Shooting club shooters. Video of practical shooting competition

There are a lot of shooting clubs in Moscow where you can shoot from military weapons. Some big clubs are located in the nearest suburbs of Moscow, but, as a rule, getting there will not be difficult, provided, of course, that you go by car.

In this article we will try to tell you about the first visit to the shooting club: what you need to know, what to take with you, what to look for. We will also compare the prices of different shooting clubs in Moscow, see where a one-time visit is more profitable, and where - regular classes. Because all clubs have their own pricing policy, for a correct comparison of the cost, let's take a Glock 17 pistol (it is presented in the arsenals of all clubs) and 100 cartridges for it.

So, shooting clubs where you can shoot from military weapons:


First practice at the club- introductory, you will be allowed to shoot from 4 types of weapons: Viking pistols, CZ-75 Shadow, Glock (Glock 35 is indicated on the site, but in fact we fired from Glock 17 when visiting) and the Roni tactical unit. In total - 100 shots. Price: on Monday 4900 rubles, on other weekdays 5500 rubles, on weekends and holidays - 6500 rubles.

On your next visit you will pay separately for cartridges, instructor services and equipment: 27 rubles. per shot, 500 rubles. – equipment (belt with pouches, headphones and goggles), instructor services for individual training(up to 2 people) - 2300 rubles. weekdays, 3500 rub. on weekends and holidays (the cost is shared by everyone), for a group workout - 600 rubles. on weekdays, 1100 on weekends and holidays (cost per shooter).

For those who have completed a special club course - Proshooter, the cost of a shot is 20 rubles, but only from 10 am to 3 pm on weekdays.

The club is located at: Moscow region, Dzerzhinsky, Energetikov street, 50, it is literally just outside the Moscow Ring Road. You can get from the Domodedovskaya metro station by bus number 95.

2. Shooting club "Shot"

In the shooting club "Shot" there are two galleries: 25 and 50 meters. Beginners shoot in a 25 meter gallery. Despite the fact that on the website of the club you can see a fairly extensive arsenal of pistols, in fact, shooters are offered 4 models: Glock 17, Glock 35, CZ-75 Shadow and Viking. With carbines, the situation is better, there is really a large selection of them.

Cost of 100 shots- 4000 rubles, from 12 to 16 hours there is a 20% discount. This price includes everything necessary equipment and instructor services.

After the first visit, you automatically become a member of the club, and the cost of a shot for you will be 25 rubles, and on weekdays from 12 to 16 hours - 20 rubles. Those. 100 shots will cost you already 2000-2500 rubles, plus the services of an instructor are additionally paid - 600 rubles. on weekdays and 1000 rubles. on the weekend.

Cost for FPSR members: 500 rubles per hour, 25 rubles. shot, from 12 to 16 hours for 18 rubles. shot.

The club is located near the Botanical Garden metro station, about 10 minutes. walk.

Address: st. Agricultural, 20, building 3.


The shooting club "Gepard" has 4 galleries: 15 m, 50 m, and two IPSC galleries of 20 m each. A very large number of pistols and carbines are available for shooting, starting with the famous Makarov pistol, ending with the Winchester carbine 38 caliber.

Price: 1500 rub. - Instructor services + cost of cartridges. If you take 100 shots from the Glock 17, you get: 1500 + 4000 (40 rubles per shot) = 5500 rubles.

FPSR members pay only 23 rubles. for the shot.

The club has a practical shooting section. 8 classes per month will cost about 30,000 rubles.

Club address: Moscow, Olympiysky prospect, 16, building 1. The nearest metro station is Prospekt Mira.


In the Labyrinth, training is provided not only for shooting from military weapons, but also from pneumatic weapons, archery and crossbow shooting, as well as throwing knives and axes.

Arsenal of military weapons: 6 types of pistols and the same number of carbines.

In the shooting club "Labyrinth" you can shoot bursts from a Kalashnikov assault rifle, however, only with blank cartridges.

Cost of 100 shots from a pistol - 4000 rubles, this amount already includes all the necessary equipment and instructor services.

There are no benefits for FPS members.

Address: Moscow, Kutuzovsky pr-t 12с1, nearest metro stations: Vystavochnaya, Kyiv, Kutuzovsky avenue.

First lesson for 100 shots will cost 5000 rubles, subsequent: with group training- 1500 rubles. for renting a gallery + 25 rubles. per shot, with an individual - 5000 r. for renting a gallery + 25 rubles. for the shot.

There are so-called "happy hours". The point is that you can call the club, and if you are ready to come to training within an hour and a half, despite the fact that if there is a free gallery at that time, then you pay only the cost of the shots. Those. 100 shots will cost 2500 rubles.

