Fishing flies for grayling. Features of the choice and self-production of a fly for catching grayling

Greetings, dear forum users!

There are at least two types of people who are in any way concerned with the creative process. The first of them are those who achieve their goals with painful steps towards it, stuffing numerous bumps, making mistakes and correcting them, but at the end of the path they get an incredible buzz from what they have done.

The second type of people tries to copy someone's success by questioning, peeping, and if nothing helps, they allow themselves to steal either an idea or a model, and achieve the same goal much faster than the first type of people. The pleasure is quick, but temporary. Probably from not docking with internal ethics.

There is, of course, also a third type, who do not bother with something at all, for the most part for them it is all “purple”. Nobody can help them but themselves.

Absolutely all of the individuals listed above have the right to exist and this is not discussed.

The introduction turned out to be not at all fishing, but it is inextricably linked with what I want to tell you.

You have probably already read my story about how I managed to become a haryuzyatnik, if not, then it is and. I won’t repeat myself, but the path to this “title” was not a short one, and the buzz from catchy fly to fly went, though in zigzags, but still on the rise. Every time I managed to create something more catchy than before, I thought “well, here it is, it happened ...” And every next trip to mountain rivers refuted this statement.

The last fishing, which took place from October 29 to 31, brought a magnificent surprise to my efforts. This time, the various amphipods I made exceeded our expectations. Not all of them, but just these.

Here they are in dry form:

This is how they look in the water of a mountain stream (try to find the second one!):

I don’t know where I came up with this combination of threads and the back of a fly (yes, I know where, of course, it’s the Internet, forums, youtube ... and a little imagination, but grayling was caught with such greed on them that sometimes it was scary to throw them into the water Large lenok, however, as well as small ones did not let them in. For the purity of the experiment, they tried the most catchy flies of the past fishing, but there was “a completely different coat”.

This time, these "boats" were an accurate indicator of the presence of grayling in the places of their supposedly obvious "residence". They could not stand the "temptation" even in standing water. We gained patience and from catchy stretches and pits returned to the same ones similar to them and ... - nothing. We return back - it is caught. This allowed us to slightly increase the speed of passing the routes, which earlier we barely had time to cover in a day.

With the former flies, we did not have a firm conviction that grayling is found in this hole or stretch, and we had to devote quite a lot of time to “grinding” it from the depths to the feet. And if nothing worked out, we thought that it simply wasn’t there. And since we have been going to these and similar rivers for many years, we have already well remembered all the hunting places along all routes. And this time they were confirmed, and the “empty” ones remained “empty”. I don't even want to check next time.

A bit of chronology.

Departure was scheduled for 5:00 am. We arrived at the place at 14:00. Naturally, the task was to catch the right amount of grayling during the remaining daylight hours for fish soup, roast and other delicacies. I began to catch on the same flies, and for "catching" I gave my partner a random amphipod from my box, which became the "star" of this race. It’s good that I knit all the flies at least two each, and I, later, also got the same one.

The evening was spent just fine (if only gorging can be called such a word, but for the most part people are slaves to their stomachs, alas ...) We just didn’t grunt from the pleasure of all that we had prepared for dinner. Then, while talking around the fire, fatigue and satiety made themselves felt. At nine o'clock we "bags" fell into our sleeping bags and, if not for the natural nocturnal urges of the body, the night would have flown by in an instant.

The next day, anticipating a wonderful fishing trip, we rushed straight through the forest to our favorite fishing spot, which has not let us down yet again. Having taken our souls there to the fullest, we trudged along the route further, not so much to catch grayling (although it was caught a little), but in order to get enough of emotions, feelings from the surrounding wildlife and also from something elusive, which cannot be described here in words. But until next autumn, another 10 ... 11 months, and again we will have to live with dreams about it. And I didn’t really want to go back through the forest. It’s better to get to the edge of the road and get out safely there.

The evening of this day was spent in an exact copy of the previous one, only they ate less. We replenished the stocks of flies and, with a flickering float before our eyes, at 9 o'clock in the evening we again fell asleep. Well, just like little children

The next morning, for some reason, the river became very muddy. Although they didn’t promise rain, something happened in the upper reaches. The task became more complicated and for almost an hour we could not really catch anything. Although the beginning of the route could be explained by the proximity of the road and naturally fishing.

