European Figure Skating Championship. Three Shades of the Pedestal Figure Skating

The European Championship ended on Saturday in Bratislava. figure skating. Russian figure skaters won seven medals - two golds, a silver and four bronzes.

Maxim Kovtun - bronze medalist of the championship

The first Russian medalist of the European Championship was Maxim Kovtun. A year earlier, in Stockholm, Kovtun became a silver medalist, this time the Russian figure skater was awarded a bronze medal. After the short program, Maxim took second place, but an unsuccessful performance in the free program, where he showed the sixth result, threw the Russian to the third line. World champion Javier Fernandez became the best figure skater in Europe.

Women's Singles for Russia

Triumphantly for Russia, the competitions in single skating among women. The entire pedestal of the European Championship was occupied by Russian figure skaters. Evgenia Medvedeva, Elena Radionova and Anna Pogorilaya, having passed a difficult selection in their homeland, expectedly became the best in Europe. They simply had no competition. But in the composition Russian team is there some more Olympic champions Adelina Sotnikova and Yulia Lipnitskaya, as well as world champion Elizaveta Tuktamysheva.

Sixteen-year-old Evgenia Medvedva, who became the European champion, is spending her first season at the adult level, and in her piggy bank is not only the gold of the continental championship, but also victories in the Russian Championship and the Grand Prix final.

Volosozhar and Maxaim Trankov are back on top

The Olympic champions before the start of the championship were the undisputed favorites, especially because of injuries, two other Russian couples knocked out - Yuko Kawaguchi / Alexander Smirnov and the winners of the Grand Prix final Ksenia Stolbova / Fedor Klimov.

According to the skaters themselves, they could have skated both the short and free programs better, but even that was enough to win. and outstripped the German couple Alena Savchenko and Bruno Massot in the sum of two programs by more than 20 points. The third place was taken by the Russian couple Evgenia Tarasova and Vladimir Morozov.

Bobrova and Solovyov - third in ice dancing

In ice dancing, the champions of Russia and became the best Russian couple. The Russians have already become the best in Europe, they were second twice, but this time - bronze. World and European champions in 2015, the French Gabriella Papadakis / Guillaume Sizeron were able to defend the title. Italians Cappellini and Lanotte became silver medalists.

Russians Victoria Sinitsina and stopped a step away from the podium - fourth place, Alexandra Stepanova and Ivan Bukin - fifth.

Women's competitions ended as expected: . Evgenia Medvedeva, who won gold, also demonstrated good vocals by singing the Russian anthem.

Medvedev could only lose to herself

Our young stars, the eldest of which is 17 and the youngest is 16, are very different and react differently to their performances and results. Elena Radionova, who performed first in the strongest warm-up, changed her costume for the European Championship. A student of Inna Goncharenko rides to the soundtrack to the Titanic. So they came up with an outfit for Elena as a VIP passenger of the legendary liner. The mood was to match, although the vice-champion of Europe-2015 fulfilled everything planned and repeated last year's result. “Apparently, the rivals have become stronger, since they failed to win,” the two-time vice-champion of Europe summed up the performance in Bratislava with a sad tone in her voice.

Perhaps she used the plural in vain. Only Evgenia Medvedeva is stronger this season. Student Eteri Tutberidze sincerely rejoiced at both the victory and the highest scores received, despite the fall from the double axel. Although Eugene could only lose to herself. She has a chic program with an amazingly complex set of elements, which, by the way, was rejected by Yulia Lipnitskaya last season. Director Ilya Averbukh, however, did not grieve for a long time. A new star has grown up in the Tutberidze group, willingly picking up the baton.

After the "steering wheel" for the missing element in the short program, Anna Pogorilaya, perhaps, could only count on the "bronze". She won it. Despite two falls, the figure skater, who repeated last year's achievement, was satisfied with her performance. “In Stockholm, I was still a child,” Anna honestly admitted. - Now I have matured and I perceive everything differently. I understand that it is not always possible to skate cleanly, and you need to be ready for this.

