Boxing is the best. Undefeated Boxing World Champions - Fanzona

There is no doubt that in boxing everything is decided by individuals. Of course, it sometimes happens that the main characters are not in the ring, but in the shadow of spotlights. Until now, the promoters in the offices decide the fate of fights. Nevertheless, there is a succession of champions in boxing who have entered the history of this sport.

These are real personalities who had legendary fights and achieved their fame in battles with really strong opponents. Today, novice boxers look up to these idols, dreaming of winning at least a share of their fame.


American professional boxer in the heavyweight division. Olympic champion in 1964. World heavyweight champion (WBC version, 1970-1973; WBA version, 1970-1973). He is recognized by many reputable sports publications as one of the greatest boxers of all time along with Muhammad Ali.

For a long time, there was no one in Joe's path who could beat him. Only Buster Mathis managed to do it. That victory gave him the right to go to the Tokyo Olympics in 1964. But a hand injury prevented Mathis, in the end it was Fraser who represented the United States.

He became the Olympic champion, defeating the German Huber in the final. Since 1965, Fraser has been performing as a professional. His boxing style is quite tough, the left hook is considered a signature blow. In the first 11 fights, Fraser won victories, but in September 1966, the uncompromising Oscar Bonavena stood in his way. During the round, this Argentine knocked down Frazier twice, but he managed to turn the tide of the fight and win. By the end of 1967, Frazier had an impressive 19 wins in 19 fights.

When Muhammad Ali was stripped of his title, the WBA fell into chaos with the definition of a champion. The result was a New York State Special Tournament. Fraser was able to knock out his old friend Mathis and take the prestigious title for himself. In 1968-1970, Joe repeatedly defended his status, and in 1970 he became the absolute world champion.

When the disqualification was removed from Muhammad Ali in the summer of that year, it became unclear who should be considered number one in boxing? By the end of that year, Ali won several fights and won the right to fight Frazier for the title. absolute champion. That fight caused a lot of excitement. Each boxer was promised $2.5 million to participate.

The 15 round bout took place on March 8, 1971 at Madison Square Garden. In that fight, Joe Frazier managed to inflict the first defeat of his career on Muhammad Ali. This decision was taken by the judges unanimously. A year and a half later, Fraser in Jamaica was defeated by George Foreman and his career began to decline. Attempts to regain the championship title did not end with success, in 1976 Frazier left boxing. By that time, he had lost twice to Ali and again to Foreman. Frazier tried to return to the ring in 1981, but it ended in failure. In 2011, the legendary boxer died of liver cancer.


American professional boxer who performed in the heavyweight category; one of the most famous and recognizable boxers in the history of world boxing. Champion of the XVII Summer Olympic Games in 1960 in the light heavyweight category, the absolute world champion in heavyweight (1964-1966, 1974-1978).

Winner of the title "Boxer of the Year" (five times - 1963, 1972, 1974, 1975, 1978) and "Boxer of the Decade" (1970s) according to The Ring magazine; The 2nd boxer in history to receive the Sports Illustrated Sportsman of the Year award (1974), was recognized as the Sportsman of the Century by several sports publications. At the end of his career, he was included in the Boxing Hall of Fame (1987) and the International Boxing Hall of Fame (1990). Brilliant speaker.

Muhammad Ali had the perfect physique of an athlete, he had a flexible mind and excellent intuition. But that was preceded by hard work. The younger brother threw stones at Cassius, honing his reaction. Timid then a teenager began to train with police officer Joe Martin.

For the sake of the love of sports, the athlete ignored problems with his pressure. In 1959, a promising boxer was easily selected for Olympic team USA. Cassius Clay easily won the 1960 Olympics on the floor heavyweight. From 1964 to 1974, Ali was a multiple heavyweight boxing world champion. For 20 years he was the king of the ring. With a height of 192 cm, the boxer weighed about 97 kg, he was very mobile. It is no coincidence that Ali owns the phrase: "I flutter like a butterfly, sting like a bee."

In total, the legend had 25 title or qualifying fights, which is second only to Joe Louis. In total, Ali suffered 5 defeats in the ring, the first of which was in a championship fight with Joe Frazier in 1971.

One of Muhammad Ali's greatest fights took place on October 30, 1974 in Kinshasa. He was opposed current champion George Foreman. Muhammad Ali led the entire fight, and in the 8th round he punched the enemy. The powerful champion collapsed onto the platform. But he was a legendary fighter who managed to beat many strong opponents and achieve the title of champion! One can imagine the power of Muhammad Ali.

Early 80s great boxer ended his career losing 3 of his last 4 fights. In total, he spent 56 fights in the professional ring, winning 51 of which, 37 by knockout. Unfortunately, at the age of less than 40, the athlete was struck by Parkinson's disease. Throughout his life, the boxer also fought for the rights of blacks and for peace, protesting against the Vietnam War.


American professional boxer, world heavyweight champion from September 23, 1952 to November 30, 1956.
This boxer was born in 1923 in Massachusetts in the family of an Italian invalid. From childhood, Rocky grew up as a brave boy. But in order to earn a living, he had to work from a young age. He cleared the streets of snow, washed dishes, laid pipes, dug the earth.

A developed teenager was noticed by boxing trainer Gene Cajano. But in 1943, Rocky was drafted into the army. While serving in the Navy, on leave he fought for money in pubs, developing his fist art. Marciano was agile, sharp and determined. His punches were accurate and strong. It was like a bulldog who was ready to fight to the last drop of blood.

Both in personal and Everyday life Rocky Marciano was quite humble. He eschewed luxury, devoting much time to his family. But behind these was a man with incredible willpower. In total, Rocky spent 49 fights in the professional field, without losing a single one. The debut took place in 1947.

