its results, the colors under which the tankers will perform and the dates of the races will become known.

The Russian team confidently took gold with a final time of 1 hour 30 minutes 43 seconds. Our shots were just excellent, and the mechanics generally demonstrated unsurpassed skill. No penalty for passing obstacles. Perfect. Above all praise.

Silver was taken by Kazakhstan with a final time of 1 hour 45 minutes 41 seconds. Well, as he took it, he literally snatched it from the hands of the Chinese. If there was a separate nomination for willpower and the desire to win at the competition, then the Kazakhs would have received this medal without a doubt. Slide down to fourth place, then rest and step by step, clenching your teeth, stubbornly, already by the middle of the distance, grab onto the scruff of the Chinese team and methodically squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, and finally squeeze! Well done. Worthy of respect.

Accordingly, the Chinese team went to bronze with a total time of 1 hour 46 minutes 50 seconds. They tried. No fools. And they went well. It should be noted that the experience of participating in past biathlons was not in vain for China. They improved the running gear of their "type" very seriously. Not a single breakdown. They shot, by the way, they are also very, very. As soon as the gun operator identified the target, on average, after 3 - 4 seconds, a shot occurred. For a long time, more than 11 seconds, if my memory serves me right, the Chinese aimed only two times out of nine shots. But with the search for a goal, things were not going so well for them. However, I won’t be surprised if next year they roll into the competition modification “C” with much more efficient system search and guidance. And then it becomes difficult for us.

The fourth place, with a time of 1 hour 48 minutes 40 seconds, belongs to Belarusians. No, they did everything right, demonstrated skill, high-quality training and tried very hard, but they were simply unlucky. A little bit. Somewhere a little lacked accuracy in shooting. Somewhere a little did not finish in speed. Somewhere a little overcautious on obstacles. Over all this "slightly" by the next year, the Belarusians will have to work carefully.

Now for the conclusions:

Tank biathlon 2017 was definitely a success. Both as a military sports competition and as a spectacular show. The increase in quality is obvious even compared to last year, which in itself was also very good, and even more so when compared with the very first "pancake". Although, of course, the efficiency of updating materials on the Biathlon website still needs to be seriously worked on. How to get to Alabino and about the rules of the competition are well written there, however, the competitions of 2017 have already ended, and in the media section, photo-video materials are only a year old. Although it would seem that with the current volume of press coverage and the number of films and cameras that were deployed on the route, it was possible to upload fresh photos, if not by the evening of the same day, then by the next morning - for sure. In general, there is what and where to grind.

Pleased with the general trend of attendance growth. The year before last - 12 countries. The last one was 17. This year, 19 countries took part in the Tank Biathlon. Including: Russia, Kazakhstan, China, Venezuela, Belarus, Azerbaijan, India, Serbia, Mongolia, Laos, Armenia, Nicaragua, Angola, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kuwait, Uganda, Iran, Zimbabwe. The dynamics are positive. There is reason to hope that next year there will be even more participants.

And ... of course, I’m already a big enough boy to understand that Santa Claus does not exist, but still somewhere deep in my soul there is a timid hope that in the end the command of the armies of the NATO countries will still have someone with large enough "Faberge" to spit on politicians and risk competing with us in the tank biathlon ... Of course, the chance is extremely meager, but what if? I really want to believe in a miracle. That would have been a really powerful show.

Well, a few purely technical touches of a purely military-applied purpose:

2. In the competition of a tank with anti-tank weapons, everything will depend on the question: who will attack whom first. With a serious roll to the side - who will see whom first. If the tank is the first, then from the anti-aircraft and coaxial machine guns it will fire an anti-aircraft missile system or a gantra from one and a half kilometers with a probability of 0.6 - 0.7. The tank will have time to cover the target before the target fires its aimed shot. But this is if the tank notices it first, which, judging by the results of the competition, raises serious questions. So for now, especially for anti-tankers, there is a serious advantage. Moreover, even if the tank detects the moment of the shot, then its need to urgently move from its place in order to disrupt the capture of the target by the ATGM guidance system will excite much more than aiming and opening fire at the place where the ATGM took off.

