The husband of Olga Zaitseva is a biathlete. Olga Zaitseva: "The current generation is missing

"All-Russian Bunny" - Olga Zaitseva received such a nickname at the peak of her career from devoted fans of biathlon. The champion who closed the doors to big sport, admits that until now, during random meetings, fans refer to her that way. Olga was able to get two gold medals for Russia at the Olympics, she won world championships three times.

Childhood and youth

Olga Zaitseva was born into a Muscovite family - a pilot and a teacher kindergarten. Elder sisters Elena and Oksana in their teens could already boast of some achievements in skiing. Following the example of girls, Olya also wanted to ride and joined the ranks in the third grade ski section sports school. The coach Svetlana Nesterova took care of the future champion, who was soon replaced by Elena Chukedova.

The school program was supplemented by another "snow" sport - biathlon, but the pupils were in no hurry to change cross-country skiing for it, there were sorely lacking girls in the team. Olga became interested in this direction, so she gladly agreed to the proposal to prepare for the competition.

Only two weeks were allotted for training in the basics of shooting. Zaitseva, under the guidance of Viktor Izotov, managed to master the basics and went to competitions in Krasnogorsk, and from there to the All-Russian Winter Olympics in Perm. Since then, the girl decided to seriously engage in biathlon. However, she did not give up skiing.

After the 8th grade, Olga entered a sports college, managed to combine her studies with two sports. The biathlete recalls that time as one of the most difficult in life. But she did not give up and even became a master of sports in biathlon, after which she said goodbye to cross-country skiing having finally decided on career paths.

Zaitseva did not stop at the red diploma of the college, she entered the Academy physical culture which she successfully completed. In the late 90s, the girl managed to serve her native state in the form of a policeman, in the 2000s she worked in the tax police, then with the rank of captain she was listed in the federal drug control service.

Sports talent, supported by perseverance in training, did not go unnoticed. Soon Olga got into the junior team of Russia and won the first silver medal at the championship in Kontiolahti. A year later, she brought the championship title from Italy, obtained as a result of team races. In 1999, Zaitseva was accepted into the ranks of the adult team.

Professional sports

The new millennium began with training under the guidance of his sister Oksana Rocheva. Olga Zaitseva made her debut at the Dynamo CS, having added the title of master of sports to the piggy bank international class. And in 2001 sports biography reached international proportions - the biathlete got silver at the European Championships. A year later, she successfully debuted in the World Cup and received a pass to the 2002 Olympics.

The athlete delighted biathlon fans at the 2005 World Championships, where she collected the entire set of medals and received the honorary title of Honored Master of Sports. Next season, the list of awards of Olga Alekseevna Zaitseva was decorated with the first Olympic gold conquered in Turin.

The woman had to take a break in her sports career. Olga got married and gave birth to a child, for a long time she returned her lost form - she did not please her with success in performances. Experts did not pin hopes on the athlete nominated for the 2009 championship after a doping scandal, which deprived Russian team biathlon colors: Dmitry Yaroshenko, and Ekaterina Yuryeva did not participate.

But the biathlete surprised by snatching two gold and the same number of bronze medals from her rivals. The following year, she replenished her asset with several World Cups, as well as gold and silver (relay and mass start) at the Vancouver Olympics.

In 2011, the champion was going to put an end to professional sports. The impetus was the negative results of the women's team at the World Cup, which was held in Russia. But, having declared publicly about the end of her career, Olga Zaitseva soon changed her mind and stayed for another three years - until the next Olympics.

During this period, the athlete has collected a rich harvest of Cups and other awards. She won performances in Finland, took second and third places in Austria, and also led the sprint races and pursuit races. At the beginning of 2012, she won the third winning position at the World Cup in Germany, and she took first place in the competitions held in the Czech Republic.

In 2014 Olga Zaitseva graced winter Olympics in Sochi. The titled athlete ended her career with dignity - a silver medal. But the sport did not just let go of the skier: Olga Alekseevna took the post of acting head coach of the Russian women's biathlon team.

Personal life

In the fall of 2006, the athlete celebrated her wedding. Olga Zaitseva's husband was a colleague, biathlete from Slovakia Milan Augustin, who ended his career back in the 90s due to a back injury.

The couple even got married, the ceremony took place in the homeland of the chosen one. The celebration was modest, in the circle of the closest people. And the newly-made spouses spent their honeymoon in Brussels.

