What is a horse harness made of? The main parts of a harness for a horse and types of teams

A harness is needed to harness a horse (or other draft animal) to a wagon. Proper equipment will allow the animal to use its forces efficiently and make it easier for a person to manage. Harness for horses appeared along with the first wagons, about 4000 years ago. Today, the harness is a set of specific elements that, in addition to the main task, can additionally perform decorative functions. The composition and design of the harness also differ depending on the number of horses used and the type of wagon.

Harness composition

The main task of the horse harness is to transfer the traction force from the horse to the wagon with minimal consequences for the animal's body. Harness for horses is additionally a tool for managing the coachman. Basic set harness elements include:

  • Collar. Main component, to which the main part of the draft force is transmitted, then going to the wagon. The collar consists of a tire (upper outer part), a lining under it, a pair of pliers fastened with a belt (lower part), collars and a throat.
  • Gouges (horse lobes). Leather straps connecting the yoke to the shafts. A rim strap is also attached to the tugs.
  • Doug. Holds the harness around the shaft. The arc is not present in all harness sets.
  • Bridle. A harness system attached to a horse's head to which controls are attached: reins and/or reins. Bridles are available with and without a snaffle (a metal element in the horse's mouth). A cowboy bridle is distinguished into a separate subgroup, which is distinguished by its execution from thin straps suitable for repairs outside the stable. Models without a snaffle, such as a hackamore, apply the main bridling pressure to the bridge of the nose. The impact is quite painful for the horse, and such systems are recommended for experienced riders or animals with problems with the oral cavity.
  • Saddle. Partially transfers the traction force of the horse from the shoulders to the back. Acts as a shock absorber when driving on rough roads. The element includes a halter strap that holds the shaft, a collar and an arc, and girths with which this part of the harness is fixed on the horse's body.
  • Belly (detail of saddle). Stabilizes the yoke with shafts, preventing their sharp fluctuations that can injure the horse.
  • helmet. The main element brake system» crew. Responsible for holding the collar in place.
  • Reins and reins. already mentioned controls. The former are usually used while sitting on a wagon. For the reins the horse is led by foot escorts.

Belt structures are traditionally made of leather (cow or pig). The reins are a partial exception. Their middle part can often be made of strong braid or rope.

All elements of the harness are selected according to the dimensions of the horse. Inconsistency with the proportions of the animal will reduce its effectiveness as a draft force and create a risk of injury at the point of contact.

Types of horse harness

In appearance, ordinary and decorative (ceremonial) equipment are distinguished. The latter is distinguished by an abundance of jewelry. So, a plume and other elements can be added to the usual elements of the harness. Another criterion by which horse harness is divided is the number of animals used for the harness. Their number varies from 1 to 8 individuals (more is rarely used). By design, the harness happens:

  • Arc. All of the above items are present. Shafts are attached to the arc.
  • Arcless (shaft-linear). The main part of the load falls on the harness. Shafts will join the saddle.
  • Post-line. There are no solid elements in the system like shafts or arcs. The movement occurs due to the collar and lines. For ease of control, hand brakes can be included in the harness.
  • Post-line drawbar. A drawbar is added to the belt structure, which regulates the movement of the cart in a straight line and on turns.
  • Combined or European. It is used to create large teams - for 6-8 individuals. Includes shafts, drawbar and traces. Horses for such a harness must be correctly placed in terms of strength and height: the first pair are hardy animals, the last are strong ones to ensure braking. Between them are harness horses responsible for turns.
  • Zug. The design was developed in Germany - the horses are harnessed in pairs, one after the other. The train is designed for six horses. One or two pairs are harnessed to the drawbar. Zug is rarely used today.
  • Tachanochnaya. Another outdated solution designed for four horses. The animals are arranged in parallel, while the central pair is harnessed with the help of a drawbar, and the horses are held on the sides by traces.

Horse harness is a necessary "connector" between a horse and a wagon. It is necessary for the animal to pull the load, and the driver could control it. Harness is divided into several main categories intended for different types wagons and number of horses. But they are united general requirement- convenience and conformity to the dimensions of the horse. Harness that is too large or too small can injure the animal and reduce the quality of crew management.

The horse harness carries the load of the crew, so it right choice and fit are very important to the health and performance of the horse. The harness is made up of leather straps designed to evenly distribute the load. A harness is called a fastening and traction system for a crew, and equipment for riding horses is usually called a harness. The harness straps of a horse-drawn horse must be strong and soft.

