How to clean an inflatable pool at home. Set for cleaning the pool in the country

Any artificial pond in the country needs periodic water purification, especially when it comes to swimming pools. Unwanted living creatures in the garden pond and debris in the form of fluff and pollen are to some extent regulated by the population itself - plants, fish, if any, microscopic crustaceans. But the swimming pool, and even an open one, has to be cleaned on its own and much more often.

Cleansing methods can be somewhat conventionally divided into 3 groups. Methods must be combined to obtain good result. So, for example, mechanical methods based on the use of filters are recommended to be used all the time, and chemical methods - in cases where there is severe pollution or the pool needs to be disinfected.

Mechanical Methods

These include all hand tools and devices that remove mechanical debris of any size and unwanted impurities. Cleaning with the help of hand tools is carried out 1 time in 2-3 days, it does not take much time:

  • brush- used to remove stains and accumulations of small debris on the surface of the water, including fluff, plant stems and other things;
  • garden net- for collecting leaves, it is even more suitable, in addition, it allows you to collect foam;
  • special cleaning device (skimmer)- according to the principle of operation, it resembles a vacuum cleaner. Equipped with a brush that collects small mechanical debris and removes it from the surface of the water. For pools they often use, for artificial reservoirs -. Pool owners often prefer intex pool skimmers.

Read about Intex pool skimmers at.

In the photo, do-it-yourself water purification methods in the pool:

Cleaning of large mechanical debris is carried out regardless of how else the reservoir is cleaned. And filters are used to remove mechanical suspensions. The use of the latter implies the installation of a pump. The device must be operated for at least 6 hours to obtain a good result.

Filter types

For water purification, including children's pools There are several types of filters available:

  • Sand- the most affordable option that ensures the removal of mechanical particles up to 20 microns in size, including removing excess iron impurities from water. The working medium is quartz sand - a completely neutral substance. The main disadvantage of the filter is the need for its weekly cleaning: the device is washed under running water with good pressure, which is not always possible in the country. Sand filters are recommended for small ponds, like inflatable ones, where the water changes frequently. Here you will find a description and instructions for.

  • Cartridge- is a system of cartridges that hold particles up to 10 microns. The filter is more efficient and durable, but it costs more.

It is also necessary to wash the cartridge filter, although less often.

Types of cartridges:

  • Produce disposable cartridges for swimming pools. After use, they are simply disposed of.
  • Diatomaceous earth - the filtering layer is diatomaceous earth - crushed plankton shells. Provides the most effective cleaning, removing particles up to 3 microns in size. However, it has a low resource, cannot be restored: it has to be changed up to 4 times a year, which is quite expensive.

Find out what a manual bottom pool vacuum cleaner is used for.

Video: a system of how to clean the pool in the country

On the video - do-it-yourself water purification system for the pool:

Chemical methods

Chemical means involve the purification of water from biologically and chemically active contaminants - bacteria, algae, fat and other things. In addition, only chemical preparations control and maintain a normal acid-base balance - pH at the level of 7-7.4.

A pond, especially a small one, is very well warmed up by the sun. The latter benefits not only bathers, but also creates an excellent environment for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. To eliminate them and prevent development, it is necessary to use preparations that contain a strong oxidizing agent.

Chlorine disinfection

Chlorine preparations have a very affordable cost, they are used for both long-term disinfection and instant disinfection - shock-chlorine. Price - 600 rubles.

Chlorination is not performed if one of the family members has an allergic reaction to halogens. For everyone else, the preparations are harmless, and the smell disappears quickly due to the large area of ​​water.

Preparations with bromine

Preparations with bromine- dibromantin, for example. There is no smell, the effect of the product is about the same. If you are allergic to bromine, which is also common, the drug is not used.

Disinfection with active oxygen

Preparations with active oxygen- or cavitation water treatment. Its essence is reduced to the initiation of oxidation reactions, but not with the help of halogen ions, as in the previous case, but with the participation of OH radicals and ozone. The effectiveness of the technology is explained by the fact that the drug itself acts as a starting point, while further oxidation is performed due to the oxygen dissolved in water. A definite plus is the low concentration of the drug, the guaranteed absence of allergic reactions. Minus - the cost. Sometimes the price reaches 5,000 rubles for a set of cleaning chemicals.


