The fastest runner in the world. Famous runners of the world and Russian athletes The most famous sprinters

Man is the most gambling creature on the planet. The desire to compete is in his blood. The cheetah develops its record speed of 110-120 km/h to catch the antelope and get enough. People compete in running for the sweet feeling of superiority. It's nice to know that you are the most fast man in the world and not a single mortal can keep up with you!

Time of the first

They began to find out who the fastest was back in Ancient Greece. On the first Olympic Games sprinters covered a distance of 1 stage (178 m). The race time was not recorded then. It was enough for the spectators to see the winner take the lead. The crowd in the arena was buzzing with delight.

Undisputed champion in running at the Games of 776 BC. e. became a certain Koreb, Greek by origin. Alas, this is the only record of that time that history has preserved for us. With the fall of Ancient Greece, the cult also declined healthy body, and with it the Olympic Games themselves.
The first real records began to be recorded at the beginning of the 20th century. The necessary equipment for this has become available. The first fastest person in the world to run was a white American, Donald Fithian Lippincott (1893-1962).
At the Olympic Games in 1912, he set the first world record in the history of running as a sport. He covered the 100-meter mark in 10.6 seconds. The victory brought glory not only to Donald, but also to the entire University of Pennsylvania, where the young man was then studying.

Main line

After Lippincott, there were several famous athletes who broke his record:

  • Charlie Paddock (1921, USA) - 10.4 seconds;
  • Percy Williams (1930, Canada) - 10.3 seconds;
  • Jesse Owens (1936, USA) - 10.2 seconds;
  • Willie Williams (1956, USA) - 10.1 sec.

But the main milestone - 10 seconds - was still not given. The problem was not only physical training runners, but also in sports equipment. For a long time, athletes ran in leather sandals. Such shoes were not stable, quickly rubbed their feet and did not allow them to achieve the required speed. The industry developed, and athletes finally received comfortable running shoes. The training style has also changed. All this led to a long-awaited breakthrough - at the 1968 Olympics (Mexico City) a new record was set. Then the fastest man in the world in the 100 m race was an African-American from Arkansas, Jim Hines. He broke the 1956 record and ran the 100 meters in just 9.95. Finally, the 10-second barrier was overcome, and humanity reached new level mastering speeds.

TOP 5 fastest now

Behind last years The top five in the 100 meter race stood out. This:

  • Justin Gatlin;
  • Asafa Powell;
  • Tyson Gay;
  • Yohan Blake;
  • Usain Bolt.

5th place – Justin Gatlin with a score of 9.74

Despite his brilliant physical attributes, this American athlete only came in fifth place. He set his personal best in 100 meters in 2015 at the championship in Beijing. Justin Gatlin's running speed was 9.74 seconds, which brought the athlete very close to the title of the fastest man in the world. Gatlin's name is associated with several doping scandals. At the beginning of the 2000s, something prohibited was found in his blood every now and then: in 2001 - amphetamine, in 2006 - an excessive level of testosterone. For fraud, Justin was disqualified for 4 years and deprived of the prize place for the previous record - 9.77 seconds. After his “release,” the athlete took up training with great zeal. This allowed him to beat his first prize result and, with an indicator of 9.74 seconds, enter the top five fastest people on Earth.

4th place – Asafa Powell and 9.72 seconds

Asafa Powell is one of the many Jamaicans who have glorified their homeland with sporting victories. Now he is in 4th place among the fastest sprinters on the planet. Powell set his record at the IAAF Grand Prix tournament in 2008 (held in Switzerland). Running speed - 100 meters in 9.72.
The 10-second mark is long gone. Now athletes are not guided by it and are raising the bar higher and higher. The more exciting is the question of how fast the fastest man in the world runs. The winners who are among the top three know the answer.