Previously, no money was spared on a harness for a horse. As a rule, the manufacture of the harness was carried out according to individual orders, so the ideal fit of the belts for a particular animal was carried out. Now you can buy a ready-made harness, but most often it turns out that not all the details fit the horse. People who work with horses prefer to buy all the parts in different places. The kit consists of a list of standard items, which are listed below. Only leather parts should be attached to the horse's body.

Basic set of harness for carriage and riding

The functions of each element of the harness

  • Collar. The task is to transfer the traction force of the horse to the wagon. It is important to choose the correct length and width of the collar so that the neck of the animal does not appear frayed. It should not hamper breathing and movement, but “hanging out” while driving is also unacceptable. In order for the collar to hold securely, a strong harness is needed;
  • Harness. This item is made of leather. The function is to hold the yoke in place when descending a mountain or braking. It is adjusted so that a palm passes between the tubercles of the seat and the headband. To avoid scuffs, you need to choose the size individually;
  • The saddle supports the harness through the harness and transfers part of the load to the back of the animal;
  • The girth secures the entire structure of the harness to the body of the horse and holds all the necessary elements on the back. Soft leather straps should tightly wrap around the body, but not press;
  • The saddle is passed through the saddle and fixed on the shafts. The task is to hold the mass of wooden elements of the harness on the back;
  • The underbelly is held under the girth, and the ends are fixed on the shafts. The underbelly plus the saddle is two belts fastened through a ring. They are put on by means of a loop of the interlace on the shaft;
  • The bridle consists of several thin straps. The requirements for the straps of the bit and halter are the most stringent, since the lips are a very delicate part of the animal's body;
  • The arc connects the clamp with the shafts, and also absorbs shocks and jerks. Made from resilient wood;
  • Shafts are made of durable and lightweight wood. The same length is very important;
  • Reins or reins - used to control the movements of the horse's head from a distance. They are textile or leather.

Harness can be very beautiful

Types of horse harness

Harness for horses is classified according to two criteria: the purpose and the number of horses for which the kit is designed. By appointment, the harness is divided into traveling, transport, agricultural and for the cavalry. Naturally, the latter version is not used now, but remained in the museum archives. Traveling and transport crews, as a rule, are multi-horse. Agricultural carts are for one and two horses. According to the number of horses, teams are divided into single, two-horse and multi-horse.

One-horse - the most common type of horse harness - was created for 1 animal. It happens with and without an arc. In the arcless version of the harness, the harness carries the entire weight of the wagon. There are necessarily shafts, horns made of leather belts, a collar and a bit with attached reins. Often, short shafts are used, which are attached to the horses not to the collar, as usual, but to the saddle.

Harness configuration options

  • The line-drawbar harness is used for one and two horses. Its main task is to ensure the controlled movement of the wagon on turns and descents. The drawbar performs the holding function. Very often, when pulling agricultural machinery, animals receive specific damage to the harness due to the pressure of the drawbar on the collar. To prevent this, you need to put a saddle on the horse, pulling up the traces with the help of a loincloth. Then the performance of the horses will increase impressively;
  • The line harness is the simplest option in design, but inconvenient, since the wagon does not slow down during descents and runs into the horse. It does not have a drawbar, a shaft and other holding mechanisms. You can use such a team only for those carts and units that are equipped with brakes, otherwise you can harm the horse;
  • Carts were actively exploited until the 20th century. They were harnessed by four horses. The harness consisted of a drawbar combined with traces. At the same time, two horses in the center were harnessed to the drawbar, and two harnessed horses were harnessed to the strings that were attached to the wagons;
  • The combined harness is designed for a large number of horses. According to this principle, a triple is harnessed. The root is harnessed to the elements that restrain the crew, and the harness is harnessed only to the traces to provide traction. The task of the tie-downs is to ensure the turns of the wagon. In this way, you can harness and 6 - 8 horses.