Often small pools in summer cottages they are treated with a 37% solution of perhydrol. The drug in action resembles something between chlorine and active oxygen: in terms of chemical action, it is close to the cavitation mechanism, but in terms of concentration it is close to chlorine, since it is a participant, not a catalyst for the reaction.

Price - 1200 rubles.

Coagulants and flocculants

In addition to the need to destroy bacteria and algae, pool owners face another problem: large organic molecules, fat, for example, which mechanical filter cannot be removed, but which contribute to the rapid accumulation of dirt and serve as an excellent breeding ground for both bacteria and algae. Described in the link.

This problem is solved using the process of coagulation - the combination of small suspended particles into large ones. Preparations of this kind are called coagulants or flocculants. When added to water, the active particles that make up the preparation envelop the smallest organic and inorganic particles and hold them. When a critical mass is formed, the compound forms a flocculent precipitate and collects at the bottom. After the end of the process, it remains only to remove this sediment. Read about pool water purification with copper sulphate.

The most famous today is Aquadoctor. The drug is added directly to the water, preferably before filtration During the treatment, the pool and the filter system must be inactive. The sediment is then collected and the water is mechanically filtered.

Electrophysical methods

These methods belong to the category of instrumental: not preparations, but equipment are needed to clean the pool. Their cost, of course, is higher, but guarantees the preservation of the original composition of the water.


Ozone is a strong oxidizing agent that destroys absolutely all microorganisms, providing sterile purity of water.

Ozonation - on summer cottages is rarely used, as it requires the installation of rather sophisticated equipment and communications.

ultraviolet irradiation

Ultraviolet irradiation is a more affordable method based on the treatment of a reservoir with ultraviolet radiation. For this, special quartz lamps are used, which disinfect the water. Ultraviolet does not have a prolonged effect, unlike disinfection with chlorine or ozonation. The result of the operation of quartz lamps is strongly influenced by the degree of water transparency. Therefore, ultraviolet irradiation can be carried out only after removal of mechanical debris.

Water ionization

Ionization - the essence is reduced to the saturation of the water in the pool with silver or copper ions. The latter are produced by an electrolytic installation - an ionizer. Metal ions remain active for several weeks, disinfect water by destroying bacteria, and precipitate heavy metals.

Household ionizers are designed for a pool volume of up to 60 cubic meters.

In parallel with the ionizer, it is mandatory to use sand filter. The operation of the device is much more difficult if the water is not cleaned of small mechanical suspensions and debris.

The best ways to do-it-yourself complex cleaning

Such a wide variety of methods is associated not only with the effectiveness or cost of procedures, but also with the operating conditions of the pool. The material of the reservoir, the nature of the pool - outdoor or indoor, the number of users - all this affects the frequency of cleaning and the choice of means.

For outdoor pool

Such a reservoir is the most vulnerable. Good warming by the sun provides an environment for bacteria, open space literally attracts mechanical debris, the accumulation of organic matter - the same plant debris, contributes to the rapid reproduction of algae. Therefore, it requires complex cleaning.

On the other hand, the pool is located in the open air, so such a danger as the accumulation of reaction products after chlorination, for example, does not exist here. Therefore, all methods are used to clean open water bodies.

  • Combination of mechanical filtration with any chemical or electrophysical methods is obligatory, without chemistry. The most affordable are cartridge or sand filters and chlorination.
  • It is advisable to periodically clean with coagulants: this is the best way to remove protein and fat molecules that serve as food for both microorganisms and algae.
  • IN outdoor pool You need to constantly check the level of acidity. With normal values ​​- 7–7.4, the risk of algae infection is minimal. When the indicator is deviated, the risk increases. The adjustment is made by adding the preparations "pH-plus" and "pH-minus" to the water, respectively.
  • It is not recommended to use ultraviolet disinfection, since quartz lamps, like any electrical appliance, should not be left outdoors for a long time.

Chlorine free cleaning

Chlorination is a simple and effective procedure. The only contraindication is an allergic reaction to chlorine dissolved in water. In this case, any other chemical methods are used, necessarily in combination with mechanical ones:

  • bromination;
  • preparations with active oxygen;
  • treatment with perhydrol solution.

