Designs for winter windsurfing. Winter windsurfing: gearing up Ice surfing under sail

Text by Alexei Levin

At such a time, many sit at home, but not real lovers of the wind. What should windsurfers do when the waters are covered with ice? Go to warmer climes? Throw a sail on a shelf? Well, no, we finally waited for the season: it begins winter windsurfing!

As soon as boards with a sail became familiar on the water, athletes in the Nordic countries, without saying a word, mastered the same sail for training and racing in the winter. General principle the same: a flexible hinge is on the projectile, a sail with a double wishbone boom is attached to it. The athlete holds the boom, controlling the sail, as well as steering the projectile with his feet. Maintaining balance, the rider rolls into the wind, tilting the sail towards himself, as they say, “hanging out” on his hands. A trapezoid is always used: a strong hook on a powerful belt, which clings to special loops on the boom, making it easier to sail.

Although the main principle is similar to summer, the surface in winter is fundamentally different! The first winter windsurfers had to rack their brains, but what, in fact, to slide on? This work is still in full swing. It is hardly worth listing all the developments, and it is impossible, because every master, every racer considers it his duty to create something of his own, well, at least to improve what was before him. And it's not just the inquisitiveness of the mind and the thirst for invention. This requires the surface underfoot, its diversity, changeability. On one tack, in addition to even snow, bumpy crust can turn up, bumpy ice can get caught. So you have to choose both "shells" and the style of riding.

Quite quickly, winter windsurfing took shape as a free class, in which, according to the rules, the projectile can be any, but the sail must be from windsurfing.

Many years Russian athletes successfully perform in this class on sailing skis, winning at the highest international level. True, after 2000, when Anatoly Sarafannikov from Tyumen once again became the world champion, for a number of reasons, there was some calm

IN last years our racers began to compete on wide sailing sledges of domestic design, again storming international heights. And in 2011, in Finland, Andrei Khargovsky from Arkhangelsk became the world champion. At the World Championships in 2013, in a stubborn struggle, he once again proved that Russia's leadership in winter windsurfing is not only not accidental, but undeniable.

These achievements were the result of many years of serious work, because winter windsurfing began to develop here in 1976, and all-Union championships began to be held in 1983. And now a milestone event is just around the corner: the next World Cup - in February 2014 - was decided to be held in Russia! In this decision - worldwide recognition of the merits of both our athletes and the organizers of the competition.


There are currently three main types of equipment for winter windsurfing: mono-ski, two-ski(two-ski sled ) and iceboard(board on skates). The rest of the shells can be considered training or amateur.

All types of shells are classified as "sailing sleds", so any shells can participate in any class competition, the choice is up to the athlete. However, riders, with rare exceptions, get used to one type of projectile and rarely change it.

Popular abroad iceboards and narrow sailing sledges. In our country, racers have long been winning on monoskis.

In recent years, Arkhangelsk athletes have developed a special sled - two-ski large width. This wide "two-ski" Works great on hard surfaces and loose snow. Thanks to the width of the support, it became possible to set sails of large sizes, to cope with strong gusts, without losing speed. The last championships of Russia and the world were won on this projectile.

Sails for iceboards And "two-ski" do not have any special winter specifics. For racing, exactly the same sails are used as in summer, taking into account the type of competition and the wind conditions. For modern "two skis" use high-tech sailing sails up to 10 "squares" or more. On iceboards, as a rule, they put sails of a small area. For monoskis where the stance is special, the athletes sew special "winter" sails or remake summer ones.


In our country, and in other northern countries, the winds are stronger in winter than in summer. And the calm happens less often. Therefore, the competitions are more dynamic, the speed is higher than in the summer in the same region. The competition looks very impressive, it is convenient for both spectators and journalists to watch them, who are in the thick of things.

The sliding surface in winter is hard, but very diverse: from crispy crust to snowy porridge, from drain ice to deep virgin soil. Accordingly, slip secrets are of great importance. Experienced skiers will not be scared by this, and the rest are quickly gaining experience. After all, without it you won’t win, and sometimes you won’t go. As in any skiing, winter windsurfers use various lubricants and complex methods of applying them: in several layers, at different intervals, for specific weather. True, not always recommended ointments “go” strictly according to the instructions, therefore each team has its own training kitchen in the arsenal, each athlete has his own personal know-how. As for iceboards, sharpening skates is of the same importance for them.

High speeds on hard surfaces dictate serious safety requirements. The wind at competitions is often very strong, there are falls and blockages. Therefore, a strong helmet, goggles, knee pads are required. Sometimes additional protection of the back, elbows is used. Of course, frost protection is also required. In general, the usual equipment of a winter surfer is skiing.

