How to pass face control in the club. How to pass face control in the coolest club


Initially, the idea of ​​face control appeared for security reasons: in the period of the 90s of the XX century in Russia, the first nightclubs quickly became hotbeds of criminal activity, which led to their closure after police checks. To avoid this, the owners of the clubs began to restrict the access of unwanted visitors to the territory of the institution. For the time being, entrance control is maintained both for the safety of guests and to create a more comfortable atmosphere in the club. Dropout criteria can be very different, especially since many clubs refuse visitors without explanation, but some general rules still exist.

The most famous ban, violating which, you will almost absolutely not get to the party, is sportswear and shoes. Club owners rightly believe that sports equipment good in the gym or in the stadium, but not on the dance floor. Some clubs even provided customers with classic shoes to rent while they were inside. Also, security looks at bulky bags or briefcases with great disapproval. The ideal maximum for men is a wallet, and for girls - a bag, a little larger than a notebook. As for clothes, suits or branded jeans, club jackets are suitable, and for girls - dresses and stilettos. However, controllers often let visitors in extravagant outfits, believing that they will create a more festive atmosphere. Despite the fact that your ability to pay is important to clubs, it is not the main criterion, so the wardrobe should not be so much expensive as stylish.

Demonstrating aggression, bad mood, fear of face control is not worth it, as this is unlikely to earn you a place in the club. Be polite and correct, do not forget to say hello to the guard in response to his greeting. Otherwise, he may decide that your level of sociability is not great enough for a nightclub. In general, if you have not already been let in, you do not need to make a scandal or ask for indulgence. It may not be that you are bad for the club, but that, in the opinion of the institution, it is not ideal for you. Naturally, being under the influence of alcohol or drugs and actively showing it, you do not add points to yourself. An attempt to deceive the controller, as a rule, leads to the fact that you go home or to another club: at the entrance there are almost professional psychologists with vast experience, who quite easily recognize falsehood. If you are asked about the presence of a club card, but you do not have one, it is better to say so, because the security knows the owners of such cards by sight, and such a question is most likely a test of honesty.

Helpful advice

Any club is concerned about the safety of its customers, so problems at the entrance often arise in large companies consisting of only men. At the same time, a couple of a girl and a guy are unlikely to have difficulty getting inside.

Today, in order to get to a social event or an elite nightclub, you need to pass by a security officer standing at the entrance. It depends on the decision of this person whether you get inside or leave with nothing in search of a more affordable way to spend your leisure time.

The origin of the concept of "face control"

The word "face control" is of English origin and is derived from the noun face - "face", and control - "check". In the general case, the essence of such an assessment is to limit the access of people who do not correspond to the format of the institution. Such checks are mandatory arranged by prestigious entertainment establishments - casinos, bars and nightclubs, in order to prevent drunken or underage visitors from entering. A person who produces such screening is a “facer”.
Face control can be considered a form of discrimination, especially if it is carried out not according to the clearly established principle of “age, alcohol intoxication, financial situation”, but based on the subjective assessment of the facer.

History of face unlock

Initially, the price of a ticket served as some form of face control - it was set at a fairly high level, therefore, only people with enough funds to pay for the entrance to themselves and their companion could become a client of a particular nightclub. It soon became clear that this alone was not enough - moneybags in a state of extreme intoxication are as prone to antics and debauches as poor students.

In addition, the question often arose, a sufficient number of young beautiful, whose presence affects the sale of drinks in a bar, because young ladies often cannot pay for themselves. The very concept of "face control" was introduced in the 70s of the last century in the United States. More than 5,000 people were invited to the opening of the New York club Studio 54, the main condition was a bright and memorable image.

The concept of the new institution was to introduce celebrities and ordinary young Americans "of the people" to the spoiled public, but, of course, with a beautiful and colorful appearance. Therefore, trained people were placed at the entrance, who screened, based on their impressions of those who wanted to get inside.

Facer must have a phenomenal memory for faces, be able to get out of conflict situations, recognize people prone to aggression.

Why you need face control

Currently, elite nightclubs do not set an entrance fee, you can visit it for free, the main thing is to get inside. An employee can refuse anyone without explaining the reasons. This rule only adds popularity to establishments, makes them more inaccessible, and, therefore, desirable.

In fact, now face control is not so much a way to deal with alcohol, drugs or teenagers as a struggle for the image of an institution, because it is the visitors, their status and "high cost" that affect its popularity. In addition, by provoking visitors at the entrance, security officers figure out clients are “out of their minds”. But the main goal of face control is to increase the revenue of the establishment, so men who want to spend time here must be solvent, and girls must be beautiful and cheerful.

Without going through a not very pleasant, but mandatory face control procedure, it is impossible to get into the club.

What is face control? This is the entry procedure night club to weed out visitors appearance and a condition that does not meet the rules of a nightclub. Who can be out of work? Underage, drunk and improperly dressed. In order not to fall into this group of outcasts, look carefully at the photos from the clubs of Khabarovsk - these are the happy people who have successfully passed face control. And also listen to useful advice and try to follow them.