For frame pools

The procedure for caring for him differs little from the standard actions:

  • mandatory mechanical water filtration - as a rule, the filter is included in the product package;
  • cleaning debris from the surface - using nets or skimmers;
  • cleaning of the bottom sediment, which will definitely appear in the outdoor pool. A bottom vacuum cleaner and cleaning agents are used;
  • disinfection by any suitable chemical method is mandatory.

Inflatable pools

The most popular models for summer cottages, as they are light, easy to use and affordable.

Their care is reduced mainly to disinfection.

  • Before filling with water, the inflated pool is treated with protective agents that prevent the appearance of mucus.
  • After filling, disinfectants are added to the water.
  • Drugs are added to the water at least 1-2 times a week.
  • Once a week, it is advisable to drain the water and clean the pool bowl.

Complex means

Obviously, there is no such tool or device that could provide a complete cleaning of the pool. In any case, a combination of mechanical and chemical or electrophysical methods. Read about a sliding pavilion for a polycarbonate pool.

Chlorine-based preparations are still among the most universal means. Modern automatic pool care systems include the chlorination procedure. Systems perform several functions:

  • controls the purity of water using sensors;
  • chlorinates water, focusing on their testimony;
  • doses the drug depending on the specified conditions;
  • filters water according to the readings of sensors and according to the schedule;
  • cleans the bottom with a special bottom device.

Even in this case, mechanical debris from the surface must be removed manually.

Recently, active oxygen preparations have also become widely used. In terms of versatility, they are not inferior to chlorine, and at the same time do not affect the composition of water.


These include all chemicals and electrochemical devices. They ensure the destruction of pathogenic bacteria - from 80 to 100%.

The exception is coagulants. They belong to chemically active substances, but purify water from particles - organic or inorganic. He will tell you about water filters from iron for summer cottages.

Coagulants have an indirect effect on the reproduction of bacteria, as they destroy their nutrient medium. Price - 200 rubles per 1.1 liter.

  • Methods that provide a long-term effect include chlorination, treatment with active oxygen, and ionization.
  • Short-range methods include ultraviolet disinfection.

Pool in the country is water procedures and have a good time. But the water in this artificial hydraulic structure is not filtered, as it happens in natural reservoirs. Therefore, it gradually stagnates, begins to "bloom", turning into a greenish tint. And yes, there is a bad smell. Therefore, the owners of the reservoir face a problem that raises one question - how to clean the water in the pool, what methods are used for this.


Pool Water Purification Methods

They are divided into three types:




Let's make a reservation right away that the last cleaning method requires the installation of special complex and expensive equipment. For country pools such a device is an unnecessary luxury. Therefore, we will talk about the first two methods here.

mechanical way

This type of cleaning includes all known hand tools. With their help, bacteria or microbes cannot be removed, but collecting debris from the surface, dirt and sand from the bottom is not a problem.

As such devices are usually used:

    brushes with which they collect fallen into the water leaves, poplar fluff, paper and another small garbage;

    nets, which are used in exactly the same way as brushes, only they can also take away foam;

    special design vacuum cleaner, whose main purpose is wall cleaning pool and its bottom from mud and sand.

It should be noted that all of the above devices and tools cannot collect silt, fine sand and dust. Although it is these smallest particles that lead to darkening of the water, which violates the aesthetic side of the water.


But even these troubles can be dealt with. To do this, special filters are installed in the pool system, which fight well with suspensions. Today, manufacturers offer two types of filters installed in the purification system of artificial reservoirs.

    Sand type. It got its name only because filled quartz sand. He does an excellent job with the responsibilities assigned to him. But at the same time additionally purifies water from gland. Today this type of filter is very popular. Reason - low price and efficient water treatment. The only downside is the occasional cleaning the device great pressure of water. This is not possible in all cottages. Experts recommend installing sand filter devices on inflatable pools. They just change the water more often.


    Cartridge type. It got its name because a removable cartridge made of filter material is installed in the design of the device. This type of filter is expensive, but it also purifies water more efficiently than sand. It is recommended to install devices of this type in the cleaning system frame pool. In addition to the high price, there is another drawback - this is the replacement of cartridges, which are not cheap. It is impossible to wash the latter and install them back into the case.