Latvian figure skater Angelina Kuchvalska, who placed 4th, was over ten points behind. There is a huge distance between Russian and other European skaters. It is much more difficult to qualify for the national team following the results of the Russian Championship than to become the winner of the European Championship.

Russian hegemony is not needed

At last year's European Championships in Stockholm, the entire podium in the competition of sports couples was occupied by Russian figure skaters. In Bratislava, they have serious competitors. Contrary to expectations, Alena Savchenko, five-time world champion and two-time Olympic bronze medalist, who won these titles in tandem with Robin Szolkowy, did not leave big-time sports after Sochi 2014. The Ukrainian girl, who has been playing for Germany for a long time, is simply obsessed with the idea of ​​​​becoming an Olympic champion.

To achieve this goal, she paired up with the Frenchman Bruno Massu. It took more than a year for him to be given permission to skate for Germany. Savchenko's fans even collected 30,000 euros on social networks to "buy out a partner". As it turned out, they tried not in vain.

In Bratislava, the new German couple immediately set their sights on the pedestal. Although, according to two-time Olympic champion Maxim Trankov, the new duet is being promoted so that there is no absolute hegemony of Russian couples in Europe. Trankov himself, together with Tatyana Volosozhar, did not show his best performance in the short program. As the skaters noted, they lost three or four points due to blots in the performance of well-developed elements.

Trankov called the reason ... the composition of the Russian team. Due to Yuko Kawaguchi and Fyodor Klimov's injuries, tickets to Bratislava were hastily issued to our team's reserve team, couples Evgeny Tarasov - Vladimir Morozov and Kristina Astakhova - Alexei Rogonov.

When you know that in case of failure you will be backed up by the same experienced and skillful teammates, you ride in a completely different way, - Trankov admitted. - And understudies even look at you differently, taking away some of the energy. It is very difficult to be the leader of the backup team.

It remains to be hoped that the double Olympic champions yet cope with such a difficult role.



Women. Final position: 1. Medvedev - 215.45; 2. Radionova - 209.99; 3. Pogorilaya (all - Russia) - 187.05; 4. Kuchvalskaya (Latvia) - 176.99

Sports couples. Short program. 1. Volosozhar/Trankov (Russia) - 79.77; 2. Savchenko / Massu (Germany) - 75.54; 3. Tarasova / Morozov - 70.17 ... 7. Astakhova / Rogonov (both pairs - Russia) - 60.63.

The Moscow European Figure Skating Championship gave the fans exactly what they expected from him: great performances, exciting wrestling and, of course, a whole scattering of medals. More to come demonstration performances, but sports results can be summed up now. We remember the most bright events the last continental tournament, which became a real pre-Olympic revelation for fans of Russian figure skating.

Medvedev returned, but lost

Of course, the main attention of figure skating fans was riveted to the battle of two outstanding Russian figure skaters - Evgenia Medvedeva And Alina Zagitova. It was the first time it took place at such a high international level and met the expectations of the audience. In itself, the return of Medvedeva after an injury - a big joy for her fans. Zhenya showed that everything was in order with her health, and in the European battle, she, perhaps, lacked the competitive tone and usual lightness. I would like to believe that Medvedev will still be able to gain strength and appear in his best sports shape for the Olympics.

Without any respect. Now Zagitova is Russia's main hope?

How else to call a figure skater who at the age of 15 beat a two-time world champion? And what should Medvedeva do now?

As well as, of course, the dignity of which cannot be diminished. Two magnificent performances of the most technically difficult programs at a tournament of this level is a grandiose success! Before the start of the competition, fans in the stands of Megasport were more actively supporting Medvedev, but now interest in Zagitova is likely to be no less. And in such a situation, it is impossible not to congratulate the coach Eteri Tutberidze. At the Olympics in Sochi, she prepared one figure skating star, and in Pyeongchang there will be two at once!

The successor of victorious traditions?