Classic multi-horse harness for a troika

Elements of the harness of a riding horse

The cavalry army had a strong influence on the formation of the harness, so here we will consider not only elements of modern horse equipment, but also items of historical harness for military horses:

  • Bridle with a bit - main element horse management. As part of the design, there are several belts: supral, forehead, buccal, chin, muzzle. A bit with two rings, bits and reins with a lanyard are attached to them. Common types of bits: snaffle, mouthpiece, pelyam;
  • Snaffle - consists of a gnaw and two rings. For the rings, the snaffle is attached to the cheek straps of the bridle;
  • Mouthpiece - a bit with specific lateral "cheeks", which have an enhanced effect on the animal's mouth. The mouthpieces are reinforced with a chain fastened with hooks so as to cover lower jaw horse. It is used in arena riding for fine control of the horse;
  • Pelyam is the same mouthpiece, but equipped with a movable mouthpiece. It affects the horse's mouth weaker than the mouthpiece, but stronger than the snaffle;
  • For peasants, travelers and horse regiments, the health and performance of horses was very important, so they were covered with blankets at night. Winter blankets are made of fleece, wool with padding lining. Summer blankets are made of cotton, mesh (against flies);
  • Saddle pad (saddle cover) - a historical element of cavalry regiments. The purpose is to protect the backs of horses from damage by the saddle. In addition, in Russia it was an adornment of horse attire. The officers flaunted the harness in front of each other, in addition, the color of the saddle pad differed depending on the color of the uniform;
  • Girth - a wide belt made of soft but durable leather, designed to hold the saddle. Covers the body of the horse from below and from the sides, then fastens to the saddle. The best girths are made of genuine leather;
  • Boots are protective equipment designed to protect the horse's legs from sprains and blows;
  • A halter is a bridle without a bit for keeping a horse on a leash;
  • Stirrup - loops for the rider's legs attached to the saddle.

The main parts of the saddle and their names

What is the best material?

From time immemorial, the harness has been made from genuine leather, and today this material also has no equal. Replacement with natural or synthetic fiber textiles is sometimes done but not recommended. The skin allows you to breathe, eventually takes the shape of the body of the animal and has the necessary softness. Leather harness - the best option for the horse!

A set of accessories for saddling and harnessing a horse is used to ensure the comfort of the rider and to control the horse. Horse harness is an integral part of horse breeding. Can be used in different situations Various types horse ammunition, differing in constituent elements.

What is a harness

A harness is a generalized term for a set of accessories for driving a horse while riding or an animal harnessed to a cart. Harness items may include elements for racehorses and cargo horses.

The history of the appearance of the harness

The first harness in a primitive form was invented several thousand years ago. The territory of modern Kazakhstan is considered the birthplace of its appearance, where attempts were made to tame the steppe horses. In Altai, preserved items of harness were found, decorated with decorative elements made of metal, felt and leather. The harness was made by experienced craftsmen who guarded their secrets, passing them on to their students.

At first, the harness was used to attach the wheels of a vehicle to an animal. Gradually, the system was modified and improved, it was given more and more importance.

At times Ancient Greece and Persia, great importance was attached to the luxury of the harness, its beauty. The elements were decorated according to the status of the rider, demonstrating luxury and prosperity.

In the Middle Ages, the emphasis shifted to the convenience of the harness. In this period appearance the harness is undergoing changes, there are fewer decorations on it. It is considered as a means of transportation, which should be characterized by mechanical strength. The decor is used by nobles and representatives of the nobility.

The final appearance and composition of the harness was formed in the XVI-XVII centuries. Since then, the elements have hardly changed.

Harness types

In horse breeding, it is customary to divide the harness into several types and types. According to the purpose of the system, they are divided into 4 groups:
  • sports;
  • visiting;
  • transport;
  • agricultural.
Various types of ammunition are used depending on the tasks and the number of horses. According to the structure, the types of teams are classified as follows:
  1. The post-stroke single-horse harness is a lightweight version. There are no shafts, and the control is carried out using a belt drive. Additional equipment of the sled with brakes is required to prevent a collision with a horse and optimize the control of the vehicle.
  2. One-horse harness is of two types. The arc harness is a classic European option. In this case, the shafts are attached to the arc. In the absence of an arc, the system is called deafening-linear. Shafts are used of shorter length and are attached to the saddle on the back of the animal. In the case of using an arcless single-horse harness, there is no collar, the harness transfers the load from the sled.
  3. The line-drawing harness is considered the safest for humans. The drawbar is attached to the shafts in a rigid way. The use of the system causes discomfort to the animal due to the clamp pressure. When driving a two-wheeled cart, injury to the horse is possible. This type harness is not used in agriculture.
  4. The combined type of system is used when it is necessary to manage several horses. This type of harness involves the use of a shaft, drawbar and line.
  5. Zug is a German invention. It is used in the case of a team of 6 horses in pairs one after another. Now the use of this system is rarely practiced due to the low speed of movement of the wagon.