Chemical method

So, let's go further on the topic - how to clean the pool in the country, and move on to the very effective way- chemical. It is by this method that you can get rid of bacteria and other microorganisms that multiply rapidly under the action of sunlight, coloring the water in a greenish color.

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Today, the market offers several fairly effective chemicals that are very popular among summer residents. We add that they are presented in the form of tablets and powders.

    Today, chemical manufacturers offer several varieties of cleansers made chlorine based. They are popular, and there are two reasons: the cheapness of the product and fast water disinfection. By-effect- sharp unpleasant smell. In addition, doctors do not recommend using them in those pools whose owners are allergy sufferers. At the same time, chlorine dries skin, and negatively affects the color swimwear and swimming trunks.

    Funds based on bromine. Great disinfector, quickly clears a large volume of water. Wherein does not highlight odors.

    Perhydrol. It's basically a 37% aqueous solution. hydrogen peroxide. All owners of country pools assure that the best remedy can not found. First, he inexpensive. Second, he not only kills microorganisms, with cleared bottom And walls pools from mucus, and water from turbidity. In addition, perhydrol enriches water oxygen.


It must be added that the above drugs cannot cope with dirt and increased turbidity. To do this, use other chemicals that belong to the category of coagulants and flocculants. They act as a binder, that is, they envelop the smallest particles, collect them in a kind of colony and fall to the bottom in the form of sediment. After that, the latter must simply be collected with a vacuum cleaner. A prominent representative of the coagulant is a tool called "Aquadoctor".

Video description

In the video, the specialist talks about the Aquadoctor chemical agent, which is used to clean water in pools:

How to take care of your pool

In principle, there are no complicated cleaning measures. Here are some tips to help keep your pool in top condition. This applies not only to water, but also to the internal surfaces of an artificial reservoir.

    Must go to the pool set filter.

    Daily is better twice in day collect from the surface of the water surface garbage. Especially harmful leaves, which under the influence of sunlight begin to rot. Pay attention to people in the water insects, especially dangerous wasps, bees, bumblebees, earwigs and other equally dangerous insects.

    Twice a week it is necessary to carry out water treatment chemicals. In this way, you can protect the reservoir from the blooming of water.

    If your pool inflatable, then change the water in it at least once in Week.

    If swimming in the pool children not older than 3 years, then change water I need to go to the pool more often.

Separately, I wanted to talk about rust. Or rather, about water, in which there is a high content of iron salts. It is these salts that color the water yellowish, and sometimes brown. Swimming in this pool is not worth it. Iron in this form will negatively affect the skin. Therefore, iron must be eliminated.


The easiest option is to let the water settle in some other tank, and then pump it into the pool. You can use a special coagulant, which is added to the filled thicket. The chemical binds iron salts, which precipitate as flakes. It remains only to remove the latter with a vacuum cleaner.

Acid-base balance of water

There is a generally accepted indicator of acid-base balance for water in the pool. It is equal to 7.2-7.4. That is, when installing a bathing bowl in your country house, it is necessary to maintain water filling in this mode. For analysis, you can use special reagents. They are freely available and come with instructions on how to use them. Therefore, problems with the analysis should not arise.


Many may have doubts whether it is worth it. Let's just say that the pH of this value does not allow bacteria to develop, plus the chemical reactions associated with the corrosion of metals weaken. That is, the operational characteristics of the hydraulic structure are increased. Namely: the filtration system does not clog, the lighting and heating system works efficiently and for a long time.

At the same time, a normal acid-base balance enhances the effect of chemicals that are used to purify the water mass. Today, manufacturers offer filters, inside which they additionally install separate containers, where the required coagulant is poured, which is responsible for normalizing pH. Therefore, when buying filters, pay attention to this. Give preference to just such, although they are slightly more expensive than usual.