In 1951, Marciano met the legendary Joe Louis. The aged champion resigned his powers to a young, assertive competitor. In 1952, in a fight against another champion, Jersey Joe Walcott, Marciano was knocked down for the first time, but was able to rise and knock out the opponent in the 13th round.

Victories were not easy for Marciano, he often left the ring with a bloodied and disfigured face. But 83% of his fights ended ahead of schedule, by knockout. Rocky was one of the first to practice his kicks in the water. Preparations for the battle at Marciano were carried out on the highest level professionalism.

The last fight of the undefeated champion took place in 1956, his career was over due to back problems.
And in 1969, Rocky Marciano tragically died in a plane crash. It is believed that it was he who served as the prototype for Rocky Balboa, the protagonist of the Rocky series of films that glorified Sylvester Stallone.


American professional boxer in the heavyweight division. Olympic champion in 1968. World heavyweight champion (WBC version, 1973-1974; WBA version, 1973-1974 and 1994; IBF version, 1994-1995) weight category.

This legendary boxer had a long and glorious career during which he spent 81 fights, losing only 5 of them. The future champion was born in 1949 in Texas. Foreman began boxing at a school for difficult teenagers. At the age of 19, Foreman successfully performed at the Olympics, winning gold there. The road to professionals was open.

In 1969, in just six months of performances, Foreman managed to win 13 victories. He had high growth at 195 cm and Strong arms, which made him a tough fighter. The rising star meets January 2, 1973 with champion Joe Frazier.

He was able to hold out for only 4.5 minutes, during which time he was knocked down 7 times. Fraser gave up his title only on October 30, 1974, when he lost to Muhammad Ali. After that fight, George felt a connection with God. The second call came after the loss in 1977 to Jimmy Young. foreman left big sport and became a preacher. He built a church, collected donations. 10 years outside of boxing changed the athlete, but in 1987 he announced that he was dreaming of a return.

Foreman was going to become a champion again. After a year of training, the boxer got back in shape. Foreman won 24 fights in a row, all by knockout.

In April 1991, he lost to Evander Holyfield only on points, without becoming the undisputed champion. But soon Foreman got the WBA belt for his victory over Michael Moorer in 1994. The boxer finally left the sport in 1997. Currently, Foreman has returned to his former activities - he reads sermons and helps the disadvantaged.


Legendary American professional boxer, world champion in heavyweight champion. Boxer was born into a poor family in 1914. His father picked cotton in Alabama, but in 1924 the family moved to Detroit. Here the future athlete got a job with his father at the Ford plant. His mother loved Joe very much and collected money for him to study music. But he took all the savings to the boxing club. What Joe was guided by is not clear, because he was not a fighter.

An experienced tall fighter was released against a newcomer in the club. He began to beat Louis, but suddenly Joe sent his offender to the floor with a counter blow. Soon there were no equals for the young boxer in big Detroit. The promising athlete was noticed by coach Jack Blackburn, who promised to pull Luis out of the ghetto and make him a professional.

At 22, Joe began his career in the big ring. He literally broke into the elite. Louis, known as the "Brown Corporal", won his first 27 fights, 24 of them by knockout. The coach selected his opponents, gradually increasing their level. However, Louis swept away both experienced boxers and ex-champions from the ring.

Prior to the outbreak of World War II, Joe defended his title of absolute champion 25 times. Equal rivals did not appear, and fees for fights with a decided outcome became less and less. In 1948, Louis decided to retire from the sport.

A year later, the undefeated champion was returned to the ring - a new generation of fighters had grown up. Louis lost his first fight to Ezzard Charles, and a brutal defeat by Marciano in 1951 finally put an end to it. At that time, the state of the great boxer was a fantastic $ 4.5 million.

But Louis quickly squandered that capital. At the end of your life former boxer worked as a gatekeeper at a Las Vegas casino. In this city, the legendary athlete died in 1981.

Various boxing organizations and polls rank Joe Louis as the best puncher in history. He spent 27 fights for the championship, holding the title of the most strong boxer in the world. Louis has won 66 of his 70 fights.


American professional boxer who performed in the heavyweight category; one of the most famous and recognizable boxers in the history of world boxing. Olympic champion among juniors in the first heavyweight (1982). Absolute world champion in the heavy weight category (1987-1990).

WBC champion (1986-1990, 1996), WBA (1987-1990, 1996), IBF (1987-1990), The Ring (1988-1990). Lineal champion (1988-1990). "Most promising boxer"1985 according to the magazine" Ring ". The best boxer regardless of the weight category (1987-1989) according to the Ring magazine.

"Boxer of the Year" according to the magazine "Ring" (1986, 1988). "Boxer of the Year" according to the BWAA (1986,1988). BBC Sports Personality of the Year (1989). BBC Foreign Athlete of the Year (1989). Best Athlete abroad (1987-1989) according to the BBC.

Included in the International Boxing Hall of Fame (2011), the World Boxing Hall of Fame (2010), the Nevada Boxing Hall of Fame (2013), the WWE Hall of Fame (2012). At the 49th annual WBC convention in Las Vegas, Michael Tyson was entered into the Guinness Book of Records and in a solemn ceremony received two certificates: for the most number of fastest knockouts and for becoming the youngest world heavyweight champion.

Tyson was born in 1966 in New York. By that time, his father had separated from his mother. In the future, Michael took his mother's surname. The family lived in Brooklyn, in a poor neighborhood. The young guy grew up big and tough, but at first his voice was high and lisping. Mike had to fight a lot to teach his offenders a lesson.

Soon everyone in Brownsville already knew this uncompromising black guy. When he was in a rage, he could knock down an adult with his blows. Over time, Michael became a participant in many dubious stories - thefts, attacks, robberies. To fix the troubled teenager, the authorities sent him to a boys' school on the outskirts of the state. Here Tyson had a happy meeting with coach Bobby Stewart. He himself was once a professional and managed to teach the young guy the basics of boxing.

