How to grow fish in artificial reservoirs. Several important nuances of choice

DIY Fish Pond: 4 Ways to Build a Pond with Instructions + 5 Benefits of Film Insulation + 9 Pond Construction Tips.

Starting your own business can be very difficult.

Some ideas are very profitable, but only in the long run. And how to make money drip to you in a couple of months?

The fish pond will be one of the the best options , What . Today we will analyze how you can make this idea a reality.

Detailed instructions and advice on arranging a pond for fish breeding will allow you to build a main component your business project.

Popular Fish Pond Destinations

In Russia, fisheries are located on high level since ancient times.

Strong competition from foreign producers has forced large companies supplying fish products out of the market. This event gave an impetus to the development of small businesses aimed at providing regions where importing fish from afar is not a financially viable solution.

What are the directions in fish breeding:

  • Pond cultivation.

    Suitable for most species that are bred on an industrial basis.

  • .

    Suitable for river species such as pike, crucian carp, perch and others.

  • cage fish farming.

    Requires placement on natural reservoirs, which is not always convenient.

  • Homemade mini ponds.

    They have non-standard proportions in terms of structures.

Today we are considering the first direction - growing fish in a pond.

It is optimally suited for implementation and does not require large expenditures. The advantages include the high rate of payback of the reservoir.

Where to start building a fish pond?

The first thing to take care of is the place where the pond will be located.

At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing special here, and absolutely any site will do. But if you want the pond to serve you for a long time, you should pay attention to the generally accepted principles for the construction of such structures.

How to choose the best place for building a pond:

  • Start construction on a hill, otherwise rainwater and dirt may flow into the pond.
  • Near the place where the building will be located, there should not be shrubs and trees.

    Leaves that fall into the pond will provoke the process of decay, which will negatively affect the general condition of the reservoir.

  • It is desirable to have an artificial shadow.

    It should not cover the entire area.

    The best would be a permanent location of about 30% of the space in the shade throughout the day.

  • The soil is better to pick up without large stones or clay.

    The process of digging a hole for construction will be simplified many times over. But here it is at the discretion of the owner.

The depth of the pond for normal operation must exceed 160 cm.

There should be no impurities at the bottom, but the vegetation in the finished pond will always be in place.

The location must be suitable not only for keeping animals. The fish must be able to go through its entire life cycle, including spawning.

4 Ways to Build a Fish Pond

Method 1. Fish pond without finishing.

The simplest in construction. It is only required to make a recess for the future reservoir and cover its walls with clay, mixed with turf.
But let's still consider the technology in more detail.

What materials will be required:

  • bayonet and shovel;
  • mixture - clay with turf;
  • tubes for water supply / drainage;
  • shovel for leveling the walls of the pond.

This is just an approximate list. If you are planning a large pond, digging can be done using large construction equipment.

Construction scheme:

  1. Draw the boundaries of the future place for construction.
  2. Dig indentations along the lined borders.
  3. Lead channels from the pond to the place of water supply.
  4. Place the tubes along the dug channels.
  5. Combine clay with turf in a ratio of 50% to 50%.
  6. Use water to get the right consistency. Make sure the mixture does not become too liquid.
  7. Lay out the bottom and side walls of the recess with the resulting mixture.
  8. Adjust the problem areas to the desired proportions and level everything with a spatula.

To carry out facing or not - it's up to you. The resulting pond is already a full-fledged reservoir where you can breed fish.

Method 2. How to build a fish pond with film decking?

The most flexible of the options that will not require special construction instructions. The scheme is elementary in implementation, even for those who do this for the first time.

What materials will be required:

  • digging tools;
  • pipes for drainage;
  • film 0.5 - 1 mm thick, preferably black;
  • pegs or stones.

The flexibility of this method lies in the ability to make borders of any irregular shape. The film will lie around the perimeter and, when filled with water, will acquire the outlines of the recess relief.

To build you will need:

  1. Outline the boundaries of the future pond.
  2. Dig a recess with an arbitrary relief of the walls.
  3. Lay drainage channels.
  4. Cover the recess with a film and make holes at the junction points of the water supply pipes and the pond space.
  5. Fix the edges of the film with pegs or stones.

Experience in the fish industry has shown that polyethylene is the best option for insulating a pond. For large spaces, a custom-made film with increased strength indicators is used.

What are the advantages of polyethylene waterproofing:

  • low material cost;
  • simplified installation procedure;
  • after laying the pond is immediately ready for use;
  • the material is very durable;
  • easy to carry out repairs with the material.

