Weight loss plateau effect: what is it and how to overcome it? How to deal with the effect of dirty hair.

Often, employees who gave excellent results individually begin to work worse as a team. How to deal with such collective apathy?

Collective efforts often yield less results than individual work. This is quite natural, especially in Russian realities. The specificity of the Russian mentality is such that, despite the high ability to work, the temptation to shift part of one's work to another is very great.

If the effect social laziness manifests itself in a small work team, it is easier to cope with it. It is easier for the manager to establish personal contact with each employee and provide an individual approach. So that laziness does not progress, it is important first of all to avoid egalitarianism. Some employees are motivated by praise, while others are better served by tougher conversations about responsibility and discipline. In any case, efficiency and personal motivation can be increased with the help of an adequate assessment of work: it is necessary to note and highlight the successes of each person personally.

It should be borne in mind that collective laziness and apathy also have objective reasons. As you know, there is no smoke without fire. If you notice a decline in the efficiency of your employees, there may be several reasons for this. Either your subordinates are tired and need to rest, or they are not motivated enough and do not see the point in their work.

If a person does not realize his own value and the value of his work, interest in work is automatically lost. At best, the employee begins to perform his duties automatically, without excitement, at worst, he begins to unconsciously sabotage. Often this attitude to work is observed in employees who are deprived of career opportunities and therefore feel underestimated.

Often the cause of apathy is conflicts with management. The employee is dissatisfied with the actions of the leader, but cannot make a complaint because of fear of violating subordination. The banal fear of losing a bonus or being fired leads a person to accumulate aggression for a long time, which takes up a significant part of his emotional strength. It is not surprising that a person who is forced to constantly live and work in such a tense state begins to “fail”.

The best thing to do is to have a frank conversation with the person. Find out what difficulties have been in his work lately, thank him for his successes and achievements. Such attention, as a rule, finds a positive reaction, and an honest conversation helps to sublimate the accumulated resentment and aggression, neutralize them or direct them in the right direction.

Nadezhda Kuzmina
According to "Trud"

Often, engaging in active training and observing correct mode nutrition, no results. Today we will talk about the reasons for the failure of the body, find out what the plateau effect is when losing weight, how to overcome the barrier to weight loss and analyze the reasons for its appearance.

What is the plateau effect?

The plateau effect is hormonal disbalance body to prevent weight loss. Simply put, despite all your actions, adipose and muscle tissue stops at a certain dead point. The weight pause is a completely natural protective reaction of the body and does not harm health.

Why isn't the weight dropping?

If at the beginning of the workout and diet you were able to quickly lose a couple of extra pounds - do not rush to rejoice. When the body adapts to a sharp change in regimen, there is a risk of a plateau effect. Let's take a look at the most common causes of a weight pause.

Alcohol consumption

Even a small amount of low-alcohol drinks can cause weight loss. This happens due to the retention of excess fluid in the body and the formation of salts. It is worth noting that any alcohol has a high calorie content, especially in tandem with various snacks and snacks.

Protein deficiency

With intensive training, the protein norm increases by 2 times. But when combined physical activity and diets often the muscles experience starvation. Under such stress, the body reaches a plateau effect in less than 10 days. It is recommended to comply with the norm of essential substances and increase the percentage of protein in the diet.

Drying plateau effect

Oddly enough, the plateau effect can also occur with an overabundance of protein foods. Most often, this can be encountered on drying the body, where the main component of the diet is protein. Despite the fact that drying is designed to start an active metabolism, the body gets used to a certain sequence and begins to work in a monotonous mode. In this case, further continuation of the diet is impossible, since it will be extremely difficult to quickly restore the protein balance.

Diet plateau effect

Balanced diets have a beneficial effect on the process of losing weight, but severe dietary restrictions lead to a slowdown in fat breakdown. The reason lies in the low calorie content of the diet or in the monotony of dietary patterns.

the plateau effect prevents weight loss and is your body's defense mechanism, but this phenomenon can be overcome and weight loss achieved

How long does the weight loss plateau effect last?

The exact timing of the duration of the plateau is impossible to name, it depends on your body. On average, weight shifts begin to appear after a month of stagnation. If you have been following a strict diet, the plateau period can last up to 3 months. But don't expect the weight to move off the ground on its own. A slight shake of the body can significantly reduce the plateau pause.

How to deal with the plateau effect?

If you still have reached the plateau effect, it is necessary to take a number of measures to combat weight stagnation in a timely manner. There are several effective methods to start the active work of the body.

