What does Lipnitskaya do. Yulia Lipnitskaya decided to return to big sport again, but as a coach

On January 15, the European Figure Skating Championship starts on the ice of the Moscow Megasport arena. Member of the Presidium of the Federation figure skating skating in Russia (FFKKR), President of the Federation of Sports Journalists of Russia (FSJR) Nikolai Dolgopolov spoke about the chances of the national team at the home tournament, about competition in women's skating and the absence in men's, as well as about Yulia Lipnitskaya, who ended her career.

Nikolai Mikhailovich, before we talk about the medal chances of the Russian team at the European Championships, I would like to ask the following. Why is there competition in Russian women's skating, but not in men's? Girls have a new name every year. A vivid example of this is Alina Zagitova, the winner of the Grand Prix final.

And now there are two girls who do men's quadruple jumps. One of them is 14-year-old Alena Kostornaya, she is amazing. And they all train with the same mentor - Eteri Tutberidze. Turned out to be a very talented coach. She pulled them up.

Since you have mentioned Tutberidze. Why couldn’t she continue to “pull up” the Olympic champion in the team, Yulia Lipnitskaya?

Lipnitskaya could not hold out for long. And I will say that I have seen few such difficult people as Yulia and her mother.

Global Look Press/ZUMAPRESS.com/Michael Goulding/

Julia Lipnitskaya

How is such a character isolated, and even at such a young age?

The conditions of the family life in which she grew up. It was a very unusual situation. Mom was the most important. When I met her, I was just taken aback. I saw a lot of mothers of figure skaters, and sports mothers in general, but never like this.

What surprised you?

Rigidity and bias towards people.

Can we say that it was her mother who broke Julia?

No. I think no. Such a tandem was created. Although I am sure that after figure skating, my daughter will be able to prove herself somewhere. And my mother has a very difficult character. When Lipnitskaya, after the 2014 Olympics, took second place at the World Championships in Tokyo, without any doubt losing to the ice mistress of the great Mao Asada, I, as the head of the delegation, came up and congratulated her. And both turned away from me, did not hear.


website/Sergey Bulkin

Rafael Huseynov, editor-in-chief of the website portal, Grigory Enikolopov, editor of the sports department of the website, and Nikolai Dolgopolov, member of the Presidium of the Figure Skating Federation of the Russian Federation

Mom thought that it was because of people like me that they lose, that we didn’t fight for Yulia in any way. You see, then Yulia was supposed to be the third. But at this World Cup, she was still remembered and idolized for her semi-childish red dress, and against the backdrop of Sochi's success, she was very friendly and kindly judged in Japan. She was a favorite. The second place is God's help plus a touching girlish look. But my mother believed that her daughter was sued, and that we did nothing to help Yulia. As I understand it, this is a false idea, and the girl was inspired.

Even despite the fact that coach Tutberidze has a strong character ...

I think that for her the departure of Lipnitskaya was a deliverance.

Everything is clear with Lipnitskaya. So why is there no competition for men?

Because there were no guys needed for this sport. They are just now showing up. There are capable boys who have completely, at least for me, pulled themselves up to the level of world figure skating, which, it seemed, had hopelessly gone ahead in three or four years of our timelessness. Gone, but not hopeless. If earlier at the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver there were disputes and whole discussions about why the Russians needed these quads and Plushenko, who jumped them, was brazenly mocked, leading the American Evan Lysacek to the champions, who did not even try to make a single quad, now without this jump it’s better not to come to major tournaments at all.

At the 2018 Russian Championship, all the skaters who took places from 1st to 10th jumped or tried to jump. Who performed two, and who did three, and the tenth in rank performed a quadruple in training, but failed at the competition. This is an indicator of how much we have rushed forward. But I think that this Olympic train has already run away from our guys. And now only by 2022, by the Beijing Olympics, will we have good guys, if nothing happens.

But what about Maxim Kovtun?

