Why did the ancient Olympic Games get their name? Do you know why the Olympic Games are called “Olympic”? In the process of mastering movements, it is customary to highlight...

Some people ask, “Why are the Olympic Games called that?” They have been called Olympic for quite a long time. This name came from Ancient Greece. The inhabitants of this country have given humanity many priceless masterpieces of fine art, literature, sculpture and architecture. We should not forget about this legacy of Hellas as the basis of democracy and philosophy. One of the most valuable gifts for world culture was

Why are the Olympic Games called "Olympic"?

There is a misconception that the name of this sports competitions gave, located in northern Greece. In this place, as ancient legends say, the gods lived. However, in fact, the data was carried out in ancient Olympia, located in the western part. They were originally part of a religious cult dedicated to the supreme god Zeus. So, answering the question: “Why are the Olympic Games called so - Olympic?” - we can say that the name was given to them by the area - Olympia, in which they were held.

By the way, around the same time, some other competitions were held in Ancient Greece - the Nemean, famous Pythian Games. These competitions were held in appropriate areas and were dedicated to various gods. However, the most prestigious were the Olympic ones; victories at them were extremely honorable for the athletes and the policies they represented.

The first Olympics took place in the distant, hidden time of 776 BC. e. And the last one was held in 394 BC. e. It should be noted that sports, gymnastics, and various competitions were given a lot of attention in Ancient Greece. In total, 293 Olympics took place here. There is information about it in the works of famous ancient authors, among whom are Herodotus, Lucian, Plutarch, Simonides, Pindar, etc.

A little more about the Olympic Games

However, in answering the question of why the Olympic Games are called that way - “Olympic” - there is more than one point. Sport competitions were dedicated to the gods, the main of whom was Zeus the Thunderer. Numerous memorial and religious buildings were erected in their honor. An example is the famous temple of Zeus, built at Olympia. The main decoration of this building was the sculpture of the supreme god, which is one of the famous 7 wonders of the world.

The landscape played an important role in the choice of this particular area for the competition. There was a natural amphitheater located right among the wooded slopes. It was possible to sail to Olympia by ship, so among those who competed there were many “out-of-town” Greeks who won and took the awards to their policies, popularizing Olympic movement.

During these competitions, a truce was declared; wars, if they occurred between policies, stopped for a while.

Curious to know

There is interesting information regarding the Olympic Games:

1. The Olympic flame is lit in Olympia, and not on the mythical Olympus, as many people think.
2. What is the name of the code of Olympic laws? This -
3. There is no separate Mount Olympus in sunny Greece. But in this country there is a whole mountain range with that name. The National Park in Greece bears the same name.

Our days

At the end of the nineteenth century, inspired by the ancients sports festivals the famous French figure Pierre Coubertin proposed to recreate such competitions. There were no particular doubts about the “name”, which is why the Olympic Games are called that way - “Olympic”. The first competitions took place in 1896. Currently, every two years the next Olympics takes place (summer or winter).

– 60 min.


1. Who from outstanding athletes Udmurtia was awarded the Olympic Order?

a) T. Tikhonova;

b) V. Medvedtsev;

c) G. Kulakova;

d) A. Vedernikov.

2. Which modern state is considered the birthplace of the Olympic Games?

a) Italy; b) Finland; c) Greece; d) Egypt.

3. Mark the true statements...

A) By doing physical education, any of you can become strong, fast, agile

and brave;

b) a passion for physical education will allow many of you to become athletes;

V) anyone involved in physical education can become famous


G) By regularly doing physical exercise, everyone can learn to run fast,

swim well, ski well, and confidently handle the ball.

4. To go faster, you need to increase...

A) length of steps;

b) step frequency;

V) length and frequency of steps.

5. If you lie on your stomach, bend your arms at the elbows at chest level, lean on the floor and raise your torso, then you will take a position designated as...

6. To learn to swim, you must first of all...

A) do not swim if you have a runny nose or cough;

b) lie down on the water and hold your breath;

V) douse yourself with water in the morning;

G) learn to exhale into the water.

7. The first competitions began to be held in order to...

A) the strongest became the head of the tribe;

b) young people could prove that they were ready for adult life;

V) identify the best hunter, warrior;

G) all versions are plausible.

