The owner of the Olympiad crossword. The best skier in the world


Host of the 2018 Olympics

The 40,000-strong South Korean town won the right to host the Winter Games on the third attempt, having won the competition against Munich in Germany and Annecy in France. This decision of the IOC caused bewilderment and disappointment among many athletes. In particular, the Austrian biathlete Christoph Sumann said: “Thank God, in 2018 I will no longer compete. Still winter Olympic Games And South Korea- How is that Summer Games in Greenland. At the 2009 World Cup, we were first placed in a room with the Romanian team, and there were zero spectators in the stands.” A similar opinion is shared by the leader of the Swedish biathlon team Helena Ekholm, who said literally the following: “None of those athletes who competed in Pyeongchang would like to compete there again.” However, when choosing the host of the Games, the IOC is not guided by the interests of athletes in the first place. As Dmitry Chernyshenko, head of the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee, noted, “Rio and Pyeongchang open up new horizons and new markets.” The prospect of building a world-class winter resort from scratch is much more tempting for the department of Jacques Rogge and companies close to it than holding the Games where the necessary conditions already exist for this. The main thing is business, and the interests of athletes and fans come later.

Joseph Blatter

Retained as FIFA President

After the Qatari Mohammed bin Hammam withdrew his candidacy, the 75-year-old Swiss remained the only candidate in the election of the head of the International Federation of Football Associations. And received 186 out of 203 votes. British Prime Minister David Cameron called the incident a "farce", saying that "FIFA's reputation is now at an all-time low." Russian sports guide enough is left. “We supported Blatter and will continue to support. This is a great politician who has greatly expanded the concept football game, its geography. He brought the World Cup to Asia, Africa, and now to Eastern Europe,” Vitaly Mutko commented on the election results. And indeed, why be upset: Sepp favors Russia. And even included our country in the queue for funding under the Goal football development program.


Best football club peace

In 2011, Barcelona won the Champions League, the Spanish Championship, the UEFA Super Cup and the Club World Cup, and total titles, the Catalans surpassed their eternal rivals from Real Madrid - 76 to 75. “Josep Guardiola's team is the best in the history of football. It is known that it is the most difficult to stay on top, but Barcelona is still the strongest. It doesn't really matter how the season ends, we've already won enough to consider it a success. And if we win something else, it will be great, ”said Sandro Rossel, president of Barça. It must be admitted that he is not far from the truth. Moreover, both in assessing the strength of his team, and in terms of understanding the ambiguity of prospects. Real, under the leadership of José Mourinho, has become a force capable of moving the Catalans from the throne, and with little risk of error, one can predict that they will take at least one title from their opponent in 2012.

Alena Zavarzina, Ekaterina Tudegesheva

The strongest snowboarders in the world

The Russians won two major titles in the parallel slalom: 22-year-old Zavarzina won the world championship in the giant, and Ekaterina Tudegesheva, who is two years older, won the World Cup in the overall standings, which no Russian snowboarder had been able to do before. Zavarzina could also seriously compete with Tudegesheva in the fight for the trophy, but a day after the victory she received a severe injury - a knee ligament rupture, due to which she finished the season ahead of schedule. Russian men did not succeed in snowboarding competitions. According to Zavarzina, solely because of her laziness and irresponsibility. “Girls set a goal and achieve it - with blood and sweat. And men whine, want to go home to their heifers, chat on Skype all day long and say: “My legs hurt,” says Alena.

Novak Djokovic

The 24-year-old Serbian started the year with 41 wins in a row, winning seven titles along the way. ATP tournaments, including Australian Open. Only the legendary Roger Federer could stop Novak's victorious pace by beating Djokovic in the semi-finals on June 3 Roland Garros. However, not for long: the Balkan again won several victories in a row and, having won the Wimbledon final against Rafael Nadal, secured leadership in the ATP ranking, becoming the 25th first racket of the world in history. The tennis player convinced of the non-randomness of his take-off, having confidently dealt with the same Nadal in the final of the US Open. Then he broke last year's record of the Spaniard in the number of prize money in a season. At the end of December, the Serb who was leading in the rating by a huge margin had as much as 12,619,803 dollars in his piggy bank. And such an impressive financial result was quite expected: Djokovic won 70 of the 76 matches played. It could have been better if not for the September back injury, due to which the athlete missed six weeks, and when he returned, he suffered several offensive defeats. “The game I have now is enough to be one of the best on any surface, but it is necessary not only to maintain this level, but also to constantly work on improving some shots, their accuracy,” Novak says, emphasizing that in 2012 is not going to leave the tennis throne.

