The biathlete quit big sport and opened a rabbit farm. The mother of two children even broke up with her husband, who did not support her adventure

World junior biathlon champion Anna Pogorelova dreamed of living with her family in the countryside and raising rabbits. For this she left big sport and sold all her property. The RBC publication spoke about the dream and its implementation.

The parents gave the future champion to the sport. Dad wanted the girl to become a professional tennis player, so she started on the court. But, according to Pogorelova, the family did not live well, and participation in tennis competitions required large expenses, so at the age of 11 she independently decided to change the sport and began to go to biathlon training.

In the first year, the novice biathlete took third place in the relay and fourth place in individual race. Because of the heavy workload, Anna ended up in the hospital. For six years of her sports career, Anna did not leave the idea of ​​​​leaving sports: starting a family, having children.


At the age of 20, the biathlete got married and, at the peak of her form, went on maternity leave. Now 26-year-old Anna has two children: a boy and a girl, a year and four months apart. As the girl admitted, at some point she realized that she could not live only at home. Here she remembered her old dream of living in the countryside and doing agriculture.

By the age of 24, I knew for sure that I wanted to move out of town. I want more children and I want to work where my home is. So agriculture. I began to think. Plants? No. Animals? Yes. Cows, sheep? No. But rabbits are interesting. I looked at the statistics. In Italy, an average of 4.7 kg of rabbit meat is eaten per person per year, and in Russia - 17 grams. There is no market. Although this is dietary meat, with better digestibility, environmentally friendly. Don't sell the rabbit? Yeah, that's just bullshit, I thought. To whom I didn’t say that I wanted to deal with rabbits, they all twisted their fingers at the temple.

In 2013, Pogorelova began to study the intricacies of rabbit breeding.

6 million rubles should have been enough to start a business. She inherited an apartment, and she decided to sell it. With this money, Anna bought 11 hectares of land and rented premises near Kolomna, Moscow Region. The plans also included the purchase of foreign equipment, but at the end of 2014 the ruble collapsed, and the entire business plan went down the drain.

Anna sold the second apartment, which she inherited from her uncle. With this money, she bought some of the necessary equipment and began to prepare the farm for the first livestock.

Photo: Vladislav Shatilo

Her husband did not support Anna's adventure, and the family broke up.

In 2015, at the height of the construction of the farm, Anna got into a serious car accident: the girl had two broken vertebrae and her collarbone, a crushed shoulder blade, and a ruptured spleen.

Anna received a non-refundable subsidy of 2.5 million rubles from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Moscow Region. for equipment and about 8 million rubles. for the repair of the farm and the purchase of rabbits. It was possible to build and equip the farm only by 2016. Finally, in the summer, we bought the first batch of 600 rabbits (each costs 4.5 thousand rubles). According to calculations, the output should have been approximately 55 tons of meat per year and a profit of 1 million rubles. per month.

KMV News

However, Anna could not control all the processes on the spot: her father had a heart attack, the doctors said that he had three months to live. Pogorelova was torn between the farm and caring for her father, and as a result, due to problems with ventilation, half of the livestock died. I had to endure quarantine and buy more females. Then it turned out that they were not eager to breed - only three rabbits out of 600 brought offspring. Meanwhile, the businesswoman had a preliminary agreement to supply the first batch of meat to Azbuka Vkusa. The contract broke down.

It was possible to get the long-awaited offspring only on the third attempt. In December 2016, Pogorelova finally received the first 400 kg of meat, which she sold to 200 private buyers. The largest customer immediately bought 18 kg. Pogorelova delivered the first orders personally.

In one of the interviews, the girl admitted that she was happy. And there is no doubt about this, looking at this spectacular and smiling girl.

  • In February, Pogorelova expects to sell 4 tons of meat already, this promises about 600 thousand rubles. arrived.
  • For two and a half years, the initial investment in the rabbit farm amounted to about 22.5 million rubles. Of these, 12 million rubles. spent on the purchase of land, equipment and rabbits, 3 million rubles. - for the repair of the building, 5 million rubles. - for the salaries of seven employees and about 2.5 million - for rent. Anna's official salary all this time was 30 thousand rubles. per month.