Cart harness is an obsolete type, used to drive carts. It belongs to a variety of post-line-drawbar harness.

What is the harness made of

The main element of the harness for horse riding is the saddle. The harness may also include the following accessories:
  1. Collar. This is the most important item in the system. It is used to evenly distribute the weight of the wagon on the shoulders and neck of the animal. The size and shape of the element are selected individually. It is located on the neck near the withers and passes through the base of the neck.
  2. The arc is necessary for fastening the tugs to the shafts.
  3. The bridle is placed on the horse's head and allows you to control the animal. There are versions of the bridle with one or more bits. The option without a bit is called a halter. It is used in case of movement of a horse without a harness.
  4. The saddle is a constructive part. This is a leather cushion. Allows you to reduce the load on the shoulders of the horse. Passes under the seatbelt. Needed to support shafts.
  5. Harness. It consists of longitudinal and transverse, as well as slope belts. Used to prevent slipping of the collar.
  6. The reins for a horse are long straps with high strength. The edges of the reins are attached to the bits. This element allows you to remotely control the animal.
  7. Interlaced. It looks like a belt attached to the shaft through the saddle.
  8. The girth is necessary for a strong fixation of the saddle. This is a wide belt of high strength.
  9. The gouges hold the rim belt, connecting the yoke to the shafts.
  10. The underbelly prevents injuries to the horse, absorbs sharp vibrations of the collar and shafts.
  11. A dowel is a sliding rein that does not allow the animal to lift its head high.
  12. The martingale is part of the harness that holds the desired position of the horse's head.
  13. A horse blanket is a special blanket, the task of which is to protect the animal from bad weather and insects.

A saddle pad is placed under the saddle, which is a special blanket. Boots are also used - equipment to protect the animal's legs from mechanical damage.

Harness selection

The performance of the system depends on the correct selection and fitting of the harness. The most important is the correct choice of collar, as a result of an error, the likelihood of injury to the animal increases.

Choice of team according to the number of horses

There can be several horses in a harness. A tandem is a team of two animals following each other. There are features of a team of several horses:
  1. If a pair is installed, mixed and drawbar steam-constructions are used.
  2. For harnessing horses in agriculture, a line-by-line type of harness is often used.
  3. Systems for three horses are different types. The Russian team is distinguished by the presence of a root in the center, and tie-downs on the sides. Another option is the gooseneck. In this case, the root is placed behind the tie-downs. This option is more often used for winter roads.
  4. For the four horses, you can make a harness of two forms. In the first version, the animals go in pairs (drawbar and remote), in the second, the attached ones frame a pair of roots in a drawbar pair on the sides. This type of harness is called a quadriga.
  5. With a team of 5 individuals, they put 2 roots and 3 harnesses in a row.
  6. The zug is used to harness 6 horses, they are put in pairs.

More than 6 goals are put on solemn processions or entertainment events. The most common type of team is drawbar and Russian (shaft type).

Cleaning and storage

Dusty and damp rooms are not suitable for storing horse ammunition. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight on the harness. Equipment is stored in a warm, dry and ventilated area. Some care features:
  1. Fabric products are periodically washed and dried.
  2. After each removal, the elements are wiped from contamination.
  3. After driving in rainy weather, the harness is wiped dry.
  4. Metal elements should be washed and rubbed thoroughly so that they shine.
  5. Hard-to-reach areas of the saddle are treated with a foam sponge, and the main surface is cleaned with cream soap, and then wiped. The saddle should be disassembled before drying.
  6. From frequent exposure to water, the leather elements become rigid, creases form on them. Wet cleaning is enough to do once a week.
  7. The bridles are cleaned regularly. It is allowed to wash the belts in a container with soapy water, then wipe dry.
  8. Girths, bandages and boots are cleaned with a brush after drying.
  9. After removing the saddle, the saddle pad must be dried. To do this, it is turned over.

Proper maintenance and storage of your harness will prolong its life.