Finnish national ice hockey team

World champion

No one ranked the team, which had not won gold medals since 1995, among the favorites. Composed primarily of KHL players and representatives of the Finnish championship, the team did not include a single star of the first magnitude. And in terms of sonority of names, she was significantly inferior to the Canadian, Russian or Swedish, which she literally destroyed in the final duel with a score of 5:1. What is the secret of seemingly illogical success? The fact that the Finns were just a team - understanding what he wants from them Main coach Jukka Jalonen, and clearly fulfilling his installation. “We had a great championship. We won four games with a one-goal difference. This says a lot about the character of our team, ”stated Jalonen, who admitted that his best match the Finns were in the semi-finals, when they defeated the Russians with a score of 3:0, and Mikael Granlund scored a puck of stunning beauty.

Ivan Skobrev

The first Russian skater is the world champion in all-around

Since 1987, when Nikolai Gulyaev became the "king of skates", domestic athletes did not win gold medals in the all-around. All the more pleasant is the achievement of the 28-year-old native of Khabarovsk, who confidently won both the continental and planetary championships. “This year has been really amazing. But I will be fully satisfied, of course, only after the victory in Sochi. Then I will be able to say that I have done everything for my loved ones and for the country. And only then will I say that my career was not in vain, ”said Ivan after winning the highest award in Calgary. By the way, during the ceremony of awarding Skobrev, the melody of Mikhail Glinka's Patriotic Song, which was the anthem of Russia in the 1990s, suddenly sounded. You see, weaned into International Union skaters from the victories of representatives of Russia. Nothing, thanks to Skobrev they will get used to it.

Ryan Lochte

Best Swimmer

At the world championship in Shanghai, the 27-year-old American won six medals, five of them gold and one bronze. Ryan was especially successful in the 200-meter complex swim, where his direct competitor was Michael Phelps. At the finish line they were separated by 0.16 seconds, and Lochte won with a time of 1:54.00, setting the first world record since the abolition of wetsuits. As the champion himself noted, without the “dispersed” Phelps, this achievement would hardly have been possible. At the Games in London, Lochte, who has been recognized as the best swimmer in the world for the past two seasons, hopes to become the owner of eight gold awards, repeating Phelps' record. “What Michael did in Beijing is mind-boggling. I don't know if I will ever repeat this achievement. But I will try,” says Ryan.

Russian beach soccer team

World champion

"Russia will win the World Cup only after Brazil wins the world hockey championship." Pele remembered this joke during the final match, in which the team of Mikhail Likhachev defeated the Brazilians with a score of 12:8. And she became the world champion in football. Let and on the beach. “Never before has the Russian national team football types sport has not known such success. We are pioneers!” - Proudly stated the head coach. At the same time, there was not a single naturalized Hispanic among the Russians, and it was they who, in the recent past, constituted its main strength. The backbone of the current team is representatives of the capital's Lokomotiv, while its captain Ilya Leonov was recognized best player planetary championship, and Andrei Bukhlitsky - his strongest goalkeeper.

Russian youth ice hockey team

World champion

Losing in the final match to the Canadians with a score of 0:3, Valery Bragin's team scored five unanswered goals and for the first time since 2003 won the gold medals of the world championship. Moreover, this happened in the USA, in conditions when the stands were rooting for the opponents. “We did not have any clear-cut leader during the tournament. The match with the Finns was pulled out by one, with the Swedes - by others, with the Canadians - by the third. Everyone fired. The most important thing was to guess with the players, and we succeeded,” the head coach revealed the secret of success. However, two hockey players included in the symbolic team of the tournament - defender Dmitry Orlov and forward Evgeny Kuznetsov - are worth highlighting. The first is already playing in the NHL, and the second - in January 2012 was recognized as the most valuable player in the next youth championship of the planet. On it, the significantly updated Russian team won silver. Although the selection of players was perhaps even stronger than a year ago.

Alexander Zubkov - Alexey Voevoda

The first world champions in the history of Russian bobsleigh

Alexander Zubkov became the European champion four times, climbed the podium at the Olympic Games and world championships, and even managed to work as the Minister of Sports of the Irkutsk Region. And my first gold medal won the world championship at the age of 36, winning in the "two" with Alexei Voevoda. The same duet excelled in the overall standings of the World Cup in this nomination. True, this season the athletes do not cooperate. Zubkov accused his partner of ignoring his plans to prepare for the season and called Dmitry Trunenkov to the dispersal. The governor, in turn, called Alexander “soulless” and “unable to enter into his position”, stating: “Theoretically, it is possible that Zubkov and I will reunite. But there will no longer be any friendship and mutual understanding.”