8. Select the appropriate sequence of application of water hardening methods:

2. Pouring.

3. Rubbing.

4. Taking a contrast shower.

A) 2, 4, 1, 3;

b) 3, 2, 4, 1;

V) 4, 1, 2, 3;

G) 1, 3, 2, 4.

9. The cause of poor posture is...

A) incorrect posture at the table;

b) sleep in a soft bed with a high pillow;

V) walking with your head down;

G) muscle weakness.

10. Exercise stress exercises, characterized by an increase in frequency

heart rate up to 130 - 150 beats per minute is estimated as...

A) light; V) big;

b) average; G) very big.

11. The Pentathlon program of the ancient Olympic Games included competitions in...

A) fist fight; d) long jump;

V) horse riding; and) javelin throwing;

G) struggle; h)discus throwing.

12. Strength exercises used for education...

A) strength;

b) you were fast;

V) endurance;

G) flexibility.

Check all items.

13. Exercising has a positive effect on mental development.

With this statement

A) agree (agree); b) I do not agree (disagree).

14. Following a daily routine helps...

A) proper time management;

b) formation of willpower;

V) alternation of mental and physical work;

G) eliminating negative emotions.

15. In order to remember and subsequently independently perform sets of exercises, their content is written down in the form of pictograms. Draw images of the starting positions:

Main stand

Hands to the sides

Hands on the belt, legs apart


Sitting legs apart

Back squat

Dear Olympiad participant!

The Olympiad you have to write consists of a test round.The test round consists of 15 questions, with three possible answers, of which only one is correct.

Read the questions carefully. When answering questions and completing assignments, do not rush, because the answers are not always obvious and require the use of not only knowledge of the subject, but also general erudition and logic.


1. What kind of Winter Olympic Games will the Games in Sochi be?

2. Antique Olympic Games got their name because the competition was held...

a) ...at the foot of Mount Olympus;

b) ... in an area called Olympia;

c) ... in honor of the Olympian gods;

d) ...after the lighting of the Olympic flame.

3. What is the famous phrase onIVOlympic Games spoken by the Bishop of Pennsylvania?

a) “The main thing at the Olympics is victory”;

b) “The main thing at the Olympics is participation”;

c) “At the Olympics, the main thing is not victory, but participation”;

4. Physical exercise- This…

a) ...natural movements and methods of movement;

b) ...movements performed in physical education lessons;

c) ...actions performed according to certain rules;

d) ... complex motor actions.

5. Physical activity, characterized by an increase in heart rate to 150 - 180 beats per minute, is assessed as...

a) ...light; c) ...big;

b) ...average; d) ...very big.

6. The type of human culture focused on optimizing the natural properties of people is designated as...

a) ...physical education;

b) ...physical exercise;

V) … physical training;

G) … Physical Culture.

7. Basic specific means physical education is…

a) ...hardening;

b) ...observance of the daily routine;

c) ...physical exercise;

d) ...solar radiation.

8. Motor skills are usually called...

a) ...the ability to perform an exercise without activating attention;

b) ... correct execution motor actions;

c) ... level of mastery of movements when activating attention;

d) ... ways to control motor actions.

9. Preparatory exercises apply if...

a) ...the student is not physically developed enough;

c) ...it is necessary to eliminate the causes of errors;

10. Which of the proposed definitions are formulated incorrectly?

a) strength is manifested in the ability to overcome resistance through

muscle tension;

b) explosive strength determines the ability to achieve maximum

level of muscle tension in a minimum time;

c) speed is the quality on which the

running speed;

d) the level of manifestation of general endurance is determined by aerobic

capabilities of the body.

11. When performing exercises, you should not inhale while...

a) ... bending the body back;

b) ...crossing arms;

c) ...body rotation;

d) ... raising your arms to the sides.

Check all items.

12. When building a physique, exercises that promote...

a) ...increase muscle mass;

b) ...increasing the speed of movements;

c) ...reducing body weight;

d) ...formation of correct posture.

13. Distribute swimming styles according to increasing speed of movement in the water.

1. On the back. 2. Breaststroke. 3. Butterfly. 4. Rabbit.

a) 1, 2, 3, 4; c) 4, 1, 3, 2;

b) 4, 3, 1, 2; d) 4, 2, 1, 3.