TASS/AP Photo/Julie Jacobson

Maxim Kovtun final stage Figure Skating Grand Prix in Lake Placid

In my opinion, the wrong bet was made on Kovtun, who performed four quads in training. This is a very important achievement, which could not be repeated in the official international tournaments. Everyone thought that this guy would become the second Plushenko, but it didn’t work out at all. In these days, in these months, his fate is being decided. Maybe he will leave altogether, because sometimes it seems that everything has been exhausted - both patience and trust.

What are our chances for the European Championship?

Dmitry Aliev is still in juniors, but his coach decided that he could compete with adults and took third place in Russia, which is quite good. Alexander Samarin is also yesterday's junior and silver medalist of the adult national championship. Mikhail Kolyada could not perform quads last year, but now he has mastered them. He can take third place or even second. And, if we continue this “even”, then the first, if the favorite - the Spaniard Xavier Fernandez - does not get in shape. I think it's time for Fernandez to leave after the Olympics: he can no longer master the jumps that younger competitors do.

website/Sergey Bulkin

Member of the Presidium of the Figure Skating Federation of the Russian Federation Nikolai Dolgopolov

As for women, Evgenia Medvedeva and Zagitova have the greatest chances for gold. But in pairs I think that Evgenia Tarasova - Vladimir Morozov can perform well. In dancing, Ekaterina Bobrova-Dmitry Solovyov has good chances for second place.

What tasks are set for the athletes at this Euro?

A little girl in a red dress easily takes off and falls on the ice to the tune from the movie Schindler's List. The next day, she will receive a letter of gratitude personally from director Spielberg for the created image. And experts will say: not a performance, but some kind of effect of the 25th frame. Don't take your eyes off Lipnitskaya.

The youngest single skater who became the Olympic champion in the team event. Tight lips. Sly squint. Fragile but strong. The whole country loved her like that. And here is some unexpected news: Yulia Lipnitskaya is leaving the sport.

The TASS agency quotes the words of the mother of the figure skater Yulia Lipnitskaya: “Julia informed the leadership of the federation about her plans to end her career back in April, immediately after returning from Europe, where she underwent a three-month treatment for anorexia.”

Before that, there was no talk about such details of Yulia's life. Lipnitskaya, although she did not often give interviews, but if she spoke with journalists, then she was quite open. She told, for example, about the transitional age and, quite the contrary, the fight against excess weight.

“I used to think that the phrase “getting better from the air” is just such a turn of speech, but what happened to me is best reflected by these words,” the athlete said in an interview with Sports.ru.

Last year, again, she did not hide why she missed the Russian Championship in December - an injury, she slipped on the street. However, failures began immediately after Sochi. Ninth place in the Russian Championship, did not qualify for the European Championship. Then Yulia does not go on the ice for almost a year. Returns in October 2015 during a tournament in Finland. Whether she leaves or not, this time Yulia herself is in no hurry to explain.

“She has not yet come to the Federation, she has not yet said that she is leaving, although I have not seen her for a very long time already. A person who would like to return would have already returned,” says coach Tatyana Tarasova.

Tatyana Tarasova believes that fame came to Yulia too early. As a teenager, she took the "gold" of the European Championship, the "silver" of the World Championship, "shot" at the Olympics in Sochi. Then there are the problems of growth, which only hinder growth in sports. Coach Alexei Mishin has a different version: perhaps Yulia set the bar too high and in the end she was just tired.

“I came to the rink and realized that I couldn’t skate anymore. These are the states of the human soul," he says.

Alexei Mishin is the coach of Elizaveta Tuktamysheva, once one of Lipnitskaya's main rivals. Tuktamysheva is called a child prodigy in figure skating. From the age of 12, she masterfully and easily performs triple jumps of any complexity. There are enough strong young skaters in Russia today, and again, competition that is not easy to withstand.

"Women's single skating remains the strongest in Russia. We have a very strong position. Following Yulia, Liza Tuktamysheva became the world champion. And now the leadership is very clearly and confidently taken by Evgenia Medvedeva, who has already become two-time champion world,” says coach Ilya Averbukh.