Muscovite Anna Pogorelova came to biathlon at 11, at 19 she became the world junior champion in the relay (by the way, the team of Italian Dorothea Wierer then took third place), got into the Sochi-2014 experimental team with supercoach Nikolai Lopukhov, and at 20 she quit sports - considered it impossible to combine a career as a biathlete and a family. Now Anna is 26. She has two children, a valuable PR resume and a rabbit breeding business. In an interview with Match TV, Anna told all the details of turning a biathlete into a farmer.

- Biathlon for a Moscow girl is not an obvious choice. How did it happen?
- In general, since childhood, I loved skiing, I liked the aesthetics of the classic ski run. I saw it on TV at some Olympics and fell in love. But first they sent me to tennis, because “skiing is a horse sport”, “you will regret it yourself”, etc. As a result, I spent 6 years with a racket. And I even had some success, but after a while I became uninteresting. For the rating, you need to constantly play in tournaments, and this is money - every start, every application. The parents couldn't afford it. We lived very poorly. Apartment - 11 sq. meters. Yes, there are those where the kitchen is 2.30 and the bathroom is 1.90. I always wore some kind of rags, I bought the first good thing for myself, at the age of 14.

When it became clear that everything was over with tennis, dad - he is a coach skiing decided to send me to athletics where I didn't want to. But he gave me six months to rest. And these six months I had to go to school every day. Thought I'd go crazy. How much can be the same? We start to go through the topic, we continue to start, etc. And from the second grade I had a semi-external study - I appeared at school twice a week, my brain got used to working much faster. But just then, a biathlon coach came to our class to recruit children. They didn’t even show me as a tennis player to her, but one girl went to practice. I then caught her and found out where to go. So at the age of 11 I got into the section of the coach Yuri Lelin.

- In the same basement where Olga Podchufarova came 8 years later. Conditions for classes, or rather, their absence, did not scare you?
- Yes, now there are mansions, there is even a cooler. At the beginning of the 2000s, everything was much more modest. There is not enough space, some warehouses in the neighborhood. Complete lack of money. From how we performed, it depended on whether they would give us at least something for the next year. There are few cartridges, the barrel is one for four, rugs like carpets - we put them directly on the sand. But these conditions were great disciplined, tempered. It never crossed my mind to complain about the cartridges or the uncomfortable rug if something didn’t work out. There are cartridges, there is a rug - already good!

Or, for example, we often went to training camps in the Tver region. Recently I read "Abode" by Zakhar Prilepin (a novel about camp life on Solovki - "Match TV") and thought how much tragedy there is in the conditions of life of prisoners, but for us similar circumstances were an adventure. There was no food, they lived in barracks - there were bunk beds for children in a small room. Naturally knocked together wooden beds, the density is catastrophic - 5 people in a closet room. One shower with water heater for 50 people. Imagine how fast we ran there after training in a race - the heat is on, the salt is really pouring from our faces. Washing under hot water once a week - it was class!

We came to the gathering with two bags: one with clothes, the other with food. At first, inexperienced, they took all sorts of cookies, and then canned food, bichpacks, and so on. When I first arrived, I distributed all my supplies very quickly - I did not know that a hunger strike would begin in a week. And this is a real hunger strike. For breakfast, porridge and tea, and there were already wars for bread. But there was no thought to treat it as something bad.

It was only in 2008 that I first got into the team where I was good conditions. There was food, abroad. And I wanted to win everywhere so much that I overtrained. I stopped sleeping, eating, my heart was beating in my fingertips with the force of the bell of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. In the fall, my mother died, and I ended up in the hospital from all these experiences.