Tyson Gay in honorable 3rd place

Tyson Gay is an American, a native of Kentucky. On the way to his main record, he repeatedly took prizes at competitions at various levels. Long years he was plagued by injuries, which made the main victory increasingly distant. At one time Gay even took up coaching activities: began training the University of Arkansas junior team.
But the bad soldier is the one who doesn’t want to receive general’s stars. The dream of setting a world record for running did not allow Tyson to sleep peacefully. Finally, in 2005, he decided to become a professional sprinter.
Gay himself has repeatedly stated that the knowledge gained during his studies and work at the university helped him better prepare for future competitions. He clearly knows what he's talking about. A year later, at the World Finals in Stuttgart, Tyson became bronze medalist in the 100 meter race. In 2007, he took the main prize at the championship in Osaka.
Then the athlete ran his “golden” 100-meter distance in 9.85 seconds. Only 2 years have passed since the persistent sprinter surpassed himself. This happened at a tournament in Shanghai. Gay competed with Powell and showed a new brilliant result. The winner's running speed is 9.69.

Yohan Blake and 2nd place

Blake confidently shares his prize place with Tyson Gay. Who knows, these two athletes will soon find out which of them is the fastest man in the world and can run the most km/h.

Yohan Blake is another fast-footed Jamaican. Before joining the sport, he played semi-professional cricket. At some point this is relatively calm game no longer satisfied Blake’s ambitions and thirst for movement. He became interested in athletics.
The fateful decision brought him worldwide fame. Johan is now considered second best runner peace. He set his record in 2011 at the World Championships athletics (South Korea, Daegu). Now he is second only to one sprinter, who is rightfully called the fastest man in the history of mankind, or simply “Lightning”.

Fastest man in the world - Usain St. Leo Bolt

This athlete is considered a real miracle. Jamaican Usain Bolt - 11-time world champion and 8-time Olympic champion. This record has not yet been broken by anyone living on planet Earth. The main achievement of the fastest man in the world is his fantastic running speed: at 100 m it is equal to 9.58 seconds.

Jamaican "lightning"

Usain Bolt received his first prize at the age of 15, at the Jamaican Junior Championships. In 2008, the athlete broke Asafa Powell's first record, completing the 100-meter distance in 9.72 seconds.
The victory brought him the opportunity to participate in the Olympic Games. In Beijing, Bolt again set a record - 9.69 seconds - which attracted serious public attention. The runner's performance was closely watched. At the end of the race, Usain relaxed and triumphantly punched himself in the chest. This immediately caused a stir.
Bolt began to be reproached for boasting, which cost him a more significant record - 9.55 seconds. The athlete’s amazing results were even discussed in the press. Physicists at the University of Oslo published a study according to which Bolt ran at a speed of 9.55-9.69 seconds (New Scientist magazine).
But the champion himself does not consider his rejoicing to be boasting. His gesture showed pride in what he had brought to his beloved homeland. gold medal. Usain experienced his main triumph in 2009 at the championship in Berlin. 9.58 seconds - no one has yet been able to break this record. Fans of Bolt’s talent call their favorite “Lightning.”

Running speed of the fastest person in km/h

Seconds passed by, and the intrigued public wanted to know what speed the famous Jamaican was developing. The results of the calculations were published on the IAAF website. According to the results of the 60-meter race, Usain Bolt rushes at a speed of 44.72 km/h.
For a person, this is simply a fantastic result, which can only be compared with speed racehorse. Its average speed is 55 km/h.

Run with fans

The notorious question of which man is the fastest in the world haunts Bolt's rivals. Attempts are constantly being made to break his record. The most curious incident happened with Justin Gatlin. He managed to overtake Usain by 13 hundredths of a second.
But how did he do it! Powerful fans were installed along the entire track, which blew into Gatlin's back, thereby giving additional acceleration. Such a victory can hardly be called fair. She only proves once again that no one is yet capable of defeating the Jamaican Lightning.

What is the secret to champion running speed?

The amazing results of Usain Bolt worried not only the public and fans of his talent, but also specialists. Scientists carefully examined the sprinter’s data and only verified his exceptional natural talent.