In 1980, Stewart brought his ward to New York to show D'Amato to that manager. The coach entered the ring with his ward, and it soon became clear to everyone that Tyson would be the new world champion. Michael first entered the professional ring on March 5, 1985. In total, the boxer spent 15 fights that year, winning all by knockout. Tyson managed to become the youngest world champion, having won this title at the age of 20. At 21, Michael managed to become the youngest absolute world champion. failures in personal life inevitably affected the career "Iron Michael".

He is arrested for assault and rape, in 1992 Tyson went to prison. The return to the ring in 1995 was not a triumph. In addition, in the match against Holyfield, the boxer also managed to make a scandal by biting off a piece of his opponent's ear. The last fight of the champion took place in 2005, after losing to the little-known Kevin McBride, Tyson decided not to disgrace himself and leave the sport. Today Tyson is acting in films, he has 3 convictions, 3 marriages and 8 children. A talented boxer quickly climbed to the top of success, but also quickly squandered his gift.


German professional boxer who competed in the heavyweight category. The first (and until 2007 the only) German world heavyweight champion (1930-1932). "Boxer of the Year" according to the magazine "Ring" (1930). After completing his boxing career, he worked as a sports referee for several years.

This boxer lived a glorious and long life. He was born in 1905 in Germany. Schmelling made his first fight in the professional ring at the age of 19. At the age of 21, he became the champion of Germany in lightweight, in 1927 he won the championship of the continent, and the very next year, Max had no equal in his country in heavy weight.

In 1930, Schmelling defeated the American Sharkey in New York, winning the world title. The title was soon lost due to a dubious decision by the judges. But in 1936, the German again became the champion, defeating the young talent Joe Louis. But the bets on the victory of the American were 10 against 1. At that moment, the Aryan athlete becomes the pride of Nazi propaganda. His name is the perfect German, the white man defeated the black. A rematch with Lewis in 1938 in New York was seen by Hitler as an opportunity to prove to the world the superiority of his nation.

70 thousand spectators gathered at the stadium, Max himself was perceived only as a Nazi, insulting and throwing garbage at him.

Schmelling lost crushingly already in the first round, for millions that victory became a symbol of the defeat of fascism. They tried not to remember the name of the former favorite in Germany. Angry Hitler, having learned that the boxer also supports the Jews, sent his former favorite to the front. Schmelling managed to survive the meat grinder of World War II. After her, he went into business and even helped financially his former rival Louis. All his life, let the boxer be a model of decency, respect for rivals. Compatriots loved Schmelling for his beautiful victories in the ring. In total, Max had 70 fights, of which he won 56, and the boxer died at the age of 99.


Canadian and British professional boxer who competed in the heavyweight category. Champion XXIV Olympic games in the weight category over 91 kg (as part of the Canadian team). Champion of North America among amateurs in the category over 91 kg (1987). The absolute world heavyweight champion among professionals (1999).

World champion in the heavy weight category according to the WBC (1993-1994, 1997-2001 and 2001-2003), IBF (1999-2001 and 2001-2002), WBA (1999). Inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame, the World Boxing Hall of Fame, and the Nevada Boxing Hall of Fame.

The athlete was born in London in 1965. At the age of 12, Lennox and his family moved to Canada. Lewis grew up very athletic as a child, playing football, volleyball, basketball and boxing. He had offers to continue playing for the college in the gaming disciplines, but Lennox chose amateur boxing.

Already at the age of 17 he managed to become the world champion among juniors. At the age of 18, the young boxer competed at the Los Angeles Olympics, representing Canada. He did not have enough experience, and Lewis reached only the quarterfinals. Even then, a promising fighter began to be called to the professionals. But Lewis himself dreamed of becoming an Olympic champion, which he succeeded in 4 years.

In the final, American Riddick Bowie was knocked out in the second round. In 1989, Lewis began his professional career. He becomes the heavyweight champion of England, then wins the European championship. On October 31, 1992, in London, Lewis dealt with the dangerous Razor Ruddock in just 2 rounds, and after 2 months the Briton already became the WBC world champion.

In September 1994, Lennox lost his title, but in early 1997 he managed to regain his title, becoming the first Briton to do so.

Then there were impressive victories over Andrew Golota, Shannon Briggs, Zeiko Mavrovik. In 1999, an interesting duel took place with Evander Holyfield for the title of champion in three versions at once. The fight was watched by 150 million viewers. Then a draw was recorded, the second fight brought the title of absolute champion to Lennox Lewis.

Then there were victories over Hasim Rahman, Michael Tyson, Vitali Klitschko. After a dubious victory over the Ukrainian, the Englishman announced his retirement. In total, Lewis spent 44 fights, winning 41 of them. The boxer entered the elite club of those heavyweight champions who sooner or later won against all their rivals. The Englishman walked away undefeated, holding the title.


American professional boxer who competed in the light, first welterweight, welterweight, first middle, middle, second middle and light heavyweight categories. World champion in the welterweight (1946-1950) and middle (1951, 1951-1952, 1955-1957, 1957 and 1958-1960) weight categories. The best boxer of all time, regardless of weight category, according to Ring magazine (2002).

This American athlete was born in 1921 in the town of Ailey, Georgia, under the name of Walker Smith Jr. In the family, the boy turned out to be the third child, his father had to work hard and hard. After the divorce of his parents, Walker ended up with his mother in New York, and the Harlem area.

Studying at school did not work out, and the teenager decided to devote all his strength to boxing. The young fighter was once called by his trainer as sweet as sugar. This is how the first part of his nickname appeared. And to participate in underground battles, he borrowed the name and card of his friend, Ray Robinson. So the young boxer got his nickname, which will soon become famous. In the featherweight division, the athlete won all of his 90 fights, receiving the Golden Gloves award.