3. Aside from tactical nuclear weapons, only anti-tank mines are the only means of strategically stopping a massive tank offensive. Everything else is baby talk in the sandbox. Traditional methods, such as anti-tank ditches and scarps, tanks learned to overcome quite easily. Of course, the training of line crews is inferior to the competing elite, but all the same, the costs of building "impregnable structures in tank-dangerous directions" many times exceed their final benefits. And only the massive use of minefields, even just in bulk, allows, if not completely stopping, then decisively reducing the pace of movement of advancing tank units.

4. Tales about the life of a tank on the battlefield are too much mythologized. The tank continues to be a formidable and serious weapon. And in capable hands, then in general.

5. By technical level the Chinese are behind us with their tanks, but not by much. But the T-90 of Indian assembly, how to formulate it in the presence of ladies ... in general, not ice, not ice at all. Critical problem with the engine and transmission.

And so... the game of this year is over. Personally, I am looking forward to Tank Biathlon 2018.

And for those who for some reason could not watch the finale, I recommend the recording. Believe me, it's worth it.

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In the Southern Military District at the Prudboy training ground, the district stage of the competitions "Suvorov Onslaught", "Tank Biathlon" and "Sniper Frontier" began

This year, more than 150 servicemen of units and formations of the Southern Military District will demonstrate their skills at the best training ground in the country - Prudboe. About 40 units of military equipment take part in the competition. Army competitions were solemnly opened by Colonel-General Alexander Dvornikov, Commander of the Southern Military District.

“At the competition, the participants show a high level of combat skills,” the commander noted. - The crews and crews of the Southern Military District are annually part of Russian team representing the country in international competitions.

According to Alexander Dvornikov, last year the servicemen of the Southern Military District took leading places in 10 competitions. The bar must not be lowered, especially since this year for the first time there will be a new competition "Military Rally", its start will take place in Volgograd, and the finish line will be at the Prudboy training ground. The best crews of T-72B3 tanks and BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicles were selected to participate in district competitions during qualifying competitions in military units, brigades and armies of the Southern Military District. 16 best crews of T-72B3 tanks and 16 crews of BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicles will demonstrate the combat power of their vehicles. Professionals arrived at the Volgograd training ground from units stationed in the territories of the Republics of Crimea, North Ossetia-Alania, Dagestan and Chechnya, the Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories, the Volgograd Region, as well as from Russian military bases in Armenia, South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

Competitions at the Prudboy training ground, which are preparations for the International Army Games "ARMI-2017", will last until April 7. Participants still have to overcome land and water obstacles. Snipers must hit various types of targets at a distance of 900 to 2200 meters.


In the Southern Military District at the Prudboy training ground, a dynamic demonstration of modern weapons and military equipment will be held

On April 3, 2017, at the Prudboy training ground in the Volgograd Region, as part of the opening ceremony of the district stages of the Tank Biathlon, Suvorov Onslaught and Sniper Frontier competitions of the army games, a dynamic demonstration of the combat capabilities of motorized rifle, tank and artillery units, assault and army aviation, tactical airborne assault and actions of scouts in hand-to-hand combat.

Demonstration events will begin with a demonstration of the flight and strike capabilities of the Su-24 and Su-25SM aircraft. In addition, the audience will see the combat use of Mi-35 and Mi-8 AMTSh helicopters, which will strike with unguided missiles at a mock enemy and ensure the landing of tactical troops.

The guests will also be shown the capabilities of the third-generation BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicles, modern T-90S tanks and 2S19 Msta-S 152-mm self-propelled artillery howitzers.

At the end of the events, the military personnel of the reconnaissance units, after landing, will demonstrate the skills of the army hand-to-hand combat. More than 200 military personnel will take part in the large-scale spectacle and about 50 units of modern weapons and military equipment will be involved.


