Exercises for intelligence online. Mind training exercises

Mind training will make your mind a fast, strong and reliable tool in solving both everyday and specific tasks. Don't believe? Well then, let's clear something up.

The fact is that our mind, in a sense, can be compared with our body. If we do not exercise the body, the muscles gradually lose their elasticity and weaken. And in the same way, if we do not force our brain to work in the sweat of our brow, the “muscles” of the mind become slow and lazy. Lack of mind training can lead to attention disorders, inability to concentrate, fewer ideas coming to mind, overstrain, boredom and, worst of all, mental stagnation.

People lose their flexibility and sharpness of mind when they stop giving their mind an extra load, that is, they simply stop training their mind. This usually happens when we are overcome by laziness, when we intend to stop looking for new solutions, preferring to use templates that have been formed over the years, which does not require much effort. It also happens when we narrow down our interests. For example, some of us have excellent analytical skills, easily connect between different facts and make successful business decisions, but they can also be completely helpless when it comes to finding creative ideas, or organizing their personal time, or the ability to maintain a relaxed conversation, time to joke and relax. That is, while using their mind perfectly in one direction, they do not think about its other possibilities.

When people do not enjoy the search for new ideas, when they give up experiments and do not look for new opportunities, their mind becomes rigid, inflexible. They forget that the world they live in is largely created in their own head. They concentrate too much on the outside, and their mind and body suffer from this. For such people, everyday problems, worries, responsibilities come to the fore, and they forget to take a break even for a moment - in order to realize "how their mind works." Our mind is able to find many ways to solve problems, but in order to always be in good mental shape, we must constantly force the “muscles” of our mind to work. And only a well-thought-out training of the mind can give us this.

Even ordinary everyday situations give us the opportunity to train the mind - all without exception. But if you have allowed yourself to get bogged down in a routine, if you are used to being lazy or do not know how to properly use your mental potential, then you need to train your mind as often as possible.

You need to be prepared for the fact that mind training will require not only time and attention, you will also have to decisively discard old habits and replace them with new ones. But all this will be rewarded a hundredfold: the energy you spent on improving the thinking abilities of your mind will return to you in the form of effective, refined and beautiful solutions. In addition, you will see how your mind is working (or not working), and, take my word for it, you will get considerable pleasure from the very process of training your mind.

To begin with, feel like a brave explorer, setting off on a long, interesting journey full of adventures and adventures. Just imagine with what pleasure you will do the exercises to train your mind. This kind of attitude will help you to begin to effectively train your mind and achieve considerable success in this.

Our jobs, opportunities, relationships… our whole life depends on how our mind works. At any age you can develop your mind, which in any case will be useful to you.


There are many interesting and useful books in the world, by reading which you enrich your mind with new knowledge, thus developing your mind. At the same time, you need to be vigilant so as not to waste your time on empty books that will not give you anything.

Vocabulary replenishment

Expand your lexicon, learning new words of your profession, foreign words or those words that you hear but do not know their meaning. This can help not only in strengthening your memory, but also in moving up the career ladder, as in modern world knowledge of foreign languages ​​and the ability to express one's thoughts are important.


Logic tasks strengthen the connections of neurons in such a way that the brain begins to work better and serve you longer. There are many types of puzzles that develop memory, thinking, mindfulness, fantasy and more. Start enjoying and benefiting from these games and tasks.


Mathematics teaches us to think critically, and gives us access to analytical thinking, which contributes to the development of the mind.


Drawing is a great opportunity for self-expression. Try yourself in creativity, as this can not only give you a new hobby, but also give you the opportunity to develop your thinking.


While cooking, you use your senses, sensations of various smells and tastes. Cooking is especially useful if you are not using recipes, in which case all your senses are involved.


Listening to music develops sensitivity and also stimulates emotional intelligence. If you listen to an opera in a language you do not know, you may be pleasantly surprised that you will not only know what is happening on the stage, but also feel the emotions of the performance.


Poetry can stimulate your creativity as you try to create something beautiful with words. It's also a great way to train your memory when you have to remember the right words as well as memorize the verses.