It should be noted that Alina won her debut European Championship - this fact increases the value of the award many times over. As well as the value of a silver medal Dmitry Aliyev, who at the continental level fought for the first time and succeeded. Both in the short and in the free program, Dmitry looked great and was second only to the favorite Fernandez, outwardly easily outperforming both the mistaken Kolyada and the not at all shining Samarin. Of course, all Russian fans of figure skating with bated breath are waiting for the appearance on the horizon of the successor of the victorious traditions of Yagudin and Plushenko. Maybe they waited?

Plushenko may return. The debutant won the Olympic showdown

The leader of Russian men's skating was not ready for the European Championship. And miraculously won a medal.

There is a Russian pedestal!

The Russian podium at the European Championships is not uncommon. In 2018, he was destined to get together in pair skating. The fight for places on the podium turned out to be incredibly dramatic. Natalya Zabiyako And Alexander Enbert one hundredth (!) ahead of competitors from France in the battle for third place. and had every chance of winning, but made a mistake and became only second, and again rose to first place and Vladimir Morozov, which, according to the results of the short program, were only in fifth place, but in the free program they “lit up” so that they forced the stands of Megasport to give a standing ovation.

Go for broke and win. Tarasova and Morozov defended the champion title

Ultra-c from the champions, trembling legs from the leaders and one hundredth of a point from the judges. And in the end, three medals for Russia.

French world record

Came close to breaking any of the world records set Evgenia Medvedeva, but did not reach the historical results. However, the audience still did not remain without a world record. undefeated french couple Gabriella Papadakis And Guillaume Sizeron they skated the free dance in a way that no one else in the world has done before, scoring 121.87 points for it. The sum of the two programs is also a record - 203.16. The gap from the silver medalists was more than 16 points. The French won their fourth European Championship in a row and confirmed that they are only aiming for gold in the upcoming Olympics.

The Spaniard steps on Plushenko's heels

If we talk about records for the number of medals, then the Spanish figure skater is getting closer to them Javier Fernandez. He also went to Moscow as a clear favorite of the competition and confirmed his status by winning the sixth gold award. Of the current figure skaters, Javier is the most titled, if you count only the victories at the European Championships. In the coming weeks, the main goal of the Spaniard is, of course, to bring his country a long-awaited medal in figure skating, and in the future he is thinking about how to catch up with Evgeny Plushenko who have won seven European Championships. And only Schaefer and Salkhov performed better than Plushenko in the pre-war period. The first eight times became the best in Europe, the second - nine.

Fernandez: I will do my best to win an Olympic medal

Spanish figure skater Javier Fernandez won the European Championship for the sixth time in a row. But his main goal is to win an Olympic medal.

Medal record

But fans of the Russian team are also satisfied with the count of awards won in Moscow. According to the results of four disciplines, our skaters won nine medals out of 12 possible - an impressive result and a repeat of the record in the history of Russia. Previously, our team won nine medals at one European Championship three times. The first two times this happened in 1998 and 1999, when Yagudin and Plushenko, Berezhnaya and Sikharulidze, Butyrskaya and Slutskaya, Petrova and Tikhonov shone on the ice. Once again, such impressive medal performance was achieved in the current Olympic cycle - in 2015. Curiously, only three couples who then got on the podium were able to contribute to the 2018 record: Stolbova / Klimov, Tarasova / Morozov and Stepanova / Bukin.

Waiting for the Olympic squad

The main result of the European Championship in Moscow has not yet acquired its real shape, but will receive a material embodiment in the coming days, if not hours. Of course, we are talking about a list of 15 athletes who will go to defend the honor of the country at the Olympics in Pyeongchang. It is known that the Russian Figure Skating Federation can also hold additional skates if you really want to, but this time, perhaps, everything is quite transparent. The intrigue that existed in men's skating was resolved in favor of Dmitry Aliyev. In dance and women's skating, none of the candidates for the Olympic team made them doubt themselves, and in pair skating, the Russian podium seems to speak for itself. Now it remains only to wait for the decision of the FFKR commission and the approval of the long-awaited list of Olympians.

The European Figure Skating Championships have ended in Bratislava. The Russian team became the undisputed winner medal count, having won seven medals in four types of programs - two golds, one silver and four bronzes.

The second and third places in the medal standings are taken by the teams of Spain and France, which each have one gold medal.