Soon Olga and Milan had a son, who was named Alexander. The girl's mother approved the decision to return to the sport, taking on the main chores of raising her grandson.

In 2013, the fans of the athlete learned the news about the divorce of a pair of biathletes. Zaitseva did not voice the reasons for the breakup, moreover, she asked fans on the official website not to ask unnecessary questions.

A couple of years later, Sasha's 8-year-old son had a brother, Olga Zaitseva named her second heir Stepan. The father of the child is the servicer of the ski team Peter Trifonov.

Olga Zaitseva now

After saying goodbye to biathlon, Zaitseva devoted her life to raising children and social activities. The woman was a member of the Athletes' Commission Olympic Committee Russian Federation, participated in the construction of a sports complex for small skiers and biathletes in the capital of the country.

At the end of 2017, the authoritative athlete, by decision of the IOC, was deprived of the silver medal won at the 2014 Games. In pursuit, Olga Zaitseva received a life ban on participating in the Olympics. The biathlete got into the lists of “suspicious” athletes in terms of doping by accident. During a total check of the samples, scratches were found on the test tubes - they were supposedly opened to replace the "dirty" biomaterial with a "clean" one.

Together with Zaitseva, biathletes and Yana Romanova lost their awards and the opportunity to compete at the Olympics. In February 2018, the athletes filed an appeal against the IOC decision with the Sports arbitration court in Lausanne (USA). In early March, it became known that the date for the consideration of the claim had not yet been set.

Now Olga is on maternity leave, in an interview she notes:

“I'm resting for now. My goal is to raise children."

A woman receives another education - she studies in absentia at Moscow State University with a degree in sports management. She often becomes a guest and organizer of competitions, helps her sister Oksana develop sports school No. 102.


  • 2001 - silver at the European Championship
  • 2005 - bronze, silver and gold at the World Championships in Hochfilzen
  • 2006 - gold at the Olympics in Turin
  • 2009 - two bronze and two gold medals at the World Championships in Pyeongchang
  • 2010 - gold at the Vancouver Olympics
  • 2010 - silver at the Vancouver Olympics
  • 2014 - silver at the Olympics in Sochi

Biathlete Olga Zaitseva became a mother for the second time. She gave birth to a son, Stepan, from the skier of the Russian national team, Pyotr Trifonov. The Russian Biathlon Union has already brought its congratulations.

double Olympic champion in biathlon and Honored Master of Sports of Russia Olga Zaitseva became a mother. As the athlete said on Twitter, The baby was named Stepan. Her subscribers began to congratulate Zaitseva on the birth of her son.


“Congratulations to two-time Olympic champion Olga Zaitseva and servicer of the Russian ski team Pyotr Trifonov on the birth of their son! The boy was named Stepan. Weight - 3940, height - 53 cm. We wish happy parents and good health and happiness!", - the Russian Biathlon Union congratulated the athlete.

Stepan is already the second son of a biathlete. The first son, Alexander, was born in March 2007 from the Slovak biathlete Milan Augustin, who was the husband of Zaitseva. However six years later, they announced a divorce.

Zaitseva won relay gold in 2006 and 2010. On Olympic Games in Vancouver, she took silver. The athlete showed the same result at the Winter Olympics in Sochi. She also has three silver and two bronze medals at the world championships. In addition, Zaitseva won 13 victories at the World Cup in individual races.

The ex-husband of a famous biathlete tried to take her child away from her

The Olympic madness continues. After the severe punishment of the skier Alexander LEGKOV, skeletonist Alexander TRETYAKOV and bobsledder Alexander ZUBKOV, who were deprived of the gold medals of the 2014 Games, the bloodthirsty judges from the commission of the Swiss OSWALD are not appeased. Now they are trying to debunk the best biathlete in Russia recent years Olga ZAYTSEVA. Is it possible that Bunny, beloved by all the fans, took doping ?! Did she know about it? ex-husband? We tried to understand the situation.

At first, the two-time Olympic champion did not comment on scandalous information. Her sister took the rap for her and personal coach Oksana Rocheva. But later Olga Zaitseva, apparently, moving away from the shock, still got in touch.

What exactly are you accused of?

In violation of anti-doping rules at the Olympics in Sochi. I received a signed letter Nicole Resh(general secretary International Union biathletes. - A.TO.). It says that the IOC has launched an investigation against me. I was shocked! I couldn't even imagine that this could happen. No links to the report McLaren not in this letter.

