Kolobkov on the birthday of the Minister of Sports. The new Minister of Sports of Russia Pavel Kolobkov - who is he and why is he needed

Fencer with swords. Olympic champion. Six-time world champion and two-time European champion. Honored Master of Sports.

Pavel Kolobkov was born on September 22, 1969 in Moscow. Successfully graduated from the State Central Order of Lenin Institute of Physical Culture with a degree in physical education teacher. Later received additional education at the Moscow State Law Academy with a degree in jurisprudence.

For the first time he took part in the USSR championship in 1985, at the age of 15 he took 27th place out of 94 athletes. In 1988, Pavel won his first junior world championship, repeating his success in 1989. In 1988, for the first time, he went to the Olympic Games as part of the USSR national team, becoming a bronze medalist in team championship. In the semi-finals, the Soviet epeeists lost to the French, and in the match for third place they were stronger than the Italians.

In 1991, he became the world champion already among adult athletes, subsequently winning the gold of the world championships in 1993, 1994, 2002, 2003 and 2005. At the 1992 Olympic Games, as part of the CIS team, he becomes a silver and bronze medalist. He takes part in the 1996, 2000 and 2004 Olympic Games, already as part of the Russian team, in 2000 he becomes the Olympic champion in the individual championship. Kolobkov Pavel is a participant in five Olympiads, and he did not return from any of them without awards.

In 2010, Pavel Anatolyevich decided to try his hand at political activity - he became a member of the Public Chamber Russian Federation. Then the career goes up rapidly. Pavel assumes the position of Deputy Chairman of the Commission on Health Protection, then Ecology, followed by the Development of Physical Culture and Sports, a member of the Commission on Social Issues and Demographic Policy and a member of the Intercommission Working Group on Childhood and Youth Policy.

From October 5, 2010 to October 19, 2016, he served as Deputy Minister of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation, after the reform of the ministry in 2012 he became Deputy Minister of Sports. In 2011, on August 9, he was appointed head of the Russian sports delegation at the 2012 Olympic Games in London. Supervised the development of summer Olympic sports sports, mass physical culture and sports, Paralympic and Deaflympics movement.

Pavel Anatolyevich since August 11, 2016 is the Full State Councilor of the Russian Federation of the 2nd class.

On October 19, 2016, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Pavel Anatolievich Kolobkov was appointed Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation.

Sports achievements of Pavel Kolobkov

Olympic champion in 2000 in the individual championship.
Silver medalist of the Olympic Games in individual (1992) and team (1996) championships.
Bronze medalist of the Olympic Games in individual (2004) and team (1988, 1992) championships.
Six times champion world (1991, 1993, 1994, 2002, 2003, 2005).
Two-time European champion (1996, 2000).
Two-time world champion among juniors (1987, 1988).
World Cup winner (1999).

Pavel Kolobkov's awards

Order of Honor (April 19, 2001) - for his great contribution to the development of physical culture and sports, high sports achievements at the Games of the XXVII Olympiad 2000 in Sydney
Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland", I degree (February 18, 2006) - for a great contribution to the development of physical culture and sports and high sports achievements
Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree (January 6, 1997) - for services to the state and high sporting achievements in XXVI summer 1996 Olympics
Certificate of Honor of the President of the Russian Federation (February 2, 2013) - for the successful training of athletes who have achieved high sports achievements at the Games of the XXX Olympiad 2012 in London (UK)
Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1992)

Kolobkov Pavel Anatolyevich (born September 22, 1969, Moscow, RSFSR, USSR) is a Russian statesman and sportsman. Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation since October 19, 2016 (in May 2018, he retained his post in the new government of the Russian Federation). Active State Councilor of the Russian Federation II class (2016). Reserve Colonel (2004).

Fencer with swords. Olympic champion (2000). Six times world champion and two-time champion Europe.

In 1991 he graduated from the State Central Institute of Physical Education Order of Lenin with a degree in physical culture teacher; in 1998 - Moscow State Law Academy (specialty - jurisprudence, qualification - lawyer).

In 1988, for the first time, he went to the Olympic Games and, as part of the USSR national team, became a bronze medalist in the team championship. In 1991, he became the world champion already among adult athletes, subsequently winning the gold of the world championships in 1993, 1994, 2002, 2003 and 2005. At the 1992 Olympic Games, as part of the CIS team, he becomes a silver and bronze medalist. He takes part in the 1996, 2000 and 2004 Olympic Games as part of the Russian national team, and in 2000 he becomes the Olympic champion in the individual championship. Participant of five Olympiads, and did not return from any of them without awards.