In addition, the film is non-toxic to fish and safe for aquatic vegetation.

On request, you can order a special waterproofing with increased strength.

Method 3. A fish pond using plastic.

Unlike the options described above, here the main difficulties may arise at the stage of fitting the shape of the recess to the relief of the plastic.

Plastic frames are usually made to order. It will not be superfluous to think over how you want to see your reservoir, and discuss the points with experts.

The toolkit is not particularly different from the construction by other methods. The main component is a plastic frame, under which all other parameters should be adjusted during the construction of the pond.

Construction algorithm:

  1. Take measurements of the frame, such as length, width, diameter.
  2. Make markings on the ground according to the shape of the plastic frame, taking into account the dimensions.
  3. Dig a hole, observing the shape and depth of the workpiece.
  4. Make an allowance of 6-7 cm around the perimeter for further adjustments.
  5. Place the mold and draw channels to accommodate the water supply pipes.
  6. Connect the pipes and finally level the space along the perimeter of the structure, filling in the gaps between the plastic form and the shore.

The downside, perhaps, is the fixed size of the pond. If you have plans to expand a large business, this method of construction will not work.

Although the construction is durable compared to other options, the cost of plastic frames is quite high.

Method 4. Construction of a pond for breeding fish from a concrete mixture.

The most time-consuming method to achieve the goal.

The result is a highly durable and high quality fish pond. Particularly serious is the choice of location and the procurement of materials for construction.

What materials will be required:

  • digging tools;
  • sand with fine gravel.
    It will be required to strengthen the base at the bottom in the presence of soft areas;
  • tubes for collecting / draining water;
  • waterproofing material.
    The ideal option there will be a film with a thickness of 0.6 mm;
  • cement with filler (sand or fine gravel);
  • spatula for leveling the surface of the pond;
  • containers for mixing components;
  • reinforcing mesh;
  • liquid.

The process of building a pond for breeding fish in this way is a phased one, and can take up to 1-2 weeks.

The technology should be strictly adhered to in order to avoid problems with the fish breeding pond in the future.

Algorithm for building a pond for breeding fish:

  1. Using a pointed tool, draw the boundaries of the future reservoir.

    Choose the form of your choice.

  2. Dig the 1st test layer along the perimeter of the borders by 1 bayonet.

    The bevel of the side walls should be no more than 25 degrees.

  3. Dig water inlet and outlet channels for pipes.
  4. Position the pipes inside the channel.
  5. Dig a hole to the depth you need.
  6. At the bottom, the soil should be compacted manually or using special tools.

    If the bottom is soft, it must be strengthened using sand and gravel.

    A layer of stones is covered with sand no more than 1-2 cm thick.

  7. Cut the insulating film according to the shape of the bottom of the pond with a margin for the walls.

    Press the material well to the ground and fix it at the top with pegs or stones.

  8. Mix concrete.

    For harvesting, use 1 part cement to 3 parts sand (the filler may be different).

    Mix everything thoroughly and add liquid to obtain the desired consistency.

  9. Spread the resulting solution evenly on the surface waterproofing material not more than 1 cm thick.

    After application, allow the concrete to dry before proceeding with the next layer.

    Continue the process until the thickness of the concrete pavement is about 9-10 cm.

  10. After 4-5 layers of concrete mixture, a reinforcing mesh should be laid.

    It will be a good support for your pond.

    Position the mesh along the sides of the bottom, and by pressing lightly, adjust it to fit the shape of the recess.

    Top with the next layer of concrete and let the mixture harden.

  11. Locate the water inlet/outlet pipes in the channels.

    Adjust the joints of the holes between the walls and the pipe.

    Cover the gaps with concrete and level with a spatula.

  12. Use a spatula to line the entire pond with concrete mix.

Minor nuances and errors can be resolved after filling the pond.

The construction is very strong and durable. If you wish, you can decorate the shores beautifully and, in addition to trading, start providing tourist fishing services.

All 4 methods of creating a reservoir for breeding fish with the proper level of perseverance and diligence are easy to implement.

Based on the size of the desired design, it is worth choosing the most rational ways to build a pond.

Arranging a fish pond

We have considered how you can create a pond for breeding fish, and now let's dwell on the issue of its construction and arrangement at all stages of construction.

1) What equipment is needed for arranging a pond?

Have you filled the pond and want to start breeding fish?

Animals living in open water bodies have their own characteristics, which are displayed in living conditions. You should learn more about the type of fish you are going to breed and prepare the best conditions for it.

Indispensable in any pond will be gravity filter.

