Exercise wiring dumbbells on an inclined bench. Breeding dumbbells lying on an incline bench: exercises and technique

Low bow, dear readers! Today (however, as always) a very sound technical article awaits us, and it will be devoted to the lying dumbbell laying exercise. After reading, you will learn all about its advantages, execution technique, the dangers that it is fraught with and much more interesting things.

So, I ask everyone to sit down according to the purchased tickets, we begin.

Lying dumbbell spread. What, why and why?

It's no secret that the most polar exercise for guys in any gym is . It can be said that it is written in their (us) DNA. We reach out to him in every possible way and try at the first convenient opportunity to take a stand and perform lifting and lowering movements with a barbell. Well, okay, this is not forbidden, but a person is an addicted nature, and, doing something more 21 day it becomes a habit for him, and he begins to perform the procedure automatically. In other words, having tried the bench press once, he can no longer come off the bench and constantly trains his pectoral muscles with the same exercise. And this is no longer good.

Lying dumbbell layout is a ray of light in the dark kingdom :) for chest ones and the variety that they lacked so much. Actually, let's start as usual - with the theoretical part.

Anatomical atlas

Dumbbell spread - isolated exercise, which is aimed at working out the pectoral (pectoral) muscles and developing their width. It allows the bodybuilder to create a more impressive chest contour and also increase lung capacity.

The main muscles that take part in the work are:

  • target muscles - pectoralis major;
  • synergists - pectoral, anterior deltoid, biceps (short head);
  • stabilizers - biceps, brachialis, triceps, wrist flexors.

In the picture version, the anatomical atlas looks like this:

Now let's look at the benefits that an athlete gets from doing the dumbbell bench press exercise. These include…


No. 1. Strengthening several muscle groups at once

This exercise allows you to strengthen a large muscle layer - the upper body: pectoral, deltas, biceps and triceps.

No. 2. Better than pushups

Wiring dumbbells on incline bench able to generate more muscle activity in the chest than classic push-ups from the floor (data scientific research American Council on Exercise for 2012 year).

No. 3. Correct posture and good stretching

Performing dumbbell breeding has a positive effect on the formation correct posture. Due to stretching movements (at the bottom of the range of motion) there is a removal of "clamps" in the spine. In addition, muscle contraction (“trap” in the connective tissue layer) limits their growth potential. Stretching gives you more room to fill your muscles.

No. 4. Ease of implementation

The exercise can be easily performed at home without resorting to special equipment. All you need is a horizontal surface at some elevation from the floor and a dumbbell (can be replaced with water bottles).

No. 5. Faster muscle growth

In one study, it was shown that a muscle in a state of stretch under load grows faster (than in her absence).

The biggest problem that beginner (and not only) athletes face is that they do not really feel the work of their pectoral muscles. For example, you can often hear that the indicators (working weights) in the bench press are growing, but the chest does not respond in any way to growth and is not felt at all the next day after training. Often this occurs due to poor (insufficient) communication between the central nervous system and the chest. Because of this, the wrong muscles are used during the exercise, and their full disclosure (in this case pectoral muscles) potential does not occur.

Breeding dumbbells is an isolated (unlike the bench press, where the shoulders and triceps are also included in the work) chest exercise. By doing it, you will slowly pump this connection and “teach” your chest to work more efficiently.

Now let's take a step-by-step look at the technique for performing the exercise.

Execution technique

Step #1.

Take dumbbells of a suitable weight in your hands, sit on a horizontal bench, and then, lying down, throw them on your chest with your knees (or just ask a partner to serve, from above). starting position- dumbbells neutral grip (palms facing each other) are at the top on slightly bent arms, the legs are rigidly rested on the floor, there is a deflection in the lower back.

Step #2.

Slowly (while inhaling) spread the dumbbells to the sides (V lowest point feel the stretch) in a wide arc, describing a semicircle in the air. As soon as the dumbbells reach the level of the chest (or slightly lower), squeeze the chest, bringing your hands back along the same path, exhale.