In nature, horses do not require any additional equipment. Pets, on the other hand, need equipment that will allow the owner to easily control the horse, and will also protect the pet from the cold. It is important to remember about horseshoes, without them, domestic horses, unlike wild counterparts, have a very hard time. lovers self-manufacturing everything necessary for the pet not only receive exclusive equipment of the animal, fitted individually for it, but also significantly save their budget. With high-quality performance, home-made products are not inferior to purchased ones, and sometimes even surpass them.

A halter for a horse is necessary for the convenient withdrawal of the animal and the direction of its movement. They put it on the head. Also, the halter allows you to fix the horse in a stall or on a pasture. Outwardly, the halter looks like a bridle that does not have a bit, and has one rein. They hold the horse by the halter belt on the left side in the cheek area. All human movements should be calm and not cause sharp jerks of the equipment. Otherwise, the horse will be frightened and can cause serious injuries.

Leather halter

You can make a halter from leather or rope. The second option is preferable for pets with delicate skin. They make a halter, after taking measurements of the head of their pet.

To make an item, you need to take 7 soft straps lined with fleece 4-5 cm longer than necessary (it will be used for seam allowances). A carabiner clasp should be placed on the occipital strap on the left side. The straps are interconnected according to the scheme using strong metal rings of sufficient size.

Scheme of a fabric halter

The skin will rub the skin on the muzzle of the horse, and therefore the neck strap and the shoulder strap must be hemmed with fleece folded 2 times. Thick flannel is also suitable.

Rope halter

A halter is made from a rope using knots. You need to take a soft synthetic rope of sufficient strength. Equipment binding schemes are different, and you can choose the most understandable for yourself. The process of making a halter from leather belts is quite complicated, and if possible it is better to purchase it ready-made. Rope is done only on their own.

Unlike a halter, a horse bridle has a bit or snaffle - a special metal ring that is inserted into the horse's mouth. Riding bridle required. Do-it-yourself it is made as follows:

  • A piece of soft belt is cut off equal to 3 lengths from one to the other corner of the mouth through the cheeks and the back of the head, making an allowance of 10 cm for the seams;
  • A piece of the strap is cut off from ear to ear - it will be frontal. The allowance is also 10 cm;
  • The volume of the chin strap is determined by adding 3 cm for horse comfort to the length obtained after measurement;
  • Assembly of belts according to the instructions.

The reins to the bridle are sewn last, choosing their length depending on their own convenience. In accordance with the growth of the animal and the rider, it will change.

When choosing a bridle ring, you need to make sure that it fits comfortably in the animal's mouth without touching the teeth. The mucous membrane of the horse's oral cavity is delicate, and it can be injured even with fingers when putting on a bridle. For this reason, it is important that the snaffle is smooth, without cracks or nicks. Every owner knows how to make a bridle for a horse with his own hands.

Horses cannot endure frost without harm to health. For a good condition, they need, like people, outerwear, which is a blanket. The blanket looks like a blanket. There is no need to buy a ready-made blanket, because it is very easy to sew it yourself.

To get measurements, measure:

  • Length from the chest through the legs (on the side) to the tail;
  • The length of the back from the withers to the beginning of the tail.

When taking measurements is not possible, you need to focus on the average table, according to which blankets are sewn in workshops. Do-it-yourself blanket for a horse is as convenient as possible for an animal.

Using a standard pattern, adjust it to the size of your horse. After that, all the details are cut out from the selected fabric (cotton is needed for summer, and woolen for winter). Add 15-20 cm to the seams. First, all the elements are swept away, and then they are sewn on a sewing machine. For winter blankets, it is also necessary to provide a lining. A clasp is made in the abdomen and chest. At the discretion of the owner, it can be made of Velcro, buttons, carabiners (preferably) and large metal buttons. Blankets should be summer and winter, as well as light woolen, which are put on the animal if it sweats during work in cool weather. You can’t immediately put on a warm blanket, but a light, slightly insulated one is necessary. As soon as the animal has cooled down, it is wrapped in warm clothes. Knowing how to sew a blanket for a horse can save a lot.

The arc is the main part of the harness (team), fastens the shafts with a collar. It, with urgent need and certain skills, can be done independently. Ideally, buy this piece of equipment made by professionals. An arc is needed to hold the tugs perpendicular to the yoke. This helps to prevent injury to the horse's neck when riding on rough roads. Harness riding without a bow is not allowed.

Front arch for harness

Elm wood is suitable for the arc. Birch, oak and hazel can also be used. It is necessary to prepare wood at the very beginning of sap flow. The tree is sawn into pieces. The edges of the blanks are trimmed, giving them the desired shape.