Boot day

Give up the usual dietary diet and give yourself a busy day. The loading process, better known as "cheatmeal", is carried out by eating more high-calorie foods. Simply put, this is an artificial violation of the diet. However, it is not recommended to absorb fatty and unhealthy foods, as you risk earning heartburn and indigestion. It is enough to increase the calorie content of products by 500-700 kcal. Thus, the body will move away from stress and stop retaining body fat.


Unloading the body should be carried out only if you have not followed strict diets and the use of a loading day does not help you. It is not recommended to drastically limit yourself in food, it is enough to reduce the calorie content of food and eat it in small portions. It is necessary to carry out loading or unloading no more than once every 10 days. Otherwise, you risk introducing the body into even more stress, so you will have to wait even longer for results.

Changing the workout mode

From regular physical activity of the same type, the plateau effect occurs much faster than from the diet. In this case, it is recommended not only to change the set of exercises, but also to diversify with more gentle sports. For example, jogging can be supplemented by cycling or ice skating. Hiking for long distances will also shake up the body.

The period of stagnation in the process of losing weight

If you are engaged in weight loss through diets, excluding active training and exercise, but you still have a weight pause, a change in diet is recommended. The plateau effect comes from the body getting used to the components of food during diets. As a rule, in this case, the problem is solved by changing the carbohydrate part of the regimen and by increasing the calorie content of the total daily food allowance. Thus, you can not only “calm down” the body, suggesting that you are not going to deprive it of a full-fledged diet, but also move off the plateau-pause.

“You need to eat less,” Maya Plisetskaya answered the question about the most effective diet. It's hard to disagree with this. But what if overweight Yes, but you don’t have the strength to follow this “recipe”?

Many tend to explain the appearance excess weight nature and heredity. Elena Alekseeva, somnologist the highest category, City Clinical Hospital No. 40 recommends not to exaggerate the role of factors beyond human control:

- Less than 5% of people are overweight due to a genetic predisposition or hormonal failure, 95% - due to a mismatch between intake and calorie expenditure. The availability of food and comfort have played a cruel joke on us: today, physical activity is reduced, food does not have to be obtained, there is no need to fight for it, and even wait for the harvest - there is always food.

“The main cause of obesity and overweight- energy imbalance, in which the caloric content of the diet exceeds the energy needs of the body, - confirms Ksenia Chekelek, chief physician of the center therapeutic fasting"Ulutai". – Overweight is a relatively “young” problem: in the last 60 years, in developed countries, there has been more food than is really needed. Prior to this, overweight was never considered a problem, because few people suffered from it. We have evolved with food scarcity. Moreover, the consumption of sweets and fats has always been evolutionarily beneficial for us, because. it not only provided the calories the body needed, but also activated our reward system. Satisfying nutritional needs gives very persistent positive emotions.

In economically prosperous countries, the following trends are now developing, contributing to an increase in the number of overweight people:

1. increased consumption of foods with high energy density and high content of simple carbohydrates and fat;

2. decrease in the level of physical activity - the nature of work, methods of movement are changing. Simply put, we all miss running and overeating.”

In the same time Ms. Chekelek not inclined to "discount" the predisposition to extra pounds:

- Our need for food depends on the signals of the external and internal environment, hormonal levels, genes and individual history. Genetic, hereditary predisposition to excess weight also exists. The tendency of people to be overweight is largely determined by a special gene known as FTO, which increases the risk of obesity by 1.7 times. Its owners are about 16% of the world's population. These people weigh an average of 3 kg more than those without FTO. People with a tendency to be overweight lose weight in the same way as those who do not have such a gene. The researchers made another important conclusion: the ability to lose weight does not depend on gender and ethnicity.

“Childhood obesity increases the likelihood of obesity in adulthood, and, as a result, premature death and disability. In addition to increased future risk, obese children also experience shortness of breath, are at increased risk of fractures, are prone to hypertension, early onset of cardiovascular diseases, insulin resistance and may experience psychological problems,” notes Ksenia Chekelek.

Extra pounds - more than an aesthetic problem

“The problem of overweight began to be fought a long time ago: it has been proven that extra pounds are not only difficulties with the choice of clothes and self-awareness, but also the source of a whole bunch of diseases,” emphasizes Stanislav Tsap, head of the surgical department of the EMC "UMMC-Health". Obesity makes it difficult for almost everyone to work internal organs and increases the risk of cancer, stroke, heart attack, diabetes. fat people live 8-15 years less, and their quality of life is much lower.”