- So your last name is not mentioned there?

To be honest, I don't know. I have not read this report. But now, probably, it is necessary.

- Who did you give your samples to in Sochi?

We were always followed by a doping officer. I gave it to him. I've always screwed up my jars of urine. I was even afraid that they might crack. Then I hid them in plastic bags and put them all in a box, which I sealed with adhesive tape. If someone wants to tear off the tape, it will be immediately visible.

- And your tape was torn off?

How do I know? We take samples and that's it. What they do next is not known. The doping officer had no questions for me.

- They say that in your Sochi sample there is an excess of salt content. How to explain it?

I'm not a chemist. Maybe she ate more red caviar than usual. Or black. Don't laugh - we, the athletes, are given caviar for lunch. I can firmly say: I definitely didn’t pour salt into jars. And I have absolutely nothing to justify. For the entire sports career I didn't get a single positive test. In principle, I am against doping. Categorically!

After the divorce of ZAYTSEVA and AUGUSTIN, their son Sasha stayed with his mother. Photo from

Intercom did not work

Famous former biathlete Anfisa Reztsova for a word in a pocket does not climb. Therefore, it was very interesting for us to find out her opinion about the dubious samples of Zaitseva.

When I was already finishing my career, Olga was just starting, - said the three-time Olympic champion. We are not great friends. I did not call Olga when this information appeared in the press. But I know that Zaitseva achieved everything with her work, salty sweat. What is there to fence in the garden? Well, let's go Irina Rodnina retroactively accused of doping! We will soon reach the point of insanity. What is happening now is pure politics. I wouldn't be surprised if Anton Shipulin will be tied here. They need catchy names. They want to humiliate us.

- What to do?

It's a shame that we have every athlete left alone with his misfortune. AND Sasha Legkov, and Olga Zaitseva, and other guys. We must have a united Russia, one big team. Where now Mutko, Zhukov And Kolobkov? They should be in Lausanne - at these hearings, where the fate of our athletes is decided. Officials must fight for their own people, not in words, but in deeds. But Zhukov and Kolobkov once came to defend RUSADA, they were offended that they were not understood, and that’s all, they washed their hands. At first, the West wanted to disrupt the Olympics in Sochi - it did not work out. And now he is trying to take revenge with the help of doping. One feels like asking: “Forgive me, gentlemen, almost four years have passed since Sochi. Where were you before? Why did you see the light only now? Funny, honestly.

The legendary Anfisa REZTSOVA (on the right) will not let her daughter Daria and grandson Daniel be offended. Photo:

- What is the position of the President of the Russian Biathlon Union Alexander Kravtsov?

He could have supported Zaitseva more actively. But I don't talk to Kravtsov. He behaved inappropriately. Pushed my daughter Daria Virolainen. I stopped respecting him. By the way, Dasha, she is an active biathlete, she told me a story about doping officers. Once they warned my daughter: they say, we will arrive tomorrow morning. She woke up at six in the morning, waiting. But there is no one! And the doping officers raised a storm. Like, they came to Virolainen, but Daria did not open the door for them. Threatened with disqualification. They act like Nazis! A step to the right, a step to the left without their knowledge - that's all, wait for retribution. It turned out that Dasha's intercom did not work then. They called her on the intercom, but they did not call on the phone. Wrote: evaded doping control.

Olga Zaitseva before the Olympics in Sochi was trained by the German Wolfgang Pichler. He presented himself as an ardent opponent of doping ...

Exactly! It turns out that on Pichler cast a shadow. He has already stated that Olga is a pure athlete. Pichler coached Zaitseva for three whole years. During this time, she has not won a single personal race ... I agree with Dmitry Guberniev. How can you believe Grigory Rodchenkov who tells everyone about his alcoholic miracle cocktails? If our biathletes drank these magical cocktails, why did they have only one gold medal in Sochi? Something doesn't add up here.

Olga gave Peter TRIFONOV a small miracle named Styopa. Photo from personal archive

Mom knew ahead of time

Until now, Olga Zaitseva had an impeccable reputation. And now, when the career is already over, they want to put a greasy black spot on this reputation. In such moments, of course, those closest to you help. Strong male shoulder Bunny framed favorite - Peter Trifonov.

They met six years ago at the training camp. Peter, a former skier, has long been looking at a pretty blond athlete, but did not dare to start a relationship with her.