This unusual person He has a simply gigantic height for an athlete - 1.95 m. At the same time, he is such a perfect “mechanism” for running that it is really very difficult to get ahead of him.
Usain Bolt's strengths:

  1. Genetics. The athlete’s ancestors came from West Africa, whose indigenous population is distinguished by exceptional endurance and strength.
  2. Unique running technique. The athlete does not raise his hips high during movement, which saves a lot of energy. It is propelled by extraordinary muscle power.
  3. High growth. Oddly enough, this factor, undesirable for most sprinters, only played into Bolt’s hands. A long, elongated body cools down faster while running. Because of this, the athlete maintains the necessary physical condition longer.
  4. Unusual body constitution. 1/3 of a champion's muscles are made up of superfast muscle cells. They control movement and influence running speed.

American astrophysicist Ethan Siegel even believes that Usain Bolt’s body is a unique “physiological leap into the future.” His record will only be broken in 2039. Then it will be clear which person will become the next fastest runner on Earth.

Man has always strived to show best results, testing yourself for strength, endurance, flexibility and speed. The name of the running record holder is known today, he became Jamaican athlete Usain Bolt is a man of the world. This running speed No one has yet shown how he is. What is its uniqueness, and what maximum speed his running, read the article.

Sports achievements of a Jamaican athlete

Usain Bolt- three-time Olympic champion and multiple world record holder in several sprint disciplines. In 2009, in the final of the World Championships in the 100-meter race, he showed unique result: covered the distance in 9.58 s. You can only imagine what his speed was!

The same championship gave the world and the famous runner another record at two hundred meters. Usain covered the distance in 19.19 seconds! In his country's Olympic team he showed good result in the 4x100 relay with a result of 37.10 s. Until this time, no one on the planet had shown such a speed, so nickname“Lightning” was given to Bolt completely deservedly.

The maximum speed of the fastest person in the world is 37.578 km/h, which is equal to 10.5 meters per second. According to experts, this figure is not the limit, but only the average. In one of the races the athlete showed maximum speed- 44.71 km/h.

short biography

In 1936, one of the first, insurmountable for a long time, running records in the 100-meter dash was set. The Olympics were held in Berlin, and a black man took the lead American Jesse Owens with the result 10.2 s. For twenty years no one could become a leader, probably everyone was waiting for “Lightning” to appear on the treadmill.

By the way, a similar record in the field of hundred-meter races was set back in 1912 by Donald Lippincott, the result was 10.6 seconds.

And so, on August 21, 1986, the current record holder was born in Trilawny (Jamaica), where he still lives. At 15 years old Bolt became famous by winning the international running tournament in Kingston. He won two silver and one gold medals. Became first junior, who was able to run a distance of 200 m in less than 20 seconds.

In 2008 the 100-meter dash was given to him in 9.76 s, but this was not enough to beat the leader of the time, his compatriot Asaph Powell with a result of 9.74 s.

Several months of hard training were not in vain, and the young promising athlete showed triumphant speed, taking the palm from Powell. His result was 9.72 s! And now this figure is the fastest on earth in the hundred-meter run. Bolt is today at the top of the International Athletics Association's rankings and has twice won the Rising Star award.

Interesting Facts:

  • Together with the Nissan corporation, he took part in the development of Bolt Gold - the only one of its kind.
  • He supports Manchester United FC and when he breaks even more world records, he wants to become its resident. Surely every team would dream of having such a lightning-fast player on their roster.
  • The athlete is so famous that in Berlin (2012) an original monument made of bolts and screws was erected in his honor.
  • Not long ago, Bolt decided to take under his care a cheetah who previously lived in Kenya, his home was the Nairobi National Park. Perhaps this is a symbol fast run, because it is known that cheetahs are capable of reaching speeds of up to 115 km/h. Or maybe the athlete decided to draw attention to rare animals exterminated by poachers with his gesture. Today the athlete's little friend is only a few months old. The cheetah’s name is Thunderer; it was not chosen by chance, because the owner’s surname means “thunder” in translation. The cost of the animal is 14,000 USD. That is, another $3,000 is spent monthly on maintenance. e. But is this money for the fastest man in the world?