14. The technique with which a basketball player takes possession of the ball is designated as...

15. In order to remember and subsequently independently perform sets of exercises, their content is written down in the form of pictograms. Draw pictures of the movements:


Tilts to the side.

Bend forward.

Torso rotations.

Swing your right leg to the right.

Swing your right leg back.

All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren

The total time to complete the work is 60 minutes.

Dear Olympiad participant!

The Olympiad you have to write consists of a test round.The test round consists of 15 questions, with three possible answers, of which only one is correct.

Read the questions carefully. When answering questions and completing assignments, do not rush, because the answers are not always obvious and require the use of not only knowledge of the subject, but also general erudition and logic.


1. Name the slogan of the Olympic Games in Sochi:

a) “Hot. Winter. Yours";

b) “Winter. New. Yours";

c) “Winter. Hot. Our".

2. Physical training is...

a) ...the process of strengthening health and increasing motor capabilities;

b) ...physical education with a pronounced applied effect;

c) ...a level of development characterized by high performance;

d) ...the process of teaching movements and education physical qualities.

3. Name the mascots of the Paralympic Games in Sochi:

a) Little Ray and Snowflake”;

b) Bunny and Polar Bear";

c) Leopard and Snow Leopard."

4. Which of the definitions presented are formulated incorrectly?

a) ...Physical perfection is the optimal measure of comprehensive

physical fitness that meets the requirements of society;

b) ...A person can be considered physically perfect, physical

the state of which allows the implementation of functions necessary for society;

c) ...Physical perfection is the process of changing the properties of the body

throughout an individual's life;

d) ...Physical perfection - a state of optimal readiness,

conditioning the achievement of high sports results.

Check all items.

5. The load of physical exercise is characterized by...

a) ...the magnitude of their impact on the body;

b) ... preparedness and other characteristics of those involved;

c) ...time and number of repetitions of motor actions;

d) ...tension of muscle groups.

6. Lead-up exercises are used if...

a) ...the student is underdeveloped;

b) ...there are no supporting elements in the motor fund;

c) ...it is necessary to eliminate errors that occur;

d) ...the method of holistic analytical exercise is used.

7. In the process of mastering movements, it is customary to highlight...

a) ...two stages;

b) ...three stages;

c) ...four stages;

d) ...from two to four, depending on the complexity of the movements.

8. Healthy image life is a way of life aimed at...

a) ...maintaining high performance of people;

c) ...development of people’s physical qualities;

d) ...preserving and improving people's health.

9. Bending the supporting leg before pushing off in skiing is designated as...

10. The ancient Olympic Games were held...

a) ...during the first year of the Olympic Games being celebrated;

b) ...for last year the celebrated Olympics;

c) ...in a leap year;

d) ...by decision of the priests.

11. In what sports have outstanding Russian coaches trained world and Olympic champions? 1. Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova. 2. Irina Aleksandrovna Viner.3. Viktor Mikhailovich Kuznetsov.4. Nikolai Vasilievich Karpol.

12. Imagine the sequence of changing styles provided for by the rules of swimming competitions when overcoming the stages of the medley relay.

1. Freestyle. 2. Breaststroke. 3. On the back. 4. Butterfly.

a) 3, 2, 1, 4; c) 3, 2, 4, 1;

b) 4, 3, 2, 1 d) 3, 4, 2, 1.

13. Consecutive shocks basketball to the site without his delay is designated as... .

14. List the indicators of the level of physical development known to you...

15. In order to remember and subsequently independently perform sets of exercises, their content is written down in the form of pictograms.

Write down the complex graphically morning exercises № 1:

I. p. - o. With. 1 – arms up, rise on toes, inhale; 2 – return to i. p., exhale.

I. p. - o. With. 1-4 – walking, bending your legs forward.

I. p. – stand with legs apart, arms forward. 1 – arms to the sides; 2 – return to i. P.

I. p. – stand with legs apart, arms to the sides.

1 – lean forward, touch right hand toe of the left foot, left hand back.

2 – straighten up in i. P.