Officially, Zaitseva was still married, but she herself understood that marriage with a biathlete from Slovakia Milan Augustine bursting at the seams. Milan, having covered his rifle, began working as a manager in Brussels, and Olga and their common son Sasha lived in Moscow. The couple saw each other at most four times a year, and even when her husband came to her for competitions, Zaitseva felt that they were gradually moving away from each other. And then the well-wishers reported that Milan had a passion.

Even at the beginning of their romance, mother, a kindergarten teacher, warned Olga:

Take your time, daughter, to marry a foreigner. They are on their mind. And if something doesn’t work out, how will you share the child?

But Bunny did not hear anyone then. The wedding was played in Slovakia, in the small town of Domanizha. This is the birthplace of Augustine. A year later, Olga gave birth to her husband's son, who was named Alexander. And seven years later, the couple divorced. Milan insisted that his son stay with him. Once, even before the divorce, he secretly took the boy to Slovakia, to his parents. According to eyewitnesses, Zaitseva then had a tantrum - she thought she would never see Sasha again. The child had to be sued. In this dispute, the court sided with the mother.

Pyotr Trifonov, with his care and affection, managed to lick all of Olga's spiritual wounds. He now works as a serviceman for the Russian ski team - he prepares equipment for athletes. The guys say that Trifonov is a real ace in his business. He also charmed Zaika so that her eyes began to glow with happiness. A year after the Games in Sochi, Olga - unexpectedly for many - was appointed acting head coach of the country's women's team. She gladly took up the case, and then suddenly refused. She explained as follows: they say, there is not enough experience yet. In fact, the reason was different - Zaitseva became pregnant. In October 2015, she had another son, Styopka. To be more precise, Stepan Petrovich. This boy will probably ski, and maybe also shoot.

According to our information, Zaitseva and Trifonov live in a civil marriage. The previous union, official, taught her not to rush things.

Zaitseva Tatyana is a beautiful and talented woman with a difficult fate. Are you interested in the biography of the singer? Do you want to know the cause of death of her only son? We are ready to talk about it in detail and frankly.

Childhood and family

Our heroine was born in 1953 (December 16) in Voronezh. Exactly 15 minutes later, her twin sister Lena was born. In what family were the future pop stars brought up? Their mother, Klavdia Ivanovna, was a professional pianist and opera singer. She raised her children in strictness and obedience.

And his father, Nikolai Prokofievich, came from a family of Don Cossacks. He worked as a military doctor for many years. The family was friendly. The parents of Tatyana and Elena are no longer alive. They were both slain by cancer.

For several years the Zaitsevs lived in the GDR. My father was sent to this country for work. And he could not part with his wife and children for a long time, so he took them with him.

When the twins were 7 years old, they returned to Russia with their parents. Tanya and Lena attended a comprehensive school located in Kaluga. The girls were involved in music and sports.

Creative activity

After school, the Zaitsev sisters went to Moscow. Charming and talented girls were admitted to the All-Russian Workshop of Variety Art. L. Maslyukova. They were diligent and responsible students.

The first performance of the sisters on the big stage took place in the early 1980s. Lena and Tanya took part in a music competition held in Sochi. They were awarded the Ovation Award.

At the age of 18, Elena married a German and left for Germany. Our heroine remained in the USSR. She performed at local restaurants. At first, Tanya solo performed the song "Sister". Many of you know her. The song tells about two sisters living in different cities. Tatyana passed all the words through her soul.

In 1994, at a concert at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall, the Zaitsevs performed this composition for the first time as a duet. Throughout their career, they have released two studio discs.

In the early 2000s, Tatyana Zaitseva moved to the United States to live with her husband. Her son remained in Russia. Later, Elena arrived in Los Angeles. In the spacious house of Tanya and Nile, she found a place. The twins performed in local casinos and clubs - where Russian-speaking rich people gathered.

Life in the "golden cage" bored them over time. Tatyana Zaitseva announced to her husband her desire to return to Russia. He supported the decision of his beloved wife. In a short time, Neil designed Required documents and acquired a luxurious mansion in the suburbs.

In 2010, the Zaitsev sisters reappeared on the Russian stage. Since then, they have often been invited to take part in concerts and filming of various TV shows.

Tatyana Zaitseva: biography, personal life

Twin sisters have always been in demand among members of the opposite sex. There is nothing surprising. After all, they are bright, feminine, with a chiseled figure and a dazzling smile.