Step #3.

Hold for a second at the top (not allowing dumbbells to touch) and again slowly repeat the movement for the specified number of times.

In the picture version, all this disgrace looks like this:

  • the exercise should be performed slowly, focusing on stretching and contraction pectoral muscles;
  • do not linger for a long time at the top;
  • try not to touch the dumbbells at the top of the exercise;
  • use the full range of motion, lowering (spreading) the dumbbell down to a comfortable position and a slight stretch in the chest;
  • don't let the dumbbells get too close to your body, use a wide semi-circle of motion.


There are various variations of the lying dumbbell layout, in particular, such:

  • at an angle (down up, 1, 2 ) . In the second case, the upper chest is “loaded” better, in the first case, more weight is squeezed out and the middle and lower sections are better loaded;
  • V block simulator (3 ) .

What happens if you do not follow the execution technique

Any exercise in case of non-compliance correct technique becomes traumatic, and here is a list of its most common forms of manifestation.

No. 1. Risk of injury

Torn ligaments and damage to the tendons of the shoulder bag can severely limit your mobility. Therefore, do not start work with large weights and without a thorough warm-up;

No. 2. Improper technique

Some bodybuilders don't watch their elbows and drop them too far down. All this creates a negative load on the shoulder joints, and even with moderate (and even bigger) weight may cause injury.

No. 3. Haste

Hurrying when laying dumbbells can cause serious injury, including the spine - when the lower back is bent, and dumbbells with a lot of weight are in the hands.

No. 4. No elbow lock

Throughout the movement, the elbows should be in the lockout (blocking) position. Otherwise, its absence creates serious damage to the rotator cuff of the shoulder.


The angle of the bench determines the trajectory of the dumbbells. As soon as the back goes down (in relation to the standard, at 45 degrees, the position of the simulator, figure No. 1) and the angle of inclination increases, the focus of the load gradually shifts down the pectoral muscle. The upper pecs are best engaged when the bench angle is 30-45 degrees from the floor.

Well, in conclusion, a small battle, or rather, a comparison of the bench press and dumbbell breeding.

Very often from beginners (and not only) you can hear: “which exercise is better, number one or number two?”. Now we will try to find out.

The barbell press is an incredibly popular bodybuilding exercise. In connection with this popularity in the gym, it can be damn difficult to find an empty bench and bar to perform it. The entire muscle layer of the pectoral muscles works in the bench press, but the lower and middle sections of the pectoral muscles are most loaded. However, regardless of what you've heard about this basic movement, the bench press is not the best chest exercise. It is good for increasing strength, however, in terms of developing the texture of the pectoral muscles and attracting the maximum number of fibers, there are better exercises, in particular, dumbbell wiring.

Breeding helps to isolate the chest much better (because only one joint is involved in the work, unlike several in the bench press) and better work out the upper section. The dumbbell layout perfectly develops the width of the chest and creates a more symmetrical appearance.

In this regard, we can conclude: if you want to make your muscles stronger and take more weight, then the bench press is the best solution in this situation. In turn, breeding dumbbells perfectly stretches the chest, develops their width, “filling in the gaps” to create more attractive appearance chest. Therefore, you should not rush about and look for the best, just combine these two exercises to build more harmonious muscles.

Well, perhaps, that's all - what is stated, considered, it remains to sum up and see each other :).


One more technical note has become more, today the pantheon has been replenished with an article on the topic "laying dumbbell layout." Now you have one more tool for creating a shaped breast in your hands. It remains the case for small things, to apply the knowledge gained in practice, so we all blow together in the hall and implement it!

Bye everyone and see you soon!

PS. We stretch our fingers, ask practical questions and simply unsubscribe comments in the form below.

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network - plus 100 points to karma, guaranteed.