Medvedeva is a pupil of Eteri Tuberidze. It was this coach who once led Lipnitskaya to victory in Sochi. Then Julia decided to change her coach. Passed on to Alexei Urmanov. Moved from Moscow to Sochi. Looking for myself. Perhaps the end of a career is a continuation of the search, suggest in the Figure Skating Federation.

“Maybe they want to study? And at 19, it's not too late to start. So I started coaching at the age of 19,” says Tatyana Tarasova.

Whatever Yulia Lipnitskaya decides, her victory is unique. After the Olympics, the figure skater won something more weighty than a cup, a medal or a figurine - people's love.

Essentially did the same; although three years ago it seemed that the heroines of Sochi-2014 were just starting their journey in sports. Why did this path end so quickly for them? Andrey Simonenko, editor-in-chief of the R-Sport agency, discusses this.

scary word

It was perhaps the most powerful image of the Sochi Olympics in terms of emotional content - on a huge empty ice stands a little girl in a red coat. This is Yulia Lipnitskaya, who herself chose the most difficult topic of "Schindler's List" and then received a letter from Steven Spielberg for the exact hit in the image. Not the most artistic figure skater, thanks to the staging genius of Ilya Averbukh, conquered the whole country, becoming only one of those who forged the team gold of the Games, but according to the inexplicable laws of media, the most beloved.

Then it seemed that Lipnitskaya, casting a naive and bewildered look back in Schindler's List, somewhere where her difficult childhood in Yekaterinburg and the hardest period in Moscow remained, Lipnitskaya would take more than one gold into her collection. And, honor to the skater and praise, she did not leave to rest on the Olympic laurels, although she could. Went to after Olympic champion at the world and won silver there, losing only to almost the main loser of Sochi, Mao Asada, who in her native Japanese ice as a consolation, nothing less than gold would simply not be given.

Lipnitskaya began to prepare for the next season, but then, as they say, hers also began: age-related changes in the body, injuries, the inability to train 100 percent, breaking and so very difficult nature ... By the winter of 2014/15, it was clear that it would be very difficult for Yulia to cope with all this, and the ninth place in the first post-Olympic championship of Russia was proof of this.

Full trust in the coach could have helped, but at that moment the relationship between Lipnitskaya and Eteri Tutberidze had already cracked. It came to a split in the fall of 2015, and at some point it even seemed that Alexei Urmanov, to whom the figure skater went to train, could re-ignite the fading star ... But it didn’t work out. It's not the jumps' fault. Julia did not solve the main problem - how to deal with her own body. I tried to decide, but it would be better not to do this.

Because then everything happened that now entailed the physical impossibility of skating further. The word "anorexia" was whispered by those who saw the state in which Lipnitskaya went on the ice at the beginning of the 2016/17 season. After the Moscow stage of the Grand Prix Olympic champion after two minutes of the free program, exhausted, she simply stopped, it became clear that she needed to be treated and, most likely, finish - otherwise everything could have ended very sadly. And now this terrible diagnosis has sounded aloud.

Who is to blame for the fact that "the girl in the red coat" went down in history so early? Perhaps the answer to this question is banal, but there is no alternative - life. Clash of characters, personalities, circumstances. Thanks to Lipnitskaya for being there, in Iceberg, and turning the memories of millions into a vivid video postcard for life.

Maybe she still wants to?

Adelina Sotnikova has a completely different story. Now this has already been forgotten, but the 2013/14 Olympic season for her was not just bad, but very bad. At both stages of the Grand Prix - breakdowns. In the finals of the Grand Prix - a failure. A very rough European Championship lost to Lipnitskaya. If someone at that moment, a month before Sochi, said that Sotnikova would become an Olympic champion, he would be considered ... well, let him be a great optimist.

But in "Iceberg" Adeline gave out two performances of her life. She did, in fact, what she had never been able to do in all the pre-Olympic years - she purely performed two programs (a nonsense blot in the free program does not count). Golden Olympic medal Sotnikova is a reward not only for the fantastic diligence, perseverance and character of this wonderful and very kind girl, but also, I must admit, a happy occasion.