District stages of the competitions "Tank Biathlon", "Suvorov Onslaught" and "Sniper Frontier" will be held in the Southern Military District

From April 1, in the Southern Military District (SMD) at the Prudboy training ground in the Volgograd region, district stages of the field training competitions "Tank Biathlon", "Suvorov Onslaught" and "Sniper Frontier" will be held in preparation for the International Army Games-2017. The best crews of T-72B3 tanks and BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicles were selected to participate in district competitions in the course of phased qualifying competitions in military units, brigades and armies of the Southern Military District. In total, more than 150 military personnel will take part in the district stage of competitions at the Prudboy training ground, about 40 units of military equipment will be involved. 16 best crews of T-72B3 tanks and BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicles will go to the training tracks of the training ground.

During the races, the participants of the competition will have to overcome ground and water obstacles, hit various targets at a distance of 900 to 2200 m, for each of which there is a certain ammunition - a guided projectile, a standard projectile and ammunition for the Kord heavy machine gun. Especially for these competitions, two tracks with a length of 6.1 and 3 km are equipped at the training ground.

In the Sniper Frontier competition, servicemen will compete in both singles, and as part of sniper pairs of motorized rifle formations and formations special purpose Southern Military District. Snipers will have to hit various targets from sniper rifle Dragunov during the day and at night. In addition, they will compete in covert movement, overcoming various obstacles and camouflage using improvised and regular means, in adjusting fire using observation and aiming devices. All participants professional competitions will need to meet the standards physical training pass a knowledge test performance characteristics standard weapons. The winners of the district stages of field training competitions will represent the Southern Military District at All-Russian stages army competitions.


The command of the Western Military District summed up the results of the district stages of the competitions "Suvorov Onslaught" and "Tank Biathlon"

At the Alabino training ground in the Moscow Region, the command of the Western Military District (ZVO) and the panel of judges summed up the results of the qualifying stages of the Suvorov Onslaught-2017 and Tank Biathlon-2017 professional skill competitions.

The competitions were held in several stages, where 30 best crews of combined arms, tank formations of the Western Military District competed in tactical, technical, fire, combat, military medical, engineering training. During the races, the participants of the competition overcame ground and water obstacles on a track about 4 km long, hit various types of targets at distances from 600 to 2200 m.

According to the results of the competition in team championship among motorized rifle platoons, the first place was taken by the military personnel of the 2nd Guards Motorized Rifle Division of the 1st Guards Tank Army, the crews of the Baltic Fleet were in second place, and the military personnel of the 20th Guards Combined Arms Army closed the top three. Representatives of the 138th Guards Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade of the 6th Combined Arms Army won in the tank races, servicemen of the 1st Guards Tank Army took second place, and the 20th Guards Combined Arms Army of the Western Military District took third place.

In total, more than 150 military personnel from Kaliningrad, St. Petersburg, Moscow and Voronezh took part in the district stage of the competition, about 40 units of military equipment were involved.


The tank platoon of the army stationed in Primorye became the winner of the tank biathlon in the Eastern Military District

Today in the Eastern Military District (VVO), the awards ceremony ended the district stage of the tank biathlon competition and the Suvorov Onslaught competition. Among the tankers there was no equal to the tank platoon of the combined arms army stationed in the Primorsky Territory, and the motorized rifle platoon of the combined arms formation stationed in the Amur Region became the victorious personification of the "Suvorov onslaught". The competitions were held for five days at the Anastasevsky training ground near Khabarovsk.

They were attended by 15 crews of T-72B3 tanks and the same number of infantry fighting vehicles BMP-2 from the combined arms formations of the Air Defense Forces stationed in Buryatia, the Trans-Baikal, Khabarovsk, Primorsky Territories, Amur and Sakhalin regions. All of them are winners of the qualifying stages in their associations. The program of the competition consisted of five stages: "Area of ​​concentration" and "Complex lane", which make up one stage, "Driving tanks", "Strong point", "Individual race", "Sports".