Video description

In the video, a specialist answers surveys regarding pool water treatment:

Conclusion on the topic

So, in the article we tried to answer the question - how to purify the water in the pool in the country. Several ways have been dismantled to make the water cleaner. Of course, there are many cleaning methods, for example, ozonation, treatment of the water mass with ultraviolet radiation, active oxygen, and the ionization process. All these technologies are effective and guarantee a 100% effect. But they are expensive and are used mainly for large volume pools. And for country models, those that were described above are also suitable.

If you put a swimming pool outside the city, it turns out very quickly that it is very difficult to keep the water fresh in it, to protect it from greenery!

Nothing is done to the water in the pool for a week and a half, and then the water usually deteriorates, spider bugs start up, although it remains more or less transparent for another week, after all, it is no longer very fresh. You can chlorinate, but, according to reviews, even water chlorination does not really save water from spoiling.

You can salt the water - excellent water is obtained if about 30 kg of salt and 5 kg of soda are poured into 10 tons of water - it even tastes slightly salty. What is good about salting water is that midges do not start up in it, mosquitoes do not breed, and birds do not flock. This is an excellent tool, the only drawback is that you need to carry salt.

Well, salt and soda do not save water from greening, other means are also needed. Especially in the heat.

A septic tank is a must - it helps to protect water from greenery longer.

In summer, in the heat without disinfectants, even with a filter, the water in the pool deteriorates in a matter of days. Chemistry should be chosen based on the characteristics of water.

Sodium chloride (that is, simple salt) does not chlorinate water. Need free chlorine(because we feel the smell from tap water), and constantly, because. he is flying. Chlorine generators, subject to the addition of salt to the pool, just work in such a way that they release chlorine, converting it into volatile substances - it maintains the water in the pool.

Awnings are good, but every day, if it's hot, covering the pool is not an easy task. The awning can be used if the weather is cold and there will be a break from swimming. Or if you're leaving.

In chemistry - you can work with water according to the following plan:

1) equalize the p / h balance - for example, about 8 is high, you need 7.4

2) we put a tablet in the pump - a long chlorine tablet, the cartridge in the filter is changed every 2-3 weeks

3) once a week or two at night - a tablet of quick chlorine in the water.

4) it is necessary to regularly measure the p / h level - this is the first, if the level does not jump, water can be stored much longer.

Some use hydrogen peroxide: 10 liter tank is enough for the whole summer for the pool about 20 tons of water. Peroxide is added to the water once a month. We work with gloves, because this is a highly concentrated liquid, and most importantly - do not pour into one place in plastic pools, otherwise it can corrode, and do not pour onto the sides of the pool. You can swim within a day. You need to pour 0.5-0.7 kg per ton of water, and it is sold in canisters of 34 liters, about 1000 rubles each. for the canister. Perhydrol is a sea of ​​oxygen, do not smoke while working! Do not immediately pour the entire volume from the canister into the pool, as the perhydrol that has not had time to dissolve can fall to the bottom, and as a result you will get a white spot on the bottom. We turn on the filtration of the pool on the second day after pouring the peroxide - oxygen begins to foam in the water from the jet of pumping water.

IMPORTANT - clean the bottom, you need a vacuum cleaner (), otherwise it starts to bloom from the bottom.

The water in the pool theoretically should not change during the season, if the conditions for chlorination and the p / h level are met, only add fresh water to replace the evaporated one. That is, water is poured into the pool once a season before it starts and drained in the spring before changing the water. For the winter, a special reagent is added to the water, compressors (you can use ordinary plastic bottles from under the water), and the water is safely frozen in the winter in the pool, he himself is covered with a blanket. ( Only for capital pools)

Water in the autumn before winter cannot be completely drained so that the soil under the pool does not leave with the spring melting of snow, otherwise you will have to tamp and level the base under the pool again. So you need to take into account the possibilities of care and maintenance of the pool, not only in summer, but also in the "sleeping" season.

Pool chemicals

In fact, for the pool you only need multiple chemistry:

Softener (or vice versa) - depends on p / h, only a special container and tablets are needed to measure. If you do not bring the p / h level to the required 7.2-7.4 in terms of hardness, then the next two chemicals will need to be added much more, so the first is to bring the water to the required hardness-softness.

  1. Equi-minus 1 kg. (agent for lowering the pH of water) 0019
  2. (complete water purification solution)

It is not difficult to master this water purification procedure and it is enough to add chemistry once a week. Unless of course you filter the pool, if not, then put a filter, this will improve the situation.