Meditation is a great way to expand your consciousness, calm your mind, and weed out unnecessary thoughts. But most importantly, meditation gives you the opportunity to control your mind, despite the fact that usually the mind controls us.

Foreign languages

Learning a new language can be challenging, interesting and fun. Not only will you strain your mind to memorize new words and phrases, but you will eventually be able to think in another language.

Think for yourself

In today's world, it is very easy to get an answer to almost any question. All you have to do is go online and use search engines. It is also easy to do simple and complex calculations with the calculator. And it is easy to get prepared information from the media. But the less we use our own mind to find answers, the weaker it becomes. So, try to rely not only on other people's information, but also think for yourself. This will help you not only in the development of the mind, but also in life.

How nice to keep in touch with wise man. From his first words it is clear that this is a man of extraordinary abilities. Mind is a quality that requires constant development. It is impossible to reduce the concept of the mind to some personal qualities. Good and evil, small and big, men and women, old and young can be smart. But they may not be ... That's why we want to talk with you, our smart readers of the site, how to strengthen your mental abilities and make them ideal.

If you think that the brain is responsible for all the mental operations of our body, then you are very mistaken. It is not the brain that thinks, all actions are performed by a person, controlling his brain. Of course, all this is complex and interconnected. But today I want to talk not about how the thought process occurs, but how to develop a person’s mental abilities.

Mind training, like any other, includes exercises that help you stay fit and improve. A weightlifter trains muscles and endurance, an accountant develops computational skills, a translator expands vocabulary. And a person who has decided to develop his mind should work on developing his intellect.

The mind is given to a person so that he can find the right solution in difficult life situations, make discoveries. However, this does not mean that if today you cannot solve a problem, then you will never cope with it. Mind can be developed. Now we will give you specific tips on how to become smarter.

1. Read more

2. Solve crossword puzzles

There are so many fun puzzles out there. And they all develop our mind! Puzzles and crosswords, charades and anagrams, riddles and palindromes are not just an interesting pastime. All this develops memory, attention, imagination, and therefore trains our brain. To distract from sad thoughts and avoid stress and depression, psychologists recommend picking up books and magazines with puzzles more often.

3. Compose your own pieces

Words make beautiful things. And it is possible not only from words. Musicians created their great suites and plays with sounds, and artists with color. And they all had their own mindset. The ability to find the right word, shade trains the brain, makes it work.

4. Meditate

In order for the mind to develop, it is important not only to work, but also to rest. Allow your brain to rest. Let him focus on important points, teach him to work harder at the right moment. You will learn this by mastering.

5. Learn foreign languages

If necessary, be sure to study foreign language. It outlines new perspectives and makes you think in a different language. It's hard, but real. You will quickly notice how much more interesting life has become for you. By memorizing new words and phrases, you will not only replenish your vocabulary, but will force your brain to think about understanding unfamiliar words in the text.

6. Just think for yourself

Never take the easy way out looking for the answer to a question. Look up the answer in an encyclopedia or on the Internet. Better yet, do your own research and draw your own conclusions. And then compare it with the conclusion of the great scientists.

If you use our advice, you will not only develop your mind. Put your brain to work. read books that develop the mind. Perfection has no limit. Let every day add to you not only emotional impressions, but also clarity of mind.

How to learn to think better

Anatomy of mind training

The power of the mind is manifested in exercise, not in rest.

Alexander Pop, poet


How do you rate your level of intelligence?

HIGH: I have exceptional mental abilities. Just call me Leonardo.

AVERAGE: From time to time I come up with new ideas, and sometimes even solve extremely difficult problems.

LOW: my head is some kind of pot of semolina. I really need a workout.

It doesn't matter which category you fall into. Remember that the level of intelligence - that is, the ability to concentrate, to reason logically, to create visual images, your imagination, the ability to make decisions, and finally, the ability to think clearly and creatively - largely depends on how often and intensively you train your mind. If you feel out of shape, don't lose heart: you can make things right if you exercise your mind muscles. If you feel that your intellect is in excellent condition, do not forget to maintain this level with constant exercises. Even Olympic champions need a workout.