The further we went, the more it was confirmed. In this muddy water, the above flies showed themselves in all their splendor, because almost nothing was caught on everything else. Even on our favorite "montage".

Having started the route on a minor note, we ended it on a major one, completely satisfied and satisfied, we finished this three-day fishing trip.

Or maybe the season.

There are plans for another trip in November, let's see how everything goes.

P.S. To many of you here, my revelations may seem naive. They say taldych about well-known things that have long been chewed and you * wounds. And yet I repeat, I largely came to this myself, and therefore I catch the buzz from what has been achieved.

Good luck to you!

Several pictures and sketches of the nature of those places.

Recently, fly fishing has become popular again. This is a very old method of fishing. Basically, it is distributed in European countries. There is a lot of information about flies, what shape they have, how they fit. But in fact, it turns out that artificial fly fishing baits are spoken of in general terms. In fact, grayling flies have specific characteristics. They are divided by size and shape, in addition, the fishing season is important. At different times of the year, fly fishing has its own small nuances. But first things first.

What is a "mouse"?

An artificial fly, or streamer, is used as bait for predatory fish species. It can be used for fly fishing and spinning tackle. Sometimes this lure is effective when fishing for bream and other peaceful fish species, but this is more the exception than the rule. Anglers not experienced in fly fishing are always wondering why predators such as trout or grayling prefer artificial flies? Perhaps the whole secret is in their accessibility and attractiveness. At present, flies are known for grayling, chub, lenok, and char. In general, almost all types of fish living in mountain rivers can be caught with such artificial bait. But the king's trophy always remains a large trout. Although every experienced fisherman who knows how to use it will tell you that you can catch any fish with a fly, the main thing here is experience. Indeed, recently you can see fly-fishers on lakes and flat rivers, catching roach and even crucian.

What are the advantages of an artificial fly?

Almost everywhere, fishermen, using fly fishing gear, abandoned the natural bait: grasshoppers, beetles, moths, wasps. This is explained by the fact that flies for grayling or trout are easier to tie yourself or buy than to hope that the right insects will be found and caught. And where to look for them in the spring or late autumn? Yes, and it is inconvenient to mess with them. The body of an insect is unlikely to withstand more than two bites. Where to find such a number of wasps or bloodworms? Artificial bait is primarily practical. In addition, it does not matter to the fish what to grab. During a shortage of food, she pecks according to the principle: "first we grab, and then we'll see." Secondly, many species, including grayling, are known for their whims. Today there are bites on one fly, and tomorrow she will want another. Why this happens is unknown, but this fact is noted by all experienced fly fishers. Therefore, in their boxes there are always from a dozen or more different artificial lures.

Flies on grayling

When choosing a fly for grayling, you need to take into account a number of features of the behavior of the fish. This species prefers small insects. It is they who force the fish to rise to the very surface of the water surface. Therefore, for most of the warm season, grayling will grab a medium-sized “dry fly” with brushes and wings. The colors of the bait are selected bright, catchy - yellow, orange, red. Catchable flies for grayling almost always have a large golden bead head. Feather wings are welcome. In early spring before the departure of insects, “wet flies” imitating larvae show themselves well. Oddly enough, but it is most effective to use hooks wrapped in colored threads.

for grayling

Fly fishing for grayling requires certain gear. First of all, this is a light rod. Its length is selected depending on the distance over which the casts will be made. And this factor, of course, is determined by the width of the reservoir. The wider the riverbed, the farther the casting.

When using a "dry fly" while fishing for grayling, it is better to use floating lines. But no more than seventh grade. If fishing is carried out with a “wet” streamer, then a floating line with a sinking end is taken. However, you need to be guided by the nature of the current and the width of the reservoir. Just beware of sinking cords along the entire length. They will nullify all casts and wires. They are not suitable for grayling. Recently, a conical ten-meter line is gaining popularity among fly fishers. Fishermen among themselves often call it "torpedo". They are best caught in deep areas using a nymph.

The nuances associated with the thickness of the leash

For a leash, a piece of fishing line with a diameter of up to 0.2 millimeters is almost always used. But here it should immediately be stipulated that the thickness of the leash should correspond to the hook. For example, with hook No. 2.5, a fishing line with a diameter of 0.12 millimeters will be ineffective, and ridiculous. A leash thicker than 0.2 mm is reasonable to set only if fishing takes place in reservoirs with unfavorable conditions or if a large specimen of fish is expected as a trophy.