The higher the temperature of the water, the stronger the processes are going on in it, you need to watch it more carefully in the heat, add chemistry more often.

Before the first set of water, it would be good to treat the pool walls with Algitinn. This is when the pool starts in the summer. Then we add 30-65 kg of ordinary table salt per 20 tons of water, and .... until September, the water is clean, no need to change!

It is desirable to pump 2-3 volumes of pool water per day with a filter, you need to look at the pool volume and filter performance.

Is it possible to drain chlorinated salt water from the pool under trees and shrubs?

This is the problem of small areas - where to drain 15 tons of chlorinated water with salt?

Rains will lower the concentration of salts, but the soil will take your salts to itself. And with a decrease in the supply of moisture, the concentration of salt in the soil will increase. Over time, chlorine as a negatively charged ion will be partially washed out. It must be borne in mind that the concentration of salts in soil moisture should not exceed 2 g / l. From here come recommendations for plant nutrition (20 grams of fertilizer per bucket of water). At a higher concentration, the plants are oppressed.

In the water of the pool in which the chlorine generator worked, on average 50,000 grams / 15,000 liters, this is 3.3 g / l. Too much for plants, almost 2 times higher than normal. It is better to drain not under trees and bushes, but away from them. This water is used for watering lawns. But although this is not very small, it is not critical for a one-time one-time reset. It all depends on how much snow there will be and how rainy the autumn-spring will be. For autumn and winter, everything should be washed well.

Alkali is needed to neutralize the salt, i.e. like soda.

Salt concentration with sea ​​water- an average of 24 g per liter, i.e. 24 kg of salt per ton of water, so 50 kg dissolved in 15 tons of water is such a minuscule compared to sea water, which is not even serious.

The main nutrients for plants are POTASSIUM, NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS, CALCIUM. Neither sodium nor chlorine is included in this list. Chlorine is a poison for most vegetable plants. The active part of potassium chloride and potassium salt is potassium. The same with sodium humate. Humic acids are a useful component, sodium is a useless appendage that allows you to introduce a useful part of the fertilizer.

Chlorophobic plants that react negatively to an increased content of chlorine in the soil include tobacco, grapes, pumpkins, beans, potatoes, tomatoes, fruit and berry crops. In tree species, the toxic effect of chlorine is manifested only at high concentrations of chlorine in the nutrient solution, while in gooseberries, red currants and strawberries, its negative effect is already manifested at low concentrations.

In fact, if you act completely according to the rules, pouring such an amount of water (15-20 tons) once onto the ground even without salt is not very useful and is not recommended. Excess moisture, seeping through the fertile layer, takes nutrients out of it. It is harmful to moisten the soil beyond its full capacity. The reason for salinization of soils is precisely in excessive irrigation.

The safest and most environmentally friendly way is to drain the pool into a filter well or underground filter field. It is impossible to drain such concentrations onto the ground (into a ditch) or into a reservoir (the excess of the MPC for chlorides is almost 10-fold (no more than 350 g / m3)). But on the field of underground filtration or in the filtering well - you can.

If the soil is sandy or sandy, then to drain, simply dig a hole a meter and a half deep and dig a well-perforated barrel into it, half filled with rubble inside, outside around the barrel to a depth of half a meter, also fill it with rubble and close over the rubble with roofing material, old linoleum, etc. etc., then with earth (do not forget to remove the pipe from the center of the barrel).

For a day, the pool cannot be poured into a barrel - everything will pop up. But slowly, in 1-2 weeks, the water will slowly merge. Maybe faster - it all depends on the soil. If you drain once a season - this is normal. But there will be no harm to plants, and do not spoil the soil, and it will be possible to drain water from the shower there.

pool chlorine generator

The application technology is very simple: on the example of a pool 6x3 m. According to the instructions of the chlorine generator, salt is poured into the pool in the amount of 30 kg per 10 tons.

The filter-chlorine generator for chlorine generation is turned on - free chlorine is obtained (according to the instructions).