So, if you want to strengthen the muscles of your mind, first of all ask yourself the question: "How can I increase the performance of my brain?"

First, let's get acquainted with the different types of thinking muscles. To do this, let's do the following exercise.

"Jog" for the mind

Imagine that you are holding an orange in your hands.

Imagine how it feels, how it looks, how it smells.

For a few moments, try to create the most vivid and clear image.

Now imagine how you peel it, divide it into slices, bite off a piece.

After that, take a closer look at the slice.

Ask yourself what it would look like if you magnified it a thousand, a million times.

What would the cell look like then?

What would a molecule look like?

After a couple of minutes, try to become aware of everything you know and don't know about oranges.

Consider what makes an orange an orange, why it tastes the way it does, how many varieties of oranges there are, how oranges have evolved, how and what they can be used for, and how to make delicious orange marmalade.

When thinking about an orange, pay close attention to the "quality" of your thoughts.

So, put the book down and start doing the exercise right now.

Like most people, you will probably soon notice that the more you think about an orange, the more ideas, associations, and connections will arise in your mind.

You can think about the physical properties of oranges. You can move on to a discussion of orange history and economics. It is possible that you will begin to talk about the origin of the name of this fruit and how it is called in other languages. Finally, you can try to find as many rhymes as possible for the word "orange" (kerosene, harpsichord). And as you move further along the path of associations, look into the piggy bank of your memory, build a chain of logical conclusions, you move from one way of thinking to another, thus training various muscles mind.

Each type of thinking has its own, well-defined, "muscles". Logical, analytical, metaphorical, critical, verbal, visual thinking - in each of these cases, we use only one type of mental muscle, which gives us the opportunity to stir up our inner world.

The need to cope with the variety of everyday problems requires us to be flexible in our thinking. Then you work hard in the "field" critical thinking, using cold, hard logic, you relax, throw everything out of your head and playfully explore new directions. You can work hard and move towards the goal slowly but surely, or you can, with a little juggling of the initial data, arrive at an elegant solution to the problem in the blink of an eye. Just as the various muscles of the body work together to ensure the coordinated work of the arms and legs, in the same way, the muscles of the mind need coordination in order for our thinking to be clear and focused.

We can say that there are four basic characteristics the level of training, the preparedness of the mind for work:

Whenever a person undertakes a task that requires concentration, he applies the power of the mind. It is this quality that you use when you go through possible options in search of the optimal solution, when you solve a difficult mathematical problem, when you balance a checkbook, when you concentrate on one object or idea without being distracted by anything else. The power of the mind is the ability to focus on what is needed, and as much as necessary.

If you need to create something new, if you need creativity, then your thinking muscles must be flexible and plastic. The flexibility of the mind is the ability to switch from one train of thought to another. It's like a game: you lose various options, build unexpected combinations, look at the situation from all sides. You collide concepts, mix ideas, make the most unthinkable assumptions in order to explore more and more new possibilities. Flexibility of mind is an artistic, synthetic approach. It's creativity, brainstorming, and a little bit of zen all together.

If you want to bring your ideas to life, you will need mental stamina. Endurance is the ability to maintain high level activity without distraction or loss of courage. This is the ability to endure, to go the whole distance.

If you want to add subtlety and flair, then you will need coordination of the mind, that is, the synchronization of thought processes of all types, their balance and liveliness. Coordination of the mind is a virtuoso possession of the technique of arranging thoughts, the ability to operate simultaneously with several concepts, maintaining balance under any circumstances, this is the desire to learn in order to gain new knowledge and the willingness to fight for high ideals.

It is these four qualities - strength, flexibility, endurance and coordination - that determine how our mind is ready for work. Only regularly alternating tension and relaxation of its various muscles, engaging in intellectual shaping and mental athleticism, only constantly "moving the brain convolutions", you can stay in good shape for a long time.

