Ukrainian biathlete Vita Semerenko: biography, sports career and personal life. Biography Valya and Vita Semerenko personal life

2014 Olympic gold and bronze medalist Vita Semerenko after the season in Sochi, she missed two seasons. Now the biathlete is on maternity leave, but plans to return to big sport and take part in the next Olympics. Vita spoke about her training and plans for the future in an interview Radio Sport.

Vita, in what mode are you training now?

I train at the Dynamo base in Sumy, I ride roller skis, the winter is unfortunately over. But I missed my favorite sport so much. I started skiing only at the end of December, I didn’t really have time to enjoy gliding. This year I was in Pokljuka, I was rolling in Austria, I was in Italy with Valya and coach Grigory Shamrai. Then at home I was looking for snow in order to stand on skis longer. I don’t compete now, but I live biathlon, because it is much more than just a part of my life.

Who schedules your workouts?

- First of all, I consult with the coach, Grigory Ivanovich. Then I make adjustments based on how I feel. These two years I have been in constant contact with my coach, his advice and recommendations are important to me. Although I myself seem to be already a specialist, but he experienced trainer, and in general to me, as the second father. We share all our victories and defeats with him. So without it, nothing.

Do you communicate with Urosh Velepets? How do you cooperate with him in the training process?

- We have normal relations, we correspond. He is constantly in touch with Shamrai. In Slovenia, for example, they discussed with Uros how I should get involved in the training process correctly.

Have you been in the shoes of a fan this season? How does it feel?

On the one hand, they were eager to fight. It's hard to sit when the girls run the same relay, but on the other hand, I rested. White envy, however, often overcame, especially when the girls were on the track, and I was on the couch. But I have set specific plans for myself, I am slowly walking along my path, and I believe that I will return to the peak of my form. There will come a time when I will again please my fans, and coaches, and myself. After Sochi, I was like a squeezed lemon with only one skin left. So rest should be beneficial.

Has your back problem been resolved?

Yes, fortunately there was time to take care of their "sores". Everything was not easy with my back, indeed, it was an unpleasant moment in my life. But, it's okay, we all survived it. good doctor from Poltava helped, it's nice that in Ukraine there are good specialists. Vladimir Mikhailovich Brynzak helped me with the doctor.

In Sumy, you showed up at the awards ceremony for football players. Do you often go out in public?

I went to the arena, rooted for my husband, he played in the final. I sit on the podium and then they announce, they say, the award will be held by Vita Semerenko. For me it was a surprise, although I will not hide it, it was nice.

How did you support Valya during the season?

My SMS a minute after the finish is already in her phone. With obligatory commentary on her performance, good or bad. She's had a tough season. Valya practically pulled the team for two years, it is clear that she was tired. But still, she got it from me, although I always support her.

Vita Alexandrovna Semerenko(ukr. Vita Oleksandrivna Semerenko; nee Victoria (ukr. Viktoriya) Aleksandrovna Semerenko; January 18, 1986, Krasnopolye, Sumy region, Ukrainian SSR) - Ukrainian biathlete, Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine, member of the national team of Ukraine, relay champion and bronze medalist in the sprint of the Olympics in Sochi, bronze medalist of the biathlon world championship, medalist of the European championship among juniors, silver medalist of the world championship among girls, bronze and silver medalist of the world championship among juniors, repeated champion of the championships and Championships of Ukraine, won 4 medals at the XXIII World Winter Universiade (1 gold, 1 silver, 2 bronze). April 16, 2011 - the winner of the Vitaly Fatyanov Memorial Prize competition in Kamchatka, where she became the happy owner of the Gazprom Cup and a Mercedes car.

At the 2008 World Championships in Östersund, Vita placed second in the relay. At the 2011 World Championships in Khanty-Mansiysk, Vita Semerenko won a personal bronze medal in individual race. At the 2012 World Championships in Ruhpolding, Vita Semerenko won her second individual bronze medal in the sprint in her career.

Born in Krasnopolye, Vita is 15 minutes older than her sister Valya. She has an older sister, Oksana, who is 4 years older. The city had only 2 developed sports sections- skiing and football. There was not much choice, and in the fourth grade, together with her sister Valya, she came to the cross-country skiing section. Parents were not against it, but my mother was a little worried that this could harm their health. A few years later, they started talking about Valya as a very promising racer. But she decided to follow in the footsteps of Zubrilova and Vodopyanova by choosing biathlon.

The coach Grigory Ivanovich Shamrai offered to arm himself, who got his badge of the master of sports in biathlon, but worked with skiers for many years.