Speed ​​in other manifestations and people

Naturally, in a world where billions of people live, there are many other record holders in the field of speed talents. We bring to your attention the unusual achievements of ordinary people:

As we see, there are many people on planet Earth who have shown unearthly speed in different areas. Some people were led to such results by talent, others by hard training. If you combine the predisposition to do something quickly with constant work on it, you can certainly become the fastest person in the world. different types activities.

Video about fast people:

We can show our speed in many sports, but running is perhaps still the most demonstrative in this regard. A runner's level consists of several components at once, many of which are genetically determined. Endurance, growth, muscle structure, willpower, psychological attitude - all this is very important for world-class athletes. We decided to find out who is among the seven fastest people in the world. It's simply impossible to catch up with these guys!

Usain Bolt

Height: 195 cm

The name of the Jamaican runner is well-known even among people far from sports. Usain has many world records and Olympic gold medals to his name. The sprinter, nicknamed “Lightning,” runs the 100-meter dash in 9.58 seconds. Usain Bolt is a real unique person in the world of running.

Michael Johnson

Height: 185 cm

The American shone on the track in the 90s. He managed to take Olympic gold 4 times and also won the World Championships 8 times. Michael was king in the 200 and 400 meters. Although this did not stop him from setting records at 100-meter distances. The American was distinguished by a rather peculiar running style; at high speed, he lifted his back a little back, which often served as a reason for ridicule from his rivals. However, all this did not stop him from leaving them behind his back every time.

David Rudisha

Height: 188 cm

The Kenyan holds the record for the 800 metres. He is able to run almost a kilometer in 1 minute 40 seconds. At such a distance you really need very good endurance; David is also an Olympic champion.

Asafa Powell

Height: 190 cm

Another representative of Jamaica on our list. As a child, Asafa played football and ran. Having entered the university, Asafa finally concentrated on running. On September 2, 2008, the sprinter set his second world record in the 100 meters with a result of 9.72 seconds.

Maurice Green

Height: 175 cm

Asafa Powell's predecessor in the 100 meters was American Maurice Greene. The multiple Olympic winner ran this distance in 9.79 seconds. Maurice is quite short for a sprinter; during his career, the American ran under 10 seconds 53 times in official competitions.

Tyson Gay

Height: 180 cm

With his personal best of 9.69 seconds, Tyson is the second fastest 100m sprinter in the world and the fastest in US history. Tyson Gay has also achieved success in the 200 meters, where his personal best is 19.58 seconds.

Justin Gatlin

Height: 185 cm

The American ranks 5th in the ranking of the fastest sprinters in the world at both 100 meters and 200 meters. In 2006, a doping scandal involving Justin Gatlin broke out, the sprinter received a disqualification for 8 years, which was then reduced by 2 times. In 2010, the American returned, was a medalist at several World Championships, and at the recent Olympics in Rio de Janeiro took silver in the 100 meters.

Jerry Miculek is a shooting instructor who has tried almost every type of firearm. He is known as one of the fastest shooters in the world, putting 5 bullets from a revolver into a playing card in 0.57 seconds. Miculek currently holds five world records in revolver shooting.

In addition, Mikulek is an experienced gunsmith who tunes and adjusts his own revolvers to improve them.

He is supported by Smith & Wesson, which created the 625JM S&W in his honor.

The fastest solver of the Rubik's Cube is Shotaro Makisumi. He became famous even before he set several world records for the Rubik's Cube. Quick solutions: 2x2x2 2.82 seconds and also 3x3x3 in 12.11 seconds!

3. The world's fastest secretary - 100 stamps in 20 seconds

Miit is the fastest secretary in the world who can make stamps (seals) at breakneck speed. She is from Japan and looks like the famous Japanese robots.

David R. Adamowicz is the world's fastest knife thrower. He has set and broken more world records than any other thrower. David currently holds the record for fastest knife throw, fastest knife catch, and fastest knife throw near a person. This guy was recorded throwing 3 knives in less than 1 second (0.97 seconds).