Since 1940 Sugar Ray Robinson turns pro. He literally blew up the boxing world with his appearance. In 1946, the young athlete became the world welterweight champion. In 1951 he won the middleweight title. With the title of champion, Robinson retired from the sport in 1952, losing only 3 fights. However, boxing did not let him go so easily.

The return to the sport took place in 1955 and turned out to be triumphant. Sugar Ray Robinson became the first boxer to regain the title after officially retiring. In 1958, the boxer again became the middleweight champion. However, in 1960 the belt was lost to Paul Pender.

Sugar Ray Robinson is considered one of the greatest boxers of all time. He stood out from the crowd with his kind of ideal appearance. The boxer's face is without scars and grins, his hair is carefully pomaded. Robinson's speed and accuracy, Fast passage from defense to attack confusing the enemy.

At the end of his career, the great boxer tried to prove himself in the entertainment industry and in business. But nowhere outside the ring did the athlete succeed. In his final years, Robinson suffered from Alzheimer's disease, dying in poverty in 1989.


American professional boxer and world boxing champion who is known as Henry Armstrong. Considered one of the greatest boxers of all time by many critics and fellow professionals.

The world boxing legend was born in 1912 in Columbus, Mississippi. At birth, he received the surname Jackson. He entered the history of world boxing as the owner of three champion titles in different weight categories at the same time. From the age of 17, Armstrong began to participate in amateur fights, and the transition to professionals took place in 1933. At that time, the boxer won 58 of his 62 fights. In 1937, Armstrong became the featherweight champion by knocking out Sarron.

A year later, multiple welterweight champion Barney Ross was defeated. 10 weeks after that victory, Lou Embers was reclaimed the lightweight belt. In the years 1937-1938, as a result, Armstrong won 46 fights in a row, 7 of them were title fights.

Boxing managers agreed to fight with any opponents, they said that the bets on Armstrong at that moment were the most correct. At that time, boxing glory belonged entirely to Joe Louis, which is why Armstrong and his managers decided to collect three titles in their hands at the same time.

According to the rules of the American Boxing Association, an athlete had to vacate the title if he became a champion in a different weight. Therefore, Armstrong gave away his titles without a fight. Only professional career the boxer spent 174 fights, scoring 145 victories. He was nicknamed "perpetual motion machine" and "California comet" for his swiftness and strength.

The Hurricane Hank was a machine that struck nonstop, more rhythmically than purposefully.

In 1945, Armstrong retired from the sport, deciding to become a preacher. Since 1951, the athlete became a Baptist priest, starting to work with the poor. The famous champion died in 1988.

10 best Russian boxers

So serious people have gathered here that even Alexander Povetkin is not in the first place. Do you want to explain why and tell how many friends Dmitry Mikhailenko, who closes the rating, has?

10. Dmitry Mikhailenko

20 wins, 0 losses; 66.6 kg; 29 years.

Where did he come from: Slavyansk-on-Kuban, Krasnodar Territory.

2015: Felipe De La Paz Teniente - victory (refusal to continue the fight), Johan Perez - victory by TKO

The coolest in his weight:

Short: Mikhailenko trains by the sea - sometimes in Gelendzhik, sometimes somewhere in the USA: Oxnard, Atlantic City. It is run by the manager Egis Klimas, a man with better eyesight and nerves in professional boxing. So that you understand why we are talking about Klimas like that: he once invested a quarter of a million dollars of personal money in Sergey Kovalev, so that now Kovalev owns three championship belts and from Cardiff to Montreal, he collected the jaws of opponents with his fists.

9 . David Avanesyan

21 wins; 1 defeat; 66.6 kg; 27 years.

Where did he come from: With. Tabynskoye, Bashkortostan

2015: Dean Byrne - TKO victory, Charlie Navarro - TKO victory

The coolest in his weight:Manny Pacquiao, Kell Brook, Kate Thurman

Short: Avanesyan is on the ninth line of the rating, but he may well not feel the hardness of the soil, being in this place. A week ago, for example, Denis Shafikov was somewhere near the TOP-5, lost and left for 12th place. So far, David has spent most of his fights in the south of Russia, leaving it only for the last three fights: Great Britain and Poland. On the other hand, it was there that he managed to finish the fights ahead of schedule (the last two), but the first trip to Britain was not easy. The boxer spent all 10 rounds dealing with a man whose statistics were 22-16 then and 28-23 right now.

8. Fedor Chudinov

14 wins, 0 losses; 76.2 kg; 28 years.

Where did he come from: Bratsk

2015: Felix Sturm - win by split decision, Frank Buglioni - win by unanimous decision

The coolest in his weight: Manny Pacquiao, Kell Brook, Kate Thurman

Short: You may not like the "Night Wolves" who accompany Fedor and add a motorcycle race dedicated to the anniversary to his fight in Germany great victory. You may not like the promoter Vladimir Khryunov, who leads Fedor. But this does not allow us to deny two things. Fedor went to Frankfurt and beat a local boxer there, being an underdog at bookmakers. And then he came to England and defended the title. Fedor Chudinov as such is just a normal guy. “If they provoked me, like Briggs Wladimir Klitschko, I would not call lawyers. We would have put on gloves and like two men had a fight in the hall. Lives in Serpukhov, dances - apparently, he will listen to advice from Roy Jones.

7. Ruslan Provodnikov

25 wins, 4 losses; 63.5 kg; 31 year.

Where did he come from: With. Berzovo, KhMAO

2015: Lucas Matisse - lost by majority decision, Jesus Rodriguez - won by TKO

The coolest in his weight:

Short: The most beloved (this is a little different compared to the “popular”) boxer of Russia continues to box with himself and fight with his rivals. Provodnikov has three twin years behind him: defeat in the first half, victory in the second. Only if in 2013 the defeat from Bradley was a victory in content, and the next fight brought the title taken from Alvarado, then further defeats became less obligatory, and victories were not so memorable. In 2015, Ruslan lost a very important fight with Matthysse and forced his manager to talk about the need to change. Provodnikov began to work with a new coach, but, having defeated Jesus Rodriguez in Monaco, he did not give an answer to what this led to.