- But in the winter you went to the junior world championship and won gold in the relay.
- Yes, although I missed the run-in and started skiing only at the official training before the first qualifying race. Was the 68th. But the next three ran better, and won one sprint - and got to the World Championship. I arrived at Canmore in good shape, but the doctors did some research and found out that I had nervous tension. The heart beats exactly in one point. And after a special relaxation technique - something like "dog breathing" - I couldn't move at all. 13th place in the sprint is a disaster for me. But we confidently won the relay. And this postscript "in the relay" to the title of "world champion among juniors" now aligns with the rest, helps not to be proud.

Summer 2010. Experimental team "Sochi -2014". Top row, center: coach Nikolai Lopukhov. Third from the left in the middle row is Olga Abramova, who now competes for Ukraine and is awaiting permission to return to competition after testing positive for meldonium; far right - Maxim Tsvetkov, who won the first personal victory in the World Cup in the 2015/16 season. Anna Pogorelova - in the bottom row.

- The next season, you trained in the Sochi-2014 experimental team with the famous coach Nikolai Lopukhov - did he invite you?
- Everything happened by chance. My then-young man, also a biathlete, really wanted to see him. I went to the selection for the company, although I had an extremely unpleasant association with Lopukhov. He also has a reputation as a despot, iron discipline, not a step left or right.

- And also the nickname "Syringe", which Alexander Tikhonov voiced in one of his burning interviews.
- I didn’t worry about doping at all, I knew that such tricks would not work with me. I understood that all the loads that Lopukhov was famous for would have to be pulled by herself. But in fact, there was no doping in our team. Medication accompaniment - mildronate (then not yet banned by WADA - "Match TV") and riboxin (another cardiac drug, from among those allowed - "Match TV"). Yes, and those - not systemically, but only according to the testimony of doctors. After each collection in-depth medical examination.

There was also such a procedure - pinching off fat. The girls perceived it as the madness of Nikolai Petrovich about our weight and stopped eating, drinking, sleeping three days before. And this was done in order to understand how well the work was done. training work. It turns out that the overstressed muscle atrophies and the amount of fat increases in this place. If, for example, there is more fat on the arms by the end of the collection, it means that at the next one you can reduce the load on the shoulder girdle.

In general, I was struck by the difference between what Nikolai Petrovich said and how he was understood. We had a dramatic episode in our team when one girl had a renal coma. They accused Lopukhov, but I lived with her for a year in the same room and I know how it happened. She got up in the morning, poured a glass of water, put a slice of lemon - and this was her drink for the whole day. So she dried up. Although Lopukhov never got personal at any meeting, he did not point out to anyone by last name - “you need to lose weight” or “you ran poorly today.” He spoke about everyone - something like “we are going to rise, we are dragging our own dough”, and each took it at her own expense. And I didn’t remember either his words about the obligatory carbohydrate drink for every workout, or the permission to have a chocolate bar twice a cycle, but only dough, dough, dough ...

- In the Russian men's team, which Lopukhov was preparing for the Games in Sochi, he did not have a relationship with the athletes, but how did you manage to establish contact with him?
- At first, I also set a condition that there should be another coach between me and Lopukhov, but then I took a closer look and realized that Nikolai Petrovich is a miracle man, my warmest memories of sports. For all the time I worked with him, there was not a single workout that I would not understand or consider superfluous. He has everything according to plan. He is overbearing. Always on the lookout. It's just that his main approach is to work. Collections don't like it. That summer we were preparing in parallel with the national team (then the men's team was coached by Mikhail Tkachenko, and the women's team was coached by Anatoly Khovantsev - "Match TV"), so I did one and a half to two times more than the boys from main team. Here, for example, is our exercise: a kilometer run, 45-50 minutes of rollerblading, gymnastics and physical training. And an hour later, the first training session - for 36 km.

- Biathletes of the national team complained about overload, although Lopukhov said that he was giving them an ordinary job at a children's sports school.
- Yes, our system is so arranged that athletes have been under a hard whip since childhood, they work for the result, and getting into the national team means “wow, it worked out, you can exhale.”