Kent French is a man who developed his own clapping technique. He combined his unique style with agility and endurance to set the world record for clapping 721 times in 60 seconds! No one has yet been able to break this record.

6. Fastest weapon reloader

Travis Tomasi was announced as the fastest gun reloader. What he does is difficult to describe. Just watch the video.

7. Fastest drinker - 1.5 liters in 4.88 seconds

We don't know who it is, but it is claimed that this guy holds the world record for drinking water the fastest. In any case, the speed is impressive: 1.5 liters of water in 4.88 seconds.

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The 100-meter race is one of the most popular and prestigious competitions in the world. the world is easy athletics since 1896. If a runner completes it in 10 seconds, he is a world-class sprinter. And if the time is even less, it means that this athlete is among the 10 fastest people in the world, the difference between which is measured literally in milliseconds, and when measuring the results, even such a criterion as tailwind speed is taken into account.

10 fastest sprinters on the planet

The Canadian athlete was among the fastest men at the 1999 World Athletics Championships in Seville, Spain, where he broke the ten-second barrier to win a silver medal. In 2009, Surin became the new Canadian record holder in the 50-meter race (group from 40 to 45 years old), running this distance in 6.15 seconds.

Currently Surin is not part of the world big sport, he heads a production company sports nutrition and also released a clothing line, which he simply called Surin.

Now Donovan Bailey has been taking a break from the world of big-time sports for a long time, but in 1996, during the Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta, he crossed the finish line, spending only 9.84 seconds. And he became the first Canadian athlete to be included in the list of the fastest runners in the world.

The young Jamaican athlete broke the ten-second barrier for the first time at the age of 28, and by the end of the year he had done it seven more times. On June 4, 2011, in Eugene, Oregon, he ran the 100-meter dash. 9.80 seconds, having earned himself a place in the top ten among the fastest people on the planet.

American athlete Justin Gatlin, an Olympic champion, is currently in seventh place among people capable of developing the maximum speed available to a person. In 2012, at the Olympic Games in England, he repeated Green's achievement ( 9.79 seconds) and received a bronze medal.

Four-time Olympic champion and five-time champion Maurice Green specialized in sprint racing and set the world speed record on June 16, 1999 in Athens, Greece. He ran a hundred meters in 9.79 seconds.

Another Jamaican runner has entered the ranking of the fastest people on Earth, completing the 100-meter race in just 9.78 seconds. Nesta also boasts world records in the 4x100 meter relay (2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, China), in the 2011 World Athletics Championships and, a year later, in the London Olympics.

Asafa held the world championship in running speed for three years - from June 2005 to May 2008 and to this day remains one of the fastest people in human history. Asafa won his title by running a hundred meters in 9.72 seconds at the Athletics Grand Prix in Lausanne, Switzerland in 2008.

By October 2012, he had successfully broken the ten-second barrier in the 100m dash a whopping 88 times, more than any other runner.

The second number in the top 10 speed list is (more precisely, running) an athlete nicknamed “The Beast”. Whether it corresponds to his inner world is unknown, but he really runs very fast. Blake raced to the finish line in 9.69 seconds at the championship in Lausanne in 2012, becoming the youngest among the fastest runners on the planet. He was only 19 years old then.

That same year, at the London Olympics, he was almost on the heels of Usain Bolt in the 100 and 200 meter races, and won a world record in the 4x100 meter relay.

In second place among the fastest athletes in the world is the American athlete Tyson Gay, who ran a hundred meters in 9.69 seconds in September 2009. Only Tyson and Maurice Green managed to win first places in three competitions at once during one championship - in the one hundred and two hundred meters race, and the four by one hundred relay race.

Who is the fastest man in the world? The only person in the world who can run a hundred meters in 9.58 seconds is Usain Bolt, a phenomenal athlete. He is the fastest person to currently hold the world record for the 100m sprint (achieved in Berlin 2009, surpassing his previous record of 9.69 seconds at the 2008 Beijing Olympics).

