Swimming pool with personal trainer. Pool training

Thanks to our website, you can use the services of a private swimming coach in Moscow without special problems- swimming popular sport and there are many experts on it. Many students also note: Swimming is a rather pleasant sport. And, often, there is an erroneous opinion that it is easy to cut through the water surface. However, it is worth trying to do it yourself, as the realization comes that free swimming requires special efforts and preparation. We recommend hiring an experienced swimming instructor to help you become a professional swimmer.

According to experts: Swimming is an excellent sport for strengthening the muscles of the arms and back. Also, due to classes in water, the general physical and emotional state improves, therefore, patients are often prescribed water procedures. A swimming instructor in Moscow, which you can find on our website, will be an excellent solution for organizing classes in the pool, where you can not only learn how to stay on the water, but also master several popular techniques.

Of course, you can try to learn how to swim on your own, but with the help of a swimming teacher, the process is more efficient and faster. In addition, it is an individual instructor who is able to point out errors in technique in time or answer any questions that arise regarding the next exercise.

Thus, thanks to a private teacher, everyone will be able to:

  • Learn a variety of swimming techniques and styles;
  • Take part in various competitions, in case of huge progress;
  • Feel free in the water. It doesn't matter if it's a pool or the open sea.

More often than others, they prefer to look for individual swimming instructors for beginners, since they are the ones who mostly need help. personal trainer. It is not only difficult for beginners to stay on the water. In principle, they feel uncomfortable in the pool if they do not know how to swim. Thanks to individual swimming lessons for beginners, the ward gains self-confidence, he begins to actively use his arms and legs, staying on the surface of the water. In addition, it is worth noting that the training program for beginners is considered quite easy and simple, as it is aimed at relieving a person from embarrassment and teaching him not to drown.

  • Trainer experience in the field.
  • The cost of one lesson. Thus, you can calculate how much you need for several workouts. In turn, we want to note that the quality of the result directly depends on the number of classes attended.
  • Age category. Some site visitors are looking for swimming instructors for children.

It should be additionally noted that classes with a child require a more responsible approach, so it is recommended to look for a true professional in this matter. Individual sessions swimming for children must be carried out taking into account all safety requirements.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to find the time to search for the right instructor. If you have no time to read profiles or study reviews, we are ready to offer our services in choosing a suitable candidate. Absolutely free of charge, our employees will find a personal swimming coach for children, adults, girls, men or just beginners in a short time. You just have to contact the instructor and hire him if you like the candidacy.

During classes in water, maximum efficiency is achieved due to the impact on a person of three forces at once - buoyancy force, which reduces the load on the joints and spine; hydrostatic pressure, which improves blood circulation and reduces muscle tension; water resistance, which forces you to exert more effort than when exercising in gym.

However, in order for the classes to really bring maximum benefit, you cannot do without the help of an instructor. It is he who will be able to develop a special fitness program that will allow achieving amazing results in a relatively short period of time.

Why do you need a coach in the pool?
Independent attempts to lose weight, restore skin tone, strengthen muscles with the help of exercising in the pool quite often do not give any result: neither kilograms disappear, nor moral satisfaction can be achieved, since the monotony of exercises is simply tiring. Therefore, it is extremely important to deal with experienced coach. He will be able to choose an interesting, and most importantly diverse program that will meet the goals. In addition, he will be able to teach and control the correct execution of all exercises.

Types of activities in the water
Sports swimming. If beginners tend to learn to swim with an instructor, then many of those who have already learned to flounder in the water prefer to practice alone. And in general, to maintain overall muscle tone, this is quite enough. But if the goal is to pump up muscles, learn a new swimming technique or lose weight, then you can’t do without a coach. After all, the ability to simply swim in water is not the main thing. Here it is necessary to master the breathing technique, the implementation of certain standards and appropriate control.

Aqua aerobics. Water aerobics is an analogue of fitness and helps to improve the figure, increase body tone, strengthen muscles, get rid of excess weight. True, in the water the implementation of certain exercises requires more effort than on land. Therefore, even with a minimum intensity of training, the result will become noticeable very soon.

Workouts for pregnant women. During pregnancy, a woman does not have to turn into a formless creature, and classes in the pool will help her with this, but always with an instructor. Water aerobics for pregnant women is the safest and most useful view sport for women in position. The coach can always choose individual program classes with optimal loads that will help mommy stay in great shape and the baby feel comfortable during such classes. In addition, thanks to such training, some problems can be eliminated, for example, turning the baby into the desired position (if he is sitting in his mother's tummy on the ass).