I. p. - emphasis while kneeling. 1 – right back; 2 – attach the right one.

I. p. - gray 1 – raise the right one, clap your hands under the knee; 2 – attach the right one.

I. p. – hand position on the belt. 1 – jump legs apart; 2 – jump legs together.

I. p. - o. With. 1-4 – walking in place.

1. The ancient Olympic Games got their name because the competitions were held...

A. ...at the foot of Mount Olympus.
b. ...in a place called Olympia.
V. ...in honor of the Olympian gods.
...after the lighting of the Olympic flame.

2. Physical exercise is...

A. …natural movements and modes of transportation.
b. ...movements performed in physical education lessons.
V. ...actions performed according to certain rules.
g. ...complex motor actions.

3. Physical activity characterized by an increase in heart rate to 150 - 180 beats per minute is assessed as...

A. ...easy.
b. ...average.
V. ...big.
g. ...very large.

4. The complex and diverse changes that occur in the human body throughout life are united by the concept...

A. …physical education.
b. …phylogenesis.
V. ... physical development.
g. ...physical perfection.

5. The type of human culture focused on optimizing the natural properties of people is designated as...

A. …physical education.
b. ...physical exercise.
V. …physical training.
g. ...physical culture.

6. The subject of study in physical education is…

A. ...exercise.
b. ...motor actions.
V. ...physical education knowledge.
g. ...education methods.

7. The main specific means of physical education is...

A. ...hardening.
b. ...keeping a daily routine.
V. ...physical exercise.
g. ...solar radiation.

8. Motor skills are usually called...

A. ...the ability to perform an exercise without activating attention.
b. ...correct execution of motor actions.
V. ...the level of mastery of movements when activating attention.
d. ... ways to control motor actions.

9. Preparatory exercises are used if...

A. ...the student is not physically developed enough.
b. ...there are no supporting elements in the engine fund.
V. …it is necessary to eliminate the causes of errors.
d. ...the method of holistic analytical exercise is used.

10. Which of the proposed definitions are formulated incorrectly?

A. Strength is demonstrated by the ability to overcome resistance through muscle tension.
b. Explosive force determines the ability to achieve the maximum level of muscle tension in the minimum time.
V. Speed ​​is a quality on which running speed primarily depends.
d. The level of manifestation of general endurance is determined by the aerobic capabilities of the body.

11. When performing exercises, you should not inhale while...

A. ...bending the body back.
b. ...crossing arms.
V. ... body rotations.
g. ... spreading your arms to the sides.

Check all items.

12. When shaping your physique, exercises that promote...

A. ...helping to increase muscle mass.
b. ...helping to increase the speed of movement.
V. ...helping to reduce body weight.
g. ...formation of correct posture.

13. Distribute swimming styles according to increasing speed of movement in the water.

1. On the back. 2. Breaststroke. 3. Butterfly. 4. Rabbit.
A. b. V. G.

14. The technique with which a basketball player gains control of the ball is designated as ______.

15. In order to remember and subsequently independently perform sets of exercises, their content is written down in the form of pictograms.
Draw pictures of the movements:

Tilts to the side
Forward bends
Torso rotations
Swing right leg to the right
Right leg swing back

1. b
2. in
3. in
4. in
5. g
6. b
7. in
8. g
9. a
10. in
11. b, c
12. b
13. 4, 3, 1, 2
14. catching

In contact with


5-6 grade

1. Check the statements that are true.

A. By doing physical education, any of you can become strong, fast, agile and courageous.

b. A passion for physical education will allow many of you to become athletes.

V. Anyone involved in physical education can become a famous athlete.

d. By regularly engaging in physical education, everyone can learn to run fast, swim well, ski, and confidently handle the ball.

2. Choose an appropriate sequence of exercises for morning exercises.

1. Jumping and slow walking with breathing exercises.

2. Walking with acceleration, turning into running.

3. Breathing exercises.

4. Stretching, shaking arms and legs

6. Exercises for leg muscles.

7. Exercises for the back muscles

8. Exercises for the muscles of the arms and neck.

9. Flexibility exercises.

10. Exercises for the abdominal and torso muscles.

A. 4, 9, 8, 1, 7, 5, 6, 10, 2, 3.

b. 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 6, 3.