- And you, it seems, were also close to this goal. Junior successes, cool coach, and you give up biathlon at the age of 20 - why?
- I really, really, really wanted children - that's just physically, like a hungry person wants to eat. But I understood that sport would not give it to me. A choice had to be made. Or sports - and then fight for every start. Or a family that takes up all the time. The option to give birth and not educate is not for me. I wanted to be a mother, I wanted a real family.

- Did Lopukhov dissuade a promising athlete from waiting with children for several years?
- No. He saw in me a character for the sport, but at the same time he understood that I want more from life than sport can give. And at the same time I saw a million athletes who have personal life did not work out. But parting with the sport was difficult. It is so integrated into the metabolism that you cannot live, breathe without it. At first I had terrible withdrawal symptoms, I sobbed into the pillow. And I also thought that everything is going well with me: Moscow, apartment, family, some new interests - English, guitar, vocals, etc.; but it's still hard for me. And how the girls from the deep provinces finish, I have no idea at all. Last year I started running, so I began to have dreams that I was training again, that I went to the rink and, right in my dream, I worry about who my children are with.

- Did you think to return after the birth of children?
- I had a dream: to take Nikolai Petrovich and prove to everyone what a great coach he is. I am convinced that even after a seven-year break, he could get me back in shape. But God corrected my plans. Last fall, I had an accident. On the move, a wheel fell off, the car was shattered, and I had two broken vertebrae and a damaged spleen, which had to be removed. Now I'm definitely not a fighter.

- Biathletes rarely leave the decree not for skiing, but for a new and far from sports job - how did you find it?
- Rather, she found me. A friend from the maternity hospital somehow called and called to RIA-Novosti. They had a burning project there to organize audiovisual events for the G-20 summit. This is 2013. I am 23, I have two children with a difference of a year and four months, the youngest is half a year old, the eldest up to 6 months screamed almost around the clock and slept only to the sound of the included hair dryer. In general, it’s hard for me and I’m ready to go anywhere.

- And with whom are the children?
- Surprisingly, at the right time, a nanny was found, who eventually became a very close person to me and the godmother of my children.

- But you had no experience and education.
- Yes, I have years of sports in my resume, two on maternity leave and very poor English, but a lot of ideas and a desire to work. But by the time they called me, the project was already hopelessly overwhelmed. The idea was cool: 20 photographers from the G-20 countries come to Russia to collect material for the exhibition. They told me - do what you want, but start at least somehow. The result is The Russian Moment photo gallery.

On the one hand, RIA squeezed me out like a lemon. On the other hand, in three months I gained a lot of experience, fluent English and appreciated myself. And I realized that I was not interested. State-owned company, everything is very clumsy. Went into business. In the marketing department of the company Japonica, which sells Japanese cosmetics. Plus, I was also invited to act in commercials. A pretty biathlete was needed for the detergent commercial in the story. They found me through social media. They paid decently - 50 thousand per shift. Then back in promo tank biathlon filmed.

I worked at Japonica for only a month and decided to leave. Although I figured out everything, I made up a development strategy. I was persuaded to stay, promised decent money. 100 and an agreement for 240 in a year, with complete freedom of action. But I worked for another week and left. It seemed to me wrong to explain something to people about Japanese cosmetics if I myself use the Pure Line.

April 2016. At Anna Pogorelova's farm, everything is ready for the arrival of rabbits.

How did the idea of ​​farming come about?
- After RIA and marketing, I realized that I don’t want to waste my life on something that I won’t be proud of. We have to do business. Decided to look for something new.

- But why rabbits, and not a conventional restaurant or a beauty salon?
- By the age of 24, I knew for sure that I wanted to move out of town. I want more children and I want to work where my home is. That means agriculture. I began to think. Plants? No. Animals? Yes. Cows, sheep? No. But rabbits are interesting. I looked at the statistics. In Italy, an average of 4.7 kg of rabbit per person is eaten per year, and in Russia - 17 grams. There is no market. Although this is dietary meat, with better digestibility, environmentally friendly. Don't sell the rabbit? Yeah, that's just bullshit, I thought.