For a summer windsurfer, the almost complete absence of lateral drift on ice and snow is unusual. This means that you can go quite sharply into the wind without losing speed. On the ice, as you accelerate, the apparent wind grows, allowing you to go even sharper. This is the so-called "buer effect", when the projectile flies almost against the wind for a long time. On the snow, this effect is also felt, although not so clearly.

Due to the fact that the lateral drift is minimal, you can tilt the sail without the risk of breaking the projectile into a skid. In a good wind, winter windsurfers fly over the surface, barely touching the snow ...

It should be noted that with the advent of the wide Arkhangelsk "two-ski", the control and guiding technique has become closer to summer windsurfing. Athletes put their feet well behind the hinge, which was an exception on monoski.


In the class "sailing sled" are held classic for sailing racing on medium distance- course-flight. The race is held upwind and then downwind, taking about half an hour, with breaks, in several stages. A marathon race is held at a distance of 40-60 km, lasts at least two hours, so such a test requires endurance and experience with the wind. Separately, the super-marathon in Monchegorsk, on Lake Imandra, stands out, where only according to the general course, athletes cover a distance of one hundred kilometers. This is where you can test yourself for strength! The marathon has been held since 1998. The fastest windsurfer covered the distance in 2 hours 45 minutes, and many do not have enough daylight hours.

If the coverage allows, the championships include "slalom" - speed competitions. The race is held in Gulfwind, as well as downwind and upwind, with high-speed turns every 50-200 m. The track is specially prepared, cleaned and even flooded like a skating rink. The race is held on special iceboards, which are required to have the same turning radius in order to avoid collisions when rounding signs.

Since the surface is hard, you can not only slide on it, but also run. It is allowed to push off with your feet - for mono-skiers this is the usual way to accelerate. This is also possible for other equipment, although it is too slippery on the ice for jogging, and on a wide “two-ski” it is difficult just because of its width. Sail pitching ("pumping") is not prohibited, but is used in racing to a limited extent, since they are not so effective.


Many athletes come from summer windsurfing to winter to be able to train. all year round on the same equipment and without expensive trips to training camps in distant countries. So, for example, do Polish athletes, recognized leaders of the Olympic class RS-X.

Currently, sailing schools from Monchegorsk, Konakovo, St. Petersburg and Arkhangelsk use winter windsurfing in their work as an addition to summer species. In addition to increasing the level of training, this, which is very important, helps to keep beginners interested in sailing all year round.

In our country, the Winter Windsurfing Association, established in 1987, is in charge of winter windsurfing. It is headed by Vyacheslav Maltsev from Murmansk.

Since 1991 Russian team takes part in the world championships, which have been held since 1980 and are organized by the international ice and snow sailing association WISSA. Championships were held in different countries: Canada, Estonia, Latvia, Finland, USA, even in Italy. And in 2014, the World Cup will be held for the first time in Russia, not far from Moscow, on Lake Pleshcheyevo. What is symbolic - in the very place where the Russian sailing fleet was born. Well, how can you not remember: "All the flags will visit us"!

“For me, the main thing in winter is not slipping, not the delight of victories, but freedom! In summer, the lack of wind, onlookers on the beach, the coastline interfere, and you never know interference. And in winter! In winter, everything is covered with a white veil. your skis, someone's sails, kite lines, tents, flags, ice rinks, springboards, snowdrifts, snowmobiles, dog sleds... Forbidden signs disappear somewhere, fences sink in the snow. Tacks become longer, courses become sharper, routes stretch beyond the horizon "Old friends meet, a tablecloth appears right on the ice, new acquaintances are made, knots are untied, telephones are lost and found. The race begins ... The surrounding hills, drawn into the wind whirlwind, expand the space, and do not compress it, as in summer. In a frosty haze "Everything that is unnecessary in this world disappears. There are only three left: you, the wind and the sail. Maybe that's why many of us are just waiting for winter?"

A close relative of winter windsurfing is winter kite, also called snowkiting. It happens that winter windsurfers switch to a kite. There are also those who perform alternately in both classes, although this is difficult, since each of the classes has its own specifics, and the competition is too great. Free wing is also popular abroad - freesail ("skimbat", "kitewing"). This movement is skiing or skating with a symmetrical wing-like sail. The athlete holds the wing on weight, and attaches it only to the hook on the belt. The dexterity of the athlete is of great importance here. The sail area is small - up to 4-5 sq.m., however, in a strong wind, athletes reach high speeds, while making spectacular turns and jumps. Both snowkiting and freesail are included in the program of all major competitions along with winter windsurfing.

