Do-it-yourself volumetric traffic light made of paper. Do-it-yourself traffic light from discs

A master class on working with waste material and paper, crafts for conducting events on traffic rules.

student 4 "B" class MBOU "OOSH No. 2" Bortsov Artem
Supervisor: teacher of technology MBOU "OOSH No. 2" Burova Olga Vladimirovna

Purpose: making crafts for events according to the Rules traffic.

Use of the lesson will be useful:
- in work with children aged 6 years and older (with the help of adults), older children and adults.

Purpose of the lesson:
Creation of conditions for creative self-realization of the child's personality.

- generate interest in traffic rules;
- to educate a competent pedestrian, to fix the rules of the road;
- to consolidate and develop the ability of students to work with templates;
- to develop accuracy and patience in work;
- encourage creativity and non-standard solutions in the performance of work;
- correction of general and fine motor skills;
- develop artistic taste and focus on the quality of products;
- develop cognitive interest in arts and crafts;
- to promote the formation of a comprehensively developed personality;
- to master new technologies.

The story of the traffic light.

In one small town lived the most ordinary traffic light. He stood on the most ordinary street and the most ordinary inhabitants of the city constantly passed by him. Days and weeks passed by. The seasons changed each other, and the traffic light stood and stood. And he didn’t have days off and even a lunch break. The work at the Traffic Light was not very easy. His only pleasure was watching the pedestrians.

From day to day, the Traffic Light watched the townspeople and always considered the behavior of everyone. Most of all, he enjoyed watching children.

Here is the girl Varya with her mother. He is naughty, asks his mother for a toy. I look at her with an angry red eye. Varya stopped crying, looks at me and holds out her hand to her mother. That's good, that's smart! All young children should know that they need to cross the road by taking an adult by the hand.

Vika runs about her business. Runs and does not look around! Stop, Vika!!!

Don't rush on the road! Look at me!!! I'm not standing here in vain, I'm protecting your lives! Well, here, what a disobedient, yellow eye is still burning, but she ran!

You can't do that ... It's a pity that Vika does not follow the rules of the road at all! In every kindergarten, in every school, they learn the rules, and parents at home also talk about how best to cross the road. Why does Vika not know them? Why doesn't he understand the danger?

And here comes the boy Egor, probably to school. He has a satchel on his back. Hurry, apparently overslept. I look at him with a red eye, and he stamps his foot with impatience, but stands still. My yellow eye made Yegor turn his head in all directions, I wink at him green. Everyone ran with all his might.

The traffic light looked after adults and children every day. He was upset and happy. Sometimes he was very worried that he could not scream. Very, at times, I wanted to scold negligent pedestrians. And then the thought came to his mind: “Maybe they don’t pay attention to me, because I’m the most ordinary?” The traffic light firmly decided: “I need to change!” How to decorate yourself? Beautiful garlands and light bulbs will distract drivers and passengers. Flags in the wind can close your eyes. And the traffic light decided to turn into a flower. He was very fond of daisies, they grew nearby on the side of the road. It turned out to be a very nice costume! Now everyone who passed or drove by looked at him very carefully. The traffic light was very pleased, there were no more violators on its section of the road.

The inhabitants of the town fell in love with the Traffic Light and always smiled when they looked at it. No one was in a hurry and did not run across, and did not drive through a red light. It's nice when everyone follows the rules of the road!!!

Listen and remember
And always follow them.
The RED light came on
Stop, baby, there's no way.
YELLOW light is on
Get ready says.
And the light is GREEN
Come on, my scientist friend.
Remember traffic rules
Like a multiplication table!

I. Dal

Required materials and tools:
- scissors;
- disks;
- colored paper;
- glue gun;
- printed pictures;
- ribbon.

Execution steps:

For traffic lights, we use colored foil paper. A4 printer paper and unnecessary discs.

Cut out the squares. The size is determined using a disk. Draw a circle on the square.

Cut the edges of the square to the line of the circle. We cut the strips randomly, approximately 0.5 cm.
Then we bend all the strips to the center of the disk.

We print pictures on the printer.

What they will decide for you. You can choose emoticons)

In order for the traffic light to last longer, we glue it on top with a film or tape.

Cut and glue in the center of the disks. The main thing is not to confuse the meanings)))

We glue the first three disks with a gun.

From white paper, cut out the leaves according to the template. Twist with a stick or pencil.

Glue on the wrong side. You can stick them with double sided tape.