V. 4, 5, 2, 3, 8, 7, 9, 10, 6, 1.

G. 9, 2, 4, 7, 6, 5, 10, 3, 8, 1.

3. To go faster, you need to increase...

A. ...length of steps.

b. ...step frequency.

V. ...length and frequency of steps.

4. If you lie on your stomach, bend your arms at the elbows at chest level, lean on the floor and raise your torso, then you will take the position designated as………………………………………………………… ………………………………..

5. To learn to swim, you must first of all...

A. ...do not swim if you have a runny nose or cough.

b. ...lie down on the water and hold your breath.

V. ...douse yourself with water in the morning.

g. ...learn to exhale into the water.

6. The first competitions began to be held in order to ………………………….

A. ………….the strongest became the head of the tribe……..

b. …young people could prove that they were ready for adult life.

V. ...to identify the best hunter, warrior.

d. All versions are plausible.

7. Select the appropriate sequence of application of water hardening methods:

1. Swimming in reservoirs.

2. Pouring.

3. Rubbing.

4. Taking a contrast shower.

A. 2, 4, 1, 3.

B. 3, 2, 4, 1.

V. 4, 1, 2, 3.

G. 1, 3, 2, 4.

8. The cause of poor posture is...

A. ...wrong posture at the table.

b. ...sleep in a soft bed with a high pillow.

V. ...walking with your head down.

g. ...weakness of muscles.

9. Physical exercise, characterized by an increase in heart rate to 130 - 150 beats per minute, is assessed as...

A. ...easy.

b. ...average.

V. ...big.

g. ...very large.

10. The Pentathlon program of the ancient Olympic Games included competitions in...

A. ...fist fighting, d. ...long jump,

b. ...running, e. ...archery,

V. ...horse riding, w. ...javelin throwing,

g. ... struggle, h. ... discus throwing,

11. The term “Olympiad” in ancient times meant...

A. ...a collection of athletes in one policy.

b. ...a four-year period.

V. ...the year of the Olympic Games.

g. ...Olympic competitions.

12. Strength exercises are used to educate...

A. ...strength.

b. …you were fast.

V. ...endurance.

g. ...flexibility.

Check all items.

13. Exercising has a positive effect on mental development.

With this statement

A. ...agree (I agree).

b. ...disagree (disagree).

14. Following a daily routine helps...

A. ...correct time management.

b. ...building willpower.

V. ...alternating mental and physical work.

g. ...exclusion of negative emotions.

15. In order to remember and subsequently independently perform sets of exercises, their content is written down in the form of pictograms.

Draw images of the starting positions:

Main stand

Hands to the sides


Sitting legs apart

Back squat

You have completed the task.




5th – 6th grade


Full Name___________________________________________________

Subject of the Federation _________________________City, school, class____________


Control questions according to the instructions for the test:

No. Answer options No. Answer options

1 a b c d 9 a b c d

2 a b c d 10 a b c d

3 a b c d e g h

4………… 11 a b c d

5 a b c d 12 a b c d

6 a b c d 13 a b

7 a b c d 14 a b c d

8 a b c d 15…………

Description Image Rating

Main stand

Hands to the sides

Hands on the belt, legs apart


Sitting legs apart

Back squat

Score (components and sum) _____________

Jury signatures



assessing the quality of fulfillment of theoretical and methodological tasks

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

School stage

1. a, b, d. 9. b

2. c 10. b, d, d, g, h

4. lying position 12. a, b, c, d

7. b 15. Pictograms:

Description Image

Main stand

Hands to the sides

Hands on the belt, legs apart


Sitting legs apart

Back squat

Closed form assignments are worth 1 point.

Tasks with more than one correct answer are graded at:

1 point if all “correct” answers are indicated;

0.5 points if not all “correct” answers are indicated;

0 points if, along with “correct” answers, “incorrect” answers are marked.

Tasks in open form. “Correct” statements are scored 2 points.

Tasks involving graphic representation. Every "correct"

the image is rated at 0.3 points.

A fully completed task is assessed at - 3 points.

The final grade is represented by the sum of the assessment points for completed assignments.

Closed form assignments - 13 points

Open-ended assignment - 2 points

Graphic task - 3 points

The maximum possible amount is 18 points

OLYMPICS 2014 – 2015



The ancient Olympic Games got their name because the competition

were carried out...