Mobile mounted device for filtering water in a pond when breeding fish. The price of such a mechanism is in the range of 4,000 - 6,000 rubles.

The next indispensable attribute of any place where aquatic animals are bred will be compressor. It will prevent the death of organisms by saturating the water with oxygen.

Well, the 3rd necessary element - ultraviolet sterilizer, which will not let the water bloom. For a price, count on 20,000 - 30,000 rubles, depending on the power and coverage area.

Other components for your pond depend on the species of fish you are going to breed. Information about each species can be obtained individually from specialists or by attending fish farming training seminars.

2) Water quality requirements for fish.

Water is the main component of success when breeding fish. Optimal conditions will allow living creatures to gain weight and multiply well.

Foreign impurities such as bleach, methane and hydrogen sulfide must not be allowed to enter.

A. General requirements.

Water for fish should not have strongly pronounced odors and bright shades in the color scheme.

Farmers often add carbon dioxide to improve the condition of the liquid, but its excess can also harm the microflora. The maximum allowable value of carbon dioxide is 15 mg per 1 liter.

b. The reaction of water to pH.

There are 3 possible states of water in the pond - neutral (PH=7), acidic (PH 7).

The optimal value is within 5 - 7 points. To lower the level of acid in the liquid, the installation of special lime filters is required.

c. iron level.

When filling a fish pond with water, pay attention to the iron salt content.

When reacting with water, oxidation occurs with a high absorption of oxygen, which negatively affects the condition of the fish. With acid reactions, a brown coating settles on the gills, which interferes with respiratory processes and leads to death.

To prevent such situations, periodically aerate the water.

Plants are essential for a stable bioflora in a pond.

A list of acceptable representatives of the flora can be found in the table below:

Periodic analyzes for microbiological and mineral indicators of the state of water will help to track problems in time. Experts will give advice on how to correct the situation and improve the situation.

Industrial ponds are not distinguished by beauty in design. Their main goal is to create the most comfortable conditions for breeding fish.

Our tips will help you properly build and design your pond.

9 tips for building a fish pond:

    Do not exceed the water level in the pond.

    The construction of a catchment canal will allow to keep this factor under control.

    Its width can reach 70 cm, and its depth is not higher than the optimal value in a reservoir.

    The side walls are at a slope of 20-30 degrees and are reinforced with materials of your choice.

    The maximum depth of the pit should not exceed 3 meters.

    These are optimal conditions for wintering and breeding fish.

    About 30% of the area must be taken aground to a depth of 0.5-1 m.

    This will allow the fish to spawn and make feeding easier for you.

    Make at least one of the banks flat.

    The procedure diversifies the flora and improves general condition pond.

    Give priority to building a pond with the ability to divert water.

    To simplify the process of fishing, make a small depression in the center of the pond below the level of the drain.

    It is in it that the fish remaining after draining the water will be located.

    A couple of times a year, clean the bottom of silt and other precipitation.

    Silt is a very useful fertilizer for plants and another source of income for your business.

    Clean the perimeter of the shore near the pond.

    During the construction of the pond, the earth from the pit should be used to strengthen and form the banks.

    The optimal geometric solution would be an oval pond design model.

    If you are counting on collecting rainfall, then use a rectangular shape.

These tips will help you avoid common problems with pollution and the extinction of farmed fish in the pond.

Be careful about the type of fish you are going to breed. It is possible that special conditions will be required for their cultivation, which will entail the purchase of additional equipment.

How to build an eco-pond on the site with your own hands?

A detailed guide with a practical example will inspire you and give you the answer to this question:

fish pond is a good source of regular income. Which method of building and breeding you choose is up to you.

The payback of the fish business is on average 3-7 months, depending on sales volumes.

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An artificial reservoir can perform not only a decorative function, but it can also be successfully used for breeding fish. This exciting activity will provide an opportunity to spend your leisure time interestingly. It will also bear fruit in the form of environmentally friendly and, of course, tasty fish. But to achieve the result, you will have to work hard, because breeding fish in an artificial reservoir has its own characteristics and secrets that must be taken into account.

How to correctly determine the size of the reservoir

For an artificial reservoir, you need to choose a place located in the very lowland part land plot. It is also desirable that the pond be in partial shade for most of the day. But at the same time, to create a shading effect, it is not recommended to plant trees directly near the pond. Since fallen leaves will pollute the surface, and their roots can lead to deformations in the size of the reservoir over time.