Russian men's volleyball team

Won the World Cup and the World League

The fourth place in the September championship of the continent does not allow us to call the year a triumph, however, in the other two top tournaments, the team of Vladimir Alekno performed brilliantly. In June, she submitted to the World League, in the final of which the Brazilians were beaten. And in December, the Russians became the owners of the World Cup, where they won 10 out of 11 matches. The most curious thing is that our compatriots got to this tournament largely by accident: having not qualified through the European Championship, they received a wild card. And they took full advantage of the chance, adding a ticket to London-2012 to the well-deserved victory. The most valuable player of the Cup was recognized as 23-year-old diagonal Maxim Mikhailov. He also received the MVP title in the World League, which means that we can rightly say that the strongest volleyball player on the planet has a Russian passport.

Russian women's basketball team

European Champion

Shortly before the start of the tournament, the team suffered a seemingly irreparable loss. The agent of the naturalized American Epifania Prince insisted on the arrival of his client at the location Russian team only three days before the start of the tournament, and this condition turned out to be unacceptable for head coach Boris Sokolovsky. The national team went to the championship, which served as a selection for London 2012, as it seemed then, without a strong point guard. The coaching staff was forced to entrust a place in the starting five to Alena Danilochkina. And she played brilliantly, becoming, along with Maria Stepanova, the leader of the team. It was these two girls who were the most productive in the victorious final match with the Turkish women and deservedly entered the symbolic team of the tournament. All the more surprising was the news that appeared at the end of the year that Sokolovsky and the leaders of the RFB officially invited Rebecca Hammon to the national team for the Olympic Games, promising the naturalized American the place of the main playmaker.

Marit Bjorgen

The best skier in the world

The three-time winner of the Vancouver Games triumphantly performed at the home world championship in ski activities sports in Holmenkollen, winning four gold medals. The Norwegian excelled in the 10-kilometer race in the classic style, duathlon, personal sprint, as well as with teammates in the relay. In another race - the 30 km mass start skate style Marit finished second and only in team sprint did not start. It is no coincidence that Bjorgen was recognized as the best sportswoman of the year according to International Association sports journalists (AIPS). What is the secret of the Scandinavian skier? Her rival from the Russian national team, Natalya Matveeva, is sure that she is in “crazy performance”. “I personally saw how three hours after winning the “tag” she went to run cross-country. Just imagine: in three hours! I looked at her and was just amazed, ”said Matveeva.

Russian national football team

Won the qualifying group for Euro 2012

Having started the year indistinctly, Dick Advocaat's team performed strongly in the autumn stage of the qualifying campaign and deservedly took first place in the group, saving themselves from the need to fight for a ticket to final tournament championship of the continent through the play-offs. The results of the draw of the group stage of the tournament can also be called successful for the Russians. According to its results, representatives of Poland, the Czech Republic and Greece will become rivals of the domestic team. “The draw, of course, as if by order. Still, this group should be moved to Ukraine, where I really wanted to play, and one could call it absolutely ideal, ”said Andrey Arshavin. The only thing that Russian fans can regret is that the team will be based and play official matches in Poland, which complicates the trip of its fans to the tournament.

Anna Chicherova, Maria Savinova

World Champions in Athletics

The Russian national team brought nine gold medals from the World Championships in Athletics in Daegu, Japan. The winners were Valery Borchin, Olga Kaniskina (20 km walk), Sergey Bakulin (50 km walk), Tatyana Chernova (heptathlon), Yulia Zaripova (3000 m hurdles), Maria Abakumova (javelin throw), Tatyana Lysenko ( hammer throw), Anna Chicherova (high jump), Maria Savinova (800 m run). All of them deserve the most kind words, however, I would like to highlight the victories of the last two in particular. Too serious rivals resisted them. Chicherova, who took a height of 2 meters 3 centimeters, was ahead of the eminent Croatian Blanca Vlasic only in the number of attempts, and Savinova did the impossible at all: she beat the South African Caster Semenya, whose gender disputes continue to this day. It is no coincidence that Maria was officially recognized as the best athlete in Europe.


European Cup Winner

The 2010/2011 season was one of the most successful in the history of the Kazan team. Yevgeny Pashutin's team won the regular national championship. True, in the playoffs she reached only the semi-finals, limiting herself to bronze medals. But she won the second most important club trophy in Europe - the ULEB Cup. In the "Final Four" held in Turin, Italy, the Russians consistently defeated the Croatian Cedevita and the Spanish Cajasol, and in the first of these matches the advantage of UNICS was 21, and in the second - 15 points. The Kazan team started well and new season, for the first time in its history, entering the number 16 the strongest teams Euroleague ULEB. At the same time, according to the president of the club Evgeny Bogachev, the financial possibilities of the representatives of Tatarstan are quite modest: “I would like us to have 20 million dollars, but more than 15 is not visible. And the weight of these 15 million depends on the price of the dollar, which is why I want the ruble to be stronger.”