The filter-chlorine generator has parallel plates through which water from the pool passes. Voltage is applied to these plates. It turns out electrolysis - the output is free chlorine and scale (white flakes, like on the heating element of the kettle), but not much - the smell of chlorine is not felt, but the turbid water, which leaves green-brown mucus on the filter, becomes transparent and the filter clogs less.

Salt is not consumed in this process.

Since electrolysis and chlorination are not healthy, it is natural to bathe when the chlorine generator does not work.

This is how (at night) the water in the pools in the hotels is treated, so it is forbidden to swim there at night.

The water in the pool when using the chlorine generator tastes slightly salty, but very far from the sea.

Reading time: 1 minute

The pool is an excellent remedy for the summer heat, which requires periodic maintenance. Not all owners know how to wash the pool, and most importantly, how to do it effectively without spending a lot of time.

There are several methods for cleaning both water and the structure itself. Why clean a home pond, how to maintain hygiene and how to wash the walls and bottom, we will tell you in the article.

Before choosing pool cleaners, you should pay attention to the types of pollution and take preventive measures. If you monitor the cleanliness and hygiene of an artificial reservoir, then there will be no need for special cleaning of plumbing.

The pool decorates the suburban area, saves from the heat, allows you to have fun in your free time with children and friends. However, it is worth remembering that a home reservoir is usually located in an open area, therefore it is subject to external pollution. The wind blows sand, leaves, feathers, insects into the water. In addition, vacationers themselves bring a lot of garbage with them: pieces of skin, sweat, cosmetics, hair. It is not necessary to explain why to wash in front of the pool.

The water in the pool is stagnant and under the influence of warm sunlight in the tank, small life develops well. The water can bloom»: blue-green algae form on the water surface and the walls of the bowl. In addition, the use of hard water can lead to the formation of limescale or rust deposits. The owners, most likely, will not want to swim in blooming, muddy or red water.

To prevent this from happening, you should follow simple rules for maintaining the pool:

  • clean the water every time before bathing;
  • install filters that clean and soften water at the inlet;
  • take a shower before swimming;
  • check the pH every week ( should range from 7.0 to 7.4).

Advice! A complete pool cleaning and water change must be done at least once a week. This will help not only to preserve the aesthetic appearance of the artificial reservoir, but also protect filters, pipes, equipment from pollution and damage.

If the structure of the reservoir is still contaminated and it has become impossible to swim in the water, then it is necessary to take cleaning measures.

How to purify water

First of all, you need to clean the water in the pool. Detergents for the pool are not needed yet: you can get by with simple manipulations to clean the reservoir.

Water purification methods:

  • Large debris on the surface can be collected with special nets for pools.
  • Small debris at the bottom e.g. sand) can be removed with water ( or underwater) of a vacuum cleaner specially designed for this purpose. The vacuum cleaner can be manual or automatic.
  • A budget option is a plastic mop powered by a garden hose like a vacuum pump.
  • Chlorine tablets Chloriclar» ( ChloriKlar) quickly dissolve and disinfect water. The number of tablets is calculated according to the volume of the pool.

How to clean the water in the pool, clearly shown in the video.

In order to save yourself from constant manual water purification, the easiest way is to install cleaning filters. Devices can be of three types:

  • sand ( based on quartz sand) filter debris with a size of 20 microns;
  • cartridge hold blockage up to 10 microns;
  • diatoms retain particles up to 3 microns.

The action of filters, regardless of the type, is very simple. When the filter is running, water is sucked into the device, cleaned and thrown back into the pool. Any filter must be periodically cleaned or replaced with a new one.

Wall cleaning methods

If the walls of the pool are covered with lime or algae, then you will have to drain the water and start cleaning the bowl. In this case, you will need detergents for cleaning the pool, as well as brushes and personal protective equipment.

The main methods for cleaning the bowl include:

  • mechanical action;
  • chemical washing of the walls;
  • electrical influence.

Cleansing methods are best combined for perfect results.

Advice! Before draining the water and starting to clean the bowl, you should collect large debris with a net and, if possible, clean the bottom with water vacuum cleaner. Otherwise, all the settled garbage will have to be collected with hands and a shovel.