The depth and width of the pond largely depends on what kind of fish you plan to breed in it. In any case, the pit for the reservoir must be at least one meter deep. And each owner forms the width and length of the pond at his own discretion. It is better to stop at a small but deep body of water, since a shallow and wide pool around the perimeter will absorb too much oxygen. While oxygen vital for fish. The enrichment of water with it is ensured by its production by vegetation, as well as due to the mixing of water under the influence of wind and temperature fluctuations.

In winter, to provide fish with air in the ice crust, you need to make holes, and you can also vertically freeze a bundle of reeds in it, which will become an excellent air conductor.

It should also be borne in mind that a tight reservoir will not suit too large a flock of fish, since the water in it will quickly deteriorate from a large amount of food. Therefore, it is necessary to plan the volumes of the future pond based on the fact that for one fish ten centimeters long, about fifty liters of water will be required.

A sufficiently deep reservoir creates successful conditions for wintering fish. But at the same time, in summer, the water in it warms up unevenly, which slows down the process of reproduction of microorganisms, which serve as an additional source of food for fish. Also, when determining the volume of a future reservoir, it is necessary to take into account such factors as the area of ​​​​the water surface without any vegetation and the quality of water purification.

What types of fish are suitable for breeding in artificial reservoirs

The most unpretentious fish in care include carp and crucian carp, respectively, they are most often bred in artificial reservoirs. In addition, cold-water trout, goldfish, and tench can be successfully bred in a self-created pond.

Carp gets along well even in a small pond and even faster and better builds mass in them. This is due to the fact that in a small area it spends much less energy searching for food. Additional advantage of this species of fish is its omnivorous nature. Carp prefers the sun and slightly alkaline water. In such conditions, it grows rapidly and can reach sexual maturity by the fourth year of life.

For carp breeding, a reservoir up to one and a half meters deep, four meters long and six meters wide is ideal. Moreover, one cube of water should account for no more than twenty individuals. Such parameters provide optimal conditions for their life.

As for crucians, they are perfect Still water with lots of vegetation. In winter, ice holes must be made in the pond to ensure the flow of oxygen. The optimal size of a pond for breeding crucians does not differ from those suitable for carp, so they are often kept in the same pond.

And here tench categorically does not get along with crucian carp. In general, they are very unpretentious in care and easily adapt to fluctuations in the level of acidity and the amount of oxygen in the water. Tench is omnivorous and if the pond is shallow, then it can fight with other species of fish, most often carps, for food.

An artificial pond is ideal as a habitat for goldfish. They are unpretentious both in food and do not impose special requirements on the habitat. And for their active reproduction, two individuals are quite enough. Besides gold fish looks very nice in the pond. Koi, a decorative Japanese carp, also has exceptional decorative qualities. Their coloring is striking in variety, there are red, black, white and even yellow species. And it is almost impossible to predict the color of future offspring. Koi prefers fairly spacious and deep water bodies, and a large amount of time scours the muddy bottom in search of food. This variety requires a lot of food, and does not refuse small fish.

Making a pond for fish

The creation of an artificial reservoir begins with the determination of its future volumes and the preparation of the pit. After the pit is dug, the soil surface must be properly leveled and well tamped. It is recommended to cement the bottom of the future pond and cover it with a dense polyethylene film on top. If it is used carefully, it will serve solid foundation not one year. If financial possibilities do not allow such an option, then you can limit yourself to only one film for covering the bottom. Also, as a budget flooring for the bottom, cameras from trucks are often used, which are pre-glued together.

Modern coating options involve the use of special mats made from coconut or synthetic fiber. Their surface is quickly overgrown with algae, thanks to which they perfectly mask the coastal edge.

After the pit is completed, water can be poured into it. And for this purpose, well or spring water is best suited. But you need to do it gradually, so at first the pond is only one-third full. In this way, an ideal spreading of the film under the influence of the gravity of the water is achieved. The bottom is covered with a layer of river sand, in which a variety of underwater plants are planted. After that, the rest of the water is poured into the reservoir.

The final stage in the design of an artificial reservoir is the landscaping of its banks. To complete the pond on its shore, it is recommended to plant willows, cattails and reeds. And if the owner of the pond plans to breed crayfish in addition to fish, then he needs to take care of the presence of stones, broken pots, etc. at the bottom. This will enable the crayfish to create a reliable shelter from fish during the molting period.

Creating a microclimate in the pond

The arrangement of an artificial reservoir without fail includes the creation of a microclimate suitable for breeding fish in it. Therefore, in no case should fish be immediately put into the water again poured into the pond, because it must settle, warm up and be enriched with the necessary microflora. To speed up this process, you can add several buckets of water from a natural reservoir to it, and put a little grass on the bottom that has had time to wither.