Diving. It's quite young water activities requiring open water spaces. But you can learn the basics of diving in an ordinary city pool. And here you can’t do without a coach, because not everyone can put on diving equipment on their own. And what can we say about the correctness of breathing and movement under water ...

Benefits of a trainer
However, the duties of an instructor are not limited to teaching the use of equipment necessary for classes, whether it be a diving suit or a banana. A qualified trainer will always find the shortest and safest way to achieve the intended goal, develop an individual training schedule, and recommend the necessary diet.

In addition, when studying alone, you are unlikely to be able to realistically assess your achievements and mistakes. And at this moment, the coach will be able to provide the necessary moral support, give practical advice. Unlike us, the instructor understands the essence of each exercise and the movement performed, therefore, the loads selected by him carry maximum effect.

Any beginner will feel uncomfortable in the water, so many exercises are unlikely to be done correctly the first time. Agree, not everyone will be able to turn upside down when necessary! Therefore, so that money and time do not become wasted, you should seek help from a coach. And if he also knows what goals are pursued when performing such exercises, then there will be no price for his advice.

The coach in the pool must be qualified and experienced. And when choosing a swimming instructor for yourself, do not be too lazy to find out about his education, qualifications, human qualities (understanding in the person of a coach will not hurt anyone). And of course, only a coach can make every lesson in the pool exciting, because your desire to attend such training depends on it.

I think it doesn't make sense because even children know about it. It is swimming that helps to solve many problems, from the formation correct posture and improvement of the body, ending with weight loss.

Why do many of those who seem to regularly go to the pool, adhere to certain rules of being in it and practice several times a week for a long time, do not get the cherished results and the effect that they would like to achieve? Perhaps this is because there is no one to control your classes?

Why you need a coach in the pool

Independent attempts to cope with a problem (losing weight, strengthening muscles, restoring skin tone) may not be successful just because you are doing it alone, besides, monotonous exercises are very tiring. That is why, if you want to get both moral and physical satisfaction from swimming in the pool, you need to seek the help of a professional trainer.

Do not save on the services of a coach, because with his help you will achieve what you so passionately desire much faster, and it will be much more interesting to study than to swim alone. The trainer will select an interesting and varied program especially for you., corresponding to your goals, will teach and control the correctness of the exercises.

What do coaching sessions provide?

The duties of a coach include not only teaching swimming, but also recommendations, for example, on what sports equipment will help you get closer to your cherished goal as soon as possible, how to use them correctly.

In addition, while studying on your own, you will not be able to evaluate your mistakes and achievements, and the coach sees everything from the outside and can point to them, give advice and provide moral support. No novice will be able to immediately perform the right exercises Right, especially, to pick up those that are necessary for him. Usually people who are just starting classes feel somewhat uncomfortable in the water, and in order to start exercising properly and not wasting time and money, a coach is needed.

What can a coach offer you?

So, having decided what exactly you want to get as a result of going to the pool, tell your coach about it, who will offer the shortest path to achieving your goals. These can be completely different programs and classes, because on your own you are unlikely to be able to understand what exactly will be the shortest path for you.

Sports swimming lessons

As you yourself understand, you can just come to the pool and flop there endlessly, but you won’t move a millimeter forward without knowing, understanding and applying certain rules of swimming. Of course, there will be benefits both for the body and for moral pleasure, but if you set yourself the goal of strengthening your muscles, pumping up, learning new swimming techniques or losing weight, then you probably cannot do without a coach.

The ability to stay on the water, to swim is not the main thing. The most important thing is to master the technique correct breathing, compliance with certain standards and vigilant control of actions and results.

Aqua aerobics

I think that water aerobics for weight loss is one of the better ways getting rid of overweight, You know. But could you do it on your own? Hardly. It is necessary not only to know which exercises are suitable for this, but also how to do it correctly and how much, what devices to use, what should be the intensity and load.

But it is water aerobics that will help not only lose weight, but also increase muscle tone, strengthen the body, and adjust the figure. In fact, this is an analogue of fitness, only in the water, and not in the gym, and since the load is slightly higher during the exercises in the pool, the results will be noticeable faster.

Classes for pregnant women

Pregnancy is not a reason to become a formless being, sorry. Rather, on the contrary, you must make every effort to stay in good shape, otherwise later, after giving birth, it will be very difficult to return to the previous figure. In addition, exercising in the water will benefit not only you, but also your baby.