Features of seasonal grayling fishing

Flies for grayling in the spring are more often used not in fly fishing, but in spinning gear. This increases the chances of waiting for the bite of a predator. The fly fishing method becomes effective only when there is a massive departure of insects. During this period, the grayling literally grabs any bait from the water surface. As a rule, this is the end of May or the first decade of June. This is the best time to fish with dry flies. Grayling responds well to imitation butterflies, beetles and grasshoppers. However, a completely reliable similarity is not at all necessary.

In the summer period, “dry flies” are used more often. But in some water bodies it makes sense to experiment with drowning nymphs that look like larvae. But with the advent of autumn, everything changes dramatically. The water gradually cools down, and the grayling sinks to the lower layers, closer to the bottom. There is no point in fishing with surface baits anymore. Here you can reveal one secret of experienced fly fishers. They don't change summer dry flies, they make them wet. How? Very simple - covered with fat. Those nymphs that acted as surface flies in July and early August are now becoming submerged.

Fly tying for grayling

Fly fishing is considered very creative. Largely because almost all people who are passionate about this fishing knit flies themselves in quiet evenings. Of course, this is also due to the fact that baits are by no means cheap. But more often self-made flies are more satisfying to the whims of grayling. So, the bites will be more fun, and the catch - more. By the way, knitting flies is a simple process. True, it requires certain materials and tools, but all of them have long been sold in fishing stores.

The material is very varied. These are wool, fur, bird feathers, hair, lurex. Often, anglers notice that grayling is better caught on flies with a bead head. This fish likes both ruffy and winged lures. So it can be argued that grayling flies (the photos of which you see in this article) are still very specific. They are different from baits for other types of fish, such as trout or chub.

There are many varieties of it. Usually it imitates some kind of insect with its color and shape.

And under certain circumstances, it must copy with its “behavior” the insect, whose appearance it takes, during manufacture.

Description and behavior

graylings- are related to salmon and whitefish species. There are three main ones: European, Siberian, Mongolian. Prefers low temperatures and rocky bottoms.

Distinguished by a powerful fin on the back, colored with spots and stripes bright colors. The body on the back is covered with large scales, and on the abdomen with small ones. His coloring is colorful, enticing, his back is covered with many spots.

It is quite difficult to notice him in the water, because he himself is grayish in color, and therefore merges with the bottom. Usually no more than a kilogram is caught, but it can weigh all three.

There are also cases when more than seven are caught, feeding:

  1. Clams.
  2. Larvae.
  3. Midges that fell into the water.
  4. Grasshoppers.
  5. Does not refuse during spawning, from caviar of other fishes.
  6. Large specimens destroy fry.
  7. But the favorite food is caddisfly, sometimes stonefly.

Very agile, in calm and warm weather, you can see how he, jumping out of the water and sometimes very high, catches gaping insects. When he feels danger, he immediately goes to the bottom. It is active only during daylight hours, and feeds only during the day.

Lives in small flocks, until the time appointed by nature. When they grow up, they start their own. Young individuals mainly live aground, older ones, on the contrary, prefer deep pits.

But this is only in the warm season, and in winter they go to great depths. In the spring they rise to the top and swim alone, in search of a pair, standing out with a rather bright color.

Habitats and biting calendar

Grayling is considered together withmain fish wealth:

  1. Rivers of Siberia and Europe.
  2. A lot of this fish comes across in the Angara.
  3. Inhabits large and small water bodies flowing into the Baltic Sea.
  4. It also occurs in the northern rivers flowing into the White and Arctic Seas.

Makes a migration every year. Graylings living in lakes also migrate, but not farther than their own reservoir, in spring they come closer to the shore to spawn.