A neutral environment is considered optimal for breeding fish, and the acidity level must be kept within seven to eight ph. If it drops to 5 ph, then this adversely affects the life of fish, especially carp and crucian carp. To increase the acidity, you need to add a portion of a solution of soda or limestone to the water. Measurement of the acidity level of water should be carried out regularly, and at once in several places of the reservoir, since the rate of interaction of substances depends on the intensity of sunlight.

A prerequisite for launching fish is equalizing the temperature in the reservoir and the container in which it is contained. If this rule is neglected, then the fish may develop a temperature shock, from which even adults can die on the very first day after they are launched into the pond.

What to feed the fish?

To be successful in breeding fish in an artificial reservoir? you need to take a responsible approach to the issue of their feeding. The most unpretentious in terms of food is rightly considered carp and tench. These species of fish are omnivorous and gladly absorb everything that their owner treats them to.

They are fed often enough. compound feed intended for poultry and pigs. Moreover, if loose or powdered feed is used, then directly before feeding, it must be mixed with pond water until it reaches the consistency of porridge.

For all other varieties of fish, you can use a mixture of legumes and cereal grains. Moreover, before feeding, they are doused with boiling water, due to which the mixture swells. Also, all fish, without exception, are happy to accept earthworms and various insects as food. The amount of feed depends on the weight of the fish and should slightly exceed it, but not more than six percent.

It is advisable to feed the fish once or twice a day at the same time. For feeding, it is recommended to choose a shallow place in which it is convenient to put a tray or a small table. And after the feeding is completed, it can be taken from there without any problems. This approach allows the owner of the pond to promptly remove the remnants of uneaten food, which can quickly spoil the water in the pond.

It is desirable to develop a conditioned reflex for eating in fish. This is facilitated by the implementation of feeding at a set time, as well as the use of other external stimuli, such as a bell.

Fish farming can be used as the basis for a self-sufficient business.

The pond in the country can carry not only a decorative function, but also benefit in the form of tasty and environmentally friendly fish to your table. Moreover, some types of fish at home reproduce perfectly. The breeding of underwater inhabitants usually begins with the cultivation of carp. But if you study all the subtleties and competently organize the process, then you can even grow sturgeon and crayfish in the country. It is not necessary to have a huge pond for this, as you will see when watching the video.

Food for fish

If you want to get a full-fledged increase in the live weight of farmed fish, then the issue of feeding should be approached with all responsibility. The carp family is considered the most unassuming in terms of choosing a menu. Nature has deprived the carp of a stomach, so the fish always wants to eat and does not belong to gourmets. Feed the fish with the following products:

  • compound feed for poultry or pigs with a protein content of about 40% is fed mainly to carp, although fish meat acquires a specific taste;
  • a mixture of cereals, steamed corn and legumes is preferred by other types of fish;

It is important to always feed the fish at the same time

  • in reservoirs, equipped in a natural way and having a developed flora and fauna, the fish finds its own food. True, the weight of the wards with such a content will be inferior to individuals grown on compound feed. But the meat will be very tasty and environmentally friendly.

Pets are fed once or twice a day, preferably without changing the time of reception and the place of distribution of food. In fish, like in Pavlov's dog, reflexes are well fixed. If you combine feeding with a whistle or ringing a bell, then in the future the fish will swim by itself on a signal.

Food is placed on a special tray, which is then lowered into the water. Such a dining room will allow the owner to control the amount of food consumed and avoid contamination of the reservoir with its fermented residues. This is especially true in the case of compound feeds.

Advice. To attract a large amount of natural food, use a little trick. A 12 W light bulb is fixed above the surface of the water, which is turned on at night. A large number of mosquitoes and moths flock to the light, which the fish feast on with great pleasure.

Types of fish suitable as pond decoration

Choosing a fish for growing in a summer cottage, decide on its purpose: catching or decorative decoration of the reservoir. For aesthetic pleasure, the following types of fish are suitable:

  • Koi carp are very popular due to their color from bright red to black, and the color of the future young is impossible to predict. These fish have excellent appetite and grow quickly. Most of the time they spend at the bottom of the reservoir, looking for food in the silt. Very trusting, they can swim right up to the hands, hoping for additional feeding;

Decorative carp koi

  • goldfish - very unpretentious, she does not need a deep reservoir. To begin with, you can purchase a couple of individuals and they will quickly fill the reservoir with numerous offspring. In addition, goldfish are distinguished by unpretentiousness in food. Their decorativeness is not even up for discussion;
  • It is almost impossible to propagate cold-water trout in an artificial reservoir, therefore it is also used for decorative purposes. Basically, for decoration, they buy river or very elegant rainbow trout. This fish feeds on small aquatic animals, but will not refuse artificial feeding.

