Riddles on the theme of health. Riddles and proverbs about sports and a healthy lifestyle

About sports and health :

Those who play sports gain strength.

start new life not from Monday, but from morning exercises

Strong in body - rich in deed.

In sports, as in casinos, it is very difficult to win by chance.

In sport, megalomania helps badly. But persecution mania helps well.

You are not friends with sports - you will strain more than once.

To walk on foot - to live long.

Who loves sports is healthy and cheerful.

And ingenuity is needed, and hardening is important.

Where there is health, there is beauty.

Move more, live longer.

The sun, air and water always help us.

Whoever got up before the day is healthy during the day.

Don't be afraid of the cold, wash yourself up to your waist.

Each blacksmith of his own health.

Who goes in for sports gains strength

Healthy is great.

Aristotle: Nothing so exhausts and destroys human body like physical inactivity.

Who loves sports is healthy and cheerful.

From lying and sitting, ailments are added.

Who does not smoke, who does not drink, that protects health.

Cleanliness is the key to health.

He does not know health, who is not sick.

Who is strong in body is rich in health and business.

The disease will not catch up with the quick and dexterous!

Give sports time, and get health.

Without posture and the horse is a cow.

IN healthy body- a healthy mind.

The main competition is the struggle with oneself.

You don’t make friends with sports - you’ll worry about it more than once.

Riddles about sports and a healthy lifestyle

You hit anyone - He gets angry and cries. And you hit this one - Jumps for joy! First higher, then lower, Now down, then jump. Who is he, guessed? Rubber ...(Ball)

He doesn’t want to lie down at all. If you quit, he will jump. You hit a little, immediately jump, Well, of course - this is ...(Ball)

I decided to become a strongman, I hurried to the strongman: - Tell me about this, How did you become a strongman? He smiled in response: - Very simply. For many years, Every day, getting out of bed, I raise ...(Dumbbells)

There is a lawn in our school, And there are goats and horses on it. We are tumbling here Exactly forty-five minutes. At school - horses and a lawn?!(Gym)

A green meadow, A hundred benches around, From gate to gate, people run briskly. At the gates of these Fishing nets. (Stadium)

Wooden horses gallop through the snow, But they do not fall into the snow. (Skis)

There are two lanes in the snow, Two foxes were surprised. One came closer: Someone ran here... (Skis)

On the white expanse Two straight lines, And commas and dots run side by side. (ski track)

Who rushes quickly through the snow, Is not afraid to fail? (Skier)

I can’t feel my feet for joy, I’m flying down a terrible hill. Sport has become closer and closer to me, Who helped me, children?(Skis)

He looks like one board, But he is proud of his name, He is called ... (Snowboard)

I have guys Two silver horses. I ride both at once. What kind of horses do I have? (Skates)

Who will catch up with me on the ice? We are racing. And it’s not the horses that carry me, but the shiny ones ... (Skates)

Stick in the form of a comma Drives the puck in front of him. (Hockey stick)

In the yard in the morning the game, The children played out. Shouts: "Puck!", "By!", "Beat!" - There's a game going on...(Hockey)

This horse does not eat oats, Instead of legs - two wheels. Sit on horseback and rush on it, Only better drive. (Bike)

I don't look like a horse, although I have a saddle. I have knitting needles. They, to be honest, are not suitable for knitting. Not an alarm clock, not a tram, But I know how to call, know! (Bike)

Early in the morning, along the road, dew glistens on the grass, On the road, legs ride And two wheels run. The riddle has an answer - This is mine.... (Bike)

The relay is not easy. I'm waiting for the command to jump. (Start)

On the squares of the board, the Kings brought regiments together. There are no regiments for battle No cartridges, no bayonets. (Chess)

Proverbs and sayings about sports and a healthy lifestyle

Temper your body for the benefit of the cause.

Don't be afraid of the cold, wash yourself up to your waist.

Who goes in for sports gains strength.

The sun, air and water always help us.

Who loves sports is healthy and cheerful.

And ingenuity is needed, and hardening is important.

In a healthy body healthy mind.

Sails and rigging are in the hands of the athlete.

You will be tempered from youth, you will fit for the whole century.

The sun, air and water are our true friends.

Start a new life not from Monday, but from morning exercises.

Strong in body - rich in deed.

You don’t make friends with sports - you’ll worry about it more than once.

To walk on foot - to live long.

Give sports time, and in return get health.