Water aerobics for pregnant women does not tolerate independence and heavy loads. An indispensable condition in this case is the control of the coach and the selection of a special individual program.

What conclusion can be drawn? You definitely need a coach, but for what - you already know. The decision is yours!

Talking about the variety of types of fitness, one cannot help but mention what lovers of sports and an active lifestyle often forget about - about. Classes in the pool are not only interesting and exciting, but also extremely useful, including in cases where other workouts are contraindicated, for example, with orthopedic problems.

Often they have a well-equipped spacious pool. The presence of the latter provides a wide scope for choosing fitness classes: - all these are programs for lovers of water sports. However, the most popular type of training in the pool is still swimming.

As we have already said, water sports sports are extremely useful for general physical condition and for the figure. Here are just a few of the benefits of exercising in the pool:

  • Strengthening of the muscular corset and joints. Water reduces the compression effect on the joints, and the "resistance" aquatic environment when performing exercises, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the muscles. in the pool it is unlikely to succeed, but to “pump up” the right muscles- easily. During swimming exercises, the muscles of almost all parts of the body are involved: back, forearms and shoulders, hips, calves, neck, etc.
  • Beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Swimming and water aerobics help to strengthen the heart muscle, the walls of blood vessels. Also train the lungs and all respiratory system(however, not before the athlete learns to breathe correctly).
  • Massage internal organs. During swimming and water activities, the dense environment exerts gentle pressure on the body and thereby massages the skin and organs.
  • Relaxation and removal of emotional stress. Water procedures always relax and "feed" a person with positive energy. Even if a hard day at work is behind you, just an hour spent in the pool will act as a SPA procedure (while also being a workout).

Swimming program: exercises

By the way If a person is engaged in weightlifting, a visit to the pool is especially indicated for him as cardio training: swimming will strengthen the joints and spine, and will help normalize pressure and blood circulation.

You can go to the pool to spend time there, just swimming from side to side, or you can give yourself a real cardio workout with a set of exercises. Of course, it is better to develop a program together with a coach, as well as to practice (especially at first) is under the supervision of a pool instructor.

Exercises for men and women are somewhat different, so we will give exemplary complexes exercises for both the stronger sex and the beautiful half of humanity.

Basic program for men:

  • Warm-up (5 minutes). Calmly swim from end to end of the track once or twice - this will help warm up the muscles.
  • Swimming freestyle (5 minutes). Swim 150-200 meters in whatever style you like best (crawl, breaststroke, butterfly) or alternate styles. Gradually increase the speed.
  • Swimming on feet (10 minutes). Try to swim using only your legs with your torso on the board.
  • Swimming on your back (5-10 minutes). Without straining, swim a few “laps” around the pool at a calm pace.
  • Swimming with varying speed (10-15 minutes). Swim any style. Half of the track is fast, half is slow.
  • Completion of the workout (10-15 minutes). Swim at a calm pace in any style that suits you, at the end of the workout (already out of the water), do some stretching exercises.

Basic program for women:

  • Warm-up (5-10 minutes). Swim at a slow pace, choosing a butterfly or crawl style, watch your breathing.
  • Swimming on the hands (5 minutes). Try to move your legs as little as possible, distributing the main load on your shoulders and arms. This exercise perfectly develops the pectoral muscles.
  • Swimming with change of style (10 minutes). Make several swims along the track: crawl at one end, breaststroke at the other, etc. The pace can also be varied.
  • Swimming on your feet (5-10 minutes). Take the board, lean on it with your body and swim, working only with your legs.
  • Exercise with increasing speed (5-10 minutes). Try to maximize (but so that it is comfortable) to increase the speed of movement along the track.
  • Cooldown (10-15 minutes). Swimming in a free style, at a slower pace, if desired - a few exercises from the water aerobics program (for example, steps in the water).

Do not forget about the observance of the drinking regime (yes, you also need to drink while exercising in the pool).

Where can I sign up for swimming lessons?

For training to be effective and at the same time enjoyable, you need to choose nice pool. The modern spacious pools are equipped: large, clean and comfortable. Our trainers of water programs conduct an introductory briefing, help develop a training schedule, adjust the set of exercises for each person who wishes, and advise directly during the training.

You can sign up for training in the pool by purchasing a membership card of the club. With Gold`s Gym you will get the desired result - healthy, beautiful body and great mood.