Biting calendar:

  1. Winter. It behaves unpredictably, and this complicates the process of hunting for it a little. They fish with a variety of lures. Need to feed the place. Food is thrown into the hole: pieces of fish, etc. The best period for catching: from the end of March, until the water breaks.
  2. Spring. Caught in the summer: plumb, wiring, fly fishing. The bait will be: flies, worms, larvae,.
  3. Summer. Peak season, the most productive time for fishing. At this time, many different insects are spinning above the water, which means that you can admire the grayling hunting for them to your heart's content. For spinning, it is better to catch in August.
  4. Autumn. Before the freezing of reservoirs, the fish willingly pecks at the fly, the worm. To hunt for him, it would be more expedient to go down below the rapids and rifts of the river. In mid-November, the bite decreases, only near the pits, and the stretches can still be fished for. But only for the one that did not have time to sail away for the winter.

The essence of the method of catching grayling on the fly

The appearance of an artificial fly, and its use, was prompted by the following problems:

  1. It is not always possible to find live worms.
  2. They deteriorate quickly.

That is why artificial flies became the original replacement for live bait, worms and.

Advantages and disadvantages of using a streamer


  1. Versatility: makes it possible to hunt for almost any species.
  2. Good camouflage and low weight: weightless falls on the water, perfectly disguised as insects.
  3. Reliability: when casting, it does not fall off the hook.
  4. Long service life: if properly stored, it will last quite a long time.
  5. You can make it yourself: the cost of the necessary materials will be minimal, and the procedure itself is quite exciting and uncomplicated.

Of the shortcomings can be distinguished, which takes a lot of time, but when experience is gained, the minus will disappear.

Varieties of flies according to the method of catching

What is the best option for fishing? As a rule, this issue is resolved considering:

  1. Features of the reservoir.
  2. Season.
  3. Times of Day.
  4. Weather, etc.

When you lure, take a closer look at her:

  1. If it starts to grab food from the surface, it will be well audible: splashes, stains in the water. If a little deeper: small whirlpools, the correct solution is a dry fly. Especially lucky fishing will be:
    • On the course in July.
    • Afternoon and evening.
  2. From the end of summer to the beginning of autumn: it mainly bites on wet, and is more successful in windy weather.

1. Wet

Wet is a classic bait, a bit reminiscent of: water beetles, insects and their larvae, tadpoles, etc. They have:

  1. Little plumage.
  2. They are knitted on thick, and, therefore, heavy hooks.
  3. For additional weight, when knitting, a metal wire is used.
  4. Works well at depth.
  5. It has proven itself well with the fly fishing method, but lately nymphs have been more often used.
  6. Gray-brown baits are successful, they are more reminiscent of nymphs and mayflies.

2. Dry

They look like bumblebees, dragonflies, wasps, etc. that have fallen into a pond. They do not go to the bottom, they are designed for hunting from the water surface. Do:

  1. Assisted, various winding methods.
  2. A variety of feathers, fur, bristles.
  3. They are made fluffy, and therefore they do not get wet.

Hooks are used thin, to facilitate the model. Previously, they were knitted in a free style, and did not look much like ordinary insects. But now with such a variety of materials, more realistic models are more often made.

This is a productive nozzle, it works well all season. This suggests that the grayling loves to float to the surface of the water to hunt for insects that have fallen into the water. special attention he deserves a fly superpupa.

It is knitted with #11-16, and if it is also processed in grease, then this will give the bait additional buoyancy. And in the autumn it becomes capricious, and it is more willing to be caught on CdC-Dun, made from duck feathers, hook No. 16-18.

Types of tackle for grayling fishing

There are the following varieties:

  1. Ship or "Water Serpent". It consists of a light material (styrofoam, plywood, etc.), a fishing line is tied (this is called a “bet”) and several leashes are attached. The main line is tied to the opposite side. You need to throw it as far from the shore as possible, so that it floats freely with the flow.
  2. "Peretyazh". It consists of a pair of spinning rods located on opposite banks. In the middle they pull the "bet" with leashes. It is necessary to move slowly along the coast, always against the current.
  3. Fly fishing. The classic variation, consisting of a special rod with a long line and leash. Great for helping out in any situation.
  4. Spinning. Simple, especially common and productive.

1. Fly fishing

Fly fishing is a special technique of fishing above water, with the help of:

  1. Accurate.
  2. Long throws.

For bait, artificial or live insects are taken. The fishing method is quite simple. It simulates an insect falling into the water, and the fish should immediately react to this.

This means that the art of hunting consists in a very realistic supply of bait and its wiring. You can do:

  1. Close ones.
  2. Remote throws.

It all depends on the specific situations. It is necessary to ensure that nothing interferes with the movement of the fly downstream. This means that she will be able to swim calmly, without arousing any fears in the grayling.