6. Artur Beterbiev

9 wins, 0 losses; 79.3 kg; 30 years.

Where did he come from: Khasavyurt

2015: Gabriel Campillo - KO victory, Alexander Johnson - TKO victory

The coolest in his weight:

Short: The verbal skirmish with Kovalev was more memorable this year than the fights with Campillo and Johnson. Arthur either himself or at the suggestion of managers reminded Sergey how he defeated him in amateurs, and Sergey recalled how Beretbiev's head flew off to f ... py in sparring.

After that, everything was even more strange: Arthur, who offered a duel to Kovalev, suddenly refused to fight himself. True, it was not he who spoke, but the manager: “Arthur needs one more fight before going to Kovalev.”

5. Eduard Troyanovsky

23 wins, 0 losses; 63.5 kg; 35 years.

Where did he come from: Omsk

2015: Hayk Shahnazaryan - KO victory, Ronald Pontillas - KO victory, Cesar Cuenca - TKO victory

The coolest in his weight: Tarence Crawford, Viktor Postol, Adrien Broner

Short: In terms of modesty / level, he could be in first place. Smiling, sociable, and only because of the weight category it is difficult to guess a person who has never lost in 23 professional boxing fights and is in fourth place in the world ranking. Ahead - Broner, behind - Provodnikov. Bringing the first to Russia could be the main goal for Andrey Ryabinsky for 2016.

4. Denis Lebedev

20 wins, 2 losses; up to 90.7 kg; 36 years.

Where did he come from: Stary Oskol

2015: Youri Kalenga - victory by unanimous decision, Latif Kayode - victory by TKO

The coolest in his weight:

Short: Somehow no one paid attention that Denis spent, perhaps best year sports career. Two title defenses, one of which was at the same boxing evening in Kazan, where the Russians fell confidently, and the guests destroyed the jaws and statuses of the losers in advance. Denis has shown that he is able to learn, able to become more mobile and able to grow. If in the battle with Kalenga he added to the work with his feet and thinking, then by the second fight of the year he managed to add to this a blow that was always with him.

3. Grigory Drozd

40 wins, 1 loss; up to 90.7 kg; 36 years.

Where did he come from: Prokopyevsk

2015: Lukasz Janik - victory by TKO

The coolest in his weight: Grigory Drozd, Denis Lebedev, Krzysztof Glowacki

Short: Gregory's career is now on a turn, similar in trajectory to a question mark. Firstly, he is at a level that 99% of boxers will not reach, and you need to understand that it is not always easy to motivate yourself when the main goal is achieved. Secondly, Drozd is one of those boxers to whom boxing gave not only the opportunity to realize themselves in life, but also the opportunity to develop somewhere else. He holds Muay Thai tournaments, commentates on fights, and is engaged in social activities. At 36 years old, this can be tritely more interesting than two workouts a day for three months. Gregory has announced a fight for the spring, and there will be an answer.

2. Alexander Povetkin

30 wins, 1 loss; over 90.7 kg; 36 years.

Where did he come from: Kursk

2015: Mike Perez - TKO victory, Mariusz Wach - TKO victory

The coolest in his weight: Tyson Fury, Wladimir Klitschko, Alexander Povetkin

Short: The hero of his time unexpectedly received support from the UK: Tyson Fury, who had arranged a thrashing for Wladimir Klitschko, confused the situation a little in the heavyweight division. As things look now, Povetkin needs a belt for status. There are four of them in total: Fury has two, who will give revenge to Klitschko. One from the American Wilder, who will ask a lot of money for a fight with himself and, most likely, will lose to Alexander. There is another belt - Fury flushed it down the toilet after the organization said it was taking it from the Briton. Wilder, who will have to wait for a rematch between Fury and Klitschko, may agree to a fight in Moscow with Povetkin.

1. Sergey Kovalev

28 wins, 1 draw; 79.3 kg; 32 years.

Where did he come from: Kopeysk, Chelyabinsk region

2015: Jean Pascal - TKO victory, Najib Mohammedi - KO victory

The coolest in his weight: Sergey Kovalev, Adonis Stevenson, Andre Ward

Short: The boxer, whom the planet was waiting for, was born in Kopeysk and this should be rejoiced. After Klitschko's defeat and Tyson Fury's conflict with the IBF, he is the only one in the world with three championship belts and the only Russian in the top ten boxers on the planet, regardless of weight. It somehow coexists with the cry "AUE, Chelyaba", and English language, on which he gives an interview in America, and a house in the USA, and a Russian flag on his shoulders. As well as the ability to hit hard and interesting to tell. Having made himself, butchering almost three dozen rivals, Kovalev has never been the first number of the Russian national team in the amateurs and is now catching up.

What was ten a year ago *: 10. Evgeny Gradovich, 9. Khabib Allahverdiev, 8. Rakhim Chakhkiev, 7. Ruslan Provodnikov, 6. Denis Lebedev, 5. Denis Shafikov, 4. Matvey Korobov, 3. Grigory Drozd, 2. Alexander Povetkin, 1. Sergey Kovalev .

Text: Vadim Tikhomirov


Many will be interested to know the list of the best boxers of all time. To be honest, boxing is considered one of the most popular types sports. The rapid development of boxing began in the 16th century. Almost the entire planet is watching famous fights champions. That is why our editors have compiled rating of top 10 boxers regardless of weight category.

Of course, every person who is fond of boxing has his favorite boxer. Boxing usually comes in two varieties - professional and amateur. In these two criteria, boxers spend a huge amount of training, tactics and preparation for the fight. Let's see which boxers made history.