Lyudmila Safonova, endocrinologist-obesitologist, City Clinical Hospital No. 40, explains which organs and systems are disrupted due to extra pounds:

– Obesity is the most important risk factor contributing to the occurrence of type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, dyslipidemia and atherosclerosis, ischemic disease heart), cholelithiasis, GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), osteoarthritis, malignant neoplasms. With obesity, reproductive function often suffers, lung diseases develop (sleep apnea syndrome, bronchial asthma), psychoemotional disorders are observed. Obesity is thought to be four times more likely to die from cardiovascular disease and twice as likely to die from cancer.

Everyone knows the term "BMI" - body mass index. It's easy to calculate. It is believed that if the result is more than 30 - this is obesity, more than 35 - weight threatens the state of health, more than 40 - a real threat to life.

To identify the cause of obesity, patients are recommended to undergo a series of examinations. “To exclude the pathology of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, deficiency of sex hormones, a study of the hormonal profile is being carried out; to exclude diabetes mellitus, pre-diabetes and insulin resistance - a glucose tolerance test, the amount of glycohemoglobin, insulin (IRI), HOMA-index of insulin resistance is determined. During the reception, using questionnaires, eating disorders are detected, psychological condition patient," says Lyudmila Safonova, endocrinologist-obesitologist, City Clinical Hospital No. 40. The doctor also determines the type of obesity, including by establishing the component composition of the body - the amount of fat, muscle tissue and liquids.

How to get rid of excess: scalpel VS diet

Modern medicine offers various options for dealing with overweight both conservative and radical.

Elena Alekseeva:

- A simple, but, as experience shows, difficult recipe is to reduce calorie intake and increase energy costs. The second option is medication: reduce appetite with the help of special drugs, always under the supervision of a doctor. Hormonal correction is also possible. Finally, the most radical is bariatric surgery (obesity surgery). This method is recommended for BMI of 35, if there is a complication of diseases and damage to organs and systems, and for morbid obesity (BMI over 40). As a rule, any method is used in combination with psychotherapy. I note that fashionable liposuction does not eliminate obesity: it allows you to remove subcutaneous fat on a specific part of the body certain period time.

The decision to have surgery is not easy and hardly worth it without trying conservative methods. “The basis of the work of our center is the method of unloading and dietary therapy. This is not a way to lose weight. This is a way to cleanse, reboot not only the body, but also the mind, - saysKsenia Chekelek. - A guest with a problem of excess weight gets the opportunity to learn how to reduce their weight using different mechanisms. Living the experience of fasting, each person can be convinced that for some time he can do without food as the main source of energy. Completely different factors that were previously considered “optional” come to the fore: air, mountains, sun, river, pine forest and clean water. Here, familiar things take on a new meaning. The rhythm laid down by us helps to bring moderate physical activity into life, to feel the taste of simple food in a new way and the joy of creating with your own hands.

Elena Syurkova, owner of the Sunrita Spa:

- If a person wants to look great, have a good figure, one should not rely on a magic pill - it does not exist. We are often asked the question: “how many kilograms will I lose weight after a massage course?” is the wrong approach.

When talking with clients who want to become slimmer, we are primarily interested in whether they are ready to comply with the drinking regime and not overeat. stick to principles proper nutrition, to make it tasty and healthy, to learn how to cook such dishes is not a super difficult task. And it is very important not to treat food as a taboo.

For losing weight, it is very important to observe the drinking regimen: 30 grams of water per 1 kg of weight per day.

As for playing sports, a person who is far from regular physical activity should not immediately run to the gym - this is stress for the body. It is enough just to walk, buy a fitness bracelet and make sure you take 10 thousand steps a day. Moderate physical activity will also benefit, on the Internet you can find a lot of courses with sets of exercises that take 10-20 minutes.

If the observance of the drinking regime, diet and long walks is supplemented with a course of massage with body wraps, the effect will be very good: the skin will become smoother and toned, cellulite will go away, and body volume will decrease. In addition, massage is an excellent tool for modeling the silhouette. However, it is wrong to guarantee the result in centimeters or kilograms - a lot depends on the initial data of the person and his actions.

Every second person comes to us with questions like: “Is it possible to lose weight three days - a week before the vacation by going through a set of procedures?”, “Is it possible to do a set of procedures in a day?”. It is possible, but the desired effect will not be. Between sessions of massage and body wraps, time should pass, in which case you can count on a greater and prolonged effect. And, of course, "dumped" will return if you do not change your lifestyle.

