How to find a hole in a large pool. How to seal an inflatable pool at home? The further the better

In summer cottages, you always want to relax, unwind, enjoy pastime. But how to do it on a hot summer day, if there is no lake or river nearby where you can swim? The answer is simple - you need to build your own pool, which will replace the river, add an ideal opportunity to relax in the water in hot weather. It is important to choose the right pool, because not every design can provide the necessary conditions for relaxation.

What to do, but each pool has its own advantages and disadvantages that are worth knowing about. Among other types, frame pools stand out, which have many positive aspects compared to other types of construction.

Advantages of the frame pool

The frame pool has a number of undeniable advantages that every owner should know. Advantages are as follows:

  1. Can be purchased in any shape or size. They fit perfectly into the country interior of any site.
  2. Pools are mobile, compact, convenient when moving. Stationary structures cannot be moved after they are built. Such a disadvantage frame pool does not possess. The polymer material from which it is made is lightweight, so there will be no difficulty when moving.
  3. The cost of construction is minimal when compared with the cost of construction stationary pool. A low-income family can afford it. Made of a metal frame, the inner film is elastic, it lasts a very long time. Corrosion processes do not occur here, because all metal elements are protected.
  4. You can relax in the pool with the whole family, there will be enough space.
  5. Such structures have high wear resistance. Parts have a huge service life, the duration of the warranty surprises buyers. Even the frozen liquid in the cavity of the pool will not be able to damage it. Therefore, in winter there is no need to worry about dismantling. You just need to replace the water, cover it with a special protective element, rid the structure of debris. The ice that is inside will serve as protection against damage due to wind.
  6. Lots of sizes to choose from. You can purchase a minimum, or a large one, the size of which will allow you to swim on it. Structures up to 10 m long and up to 2.5 m deep are offered to choose from.

What to do if there is a hole in the pool

Every design can fail. It happens by different reasons which does not make sense to consider. The frame pool also sometimes flows. First you need to understand the reasons for the departure of water from the bowl. Make sure that the liquid does not evaporate under the scorching sun, because sometimes it will not leak, but the water can still leave.

A freeze is made. A bucket of liquid is placed in a flowing pool, where the faces containing water are marked with a marker. The water is the same as in the pool. The level is checked in a day. If it is at the same level, then the cause of the liquid leaving is evaporation. But when the liquid level in the pool is lower than in the bucket, most likely there is a hole that will have to be sealed.

After, if it is precisely determined that there is a hole, it is important to understand where the structure is damaged. Measurements are taken with the pump on and off. In this way, it can be determined whether the liquid is leaving through the water supply system. If the water leaves faster during filtration than without it, the loss is through the pipeline. With the same indicators, the loss occurs through the body, which will have to be sealed.

How to find a hole in the frame pool? It is important to know that you will have to carefully examine each element of the structure. If the leak is localized in the pipeline, it is important to carefully consider the places of possible fluid losses: the filter, the places of its various joints, the connection of the pipe and the slag separator, or the suction pipeline. To help in the search, you can use a coloring composition that will help determine where the water drain is located. In the place of the hole using such a composition, a mark will remain. If there is a place, the damaged area should be replaced.

The leak of the bowl in the frame pool is not so easy to determine. First, the place where the liquid is drained is checked - the valve, everything that is around it. Liquid may leak due to the occurrence of microcracks or small holes resulting from damage to the housing. If the leak is at the bottom, you can determine it by the grains of the quarrel, which will accumulate at the site of damage.

If damage cannot be found, drain all water from the system, and then inspect the structure with particular care to identify possible damage sites. Then they are marked, after which water is collected and observation is made. If it was possible to determine, the sealant should be applied to a dry surface so that the detected breakdown does not start to leak again.

How to seal a frame pool

It is important to know not only how to find a leak without draining the water, but how and with what to seal a hole in the pool so that all work is done efficiently. Small cracks are simply sealed with a sealant that can be used under appropriate conditions. More serious damage should be covered with patches of PVC, or a film using a special adhesive.

To seal the frame pool, you can use the available materials. Such components are most often supplied with the pool itself. In the absence of components, you can purchase them at any store specializing in the sale of pools and materials for them. You can also use self-adhesive patches.

On sale there are special compositions that allow you to close a hole in the frame pool. Sometimes it is not necessary to drain the water for this. They can only be used if the exact location of the damage is known. For reliable troubleshooting, the sealing should be combined with the inner and outside.

If you cannot find the problem yourself, you should contact the specialists who will diagnose and fix the problem.