Boston Bruins

Stanley Cup Winner

The Boston Bears won the trophy after a 39-year hiatus, losing 0-2 to the Vancouver Canucks in the final series. The decisive factor that turned the tide of the struggle in favor of the American team, experts call the injuries of the leading defenders of the Canadians, as well as the actions of the goalkeepers. Recognized Stanley Cup MVP Tim Thomas acted brilliantly, while his counterpart Roberto Luongo frankly failed. In particular, in the decisive seventh match held in Vancouver, he repelled only 17 out of 20 shots. The fourth unanswered washer was abandoned by the guests already into an empty net. After the crushing defeat of their favorite team, the fans rioted, defeating the capital of the 2010 Olympics. Shop windows were smashed, cars parked on the streets were burned, and public transport was stopped. The police had to subdue the crowd with batons and tear gas grenades.

Japan national football team

Women's World Champion

The alignment of forces in men's football is significantly different from the situation in women's football, as evidenced by the World Cup held in Germany. In the final match, the two-time winners of the world championships from the USA and the Japanese team, which reached the medal showdown for the first time, met. During the match, the Americans had a significant advantage, but they could not turn it into a victory. Regular time ended with a score of 1:1, teams scored one more goal in extra time, and the Land of the Rising Sun team won on penalties. This is the first such success of an Asian representative in history. Next women's championship world championship will take place in 2015 in Canada, and not 16, but 24 teams will take part in it. This means that the Russians, who are coached by the Frenchman Farid Benstiti, will have a real chance for the first time in history to qualify for the final tournament.

hostess 2018

Alternative descriptions

The most devoted pet

Canine family pet, mammal

Poem by I. Bunin

The beast that humanizes us

. "Doggy" for an email address

. "The priest had ..., he loved her"

Sometimes riding, but sometimes biting

Biting sometimes

People say: "... barks, the wind - wears"

In some countries of Western Europe, the testimony of these animals is taken into account in court.