Starting next week, the crews will start preparing for the all-army competitions, which will be held in the second half of May at the combined arms training ground in the Volgograd region. The international finals of the tank biathlon and the Suvorov Onslaught will traditionally be held at the Alabino training ground in the Moscow region.


In the Arctic, the tankers of the Northern Fleet are preparing for tank biathlon

Motorized riflemen of the brigade of the land and coastal forces of the Northern Fleet are preparing for the Tank Biathlon competition of the 2017 International Army Games.

At the training grounds near Pechenga, the crews of T-72B3 combat vehicles are trained to overcome natural and artificial obstacles that are encountered on a route 5 km long: a track bridge, a slope, an anti-tank ditch, a snake.

Training takes place in conditions of deep snow, which is typical at this time of the year for the Arctic. In some sections of the route, the thickness of the snow reaches two meters.

On initial stage In preparation for the competition, 12 full-time crews were formed from motorized rifle battalions. Of these, three teams were selected. In two months, the best tankers of the land and coastal forces of the Northern Fleet will measure their strength with their colleagues from other military districts in the suburbs.


The draw for the participants of the district stage of the "Tank Biathlon" competition of the Army Games-2017 took place in the Eastern Military District

At the Knyaz-Volkonsky training ground of the Eastern Military District (VVO), stationed in the Khabarovsk Territory, a draw was held for participants in the district stage of the Tank Biathlon competition.

For the participating teams, the order of the stages of the competition, start, race number in the individual race is determined.

At the end of the draw, the starting numbers were distributed as follows. Crews of the army corps stationed in the Sakhalin region will be the first to start. The second will be the military personnel representing the combined arms formation of the VVO stationed in the Trans-Baikal Territory, and the crews from the combined arms army stationed in the Republic of Buryatia will perform under the third number.

Tankers from Primorye will be fourth at the start. Under the fifth number, the crews of the district's combined arms formation from the Amur Region will perform. This year, the following tank colors have been established: dark red for the Primorsky Territory team, blue for the Zabaikalsky Territory, white for the Amur Region, yellow for the Republic of Buryatia, and light green for the Sakhalin Region.


In the ZVO, tank biathlon participants are preparing for the decisive knockout race

In the Western Military District (ZVO), tank crews - the winners of the second round of the "Tank Biathlon-2017" competition - have begun comprehensive preparations for the third (district) stage. This time the relegation race will be for the tank crews of the combined arms armies who arrived from the Moscow, Leningrad, Kursk, Voronezh and Kaliningrad regions.

During the test run, each tank crew will have to overcome four laps along a 7-kilometer track, consisting of sections of varying difficulty. Also, tankers are waiting for the passage of the "snake", "slope", "rut bridge", "anti-tank ditch", "ford" and other elements of the route. After each circle, the crews fire from NSVT and PKT machine guns, as well as from tank guns. Regular artillery shots are fired at targets at a distance of 1600 to 1800 m. In case of a miss, the crew will have to go through an additional penalty loop.

In addition, each tanker will be checked individually for physical strength, endurance and speed. The stage is maximally adapted to different types physical activity that tankers encounter while driving vehicles and when firing. The conditions of the competition include throwing grenades, running and crawling with boxes of ammunition, overcoming labyrinths, water obstacles and other obstacles. All results will be recorded by representatives panel of judges from among the officers of the headquarters of the ZVO.


The second stage of the qualifying competitions "Tank Biathlon" and "Suvorov Onslaught" has begun in the Russian Armed Forces

The second stage of the qualifying competitions of the International Army Games "Tank Biathlon" and "Suvorov Onslaught" has begun in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. As a result of the first stage, which took place in formations and military units of military districts, coastal troops of the fleets, 37 tank platoons and 26 platoons of BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicles were selected. From 2017 to qualifying competitions competitions "Tank Biathlon" and "Suvorov Onslaught", as in other competitions of the International Army Games, regular platoons and subunits are involved instead of crews to work out complex combat training activities. So, for the first time, defensive and offensive actions are provided for during competitions. Special attention devoted to fire control issues in various types tactical actions day and night.