And therefore, even then, many people had a question in their heads - would Adeline want to again plunge into this atmosphere of suffering, both physical and moral, in order to risk the reputation of an Olympic champion? Lipnitskaya seemed at that moment a much more reliable bet for the next four years. Sotnikova took a break immediately after the Olympics.

But I still tried to come back. Although the futility of her attempt, perhaps, was predetermined by the fact that she, unlike Lipnitskaya, was completely immersed in social life. It was only Maria Sharapova who managed to combine business with pleasure throughout her career, and even then thanks to competent management. In the case of Adeline, alas, there was no need to talk about anything like that.

And yet, the Olympic champion performed in the first half of the 2015/16 season. The brightest was her skating at the Moscow stage of the Grand Prix. “If he wants to, he can return,” so many people said, looking at the figure skater who had matured and learned to feel the music perfectly. But Sotnikova did not enter the top three at the Russian Championship of the same season and did not qualify for the European and World Championships ...

The key, perhaps, was September 2016. Adelina performed at the test skates in Sochi with new programs. Even though it was technically not perfect skating, it was quite a worthy foundation on which even in that season it was possible to build something. But Sotnikova, unfortunately, chose a different path - she went to the "Ice Age", to television. Unfortunately for all those who consider figure skating a sport.

No, officially, according to coach Evgeni Plushenko, Adelina Sotnikova has not gone anywhere, but simply skips the season. But key moment here, if you believe. All this has already happened. Plushenko himself, after the Olympics in Sochi, missed season after season, continuing to be listed in the reserve of the national team. He had more and more new medical procedures, keeping his back operated on several times in a condition sufficient for performances in the show. But it was clear to everyone that the two-time Olympic champion would no longer compete on the ice. There are other loads and other training. Everything was clear to everyone, but the federation extended his membership in the national team from season to season, until the great skater finally announced his decision to become a coach.

A very similar story is happening with Sotnikova. Officially - an injury. Real - for example, a show in mid-August in Italy. Although ... let's leave the ellipsis here. A very similar story does not mean the same.

“After the Olympics, I have matured ... I feel that I have a different attitude not only to sports, but also to life in general. Now I look at my skating differently. I want the audience to understand that I am really an Olympic champion, that this is not an accident, that I was put on for a reason!”, Adelina said in one of the post-Sochi interviews with R-Sport.

Maybe she really still wants to?

Yulia Lipnitskaya - Russian figure skater, gold medalist of the Sochi 2014 Olympic Games, Honored Master of Sports. Born in Yekaterinburg, June 5, 1998. From birth, she was brought up in an incomplete family, by her mother Daniela Leonidovna Lipnitskaya. WITH early childhood Yulia was a very active and agile child. In 2002, her mother sent her to the Yekaterinburg figure skating school - SDYUSSHOR Lokomotiv. There under the guidance experienced trainers- Marina Voitsekhovskaya and Elena Levkovets, the girl began to learn the basics of figure skating. According to Elena Levkovets, the girl was initially very hardworking and, despite her age, she took training seriously, she didn’t even cry when she fell on the ice.

The beginning of a sports career

Over the seven-year period of study at the Lokomotiv Sports School, Yulia Lipnitskaya received the basic foundation of knowledge and skills, which later helped her become an Olympic champion. After several years of hard training, she began to win tournaments in Yekaterinburg and regional competitions, and soon she had no equal in the region. As soon as the young athlete began to participate in all-Russian tournaments, it became clear that more high level skill. Therefore, after some time, Yulia and her mother chose a new coach from Moscow for her - Eteri Tutberidze, who, looking at the girl's skills, accepted her into her group SDYUSSHOR No. 37 in Moscow. And in March 2009, Yulia and her mother moved from Yekaterinburg to Moscow.