That's where... buried

They say the only way money can buy love is to buy it

Walking on a leash

Yard furry security guard

Yard Ball

Great Dane, Laika, Dachshund


Friend of human

A friend of a person in an email address

Man's friend, food for the masters of his craft

Food for the master of his craft

Her year was 2006

Zh. (and in the south and the west of the common genus) dog, gatehouse, sevlyaga bonfire. offs. hot zap. (grunting) see the olon. abusive bark, amka: domestic animal Canis domesticus; in a broad sense. dog is a generic name, dog, wolf, fox, coinage, etc. species of this genus. Having taken possession of a dog and adapted it to all climates and his needs, a person bred many breeds of it: diver, Danish, medelyanka, shepherd dog (shepherd), mongrel, mongrel, bulldog, muzzle, pug, Kamchatka, greyhound (canine, hort, krymka, etc.). ), Italian greyhound, wolfhound, hound, nether, osochalnaya, wind (snoop, vyzhlok), lagging, brusbart, poodle, badger (crooked paw), spitz, lap dog, Turkish (naked), etc. There are no wild dogs, except for wild ones; they think that this is a mixture of different dog species; bastards from a dog with a wolf, a fox, a jackal will be born even now. Forest, animal, industrial dog, sib. a breed of local mongrels accustomed to searching, clawing, exhibiting, chasing and catching game, for any purpose; they are shaggy, toothy, sensitive, ears with pitchforks, they take any animal alone, but meek to people. A cross between a canine and a shepherd dog, blockhead; a cross between a dog and a wolf, a top, a wolfdog, a cuff; from a fox and a dog, a fox. A dog that does not bark is silent. Male canine, male; female, dog, bitch; cub, dog cf. southern kutya, kitten, puppy, puppy. Dog, plant. Geum rivale, repeek, forest sickle, leaf-grass. Silent dog surreptitiously enough for calves. a dashing dog even a tuft of wool. Toothless dog woof, woof! soft, soft. He's a scolding dog. You can't find him now with dogs. I went to beat the dogs, chase the dogs, wander around. A dog's death to a dog, about a bad person. Feel free to the dog and lie to the lord. The dog barks, the wind carries. A man and a dog in the yard, a woman and a cat in the hut. If I hadn't been a husband, I wouldn't have been known as a dog. throw them a bone, so your dogs! Krylov. The dog barks, hears from the dog. The dog came to me. Tiny doggy. Sobachina, sobachishchis from a calf. Dogs are enormous. The dogs attacked the trail, grabbed the trail. The yard is full of dogs. the dog remembers the good old. A dog is a friend, but a horse is a thief. A dog is an invariable friend to a man. You can’t catch a hare without a dog. The dog ate grass, but not for long (vomited). The dog sees (hears) milk, but the snout is short (or: yes, deep in the jug). The dog is a crumb under the table, and the cat is waiting for spilled milk. dogs have a thought in the tail, a horse in the ears. Like a dog in the hay lies: she doesn’t eat herself, and doesn’t give to others. The dog is a glutton, and the cat is sweet. No matter how much a dog lacks, it can never be full. The dog is enough, but there is no satiety. He ate a dog for it, master, dock. He ate the dog, only choked on his tail. Don't worry about dogs barking. The dog is barking and the bars are moving. It dries up like a dog. Little dog to old age puppy. In a foreign land, even a dog yearns. Whoever is happy with a guest feeds his dog. If you love me, love my dog ​​too. The court and the case the dog ate. Wrote a scribbler, and his name is a dog. there is nothing to lure dogs into his house. our hostess is all at work: and the dogs wash the dishes. we are such a craft that it brought us to the dogs, theft. There are dogs in Jerusalem. At such a time, a good owner will not drive the dogs out of the gate. Angry dog ​​wolf self-interest. They live like a sodak with a cat. Whoever rushes forward gets eaten by dogs. you lie down like a dog, you get up with fleas. The dog barks at the brave, and vomits at the cowardly. The dog knows the dog (or: does not eat). Don't tease the dog, it won't bite. The dog barks at the master. A silent dog, and even that sufferer barks. On whom people, on that and dogs. There are many dogs on the coward. Gnaw me a dog, but a stranger (yes not your own, unknown). You will bark like a dog (at me), but you won’t sing like a rooster (you won’t win; about your wife). The mosol is given to the dog at least eat it, at least eat it, at least put it forward. When he speaks, then the dog will not be allowed to say a word. If the dog is to be a bat, there is also a stick. If there was a dog, there would be a stone. Miroshka is rich, and his belly is a dog and a cat. The stick will not disappear after the dog (i.e., it will remember). He loves like a dog a stick (radish). Cut off a dog's tail, it won't be a sheep. a dashing dog even a tuft of wool. I was glad that the dog pancake. From an empty choromina, either an owl, or an owl, or a mad dog. On dogs, the wool beats, i.e. beats the bucks). Own dogs squabble, don't pester someone else's (don't poke your nose). The gates are colorful, the dogs are new, the windows are thatched, the roof is dragged. The dog flew, the crow sat on its tail. Everyone knows him like a pockmarked dog (translated from German). Eat a dog a dog, and eat the last