Swimming in the pool during the hot season is a favorite pastime for children and adults. Currently, the purchase of an inflatable or frame tank has become affordable for many. The choice of design, shape, color, size is diverse. The main material of the products is polyvinyl chloride (PVC). The vulnerability of the shell is that it can, quite easily, be pierced. Doing it yourself is always cheaper. There are various tricks on how to seal the pool at home.

How to seal an inflatable pool

Experts say: it is more difficult to find damage than to fix it. In practice, a flaw is searched for by letting air out and determining by a characteristic sound problem area. Another way to detect a defect is to apply a soapy solution to the surface of the material - the appearance of bubbles will give out the damaged area. It remains to wipe dry the section of the shell for work, mark it with a marker and proceed with the repair.

Method number 1

This method can be called a repair with a high degree of conventionality, but it is used in emergency situations when you need to postpone a real repair, and swimming in the pool cannot be canceled. The main material for the temporary rescue of the pool is stationery tape or pharmaceutical plaster. Any adhesive tape will last from a couple of hours to several days, then hopelessly fall off due to constant moisture.

You can delay the repair of the pool further if you pre-treat the defect site with an alcohol solution and clean it around a little with sandpaper. Sandpaper should be fine! A rough surface treated with vodka or alcohol will hold a piece of tape better. Solvent must not be used due to the risk of damaging the material itself.

A temporary fix will give you pause to look for another solution to the problem. Do-it-yourself repair of inflatable pools can certainly be reliable if other methods are used.

Method number 2

Check if the packaging has been preserved after the purchase of the pool. Perhaps the manufacturers, along with the product, completed a special repair kit, and it was preserved in the box. It's time to use the repair kit. It usually includes several ready-made patches with an adhesive side. Another configuration option: the factory kit contains a separate small tube of glue and clean PVC patches.

The repair algorithm is as follows:

  1. Empty the pool, let the air out.
  2. The place of damage must be cleaned, degreased with an alcohol solution, and dried.
  3. Apply patch with adhesive. If the adhesive is supplied separately, then apply it to one side of the patch and to the place of damage, then join.
  4. Press a heavy load on the repair site and leave to dry.

Unfortunately, not always a repair kit is attached to the pool. It can be bought separately in markets specializing in the sale of swimming equipment and containers. The consultant will tell you what you need to choose to fix the leak of the damaged reservoir.

Method number 3

How to glue inflatable pool, if the above did not suit your case with a pool puncture? You can safely dwell on the popular Moment glue or other waterproof adhesive. The patch will be required from the same material as the pool itself, or close to it in quality. You can find a similar fragment among improvised means. Inflatable tanks are made, most often, from thin rubberized fabric, vinyl, polystyrene. Such a basis is found in swimming mattresses, children's circles, toys. If you can’t find old things, you can help out at an auto parts store or car service. A fragment of a damaged car camera, 2-3 cm in diameter larger than the length of the damaged area, can become a patch.

The process of sealing a leak is approximately the same as described above. Glue is applied to the treated surfaces, they wait a little for the reaction to begin with the material, then both sides are connected with force. There should be no air bubbles under the patch. After 2-3 minutes, you can put the press on the place of gluing.

If the puncture is very tiny, 1-2 mm, then you can do without a patch: drop a good sealant or glue on the resulting gap, and then fix the dried area with a second adhesive layer.

Method number 4

In a car service for repairing a pool, they can offer a kit for cold vulcanizing chambers. This is a patch with an adhesive side. The preparatory work is the same as in other cases: cleaning, processing, drying the puncture site. Then you need to remove the protective layer from the patch and attach the sticky side to the wall of the container.

So, without specialists, it is quite possible to cope with the repair of the "wounded" inflatable pool. After repair, it is recommended to follow simple rules:

  • withstand under pressure for at least a day the place of damage;
  • ventilate the pool on the street to exclude allergic reactions of children to the smell of glue;
  • before using the container, you need to check the quality of the sealing of the hole.

The country inflatable pool does not tolerate the claws of domestic animals and birds, sharp branches of closely spaced bushes. Damage prevention also lies in reasonable inflation while maintaining free space. This reduces stress on the seams, the risk of air expansion on sunny days and increased internal pressure.

In practice, it has been observed that the seams are a vulnerable place for water seepage. The reasons lie in poor-quality products or improper operation. You can seal the seam of the pool

  • rubber glue - the result is reliable, although the product dries very slowly;
  • special adhesive tape.

The process requires very careful application, since it is possible to seal the pool along the seam with high quality, but going beyond the boundaries will lead to contraction of the material and subsequent deformation of the container.