His top speed while sprinting was 44.72 km/h. This is the maximum speed of a person, and it is impossible to maintain it for a long time. Bolt managed to reach this speed between 60 and 80 meters, but in the last meters of the distance his speed decreased significantly.

Usain's success story

Born in Jamaica in 1986, Usain Bolt's speed was noticed at a young age. By the age of 15, he was known as "Lightning", thanks to his triumph at the World Junior Championships in 2002. There he won the 200m, making him the youngest junior gold medalist in the world.

Later that year International Association athletics federations awarded him their “Rising Star” award. Today, Usain tops the list of the 10 fastest people on the planet.

Despite some setbacks - notably a hamstring injury that prevented him from competing at the 2004 Athens Olympics - Bolt soon took the sports world by storm, winning three gold medals at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. He is the first athlete in Olympic history to place first in both the 100- and 200-meter relays.

He was able to run the 100 meters in 9.69 seconds, the 200 meters in 19.30 seconds, and the 4 x 100 meters relay in 37.10, breaking both previous Olympic and world records. And as icing on the cake: Bolt is the first person to set three world records during one Olympics.

The sprinter defended his title of "fastest man on Earth" at the London 2012 Olympic Games, becoming the first person to win gold medals in the 100m (9.63 seconds) and 200m (19.32 seconds) in two consecutive Olympic Games.

At the same Olympics, he and three other members of the Jamaican team set a new world record in the 4 by 100 meter relay (36.84 seconds). After the relay ended, Bolt argued with one of the judges. The latter was taken from the athlete baton, which he wanted to receive as a souvenir. However, Bolt later received the wand as a gift.

It would seem that the limit of success has been reached, but 29-year-old Bolt is too fast to stand still. He made sporting history again in 2016 after winning his third consecutive gold medal in the 100m at his final (presumably) Olympic Games in Rio.

“Every long journey begins with one thing - the first step” - Usain Bolt

Bolt's main rival

Usain may be insanely fast, but he's not . That honor goes to the cheetah (Acinonyx Jubatus), a graceful predator native to Africa and Asia. These endangered felines can sprint at speeds exceeding 120 km per hour, and are capable of accelerating from 0 to 100 km per hour in three seconds. This is Bugatti Veyron level.

So the cheetah can easily outrun Usain, but after a couple of hundred yards the animal will begin to run out of steam. Given enough of a head start, Usain could outrun him... probably.

The fastest woman in the world

If Usain Bolt is the fastest man in the world, then who is the fastest woman? This is US resident Florence Delores Griffith (Joyner), known to fans as Flo-Jo.

The seventh child in a large family (there were 11 children in total), raised by a divorced mother. Florence is remembered not only for her current world records of 21.34 seconds at a distance of 200 meters and 10.49 seconds in the 100m dash, but also a reverent attitude towards one’s own appearance.

This was the first female sprinter to appear on the track carefully made up, with beautiful manicure and in a bright uniform. IN sports world Florence has become a true style icon.

Griffith died in 1998 as a result of a heart attack. At that time, Flo-Jo was 38 years old.

The fastest man in Russia

The men's record in the 100-meter race was set by Andrey Epishin in 2006, his result was 10.10 seconds.

Andrey Epishin in the center

The women's speed record for a similar distance belongs to Irina Privalova; in 1994, she showed a result of 10.77 seconds.

Other human speed records

  • The fastest cyclist is François Gissy (333 km/h)
  • – Cristiano Ronaldo (36.9 km/h)
  • Ski speed record – Ivan Oregon (255 km/h)
  • Downhill snowboarding - Darren Powell (202 km/h)
  • Minimum time to solve a Rubik's cube - Mats Valk (4.74 sec)
  • Fastest pistol shooter - Jerry Miculek (5 shots on target in 0.57 seconds)
  • Keyboard typing speed record - Miit (100 characters in 20 seconds)
  • The fastest rapper in the world is Ceza (1267 words in 160 seconds)