European Championship 2016 in figure skating, the results of the Russian team:


Evgenia Medvedeva - female single skating

Tatyana Volosozhar/Maxim Trankov - couples


Elena Radionova - women's singles


Maxim Kovtun - men's single skating

Anna Pogorilaya - women's singles

Evgenia Tarasova / Vladimir Morozov - couples

Ekaterina Bobrova / Dmitry Solovyov - dancing.

Photo: Yulia KOMAROVA/Russian Figure Skating Federation

Maxim Trankov, who won the European Championship for the fourth time together with Tatyana Volosozhar, commented on the completed championship to the media service of the Russian Figure Skating Federation.

— We had a difficult start to the day: early training. In addition, it was not possible to return to the hotel. It was difficult to ride. I don't know why since 2014 the organizers prefer such a crazy competition schedule for greenhouses. And this is taking into account the fact that we perform the most complex elements. Girls have it especially hard. But in fact, all greenhouses are unhappy with this schedule.

You can't skate all the time and dominate with world records. But you can just win.

Now I know that many will say: “There weren’t those, there weren’t those.” But we did the minimum to win this championship. We have experience that allows us to ride not to the fullest, but to turn on at the right time.

We know how we ride in training. We know how to approach training. The only thing that brings us now is health. Everything else is in order, - said Maxim.

Evgenia Medvedeva - two-time champion Europe (2016 and 2017). Will she be able to win the title for the third time? Photo: Alexander Isakov

At the European Figure Skating Championships in Moscow on the ice of Megasport, the champion of the continent in women's singles was determined. She became the 15-year-old debutant of the European Championship Alina Zagitova. Two-time world champion, two-time European champion Evgenia Medvedeva became the second. Bronze medal for Italian figure skater Carolina Kostner.

00:36 The awards ceremony has begun. Zhenya, going to the podium, was even confused - she got confused, where is the second place, where is the third. She has never been in this position...

Results of the European Championship in women's single skating.

1. Alina Zagitova (RUSSIA) - 238.24

2. Evgenia Medvedeva (RUSSIA) - 232.86

3. Carolina Costner (Italy) - 204.25

00:30 No one has beaten Evgenia Medvedeva yet. But Alina managed to do this, who has been training with her for many years on the same ice with the same coach ... Well, we will see the second round of confrontation between these skaters at the Olympics. We think Medvedev will be angrier. And stronger.

00:22 European champion became Alina Zagitova. For a free program, she received 157.97, Evgenia Medvedeva - 154.29.

In the sum of two programs, Alina Zagitova beat Evgenia Medvedeva by almost 6 points. Recall that both Russians train with the same coach - Eteri Tutberidze.

This is the debut European Championship for the 15-year-old champion.

00:16 238.24. Do I need to say something else? Oh, it will not be easy for Zhenya now.

00:14 Well done Alina! How hot it is now in Megasport. All ice in toys. Alina managed everything today, the judges generously add absolutely all the elements. Some of the stands are now shouting "Alina", some are cheering Zhenya Medvedev, which is already out for training. As she weaves between teddy bears.

00:09 Alina Zagitova on the ice!

00:05 Carolina did not succeed today, there was a fall, there were blots. She has 204.25 points - Carolina bypasses Maria Sotskova, and while she is the first. Although in the free program, Sotskova won 7 points from Carolina.

00:00 Karlina Kostner- ice queen, 30-year-old figure skater from Italy, on the ice.

Bronze medalist of the Games champion of Italy. Costner became the first Italian figure skater to win a Grand Prix final to become European and World Figure Skating Champion.

23:55 On the ice Nicole Rayichova from Slovakia, four-time champion of her country. After the short program, she was fifth. In the sum of two programs, she scored 171.90 and is still third.

23:48 And Masha gives! Good rental, well done Sotskova. There was an unfortunate fall from a triple lutz, which Sotskova did not spin. But the rest of the judges plus. If not for this fall ... Masha presented her free program very artistically today. 200.81 is Mary's sum. Of course, it is clear that she is not happy. While she is in the intermediate first place. But hardly enough points to get into the top three. But the ice is equally slippery for everyone. This is a sport, and anything can happen - so we look further.