Mechanical and chemical

You can try to wash a dirty bowl with your own hands using mechanical and chemical effects. Severe pollution is best left to professionals. The use of special equipment will reduce cleaning time and eliminate unnecessary hassle.

If the owner nevertheless decided to do the cleaning himself, then for this you will need:

  • telescopic brush with hard, plastic bristles;
  • scrapers, rags for stubborn dirt;
  • a chemical that helps fight plaque and algae;
  • disinfectant.

After applying the chemical, the walls and bottom are cleaned with brushes and hard sponges. First, the seams between the plates are processed. It is necessary to mechanically clean not only the bottom and walls of the bowl, but also the filters. After the physico-chemical action on the surface, the chemicals are washed off and the dirty water is drained off. If necessary, collect excess water with rags. After cleaning the filter and filling the bowl with water, the device turns on. A run of water will help remove the contaminants remaining in the filter.

Advice! Before using chemicals, protect your feet, hands and Airways. To do this, wear rubber boots, gloves, a respirator and goggles. Also, during cleaning, it is necessary to limit the presence of children and animals near the pool.

How to wash plaque in the pool and how to use the product correctly is presented in the table.

Image Means Instruction

"Anticalcite" dissolves lime deposits ( applied on acid-resistant materials) 1. drain the water in the pool;

2. put on rubber gloves;

3. dilute 1 liter of the substance in 4 liters of water (concentrated "Anticalcite" is used for heavy lime deposits);

4. apply the solution with a roller on the walls and bottom, rub with a brush;

5. wash off with water;

6. repeat if necessary.

"Algitinn" eliminates algae and fungi, disinfects ( does not contain chlorine) 1. drain the water;

2. dilute 200 ml of the drug in 2-3 liters of water (the dosage depends on the volume of the pool);

3. apply the agent on the walls with a roller and leave until completely dry (approximately 1 hour);

4. fill the bowl with water.

"Algicide" prevents the growth of algae, is a prophylactic ( it can be foamy and non-foaming). It can be used both for the treatment of an empty pool and for the treatment of green water. 1. clean the walls and bottom of the structure from contamination;

2. dilute the drug in a ratio of 1:10;

3. pour the solution into the sprayer and process the seams, corners, gutters, connectors;

4. leave for 1-2 hours;

5. Rinse with water and fill the pool.

« shock» cleaning with bromine- or chlorine-containing preparations. 1. add to full pool a large dose of the drug (should exceed the calculated dose by 5-7 times);

2. leave for 12-24 hours;

3. drain the water and clean the bowl of algae;

4. Rinse the filters, rinse the walls (drain the dirty water).

Chemicals for washing pools must be selected based on the finishing material of the bowl. Alkali removes grease, limescale and other wall contaminants made of PVC, ceramics, polypropylene, PCM. Hydrochloric acid is applied to a dense layer of lime, while it can strongly affect PVC. You should carefully select the tool so as not to violate the integrity of the bowl.


In addition to the physical and chemical effects on algae and lime, there are electrophysical methods for cleaning the bowl of an artificial reservoir. In this case, not a detergent for the pool is used, but special devices based on ozone, silver, copper, ultraviolet. How these funds work is described in the table.

Photo Means Description

With the help of electrodes, the air is saturated with oxygen molecules and ozone enters the water. The ozone generator helps to disinfect water without the use of chemicals. At the same time, ozone oxidizes organic substances and minerals more strongly than chlorine or bromine. The ozonizer removes unpleasant tastes and odors from water and restores transparency to it.

The device consists of a control unit and electrodes that are built into the filtration equipment. The ionizer saturates the water with silver and copper ions, which contributes to the destruction of bacteria and the prevention of algae growth. The constant use of an ionizer practically eliminates the need for chlorination.

Special lamps irradiate water and destroy bacteria and viruses. Ultraviolet radiation negatively affects the DNA of microorganisms, which leads to the purification of water in an artificial reservoir. In addition, radiation acts on the compound of chlorine and other chemicals.

Some tips for cleaning your home pond can be gleaned from the video in this article.

Keeping the pool clean is easy. The main thing is to systematically check the pH level and take timely measures to clean the water and the bowl. After each wash, it is necessary to prevent algae growth and disinfect surfaces.