* On last championship world Finn Oskari Pääkkönen accelerated to 63 km / h.
* The official speed record for sailing in our country - 69.5 km / h - was set in 1987 by an athlete from Moscow, Juhan Gross.
* Max speed in an unofficial race, Jeffrey Brown from the USA showed 97 km / h over a distance of 500 m on ice.

Website of the Russian Winter Windsurfing Association -

Buying a windsurfing board, like the rest of the equipment for this sport, occurs at a certain stage of riding. It may not be possible to catch fire with the very idea after two or three attempts to conquer the wind. the best option, since progress in this sport is very fast, and equipment directly depends on the beginner's skiing level. So, what should you rely on when choosing a windsurf board?

  1. Experience of at least ten exits to the sea or any suitable water area.
  2. Assessing your own riding style preferences. A windsurfer must understand what emotions he expects from the further development of his hobby skills: whether he likes speed and planing, freestyles with jumps and turns are more to his liking, or the athlete prefers smooth riding over long distances. Each of these styles determines the choice of sports equipment and, in particular, windsurfing boards.
  3. Understanding your capabilities. A novice athlete should know which tricks he is already able to master, and which he is not. If you overestimate this moment, you can get into an awkward situation when a professional windsurfer board doesn’t lend itself to a beginner in any way - the level does not hold up.
  4. Use several different rental boards to highlight the most suitable model. Then you can find this board model in your area via the Internet. However, do not rush to buy it right away: test it on the water, ride it several times in different weather to check the operation of the equipment in different wind strengths. Only after that, if the board absolutely suits you, you can purchase it.

The principle of choosing a board for riding is quite simple: the larger and wider the board, the easier it is to control it on the water. For full "dummies" you need to take a board up to 3 meters of maximum width. This is windsurfing equipment, in which you can safely stand on the water, holding on to the boom.

The medium windsurf board is already designed for more experienced athletes who have mastered the basic techniques, can plane smoothly and develop good speed on the water. And the smallest sizes of boards with a sharp nose and narrow in size will only fit professional athletes, who perform complex freestyle tricks and masterfully use equipment.

How to make a windsurfboard with your own hands

Modern windsurfing boards are made using high technology, so not everyone can make such a product on their own. It requires skills in craftsmanship and engineering miscalculation of drawings. However, if you have the experience of a boat modeling club and a boundless devotion to your favorite hobby, then it is worth trying to make your own windsurf board.

The materials used for this are fiberglass and epoxy. First, according to the drawings, a blank is made of polyurethane foam or polystyrene foam. next step the board is shaped, turning more. In fact, this is the most important process of the entire board production, as it determines the future performance of the board on the water: appearance, the shape of the nose, tail and rails.

The painstaking work of turning a board requires the skillful handling of a saw, planer and sandpaper.
The final stage - decorative - when the board is painted, covered with fiberglass and the lamination process is carried out. Excess resin is cleaned and the product is brought to perfect condition.

Windsurfing clothing

The most essential thing for a beginner to conquer the water and wind is a wetsuit and a windsurf harness.
A wetsuit is selected based on the seasonality of your skiing and the expected water temperature. For example, for windsurfing in the Gulf of Finland, you will need a fully enclosed suit with a hood and maximum thermal protection, and when skiing in Anapa, you can limit yourself to short shorts and a T-shirt made of waterproofing material.

If the first element - a wetsuit - is quite simple to choose - in size, then the choice of a trapezoid needs expert advice and test skating. There are two types of trapezium: waist and seated. Each of them has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

Therefore, before you spend money on buying a windsurfing harness, carefully try both types of harnesses in practice. Your riding style and experience in windsurfing will tell you which model is better to go for.

Favorable wind and waves.

Winter windsurfing is a sailing sport that is able to find big number their admirers in the cold season. The basis of activity is skiing on frozen water. Ideally, riding is carried out on pure ice or a very thin layer of snow. Only experienced athletes who understand can safely ride in deep snow.

History of windsurfing

How did people understand that winter windsurfing has its right to exist? Everything began to actively develop in Europe immediately after the onset of the 20th century. In those days, people had handicapped for an exciting pastime, so serious attempts were made to still diversify leisure.

Europeans in the 20th century did not travel along. But they were ready to enjoy skating, which they managed to upgrade into windsurfing. Unfortunately, history has not preserved the name of the one who allowed the use of the sail even in winter. The idea of ​​sports fully corresponded to the trend of that era, because people tried to successfully conquer any trials (snow, strong gusts of wind, cold) and effectively realize the forces that every healthy and active person possesses.