23:44 Masha Sotskova on the ice! "Masha, come on" - the stands shout.

23:40 Anita Ostlund from Sweden on ice. One of the cascades did not work out for her at all, there are many questions about jumps. Triple flip - with a blot, with a mistake and underrotation triple lutz ... This very blurred the impression of the rental. Well, Anita herself is unhappy. She was sixth after the short program, but now she has fallen back to 12th place. Anita is crying in the kiss and cry zone.

23:36 Before going on the ice, the two main contenders for victory - Alina Zagitova prepared differently. Zhenya, wearing headphones, turned herself on with the help of her favorite compositions, walking back and forth along the edge. Alina warmed up intensely to go on the ice in full combat readiness. Their coach Eteri Tutberidze I tried to pay attention to both.

23:33 This photo does not require a caption. At the side - a group of the strongest. There are only five performances left until the end of the European Championship. And now the fate of medals in women's single skating will be decided. How are your nerves?

23:30 The symbol of the championship is a squirrel. There is a huge line of people who want to be photographed!

23:25 The judges fined the skater, she is only sixth now. We believe that such a complex costume is not worth making - there is still too much risk that something will go wrong.

23:21 Lauren Lecavalier from France on ice. This figure skater is interesting first of all... for her costume. In the first part of the program, she rides in one, and in the second, she transforms and remains in a beautiful dress. This Lauren program is already familiar to figure skating fans. But today something went wrong, and part of the costume unbuttoned the figure skater ahead of time. I wonder how the judges will react to this...

23:17 We really liked the Moon, we paid attention to it yesterday. Plastic, emotional, bright figure skater. Her hands work very well, ballet training is visible. Yorick, alas, did not meet her! 176.91 - the result of Hendrix. She is the first! And it is absolutely deserved. And finally we crossed the mark of 170! More or less solid scores began.

23:14 On Ice - Luna Hendrix from Belgium. And again yesterday we saw her brother - Yorika. He finished tenth in the men's singles. I wonder if her brother will meet her in kiss and cry? :)

23:10 Came out in first place Alexia Paganini from Switzerland. Very neat, clean skating... However, a bit boring. Her result is 161.62. She is 16 years old, she is the champion of her country. This is her first European Championship. By the way, Paganini has two brothers, and both of them play hockey.

22:57 Eliska Brzezinova from the Czech Republic on ice. Yesterday we saw her brother - Michal Brezinu. He became the eighth. Elishka is only in 4th place so far. In the kiss and cry zone, Elishka was supported by her brother (in the photo - on the right).

Elishka and Michal. Photo: Natalia Shadrina

22:55 And again about history. Do you know which cities hold the record for hosting the European Championship? Vienna and Davos. They have hosted the continental championship nine times. But basically, all this was in the first half of the twentieth century ... The last time Vienna hosted the championship was in 2000, and Davos - in 1959.

22:48 The Frenchwoman succeeded, she is happy. So far, she has an intermediate first place with a total of 159.70.

22:40 The warm-up of the third group began. Now on the ice, the favorite of the public is a Frenchwoman Mae Berenice Meite. Exactly one hour remains before the performance of the first Russian woman - Masha Sotskova.

22:22 And the doctors miss this championship. And good!

22:20 If there is no work, the children wrap themselves in blankets. But today they do not have to be bored and cold.

22:10 Viveca Lindfors, the champion of Finland, has just completed the rental. 147.89 - this is its amount for two rentals. So far this is the second result. And this warm-up will be completed by the passionate tango of the Hungarian athlete Yvette Toth, champions of their country. She scored a total of 148.98 points and so far only the second.

Yvette Toth. Photo: Natalia Shadrina

22:03 A little about the atmosphere. At all press conferences, all the skaters note that the audience in Moscow is very warmly welcomed. Indeed, the incredible energy in "Megasport": very warmly and sincerely welcome all the skaters without exception. Now an incredible atmosphere reigns here - the arena is 100% full, there are no tickets, both the most expensive seats and the most distant and inconvenient ones are occupied. For the time being, you can meet spectators in the foyer and in cafes - mostly fans of those countries whose skaters perform at the end of the tournament. But there are very few of them.