Bend the workpiece, after steaming it out, because without it it will crack. It is most convenient to steam the arc in the bath. A bending machine is used for bending. It is necessary to bend the arc without jerking. Do it in twos or threes. When the workpiece is bent heavily, it is steamed again.

After the arc is bent, its ends are fixed with a wire and left until the wood dries. The dried arc is removed from the machine and final processing is carried out. It is sanded and painted. In the old days, arcs were painted and decorated with intricate carvings. At artistic ability this can be done now by turning this part of the harness into an exclusive. A bell or bell is obligatory on an arc, and it is attached to a zge (metal loop).

Horse in harness

Independent production of the arc is justified only if the owner of the horse loves and knows how to work with wood, and is also ready to spend a lot of time on work. A harness for a horse is necessary even if it is rarely harnessed.

A horse whip is used as a means of control during riding, telling the animal what to do. It is strictly forbidden to use a whip as a punishment. It is used only in cases where the pet cannot figure out what is required of him. Depending on how they are used, the horse understands what they want from him.

At the races, the horse is controlled exclusively with a whip, since the stirrups are raised high and the rider loses the ability to control the horse, squeezing its sides with his feet. The longest whips are used when teaching dressage horses. Their length reaches 1 m 30 cm. The standard whip has a length of 70 cm.

Whip with leather flap

The whip is made from different materials: plastic, leather or synthetic. They vary in weight and flexibility. The whip is bought in specialized stores or made independently.

To make a whip you need:

  • 2 laces;
  • A tip designed for a summer fishing rod;
  • A small piece of skin;
  • D-shaped metal ring;
  • Sewing threads.

A whip is made in a certain sequence. To begin with, the ends are cut off from the laces. The hollow lace is put on the bait immediately, and its core is preliminarily pulled out of the braided lace. The ends of the lace are fixed with knots and smeared with glue. 2 laces and a ring are fixed on it, after which everything is wrapped with a thick thread. Next, a piece of skin is cut into a deep fringe. The skin is glued on and then the fringe is intertwined with the laces in a spiral.

Jumping whip

To give the whip a factory look, a thermotube is pulled over the braided cord. The flapper is made from leather folded in half, which is glued and stitched. A loop-strap for a hand is fixed on the ring, similar to that on mobile covers.

It is unacceptable to hit the animal hard. The whip shouldn't hurt. The horse also responds to the aggression of the rider with aggression and can throw off an inexperienced rider, which is fraught with serious injuries.

Making a saddle with your own hands is difficult, and you should not do this unless it is urgently necessary. Professionally made, it is safe for horse and rider. Only a person associated with professional production can independently make a high-quality saddle. How to make a saddle for a horse there are many recommendations.

Before you start making a saddle for a horse with your own hands, they make its layout. For him, a dense wire is applied to the back of the animal behind the withers and bent clearly along the contour of the body. Further, according to the obtained pattern, the outlines are transferred to the cardboard. A mock-up is cut out of cardboard, which is applied to the back of the animal. It must exactly repeat all the bends. After that, according to the layout, a tree is made and then the saddle is assembled.

saddle tree

An amateur will not succeed in making a saddle correctly. You can’t save on this piece of equipment, and you still need to buy a high-quality saddle made by a master.

It is not necessary to buy a sleigh for a horse. When there are certain skills in working with wood, a tool and a desire, you can make them on your own. The sled is not high, and therefore, even if something does not work out, and during the ride they are damaged, it is almost impossible to get injured.

Painted sleigh

The most difficult thing is to make skids. For them, strong metal pipes are used. The length of the pipes is needed 2-3 meters more than the sled. This is necessary in order to bend the runners on both sides and place them under the sled without difficulty. For bending, a special tool is used - a pipe bender.

After that, the bottom of the sleigh is assembled with racks made of thin tubes or strong wooden blocks. Whenever possible, all non-load-bearing structures are made of plywood to reduce the weight of the sled.

After the horse sled is assembled, it is trimmed and painted. If the sled is designed for riding, then they should be painted to give an attractive appearance.


You can make horseshoes on your own only if you have your own forge and experience in creating them. This product is not expensive, and you should not experiment, endangering yourself and your horse, making dubious home-made horseshoes.