How to seal a frame pool

It can be difficult to find a leak zone in a frame tank. The coloring pigment helps to establish the movement of the water flow. When the bottom is damaged, an increased accumulation of contaminants around the hole begins. How to seal the frame pool and return the tank to working condition?

Method number 1

It is necessary to start repairs after establishing the place of the defect by emptying the tank from water. If you have a ready-made repair kit (sold with the pool), you can proceed according to the attached instructions. The set must include:

  • patches;
  • sealant;
  • vinyl adhesive.

Minor punctures are corrected with an airtight mixture. Significant damage must be sealed with a special film or pieces of polyvinyl chloride. The place for repair should be dried, degreased from the outside of the container. Prepare two patches: glue one on the inside, the other on the outside.

The form of the patch plays an important role. It must be necessarily round, oval. Corners are subject to water movement and lead to flaking of the entire area.

Be sure to cover both patches with fixative adhesive, the place of the breakthrough outside the pool. After connecting the sides, it is important to prevent air bubbles and achieve a tight pressing of the edges. It is necessary to dry the sealed place under pressure for at least 12 hours.

Method number 2

There are special kits that allow you to seal a hole in the pool without draining the water. The application of the method is effective provided that the puncture is accurately determined.

The kit should include self-adhesive underwater patches. First, you need to prepare one for fixing from the inside, then the other for a dry area outside. Next, apply glue to them and bend the waterproof patch in half for 3 minutes. This is followed by fixing on both sides of the damaged area.

Often the question arises whether it is possible to seal the frame pool only from the inside. It should be noted that the method without draining the water is considered a temporary repair. If you use only one patch with inside, the life of the tank will be even shorter.

There is another way, it is quite original. Watch the video:

It is advisable for owners to protect their water bodies from careless damage, to ensure reliable operation. But high-quality do-it-yourself repairs can also extend the life of products and provide a comfortable stay.

Every year the number of pools in summer cottages and in private homes increases many times over. Temporary frame pools are in great demand, which are large in size and have good durability. Such pools are very convenient to use and, with a proper cleaning system, can stand the whole season without a complete water change.

Rules for using the frame pool

  • - It is necessary to install the frame of the future pool on flat surface where there are no sharp objects, stones or branches.
  • - The base under the pool must be rigid so that the bowl does not deform.
  • - It is also forbidden to let pets near the structure, which are able to break through the material with their teeth and claws.

These basic rules allow you to protect the pool from possible punctures or damage. But it is impossible to foresee everything and for sure you will ever encounter the problem of pool leakage, for whatever reason. Then you will need to seal the frame pool, and now we will tell you how to do it.

Step 1.
The first thing to do is find a water leak. Of course, if the place of the leak is known immediately, then this item can be skipped, but if the hole is not found, then we proceed to the search. To begin with, it is worth looking for a leak near all the valves in the pool, because. these are the places most susceptible to damage, and after that go to the walls and to the bottom of the bowl. There are several ways to find the puncture site. One of the most effective ways is the use of special coloring pigments, which will allow you to detect the place of water leakage due to bright color water at the puncture site. This method is good for checking the sides of the bowl, but can also help with a puncture in the bottom of the bowl. A hole in the bottom of the bowl is also easy to detect by the grains of dirt that accumulate tightly around the puncture.

Step 2
Having found the place of water leakage, you can start gluing. Sealing can be carried out both on a pool that has been drained from the water, and when full bowl water. It all depends on the materials and adhesives used.

Step 3
When gluing an empty or half-deflated, to the level of a puncture, frame pool, it is necessary before the adhesive itself clean up the leak. You can clean the place of gluing with fine sandpaper, after which the surface should be wiped dry with a clean cloth. After stripping the area of ​​gluing, it is necessary to prepare two vinyl (or similar) patches. When cutting patches, remember that an oval or circle will be the ideal shape for gluing. This is because patches with corners are highly susceptible to water and will flake off over time.

Step 4

After cutting the patch, do application of fixative adhesive on the surface of each of the patches and on the surface of the puncture site from the inside and outside. Wait about 3 minutes and press the patches to the surface of the pool from both sides. Pressing the patch against the area to be glued, start squeezing air from the center to the edges until the patch is perfectly flat and even.