For members of the FPSR, the conditions are the same, there is no only the first introductory training.

The club is located at: Lubyansky proezd, 27/1, building 1, metro station - Kitay-gorod.

6. Unibos

Unibos is a club where self-defense is taught, hand-to-hand combat and shooting from firearms. In the arsenal only pistols. Shooting training takes place only within the framework of special courses, which must be registered in advance. Classes are held on Sundays. Price- 4000 rubles / month (4 trainings) + from 20 rubles. for the shot. Fired up to 100 rounds during training.

After 2-3 months of training, you can go to senior group, there the cost is 6000 rubles. + also from 20 rubles. per shot, shot up to 150 rounds per lesson.

7. Moscow City Shooting and Sports Club DOSAAF RF

The Moscow City Shooting and Sports Club offers 4 galleries for shooting classes: one for 25 meters, two for 50 meters and one for 100 meters. The arsenal has a very large number of short-barreled and long-barreled weapons, up to the SVD, VSS and the famous Maxim machine gun.

There are quite a few special offers in the club’s price list, which represent a fixed number of shots from a similar type of weapon, for example, 10 shots from several sniper rifles, 40 shots from various machine guns, etc. The cost of a shot in such "package" offers is lower than in the club's standard price list.

Cost of 100 shots from a Glock 17 pistol - 6000 rubles, everything you need is included in the price. There is a package special offer that includes 30 shots each from Glock 17, Glock 34 and Viking pistols. Its cost is 4350 rubles.

The club is located at st. Poklonnaya, 11, building 1A, metro station - Victory Park.


In the shooting club "Hunter" visitors are offered 2 galleries for shooting from firearms: 25 meters, 50 meters. In addition, there is a separate gallery for those wishing to shoot from a bow or crossbow.

The club's arsenal has a lot of short-barreled and long-barreled weapons, as well as several types of bows and crossbows.

Cost of 100 shots from a Glock 17 pistol- 6000 rubles, the price includes everything you need. There is a special offer for shooting from PM and Viking pistols, 100 shots will cost you 5000 and 4500 rubles. respectively.

For members of the FPSR, the cost of a shot is 20 rubles.

For regular customers the club provides a discount - 5% for every 50,000 rubles spent on the services of the club. The maximum possible discount is 30%.

Address: Volokolamsk highway, 86, the nearest metro station is Tushinskaya.

9. Shooting club "Caliber"

There are 4 galleries in the Kalibr shooting club: two 25-meter galleries, one 100-meter one and another one designed specifically for practical shooting.

The arsenal of both pistols and carbines is quite large. The total cost of the lesson consists of payment for the services of an instructor - 1000 rubles, gallery rental - 1000 rubles, weapons rental - 300 rubles. for Glock 17 and the cost of cartridges - 30 rubles. for the shot. In total, when ordering 100 cartridges, it will turn out - 5300 rubles.

Can also be purchased gift Certificate"Bonnie and Clyde" for 100 rounds, in this case the cost will be slightly lower - 5100 rubles.

The shooting club is located in Mytishchi at the address - st. Novoslobodskaya vl.1., st.1.


For those who just want to come shoot, the most cost-effective option is to get into the "happy hours" of the Practical Shooting Academy. The cost of 100 shots will be only - 2500 rubles.

If luck is not on your side, then you can stop your choice at the Shot SC, where from 12 to 16 hours the cost of 100 shots is 3200 rubles, and the rest of the time - 4000 rubles. But, you need to remember that only 4 types of pistols are available for shooting here. Although for the first visit, it probably doesn’t make much difference what to shoot from, the sensations will be equally good.

If you want to shoot from several types of weapons, you should go to the "Object", the cost on Mondays is 4900 rubles, they will give you to shoot from 4 pistols, one of which will be in the "Roni" body kit (with a butt and a handle for more accurate shooting).

If you decide to make practical shooting your main hobby and do it regularly, then again, first of all, it is worth paying attention to shooting club "Shot". For members of the club, 100 cartridges on weekdays from 12 to 16 hours will cost 2000 rubles. + 600 rub. instructor fees. The rest of the time the cost of a shot is 25 rubles. + the same 600 rubles. instructor services, i.e. 100 shots will turn out - 3100 rubles. 4 classes per month - 10,400 rubles if you come on weekdays from 12 to 16 hours, or 12,400 rubles if you study at any other time.

Here you get the most budgetary option for training, but the club does not special program on which all instructors would work. Therefore, everything that you will do depends entirely on the instructor.