Shooting Vita was easier at first than her sister. She could only have three misses in a sprint, while her sister only had three rounds on target.

The sisters went to the World Youth Championship and together won silver medals in the relay race at youth championship peace in Kontiolahti in 2005. Vita also won a silver medal in the individual race.

She could not pass a tough selection at the Olympics in Turin, but her sister Valya got there.

Vita began the new Olympic cycle with a successful performance at summer championship peace in Ufa 2006.

At this competition, for the first time, the sisters had to play international medals among themselves. Valya turned out to be more successful - she has three silvers and a bronze, Vita has one silver and a bronze. But at the World Universiade in Turin in 2007, the sisters switched places. Both got 4 medals. In the pursuit race, they finished holding hands, the first was Vita.

In the 2006/2007 season, Vita Semerenko reached the peak of her form at the World Championships and even got into the top 30 to participate in the mass start.

At the 2008 Biathlon World Championships in Östersund, she took second place in the relay race as part of Oksana Yakovleva, Valya Semerenko and Oksana Khvostenko, losing to the German team.

January 7, 2009 won the first victory in the relay race as part of Elena Pidgrushnaya, Valya Semerenko and Oksana Khvostenko at the World Cup in Oberhof. This is the first victory of the Semerenko sisters in relay races.

On March 11, 2009, she took third place in the individual race at the World Cup in Vancouver.

She participated in the Vancouver Olympics with her sister Valya, but did not win a single Olympic medal.

At the 2011 Biathlon World Championships in Khanty-Mansiysk, she took third place in the individual race, losing to Helena Ekholm and Tina Bachman.

At the 2012 Biathlon World Championships in Ruhpolding, she also took third place in the sprint race, losing to Magdalena Neuner and Daria Domracheva.

On December 9, 2012, she took second place in the relay race as part of Valya Semerenko, Yulia Dzhima and Elena Pidgrushnaya at the World Cup in Hochfilzen.

On January 3, 2013, she took first place in the relay race as part of Yulia Jimoy, Valya Semerenko and Elena Pidgrushnaya at the World Cup in Oberhof. For the Semerenko sisters, this was the second victory in the relay race.

On February 9, 2013, at the Biathlon World Championships in Nove Mesto, she took third place in the sprint race, losing to her compatriot Elena Pidgrushna and Tura Berger.

On February 13, 2013, at the Biathlon World Championships in Nove Mesto, she made one miss at the last shooting range and took fifth place in the individual race, losing to Tura Breger, Andrea Henkel, Vale Semerenko and Anastasia Kuzmina.

On February 15, 2013, at the Biathlon World Championships in Nové Mesto na Morava, she took second place in the relay race as part of Yulia Jima, Valya and Vita Semerenko and Elena Pidrushna, losing to the Norwegian team.

February 9, 2014 at the Olympic winter games in Sochi, she won a bronze medal in the sprint at a distance of 7.5 km, losing to a biathlete from Slovakia Anastasia Kuzmina (gold) and Russian Olga Vilukhina (silver). It was the first medal won by Ukrainian athletes at the XXII Winter Olympics.

Graduated from Sumy State Pedagogical University. A. S. Makarenko, as well as in absentia the Ukrainian Academy of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine with a degree in Finance and Credit.

Since 2011, she has been studying at the Faculty of Foreign Philology and Social Communications of Sumy State University.

Speaks Ukrainian and Russian.

Personal life

Married. Husband Andrei Patsyuk (b. 1984), former midfielder football club"Sums".

Sister Oksana Aleksandrovna Semerenko (born 1981), works as an accountant.

Enjoys embroidery. Favorite dish - okroshka. Favorite sport besides biathlon is figure skating.


Places in World Cups

Season individual race Sprint Pursuit Mass start Overall standings
Place (points) Place (points) Place (points) Place (points) Place (points)
2006-07 39 (18) 50 (22) 50 (11) 40 (11) 46 (62)
2007-08 18 (36) 39 (45) - (0) 24 (51) 38 (132)
2008-09 7 (111) 10 (240) 18 (132) 17 (106) 13 (626)
2009-10 25 (58) 23 (154) 18 (111) 13 (125) 19 (453)
2010-11 7 (128) 18 (207) 19 (129) 18 (102) 15 (566)
2011-12 20 (47) 12 (254) 13 (185) 10 (136) 12 (622)
2012-13 16 (70) 10 (281) 14 (203) 3 (185) 10 (739)
2013-14 50 (8) 29 (124) 23 (124) - (0) 31 (256)