The time for hooking is guessed only visually. Even having caught her, she behaves very briskly, so there is no need to speed up the fight. Consists of:

  1. Fishing rod (with inertial reel).
  2. Cord with backing, running and leash.
  3. Nozzle.

2. Half fly

Presented as a wiring harness. Spinning is equipped with:

  1. Inertial coil.
  2. Float, sinker.

The float is needed only for casting and is not intended for a bite alarm. Main line:

  1. Diameter 0.24–0.3 mm.
  2. Short leashes are made from fishing line 0.18–0.2 mm.

3. Ship

Crafted from:

  1. Weightless, floating materials.
  2. Designs are made one- or two-case; Only a hard, spinning rod is used.
  3. Fishing line with a diameter of 0.4 mm.
  4. The coil is inertial.

Leashes are made of various lengths, but the flies must simultaneously touch the surface of the water.

4. Peretag

This way of fishing is very interesting. Two fishermen should be located on opposite banks of the reservoir:

  1. First, you need to connect two fishing lines (0.25–0.3 mm) together and tie two or three leashes with a fly of about a meter in length.
  2. You need to keep the line taut all the time, without bending.
  3. The work will consist in the fact that it is necessary to periodically lure the fish, forcing them to take a bite.
  4. When she pecks, cutting is performed synchronously.
  5. They agree in advance, one must - fight, the other - poison the fishing line.

Top 5 flies for grayling

What flies are the best for hunting, and, moreover, really catchy?

Usually use:

Loop Wing Emerger. Perfectly copies small midges, and mayfly larvae. Acts on the water surface, in the manner of Emerger. Perfectly fulfills the role of a full-bodied nymph.

superpupa. This species belongs to the dry fly. It will become an effective bait for the whole hunting season. They knit mainly on hook No. 11-17, and it will be useful to treat it with a special lubricant for additional buoyancy. It looks a bit like a disheveled broom, but the grayling goes for it willingly.

Hydropsyche Nymph. The bait stands out among others, with its realism, imitates a caddis fly. If the fish becomes interested, but pricks, anyway, the fly will certainly work on the next posting and bite again. Large specimens are especially well caught.

March Brown. This model is equipped with gilded ribs. Among all the variety, this nozzle has proven itself to be one of the best. It has been used for more than 400 years, and during all this time, it gave fishermen only an excellent catch and good luck.

Jassid. It was invented and implemented by the American Vincent Mariner. He described it, back in 1950. Her appearance is quite simple, but she is remarkably visible in the water. And this is important for the fisherman, and besides, it stands out for its great catchability. You can rely on her, and she will never let you down.

How to tie a fly yourself


  1. Insert the hook into the vise.
  2. We put on a bead and fix it.
  3. We take a polished black thread (UNI-Thread 8).
  4. We begin to wind the thread on the hook, from the head of the future fly, to the bend and cut it off.
  5. We make a tail, take a yellow pheasant feather, measure and cut it off.
  6. We attach to the head of the hook and begin to wind again, leaving the tail below, you need to take 4 beards on it.
  7. Diving we take a brown-olive color and put it on a thread and wind it further, making a little body.
  8. We take an owl feather, take the beards back and fix it, make a couple of turns.
  9. We take a pen holder, fix the awn and wind it, cut off the excess pen, fix the rest.

For manufacturing you will need:

  1. Any feathers, animal hair will do.
  2. Strong, thin threads, you can silk.
  3. Thin wire.
  4. Small beads, tinsel.
  5. Pieces of fur.
  6. Corks from wine bottles.
  7. Glue that does not dissolve in water.
  8. Hooks, preferably high quality.

And further:

  1. Small vice.
  2. Tweezers.
  3. Scissors.
  4. Lighter.

Technique and tactics of fly fishing for grayling

It is especially good to be caught: summer, spring. A well-executed cast requires a smooth splashdown of the bait. She must certainly sink into the water, before the cord.

If the opposite happens, she will just get scared and swim away.