We make leaves in two rows. Glue discs. Glue a ribbon loop between the two red disks.

The traffic light has two sides. On one, we wrote down the meanings of the colors of the traffic light in words.

On the other hand, mimic emoticons were glued.

A. Shtro
A traffic light has three eyes.
Well, remember them, my friend,
Walk the streets so that soon
You could do it on your own.
Here is a red eye ... You are afraid of him!
When it burns, there is no way.
Blinking yellow - get ready!
Green glowing - go!

Our traffic light can hang on the wall in the classroom. Children will always see it and never forget what each color at the traffic light means.
With such a chamomile traffic light, you can visit other classes and tell our fairy tale)))

Thank you very much for your attention.
We are waiting for your feedback)))

During the next trip to the toy store, it turned out that we don’t have a very useful and, most importantly, simply necessary thing at home - a traffic light. Frank Chinese g ... but for normal money there was no desire to buy.

Poryskav as usual in the internet, I found out that this idea, to make a traffic light with your own hands, did not visit me alone. Of the proposed homemade products, I didn’t like anything: either four batteries, then some small LEDs, then extra wires with toggle switches, etc. Eliminating what other traffic lights did not like, I drew a diagram:

The traffic light circuit is powered by one battery or accumulator (I use an old battery on which cars no longer drive, the camera took ten pictures and went dead, in short, the battery was asked for in the trash). The NCP1400 or NCP1402 converter discharges the battery almost to zero. A charged old battery lasts for several months. I liked the pulse converter because the circuit contains a minimum of details, not a high price, in short I recommend it. The main criterion when choosing a processor is that extra legs do not hang from the board. PIC 12F508 was chosen, but it turned out that PIC12F509 is cheaper - strange, but oh well. LEDs with a diameter of 10 mm are the brightest, 8 mm can be used. The voltage drop on LEDs of different colors is different, the intensity of the glow is also different, so the resistors for each color were selected to even out the brightness of the glow by eye (do not look too closely at the photo, as the camera has its own concept of color and white balance, in short - it's lying) .

To reduce the size of the entire toy, the board had to be double-sided. They made it using ironing technology and not the first time, but still it turned out well.

The assembly order is as follows: assemble the necessary parts, make a board, solder the voltage converter and check its operation

Then solder the remaining parts, it should turn out like in the picture, so that it is clean and beautiful, you need to wash the board with alcohol. You should pay attention to the vias, which are soldered with wire, and the LEDs are soldered on both sides.

First road test

And now the most interesting begins - the body. A traffic light in a temporary building would have lived for a long time if it had not fallen apart and the LEDs had not bent. It was not possible to pick up the case and I had to manually cut out each detail from some kind of plastic (waste from an advertising workshop), carefully grind it and, finally, glue it with dichloroethane.

Turned out pretty solid and pretty.

Operating modes

The microcontroller sleeps safely (sleep mode) until the button is pressed.
When the button is pressed, the normal traffic light mode is switched on. If the button is pressed briefly in the automatic switching mode, the manual switching mode will be activated, i.e. the next switching only after pressing the button.
If the button is held down, flashing amber mode will be enabled.
Further holding the button will turn on the night light mode. Short presses of the button in this mode will cycle through combinations of LEDs on.
Holding the button for a long time will enter sleep mode.
Working in any mode for about 20 minutes will turn off the traffic light. The time is counted from the last button press.

The project turned out to be quite successful. Those who do not tremble can do it for themselves - all the necessary files are there (there is no placement of elements, but with such a complex scheme this is not a problem).

You fiddle around in the evenings, draw, write a program, saw plastic, and then the little one goes out with his mother to the store in the evening, when it just starts to get dark, he carries a bright traffic light in front of him - you can see far away, blinking. Everyone looks around - it's interesting, and the baby squeaks: "Mom, mom, I also want this!" And the happy little one goes:
- Boy, where did you get such a traffic light?
- Dad did.

List of radio elements

Designation Type Denomination Quantity NoteShopMy notepad
U1 Pulse ConverterNCP1402SN33T1G1 To notepad
U2 MK PIC 8-bit


1 To notepad
D0 Schottky diode


1 To notepad
C1 10 uF1 To notepad
C2 electrolytic capacitor68uF1 To notepad
R1-R4 Resistor

680 ohm

4 To notepad
R5-R8 Resistor

1 kOhm

4 To notepad
R9-R12 Resistor

820 ohm

4 To notepad
L1 Inductor47 uH1 To notepad
IN 1 Button 1

olga wheaten

Three colored circles

Flashing one after another

Glow, blink-

They help people.