devil (or: and the last one, strangle yourself). Time to have lunch. "So there is no bread." is there a whip? "Eat." Let's go chase the dogs! Four chetyrki, yes two spreaders, the seventh spinner (dog). a hut with a pie, and in the yard with a roll (a dog). Timoshka is rich, he has a dog and a cat. Bark, bark, dog where is my betrothed? (the girls guess about Christmas time, knocking on the gate with a spoon). Do not beat the dog, and she was a man (turned into a dog, for gluttony). If the dog howls at night, then turn the pillow over under their heads, saying: on your head; and she will shut up. So that the dogs do not go crazy, then the puppies are dragged through the wheel hub. If the dog, standing on its feet, sways, then the owner will fall out the road. The dog howls down (to the ground), to the dead; up to the fire. The dog digs the ground for the dead. It is a sin to call a dog with a human name. Do not kick the dog: convulsions will pull. The dog rolls to bad weather. Whoever eats from a dog (after a dog), his throat will swell. The dog eats grass in the rain. The dog rides, to rain and to snow. You can kiss a dog on the face, and not on the cat's coat, vice versa. The dog clings to the owner unfortunately. The dog eats little, sleeps a lot to bad weather. If the dog does not eat crumbs after the patient, then he will soon die. When the dog crosses the road, there is no trouble, but there will be no great success either. So that the dog does not run away, pull a tuft of wool out of the neck. A black dog, a black cat and a black rooster in the house save from a thunderstorm and from a thief (and, on the contrary, they are dangerous during a thunderstorm; believe me, below). Vyak, vyak, old dog, no guts (doodle). A crooked dog looks into the stove (poker). The little black dog lies curled up: it doesn’t bark or bite, it doesn’t let it into the house (the same). Four lay, two shine, and one lies, will not let anyone in (dog). Dudka-duda, there is a hole on the pipe; duda crackles, the dog runs (gun). Does a small dog (small, pot-bellied) protect the whole house? lock. Dog, mountain type of ore-rolling cart, wheelbarrow. Sev. sticky stick; a stick with which they drive a bitch, a ball in the game; arch. a curve at the end of a club, with which they break manure in the field. Arch. rowan berry, in bunches, as it is saved for future use. Tver. prickly, tenacious cone of burdock. Casp. kind of stopper, end serving instead of grotagals; the dog is attached to the bottom rail. Rusten. Larra tomentosa, lapukh, lapushnik, burdock, burdock. Rusten. Galium, see dereza. A block placed on firewood at the end of a log so that it does not lie on the knitting. Doggy, diminish. tenacious seed, and the very plants with such a seed sticking to clothes: Agrimonia eupatoria, see burdock; Videns plant, succession; Sunoglossum plant, see larkspur; plant Linaria, see bugs; plant Rotenilla, see worm; plant Erithronium; plant forget-me-not, Velcro, burdock, Echinospermum. Dogs, bite mites, needle nose pliers. machines: a part that serves to capture, delay, trailer. Dog gun, descent. Forked hook, on saw mills, that grabs and holds the ratchet wheel. Loom dog: with it, like a lever, the back beam rotates; also a plank with a wheel, raising, when stepping on the footboard, the bottoms. masons have a brick compartment, a quarter, or a small hewn fragment. Dog beekeeper. see whip; carpentry, a block inserted with a ledge, for example. under fear. Hank dog, Vlad. a knot where the end of the thread is tied. Sea dog, Chernomorsk. Asanthias vulgaris fish. Doggy, fish Blennius. Sobakin, sobachkin, sobachenkin, all that is hers; canine, referring to them in general. Dog barking, howling. Dog food. Canine disposition, grumpy, quarrelsome. Dog belongings, plant. watercress, Lepidium ruderale. berries, buckthorn tree. mushrooms, sib. bakery? lips, sib. toadstool mushrooms. Dog tooth, plant. kandyk? erysipelas, plant Lavathera thuringiaca, mallow. mint, see budra. lichen, outgrowth of Reltidea canina; tail, plant Sunosorum. language, plant Sunoglossum (all names are translated). Dog head, plant. boletus, Scrophularia nodosa. cabbage, plant chicken potion, Mercurialis annua. parsley, Aethusa cynapium plant. death, plant poison, Arosynum. Dog fly, evil fly, Сunops calcitrans. Death without repentance is a dog's death. The matchmaker walks along the dog path (that is, secretly). Dog howling for eternal rest. Dog meat, dog meat, dog skin or meat. Siberian black dog goes to fur coats. The wolf and the dog does not disdain. Dog lover, -nitsa and dog, doggy, passionate dog lover; canine hunter; pet dog lover. Dog owner, dog dealer. Dog lovers, plants. Sunoglossum; plant Esshinochloa, siskin. Dog lover, plant. dog parsley. Psk dog. that in the south is Gizel, who is assigned to beat the staggering dogs. Doghouse, kennel, dog zakuta, dog factory. Dog fire. to play pranks, to fool, to mischief, to spoil something out of prank. whom, novg. scold, scold, revile. Dog, Vyat. dog, hang out; break and ruin. with whom, scold, swear, vilify whom and: each other. He is always dogging, swearing abusively. As the two of them get together, so they dog. dog, action by vb. How do you not get tired of this dog! Doggy, quarrelsome, rude; -vost, property is. Dogmatically, arch. greedily (Shane)