- But in order to sell a rabbit, it must first be raised. This does not seem like the easiest task, especially for a person without thematic experience and education.
“I learned all about it in two years. From farm ventilation to the fertility of different breeds of rabbits. It's not a fast process. At first, I searched for land for a long time. As a result, I bought 11 hectares near Kolomna. Then I chose a building. I had five options, and in each I mentally arranged the equipment, settled the rabbits. Now I have a project for 600 rabbits, which is about 55 tons of meat per year, the expected income is about a million per month.

- Where does the start-up capital come from?
- I decided to do without credits. In Russia, very often business is built on the basis of chance. Nobody wants to wait and grow gradually, everyone wants to quickly. They will get loans, and then it turns out that they are too heavy to maintain and do not allow business to develop. I don't have an overmargin task. I rely on a compact, well-functioning system that will reduce the cost of meat - for the price it will not be chicken, of course, but not lamb either.

In general, my initial plan was to meet 6 million rubles. I had an apartment that was for rent, and I sold it. My family didn't understand me then. To give up real estate in Moscow for the sake of a farm project - what kind of nonsense ?! I had to convince. And then there was a collapse of the euro, a crisis. I managed to buy land, rented a room, but there was not enough money for equipment. It was a difficult moment of doubt: am I doing the right thing, is my idea necessary - for me, my loved ones, my children. Decided it was needed. I sold another apartment, which I got from my cousin, and bought equipment. But, by the way, the state compensated almost 60 percent of the costs.

- How?
- I applied for a grant. First, to the Ministry of Agriculture - they could not help, but they sent me to the Ministry of Investments and Innovations. As a result, half of the equipment costs, which is 2.5 million, were reimbursed, and this year the tax refund came - a million.

- At what stage is the project now?
- Everything is ready and waiting for the rabbits. We plan to buy them in June - most likely abroad.

- Why not in Russia?
- We don't have genetics, no one has done it. In Russia there are now only 5 farms similar to the one I want to make. And one, by the way, in the neighborhood - "Lelechi" in the Yegoryevsky district. Her owner Alexander Kirillov and I communicate a lot.

In general, the people with whom this project introduced me is a separate issue. At each stage, there are those who hate you for your knowledge and desire to do something, but there are many more of those who need it, who are grateful and ready to participate. Here a girl came with a check from the ministry and was so imbued that in the end she became my assistant.

And gradually the project of a small farm that brings a decent income has been transformed into the idea of ​​a whole agro-town where people will live and work. And this is not only rabbits, but also vegetables, and fertilizers, and meat processing. I want to create a space on my land that people will perceive as their own. A place where you can safely put your child on the school bus and go to work that you like.

- What is the duration of this project?
- The horizon for the construction of the first residential premises is 5 years. To develop, you need money, and for this you need to first start a farm.

Irina Zhuravleva

27-year-old Anna Pogorelova now happily demonstrates not gold medals at all, but rabbits on her own farm. Together with her two children, she moved from Moscow to the village of Nepetsino, Kolomna District, and is happy to share the story of absolute happiness.

The house is full of children's toys and smells like cranberry juice. Everyone sits down to dinner together: Anna, 5-year-old Dima and 4-year-old Arina. While the children are fiddling with spoons, Anya takes a box with a medal from the top shelf.

Everyone wants to go to Moscow, and I'm from Moscow, but for me it was so important. I realized when I analyzed what made me happier than the rest - it was my free rural childhood. I wanted to give this to my children too, but it’s impossible to move to the village of dreams, it simply doesn’t exist, so I’ll have to build it myself

Gold from the Canadian Kenmore Anna shows, it seems, even without any pride. In 2009, she became the junior biathlon world champion and almost immediately, at the very peak, ended her sports career. A high salary and great prospects seemed like something very small compared to what they would have to lose.