So he settled in our group traffic light. The history of its appearance is very simple and at the same time very unusual: we were purchased children's gossips, but they did not fit (because they were without handles) But the shape of these objects resembled eyes from traffic light. Invented-done.

We needed:

The basis (piece of plywood)

3 balls (red, yellow, green)

decorative picture

Using a screwdriver, all 3 components were screwed to the base, one under the other. Decorated with a decorative picture, invested balls. Our the traffic light was ready.

Our entertainment traffic lights, GCD, in fun starts dedicated to traffic rules.

We use it as a base for balls.

And of course, we love to play with our new "friend":

1. taking out, the teacher rolls all the balls to their children, those who catch put each ball in their cell (to get traffic light)

2. children sit on chairs (balls at the teacher, possible situations that occur on the road are spoken out, the child gives an answer, takes the ball of the right color and puts it in his cell.

For example:educator:children run out for the ball on the roadway (a red ball is inserted into the top cell) Children cross the road with adults (a green ball is put into its cell). etc.

I hope you like my idea. Perhaps you can beat her in your own way. Good luck!

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I'm with the guys kindergarten I do a lot of various creative works, so I had the idea to make an unusual and bright " TRAFFIC LIGHT". To do this, we need bright colored paper - red yellow and green, disks, glue, scissors and gold pens. We cut the paper into thin strips and glue it to the edge of the disk, and then glue it in the same way on the other side.

1. Take red paper.

it turns out such a flower.

2 Then yellow

3 And green

It turned out three wonderful flowers, then we glue the middle of the discs with colored paper according to the color of the flower and they turn into a charming traffic light. And in the end we find the basis on which they will stick, glue them and now we have a big one ready traffic light.

Now this traffic light occupies the most honorable place in our group and in our corner according to the rules of the road.

Thank you for your attention!

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At school, children are often given the task of making crafts according to traffic rules with their own hands, for example, a traffic light. This is an integral part of the rules of the road that everyone should know. Today we will look at how to make a traffic light.

A wonderful traffic light is obtained from three laser discs and three juice caps. We paint the covers in the desired color, attach the discs to the cardboard base, glue the covers and you're done!

Craft - paper traffic light

If you want to create something like that, you can assemble a traffic light kusudama. Kusudama is a prefabricated figure, or rather a ball, from pieces of folded paper. In other words, origami.

In a similar way, you can assemble such a traffic light. The work is laborious, it will take a lot of modules. But the result is worth it. If this is a craft for a competition, then you are guaranteed the first place.

Modules are folded as shown in the photo. Then they gather in a circle, inserting one into one, so first we collect one green cylinder, then another yellow, and the last red.

How to make a traffic light craft?

If you connect your imagination, then you can make such a beautiful traffic light from paper tubes and tinsel.

Or a traffic light can be linked. This task is more for the mother than for the child. Or maybe by doing this craft, you will show your daughter the skills of working with knitting needles, and she will actively help you.

A children's craft in the form of a traffic light can even be built from colored plastic bags, which, you see, looks very nice.

Continuing the theme of needlework, I would like to mention that a traffic light can be woven from beads. It's very simple, just look at these wonderful crafts, and the principle of their manufacture becomes clear.

like this modular traffic light my son and I took to school. I won’t say the number of modules, but a lot has gone.

We collect four sidewalls

Modules size 1/32 sheet a4

1 - 9 white modules each

2 row - 8 white

3 row -9 white (we put the last module on the corner of the module 1 and 2 rows)

4 row-3 white, 2 green, 3 white (expand green modules)

5 row-3 white, 3 green, 3 white

6 row-2 white, 4 green, 2 white

7 row-2 white, 5 green, 2 white

8 row-1 white, 6 green, 1 white

9 row - (reduce the green center) 2 white, 5 green, 2 white

10 row-2 white, 4 green, 2 white

11 row-3 white, 3 green, 3 white

12 row-3 white, 2 green, 3 green

13th row-9 white

traffic light modular origami assembly diagram

Leg modular origami traffic light

traffic light from modular origami diagram

Glue the frame for the traffic light, make a cross-shaped hole for the leg in the frame from below, glue it, then glue all four sides of the traffic light. Glue down the legs modules for the stand.

Glue the resulting gaps between the glued plates with smaller modules (1/64 sheet A4)

Then close the top of the modular traffic light.

Modular origami traffic light

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