In addition, they do not give out a sports belt with a holster and pouches, and this itself already limits the learning process, because. some actions will not be available to you.

On the other hand, if you really have a desire to practice shooting, you can purchase all the necessary equipment yourself. Below there will be a calculation for trainings in other clubs, it will be clear that trainings in Shot are noticeably cheaper, and the saved money can be used to purchase equipment.

You can also sign up for Unibos. 4 lessons per month for 100 rounds will cost you 12,000 rubles if you shoot from domestic weapons. Ammunition for other pistols will be slightly more expensive, and the overall cost will increase accordingly. Classes are held on Sundays. But here you need to sign up in advance and wait for the group to form.

If the budget allows, you can enroll in practical shooting courses in SC "Gepard". 8 lessons per month, approximately 3750 rubles each. each. But this month you are guaranteed to learn how to shoot well. This club trains many professional shooters who compete both in federal competitions and in world championships.

In the SC "Object" after completing the Proshooter course, the cost of a shot from 10 am to 3 pm will be 20 rubles, i.e. for 100 rounds you will give only 2000 rubles. and practice on your own. But to complete this course, you will have to sweat and spend money financially. Let's calculate:

  • Option 1 - you come with two friends. In this case, pay 2700 rubles. for 100 rounds, 500 rubles. for equipment and 600 rubles. instructor services. Total 3800 rubles. Those. 4 lessons per month will be worth it 15200 rub. The only problem is where to find these two friends who could train with you regularly.
  • Option 2 - you come with a friend together. In this case, pay 2700 rubles. for 100 rounds, 500 rubles. for equipment and 1150 rubles. for the services of an instructor. Total 4350 rubles. Those. 4 lessons per month will be worth it 17400 rub.
  • Option 3 - with friends who would share your hobby, a big problem, and you do it alone (the most real option, actually). You will have to pay 2700 rubles. for 100 rounds, 500 rubles. for equipment and 2300 rubles. for the services of an instructor. Total 5500 rubles. Those. 4 lessons per month will be worth it 22000 rub.

On my own behalf, I can add that the advantage of training in the Object, despite the high price, is that they still teach you how to shoot well here and you can always choose an instructor with whom you will be comfortable training. The program itselfProshooter consists of 10 tests, and in my subjective opinion, is not quite balanced. In particular, it was not entirely correct to put the very difficult "Change of Store" classification in second place. Only more or less trained shooters who, for example, are fond of airsoft, can pass it the first time. For others, it won't work. As a result, you can spend several workouts on this test alone.

On the other hand, in the future you can take several tests for one training session, this is not prohibited by the rules of the club. The rest of the tests are not so difficult, so it will be quite possible to take 2 or even 3 per workout (tested on yourself).

We compared prices in shooting clubs based on the cost of 100 shots. But you need to understand that this is the minimum amount that makes sense to take when regular workouts. It is better, of course, to take a larger amount - 200-300 rounds. After 100 shots, the shooter is just beginning to understand his mistakes, the next 50-100 shots he already shoots more consciously, trying to correct them, and another 50-100 shots to fix.

If your goal is to perform at any shooting competitions, then you will have to train not once a week, but two or even three times. Accordingly, the costs will increase significantly.

What to bring with you when you visit the shooting club for the first time

To visit the shooting club, it is better to sign up in advance by phone. You must have your passport with you. In some clubs, it is required only on the first visit, in others, you will always have to take it with you. It is better to clarify this question directly with the club staff at the time of registration.

On your first visit, you most likely won’t have to actively move while shooting, you won’t need to run, overcome any obstacles, etc., this is still not airsoft or paintball, although at competitions in practical shooting arrows move no less actively. But on your first visit, all your shots will be fired from a static position, so the question "What to wear?" is not so critical. Ordinary casual clothes are quite suitable, girls, of course, it is better to avoid skirts and long heels anyway, so as not to lose stability when shooting.

All necessary equipment will be given to you at the club. At the first lesson, they usually give only headphones and glasses. On the next ones, there is an additional belt with pouches and a holster.

How many shots are enough to shoot enough

Usually, 100-150 shots per person are enough for an hour-long training session. You can take several types of weapons, for example, shoot from the legendary Glock and Beretta, Makarov and TT, determine for yourself which pistol you like best, which one is more comfortable for you to shoot and hit better. You can try to shoot with a pistol and a carbine or with several pistols and carbines. The only thing is that different clubs have their own conditions, somewhere in the first lesson you will be offered some kind of standard set of weapons, somewhere you will need to pay extra for each additional pistol or carbine.