It was impossible to leave biathlon anywhere except on maternity leave, because I left at the peak and with great prospects and salaries. But even being on maternity leave there, with two wonderful children, I dreamed of racing at night, I cried, and I just wanted to do something big

The owner of the Shikunov farm is Anna Pogorelova.

That is why Anna changed her high-profile title to a quiet and affectionate “mother”. Cardinal changes continued in everything - she sold two apartments in Moscow and moved with her children to the Kolomensky district. Anna's husband did not support the adventure and the family broke up, but warm and friendly relations remained between them. New life began with an old farm building and a dilapidated agronomist's house. The long-term lease of the site cost Anna 55 thousand rubles for each month. Inside the farm - full high-tech.

Pogorelova spent 10 million rubles on equipment, and another 2 million on 800 female rabbits. When the rabbit farm is operating at full capacity, Anna plans to develop the acquired neighboring 11 hectares. There, according to the idea of ​​the ex-biathlete, mini-farms and housing for future workers of the eco-village may appear.

The technology allows us to keep 2000, even 2300 rabbit queens, which is about 55 tons of rabbit meat per year, and all this with the help of two employees

The owner of the Shikunov farm is Anna Pogorelova.

The second person in production and the first in importance is a veterinarian. Olga Kulkova says that rabbits, although they seem fluffy and even a little toy, are actually very capricious and difficult to care for animals.

Inspection of animals, directly the whole herd with us every morning. First of all, this is a visual inspection and palpation, that is, in a simple way - feeling animals. If I have any suspicions - the animal is lethargic, does not eat well, my assistant will inform me about this, who is constantly on the farm 24 hours

Veterinarian Olga Kulkova.

Animals are artificially inseminated every week. Rabbits are born in about a month, and after another three, the animal ends up in the slaughterhouse. Given this pace, a new batch of fresh products will be on the shelves every week. The first batch of rabbit meat from the farm appeared on the shelves of Moscow stores in January 2017 and brought the ex-athlete about 240 thousand rubles in profit. During the year, the monthly profit, according to Anna's calculations, should grow to 1 million rubles.

The mini-farm can fully pay off only in 3-4 years, but Anna is confident of success and is already making new plans. Together with her daughter and son, she spends all her free time and admits that this is what gives her strength.

I really want to make these farms, I want to make this meat accessible to everyone, because now there are very few of us. There are only three such farms in Russia: one in Rostov, one in the Volgograd region and now one in the Moscow region. We will have about 55 tons of meat per year, that is, the production capacity is about a ton per week, at first it seems that this is a lot, but this is only 500 families of 2 kg of meat per week, this is very little

The owner of the Shikunov farm is Anna Pogorelova.

Having left for the "village, wilderness, Saratov"

Anna is a long-legged beauty with huge expressive eyes and a luxurious mane of hair. The easiest way to imagine her in a chic dress at a secular party or fashion show. But Anya herself believes that a real woman should look equally organic on the catwalk, at home in the kitchen, and even with a pitchfork in the rabbitry. The last image was not invented at all for a red word. This is exactly how Anna Pogorelova, a young novice farmer, is now earning a living by breeding rabbits at the Nepetsino farm in the Kolomna region.

On the firing line

Her project has been around for a little over a year. But there is already a farm equipped with modern equipment. Herd of rabbits - 600 heads. And even the regional Ministry of Agriculture was not afraid to provide financial support to a novice farmer in the amount of 8.5 million rubles in the form of a grant.

An extravagant idea - to move from Moscow to a village near Moscow and start a business there - was born by Anna quite spontaneously after she left the big sport.

From the age of 11 she was engaged in biathlon and achieved considerable success there. For example, at 19 she became the world champion among juniors in the relay, before the Winter Olympics she became part of the Sochi-2014 experimental team. The legendary Nikolai Lopukhov became her coach. But soon the girl realized that big sport was not her destiny in life.