An animal buried with the truth

An animal that rarely makes friends with cats

Animal affected by a vengeful butt

The Beast of the Baskervilles

Sinister in the yard

What animal can bark

What animal can bark

Which animal was the first to enter Earth's orbit?

Which animal is the hottest

Who was killed by the priest for eating a piece of meat

lover of smut

Mastiff, Basset or Dalmatian

Medelyanka one of the largest breeds: big-headed, round-nosed, smooth-haired; looks like a bulldog

A wise man will always figure out where this pet is buried.

Mukhtar as an animal

The meat of what animal is used by the warriors of the islands of Buru and Aru in order to be brave and agile in war

The name of this pet comes from the word "helper"

Kennel dweller

Having deceived the trust of a servant of God who loved her, she was personally killed and buried by him.

She does not leave her village (Caucasian proverb)

From such a life she is biting

By digging up this animal you can find the truth

The beast that humanizes us

Dog of the Baskervilles

The rooster crows and she barks

Guide in the animal world

The Ghost of the House of the Baskervilles

The work of the Russian writer I. Bunin from the collection "Leaf Fall"

The story of the Russian writer K. Stanyukovich

The very first animal tamed by man

Fairy tale of the peoples of the North

The one who bites

The one that bites

Flea transport

The priest had her, he loved her

Horror of the House of the Baskervilles

Horror of Sir Henry Baskerville

Film "... in the hay"

Film by Vladimir Grammatikov "Walked... on the piano"

Rolan Bykov's film "A car, a violin and ... an inkblot"

Film by Jan Fried "... in the hay"

Predator of the wolf family

Chained Fanged Guard

Chain guard with fangs

Man's four-legged friend

Four paws, ears, tail

This animal symbolizes devotion and obedience in heraldry.

. "... the Baskervilles"

What animal can whine

Krylov's fable

Eastern horoscope sign

Caucasian wisdom says: "In her yard and ... strong"

Who needs to be "eaten" in order to thoroughly know their business

Lying in the hay, she does not eat herself and does not give to others

Poem by I. Bunin

A poem in the prose of I. S. Turgenev

Turgenev's story

Who are taught to move on the "lightweight" stairs, with wide steps

. "Everyone here... knows me!"

. "whose joy is visible on the backside?" (mystery)

What birthday present did the Kid dream about in the fairy tale about Carlson

Spanish playwright Lope de Vega's comedy "... in the hay"

Friend in a collar

Inhabitant of the kennel

. "stroke - caress, tease - bite" (riddle)

. "it lies in the hay, does not eat itself and does not give to others" (riddle)

Object of study of cynology

Transport for a flea (anecd.)

A poem in Turgenev's prose

Bobby in the booth

Barks - the wind carries


. "nickname" of the mail badge

. "Beware! There's an evil one in the yard...!"

Can you get a dog

"Oh sport - you are the world!" - this famous phrase belongs to the legendary Pierre de Coubertin. It is thanks to his initiative that every 4 years the strongest, youngest and most courageous people of the Earth come to one of the countries in order to participate in sports White Olympics. In 2014, the honor to host top athletes The planet was awarded to the Russian city of Sochi. Where will the next Winter Olympics be held?

Host of the 2018 White Olympics

The fact that the XXIII Olympic Winter Games will be held in South Korea in the province of Pyeongchang became known back in 2011 at the 123rd session of the International Olympic Committee held in Durban. In addition to Pyeongchang, Munich and the French city of Annecy fought for the right to become the hosts of the main sports forum. But Pyeongchang was ahead of both in the first round of voting. For many, this came as a surprise, since South Korea was not the first to participate in such elections and had always lost before.

So, in 2007, Pyeongchang lost to Sochi, which upset the emotional Koreans very much, because they were almost sure of their victory. This confidence was so strong that some of the Olympic sports in South Korea had already begun to be built in advance. At the same time, the leaders of the Korean Sports Committee decided not to deviate from their dream and participate in the next competition. And now the dream of the Korean people came true: Pyeongchang was declared the host of the 2018 Winter Olympics.

Rivals of Pyeongchang

At a time when the question of where the next Winter Olympics would be held was still being decided, Annecy and Munich also had hope of success. Munich's chances were especially strong. Indeed, in comparison with it, Pyeongchang and Ansi are just inconspicuous settlements on the world map, and besides, they are not particularly famous among tourists.

Munich is a completely different matter - one of the largest and most beautiful European cities with a developed infrastructure. In addition, 40 years ago, the Olympics were already held in Munich. True, she was remembered by the whole world as a tragedy: a terrorist act against Israeli athletes.

Since then, the Bavarians have not ceased to hope that the dark memories will be washed away by holding new Olympic competitions. Many analysts predicted victory for Munich and ... they were wrong! After all, elections are not won by statistical calculations, but by people. 25 votes were cast for Munich, only 7 for Annecy, but 63 representatives of the IOC voted for Pyeongchang - the capital of the 2018 Winter Olympics was elected!

What influenced the choice?

In no small part, the decision on where the next Winter Olympics will be held was influenced by the tenacity of the Koreans. After all, they participated in the elections for the third time and, as mentioned above, they took care of the construction of new sports infrastructure in advance.

South Korea entrusted the impressive futuristic presentation of its project to the young figure skater Yuna Kim and did not fail, this athlete is very popular all over the world. The President of the IOC, speaking to the public after the elections, described the presentation of South Korea as "a very strong and impressive project."