A. ...at the foot of Mount Olympus.

b. ...in a place called Olympia.

V. ...in honor of the Olympian gods.

...after the lighting of the Olympic flame.

2. Physical exercise is...

A. …natural movements and modes of transportation.

b. ...movements performed in physical education lessons.

V. ...actions performed according to certain rules.

g. ...complex motor actions.

Began in 776 BC.
Ceased in 394 AD.

... The most peaceful and friendly meeting of all peoples of the world ...

Here is what the poet Pindar wrote about ancient Olympia:

"The mother of all competitions... and mistress of justice ".

The games began with heralds traveling throughout Greece, announcing in loud voices the beginning of the ekeheria - the sacred truce. Now, for the duration of the Games (about 5 days), all hostilities were to immediately cease throughout the country. The Games played such an important role in the political life of the country - they stopped wars. Unfortunately, in the 20th century, things happened differently - the Games themselves were interrupted due to two world wars.

The period between the Games was called the Olympics. The ancient Greeks considered time like this - the Olympiads: “Two Olympiads ago...”.

On the first day of the Olympic Games, sacrifices were made to the gods, and athletes took an oath in front of the statue of Zeus. Along with the resumption of the Games, the oath also returned. Today it sounds like this: " I swear that when I attend the Olympic Games, I will compete fairly and according to the rules, and by my participation I will glorify my country and the sport. ".

Ancient Greek athletes competed naked. The word “gymnastics” comes from the word “naked” (“gymnos”). A naked body was not considered something shameful - on the contrary, it showed how hard the athlete trained. It was shameful to have an unathletic, untrained body.

A little about symbols. The Olympic flame, burning throughout the competition, brings the spirit of ancient competitions into our era. Five olympic rings- these are five continents, and their interweaving is friendship and cooperation of all peoples of the world.

Olympia - the cradle of the Olympic Games

The Olympic Games, as we know them now, have big story, dating back to ancient times. It all started in the Peloponnese, Greece, approximately 3,000 years ago.

Sports competitions were held in Olympia and received their name from the location of the Olympic Games. No one knows exactly when they began, but the first written mention dates back to 776 BC.

The games were held in the same place every four years. This four-year period was called the Olympiad and was used as a chronology system: time was counted in Olympiads, not in years.

Birth of the Olympic Games

The history of the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece is shrouded in legends and myths, but it is known for certain that they began to be held in Olympia - a town located in southern Greece, in the western part of the Peloponnesian Peninsula, in the region of Elis.

...According to one of the legend versions, the cruel god Kronos ruled there. Out of fear of dying at the hands of one of his children, he swallowed his newborn babies. Their unfortunate mother Rhea, having given birth to her next son, gave her father a stone wrapped in swaddling clothes, which he swallowed without noticing the substitution, and entrusted the newborn Zeus to the shepherds. The boy grew up, became the mighty Thunderer Zeus, entered into a mortal battle with Kronos and defeated him. In honor of this event, Zeus founded unselfish, honest competitions of the strong, dexterous and brave, later called Olympic after the place where they were held. And they were held in beautiful place: an oak grove dedicated to Zeus, with a temple of Zeus, and a place for competitions was set up near the temple. The competition was dedicated to Olympian Zeus.

...The legend has a certain historical authenticity, according to which the Elid ruler Iphit, tired of constant civil strife and strife, turned to the Delphic oracle with the question of how to stop them. And I received the answer: to resume the forgotten Olympic Games. Iphitus proposed to the king of warlike Sparta, Lycurgus, to establish competitions, during which a sacred truce would be established - Ekeicheria. According to the terms of the agreement, a large fine was imposed for violating the truce and, what was even worse, the perpetrators were deprived of the right to participate in the Olympic Games. The reality of this fact is confirmed by the ancient Greek historian Pausanias, who wrote that back in the 2nd century. AD The copper disk on which the charter of the truce concluded between Iphitus and Lycurgus was inscribed, was kept in one of the temples of Olympia.

…History needs a reliable point of reference. This point was the first monument erected in Olympia to the winner of the competition. Therefore, 776 BC, when Korebus of Elis beat all competitors in the race by one stage, is officially considered the year the Olympic Games began.