Here it needs to be clarified that burst firing of live ammunition from automatic weapons is prohibited in Russia. Therefore, if you have a great desire to give a couple of bursts from the Kalashnikov, then this can only be done with blank cartridges. Some shooting clubs offer this service.

During the registration, it is better to clarify whether the entire arsenal presented on the website of the shooting club is available for order. It happens that a lot of models are presented on the site, but in reality some of the weapons are not available for order. Of course, for those who don’t particularly care what to shoot from, this is not a problem, but if you wanted to shoot from a particular model of a pistol, and for some reason it is not available (under repair or something else), and it turns out only directly in the club, it will be a little insulting. Therefore, it is better to immediately clarify everything by phone.

The price information in the article is current as of 06/06/2018.

Video of practical shooting competitions:

Working hours: on weekdays from 12.00 to 23.00, on weekends from 10.00 to 22.00.
One of the best shooting clubs is located in the center of Moscow, a 10-minute walk from Kievskaya metro station. This is the underground shooting club "Labyrinth" on Kutuzovsky Prospekt.
"Labyrinth" in Moscow is one of the few shooting clubs where you can try to practice with any type of weapon. The club on Kutuzovsky Prospekt has several underground galleries designed for shooting from various weapons.

The dungeon has a combat shooting range, pneumatic and 2 archery and crossbow galleries, as well as a hall for throwing knives and axes. Now you no longer need to leave Moscow to play paintball. The underground club near the Kyiv metro station has 10 game rooms for laser tag and classic paintball.

Pneumatic shooting range of the club "Labyrinth".
In the pneumatic shooting range of the Labyrinth club on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, you can practice shooting with air pistols and rifles.

The underground shooting gallery of the pneumatic shooting gallery in the Labyrinth club is designed for shooting at a distance of up to 25 meters. The equipment of the shooting club "Labyrinth" allows you to conduct classes with different types targets: static chest targets, for sniper shooting, for IPSC practical shooting. At your request, employees of the underground shooting club "Labyrinth" can create a different target environment.

Even children from the age of 7 are allowed to shoot in the pneumatic shooting range.

In the pneumatic shooting range of the underground shooting club "Labyrinth", anyone can practice shooting on the most famous brands of weapons. The arsenal of the club "Labyrinth" is one of the largest in Moscow. These pistols are Beretta M92 FS, Colt Goverment 1911, CZ 75 P-07 Duty, CZ 75 D Compact, Glock 17, Beretta 84, Heckler & Koch P30, Tanfoglio Lim. Custom, Walther P88, Walther P99, Smith & Wesson 586 4″, Smith & Wesson 586 6″, Nagan revolver, Mauser K96 M.712, Stechkin pistol, TT pistol, Makarov pistol, Yarygin pistol. And rifles Beretta CX4 Storm, Hatsan AT44 10, Hatsan AT44 PA, Hatsan 85 F, Walther Lever Action, Hatsan 55S F, MP 61 (IZH).
Battle shooting range of the underground shooting club "Labyrinth".
Next to the pneumatic shooting range in the dungeon of the shooting club "Labyrinth" there is a shooting range. Here you can shoot from your own military weapons or from the club's military weapons.
There are 5 tracks in the shooting gallery of the combat shooting range on Kutuzovsky Prospekt. Shooting distance up to 25 meters.

The underground shooting club "Labyrinth" offers shooting to the residents of Moscow from the most famous and popular firearms and rifles. The rules of the underground shooting club "Labyrinth" have age restrictions for those wishing to visit the shooting range. The combat shooting range is intended for visitors over 16 years of age.

Archery shooting range of the underground shooting club "Labyrinth".
There are many more surprises in the Labyrinth Dungeon. The Shooting Club on Kutuzovsky Prospekt invites all lovers of archery and crossbows in Moscow.

The underground club "Labyrinth" has two galleries for archery. Up to 4 people can work in the gallery at the same time. The club is designed for both beginners and professionals. Even children from 10 years old are allowed to practice with a bow and crossbow.

In the archery and crossbow gallery of the "Labyrinth", classical and 3D targets for practical shooting are used for classes.
Hall for throwing knives and axes in the underground club "Labyrinth".
In the underground shooting club "Labyrinth" there is also a hall designed for throwing knives and axes. "Labyrinth" is one of the few shooting clubs in Moscow where you can learn how to throw knives and axes from world champion Dmitry Melnikov. The large underground hall can accommodate up to 5 people. In the "Labyrinth" dungeon, 16 tracks with a distance of up to 5 meters and 6 tracks with a distance of up to 23 meters are equipped for this.

In the shooting club "Labyrinth" on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, residents of Moscow are taught all the basic throwing techniques: multi-turn, low-speed and several types of non-return throwing.