In addition, a more complex target environment is created at the training grounds, in which the number of targets to hit and the range to them are increased by 30-40%, as well as the number of single and group standards performed for a more objective assessment of the crews. The approaches being implemented make it possible to cover all the military specialties of the competing units as much as possible and objectively evaluate them in all subjects of combat training, as well as determine the best crew for participation in the international stage of the competition. More than 2,500 crews of tanks and infantry fighting vehicles took part in the first qualifying round in the "Tank Biathlon" and "Suvorov Onslaught" competitions. About 100 polygons were used to determine intermediate winners.

Qualifying stages of tank biathlon start in the Eastern Military District

On February 16, the qualifying stages of the army competitions in Tank Biathlon and Suvorov Onslaught will solemnly start at the Sergeevsky training ground in the Primorsky Territory.

More than twenty of the best crews of T-72B3 and BMP-2 tanks from several brigades of the 5th Combined Arms Army will compete for the right to participate in the final competitions in Alabino at the tank director of the training ground. During the scoring races, the crews of combat vehicles will hit several types of targets from a standstill and on the move. The crews of combat vehicles will have to cross the ford, clearly pass the track bridge, show filigree in the area of ​​​​obstruction and maneuvering, overcome two steep mounds, an escarp (anti-tank barrier), not fall into an anti-tank ditch, show speed on the comb, the accuracy of passage in a mine-explosive barrier, and also literally "fly" two slopes.

The actions of the participants in the all-army competition will be evaluated by a group of judges from the headquarters of the Eastern Military District, which will determine the best crews.


Tankers of the Southern Military District began to prepare for tank biathlon competitions

More than 200 servicemen of the tank units of the 49th Army of the Southern Military District (SMD), stationed in the Stavropol Territory and the Kuban, have begun intensive training in preparation for the tank biathlon.

Classes are held at the Molkino and Nikolo-Aleksandrovskoye training grounds, where more than 30 pieces of weapons, military and special equipment are involved in their provision. Mechanics-drivers of T-72B3 tanks work out the passage of the route of increased complexity - with an obstacle course in the form of scarps, trenches, ditches, track bridges, slopes and minefields.

In addition, the crews perform exercises of firing with a standard projectile at emerging and moving targets imitating tanks and low-flying helicopters at a distance of 900 to 2200 meters.

The Tank Biathlon professional skills competition is included in the program of the International Army Games 2017. Its first qualifying stages in formations and military units will be held this spring. The winners will continue to compete on a union and county scale.


Tankers of the Russian military base in Armenia are improving their combat skills at a high-mountain training ground

The practical training of tank crews of the Russian military base stationed in the Republic of Armenia for the qualifying stage of the International Army Games-2017 in tank biathlon has begun at the Alagyaz high-mountain training ground.

The field exercises will last two weeks, more than 100 servicemen take part in them, up to 30 pieces of weapons and military equipment are involved, including modernized T-72B tanks.

Tankers work out the issues of choosing and occupying firing positions in strong points, organizing a fire system, destroying armored vehicles and manpower of a mock enemy.

Competitions are held in full compliance with the requirements and conditions of the provisions of the international competition. At all places where the qualifying stage is held, obstacle courses are equipped, the routes of which are an exact copy of the Tank Biathlon track in Alabino near Moscow. Drivers during competitive races will have to overcome difficult obstacles, including a snake, a track bridge, an escarpment and a slope.

For firing from tank guns during the qualifying round, a total of about one thousand shells were allocated. The gunners will have to show their skills in complex flank shooting, as well as to destroy targets with a large-caliber machine gun. The winners will get the right to advance to the III - district stage, which will be held in March on the territory of the Khabarovsk Territory. The competitions are held as part of the combat training of troops and improve the professional level of military specialists. Last year, at the international stage of the "Tank Biathlon" competition, as part of the Russian national team, crews of T-72B3 tanks from motorized rifle brigades stationed in the Eastern Military District won first place.