Rogge said the IOC had no doubt that XXIII winter Olympics will leave a huge legacy, the Korean capital will then become a new wonderful center for winter sports in the Asian region. Thanks to this, new generations of young athletes in Asia will be able to train at home, so that later they too can fulfill their Olympic dream.

What is Pyeongchang famous for?

The venue for the 2018 Olympics - the Korean province of Pyeongchang is one of the most beautiful and environmentally friendly places on the planet. Most of this area is located at an altitude that is the most favorable for health - 700 m above sea level. Mountains, clean air, ski resorts and alpine slopes attract lovers to Pyeongchang active rest from all corners of the world.

One of the most picturesque places in Pyeongchang is Odaesan Mountain Park, where you can admire the famous peaks of Paektoksan, Chanamasan and Gyeongbasan. In this place reign, tranquility and peaceful atmosphere of pristine nature. There are many historical monuments and buildings associated with Buddhism. There are so many fish in the rivers near the Daegwallen Pass in the Suhyang Valley that many Koreans aspire to come to fish in these places.

Despite all its beauty and sights, South Korea is still a rather little-studied and hard-to-reach country for the rest of the world. The upcoming should correct this situation.

Climate Pyeongchang

It is no secret that in order to achieve maximum results in winter activities weather plays an important role in sports. Therefore, when it was decided where the next Winter Olympic Games would be held, the climatic conditions of Pyeongchang were carefully studied. Some problem with these places is that in winter period there is very little precipitation, which is a characteristic feature of the monsoonal climate. In this, Pyeongchang is similar to Sochi.

Therefore, there are fears that real snow at the XXIII Olympic Games may not be enough. But since the Korean people are surprisingly purposeful, there is no doubt that they are able to successfully solve this problem with the help of artificial or imported snow. The main thing is that there are no thaws and rains.

In 2009, during the Biathlon World Championships, Pyeongchang has already suffered from unpredictable weather: heavy rains almost disrupted the competition, literally washing away all the snow from the track. Only the colossal efforts of the organizers helped then to avoid the disruption of the championship.

Pyechang plans

Kim Jin-Soon, President of the Pyeongchang 2018 Organizing Committee, speaking at the Sochi Olympics, spoke at a press conference about plans to prepare for the next Winter Olympic Games. In particular, Kim Jin-Sung announced some figures: in total, about 9 billion dollars are planned to be spent on the organization of the Korean Olympics. Of which, 7 billion will be spent on infrastructure development and 2 billion on the construction of sports facilities and arenas. At the same time, most of the money investments are private investments. For South Korea, hosting the Winter Olympics is a national event that is actively supported by 91% of the population.

Now there is an active design of the infrastructure system and 6 stadiums. The task of the organizers of the Olympics is facilitated by the fact that at the time of the choice of Pyongyang as the capital of the 2018 Games, many sports facilities had already been built. A feature of the South Korean Olympics is that all areas will be as accessible as possible for fans. Moreover, any sports point can be reached on foot. South Korea has a well-developed service sector, which guests should also like. And Pyeongchang is considered one of the most environmentally friendly cities on Earth, so the expected Olympics have already earned journalists the nickname of the "greenest" in the history of mankind.

In order to adopt the Russian experience in preparation for the 2014 Olympic Games, 200 specialists from Asia were present in Sochi. Sports objects in Pyeongchang will be located following the example of Sochi, in two separate territories: for ice and snow sports. At the conference, Kim Jin-soon for the first time voiced the slogan of the future Winter Games: "Pyeongchang 2018 - new horizons of Asia".

Sports of South Korea

Recently, South Korea has been actively developing as a sports power. There are many athletes in the country who are the pride of not only Asia, but the whole world.

  • Park Ji-soon is one of the most decorated soccer players in Asia;
  • Kim Yuna is a legendary figure skater who is referred to as the princess of figure skating;
  • Hong Woon Jeong - Olympic champion 2008 in artistic gymnastics;
  • Im Tong-hyun - two-time Olympic champion archery;
  • Park Tae-hwan - 2008 Olympic champion in swimming;
  • Song Yong-jae is a star of rhythmic gymnastics.

And many other talented athletes.

Go Russia!

4 years will fly by! Athletes around the world do not have much time to properly prepare for next Games. Therefore, by September 30, President Putin must be presented with a detailed plan for preparing our athletes for participation in the Winter Olympics. This program should include comprehensive measures that can improve the results of Russian national teams in such sports as biathlon, skiing, snowboarding, curling, hockey, and ski jumping. Our athletes have much to strive for, we wish them good luck and success in their pursuit of new victories!