The best boxers, regardless of weight category

10th place. Sugar Ray Leonard.

Sugar deservedly got into the top ten best boxers in history. His unsurpassed power and ability to adapt to his opponent made him a wise tactician in the ring. Just think that he was able to become a champion in five weight classes and at the same time was the heaviest boxer. The champion in three categories in the linear championship, helped him get into the list. Boxing Career Information:

  • Country: USA;
  • Stance: right-handed;
  • Wins: 36 (25 KOs)
  • Amateur career: 150 fights (145 wins).

An interesting fact, he was named after the famous singer Ray Charles.

9th place. George Foreman.

We couldn’t get around Big George, because many fans know him. Two-time world heavyweight champion and medalist at Olympic Games in Mexico City, where he conquered gold medal. Indeed, this boxer is talented in everything. He was also a pastor and an excellent entrepreneur. According to the IBRO recall, he was included in the list of the top 8 best boxers of all time. As a result of this news, George was added to our list. Boxing Career Information:

  • Rack: left-hand;
  • Country: USA;
  • Professional career: 81 fights, 76 wins (68 by KO)
  • Amateur career: 26 fights, 22 wins.

8th place. Roy Jones Jr..

Roy Jones is a boxer with a huge amount of talent. Other participants in our review did not receive such an additional criterion. He is an excellent actor, promoter, boxing trainer, and also a rapper. Roy is a role model as he started his boxing career from the bottom of boxing and as a result was able to win the heavyweight title. The transition from middleweight to heavyweight should also be commended for Roy. It should be recalled that Roy Jones has Russian citizenship and American. Boxing Career Information:

  • Rack: left-hand;
  • Country: USA, Russia;
  • Professional career: 74 fights, 65 wins (47 by KO)
  • Amateur career: 134 fights, 121 wins.

7th place. Floyd Mayweather.

Of course, many sources put Floyd Mayweather higher in boxing tops. But his merits show who he really is. Champion in five weight classes, six-time winner of the best boxing ESPY award. Separately, it is necessary to note his promotional style of presentation. But Floyd's minus is his fear, because there are fights that he refused so as not to lose. Perhaps this is due to not preparing for battle. As a result, such not very pleasant information sent Roy to seventh place. Floyd is also the highest paid boxer in the world. Boxing Career Information:

  • Stance: Right-handed;
  • Country: USA;
  • Professional career: 50 fights, 50 wins (27 by KO)
  • Amateur career: 90 fights, 84 victories.

6th place. Rocky Marciano.

Rocky is one of the best boxers of all time. It is especially necessary to highlight the important fact that in his entire career no one has been able to defeat him. That's not all, because he is also known for holding the World Heavyweight Championship title for four years in a row. Even as a child, he worked hard - cleaned lawns, snow, and installed pipes. A serious injury prevented him from continuing his career in baseball, but he gathered his will into a fist and became one of the best boxers in the world. By the way, Sylvester Stallone took this particular boxer as the basis. Boxing Career Information:

  • Stance: right-handed;
  • Country: USA;
  • Professional career: 49 wins, 49 wins (43 by KO)

5th place. Joe Louis.

In the boxing world, Joe Louis is known as the "Brown Scorer". The famous Ring magazine gave Joe the first place among the 100 best punchers in boxing of all time. After he started his career, he was able to do better in the big ring. As a result, he became the first African American who was able to reach the top. Surprisingly, from 1937 to 1949, Joe Louis held the world title. Without a doubt, Joe deservedly got into the top five boxers in the world. Boxing Career Information:

  • Stance: right-handed;
  • Country: USA;
  • Professional career: 69 fights, 66 wins (52 by KO).

4th place. Mike Tyson.

As a child, he was given the name Mile Gerard, but the world knows him as Mike Tyson. The athlete won titles in many fights. Mike also became the youngest fighter to become a heavyweight champion. Then he was 20 years old. After winning a fight of multiple versions, both the WBC, WBA and IBF declared him the youngest champion.

Tyson is still known in the ring as very fast boxer. Perhaps, so far, many reputable publications have not deservedly underestimated the boxer, but he is on our list and takes fourth place. His sidereal time lasted six years. He destroyed every opponent in the ring. Many argue that he should have ended his career a little earlier. However, any bar argument doesn't start without Tyson being mentioned. Boxing Career Information:

  • Rack: left-hand;
  • Country: USA;
  • Professional career: 58 fights, 50 wins (44 by KO)
  • Amateur career: 60 fights, 54 victories.

3rd place. Manny Pacquiao.

Manny Pacquiao is the greatest man of our time. The US Boxing Association, along with the WBO, WBC, declared him the "Boxer of the Decade" He is a champion in eight categories. Manny is a really cool boxer. Many journalists, critics, football associations declared him the fighter of the year. At the peak of his career, Manny was such a powerful attacking boxer that Floyd at that time refused to fight him. Now he is a successful politician and senator in the town where he was born. Boxing Career Information:

  • Stance: left-handed;
  • Country: Philippines;
  • Professional career: 68 fights, 59 wins (38 by KO)
  • Amateur career: 60 fights, 56 victories.

2nd place. Sugar Ray Robinson.

In second place is the legendary boxer of all times and peoples, and that's all, because only Mohammed Ali is in first place. Sugar is the best boxer of his time. He fought in several categories, where he successfully won. He was nicknamed the "pound-for-pound" boxer. Robinson clearly showed his cheerful lifestyle and at the usual time outside the ring. He was so popular in his time that even mafia bosses were afraid to deal with him. Boxing Career Information:

  • Stance: right-handed;
  • Country: USA;
  • Professional career: 200 fights, 173 wins (108 KOs);
  • Amateur career: 86 fights, 86 victories.