In 2014-2016 professional training competitions, international tank biathlon competitions and the Suvorov Onslaught were the highest form of testing the level of training of combat vehicle crews. The crew of the Eastern Military District became the winner of the international tank biathlon competition.

In 2016, the Army High Command organized a international competitions"Tank biathlon", "Suvorov onslaught", "Masters of anti-aircraft combat", "Masters of artillery fire", "Excellent military intelligence", "Sniper frontier". The selection system for participation in ARMY-2016 provided for a phased selection of the best military personnel, units and crews of infantry fighting vehicles and tanks in military units, formations, associations and military districts. Participants of the competitions, who won prizes among the military districts, took part in international competitions.

Tank biathlon July 29, 2017 the event starts at 10.00 (indicated in the ticket)
Chronology of events with comments:
09.30 - we parked the car in the parking lot of the Patriot park, passed the inspection, boarded a free bus, which took us to the tank range in 5 minutes.
10.00 - approached the podium. It turns out that the opening ceremony will start at 12.00, and the Tank Biathlon at 14.00. And if we go to the podium, they won't let us back out.
10.00 - 12.00 - We wander around the territory. There is absolutely nothing to do. There are 11 pieces of equipment on the territory (8 tanks, 1 BMP, 1 BMD, 1 howitzer, 1 armored personnel carrier), a small exhibition of souvenirs, a couple of tables for assembling and disassembling machine guns and field kitchens that do not work. As we are explained to work, they will start at 13.00, that is, at the time when it will be necessary to watch biathlon from the stands.
But on the other hand, there are 40 food outlets with the same assortment (hot dog, barbecue, borscht, hodgepodge, pancakes, warm water and kvass).
12-00 -12.30 - we sit on the podium and listen to the chatter of the commentator (which is hard to remember).
At the same time, an announcement sounds: “If you do not have enough space in stands A and A1, then you can go to stands B and B1.” People begin to move from stands A and A1 to stands B and B1, which is 300 meters. That is, tickets are sold uncontrollably.
12.30 - 13.50 - Opening ceremony: a dozen paratroopers jumped, two helicopters flew for three minutes (nothing of this is practically visible because of the roof of the tribune), 4 tanks spun in front of the VIP-tribune, depicting a tank ballet. 3 tanks, 3 armored personnel carriers and 3 infantry fighting vehicles fired at targets in turn. For some reason they cut off mobile communications. I didn’t ask my neighbors in the stands, but for four of us, neither incoming nor outgoing communications worked.
13.50 - 14.30 - announcement of the commentator that at 14.30 the 1st tank biathlon race will begin. Everyone is invited to visit the "Field Kitchen". People break from the stands and run to try army food. Half an hour later, leaving piles of garbage and half-eaten buckwheat porridge in the field kitchen, people return to the stands.
14.30 - 15.30 - The first race of the "Tank biathlon". The drag is terrible. You see practically nothing. Tanks roll around, load ammunition, shoot and pass a ford somewhere in the distance. In front of the stands for the entire race (two laps), they appear twice. There is a pit in front of stands A, a kaley bridge (a small tubercle made of concrete) in front of stands B. In fact, you are watching a TV screen, which also does not show anything, either a target in full screen, or a tank in full screen.
15.30 - 15.45 - A break between races is announced. Three-quarters of the spectators leave and no longer return to the stands, but move towards the buses.
15.45 - 16.30 - The second round of the tank biathlon. Pleased with the Chinese team excellent shooting and the speed of the route (the only positive moment for the whole day).
On this "HOLIDAY" ended. Escort cars brought the guests from the VIP stand to the helipad (about 200 meters) and they flew away. The rest of the guests in the same beautiful escort left a little later. The inspector preventively stopped the buses full of ordinary spectators so that they could pass.