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Very often in bodybuilding, novice athletes avoid exercises with complex execution techniques. Well, if the exercise can be replaced by another, no less effective, but what if it is isolated, and the replacement leaves much to be desired? Right! It is necessary to learn the technique and learn how to perform it, turning it into the most favorite exercise. Dumbbell laying is the focus of this article. The technique and advice of professional athletes will help all beginners master the best isolated exercise for the chest muscles.

What is the lying dumbbell layout for?

This exercise is quite interesting in that it stretches to the sides. muscle fibers chest muscles. In fact, it creates the effect of a bulging chest, dividing the right and left pectoral muscles between them. Newcomers who have just come to gym, laying dumbbells lying down will not be useful, because what kind of relief can we talk about if the muscles are practically absent. Of course, if a beginner has a desire to learn how to perform an exercise, no one can refuse him this.

Another thing is if a novice athlete has excess weight, including in the area chest. Wiring such a person will allow you to quickly and effectively resolve the issue of fatty deposits in the chest area. This exercise is recommended for both men and women.

Types and alternative exercises

Wiring dumbbells lying on a bench happens three types and differs only in the angle of the bench. Each type of wiring is responsible for focusing the load in a specific area of ​​​​the pectoral muscles, which coincides with the name of the type:

  • horizontal wiring responsible for the central part of the pectoral muscles;
  • upside down angled focuses on the top of the chest;
  • at an angle upside down wiring affects the lower part of the chest.

An alternative to this exercise is considered to be the wiring in the butterfly simulator. The problem with this simulator is that it allows you to work out only the central part of the pectoral muscles. In addition, for many professional athletes, the lying dumbbell layout is more effective due to the load, which is not limited to one hundred kilograms.

Execution technique

The layout of dumbbells lying on an incline bench, as well as on a flat bench, has technical requirements that are very important to study. The fact is that the exercise is traumatic. Failure to follow safety precautions can lead to damage to the elbow and shoulder joint. Sometimes weak carpal joints were subjected to dislocations. The technique is described in detail below.

  1. Lie on a bench with your feet shoulder-width apart and resting them on the floor.
  2. Take dumbbells in both hands and raise them above you at chest level.
  3. Take the starting position, slightly bending your arms at the elbow joint, bring the dumbbells together so that the palms are directed towards each other.
  4. Important! The angle of the elbow joint and the direction of the palms remain unchanged during the entire exercise.
  5. Spread the dumbbells to the sides in one vertical plane.
  6. The location of the dumbbells at the level shoulder girdle will be the end point in the exercise.
  7. Bring both dumbbells together over your chest. Perform along the same trajectory along which they descended.

Unseen circumstances

The layout of dumbbells lying on an inclined or straight bench for professional athletes has a number of improvements that had to be introduced unofficially due to frequent injuries when working with large weights. The problem is that increasing the weight in the exercise at some point makes it impossible to throw the dumbbell with one hand to its original position. You can’t do without outside help - you need someone to give dumbbells. But what if there is no assistant nearby?

The technique is quite interesting, it requires some skill and good coordination of movements.

  1. Sit on the edge of the bench and place the dumbbells on your knees in an upright position.
  2. Without changing your position in the knees and hip joint, lean back, trying to quickly touch the bench with your back. Thanks to the inertia given by the body to the arms, it is easier to raise the dumbbells to their original position, which is what needs to be done.
  3. By fixing the hands in the starting position, you can relax the hip and knee-joint putting your feet on the floor.
  4. Further, the exercise is performed according to the standard technique.

Work on mistakes

Many professional athletes recommend for beginners to increase strength and better set muscle mass work with large weights to the detriment of the number of repetitions. However, judging by the numerous reviews in the media, such recommendations do not apply to wiring. For this exercise Prioritize light weight and high reps. Indeed, as noted earlier, laying dumbbells lying on a bench is a very traumatic exercise.

For the last two sets, those who want to stretch their tight pecs can stretch. To do this, you need to take a small weight (basically it is 50% of the worker) and perform the wiring with the elbows lowered as much as possible. Naturally, the exercise is performed on slightly bent elbows. If the spine bends during the exercise with the protrusion of the chest forward, this should not be prevented.