Still very young Yulia Lipnitskaya at the awards ceremony

After six months of training with Tutberidze, the young athlete learned to perform all types of triple jumps. At the junior championship of Russia of the 2009-2010 season, Yulia took fifth place. In 2011, Lipnitskaya participated in her first international competitions, she immediately won the Grand Prix in Poland. In the same year, at the Grand Prix in Italy, she wins again. Another Golden medal, was won by a figure skater in December 2011, in the final of the Grand Prix in figure skating, which was held in Canada.

The first competition in 2012, at the Russian Championship among juniors, Yulia won with a significant advantage. The series of victories continued at the Junior World Championships, which took place in March of the same year. She confidently took first place, leaving American Gracie Gold far behind. At the Finlandia Trophy tournament held in October 2012, the Finnish figure skater Kiira Korpi beat Yuliya by 5 points in the short program, and became the winner. But in the sum of both programs, Yulia outperformed the Finn by 7 points and eventually won the gold of the tournament. Coach Eteri Tutberidze noted that her pupil managed to win the tournament with a left leg injury.

Yulia Lipnitskaya speaking

But all these competitions were among juniors. In November 2012, Lipnitskaya had to start a new stage in her biography and enter the cohort of adult skaters - this happened in China. Passing in Shanghai Cup tournament of China was marked by Lipnitskaya's victory in the short program. In the free program, as well as in the tournament itself, the Japanese Mao Asada won, Yulia got an honorable second place. In mid-November 2012, the Russian figure skater turned right leg, but despite this, she agreed to participate in the French Grand Prix Trophee Eric Bompard. In the short program, Yulia managed to overtake the American Ashley Wagner and take first place, but, unfortunately, the Russian athlete received only a bronze medal in terms of total points. A head injury did not allow Lipnitskaya to take part in the Grand Prix final of the 2012-2013 season, held in Sochi. Julia performed well in Milan (Italy) at the World Junior Championships, she won second place.

The new 2013-2014 season started very well for Lipnitskaya, she won the Finnish Finlandia Trophy championship, becoming the best in both the free program and the short program. At the end of October 2013, she wins again, but already at the Grand Prix in Canada. In an interview, she admitted that her spins were far from ideal. The Grand Prix Final in Japanese Fukuoka brought her second place. Having won the European Championships in Hungary, held in January 2014, Lipnitskaya once again proved that she is one of the strongest athletes in the world in the women's single skating. Tatyana Tarasova admitted that she was impressed by the performance of the Russian figure skater, and the Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation Vitaly Mutko said that this victory earned the Russian figure skater a place in the Olympic team.

Olympics in Sochi

By the Olympics in Sochi-2014 Lipnitskaya came up in a good physical form, she became the first in recent competitions in Finland, Canada and Hungary. However, in January 2014, coach Eteri Tutberidze said that her ward is making a lot of efforts to fight overweight.

But then came the Olympics. February 8, at the team competition, Yulia perfectly completed short program under the romance "Do not renounce loving." Having completed a very difficult cascade, she smoothly and easily went through the entire performance, without making a single mistake. The young Russian woman took first place, beating Italian Caroline Costner by 2 points.

The next day, Lipnitskaya was again the best, emotionally performing a free program to the sad melody from the movie Schindler's List. These two performances by Yulia made a significant contribution to the overall victory of the Russian team in team competitions and allowed the skater herself to become the youngest Olympic champion in the history of Russia and the USSR.

Yulia Lipnitskaya at the award ceremony in Sochi

But after such an emotional and successful performance in team competitions, Lipnitskaya failed to recover, especially emotionally. She, already being an Olympic champion, had to compete in single skating, under the weight of responsibility and under the gaze of fans who expected her second Olympic gold. Did not work out. On February 19 and 20, the figure skater skated the short and free programs, taking 5th and 6th places, respectively. Both times Lipnitskaya fell on the ice, so she received low marks, and in the sum of two performances she took only 5th place. Despite this result, everyone understood that Yulia was still young and everything was still ahead in her biography.

Lipnitskaya and her coach Eteri Tutberidze at the Sochi Olympics

Continuing a career

In March 2014, the World Championship in Japan showed that Lipnitskaya is not losing ground and keeps a high professional level. She did not stop performing in the Olympic season, as many skaters did, and continued to compete. The championship in Japan brought the skater a silver award.