Advice. When the water temperature in the reservoir drops below +5 degrees, the fish falls into a half-asleep and is not interested in food. Feeding begins in the spring, when the inhabitants of the pond come out of hibernation.

Commercial fish

If you are going to equip a fishing pond, then the following fish species are most in demand for this purpose:

Advice. Purchased fish must be properly released into the pond. The water temperature of the pond and the tank in which the fish is brought should be approximately the same. Shock at temperature differences will lead to the death of fish.

Fish in the fishing pond

Fishing requires a fairly large pond. Fish species are selected based on the parameters of the reservoir: depth, presence of vegetation, water temperature. Usually the pond is filled with representatives of cyprinids. If conditions allow, then predators are added: catfish, pike or perch.

You can arrange a pond with sturgeon or sterlet, but they will need special conditions for comfortable living and reproduction. In addition, this fish cannot be grown only on artificial food; natural nutrition is vital for it.

Trout will need a deep pond with clean and cold water. In any case, before you start digging a pit, be sure to find out what the requirements for the reservoir are for the type of underwater inhabitants that you want to grow.

The subtleties of successful breeding

To avoid gross mistakes, novice fish producers should consider the following points:

If you approach the issue of growing fish deliberately, providing the inhabitants of the pond with the necessary conditions for living, then you can simultaneously receive aesthetic pleasure and practical benefits with minimal hassle.

How to make a pond in the country with your own hands: video

Pond for breeding fish in the country: photo

The lakes are inhabited by various fish, but, as a rule, small fish predominate in small lakes. The annual growth of fish in the lakes and its catch on average do not exceed 25-30 kg per hectare of water area.

In order to get more fish, it is necessary to organize fish farming in lakes the same way as in ponds.

When breeding valuable fish in lakes (populating them with carp, whitefish, ripus), the fish yield increases significantly, reaching 2-3 or more centners per hectare of water area.

The issue of breeding fish in the lake should be decided in each individual case, taking into account local natural conditions.

For carp, carp and other fish, lakes 1.5-2 m deep with a flat bottom and gently sloping banks, with shallow (up to 30-40 cm deep) shoals are most suitable. Deeper lakes (up to 4-5 m) are also suitable for fish farming, but they must be well fished and also have gentle banks and shallows.

By adapting the lakes for breeding valuable fish, they make them downstream or semi-downstream, installing a sluice-regulator in the lowest place (Fig. 2). Most suitable are lakes located above the water level in the river or completely separated from the river. If the lake cannot be made drainable, then it should be available for fishing: without holes and large mounds that interfere with catching fish.

Lakes that have the same water level with the river are usually not used for growing fish, since during summer and autumn floods (floods), fish grown in these lakes can go into the river.

The bottom of the lake should not be heavily silted; the most suitable layer of silt is no more than 15-20 cm. It is difficult to catch fish from heavily silted lakes overgrown with grass and shrubs.

Valuable fish species can be bred in almost any lake, if the reasons that prevent fish from eating, growing and multiplying are eliminated. For example, a heavily overgrown coarse aquatic vegetation - reeds, cattails - reduces the shallow, most fertile area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe reservoir, and the fish cannot use it, as they are unable to penetrate through the thicket of this vegetation. Dying aquatic vegetation, decomposing (decaying), forms large deposits of silt; all this is subject to decay - mineralization. During this process, a lot of oxygen dissolved in water is absorbed, which is necessary for the respiration of fish and other aquatic animals.

When the water is depleted of oxygen, valuable, oxygen-demanding fish usually die, leaving more unpretentious, but small, bony, of little value. Therefore, each lake planned for the breeding of valuable fish must first be subjected to thorough reclamation: remove all snags, trees, shrubs, hummocks; to deepen and clear the water sources feeding the lake (springs, springs, channels), to catch predatory and weedy fish. predatory fish destroy valuable fish, and weeds are competitors of farmed fish, as they eat the same food. In order to be able to lower the lake, it is necessary to dig a channel from the lake to the underlying riverbed, 0.5 m wide along the bottom, 0.75 m deep, and install the simplest lock on it. This will allow, if necessary, to keep the water in the lake at the right level or drain water from it.

Heavily overgrown and silty lakes are recommended to drain completely for the summer and winter. This makes it possible to destroy the rhizomes of plants, especially in the coastal shallow zone. Organic substances of the bottom (dead vegetation, silt) are mineralized and compacted during drying.