Podiums at the World Cup

Season Location Type of competition Result
2008-09 Hochfilzen, Austria Sprint 2
2008-09 Oberhof, Germany Relay race 1
2008-09 Vancouver, Canada individual race 3
2009-10 Holmenkollen, Norway Mass start 2
2010-11 Hochfilzen, Austria Relay race 2
2010-11 Pokljuka, Slovenia mixed relay 2
2011-12 Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia Sprint 2
2011-12 Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia Pursuit 3
2012-13 Hochfilzen, Austria Relay race 2
2012-13 Oberhof, Germany Relay race 1
2013-14 Hochfilzen, Austria Relay race 1
2013-14 Annecy - Le Grand-Bornand, France Relay race 2
2013-14 Ruhpolding, Germany Relay race 3


  • The first coach is Baida Svetlana Ivanovna.
  • Personal trainer - Bondarenko Vladimir Mikhailovich.
  • Coach in the national team - Shamray Grigory Ivanovich.


  • Order of Princess Olga I degree (August 23, 2014) - for a significant personal contribution to state building, socio-economic, scientific, technical, cultural and educational development of Ukraine, significant labor achievements and high professionalism.
  • Order of Princess Olga II degree (August 23, 2011) - for a significant personal contribution to the formation of the independence of Ukraine, the assertion of its sovereignty and international authority, merits in state-forming, socio-economic, scientific, technical, cultural and educational activities, conscientious and impeccable service to the Ukrainian people.
  • Order of Princess Olga III degree (March 17, 2008) - for significant personal contribution to the development physical education and sports, achieving high sports results at the 2008 European and World Biathlon Championships.


  • Rifle - Anschutz
  • Skiing - Fischer
  • Ski poles - Swix
  • Gloves - Adidas
  • Glasses - Adidas
  • Suit - Adidas

Vita Semerenko - photo

Vita Semerenko, biography and sports career which are described in this article, is a famous Ukrainian biathlete. Among her achievements are the gold and silver of the Olympic Games in Sochi, as well as many awards from world and continental championships.

Biographical information

Vita Semerenko (a photo of the athlete is posted in the article) was born in January 1986 in the village of Krasnopolye (Sumy region). She was born just 15 minutes earlier than her twin sister, Valentina, who is also an Olympic biathlon champion. In addition to Valya, Vita also has an older (4 years old) sister Oksana.

First sports steps

Since there were only football and skiing in Vita Semerenko's hometown, she and her sister chose the latter. A few years later, the girls were considered very promising racers. But, having listened to the advice of coach Grigory Ivanovich Shamray, the sisters decided to go to biathlon.

From the very first training, Vita Semerenko's shooting was almost perfect. And after a few years of hard training gave the first fruits. At the Youth World Championships in Kontiolahti, the 19-year-old biathlete first came second in the individual race, and then, together with her sister, they won silver medals in the relay.

Unfortunately, due to serious competition, Vita was unable to break into the national team for the Olympics in Turin.

Path to sports glory

At the 2007 Universiade, held in Turin, Valya and Vita Semerenko made a splash. They won 4 awards each, and in the pursuit race they finished first, holding hands.

In the 2006/2007 season, Vita also made her debut at the World Cup. Her best result was 12th place in the sprint at the World Championships in Antholz.

The following year, Vita Semerenko stepped on the podium for the first time. At the world championship in Östersund, Sweden, she took second place as part of the Ukrainian team.

In the 2008/2009 season, the biathlete won a medal in a personal race for the first time. She first placed second in the sprint at Hochfilzen and then finished third in the individual race at Vancouver. But best of all, Vita performed at the World Cup stage in Oberhof, where, together with Valya, she became the first in the relay.

At the 2010 Olympics, the Semerenko sisters went for medals, but they failed to win them. best result Vita was the sixth in the relay.

The next season, the Ukrainian biathlete continued her successful performances at the World Cup. She went up to the podium three times, and also got into the flower ceremony several times.

The 2011/2012 season was one of the best for Vita Semerenko. She regularly took high places in the final scores. At the World Championships in Ruhpolding, the Ukrainian took third place in the sprint, and at the next stage in Khanty-Mansiysk, she first repeated her success, and became third in the pursuit race.

The following year, Vita, along with her team, regularly won prizes in relay races. Successful for her was the World Championship in the Czech Nove Mesto. Vita here first became third in the sprint, and then second in the relay.

Olympic success and break in sports career

Ukrainian biathletes went to the Olympic Games in Sochi, perhaps, as the only real candidates for medals. The biggest hopes were placed on the relay team, which included experienced and titled athletes - Valya and Vita Semerenko, Elena Pidgrushnaya and Yulia Dzhima. However, the first medal for Ukraine was not earned in this discipline.