Zaitseva Tatiana twice formalized relationships with men. Her first husband was director Yuri Cherenkov. They were connected not only by great mutual love, but also by work. They created a wonderful tandem. Tanya sang songs, and her husband worked as an entertainer. Cherenkov arranged concerts and dealt with all financial matters. Our heroine completely trusted him.

In July 1983, Yuri and Tatyana had a tiny son. The boy was named Alexei. Unfortunately, a happy family life was short-lived. A common child could not save the marriage from disintegration. The couple realized that they had become strangers to each other. They parted quietly and peacefully. In 2011, Yuri died. Son Alexei was very upset by the death of his father.

New love

In 1997, the Zaitsev sisters performed at the Beverly Hills Moscow casino club. One afternoon, Tanya and Lena decided to go for a ride in a recently purchased car. As a result, the beauties became the culprits of the accident: they rammed 5 cars. They had to pay 3.5 thousand dollars. The Zaitsevs did not have that kind of money.

One of the friends advised the sisters to seek help from the owner of the casino, who was due to fly to Moscow. It turned out to be an American businessman of Russian origin, Neil Visokovsky.

This man not only solved all the problems of the Zaitsevs, but also began to court Tatyana. Romantic dates, yacht trips, luxurious bouquets of flowers and expensive gifts awaited her. Soon the couple officially formalized the relationship.


November 15, 2015 Russian media reported that the son of Tatiana Zaitseva had tragically died. What happened to 32-year-old Alexei Cherenkov? The young man paid for his passion for parkour and hooking. Our heroine did not even know about it.

Lesha's lifeless body was found in the Moscow metro. Investigators managed to find out that Cherenkov jumped on the train, which abruptly began to move. The guy hit his head hard on the metal ceiling. Death came instantly. This terrible news immediately became overgrown with rumors. Some people called what happened a terrible accident, while others were sure that the young man committed suicide.

Farewell to Alexei took place in the church of the Archangel Michael. After the funeral ceremony, the coffin with the body of the deceased was taken to the Khovanskoye cemetery. His friends, neighbors and relatives came to say goodbye to Lesha.

Grief rallied the Zaitsev sisters. After all, they had one son for two. But even now they have someone to live for. Alexei left behind his wife Aisylu Chekhova and their little son Maxim, who was six months old at the time of his father's death.


We talked about where she was born, how she built personal life and the career of Tatiana Zaitseva (singer). Fate sent her a lot of difficult tests, which our heroine passed with dignity.

Golden autumn of the stars of the Russian team

The favorite of Russian biathlon fans Olga Zaitseva gave birth to a son! Now she has, as the famous hero of her favorite film said, "a boy and ... a boy."

Olga Zaitseva with her firstborn Sasha visiting MK.

Everything has its own time and information. And now it is completely clear to everyone why this season Olga refused to lead the national team, which was announced last winter. And what are these family circumstances, because of which the famous and titled athlete “will not be able to perform the functions of a head coach”, but will only “provide advisory assistance to women's team". The reason, you see, is the most respectful.

Olga and ski team servicer Petr Trifonov named their son Stepan. Weight - 3940, height - 53 cm.

Maternal concerns are understandable, but biathlon will not be forgotten, back in April, Olga said that in a year she would return to active leadership work.

“A new stage begins in my life, I feel great,” Olya said after the announcement of her retirement. - I know that it will be difficult and oblige a lot, but I'm ready. People know me, I know people and I am ready to absorb information, ready to learn. I'm still an athlete at heart. I feel that biathletes do how they run, what they feel when they miss.

On the same day that Olga Zaitseva gave birth to her second son, world champion and another fan favorite Ekaterina Yurlova got married. Why there? My husband works for the Austrian national team. True, not a serviceman, but a masseur - Josef Percht. So the wedding ceremony took place in the city hall of Ramsau.

And a little earlier, Olympic champion Anna Bogaliy also got married - with the general director of the federal network of professional sports equipment, equipment and services by Andrey Levunin. And, as she herself said, after the ceremony she went fishing on Lake Onega.

“We fished - we caught salmon, good zander, pike. They cooked fish soup, prepared fish, and cooled champagne right in Onega. We stopped in Kizhi, walked through the forest. We met my future husband at the first competition among young biathletes “Anna Bogaliy Cup”. For 2.5 years we worked together a lot on this and other children's sports projects. The decision to get married is solely for ourselves, nothing has changed in our relationship.

So let someone tell them that sport does not unite!