As a diamond cuts a diamond, as one whetstone polishes another,

so different parts of the intellect sharpen each other.

Genius is the result of their mutual influence.

Cyrus Barthol, priest

How do people lose their intellectual form

Why is the mind of one person sharp, brilliant, full of creative ideas, while the other "breathes a little"?

There are two main reasons for this: differences in the demands that certain circumstances place on us, and differences in habitual ways of thinking.

The bricklayer does not need to go to gym to exercise your arms. By mixing mortar and laying bricks as he works, he naturally strengthens the muscles in his arms. Similarly, an accountant does not need to go to school to practice arithmetic. He is already constantly working with numbers, his "math muscles" are constantly exercising.

If the circumstances of life do not require continuous mental effort from you, then you simply do not have an incentive to keep yourself in shape. However, if life often presents you with problems that require urgent solutions, then the muscles of your mind become strong and fast. The essence of this idea is best expressed by the old saying:

Apply or lose!


Ask yourself, "Which of my mental muscles don't get daily exercise?"

A habit is a way of doing something without thinking. Whether we like it or not, our entire life, from the way we brush our teeth to the way we achieve strategic goals, is largely dependent on our personal set of automatic skills. In principle, this is how it should be! Can you imagine what your life will turn into if you have to re-learn how to brush your teeth every day?!

Your entire intellectual life - your observations, what holds your attention, how well you learn, how you solve problems, what worries you, what you enjoy, what you think about during the day - is largely determined by your habits.

The key to achieving high brain performance is to develop a specific set of beneficial habits that help you achieve what you want. An intellectually developed person can quite freely control the work of his mind. He is interested in how the world works and why everything happens the way it does and not otherwise. He has a wide range of interests. He also knows how to change his habits through thoughtful, conscious action and develop very useful skills, such as making himself dream less and build less castles in the air, make smarter decisions or take more risks. Taken together, these good habits allow the mind to become more receptive, respond appropriately to changing conditions, and ultimately develop the most important of all habits, the habit of acquiring good habits.

Sow a thought, reap an action

Sow a deed, reap a habit

Sow a habit, reap a character

Sow character, reap destiny.

Charles Reid, writer


Ask yourself: "What habits prevent me from thinking productively?"

Good exercises for the intellect

Solve the crossword.

To prepare for an exam.

Take part in a TV interview.

Improvise on stage.

Understand difficult text.

Prepare a gourmet dinner.

Clearly imagine the face of a friend.

Try to remember with all the details when you last ate ice cream.

Name your first teachers.

Learn a new language.

Lie convincingly.

Write a program on a computer.

Understand how a toaster works.

Write a realistic landscape.

Change your bad mood into a good one.

Think about infinity.

Write a docudrama.

Recall in detail an important conversation that took place a month ago.

Talk to your boss about a pay raise.

Keep yourself in hand.

Design an improved mousetrap.

Refurbish the bedroom.

Ask an influencer a question.

Write an essay on philosophy.

Explain to a four year old why the sky is blue.

Discuss the terms of the contract.

Bluff at poker.

Have fun with a computer game.

To seek the truth...

How to achieve a good intellectual form? Mind training, like body training, involves movement. For the body, movement is warming up, running, swimming, playing basketball, weightlifting - everything that causes muscles to contract and stretch.

For the mind, movement is a flight of thought - from suggestion to conclusion, from problem to solution, from question to answer and from answer to question, from one state of mind to another.

Whenever you begin to actively think, that is, consciously and purposefully manipulate intellectual resources, you immediately set the muscles of your mind in motion.

In a broad sense, the term "training" means an activity aimed at developing skills, improving oneself, developing one's own abilities. In fact, any activity that requires active attention - whether it's solving a puzzle, solving a manufacturing problem, or just trying to collect your thoughts while sitting quietly in a chair - is a mental exercise.

It is important not only what you do, but also how you do it - that is, it is important correct technique execution of the exercise. The gymnast repeats the movement over and over again, making small adjustments, until he achieves desired result. Thanks to training, the muscles of the gymnast become more obedient.