Initially, the program of the Olympic Games was limited to the stadium - a race of one stage. Then competitions were introduced in running in two stages, running in 24 stages, running with weapons, then the pentathlon appeared - pentathlon (running, jumping, discus and javelin throwing, wrestling), wrestling and fist fighting, chariot racing. From 632 BC The Games began to include competitions for children.

No matter how the program of the Olympic Games expanded, the one-stage race remained the most revered. The winner in the stadium was given the right to light a fire on the altar of Zeus, he became the main hero of the Games.

The main award for the winner of the Olympic Games - an Olympian - was an olive branch. It was cut with a golden ritual knife from an old tree that was believed to have been planted by Hercules. The name of the athlete was carved on a marble slab, and monuments were erected to especially outstanding ones. But it was, so to speak, moral encouragement. Residents of the city that the winner represented presented him with expensive gifts, exempted him from taxes, and provided him with a free seat in the theater.

The return of the winner to his homeland turned into a truly triumphal procession; all the residents greeted him joyfully.
The names of compatriots who became winners of Olympic and other competitions were immortalized in gymnasiums and churches. A record of their achievements was painstakingly kept. Young people were brought up using the example of outstanding athletes. Some of them were revered on par with gods
Hosting the Olympic Games since 776 BC. to 394 AD, i.e., the preservation of the tradition of organizing competitions for more than eleven centuries, despite wars, epidemics and other social upheavals, in itself speaks of the enormous social significance that the Games played in Ancient Greece.

Having emerged as an integral part of a religious and cult ritual, the Games throughout their existence were dedicated to Zeus, the Thunderer, and thereby united all Greek lands. According to the Greeks, communication between people and gods took place through competitions. It was the gods who granted victory to the most worthy. But in order to achieve the favor of the gods, one had to engage in physical and spiritual self-improvement, not commit bad deeds, etc. At the same time, the winner of the competition seemed to receive a divine sign of special favor, which made it possible to equate him with the gods themselves.

The Olympic Games had a significant influence on the development of Greek culture. In this case, two aspects can be distinguished. Firstly, a cult of the beautiful naked body developed in Hellas. Athletes trained and competed naked. The shame of nudity was considered a sign of barbarism.

Secondly, during the Games, outstanding philosophers, poets and scientists came from all over Hellas, which contributed to the further development of the amazing phenomenon of Greek culture. The great philosophers Plato, Socrates, Diogenes, Heraclitus, the fathers of history Herodotus and Thucydides, the founder of medicine Hippocrates, the classics of ancient Greek poetry Sophocles, Pindar, Euripides spoke before a large audience. Philosophical conversations, poetic and oratorical performances, contemplation of masterpieces of architecture and art, admiration for the beauty and physical perfection of athletes formed and developed a unified Greek culture. While maintaining the specific development and originality of various Greek city-states, without the pressure of any centralized power, it was here, at the festivities, that the national identity of the Greeks was naturally formed. This was the consciousness of a high social civilization, spiritual and physical culture, the consciousness of superiority over slaves and neighboring barbarian peoples.

During the heyday of Ancient Greece, the Olympic Games performed a number of social functions in addition to competitive ones: religious, cultural, educational, economic, political, and entertainment. However, the great social significance of the Olympic Games of this period was determined, first of all, by their influence on the unification of the Greek world and the formation of a single national identity. The athletes of this period reflected, on the one hand, the strength and power of their native city, and on the other, the pan-Hellenic ideal of the comprehensive development and physical perfection of the individual. And it is deeply symbolic that for long and intense preparation, difficult trials in the competition, the winner at Olympia was awarded only a wreath of an olive branch. It was a symbol of selflessness wrestling. Honors and glory came to the winner as a sign of gratitude and love of his compatriots, that is, they were the result of public recognition.

In the 4th century BC. There are gradual changes in the nature and content of the Olympic Games. More and more attention is paid to the entertainment of competitions. Political chaos and constant wars led to the coarsening of Greek tastes. Spectators were increasingly attracted to wrestling, fistfights and pankration, rich in sharp, dramatic moments. The reward for winning competitions increases. Cities, seeking to demonstrate their power and win the favor of the gods, attract the most famous fighters, even if they live in other places or do not meet the Olympic rules. In this regard, professional athletes are taking part in the competition for the first time.