Since 2010 - Member of the Public Chamber of Russia, Deputy Chairman of the Commission on Health Protection, Ecology, Development of Physical Culture and Sports. From October 5, 2010 to October 19, 2016 - Deputy Minister of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of Russia (after the reform of the ministry in 2012 - Deputy Minister of Sports). He oversaw the development of summer Olympic sports, the preparation of the Russian national teams for Olympic Games 2012 in London, mass physical culture and sports.

On August 9, 2011, he was appointed head of the Russian sports delegation at the 2012 Olympic Games in London. On October 19, 2016, he was appointed Minister of Sports (he retained his post in May 2018).

Married. Has three children.

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POLL: What do you think about the appointment of Pavel Kolobkov as the Minister of Sports of Russia?

rejoice, Russian sport. You have a new minister, and you, apparently, have been waiting for this for a very long time. At least the old minister - Vitaly Leontyevich Mutko - is completely tired of you. Although he is old, he is like Carlson - in full bloom. The retired minister will now need strength to work in a position where no man has ever set foot - Deputy Prime Minister for Sports, but now it’s not about him, but about his deputy who has rushed up the career ladder - Pavel Kolobkov. The new sports minister Olympic champion in fencing, climbing the podium at five Olympics in three different teams. And also - the first active athlete in the rank of colonel.

"I'm not afraid of injections, if necessary, I'll inject" - this is from Sergei Mikhalkov, a children's poem about vaccination. Ukolov Pavel Anatolyevich is not afraid - a fact. I would have been afraid - I would not have won the Olympics. Prokolov, apparently, too, but more on that below.

Great sportsman

great athlete. There is nothing to argue about. He participated in five Olympics and won awards in the composition of three teams - the USSR, the CIS and Russia. On his account, bronze in the team épée in 1988 in Seoul, bronze in the same type of program and silver in the personal épée in 1992 in Barcelona, ​​silver in the team in 1996 in Atlanta, bronze in the individual tournament in 2004 in Athens.

The only thing Olympic gold he won in 2000 in Sydney in an individual tournament. It was then when it was not that no one expected victory from him, but he was not such an unconditional favorite as four years before. During the flight to Australia, Kolobkov said that if he pulled out a jack card from a deck, he would definitely win gold. He pulled out the right card.

If we add more world championships, in which Kolobkov won six gold, two silver and four bronze medals, one can understand at what level the great swordsman fenced. He could compete for awards at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, but did not get there, relying on the "wild card" from the International Fencing Federation. But he never received a special invitation, and in the selection he lacked only five points.

real colonel

Kolobkov completed sports career colonel. None of the active athletes of this high military rank was awarded to him before. In 2010, the Minister of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of Russia invited Pavel Kolobkov to his department. He was appointed to supervise Paralympic and Deaflympics sports, to develop summer views sports and ensure the preparation of the national team for the 2012 Games in London.

By the way, he went to the capital of Great Britain as the head of the Russian delegation, and at the end of the Olympics he received a diploma from the president of the country. Usually, practically nothing is known about the work of deputy ministers; all awards and bumps are collected by their bosses. But not in the case of Vitaly Mutko. One of his deputies, Yuri Nagornykh, was sacrificed after numerous doping scandals.

Kolobkov ended his sports career as a colonel. None of the active athletes of this high military rank was awarded to him before.

On the contrary, he got a promotion.

Silence is a position

Could the meldonium nightmare have been prevented? Probably, only Kolobkov, as a member of the board of founders of WADA from Russia, did nothing to ensure that this drug was not only not on the banned list, but even on the testing list. At that meeting of the WADA leadership, where . However, he did not have much leverage to influence the opinions of others. And the ability and ability to use levers is an integral part of the work of a great official.

As the person responsible for Paralympic sports, Kolobkov made our team the strongest in 2014, and in 2016 he could not help her go to Rio de Janeiro. Although in this case, it is unlikely that something strongly depended on Pavel Anatolyevich.

In any case, now the position of Minister of Sports is a legendary athlete, who, moreover, knows everything thoroughly. And now it is he who will get all the cones, as well as tops and roots.

The main thing is that everything does not end, as in that very poem by Mikhalkov. “Why did I stand against the wall? My knees are shaking…”

Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation from October 19, 2016, Deputy Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation from October 5, 2010 to October 19, 2016. Acting State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 3rd class. Colonel (2004). Fencer with swords. Olympic champion (2000). Six-time world champion and two-time European champion



In 1991 he graduated from the State Central Institute of Physical Education Order of Lenin with a degree in physical culture teacher; in 1998 - Moscow State Law Academy (specialty - jurisprudence, qualification - lawyer).

Sports career

For the first time he took part in the USSR championship in 1985, at the age of 15 he took 27th place out of 94 athletes. In 1988 he won the first World Junior Championship for himself, repeating his success in 1989.

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Pavel Kolobkov will become the new Minister of Sports

Olympic champion in fencing, multiple world champion Pavel Kolobkov will be appointed Minister of Sports of Russia.