The new season 2014-2015 for Yulia began with the Grand Prix in Shanghai, the Russian won the short program, but in the end she took only second place. The Russian figure skater was absent from the awards ceremony, for which she later apologized, but was nevertheless fined. At the 5th stage of the Grand Prix in Bordeaux on November 22-23, Yulia again took second place. Moreover, in both competitions, she lost first place to Russian figure skaters. These two podiums allowed the athlete to participate in the Grand Prix final, but, unfortunately, the final did not work out. Having performed well in the short program, Yulia fell twice in the free program and took the 5th final place.

The series of failures of the young figure skater after the Olympics in Sochi continued. At the 2014 Russian Championship, which was a qualifying round for the European Championship, Lipnitskaya performed very poorly, 9th place was not the result that the Olympic champion was counting on.

The legendary performance of the Russian figure skater at the Sochi Olympics in 2014 made the young athlete a real star. A fragile girl in a spectacular red suit performed incredible jumps and spins to the music from the movie Schindler's List.

The phenomenal talent of the fifteen-year-old figure skater captivated millions of viewers around the world. However, in 2017, the athlete announced the completion sports career, which became the most talked about news in the sports community. In this article, we will find out why Yulia Lipnitskaya made such a decision. The latest news of 2017 details the decline of the figure skater's career, the difficulties and problems she had to face.

colossal stress

After a landmark performance Olympic Games, the athlete deservedly became the Olympic champion in the team tournament. Yulia was personally congratulated by the President Russian Federation, and numerous sports fans made her the main heroine of the Olympics. An unprecedented fame fell upon the fifteen-year-old figure skater, millions of fans began to follow her career. The attention of the Russian and foreign press was riveted to every performance of the young talent, to every jump.

Having become a legend of the Sochi Olympics, Julia struggled to keep the bar high. However, mistakes and unsuccessful performances constantly haunted her. The athlete took each new failure very seriously and constantly worried because of the unjustified hopes of the fans.

In 2015, at the Russian Championship, a talented girl managed to take only 9th place. In the same year, at the Grand Prix, she also showed no best result, becoming only the fifth. Such results lead to the fact that Julia goes to another coach. Commenting last news 2017 that Yulia Lipnitskaya left the sport, many athletes consider the change of coach to be a turning point.

For a long time Lipnitskaya trained under the guidance of the famous coach Eteri Tutberidze. However, the conflict between them has been brewing for a long time. The heavy psychological burden that Yulia faced after the Olympics required constant help and participation. Perhaps the coach could not pay enough attention to the champion, as she was preparing other members of the Russian national team.

In relation to Julia, the position of the coach was based on the continuation of hard work, despite the dizzying successes. Tutberidze demanded from the ward a high workload and mastering the skills that the young skater needed.

In 2015, the athlete moves to Alexei Urmanov, who is considered an excellent specialist. He pays a lot of attention to his ward, trying to help her cope with the psychological stress and restore peace of mind. At the same time, the intensity of training is slightly reduced. However, the change of coach did not help Yulia regain her former glory; at the Russian Championship in 2016, she took only 7th place. Exacerbated old injuries and new falls led to the fact that Lipnitskaya missed several significant competitions and the Russian championship in 2017.

Yulia Lipnitskaya, figure skater, d the laws of physiology

The phenomenon of Yulia Lipnitskaya, who won the hearts of millions of spectators with her performance, is not only in the skating technique. The inner fortitude, charisma and artistry helped the young skater to become a real star. After her triumphant victory, Julia faced many difficulties and obstacles that made it very difficult to advance in the profession. Thanks to strong character the champion struggled with circumstances for a long time, but at some point she gave up.

A feature of the female body is that at a certain age, body weight begins to increase. This is typical of almost all women, so nature prepares them for future motherhood. Fragile and slender figure skaters also have similar problems. At a certain age, they begin to gain weight and only strict diets and grueling workouts help to keep in shape.