A lifestyle aimed at strengthening the body, preventing diseases, maintaining good health and a positive attitude is commonly called healthy. In fact, it is impossible to clearly and concisely answer the child what a healthy lifestyle is, since this complex concept includes many important components:

  1. Physical activity- sports, hiking, morning exercises.
  2. Proper nutrition - a balanced daily diet, consisting of useful products rich in vitamins and microelements.
  3. Maintaining immunity - hardening, walking in the fresh air.
  4. Rules of personal hygiene - washing, regular bath procedures.
  5. The rational mode of the day is healthy sleep, time for activity, intellectual pursuits and relaxation.
  6. Healthy Skills and Habits - Understanding the sad consequences of smoking, alcoholism and other bad habits.
  7. Emotional well-being - positive emotions and peace of mind, as well as the absence of stress factors and depressive thoughts.

By breaking down a concept that is difficult for a young fidget into components, you can easily and easily explain to him the importance of proper habits and form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhealth, discipline and regimen.

Every caring parent knows firsthand how difficult it is to teach a child to take care of himself, to instill in him the right habits that will help maintain and improve health. World luminaries in the field of pediatrics agree: the sooner the principles of a healthy lifestyle become part of a baby’s life, the higher the likelihood of raising him to be a full-fledged, physically and emotionally developed, and therefore happy and successful person.

However, repeating the same requirements ten times, it is difficult to develop in a child an understanding and love for such important things as proper nutrition, active lifestyle and hygiene standards. If you turn a difficult learning process into an entertaining game, you can achieve much greater results.

With the advent of the Internet, which is replete with various educational games and methods (by the way, sometimes of rather dubious content), the use of folk art in the successful education of children has faded into the background, and absolutely in vain.

We have collected an interesting collection of children's riddles about human health with answers, as well as educational proverbs and sayings for your children.

The folk "treasury" of wisdom - riddles with answers, proverbs and sayings - will be very interesting for teenagers and preschoolers. Solving riddles, the child develops imagination, strengthens memory, and children's proverbs and sayings broaden his horizons, explain what is good for human health and what is bad, and teach to appreciate life.

Funny children's riddles with answers, wise folk proverbs and sayings will help you put in the memory of children the simplest rules for self-care and cultivate love for healthy life to learn how to eat right. Your task is to interest the child and present him useful information in a playful way.

It is in the game that the imagination and memory of children are maximally open to new knowledge and experiments. Come up with themed games, play out the situations “the baby is sick” or “in the hospital”, solve riddles at the same time, memorize easy-to-remember proverbs.

Be sure to explain to the child the meaning of each saying. Take for example the phrase: "Onions from all ailments." First, the child needs to be explained what a “disease” is, and then talk about the beneficial substances that are contained in onions. Tell us how this vegetable helps us fight pathogenic microbes. You will be surprised how quickly the baby will remember this proverb.

  • Take care of the dress again, health from a young age.
  • The disease seeks fatty foods.
  • The belly of the patient is smarter than the head of the doctor.
  • Pain gives news, therefore it does not give rest.
  • More people die in wine than drown in the sea.
  • In the house where the sun does not look, the doctor will look.
  • To live in the mud is to acquire consumption.
  • IN standing water all sorts of evil is going on.
  • Evening walks are useful, they remove from the disease.
  • In the house where Fresh air and sunlight, a doctor is not needed.
  • Bitter is treated, sweet is crippled.
  • Look at your feet: you won’t find anything, even though you won’t break your nose.
  • Keep your head cold, stomach hungry, feet warm.
  • Move more, live longer.
  • Eat garlic and onions - will not take the disease.
  • Hot day - go into the shade.
  • You live like that and health is like that.
  • Stale air and dirty water are a health problem.
  • Health can not be bought - his mind gives.
  • Tobacco smoke is harmful to both old and young.
  • What thoughts are such and dreams.
  • When you get sick, you feel sorry for yourself, and when you get better, you feel sorry for the money spent.
  • It is better to sweat forty times than to get frosty one.
  • For every disease, a potion grows.
  • If you don't get enough sleep, you lose your health.
  • More people die from overeating than from starvation.
  • Do not expect kindness from drugs.
  • Lie down after lunch, walk around after dinner.
  • A compassionate doctor worsens suffering.
  • Sweet to eat and drink, go to the doctors.
  • Treat yourself, only spoil.
  • One hundred diseases begin with a cold.
  • Meet the morning with exercises, see off the evening with a walk.
  • Good medicine tastes bitter.
  • If you want to cough, don't forget to cover your mouth.
  • Than whining from pain, it is better to drink medicine.