Shoeing horses

Self-creation of equipment for a horse is, of course, interesting and exciting, but most often unjustified, since non-professional accessories do not meet quality requirements and can even be dangerous.

Anyone who wants to have a good equestrian ride is certainly faced with the need to acquire a comfortable and practical harness for, without which it is impossible to effectively use the animal. And as soon as the question of harness arises, the need immediately arises to acquire a good arc for the horse. How to make an arc for a horse with your own hands?

The arc is the most recognizable part of the horse harness, whether it is urban (crew), yamskaya (triple), horse-drawn (draft), peasant, semi-yamskaya or any other. The purpose of the wooden arc is to hold the tugs (leather loops that connect the arc, collar and shafts) perpendicular to , otherwise, the animal will have scuffs on the shoulders and sides. Everyone knows what the quality of our roads is.

At the time when the idea of ​​a horse carriage arose (archaeological finds of the earliest examples of a horse arch in Russia date back to the 14th century), our roads were by no means better than they are today. The horse had to be protected from shocks and bumps. That's why they came up with an arc for a horse. She softened the blows, as the tugs attached to the arc stretched. From the desire to save the upper ones, an arc arose. And it became not only an important shock-absorbing, protective part of the horse harness, but also its decoration. Arches, especially on parade trips, were usually decorated with bright patterns or simply bows made of colorful fabric. And how many songs have been sung and poems written about the bell under the arc!

Beautiful arc dyeing

To make your own arc for a horse, you need to choose the right tree. The best material for the arch of horses is willow or elm. Elm wood is very durable, and willow is famous for its lightness. But sometimes the arcs were also bent from oak, birch or hazel. Blanks for arcs cut in early spring when the sap in the tree trunks is just beginning to move.

The wood is sawn into logs up to two meters long and up to half a meter thick. And after that, the ridge is split into pieces, which will become blanks for future arcs. The thickness of the workpiece should be from 8 to 12 centimeters, length - from 150 to 180 centimeters. The ends of the workpiece must be trimmed to give them the shape of a future arc.

Elm wood

When the workpiece is cut and hewn at the ends, you need to prepare the wood for bending. In order for the tree to bend well, but not break, it must be steamed out. Here they acted differently. Some masters soaked the workpiece in water for 2-3 days, and before starting work, steamed its middle part in boiling water for 20-30 minutes.

Others covered the middle of the future construction with fresh manure and put it in a hot oven, where the wood was steamed out during the night. It is even easier to place the arc blank in the bath. For this purpose, in many baths there were poles under the ceiling, on which poles intended for arcs were laid. Under the influence of heat and steam, the wood became more ductile.

After the preparation of the arc for the horse is steamed enough, you can proceed to the most important technological process - bending. To do this, use an arc machine - a block with two parallel cutouts. The distance between the cutouts is what the distance between the ends of the finished arc should be.

The end of the arc blank must be laid in one of the cutouts, and after that, carefully begin to bend the steamed wood. This must be done without jerks and without haste. The work is heavy, so usually two or three people bend the arc. If the tree bends badly, then you can “steam” it with boiling water for greater plasticity. It may take several hours.

And now the bent end of the arc is opposite the free cutout of the block! It must be carefully and accurately driven there. The hardest part of the job is done! Now the ends of the product that protrude outward must be firmly tied together with a strong twine or even pulled together with wire, and leave the product in this form until it dries completely.

Flexion mount


After the horse arch has dried, it is removed from the machine, the rope or wire that was used for fixation is untied. Now the arc needs to be processed. For these purposes, special planers or plows are used. The finished product can be decorated.

In the old days, this was done with the help of paints or carvings. Rich exits flaunted elegant carved arcs, on which one could see geometric patterns in the form of rhombuses and circles, and skillfully carved leaves, flowers, bunches of grapes. Sometimes they were painted with paint, and black, red, gold, blue and green colors were especially loved.

However, carving, coloring or simply elegant bows is a matter of taste. But what the arc cannot do without is without a bell or a bell. To do this, a metal loop called “zga” was attached to the upper inner part of the structure, where it has the very middle. Remember: "you can't see a thing"? That is, it is so dark that even the arc on the horse harness is not visible. A bell was hung on this zgu.

Painting and carving

So, from choosing a material to attaching a bell to a bell, you can make a do-it-yourself bow for a horse thanks to our detailed step by step instructions to fulfillment.