It was in those years that people tested themselves in the following ways:

  • mastering flights in the air on various;
  • carrying out transcontinental trips;
  • making numerous discoveries and inventions.

It is not surprising that people began to learn about windsurfing on ice, which initially meant the opportunity to test the inherent potential and find ways to manifest physical abilities.

Then a special sail appeared, allowing you to enjoy riding in the cold season. It was possible to use a frame made of natural wood, which had a wide bottom and tapered top. A special fabric was stretched over the frame, made in a verified trapezoidal shape. The structure was not attached to anything, so the rider had to hold it by a special crossbar. It is important to note that many Europeans initially loved skiing, but then they successfully obeyed the novelty of the sport and switched to windsurfing. For easy movement, the original shape of the sail was changed to a triangular design, and the athlete could hold and control his direction without problems.

In the middle of the 20th century, a period of trials began in Europe: the war, the post-war period. People had to give up skis with sails. Despite this, winter windsurfing returned to the list of leisure activities in the early 1970s. In addition, windsurfing quickly became a separate sport. The end of the 20th century brought a revival of the beloved sport.

The following regions turned out to be the most popular corners:

  • Leningrad region;
  • Arhangelsk region;
  • The Gulf of Finland;
  • Ladoga lake;
  • Lake Onega;
  • Estonia;
  • White Sea.

It is not surprising that winter windsurfing gained particular fame in Europe, whose inhabitants clearly understood the benefits of such sports activities.

Currently, there are annual championships dedicated to windsurfing and contributing to its popularity.

Getting ready for self-study: choose a board

Which winter windsurf board is suitable for solo practice?

One of the most interesting options is an iceboard that is as close as possible to . In this case, a skating structure with a reinforced mast is provided. It is important to note that the iceboard appears even in international sports competitions, and numerous varieties of design deserve special attention. Iceboard is ideal even for training:

  • stability;
  • easy control;
  • the possibility of easy sliding in wind speeds above three meters per second;

Iceboard is a worthy offer for beginners who only plan to test their potential.

What to do if the ice is covered with a layer of snow and iceboarding becomes more difficult? In this case, only a 2-ski design is suitable. It will require a pendant, edging long skiing. If you take care of reliable crepes and boots, you can easily start active skiing. In this case, ice skating acquires additional features, as the requirement for wind strength becomes more pronounced. In addition, it will not be possible to develop very high speed. But fortunately, you can experience high-speed trips on the snow, and not just on the ice surface.

Knowing which winter windsurf board is best suited for practice, it is extremely important to take care to understand clear safety rules.

Features of the upcoming winter skiing

Windsurfing involves high speeds and amazing dynamism. Of course, windsurfing in winter can be spectacular. But at the same time, you need to understand what safety rules it is desirable to take into account.

Windsurfing is a high-speed and dynamic sport

Weather conditions in winter are not always acceptable, so safety requirements become serious. Be sure to take care of:

  • helmet;
  • knee pads;
  • glasses.

In some cases, it is necessary to additionally protect the elbows and back. No less important is a warm ski suit, which allows you to forget about any frosts.

Classes are preferably carried out in windy weather and on an ice surface with a thin layer of snow, since only in this case it is possible to successfully control the sail and the direction of the path. It is important to note that the 2-ski design, which has been successfully used for winter sailing, is similar to summer windsurfing: athletes can put their feet behind the articulated part. On a monoski it was impossible!

Windsurfing, which falls in the winter, deserves attention. But it must be known, comprehended!

Windsurfing is an actively developing sport that finds new fans every year. If water windsurfing is quite well-known and popular in the waters of the Black Sea or the Gulf of Finland, then ski windsurfing is still a little-known hobby. Although it is this subspecies of surf that is the most suitable for Russian climatic conditions, because, as you know, there are no Pacific waves in our country, but snow and wind can be found in abundance in any region.

The slow popularization of ski windsurfing is also explained by the fact that equipment for this subspecies is a problem. In sports stores you will not find designs for winter wind, and all the equipment of experienced athletes is practically assembled independently from improvised materials with innovative developments.

The advent of the Internet simplifies the matter somewhat, since the design scheme of windsurfing on skis can be borrowed from blogs and forms where professional surfers share their experience.

Most often, athletes begin to engage in winter windsurfing, who already feel confident on the water and have sailing skills, correct stance, reversals, etc. Such hobbyists wait all winter to get back on the board or come up with ski structures that you can ride on. frozen ice.

Two-ski "boards" are very popular in the Gulf of Finland. They consist of two edge skis, which are mounted on a special platform. With strong winds and dense snow, this design is able to develop very good speeds. Another advantage of two-ski windsurf boards is their ease of handling.