If you have ever tried to monitor nutrition, or rather limit it in order to lose weight, then you have probably come across a situation where the weight was reduced, and then this process stopped and the scale arrow did not move from the dead center for a long time. Those. You continue to follow the diet, but the process of losing weight has stopped. Congratulations! You are overtaken by the “plateau effect”.

What is a weight loss plateau

The plateau effect is, to put it mildly, very unpleasant situation when, during a diet, proper nutrition, or simply a calorie deficit in order to lose weight, the weight suddenly stops decreasing for a sufficiently long period of time for no apparent reason.

It is worth clarifying that this happens almost always, regardless of which particular principle of nutrition or diet you adhere to. If you turned out to be a “tough nut” and lasted long enough (maybe even three months), then at one point the weight loss will stop.

Usually we react to it quite sharply. This is understandable, because it is psychologically very difficult to accept the fact that you are trying as before, but there is no result. But the main thing is not to panic and understand the reasons for this phenomenon.

Reasons for stopping weight loss:

1) going beyond calories

Yes, I'm not kidding. Sometimes we make mistakes in counting calories or forget to take into account certain things. Well, for example, perhaps your nutrition program says 150 boiled buckwheat for breakfast, and you cook 150 dry and with a clear conscience eat half a kilogram of porridge for breakfast. I'm exaggerating, of course, but it happens.

In fact, it’s enough to start adding a spoonful of honey to each cup of tea and it’s easy to “get” the number of calories to your norm in a day. And accordingly, the weight will not decrease, because there is no shortage.

That is why, it is better to make sure once again that you correctly calculate the calorie content and BJU of your diet.

2) too strict diet

If you observe too large a caloric deficit, then the level of stress for the body begins to exceed the norm and the hormonal system changes its mode of operation, greatly reducing the “expenditure” of calories for its activity.

3) fluid retention

Perhaps you have not stopped losing weight at all, but are faced with a banal puffiness. There can be many reasons for this, but the most common are the use of a large amount of salt and, oddly enough, the lack of clean drinking water in the diet.

4) mono-diets

Here the situation is approximately the same as in the previous paragraph. If you eat mainly one product for a long time or with a clear excess of it, as, for example, on a buckwheat diet, then the body lacks the necessary nutrients and it imposes sanctions on you, slowing down your metabolism.

5) increase in muscle mass

If you are actively involved in gym, then a very interesting effect often appears - the percentage of fat can decrease, but the weight does not. How is this possible?

In progress strength training body composition can change within the same weight: there will be less adipose tissue (because you lose weight), and more muscle (because you train and develop it). But at the same time, visual changes are usually visible - you become more athletic and slim, and clothing sizes and volumes decrease even with the same weight.

How long can the weight stand still

Here someone is “lucky” more, and someone less. Typically, this process can take anywhere from a few weeks to 2-3 months. But the good news is that sooner or later, it will end. To “get the weight off the ground”, you can try to take some actions that have proven themselves well.

How to overcome weight loss plateaus

1. The most important thing is not to go to extremes!

You should not cut the calorie content of the diet to a minimum, just like you should not give up the idea of ​​getting in shape at all. Just accept the fact that you will have to wait a bit before you see the changes again.

2. Have a boot day

A small indulgence in the diet for a day can deceive the body and you will begin to lose weight again. I wrote a separate article about this called. Please read how to do it right.

3. Try to change the ratio of BJU in the diet

The reason for stopping weight loss can be either a very long-term maintenance of a high amount of protein in the diet, or its too low component.

Accordingly, if you have been on a high-protein diet for a long time, then increase the amount of carbohydrates by reducing the amount of protein. If there was little protein in the diet, then on the contrary, increase it.

And do not forget that regardless of whether you want to lose weight or not, the necessary norm of healthy fats should always be present in the diet. This is 20% of daily calories. This is especially important for girls and women.

4. Gradually increase the calorie content of the diet

Yes exactly. But this is only if you were on a very strict diet from the category of 800-1000 kilocalories. How to carry out this process correctly, I told in the article “How to get out of a diet and not gain weight”.

5. Change the type of training

If you are into fitness, then try changing the nature of your workouts. Interval cardio and, in general, intense workouts built on the principle of circular and interval training have proven themselves very good for accelerating the processes of losing weight.

Accordingly, if you have been dieting but not exercising, then a plateau is a great reason to turn on physical activity.

Here, perhaps, and all the information on this topic. I really hope that the material will help you and if you encounter a plateau effect, you will know how to overcome it. Well, if you know any other “tricky” ways, then please share them in the comments. I'm sure it will help others!

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