The result of the whole day is wasted time, money and a spoiled mood.
I express only my opinion and the opinion of the people who came with me.
If someone was different, then I'm very happy for you.

Polygon"Alabino». "Tank biathlon-2017". July 29 - August 12, 2017 Program of the competition.


Military training ground "Alabino"

Naro-Fominsky district

Moscow region


· 10.00-11.00 Parachuting ( demonstration performances)

· 11.30 - 12.00 OPENING CEREMONY of the Tank Biathlon competition.

· 12.00 - 15.00 competition "Tank biathlon" "Individual race". Two arrivals of tank crews. In each race there are four tank crews from the participating countries.

· 11.00-15.00 Exhibition DOSAAF of Russia.

· 11.00-13.00 Service and applied dog breeding (demonstration performances).

11.00-14.00 Aeromodelling (demonstrations)

· 10.30-14.00 "Tank biathlon", "Individual race".

Two arrivals of tank crews.

In each race, four tank crews from participating countries

Two arrivals of tank crews. In each race there are four tank crews from the participating countries.

· 10.00 - 14.00 Competition "Field kitchen

· 10.30 - 14.00 "Tank biathlon", "Individual race".

Two arrivals of tank crews.

In each race there are four tank crews from the participating countries.

10.00-16.00 - DOSAAF Russia Open Crossbow Shooting Cup (AP-35)

· 14.00 - 16.00 DOSAAF Russia Open Helicopter Cup

· 10.30 - 14.00 "Tank biathlon", "Individual race". Two arrivals of tank crews. In each race there are four tank crews from the participating countries.

· 10.00-17.00 Exhibition DOSAAF of Russia.

· 10.00-17.00 Open Cup of DOSAAF of Russia in motorsport (rally-raid).

· 10.30 - 14.00 competition "Tank biathlon", "Individual race". Two arrivals of tank crews. In each race there are four tank crews from the participating countries.

· 10.00-17.00 Exhibition DOSAAF of Russia

10.00-16.00 All-Russian competitions Open Cup DOSAAF of Russia in paintball (game 5x5, 7x7).

· 11.00-13.00 Equestrian sport (demonstration performances).

10.00-16.00 Competitions in practical shooting(FGAU "VPKK and about the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" Patriot

· 10.00-14.00 Competition "Field kitchen".

· 12.30-14.00 Paramilitary relay race among military-patriotic clubs (13 - 15 years old).

· 10.30 - 14.00 "Tank biathlon". RELAY, SEMI-FINAL.

Teams of four participating countries (three tank crews from each participating country) participate in the semi-finals.

· 11.00-17.00 Exhibition DOSAAF of Russia.

· 12.30 -14.00 Paramilitary relay race among the military-industrial complex (16 - 17 years old).

· 14.30-15.00 Members of the military-patriotic clubs take the oath of the Yunarmiya members. Rewarding of winners and prize-winners of relay race.

· 15.00-17.00 DOSAAF Russia Open Helicopter Cup.

· 10.30 - 14.00 "Tank biathlon"..

Teams of four participating countries (three tank crews from each participating country) participate in the semi-finals.

· 10.00 - 14.00 Competition "Field kitchen"

· 15.00-17.00 DOSAAF Russia Open Helicopter Cup.

· 16.00-18.00 "Tank biathlon". RELAY, FINAL. The teams of four participating countries (three crews of combat vehicles from each participating country) participate in the final.

· 10.00-15.00 Master class of the competition "Field kitchen".

· 10.00-14.00 Performance of patriotic clubs.

· 11.00-17.00 Exhibition DOSAAF of Russia.

10.00-15.00 Open Cup of DOSAAF of Russia in motorcycling (motobiathlon)»

· 10.00-16.00 Open Cup of DOSAAF of Russia in shooting and sports all-around.

· 10.00-16.00 DOSAAF Russia Open Crossbow Shooting Cup (AP-35).

· 14.00-16.00 Aviation show. Performance of aerobatic teams of Russia.