Even for beginners who are on the board for the first time, a couple of hours are enough to master this equipment. Tilts and turns are regulated by means of special screws. Some craftsmen manage to put in the middle another, third short ski for jumping instead of a board. At the same time, the maximum slip of the structure and a set of speeds in strong winds are achieved.

Monoski structures

Mono-ski windsurfing is more simple and understandable for a modern athlete. This is a kind of combination of windsurfing skis like a snowboard and a sailboat. The inventors of such equipment were Estonian athletes who, during Soviet times, developed a design for skiing in the Gulf of Finland. The main advantage, in comparison with two-ski boards, is the possibility of more virtuosic skiing, freestyle freestyle, jumps and all kinds of elements. Other advantages of this design are:

  • relative cheapness;
  • ease of transportation;
  • high sliding speed;
  • good handling in low winds.

The last moment smoothly turns into a drawback when the wind intensifies: only experienced surfers can steer a sailboat in such a situation.

Skate windsurfing

The principle of this design resembles a skateboard, where instead of 4 wheels there are skating blades. Winter windsurfing with such equipment can give very high results in speed, and the controllability of the board depends on its length and stiffness of the suspension. Sometimes three strips of blades are installed on the board, the so-called three-ridge boards. They are not too different from the previous design and also show good results on ice. Skate structures are most suitable for skating on frozen lakes with a low layer of snow. Easy to manage, such equipment does not require a special sailboat - a regular one that is used on the water is suitable.

Despite the apparent fragility and low stability of the structure, sliding on snow is almost perfect. On the other hand, handling is also at its best, and not only professional windsurfers can work on such equipment, but also those who are going to try to catch the wind on the “board” for the first time. In general, on this moment two-ski equipment is ideal for skiing in the snow.

For many years, experts will easily tell you what are the strengths and weaknesses of a monoski for wind. Let's start with the positives: excellent glide, regardless of the snow, cheap, easy riding in light winds, easy to transport. On the other side of the coin is low handling, especially if you ride in very strong winds on dense snow.

The most progressive monoski design for winter wind uses a light platform that can be quickly removed, extreme supports for better glide, a two-type mast hinge, which allows you to minimize the load on the skis.

The most common monoski variant is a compilation of 2.5-meter jump and 2.2-meter edge skis. Most athletes use non-standard, most often self-sewn sails, which, first of all, differ from summer options in their angular position relative to the surface - winter sails, when mounted on monoskis, are significantly shifted forward.

Another popular view shells for sailing in winter - skating "boards". At their core, four-skate skateboards are not much different from ordinary skateboards, if we talk about the principles of operation. The suspensions are the same, only, of course, the wheels are replaced with skates familiar to winter.

The board in this case should be much longer than the skate, and the suspension is tightened by the athletes as much as possible. In this way, you can maximize the controllability of the board and speed it up significantly.

Many athletes go further, lengthening the skates as well. But, really professional winter windsurfers who know exactly their capabilities can manage such a design. It is better for beginners to limit themselves to the simplest design in order to understand the principle of sail and skate board control on snow.

The second type of winter board for windsurfing is 3-skate boards, which do not differ too much from skis in principle. The main feature of such boards put on skates is stability and speed. They accelerate quickly, even in light winds, while not becoming uncontrollable - you can maneuver quite simply with at least a little riding experience behind you.

It's no secret that the winter wind is still much less popular than the traditional one - on the ocean with a rest under the shade of palm branches. On the other hand, today a lot of people are interested in winter wind. There are several reasons. Firstly, catching the wind on the snow in Russia is much easier than on the waves - you can ride literally anywhere where it snows. Secondly, the cost of winter windsurfing is very different from its summer counterpart.

As we wrote above, you can ride anywhere where it snows. It is customary to choose several types of terrain: mountain slopes, frozen rivers and lakes, snowy steppes.

On the slopes of snow-capped mountains, sailing is no less cool than snowboarding or skiing, especially considering that the board, in fact, is not much different from the above-mentioned projectile for winter views sports. However, the sail accelerates you even more, which allows you to achieve really high speeds.

The most popular form of winter windsurfing is riding on frozen lakes. For this, ridge structures are most often used. The sails are the same as for summer windsurfing. What will you get from ice skating? High and very high speed. At the moment, there are a lot of places where you can go windsurfing in winter in Russia. Only in Moscow about 35 spots operate every season.

The third option is snow skiing on spacious plains and steppes. Not the most developed type of windsurfing, because not everyone and not always can achieve high speeds under sail on dense snow. But, if you are looking for a new extreme hobby for yourself, then you should definitely try it - you will gain impressions for a lifetime!