1. Be sure to take your passport with you, especially if you look very young.

2. If you are going to a particular nightclub, you should definitely find out if there is a specific dress code there. If there is, dress properly; if not, you can put on everything except sportswear and shoes. For example, face control and dress code in the Velikano club in Khabarovsk are very loyal.

3. Face control will not miss you if your clothes are wrinkled, dirty, torn, worn out, even if they are stylish and expensive.

4. Young people can enter the club without problems if they are shaved, and girls must come with neat hairstyles.

5. You can easily be blacklisted and never get into this establishment if you come to a nightclub intoxicated with alcohol or drugs.

6. Going to a nightclub, take with you not only money for an entrance ticket. Anything can happen: the dishes break, and the furniture breaks. If you do not have the required amount of money, you will be blacklisted and the entrance to this club will be closed to you forever.

7. Large packages and bags will arouse the suspicion of the guards at the entrance. You may be suspected of involvement in terrorists and not allowed into the club.

8. You cannot bring your own drinks and snacks into the club. You will definitely not pass face control if the guards find you have any of the prohibited items.

9. If you are going to a club with a large group, do not confuse the guards in a continuous stream, break up into pairs or threes.

10. Do not resist and make a fuss if the guard decides to examine you. His duty is to prevent crimes and terrorist attacks and thereby maintain security in the institution. The Heart Club in Khabarovsk is also known for its tough face control. This club is aimed at a respectable audience, but all visitors are welcome here, and those who are able to spoil the mood of others are cut off by face control at the entrance.

The topic of face control is also reflected in anecdotes, which are found in a large number on the Internet: “An amazing case in Ukhryupinsk: Vasily, the groom of the local hippodrome, did not pass face control at the Mirage nightclub. Moreover, his horse passed, but he didn’t”, “Snout didn’t come out” now sounds different: “Face control didn’t pass”, “Face control is when the bulls decide who is Jupiter and who is not.”

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Officially, there is no vacancy for a "face control worker", and among ourselves we call this profession a "muzzle detector". And in order to determine, you need to have something inside yourself. Nice appearance and youth - good qualities, but it is unlikely that a person can be trusted only because of them. The interview is conducted by the founder: you will let people into his institution and you must know his friends and regular guests, of course. Usually, those who did not want to work there initially are taken to face control. Here is Pasha face control in general, in my opinion, a dental prosthetist. Personally, it all started for me with Shambhala and The Hungry Duck. When everyone was fucking around, I, a 16-year-old, was solving algebra in the dressing rooms. Trained will. I am a journalist by training. I consider myself fortunate to have been given such an extremely controversial job. Although face control cannot be called work: it is a way of life. And in my work book, it generally says “deputy director”.


In our profession, special training is needed - I was personally trained by special forces. I took a course in the preparation of consciousness, the GRU special forces department dealt with me, the task was to make a fighter out of me. The main thing they taught me was not to be afraid to die. A lot of people want to beat the person who stands at the entrance. Still need to have good memory to learn to recognize people. You can, of course, draw on it. I put a beginner in my place, he remembers two couples of days off, on the third I arrange an exam. Confrontations: where, who, how. For example, girls who go to "Paradise" should not get here: I worked for two years in the modeling agency "President", I know all of Moscow and all the whores.

Schedule and salary

From 21-22 to 5-6 in the morning. I liked the offer - only three nights a week. On weekends, completely different people stand on face control, not the same as on weekdays. Usually in big club 1-2 people work on face control. So the obvious advantages of this profession are little time, a lot of money, you can drink at work, otherwise you will freeze in FIG. Well, the cons - you can’t sleep at night, the rhythm gets lost. They pay well, because you don’t get killed at work five days a week. But you risk your life. It is considered so. Pasha face control, they say, in the days of Diaghilev had a salary of about 10,000 dollars. Now they are paying ... Well, let's go from 40,000 rubles.


Face controllers also have them. True, already out. As gratitude for good time. 5,000 rubles is the most. When a person first comes to the club, he immediately tries to make friends with us. But I do not give discounts even to my friends: this is not my club. But at the entrance they offer money all the time: only this is no longer a tip, but a bribe, of course. Sometimes they offer very good cutlets, sometimes 40,000 rubles, sometimes 7,000 thousand dollars. But we don't let them in right away. This bribe can be seen by many, and reputation is all we have. And, of course, girls ... "Let me go, I'll give you" - this is a standard phrase. To be honest, once was a sin. Somehow two girls seduced so actively that I had to miss it. And go to the toilet with them. Not for long.


The person on face control is a provocateur. Remember: we deliberately provoke you to aggression. If you manifest it, stay at the entrance. A person can be well dressed, but at the same time behave aggressively. If a person is stopped at the entrance, he already has discomfort. So any aggression manifests itself very quickly. In general, I call a person on face control a filter person: remember, in Scandinavian mythology there was such a character Haidl, he defended the rainbow bridge. However, if a person is properly configured, he quickly turns from a filter into a “dog”. You must have a highly developed sense of smell, you need to feel a person. And first of all, his emotional background. When I started working, I just stood in the bar for almost a month and watched, memorized. We often observe visitors, especially new people inside the club, put them on the counter with the help of security guards. So if you still passed, it's not over yet.