Even children from 12 years old accompanied by adults are allowed to take classes in throwing knives and axes.
Laser tag in the underground shooting club "Labyrinth".
The shooting club "Labyrinth" offers everyone several options for playing laser tag.
You will search for an enemy in an underground abandoned factory or fight zombies that have come to life.

It all depends on your imagination. Employees of the club "Labyrinth" will revive the computer game for you. Or plunge into dark horror films.

If you want to play a quest, then the underground club "Labyrinth" can help you here too. Call and the club on Kutuzovsky Prospekt will offer you several scenarios.

There is a shooting club "Labyrinth" and children's games for paintball and laser tag in the dungeon.

The underground "Labyrinth" is not only an excellent shooting club where you can practice all types of weapons, but also places for active rest cheerful company. By the way, the club "Labyrinth" is a place in the center of Moscow where you can play such a popular game as "Mafia".

Where is the underground shooting club "Labyrinth" in Moscow

Shooting club "Labyrinth" on Kutuzovsky in Moscow - video:

Working hours: on weekdays from 12.00 to 23.00, on weekends from 10.00 to 22.00. One of the best shooting clubs is located in the center of Moscow, a 10-minute walk from Kievskaya metro station. This is the underground shooting club "Labyrinth" on Kutuzovsky Prospekt. "Labyrinth" in Moscow is one of the few shooting clubs where you can try to practice with any type of weapon. The club on Kutuzovsky Prospekt has several underground galleries designed for shooting from various weapons. The dungeon has a combat shooting range, pneumatic and 2 archery and crossbow galleries, as well as a hall for throwing knives and axes. Now you no longer need to leave Moscow to play paintball. The underground club near the Kyiv metro station has 10 game rooms for laser tag and classic paintball. Pneumatic shooting range of the club "Labyrinth". In the pneumatic shooting range of the Labyrinth club on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, you can practice shooting with air pistols and rifles. The underground shooting gallery of the pneumatic shooting gallery in the Labyrinth club is designed for shooting at a distance of up to 25 meters. The equipment of the shooting club "Labyrinth" allows you to conduct classes with different types of targets: static chest targets, for sniper shooting, for practical IPSC shooting. At your request, employees of the underground shooting club "Labyrinth" can create a different target environment. Even children from the age of 7 are allowed to shoot in the pneumatic shooting range. In the pneumatic shooting range of the underground shooting club "Labyrinth", anyone can practice shooting on the most famous brands of weapons. The arsenal of the club "Labyrinth" is one of the largest in Moscow. These pistols are Beretta M92 FS, Colt Goverment 1911, CZ 75 P-07 Duty, CZ 75 D Compact, Glock 17, Beretta 84, Heckler & Koch P30, Tanfoglio Lim. Custom, Walther P88, Walther P99, Smith & Wesson 586 4", Smith & Wesson 586 6", Nagan revolver, Mauser K96 M.712, Stechkin pistol, TT pistol, Makarov pistol, Yarygin pistol. And rifles Beretta CX4 Storm, Hatsan AT44 10, Hatsan AT44 PA, Hatsan 85 F, Walther Lever Action, Hatsan 55S F, MP 61 (IZH). Battle shooting range of the underground shooting club "Labyrinth". Next to the pneumatic shooting range in the dungeon of the shooting club "Labyrinth" there is a shooting range. Here you can shoot from your own military weapons or from the club's military weapons. There are 5 tracks in the shooting gallery of the combat shooting range on Kutuzovsky Prospekt. Shooting distance up to 25 meters. The underground shooting club "Labyrinth" offers shooting to the residents of Moscow from the most famous and popular firearms and rifles. The rules of the underground shooting club "Labyrinth" have age restrictions for those wishing to visit the shooting range. The combat shooting range is intended for visitors over 16 years of age. Archery shooting range of the underground shooting club "Labyrinth". There are many more surprises in the Labyrinth Dungeon. The Shooting Club on Kutuzovsky Prospekt invites all lovers of archery and crossbows in Moscow. The underground club "Labyrinth" has two galleries for archery. Up to 4 people can work in the gallery at the same time. The club is designed for both beginners and professionals. Even children from 10 years old are allowed to practice with a bow and crossbow. In the archery and crossbow gallery of the "Labyrinth", classical and 3D targets for practical shooting are used for classes. Hall for throwing knives and axes in the underground club "Labyrinth". In the underground shooting club "Labyrinth" there is also a hall designed for throwing knives and axes. "Labyrinth" is one of the few shooting clubs in Moscow where you can learn how to throw...