If it is impossible to completely drain the bottom of the reservoir, then the silt deposits are selected by a dredger and used in the fields as an organic fertilizer. In the drained part of the lake, hard aquatic vegetation is removed by plowing and picking out the rhizomes of plants with an iron harrow. The aquatic vegetation remaining in the deep non-descent sections of the reservoir is cut off in the water to the very root and removed from the lake.

Lakes prepared in this way begin to be stocked (populated with fish): floodplain lakes - immediately after the recession of spring hollow waters, and not flooded with hollow waters - shortly after the ice melts.

The stocking of lakes should be carried out with planting material taken from fish hatcheries.

Landing of fish should be carried out in clean, sandy or meadow vegetation areas of the lake. It is best to transport and plant fish in the lake from a boat in the evening.

When planting fish in the lake, it must be taken into account that on the first day and especially the first hours after transportation, the fish is weak, it keeps on the shallows and in the upper layers of the water and is attacked by gulls, pikes, etc. Therefore, after planting, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the fish and protect her from enemies until she recovers and goes into the depths of the reservoir.

In winter, it is important to protect pools - pits in which adult fish and juveniles accumulate for the winter, and to prevent predatory fishing of these pits.

By organizing fish farming in a pond, pool or cage method, the owner can sell an environmentally friendly product to the market at a high cost, and the favorable climate of our country and the growing demand for carp and trout make this business profitable and very profitable, in all regions.

Products of the oceans have been competing with livestock products for many millennia. Many treatises have been written about the benefits of these products. World Organization Health recommends eating fish at least 2 times a day. The content of specific fatty acids (Omega-3) in it positively affects the functioning of the brain and heart. Vitamin D is essential for proper bone growth. The use of salmon, trout and mackerel is very important for the normal development of the fetus and is recommended for pregnant women and children. Fish farming in Russia is a fairly relevant line of business and is constantly evolving.

Methods of breeding fish in artificial conditions

Business should be fun. Breeding fish is the best associated with relaxation and can bring a lot of pleasant emotions. In addition, it is a fairly profitable and uncomplicated process. Arranging your farm does not require large investments, and the economic effect is quite tangible, and with proper housekeeping, you can get regular profits and an environmentally friendly product to your table. The demand for typical river dwellers, be it sturgeon or trout, is constantly growing in Russia. A huge number of ponds, lakes and reservoirs, as well as the climate in our country, allow us to successfully engage in this type of activity in almost all regions. artificial cultivation fish practiced it in ancient times. Currently, this method has reached a high development and provides for implementation under the following conditions:

  1. In a swimming pool.
  2. In the pond.
  3. garden method.

The guarantee of success in this case will be the preparation of a detailed business plan, taking into account many risk factors.

Features of breeding in artificial pools

An advantageous quality of fish reproduction in artificial pools is that it can be located absolutely anywhere. It can be a garden or other part of a personal plot. Another positive point is the ability to choose the volume, material and shape of the tank. Such tanks are very durable, as they are made of fiberglass, metal or reinforced concrete structures. They require minor preventive maintenance and do not need very frequent cleaning activities. If desired, you can order pools of any shape, which will allow you to install it based on their availability of free space. As a rule, the walls of the tank, made of various types of plastic, have a smooth surface, which prevents their significant pollution, reduces the cost of water treatment and the likelihood of a fish epidemic. The ability to artificially regulate the temperature and hydrochemical conditions makes it possible to use reservoirs of this type year-round.

The plant of closed water exchange, as the most advanced method of cultivation in artificial conditions, allows to achieve full mechanization and automation of processes. For the reproduction of fry in this way, it is best to choose delicacy varieties (sturgeon or salmon), since the installation of expensive cleaning and water exchange equipment increases costs by about 1.5 times. Planting saturation in such an environment is calculated based on the rate of water purification and its circulation. The norm of fish productivity is from 20 to 100 kg per 1 m3. The method is simple, but there are typical mistakes when it starts.

Typical misconceptions of novice fish farmers

Features of breeding in the pond

This option is one of the least risky and suitable for beginners. The minimum monetary threshold and the possibility of using natural reservoirs without additional expenses will allow you to get positive developments. On the territories of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, you can easily find a suitable pond or backwater. There is an option to use your own artificial pond, which will force you to make additional investments in excavation and has a certain risk associated with a lack of groundwater and critical shallowing of the pond. Also, to get good profitability, you need a pond with an area of ​​​​at least 1 hectare.