This was reported to Soviet Sport by a source in the Russian government.

In this post, Pavel Kolobkov will replace Vitaly Mutko, who is moving to work as Deputy Prime Minister in the Russian government.

Pavel Kolobkov became the Olympic champion in epee fencing in 2000 in Sydney. He was the silver medalist of the Olympic Games in the individual (1992) and team (1996) championships. Bronze medalist Olympic Games in individual (2004) and team (1988, 1992) championships.

Who is the new sports minister Pavel Kolobkov

Russian President Vladimir Putin approved the proposal of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev to appoint Vitaly Mutko as Deputy Prime Minister in charge of sports, tourism and youth policy. Pavel Kolobkov, who previously held the position of deputy head of the department, has now become the Minister of Sports.

The post of Vitaly Mutko was taken by Pavel Kolobkov

At the same time, Putin approved Medvedev's proposal to appoint Pavel Kolobkov, who previously held the post of deputy head of the Ministry of Sports, as the new Minister of Sports.

Details: Any use of materials is allowed only if there is a hyperlink to REGNUM news agency.

Match Dynamo-Zenith. Scandal for the whole world

“It is necessary to find those people who threw the firecracker that injured the goalkeeper. As far as I understand, the stadium in Khimki had the necessary technical means. To the instigator it is necessary to apply the sanctions of administrative, and perhaps even criminal legislation. It is necessary to implement a set of measures to normalize the situation at the stadiums.

As far as the specific situation is concerned, the clubs have to do the necessary work with their fans, and the supporters' organizations have to do the same. In general, today's incident has brought us to the edge and to go further without taking decisive measures, there is simply nowhere," Deputy Minister of Sports, Olympic champion Pavel Kolobkov emphasized.

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It was devoted to summing up the results of 2012 and setting goals for 2013 and subsequent years. The meeting was attended by: Mikhail Bryukhanov, Head of the Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation for Ensuring the Activities of the State Council of the Russian Federation, Pavel Kolobkov, Yury Nagornykh and Pavel Novikov, Deputy Ministers of Sports of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Uyba, Head of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, Chairman of the Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation for physical education, sports and youth affairs Igor Ananskikh, member of the International Olympic Committee, four-time Olympic champion Alexander Popov, Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation, President of the Russian Paralympic Committee Vladimir Lukin, heads of regional executive authorities in the field of sports, representatives of the Russian Olympic Committee, All-Russian sports federations and unions.

Olympic champion Pavel Kolobkov will become the Deputy Minister of Sports of Russia

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Pavel Kolobkov was reappointed as Deputy Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation

Pavel Kolobkov has been appointed Deputy Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation, the relevant order was signed by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, the press service of the government reported.

Deputy Minister of Sports of Russia Pavel Kolobkov visited Penza

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Deputy Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation Pavel Kolobkov commented on the results of the first half of the Games of the XXX Olympiad

The head of the Russian sports delegation at the Games of the XXX Olympiad, Pavel Kolobkov, commented on the performance of our athletes during the first half of the competitive part of the Games.

Pavel Kolobkov met with members of the International Rugby Board

On October 23, 2012, Deputy Minister Pavel Kolobkov met with representatives of the International Rugby Council at the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation.

Country people

Pavel Kolobkov is a participant in five Olympiads. The champion of the Games and the winner of five world championships in fencing is now leading our Olympic mission in London. The Deputy Minister of Sports discarded any stiffness and officiality. He said what he thinks.

Who will go to the London Olympics will be decided on July 13

This was announced by the head of the Russian sports delegation at the upcoming Games, Deputy Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation Pavel Kolobkov. “Depending on the fulfillment of the qualification conditions for our Olympic team London will include 440-450 athletes, he said. - On July 10, a joint meeting of the collegium of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation and the executive committee of the Russian Olympic Committee will take place, at which we will approve everything. There are only two issues on the agenda of this meeting: the first is the readiness of our team for the Olympic Games, the second is the approval of the composition. July 13 - exactly two weeks before the opening of the Games - at the main office of the Organizing Committee "London-2012" will be submitted to the final nominal application of the Russian team to participate in the Olympics. After that, all substitutions will be possible only for medical reasons - in case of injury or illness."

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The meeting on the topic will be attended by Deputy Minister of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of Russia Pavel Kolobkov, Deputy Head of Administration Krasnodar Territory Nikolai Doluda, Head of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports Lyudmila Chernova.

– Deputy heads are also invited to the event municipalities supervising the branch of physical culture and sports, heads of municipal physical culture and sports management bodies, heads of municipal children's and youth sports schools, coaches and physical culture and sports workers, - added the press service of the regional department for physical culture and sports.

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