In the sprint race, Vita's successful performance was a pleasant surprise. With impeccable shooting, she became third, losing only to Slovak Anastasia Kuzmina and Russian Olga Vilukhina. In addition, due to the disqualification of the latter in 2017, Vita was awarded a silver award.

A few days later, a relay race took place. Vita Semerenko ran quite successfully in the first stage, with only one miss on two firing lines. As a result, the Ukrainian team won in this discipline, ahead of Russians and Norwegians at the finish line.

After the triumph Olympic Games Vita Semerenko ended the season with not very impressive results, after which she paused in her sports career. At first, she healed numerous injuries that prevented her from competing on full force. Another year was spent on recovery after the birth of a child.

In the 2017/2018 season, Vita Semerenko returned to big sport. And she did it very well: already at the second stage of the World Cup in Hochfilzen, she became fourth in the sprint, and then, as part of the "golden" four, she took second place in the relay. Next stage in Annecy, France, the start was even more successful: Vita finished third in the sprint race, behind only Kuzmina and Dahlmeier.

Personal life

Vita Semerenko and her husband - ex-football player of PFC "Sumy" Andrey Patsyuk - met more than 10 years ago when they lived next door. The tight schedule of training and competition did not interfere with the lovers, and in 2016 Olympic champion gave birth to a son, who was named Mark.

After returning to big-time sports, Vita insisted that her husband and son be with her not only at training camps, but also accompanied her to competitions.

Born in Krasnopole, Valya is 15 minutes younger than her sister Vita. She has an older sister, Oksana, who is 4 years older. There were only 2 developed sports sections in the city - skiing and football. There was not much choice, and in the fourth grade, together with her sister Vita, she came to the cross-country skiing section. Parents were not against it, but my mother was a little worried that this could harm their health. A few years later, they started talking about Valya as a very promising racer. But she decided to follow in the footsteps of Zubrilova and Vodopyanova by choosing biathlon.

The coach Grigory Ivanovich Shamrai offered to arm himself, who got his badge of the master of sports in biathlon, but worked with skiers for many years. He warned Valya that she would not become a biathlete in a year, and only in a few years there would be some results.

The first international experience for her was participation in the World Youth Championship in cross-country skiing, where she made it to the top thirty strongest at a distance of 5 km freestyle.

Valya went to the next major championship with her sister Vita and together won silver medals in the relay at the World Youth Championships in Kontiolahti in 2005.

She got to the Olympics in Turin, but her sister Vita did not.

The new Olympic cycle began with a successful performance at the 2006 Summer World Championships in Ufa. At this competition, for the first time, the sisters had to play international medals among themselves. Valya was more successful - three silvers and a bronze, her sister Vita - one silver and a bronze. But at the World Universiade in Turin in 2007, the sisters switched places. Both got 4 medals. In the pursuit race, they finished holding hands, the first was Vita.

In the 2006/2007 season, Valya Semerenko performed well in the first three stages.

At the 2008 Biathlon World Championships in Östersund, she took second place in the relay race as part of Oksana Yakovleva, Vita Semerenko and Oksana Khvostenko, losing to the German team.

Best of the day

January 7, 2009 won the first victory in the relay race as part of Elena Pidgrushnaya, Vita Semerenko and Oksana Khvostenko at the World Cup in Oberhof. This is the first victory of the Semerenko sisters in relay races.

She participated in the Vancouver Olympics with her sister Vita, but did not win a single Olympic medal.

On February 13, 2013, at the Biathlon World Championships in Nove Mesto, she made one miss at the first shooting range and took third place in the individual race, losing to Tura Breger and Andrea Henkel.

On February 15, 2013, at the Biathlon World Championships in Nove Mesto, she took second place in the relay race as part of Yulia Dzhima, Vita Semerenko and Elena Pidrushna, losing to the Norwegian team.

Graduated from Sumy State Pedagogical University. A. S. Makarenko.

Student of the National Academy of the State Tax Service of Ukraine.

Since 2011, she has been studying at the Faculty of Foreign Philology and Social Communication of Sumy State University.

Speaks Ukrainian and Russian.

Personal life

Married, husband Alexei Prokhor (b. 1980), skier. She met her future husband when she was a child.

Sister Oksana Aleksandrovna Semerenko (born 1981), works as an accountant.

She is fond of embroidery and knitting. Favorite dish - dumplings and okroshka. Favorite sport besides biathlon is figure skating.