Fans of forced exercises and drop sets cannot do without a partner. The partner must not only quickly change dumbbells, but also secure the exercise. To do this, he must squat at the head of the bench and support the athlete's arms by the elbows with a full grip of the hand.


If you understand the execution technique, the layout of dumbbells lying down will not seem difficult exercise. But this impression is deceptive. Before starting with a working weight, many professionals recommend working out the technique to automatism with dumbbells for warming up.

But, having comprehended the correctness of the wiring, any athlete, even a beginner, will quickly see what the effectiveness of this exercise is. The pectoral muscles will begin to grow and acquire a decent relief. By performing exercises from different angles, you can direct the development of the chest in the right direction for yourself. In the end, everyone's goals are different.

Wiring dumbbells lying on a horizontal or vertical bench increases not only muscles, but also lung capacity. You can, as well as stretch and pump up, wrists and.

The main benefits of this exercise include:

1. Formation of correct posture.

2. good stretch for the back.

3. It is simple to do.

4. Training several muscle groups at once (triceps, biceps, deltoid, pectoral).

5. Stretching of the chest.

6. The development of the width of the chest.

Execution technique

So, let's discuss the execution technique, and also talk about how to properly do lying dumbbell breeding. For this you need:

1. Holding dumbbells in your hands, sit on the bench, and then lie down.

2. Starting position - lying on a bench, arms above the chest, elbows slightly bent, palms facing each other, legs bent and firmly on the floor.

3. While inhaling, spread your arms to the sides until they are level with the chest and become parallel to the floor.

4. Hold for a few seconds and as you exhale bring your hands back to the starting position.

Major runtime errors

Now, having dealt with execution, it is worth talking about the main mistakes.

One of the main ones is haste.

You don’t have to try to be the fastest, on the contrary, it’s better to do it slowly, so that you feel how your pectorals tense and relax. Too fast a pace can lead to injury.

The second mistake is insufficient dilution of the hands.

This means that the hands stop too high, and because of this, all the muscles are not worked out, and some remain completely excluded from the workout. Hands should be exactly at the level of the body, not higher, but not lower.

Digression: if you beautiful girl and want to have a beautiful and tightened chest, we recommend that you study this .

The third mistake is straight elbows.

In general, you will not be able to keep your arms straight throughout the entire execution. If, nevertheless, you can straighten your elbows, then this says that the weight you have chosen is insufficient. In general, straight arms can lead to dislocations and even fractures. Here are the most basic mistakes made by novice athletes.

Also watch the video, which shows the main mistakes that are made when performing lying dumbbell wiring:

Best Exercises for chest muscles

To summarize:

1. We do everything slowly.

2. We spread our arms to the end so that they are at chest level.

3. Choose the right weight.

4. We do not extend our arms.

Implementation options

Above, we described the classic version of the layout lying on horizontal bench. However, there are two other options: on a vertical (inclined bench) and with a reverse slope.

1. The incline bench option is used to shift the load on the right part of the chest and work it out.

Every man who works out in the gym wants to have a powerful and sculpted chest. There are quite a few exercises to develop the pectoral muscles. Moreover, there are both basic and isolating movements for the development of these muscles. Today we will talk about one isolating exercise - laying dumbbells.

Breeding dumbbells lying on a horizontal bench

This exercise is insulating. That is, by performing it, you can work out only one muscle group - the chest. Breeding hands with dumbbells is performed as follows:

  1. starting position: you lie on a horizontal bench in the same way as with a bench press. You have dumbbells in your hands. Hands are at the top;
  2. slowly lower your arms with dumbbells. At the bottom, your triceps should be parallel to the floor;
  3. at the bottom point, you need to linger for 3 seconds. This is necessary to stretch your chest well;
  4. after that, start bringing your hands together. Your arms should not be straight. They should be slightly bent at the elbows. Firstly, at the top point, the triceps will not take the load from you. Secondly, it reduces the risk of injury;
  5. fix your hands at the top point. Tighten your pectoral muscles as much as possible. Feel them. The dumbbells in your hands should not touch. Since this reduces the effectiveness of the approach.