Step 5
When sealing a filled frame pool, it is necessary to use waterproof patch. With such gluing, a waterproof patch is used from the inside of the pool, and a “dry” patch is additionally installed on the outside at the site of the leak. Stripping is performed only from the side of the "dry" patch. The shape for both patches is also chosen to be round or oval so as not to cause peeling. After preparing the patches, a fixative adhesive is applied. In this case, glue is applied to each of the patches, and from the outside of the pool, glue is also applied to the surface of the breakthrough. From the inside, which is filled with water - glue is not applied to the surface! After applying the adhesive, the waterproof patch should be folded in half for 3 minutes to prepare the adhesive base. After 3 minutes, the patches are pressed against the gluing area, and air is squeezed out from the center to the edges.

Repair kits, special kits and pool sealants are available from specialist retailers. Also, such kits and kits can be included in the kit for the pool, which is very convenient and is practiced by many manufacturers. In any case, using the gluing methods listed above, you can extend the “life” of your frame pool for a long time so that it will please you and your family for a long time.

In the sultry summer heat, the only salvation on suburban area- pool with cool water. Particularly popular among owners of private houses with average incomes are collapsible structures of the foreign manufacturer Bestway. They are of superior quality and long service life. But they, like any other, are not immune from damage. Due to the fact that the price of the Bestway pool is considerable, and not everyone can afford to buy a new one, it is important to know how to properly seal it.

How to determine the damaged area?

Whether this is really a leak or just evaporation can be checked by filling a bucket or basin with water and placing it in the pool. The marker marks the level of fullness of the container on the inner and outer surfaces. If in a day the losses in the bucket and in the pool are the same - evaporation. If the water level outside the tank has dropped, but not inside, there is a leak.

If a leak has formed on the bottom, you can determine the specific place by the particles of dirt accumulating around it or by obvious smudges from under the pool. It is also recommended to inspect the gasket in the filter head, the drain valve on the pool bowl and the pipe connection.

How to repair damage?

To glue the frame pool, the manufacturer Bestway recommends purchasing a universal repair kit, which includes:

  • patch based on vinyl material;
  • special adhesive.

In order to seal the PVC with the highest quality, it is recommended to completely drain the pool, dry the defective area and thoroughly degrease it with white spirit. Small cracks and other defects can be repaired with a sealant designed to restore the functional characteristics of the pool.

The puncture is sealed with a special glue for PVC or the traditional "Moment", when using which the corrected place needs to be pressed down with a heavy object for 10-12 hours. Before use, you need to study in detail the instructions for use of the selected adhesive composition. Use of self-adhesive patches is allowed.

You can seal the pool without first draining the water. For this method of repairing frame pools, special repair kits are available for sale, which include a waterproof (glued inside) and a regular (for external use) patch.

When it's summer outside and the thermometer shows maximum values, almost everyone dreams of refreshing themselves in cool water, but not everyone can afford the arrangement and maintenance of a stationary reservoir on their site.

An excellent alternative is an inflatable or frame pool, which is easy to install, operate and repair on your own. However, such a device is not as strong as it seems at first glance. It can be accidentally pierced with something sharp, cut on a sharp stone, or otherwise damaged. How to seal an inflatable pool and fix a frame one?

How to seal an inflatable pool

The inflatable pool consists of a two- or three-layer rubberized fabric in the form of three-dimensional rings that retain their shape thanks to air chambers. Its advantages: maneuverability, simple operation and easy assembly. Polyvinyl chloride is a durable material, but it can be easily damaged, for example, by placing the tank on a sharp stone, thorn or broken glass.

How to seal a hole in an inflatable structure at home? Consider the following options:

  • adhesive tape and plaster (emergency repair when nothing else is at hand);
  • repair kit (must be purchased together with the pool);
  • waterproof glue for inflatable pools (always a must have on the farm);
  • vulcanization in a car service;
  • repair in specialized workshops.

Emergency repair with adhesive tape and plaster

When a puncture is found and a special repair kit is not at hand, use adhesive tape or band-aid as an adhesive-based patch. In this way, you can glue a children's circle or a rubber mattress.

In case of damage to the air chamber of the tank:

  1. Determine the exact location of the puncture. To do this, the inflated pool is wholly or partially submerged under water. A soap solution will also help determine the place of the gap (bubbles will come out of the hole).
  2. Mark the damage with a marker or ballpoint pen.
  3. Strip the rubberized material. You can do this with sandpaper.
  4. Degrease the working surface of the pool with an alcohol-containing substance.
  5. Apply adhesive tape or patch of the appropriate size.

Attention! Gluing in this way is short-lived and is used if a quick result is needed.

With a repair kit

The repair kit consists of a tube of special glue and a transparent vinyl patch that can be glued to a product of any color without fear of ruining the design. Start the repair by degreasing the surface with an alcohol-containing substance. Then:

  1. Cut out the patch to the appropriate size.
  2. Apply the adhesive evenly to the damaged piece and to the piece of vinyl.
  3. Attach the patch to the surface and press (preferably using a press).
  4. Leave the product inflated for 4-5 hours.