You, in order to develop the muscles of the mind, train thinking. Practice a certain task in your mind until your "muscles" learn how to perform it as it should.

Good mental gymnastics is a meeting with yourself, it is an opportunity to concentrate on your own inner world and challenge your intellect. It is a way to transform mental energy into constructive thought.

It doesn't matter if you're determined to work hard to achieve peak mental performance, or if you just want to stretch a little to make your mind more flexible. In any case, the good old mind gymnastics will increase your creativity, give you the joy of achieving the intended goal and will contribute to the development of your intellect.

How to create a personal gym

In the next twelve chapters, you will learn many ways to train your brain. Each chapter is a kind of simulator designed to develop certain quality your mind. On some simulators, you will alternately make efforts, then relax, plunging into serene calmness; on others you will have to drill your mind "up to a sweat." Some exercises are designed to activate your left hemisphere - the analytical, logical part of the brain, others - for the right hemisphere, the intuitive part of the brain, also responsible for spatial perception. Together, the machines provide you with a comprehensive intellectual workout.

Exercise 1: Freeing the Mind. Warm up.

Trainer 2: Movement of the mind. Concentration of attention.

Trainer 3: Persistence of mind. Increase endurance.

Trainer 4: Mind Gymnastics (I). Creative thinking.

Exercise 5: Mind Gymnastics (II). verbal thinking.

Trainer 6: The power of the mind. Problem solving.

Exercise 7: Mind game. Let's fool around.

Exercise 8: Looking into the past. Memory.

Exercise 9: Flexibility of mind. Analysis and synthesis.

Exercise 10: Coordination of the mind. Making decisions.

Exercise 11: Improvisation. Creation.

Trainer 12: Top performance. Learn to learn.

Helpful Hints

Here are some tips to consider before doing the exercises.

TIP 1.

Dress up your thoughts in a "training suit". Let all the problems and worries remain in the wardrobe along with streetwear. Create a working atmosphere for training. Take pleasure in overcoming the difficulties that you have chosen for yourself.

TIP 2.

Practice, don't analyze. The whole point of intellectual training is to consciously manipulate mental resources - so do the exercises. The results will be in direct proportion to your willingness to strain the muscles of the mind. Remember good workout- the key to success.

TIP 3.

Do not hurry. Don't rush to do the exercises. It takes time to get to the deep layers of thinking. Be patient. Give yourself time to explore the possibilities of your intellect.

TIP 4.

Repeat exercises. Most of the exercises in this book can be done countless times at every opportunity. The development of your mental abilities is determined only by time and practice. Develop your own Mind Gymnastics routine. If you don't succeed in an exercise, take a break and come back to it later.

TIP 5.

Exercise as often as possible. The more stress you give yourself, the easier subsequent workouts become. The easier the workouts become, the more you like them. The more you like them, the more you exercise your mind. The more you exercise your mind, the more developed it becomes.

Now you are ready to start

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Do you want to take a quick test of intelligence and quick wits or do brain training in online mode, rightly believing that there is no limit to perfection? Why choose, combine! Start playing The Brain Game 2 online with puzzles to develop your thinking and simple exercises in Russian. This best fitness brain - with a gradual increase in the complexity of training and a simultaneous test of mindset, logic and reaction speed.

The best brain trainers are free: they are mini-games for the mind with clear conditions and the need for a quick solution. Start playing and develop your concentration, the ability to quickly navigate the situation and remember.

How to play brain games

Here are 6 mini-tests of the type of fitness training, just for the brain. You get a task and the opportunity to repeat it several times with minor changes to consolidate the result. Read the game rules and answer the simple question as quickly as you can. Get a cycle of similar questions that you need to answer before the timer expires on the timer bar at the bottom of the screen. The answers are analyzed according to three indicators:

  • correct problem solving;
  • the number of shown and completed tasks during the training;
  • The sooner you answer, the more chances.

This exercise for the brain and a kind online test mental abilities. You will learn how developed the ability to carefully look, analyze and memorize. Try it right now and have fun!