And, of course, today there is a lot of work for the youngest participants of the European Championship - for children who pick flowers and toys from the ice. Some toys are almost the size of the girls themselves, but they try very hard :)

21:55 The free program of the 24-year-old Norwegian has begun Anne-Lina Gjersem. She is a three-time champion of her country, took part in Olympic Games in Sochi. And today the figure skater coped well with the nerves, the performance turned out to be convincing. For a free program, she gets 93.98 points - best result in the season, she has a total of 142.68 points. On this moment this is the fourth place.

21:48 Another figure skater from Germany is on the ice - Nicole Scott. She is great at jumping - and even with her hand raised up - in the best traditions of the Russians from the group Eteri Tutberidze. Nicole cannot do without blots in the second part of the program, but how the audience likes her! After rolling on the ice, a huge pink bear is thrown to her. She currently ranks first with 157.84 points.

21:42 We closely follow the performance of an athlete from Ukraine - 23-year-old Anna Khnychenkova. She was very supported by the hall even after the short program, today the audience again greets her very warmly, although it must be admitted that not everything turned out well for Anna today. Her best result in the season before the European Championship is 99.65 points. For a free program today, the judges give her only 80, 86. In total, for two rentals, she has 132.7 points while the Ukrainian takes the seventh position.

21:37 German fguristka took to the ice Lea Johanna Dastish. She is 17 and last year Lea became bronze medalist championship of Germany. Well, today she shows a good rental - in total, the skater 146.82 points, which puts it in second place - after Nicole Christini from Italy.

21:33 And again about history. The first figure skating competition broadcast on live to an international audience, it was the European Championship - it happened in 1958. The tournament was then held in Bratislava.

21:28 By this hour, there are no more empty seats in Megasport.

21:26 And we will continue to talk about the history of the championships of the continent. An interesting detail: there were cases when representatives of ... other continents became European champions. As a result, from 1949, only figure skaters from European countries began to be admitted to the European Championship.

21:21 Dasha Grm from Slovenia completed the first group of participants with her performance. Dissatisfied with the rental of Dasha, she scored only 137.31 points.

21:17 And now - about the first European Championship. It took place in 1891 - that is, these days the anniversary, 110th European Championship is taking place. The tournament was held in Hamburg. It is interesting that then the competitions were held only in men's single skating!

21:10 So, if we start counting from the time of the Russian Empire, then Russia is hosting the European Championship for the sixth time. The first championship on the territory of the Russian Empire was held in Warsaw in January 1908.

In 1911, the championship was hosted by the capital - in St. Petersburg. This city will then host the European Championship twice more: in 1970 and 1990.

In 1965 - 53 years ago - the European Championship was held in Moscow. By the way, then she performed on ice Tatyana Tarasova paired with Georgy Proskurin. They finished sixth. Today Tatyana Tarasova is again taking part in the European Championship - but already as a commentator.

21:05 In the meantime, the first warm-ups are on the ice, and there are more than two hours before the leaders, we will tell you a little about the atmosphere of the tournament, about the organization, and right now a little about the history of the European Championships.

21:00 The final form of the program 110 of the European Championship is women's single skating. On the ice - the first warm-up, has just completed the performance of Elisabeth Kropa from Latvia. And she ended up in last place in the results of two programs ...

In an interview, Evgenia Medvedeva said that in a free program she wants to go on the ice "and just show the real Anna Karenina." You can read the interview.

After the short program, the places were distributed as follows:

1. Alina Zagitova (Russia) 80.27 points - personal best.

By the way, only one athlete in the history of figure skating received short program more points - Russian Evgenia Medvedeva at the World Team Championship in 2017 (80.85).

2. Evgenia Medvedeva (Russia) 78.57 points

3. Carolina Kostner (Italy) 78.30.

4. Maria Sotskova (Russia) 68.70