Two methods are especially common:

  1. Dry angling.
  2. Wet, it is ranked - fishing for a nymph.

The equipment used, the technique and tactics of hunting, in both cases, do not differ so much, but there is still a difference:

  1. The rod is taken 2.3-2.8 meters long.
  2. Short: suitable for casting into small rivers, creeks.
  3. Long: for long distances.
  1. When hunting dry, the following are used: floating cords of the 4th-7th class of gravity.
  2. Wet fishing: floating lines with a sinking end.
  3. On shallow waters, with a quiet current: you can take floating cords.
  4. Fully drowning cords are used in exceptional cases, and in a certain situation.

Which cord is better conical or parallel? Cheap cylindrical cords have proven themselves well. Casting for a short distance with this line is much easier to do than, for example, with a conical line.

It is especially indispensable at great depths, and if the "wet" needs to be thrown at a distance of more than twenty meters, it is indispensable.

But when you decide to use a hook number 2.5 and smaller, it is more reasonable to install with a diameter of 0.11 mm. This can only be done in clean waters.

Leashes from fishing line 0.2-0.24 mm are placed for fish weighing more than a kilogram, and only when conditions for playing are difficult.

The undergrowth is collected according to the same principle:

  1. For calm weather in clear water, a long underbrush can be used, which can provide a smooth fall.
  2. If a strong wind establishes a short undergrowth, otherwise the correctness of the casts will be significantly reduced.

Grayling hunting with a fly, especially dry, is not just exciting, but also fruitful. You can watch the process, and it's really not easy spectacular, but also beautiful. To succeed, you need to have certain knowledge and experience. All good bite!

One of the most interesting baits for fishing are flies for catching grayling, most fishermen know about this bait, who are seriously engaged in catching this particular fish.

You can start catching grayling with flies from spring to late autumn. At right choice front sight fishing will not only deliver good mood, but also guarantees an excellent catch.

What kind of flies are needed to catch grayling

So, many novice anglers who decide to try to catch grayling on flies are interested not only in what kind of flies are needed for catching grayling, but also which of them are more catchy from a huge variety.

There are several types of flies that are divided into dry flies, wet flies, emedgers, streamers and nymphs. Most often, dry flies, wet flies and nymphs are used to catch grayling on small rivers. Each of these species has its own bait.

Grayling is caught on a wet fly and a nymph already in summer and autumn, as the water becomes more transparent, casting is done downstream or across the current with a downstream wiring.

On a dry fly, grayling takes it best in spring and autumn, when the abundance of insects in water bodies is much less compared to summer season. If you decide to go fishing for grayling on float rod, then it is best to use natural baits.

  • Read article -

The best flies for catching grayling

And so let's look at the 5 most catchy flies. Usually these flies are connected on a small hook, respectively, they are small in size, light and elegant.

  • 5th place - Loop Wing Emerge

This fly models small or medium-sized midge or mayfly larvae. She is usually caught on the surface of the water, and she can also be used as a nymph, and do wiring in the water column.

  • 4th place - Hydropsyche Nymph

This nymph models a caddisfly and is very realistic. If, during the first strike, the fish pricks itself on the sting of the hook and spit out the bait, then with a very high probability that on the next posting, the grayling will again attack this nymph, as it looks very appetizing.

  • 3rd place - Superpupa

This dry fly, effective from spring to late autumn, is knitted on small hooks, usually hook numbers 12 to 16. Superpupa imitates a variety of caterpillars, and is treated with flatan for better buoyancy. Special lubricant for dry flies.

  • 2nd place - March Brown

Grayling fly fishing, especially when it comes to a dry fly, is fascinating and interesting: the whole process takes place in front of the angler, so this fishing always turns out to be spectacular and beautiful.

True, in order to succeed in it and get real pleasure, you need to have some knowledge and a certain skill.

The season for catching grayling with a fly opens in the spring, with the onset of warm weather. In the summer to fish this fish in this way it is quite difficult, since at this time natural midges get into the water in large quantities, the grayling has a lot of food and it becomes quite picky. But with the advent of August comes best time for fly fishing, which continues until the end of September or even October.


For catching grayling the following tackle options are suitable for a fly.