Important! If the pool is deflating and not holding its shape or is leaking, you need to find another hole and fix it in the same way.

Inflatable manufacturers Intex (Intex) and Bestway (Bestvey) supply their products with a repair kit, which eliminates the need to select the appropriate adhesive composition when a puncture or leak is detected. Often the final result of the repair depends on what glue it was carried out with.

Using waterproof glue

At self-selection adhesive, you must pay attention to the method of its use, which is usually indicated on the packaging. The glue must be waterproof, as the pool is in constant contact with water. Most often, a universal tool is used, which can also be used to glue rubber and rubber products, plastic, wood.

Vulcanization in a car service

A leaky pool can be repaired in a car workshop using cold vulcanization. The specialist will degrease the surface, glue the patch to the rubberized pool fabric and press it hard with a vise.

Specialized workshops

If a factory defect or holes left by the teeth of animals are found on the pool, then at home it is difficult to produce high-quality gluing. In this case, you must contact the repair and service center. PVC specialists will make a diagnosis using a professional leak detector or a glycerin solution, as well as individually select a repair method and qualitatively eliminate the leak.

Repair of frame structures

The frame of the pool is a rigid metal structure, which gives it stability, strength and keeps its shape perfectly. The material of the bowl can be different: PVC pool film and three-layer vinyl in combination with polyester are often used. The main difference between frame pools is the absence of inflatable elements.

It is allowed to do home repairs of frame pools, but it is better to turn to professionals. The medium-sized frame pool has a volume of approximately 6 tons. If the location of the damage is not accurately determined, then draining the water will be unjustified.

Why does water decrease

Before gluing the surfaces, you need to find the location of the hole. Sometimes the reason for the decrease in the level of water in the pool is evaporation, not leakage. You can check it like this:

  1. Secure the water container in the frame tank, leaving a small gap to the edge.
  2. Record the fluid level (inside and outside) with a marker.
  3. After 24 hours, compare the marks in the pool and the container.
  4. Draw conclusions about the reasons for the decrease in water.

On a note! If the mark in the basin is lower than in the bucket, the fault is a leak. If the levels match, then the water decreases due to evaporation.

Determining the cause of a leak

To determine the location of the puncture, it is necessary to record the water level indicators for 24 hours with the pumping unit turned on and off. After compare the results. The puncture site is located in the piping system if, with the filter in operation, the water quickly decreases. And if the values ​​are the same, the source of the leak is damage to the pool shell.

Also, the reason for the decrease in the water level in the tank may be:

  • gasket leakage in the filtration system;
  • puncture of a part of the pipeline working for the suction of water;
  • malfunction of the valve located in the drain part.

Damage located at the bottom of the pool is accompanied by an accumulation of particles of debris and dirt around the leak. For accurate diagnosis and repair of the tank bowl, it is necessary to drain it.

Repair technology

In order to repair damage with a repair kit, you need:

  1. Mark the hole with a marker.
  2. Degrease the surface with alcohol.
  3. Clean the edge of the damage with sandpaper with minimal abrasiveness (for rubber surfaces).
  4. Apply a thin layer of waterproof adhesive to the vinyl patch and adhere it to the surface of the damaged item. For a stronger adhesion of materials, it is necessary to apply force when gluing.
  5. Place the repair site under a press or press down with a heavy object.
  6. Dry for at least 24 hours.

On a note! After removing the flaws, the tank should not leak.

underwater repair

To avoid draining fluid from the frame pool, you need to accurately determine the location of the puncture. To remove defects in filled tanks, repair kits are used, which include special materials for internal and external use and sealant. It is necessary to stick patches on both sides of the pool. Thanks to the adhesive waterproof composition, fixing the flaw, knowing its location, is quite simple.

Prevention of punctures

Regular inspection of the home pool will provide an opportunity to monitor its condition. There are rules, following which, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of a puncture or breakage:

  1. Do not use sharp objects when installing and operating the pool.
  2. Do not place the water tank under trees, bushes or on rocky surfaces.
  3. When exposed to direct sunlight, the pressure in the air chambers increases, which can lead to rupture or damage to the product. Do not put the inflatable pool in the sun.
  4. The special film that is used when installing the pool will help maintain its integrity.
  5. Do not let animals into your home pond - they can damage the body with their claws or teeth.

In most cases, you can repair a leak in an inflatable pool yourself. And only with particularly complex injuries, you need to involve professionals.