The desire to win at any cost led to the violation of rules and established norms. For the first time, cases of bribery, cruelty, and violations of the preparation system for the games were recorded at Olympic competitions.

The cessation of the ancient Olympic Games was associated with a change in the dominant religion, and with it, ideological positions. In the conditions of the growing crisis of the slave system in the Roman Empire, a new religion arose and gained strength - Christianity. One of the areas in which the struggle between the old Greco-Roman spiritual world and the new Christian worldview took place was physical culture. Having become the state religion, Christianity recognized the manifestation of paganism and “sinful physicality” in competitions and folk festivals, so they were subjected to severe persecution by the church and state. Historians associate the ban on the Olympic Games with the name of Emperor Theodosius I, who adopted a set of laws to combat paganism (Code of Theodosius) In 392, Theodosius issued an edict (law) prohibiting all religious ceremonies, whatever their nature, including the Olympic Games and other athletic competitions.

The buildings and temples of Olympia were destroyed. Earthquakes and inexorable time completed this process. Olympia and the great festival held here were forgotten for centuries.

What were the games?

The opening of the Games was marked by the sacrifice of animals on the altar of Zeus. The competition, which lasted for approximately five days, took place in a stadium or racetrack. The stadium was a heavily compacted rectangular earthen area. There were no balconies, and spectators sat on special ledges. Officials (organizers and judges - Ellanodikes) were provided with a platform.

Free people, slaves and girls had the right to observe the Games. Only married women were prohibited from being in the crowd of spectators. The games ended with feasts in honor of the winner and sacrifices in honor of Zeus.

Characteristics of sports

With the exception of equestrian sports, which were held at the racetrack, all competitions took place at the stadium.
There were different types of competitions:
- stade or stadium (stadion) - running one stadium length;
- Diaulos - running two lengths of the stadium;
- dolichos (dolichos) - running on long distances(from 7 to 24 circles);
- running with weapons (in Olympia it was a run of two stadium lengths), when athletes
They put on a helmet, greaves of armor and held a shield in their hands.

Competitors took their places on the starting line, marked by white limestone slabs. They ran in a straight line, and not around the stadium, as is the case nowadays.

The disk was made of stone or metal.

A leather strap was attached to the shaft of the spear, which formed a loop. During the throw, the athlete inserted his index and middle fingers into the loop, which made it possible to increase the distance of the javelin.

The exercise was performed with weights. The use of weights meant that the athlete's movements must be coordinated. For this purpose, the competition was accompanied by a melody played on a flute.
Weights were made of stone or metal and had different shapes.

There are several hypotheses regarding the location of wrestling, fist fighting and pankration competitions. It was decided by drawing lots which athletes would compete against each other.

Opponents fought with bare hands in a standing position. The first athlete to touch the ground for the third time was considered the loser.

This is a type of wrestling. In this type of wrestling, all techniques were allowed, but it was forbidden to bite, gouge out eyes and stick fingers into the opponent’s nose.

The wrestlers' hands were protected by long leather belts. These forerunners of boxing gloves have undergone numerous modifications over time. Metal plates were attached to the knuckles, which significantly increased the impact.

The pentathlon consisted of five events: running, jumping, discus throwing, javelin throwing and wrestling. The athlete who took part in the competition was called pentatlos. It was the most versatile sport, so the pentathlos body was considered the most perfect.

Chariot races and horse races took place at the hippodrome. There were quadriga races, when the chariot was pulled by four horses, and pair races, when the chariot was pulled by two horses. Those driving the chariot were called charioteers. Unlike athletes, charioteers were not naked, but wore long tunics.
In horse racing, jockeys were naked. They rode bareback and did not wear spurs.

At the modern Olympic Games, athletes who take first, second and third places are awarded gold, silver and bronze medals, respectively. At the Panhellenic Games there was only one winner, who received a prize in the form of a wreath or crown of leaves.
At each competition location, crowns were made from different types leaves:
- in Olympia - it was a crown made from the leaves of a wild olive tree;
- in Delphi - a laurel crown;
Along with the crown, the winner received a red woolen bandage, the tacnia. And finally, the winner often held a palm branch in his hands - another symbol of victory.