  1. Classic fly fishing. You will need a special fly fishing tackle, consisting of a rod, reel and line, and the ability to handle it - to perform casts, wiring and fighting.
  2. Half fly fishing. Fly fishing is carried out using a wire rod. To collect such tackle, you need to take a rod with access rings and put on it spinning coil, the drum of which rotates quite easily. A float-weight is attached to the main line with a diameter of about 0.2 - 0.3 mm, which is needed in order to cast to the required distance. Such a float is not a bite signaling device. A leash is tied to the end of the main line, most often with a diameter of 0.15 - 0.2 mm, and a fly is attached to the leash. You can use several flies tied one above the other at a short distance.
  3. ship. This tackle is also called kite, sled or torpedo. It is made of light floating materials, the design can be single or double hull. The rod needs to be rigid, you will also need an inertial reel. The main fishing line is usually used with a diameter of 0.3 - 0.4 mm, the boat itself is tied to its end, and several leashes with flies are attached in front of it at a small distance from each other.

Flies rating for grayling

What flies for catching grayling will be the most catchy? Usually, small flies, light and graceful, are used to catch this fish.

We present to your attention the top 5 grayling flies:

#5 Loop Wing Emergence.

The front sight imitates small and medium-sized larvae of midges or mayflies. You can fish the Loop Wing in the surface water Emerger style or use it as a full nymph.

№4 Superpupa.

dry fly, which will be an effective bait for grayling throughout the season. It is usually knitted on a hook of 12 - 16 numbers, often it is additionally treated with lubricant to give additional buoyancy.

superpupa, which looks like a disheveled broom, does not look very presentable, but graylings tend to peck at it one by one.

#3 Hydropsyche Nymph.

This caddis imitation looks very realistic and appetizing. Even if on the first bite, which turns out to be fruitless, the fish pricks on the sting of the hook, it will still attack with a high probability. Hydropsyche Nymph on the next line.

This fly attracts trophy size graylings.

March Brown with golden ribs- one of the best flies for catching grayling. March Brouwn has been used for more than 500 years, and all this time it brings good catches to fishermen.

#1 Jassid.

This microfly was invented by the American Vincent Mariner., who gave her description in his 1950 book. Jassid looks simple, but it is clearly visible in the water, which is very convenient for the angler, and has a high catchability. You can always rely on this classic fly, in hopeless situations, it often helps the angler.

fly fishing technique for grayling

The catching technique consists in a realistic fly delivery and its wiring. Casting can be long or short, the optimal length depends on the specific conditions of fishing. During classic fly fishing, it is important that the fly floats freely with the flow, and its movement is not slowed down by the line. In this case, the bait has a natural appearance and does not arouse suspicion in the grayling.

It is this wiring option that is usually used when fishing with a wet fly. The bait while imitating food that carries with the flow. Active grayling usually does not let it pass by. Perhaps another wiring, which is used when fishing for fry flies - they are led across the stream. The main thing when fishing for a wet fly that moves in the water column is not to miss the moment of bite.

Dry fly is usually caught already in that period when the water warms up well and a massive departure of insects begins. It is important to make the right cast - so that the bait looks like an insect falling into the water as much as possible.

The moment of hooking when using a dry fly is determined visually, when fishing on a wet fly - by the sensations that are transmitted to the hand.

Grayling is a small fish, but it behaves very actively on the hook, so it should be played carefully, without forcing events.

Fly tying

Fly Tying- very interesting creative process At the same time, having enough experience, you can create baits that will work most effectively on grayling on a particular reservoir.

For tying flies, you will need tools such as a vise in which the hook is fixed, scissors, tweezers, a special device for tying knots and a lighter.

as materials bird feathers, fur fur, goat hair, multi-colored threads, lurex, beads, beads, cork are used. Glue and a good quality single hook are also needed.

After that Once everything you need is prepared, you can proceed to the main thing. We knit flies for catching grayling, alternately wrapping a hook fixed in a vise with selected materials. There are ready-made schemes according to which various flies fit, or you can connect your imagination and come up with a bait yourself.

Catch a grayling with an artificial fly- not the easiest task, and therefore successful fishing in this way is an indicator of a good level of skill of the angler.

If a novice fisherman succeeds in catching grayling with a fly, this indicates that he has reached a certain stage of development.

After some experience and first successes in such fishing appear, it becomes clear which fly is best to offer the fish, and you can already knit your own author's baits, catching the cherished trophies, which, of course, will bring incomparable pleasure.


We present you an informative video about flies for catching grayling.