About doctors

A sick heart will heal
Heart Doctor Aibolit!


It cures skin diseases
From furuncle to erysipelas.


I was given yesterday
Two injections...


  • Read also:

Drill whistle is heard -
Treats everyone's teeth...


Don't be afraid of the pediatrician
Don't worry, calm down
Don't be naughty, don't cry
It's just childish...


This doctor will remove
My sick.
The scalpel is his best friend
Who is that doctor?


How can you see through the wall?
In glasses and in the light, and then not be able to.
And somehow he could see through it
Not only me, but also my heart.


This doctor is not just a doctor,
He heals people's eyes
Even if you can't see well
You can see everything with glasses.


Who is for the good of all people
Does he share his blood?


  • Note to moms:

About drugs

Though he pinches and burns the wound
Excellent heals - red ...


For Alyonka's scratches
There is a full bottle...


I never get discouraged
And a smile on your face
Because I accept

(A, B, C)

I'll sit under my arm
And I'll tell you what to do:
Or let me walk
Or I'll go to bed.


Very bitter - but useful!
Protects from disease!
And he is not a friend to microbes -
Because it -


Slept so that the temperature
Here is the liquid...


Unlucky today Svetka -
The doctor gave bitter ...

In this bright shop
You will see in the window
Not clothes, not food,
And not books, and not fruits.
Here is medicine and pills,
Here mustard plasters, pipettes.
Ointments, drops and balms
For you, for mom and dad.
For human health
Opens the door - ... (pharmacy).
* * *
In this fashion store
You will see in the window
Not toys, not products,
And not grandma's shoes.
Here is medicine and pills,
Ointments, drops and pipettes.
In order not to get sick
Where should you come?
(To pharmacy)

* * *
This house is multi-storey
Clean, bright, very important.
You will meet different doctors here.
Treat adults and children.
You will lie in bed
Kohl was seriously ill.
We don't want to end up here!
Where, tell me? - ... (in the hospital).

* * *
Don't be afraid of the pediatrician
Don't worry, calm down
Don't be naughty, don't cry
It's just for children ... (doctor).

* * *
There are fruits and vegetables.
Children need to eat a lot.
There are more pills
Tastes like candy.
Taken for health
Their cold season.
For Sashuli and Polina
What is useful? - ... (vitamins).

* * *
Want to get stronger?
Lift everything ... (dumbbells).

* * *
I'll sit under my arm
And I'll tell you what to do:
Or I'll lay you in bed
Or let me walk.

* * *
Drills whistle heard -
He treats teeth for everyone ... (dentist).

* * *
Who is for the good of all people
Does he share his blood?

* * *
Who is more useful in the days of illness
And cures us of all diseases?

* * *
Who sits at the patient's bedside?
And how to be treated, he tells everyone;
Who is sick - he will offer to take drops,
Anyone who is healthy will be allowed to take a walk.

* * *
It cures skin diseases
From furuncle to erysipelas.

* * *
For Alyonka's scratches
There is a full bottle ... (brilliant green).

* * *
white river
Leaked into the cave
It goes out along the stream -
Takes everything out of the walls.

* * *
skinny girl -
hard bangs,
Cools down during the day.
And in the mornings and in the evenings
Accepted to work:
Will cover your head
Yes, wash the walls.

* * *
hairy head
She fits into her mouth deftly
And counts our teeth
Mornings and evenings.
* * *
bone tail,
On the back - stubble.
* * *
He is not sugar, not flour
But it looks a little like them.
In the morning he always
It gets on the teeth.

* * *
Gnawing steel pipes
If you often brush ... (teeth)

* * *
Though he pinches and burns the wound
Treats perfectly - red ... (iodine).

* * *
A sick heart will heal
Heart Doctor Aibolit!

* * *
I was given yesterday
Two injections ... (nurse).

* * *
Slept so that the temperature
Here's a liquid ... (potion).

* * *
Declared a fight against bacilli:
I wash my hands cleanly with .... (soap).

* * *
This doctor is not just a doctor,
He heals people's eyes
Even if you can't see well
You can see everything with glasses.

* * *
How can you see through the wall?
In glasses and in the light, and then not be able to.
And somehow he could see through it
Not only me, but also my heart.

* * *
This doctor will remove
My sick appendicitis.
The scalpel is his best friend
Who is that doctor?

* * *
Since childhood, people have been told to everyone:
Nicotine is deadly ... (poison).