1 place. Muhammad Ali.

So we got to the best boxer in history. It was the greatest man Mohammed Ali. His real name is Cassius Marcellus Clay the Younger. After Cassius accepted the new faith of Islam, he decided to change his name to Mohammed Ali. The man stood out not only physical force but also spiritual power. From the age of 12 he began to box. At 18, he won his first medal for first place. In those days, at that age, it was an achievement.

After defeating the strong Tunni Hunsaker, he moved to professional boxing. Beautiful six rounds. It is worth noting that the opponent was a great boxer. However, Ali was a cold-blooded boxer and liked to counterattack with hard and powerful attacks. Mohammed Ali is the author of many motivational quotes for human life. Boxing Career Information:

  • Stance: Right-handed;
  • Country: USA;
  • Professional career: 61 fights, 56 wins (37 by KO)
  • Amateur career: 108 fights.

Afterword. This sport is very hard. It wins a very courageous and trained fighter who is ready to endure. Throwing a lot of punches hard while being hardy and cold-blooded is not an easy job. Only in this case, the athlete will emerge from the ring as a winner.

We are wondering who else should have made it into our top 10 best boxers of all time?

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Boxing is considered to be a martial art for true men. around it spectacular view sports gather masses of both fans and opponents. Nevertheless, boxing remains not only a sport, but also a martial art with its own philosophy and traditions. It is not for nothing that professional boxers claim that boxing is not just a sport, but real life. In the entire history of boxing, quite a few outstanding boxers have passed through the ring area. All of them had bright victories and exciting fights with worthy opponents. Many athletes are also remembered for their turbulent life outside the ring. This article presents best boxers in the world who left their mark on the history of boxing. T

10. Floyd Mayweather

Opens the top 10 best boxers in history, a native of Grand Rapids (Michigan, USA) Floyd Mayweather. He was born in the family of a boxer, so he decided on the choice of profession quite early. With good technique and high speed, Floyd immediately established himself as an excellent boxer. At the amateur level, the American participated in 90 meetings. In 1996 he became bronze medalist Olympics in Atlanta. He turned pro the same year. On October 11, the debut boxing match took place. The athlete became the owner of championship belts in 5 weight categories.

9. Sugar Ray Leonard

Sugar Ray Leonard is famous american boxer-professional, native of Wilmington, North Carolina. He became an amateur in 1969 on the recommendation of his brother. He gave the starting fight in 1972. Twice won the prestigious trophy for amateur boxers - "Golden Gloves". In 1976, he won gold at the Montreal Olympics. The following year, he established himself at a professional level. During his career, he won more than one championship belt in 5 weight categories. The famous sports publication "Ring" named Sugar Ray Leonard the best boxer of the 1980s.

8. George Foreman

George Foreman is a native of Marshall, Texas, USA. At the amateur stage, he became the Olympic champion in 1968 at the Olympics in Mexico City. Since 1969, he began to perform in professionals. George immediately established himself as an excellent heavyweight boxer. In 1973, in the historic confrontation between Joe Frazier and George Foreman, the latter wins and deservedly becomes the absolute world heavyweight boxing champion. The sports edition "Ring" recognizes this boxing match as the "fight of the year". In professional sports, George Foreman has had more than one title fight with very serious opponents and rightfully takes pride of place among the best boxers in history.

7. Roy Jones

This American boxer is a native of the provincial town of Pensacola, Florida, USA. Father with early years taught Roy to love boxing and the young man decided on the choice of profession quite early. As an amateur, Roy won the silver medal at the Seoul Olympics in 1988. At the professional stage, he achieved the absolute world championship in the light heavyweight category. He won more than one championship belt in 4 more weight categories. Roy Jones is popular not only in the ring - he is known as a talented musician-rapper and a professional actor.

6. Joe Louis

Joe Louis is an American professional boxer from Lafayette, Alabama. Joe's childhood passed on the brink of poverty, he began early to help his father feed his family. At the amateur stage, he won the prestigious Golden Gloves heavyweight title. The starting career as a professional was marked by 1934. In his debut fight, Joe Louis knocked out his opponent in the first minutes and immediately became an authoritative boxer among professionals. In 1937 he won the world heavyweight boxing championship. The prestigious sports publication The Ring has repeatedly recognized Joe as the best boxer of the year.

5. Rocky Marciano

Rocky Marciano is a native of the American city of Brockton, Massachusetts. Rocky is not the only son in a large family, and therefore the guy was forced to help his father earn money to support the family. Rocky showed great promise in baseball, but due to fateful circumstances, he was forced to retire from this sport. Rocky turned professional in 1947. For my sports career boxer won the heavyweight title. Rocky Marciano is considered the first heavyweight boxer who did not know the bitterness of defeat. He won 49 boxing matches.

4. Manny Pacquiao

Manny Pacquiao is one of the best welterweight boxers in the world. This Filipino professional sportsman is a native of Kibawe City, Bukidnon Province. The young man lost his father at the age of 13 and was therefore forced to earn money for himself and his family. His mother was against the fact that Manny boxed on the street. However, when boxing began to bring bonuses to the young man, his mother resigned herself to the choice of her son. At the amateur level, Manny Pacquiao spent 60 fights and lost in four meetings. Manny reached the professional level in 1995 and began his journey to the championship with the smallest weight category. During his career, he won the world championship in 8 weight categories!

3. Mike Tyson

Mike Tyson opens the top three winners in the ranking of top boxers in boxing history. Mike is a native of Brownsville, Brooklyn, New York. He started as an amateur at the age of 15 and immediately won the nickname "Tank" for the manner of conducting a boxing match. In 1982 he won the title Olympic champion among juniors in the first heavy weight. On a professional level, Mike started in 1985. Mike Tyson won the world heavyweight boxing championship at 21! Has several prestigious trophies from leading sports publications. The athlete became famous not only as a boxer-knockout, but also as an excellent actor.