Cage method

Assumes a combined approach to reproduction. It has both positives. So and negative qualities. Natural water areas with certain instrumentation are used. To implement the method, you need to purchase or build a floating cage yourself and stock it with fry. Cage lines are installed in lakes, backwaters of rivers or reservoirs. The latter method, under the condition of a heated environment, makes it possible to obtain population growth all year round. The main advantages of garden farming:

  1. Small area. Allows better protection of cages and simplifies fishing.
  2. Possibility of implementation all year round. Most companies have a seasonal sales vector. This advantage will increase profits.
  3. You can use all types of water bodies, even complex purposes.

What variety to grow?

Before starting the project, you should ask yourself what kind of fish you are ready to supply to the stores. The main varieties for sale are: carp and trout. The methods of breeding, feeding and care are somewhat different. Carp is a very unpretentious variety that can be placed in many types of water bodies and use less specialized food. There is a lot of information about the features of technology on the Internet and specialized manuals. Growing trout fry is a somewhat more laborious process. Must have basic fish farming experience and special education. This variety is extremely demanding on the place of detention and conditions.

Carp breeding technology

This representative of the marine fauna occupies a leading position in this segment of the freshwater aquaculture market. For the growth of fry of this species, artificial reservoirs, ponds and the cage method can be used. The following breeds are grown:

  1. Scaly.
  2. Mirror.
  3. Linear.
  4. Naked.
  5. Ukrainian frame.

It is possible to cultivate carp in monoculture with various other species, including predatory breeds. There are three reproduction systems:

  1. Extensive.
  2. Semi-intensive.
  3. Intensive.

The extensive environment involves feeding carp with natural derivatives of bottom fauna and zooplankton. The method is distinguished by a small increase per unit area (from 200 to 650 kg). The advantage lies in low feed costs and costs.

The semi-intensive method consists in formulating the diet in such a way that it contains more artificial feeds, which are produced in significant quantities by the agro-industrial complex. The lack of caloric content of the diet is leveled with the help of food additives carbohydrate type ( different kinds cereals). With the right choice of diet, productivity reaches a level of 650 to 1400 kg per hectare. A clear advantage of this system is the ability to correct the lack of energy value of food with the help of supplements.

The intensive system provides for the transfer of the entire generation to complex feed, which contains protein in high concentrations (up to 40%). The high value of nutrition leads to a large planting of the growth area, which requires additional aeration, if the norms of which are not observed, there is a risk of death of the offspring. The efficiency of this system makes it possible to obtain from 5 to 20 tons per hectare of water area. A positive feature is the maximum involvement water areas. However, there is also a significant risk of infection and epidemics.

Trout breeding technology

There are more than a dozen species of trout in the world's oceans. Two main ones are most suitable for industrial reproduction:

  1. Brook trout.
  2. Rainbow trout.

The first species grows in the waters of the Azov, Black, White and Caspian Seas. It has good taste qualities and belongs to the most valuable varieties of fish. It lives exclusively in cold conditions and requires sufficiently high aeration. The habitat of rainbow trout is North America. It can live not only in cold streams, but also in warm rivers. Has excellent growth potential.

For reproduction, the cage method and the method of rearing in ponds are suitable. However, trout does not breed in ponds and artificial insemination has to be used. It is necessary to adhere to the temperature regime from 4 to 18 ° C. It takes about 2 years to grow an adult ready for sale.

How much can you earn?

The expenditure and income part of the project will vary depending on the scale of production. The cost of carp fry varies from 60 to 120 rubles per kilogram. The minimum price of compound feed for him is 7-8 rubles. An adult is sold at 100-130 rubles per 1 kg. For example, you can take the average values ​​of the main points when growing carp. With the most conservative calculations with minimal volumes of the final product, the cost part looks something like this:

  1. Malek - 5200 rubles.
  2. Staff - 15150 rubles.
  3. Feed - 3350 rubles.
  4. Other - 9350 rubles.

The regressive part of accounting will be 30,050 rubles.

With a total yield of 50,000 rubles, the net profit will be 19,950 rubles. A multiple increase in parameters will lead to lower costs and higher profits. Profitability with the correct organization of the process can reach 40%.

Examples of successful "fish" business

Large holdings with a wide network of export links are engaged in the successful cultivation of fish on an industrial scale in Russia. However, medium and small fish farms that are successfully increasing production in Russia deserve a lot of attention (Arsky Rybkhoz LLC, Vyvenskoye LLC, Nazarovsky Fisheries LLC. Such companies are an excellent example of a well-adjusted technological and financial basis for fish farming.