Starting in 2015, Julia began to rapidly gain weight, and this process was associated with hormonal changes in the body, and it was very difficult to influence it. The athlete began an active struggle with extra pounds, however, daily jogging and refusal to eat did not bring the desired result. Excess weight had a very strong effect on the performances of the girl, lightness and flexibility disappeared. It became difficult for Julia to perform incredible rotations, which became her hallmark.

Trying to regain her former shape, the skater began to severely limit her diet. However, this decision resulted in serious health problems. According to the latest news of 2017 about Yulia Lipnitskaya, the girl was diagnosed with a serious anorexia. The disease developed gradually, undermining the athlete's vitality and affecting her mental balance. The lack of nutrients led to muscle weakness, making difficult jumps almost impossible. At one of the performances, the famous figure skater was unable to complete the program, as her legs were cramped from constant hunger strikes.

Health problems led to the fact that Julia was forced to undergo treatment for anorexia. The girl spent three months in one of the European clinics, and upon returning home, she announced the end of her sports career. The main reason for this decision, according to the mother of the skater, was serious health problems. After the completion of the treatment, Yulia did not begin to lose the gained kilograms, tired of exhausting diets.

The news about the departure of the legend of the Sochi Olympics from the sport excited the entire sports community. Some athletes and coaches expressed their versions of what was happening, but it is impossible to deny the seriousness of the athlete's illness. Having gained weight, Julia will never be able to achieve phenomenal jumps and rotations, and it is impossible to constantly be in a state of anorexia.

Future plans

A talented athlete began to exercise figure skating from the age of four. The girl showed amazing abilities and flexibility early on, so the family had to move to Moscow to further develop her talent. Julia devoted most of her life to sports, so her decision to permanently abandon her favorite business surprised not only her fans.

Various comments regarding this incident upset Lipnitskaya very much. Some colleagues believe that Yulia simply did not have enough character for further development. Having become the youngest champion in the history of Russian figure skating, she stopped training at the proper level. The skater does not comment on such statements, but her efforts to return to their former positions speak for themselves. Julia did everything she could, but circumstances were stronger than her.

Nevertheless, the vast majority of fans and colleagues support the athlete, wishing her recovery. Julia has done quite a lot for the national sport, has contributed to the Olympic victory, flashing a bright star. The latest news about Yulia Lipnitskaya highlights what the famous figure skater is doing now.

After completing her sports career, Julia is trying to learn how to live in an ordinary world, free from constant training and exciting performances. According to rumors, one of the companies involved in the restaurant business offered the girl to take a leadership position in one of the areas. The athlete has not yet reacted to this proposal, enjoying a free life without physical activity and diets.

Discussing appearance figure skaters, some netizens have spoken out about Yulia's possible pregnancy. However, this information turned out to be just rumors, as the athlete herself wrote on the social network. Lipnitskaya reacted quite sharply to the assumptions about her interesting position and said that she was not going to exhaust herself with diets for the pleasure of her fans anymore.

Considering the latest news about Yulia Lipnitskaya today, it should be noted that in 2017 the Olympic champion became the owner of her own apartment in the capital. For achievements at the Olympic Games, a representative of the construction company Sezar Group presented the girl with the keys to her own living space in the south-west of Moscow. Having learned that the Olympic champion dreams of acquiring an apartment, the company decided to give her a gift. This was a real surprise for the skater, who was sincerely delighted with the apartments in the new building.

The athlete was especially pleased with the location of the new housing. Julia loves nature very much and has been fond of equestrian sports since childhood, so a large forest area located next to the new apartment was a real surprise. The happy owner of her own living space notes with joy that she is already looking forward to long walks along the green alleys.

Currently, the skater is passionate about repairing and arranging her home. She wants to create a large, cozy space filled with light. According to Yulia, she always dreamed of having her own apartment, because after moving to the capital, she and her mother always had to rent a house. Many see the future career of an athlete in sports journalism or show business, she might choose coaching.