“I left the sport with a good prospect,” says Anna. - But biathlon is a kind of sport when victory is achieved not only through personal work and achievements, but also an element of luck. And you need to prove that you are the first, the leader, every day. In addition, the whole team works for the result of the champion - this is a collective effort. And I always wanted to achieve something in life only by myself. And I also thought: sooner or later I will have to leave big-time sports, but what else can I do? I wanted some development ... "

Anna does not quite agree with those who consider big sport a social lift for young people. If a guy or a girl came from the province, then it is possible. But Pogorelova is a metropolitan girl, she grew up in the family of a senior Russian water skiing coach, many famous people of the country gathered in their kitchen, and not only among athletes. Her father was friends with Vladimir Vysotsky, Sergei Shoigu, banker Kostin. Probably, this is where she got this habit - to dream big, to constantly wish for more.

Despite the fact that we came to see her rabbit farm, Anya herself starts a conversation about her sports career. Perhaps this is because her sudden departure from the national team left many questions. Or maybe just sport still occupies a huge part of her life.

Not without reason, Pogorelova admits that the habit of exorbitant physical activity shaped her as a person.

“Sport gets into you like a drug - it's metabolism. Even now I sometimes have dreams of running a race. I understand girls who run until retirement, although there is no result. But after the sport, I'm not afraid of any physical exercise, I almost don’t feel pain, only when I practically fall unconscious, I understand: I need to rest!”

On the "citizen"

Formally, Anna left the sport due to pregnancy. A loving husband, two wonderful children, an organized life - it would seem, what else does a beautiful young woman need?

“I couldn’t explain to my husband why I don’t want to receive the 6th iPhone as a gift for my birthday and I ask him for money for our au pair, who needs teeth inserted,” Anna recalls the years of short-lived family happiness. - It was just as hard to explain why I couldn't live in the city. Why do I want to sell my Moscow apartment and move to the countryside.”

By this time, Anya had tried herself in journalism, she was the coordinator of a major PR project, but she realized that this was not her. And it's all about motivation. Anna believes that motivation for money does not work for a Russian person.

“Recently, our athletes have been motivated to get big money, this is how they work in the West. But this is fundamentally wrong. A Russian person cannot die for money, only for faith, for an idea.”

Anna speaks willingly about her faith. Although many of her theological arguments seem controversial, but something is generally beyond the bounds of the possible. For example, Pogorelova estimates her entire fate as a combination of many successful factors. No wonder she says: God seems to be holding me in his arms, protecting me.

But for an outsider, her life, on the contrary, is a series of continuous trials. She is divorced from her husband and is raising two children by herself. I did not have time to sell the Moscow apartment, as the crisis in the country immediately broke out. I didn’t even manage to exchange the proceeds at the previous dollar rate. Therefore, there was not enough money to buy premises for the farm and equipment for it. I had to wait a whole year for the grant funding to be allocated. And then she got into a terrible accident. Someone else would definitely have turned sour for a long time, retreated, said: probably not fate. But not just her.

“I am now at the point I dreamed of. I live, as I wanted, in the countryside. Children are next to me. I'm doing an interesting job. I am surrounded by like-minded people who are interested in my project. So why complain? Yes, there are difficulties, something does not work out or goes too slowly. But I noticed: the more I get angry at people, I make claims against them, the worse my relationship with them develops. But one has only to scoop out all this dregs from the soul, as the attitude on their part also builds up, they also begin to treat me better. This applies even to officials.

You can breed rabbits with a small working capital. For example, after the sale of a Moscow apartment and a car, Pogorelova had 11 million rubles. With this money, she bought 11 hectares of land, rents a room for a farm and half a house for her family, pays employees a salary for a year and a half. But without a grant, she would not have been able to purchase a thoroughbred herd and expensive equipment for the farm, or make repairs to the premises.

When asked if it was difficult for her to get a grant, the farmer shrugs her shoulders: “When I was selling my apartment, I calculated the effectiveness of investing the proceeds in a rabbit farm hundreds of times. And for officials from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Moscow Region, the main argument in obtaining a subsidy was two factors - the economic feasibility of a business project and additional jobs.