You need to do this exercise in three sets of 12-15 reps. Since it is insulating, don't start training with it.. It is better to perform the reduction of dumbbells lying down after the bench press. This will pump even more blood into your chest and increase the effectiveness of your workout. After a hard base movement always need to do light, isolating. Bodybuilders call this muscle building.

Each side should be equally loaded. It should not be that one hand describes a smaller angle of movement than the other. When performing dumbbell swings no need to lower your hands too low. This is a big risk of getting a strain on the pectoral muscles and a shoulder injury. During training, rely on your feelings. If you feel that the wiring does not suit you, stop doing it. Find another exercise for yourself.

Dumbbell row lying on an incline bench

This exercise allows you to work out the upper and lower parts of the pectoral muscles. There are two options for doing dumbbell wiring on an incline bench:

  1. tilted up. This wiring option trains upper part chest and front of the shoulder. It is recommended to do this exercise at an angle of 20 degrees. With this angle of inclination, the chest muscles will work very well. If you make the angle larger, for example, 45 degrees, there is a chance of injury. To avoid this, you need to turn your hands so that your fists are facing your face. In this position, the deltoid muscles work more;
  2. tilted down. Such wiring is designed to develop the undercut of the chest, that is, the lower part of the chest. As you know, it is the bottom of the chest that emphasizes its shape. If Bottom part well-designed, the chest will visually appear simpler. It is much easier to carry out wiring at a downward slope than at an upward slope. With the same weight, you can do more reps. The optimal angle of inclination for performing such an exercise is from 15 to 30 degrees.

Do each of these exercises 2-3 sets and 12-15 reps each.

Do not confuse this exercise with the dumbbell bench press. There the arms bend in elbow joints 90 degrees. And when diluted, they practically do not bend. There, the movement is due to the work of the elbow and shoulder joints, and here - only due to the shoulder.

It is necessary to do the information of hands with dumbbells correctly. Wrong execution of the exercise simply will not give you results, you will waste time in vain.

Focus on peak contraction of the pecs. At the top point, the chest muscles should be as tense as possible.

Periodically arrange chest workouts in which you will only do dilutions and adductions with dumbbells. Do all the variations from different angles to work your chest from all sides.

Don't go overboard with the weight. In dumbbell raises, technique is key. Too much big weight is the risk of injury. Before performing this exercise, you need to make several rotations with your hands in the shoulder joint, it will be easier for you to complete it.

Now you know how to properly perform dumbbell laying on a bench. Be sure to try this exercise in your next chest workout. If you like it, chest training will bring you even more results, and most importantly, pleasure.

grip. The arm extension exercise is especially effective if you hold the dumbbells with a neutral grip, however, as an option, you can use a direct grip (palms on top).

Range of motion. The lower you lower the dumbbells, the higher the degree of stretching of the pectoralis major muscle. However, stretching too hard can lead to injury. shoulder joint. Therefore, the lowest point of movement should be at chest level.

Trajectory. The angle of the bench determines the trajectory of movement. The higher the bench is raised, the greater the load on the large chest muscle. The upper beam is loaded the most when the bench angle is 30-45 degrees.

Perform movements in such a way that the dumbbells do not touch each other in the upper part of the amplitude. With this performance, the muscles are constantly in a tense state.

At the lowest point, the dumbbells should not cross the horizontal passing through your shoulders. At incorrect execution exercises, the arms are bent at the elbows and, thus, you are doing a bench press, and not spreading your arms. At the same time, working weights increase, but the load on the upper chest decreases.

Execution technique

  • Lying on an incline bench, raise your arms with dumbbells straight in front of you. The grip is neutral (palms facing each other), arms slightly bent.
  • Spread your arms to the sides so that the dumbbells are at chest level.
  • Raise the dumbbells to the starting position.