2. Sugar Ray Robinson

In the second place of honor in the ranking of the top 10 boxers of all time, a native of the United States, Sugar Ray Robinson. At the amateur stage, the athlete started in 1934 and participated in 85 meetings, and won all 85! He is considered the best amateur boxer. Sugar Ray Robinson turned professional in 1940. During his professional career, he showed himself in 7 weight categories, and became a world champion in 2. Sugar Ray Robinson was named the greatest athlete in the history of the Ring edition.

1. Muhammad Ali

10. Luis Neri (Mexico)

Achievement list: 25(19)-0

This year: wins over Jesus Martinez (Colombia, RTD4), Shinsuke Yamanaka (Japan, TKO4) and Artur Villanueva (Philippines, TKO6)

Long gone is the time when Mexican boxers made great history in small weights. But last year, Mexico received the heir to the legendary Eric Morales, Marco Antonio Barrera, Juan Manuel And Rafael Marquesov.

Louis Neri did not allow the Japanese Shinsuke Yamanaka break the national record for most championship defenses. Yamakana literally “drowned” in a hail of blows in that fight.

prospects: Fight with Jesse Magdaleno

9. Keith Thurman (USA)

Achievement list: 28(22)-0

This year: victory over Danny Garcia (USA, SD12)

Keith Thurman I spent most of the year on sick leave. And even now the degree of his readiness to return to the ring is not too clear. His only fight was against Danny Garcia. The judges could easily give the victory to the latter, but we are dealing with the fact that Thurman won. He unified two welterweight championship belts in one of the most competitive divisions.

prospects: Fight with Errol Spence

8. Miguel Berchelt (Mexico)

Achievement list: 32(28)-1(1)

This year: wins over Francisco Vargas (Mexico, KO11) and Takashi Miura (Japan, UD12)

If there was no duel Anthony Joshua And Wladimir Klitschko, the meeting would be considered a contender for the fight of the year Miguel Berchelt And Francisco Vargas. In a spectacular meat grinder, Berchelt won, who ended the year with a victory over the uncompromising Japanese Takishi Miura.

prospects: Fight with Christian Mijares

7. Alexander Usik (Ukraine)

Achievement list: 13(11)-0

This year: Wins over Michael Hunter (USA, UD12) and Marco Hook (Germany, TKO10)

He took a good acceleration in order to be the best boxer in his division by the next summer. Michael Hunter gave the Ukrainian a difficult exam in the first rounds of the battle. Alexander, in response, began to increase the pace with each round, and the American hardly completed the fight on his own two. Usyk's next opponent was much less fortunate.

prospects: Super Series win, division lead

6. Srisaket Sor Rungvisai (Thailand)

Achievement list: 44(40)-4(2)-1

This year: two wins over Roman Gonzalez (Nicaragua, MD12 and KO4)

Roman Gonzalez long years was considered by many experts to be the best boxer, regardless of weight categories. The Nicaraguan could well complain about the lack of fame. He refused high-profile fights because of small fees. As a result, he went to Srisaketa Sor Rungvisai, and the Thai created the main sensation of the past year. Twice.

prospects: Fight with Juan Francisco Estrada, rematch with Carlos Cuadras

5. Anthony Joshua (Great Britain)

Achievement list: 20(20)-0

This year: wins over Wladimir Klitschko (Ukraine, TKO11) and Carlos Takam (Cameroon, TKO10)

Heavyweight found himself in another crisis when Tyson Fury preferred boxing to cocaine. As a result, instead of him to fight Wladimir Klitschko came out Anthony Joshua. And it was best fight heavyweights for the last ten years, at least. And now it is on Joshua that other boxers in this division are guided.

prospects: Fights with Joseph Parker, Deontay Wilder and Alexander Povetkin

4. Gennady Golovkin (Kazakhstan)

Achievement list: 37(33)-0-1

This year: victory over Daniel Jacobs (USA, UD12) and draw with Saul Alveros (Mexico, SD12)

In fact, it has to be said that Gennady Golovkin failed to win Saul Alvarez in 2017. But everyone understands perfectly well that there is no merit of the Mexican in this. Big hello to the judges. In essence, Golovkin last fight confirmed that he was the true middleweight leader recent years, and a small number of big names in his track record means only that many were simply afraid to challenge him.

prospects: Second fight with Alvarez

3. Terence Crawford (USA)

Achievement list: 32(23)-0

This year: Wins over Felix Diaz (Dominican Republic, RTD10) and Julius Indongo (Namibia, KO3)

For more than ten years, professional boxing has not known an absolute champion. In the summer they became Terence Crawford who knocked the spirit out Julius Indongo- offender Edward Troyanovsky. True, Crawford almost immediately lost one title, which he sued Sergey Lipinets.

prospects: Conquest of a new weight category

2. Vasily Lomachenko (Ukraine)

Achievement list: 10(8)-1

This year: Wins over Jason Sosa (USA, RTD9), Miguel Marriaga (Colombia, RTD7) and Guillermo Rigondeaux (Cuba, RTD6)

For a long time, all the fans dreamed of having some kind of big fight. The wish came true in December last year. Cuban was expected Guillermo Rigondeaux will impose a competitive fight on the Ukrainian, but everything again resulted in a one-shot beating of the opponent. The fourth opponent of the Ukrainian in a row himself refused to continue the fight.

prospects: Fights with Miguel Berchelt, Mikey Garcia and dominance in the coming years

1. Andre Ward (USA)

Achievement list: 32(16)-0

This year: victory over Sergey Kovalev (Russia, TKO8)

If last year aside Andre Ward not the first freshness flew vegetables after his fight and "victory" over Sergey Kovalev, this year the American put everything in its place.

prospects: Finished career.