According to Pogorelova, it is also beneficial for the state to issue grants for the development of family farms, because it will return the money spent in the form of taxes. Again, the creation of additional jobs is an important factor for the development of the municipality. For example, Anina's farm employs 6 more people besides her, and in the future she plans to build a whole agricultural town, where she will have her own fodder production, greenhouses, and a tourist center.

Rabbit mother and her children

A herd of 300 heads appeared on the farm recently. And again the test - due to problems with ventilation, almost half of the animals died. But even here Pogorelova did not lose heart.

“Any experience, even such an unsuccessful one, is valuable,” she says. - Of course, we hurried to buy animals. It was possible to wait until all the equipment was mounted and debugged. But I think it was more important to start production as soon as possible. We've waited too long for this moment."

Such practicality on the verge of cruelty is a little puzzling. Anna's appearance is deceptive, but do not forget that this fragile romantic girl has been engaged in serious work since childhood. men's sports. She had not so long ago had calluses from weapons on her hands. Therefore, questions like “how can these cute fluffies be first raised and then given for slaughter” do little to touch this sports Amazon.

“Rabbits can give birth every 46 days,” says Pogorelova. - Their phenomenal fertility is not a myth. One rabbit gives up to 10 cubs per lamb. True, some behave aggressively towards their offspring and can even eat baby rabbits, so we have designed special nests for babies, where they will be safe. But the main emphasis is on a special breed of animals - hybrid meat. She is not aggressive at all and gives a good offspring. It is impossible to enter the production of pork or poultry with my financial capabilities. And rabbit meat is even more rare in our market. Although I believe that in terms of its dietary qualities it is much better than beef, pork or chicken. But only on condition that the animals are properly fed, and the farm is kept in exemplary order. Anna chose a meat hybrid breed for breeding and fattening, these animals breed well, give a quick weight gain, but like all hybrids they often get sick. It is necessary to strictly observe the temperature regime. Western rabbit breeders use four different compound feeds, but in our country we have only one. Therefore, Anna plans to launch her own feed production in the future. Another problem is that rabbit meat has an unpleasant odor. The farmer claims that this is due to the poor maintenance of animals. Therefore, the technology that Pogorelova uses on her farm provides for a complete sanitation of the premises after each production cycle. Even the manure storage system on the farm in Nepetsino had to be invented together with equipment designers almost from scratch, but now it is their know-how.

Two dogs of the Cane Corso breed and two outbred kittens - her farm began with these animals.

In three months, the first rabbit meat grown on Anna Pogorelova's farm will be sold to a large trading network of the capital, with which it was possible to conclude an agreement. So far, this is a rather expensive product; milk rabbits are sold in stores from 500 to 800 rubles per kilogram. But Anna promises that in the future everyone will be able to enjoy the most tender rabbit meat. To reduce the prices of its products is its long-term goal. And the champion Pogorelova is used to achieving her goals.



■ You must submit an application to participate in the competition.

■ Peasant farming (KFH) must be registered in the Moscow region:

For beginners no more than 2 years ago;

For family livestock farms more than 1 year of operation.

■ A business plan must be submitted.

■ Have an education or experience in agriculture.

■ The farmer must invest at least 10% of his own funds of the project cost (for family livestock farms and cooperatives - at least 40%).

■ It is necessary to provide contracts for the sale of agricultural products (with retail outlets or processors).

■ Must have at least 10 co-op members (requirement only for a co-op grant).

Farms can apply for grants: meat and dairy farming, vegetable farming, rabbit farming, sheep farming, goat farming, fish farming, poultry farming, potato farming, mushroom farming and crop farming.

"MK" asked to comment on the situation with obtaining grants for the development of farming in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Moscow Region.

“The regional government actively supports farmers near Moscow, there are about a thousand of them in the region. The total amount of grant support in 2016 amounted to more than 150 million rubles. In 2015 and 2016, 147 applications were submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Moscow Region. On this moment 77 people became grant recipients”, - Acting Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Moscow Region Igor Zharov.