How people are chosen

The concept of the club and visitors is discussed in advance with the employer, and face control makes guest lists together with the founder and managers. For example, Dima Bilan is not allowed into Simachev, but people from Tatler, GQ and Esquire magazines are always welcome. The specificity of small clubs is a different hangout. The business elite - about 15 percent, usually these are regular guests, bankers, businessmen, we let them in even drunk. 50% are people from the party, the rest are just from the street. We always pay attention to hair, nails, speech. And, of course, the eyes - to understand what you have used before. There is one rule: we do not let former employees of the institution, otherwise they will drink here for free. Finally, we are interested in a person to be networked! So I check Facebook, Twitter, Look At Me every day. For example, if at the entrance there is a student of Moscow State University, a media student who participates in online life, even if she is 18, then we will let her in. Another exceptional party character is Roma Acorn, he is generally 16.

Fashion style

There is a style, not a dress code. We definitely don’t look at what brands a person is wearing, and for a long time no one has become attached to this - in the 90s it was fashionable to trump names, and now you are looking at the doctrine, the scheme of a person. Lively color in clothes, Japanese cut, of course, can work, although with the onset of cold weather I pay more attention to the face. From a big brand, there can be one item like a Chanel bag. In this case, the dress can be from H&M. It's OK.


There are people, even regular guests, who have been tabooed. Alcohol leads to sad situations. You can be blacklisted for a month. He got into a fight, broke, stole… Somehow, they didn’t let Tanya Berkovich in, although she is a well-known restaurateur, but then she came very drunk… Most often, they are blacklisted because of theft. They steal anything. Ashtrays, leopard skin (it was constantly carried away), paintings were smashed and pulled out. In the same "Simachev", I know, some kind of fetishist is operating: he steals chains from the toilet. There are many who are inadequate. Especially on a full moon. I remember we had a dude looking for some kind of queen who was waiting for him. Finally undressed. Don't forget, we're working with the night forces here.

How to refuse

There are amazing people who want to pass, they are not allowed, and then they are ready to avenge it. But this is a subjective situation of a certain place, and not my personal attitude towards a person. I don't care, but people often forget about it. I always try to apologize. Although they refuse without explanation - as in embassies. Clubs are private establishments, and it is their right to explain the reason, so as not to offend, or not. I don't usually have time to explain. “Unfortunately, you can’t come here today,” I say like that. Well, there is also a milder phrase on duty: “Unfortunately, you are not on the lists today.” If someone insists, then I hand him over to the guards. But in general, my task is for the person who was not allowed to leave in a great mood. There is one rule: you cannot refuse one person 10 times. Mistakes, of course, happen: in the first place, the founder threw off my last name, I forgot to add it. At 9 am he called me and rolled me on the table. I remember this name forever.


You can practice detachment meditation. You yourself learn not to be involved in the situation. This is a kind of Buddhism. Somehow Caucasians arrived in expensive cars and with inexpensive girls. I politely explained to them that they could not enter, they understood, politely accepted, but then the girls said: well, you suckers, you are not allowed anywhere. As a result, the guys stood until the morning and waited, apparently, until I came out. There were pistols - but they did not track them down. And so the youngsters mostly clash when they overeat cheap vodka. Most often, problems arise with young hipsters, drunk, stoned ... Constantly threatened. Once they rushed at me with bats. A man working in the field of commercial services - our regular guest, or rather, was one - ran to the car and climbed on me with a bat. It was his last time in our establishment. Threats - every day, more often in summer. I get fired regularly by people who don't work for me. But in general, the facer now is a diplomat, and not a goblin, as before.


Entrance to the "Theme" is free, dancing is allowed everywhere, even on the tables and the bar. Promotions are constantly running, thanks to which you can save a lot. If you need a table at the end of the week - you will need to pay a deposit. There is face control.

Potapovsky per., 5, building 2

Club "Propaganda" 18+
The oldest and most famous club in Moscow

"Propaganda" is one of the oldest and most popular clubs in Moscow with hospitably free admission. Here you will find noisy parties, great company and a dense cocktail list. Face control available.

Bolshoi Zlatoustinskiy lane, 7

Jagger Hall 18+

Bar and club rolled into one. Here you can play billiards, watch a movie, get yourself a tattoo or hit the jackpot in one of the slot machines. You can also find something to eat and drink - the club cooks excellent burgers, dishes of European and Japanese cuisine. In winter, there is a warm veranda and a skating rink. Admission is free, but a table is reserved with a deposit.

st. Rochdelskaya, 15, building 30

Papa's Bar & Grill

Another well-deserved metropolitan club. Most parties are free to enter, but there is strict face control. Local chefs prepare excellent pizza, as well as dishes of American, Mexican, European cuisine. The club broadcasts key sporting events.

st. Nikolskaya, 10

Bar Cuba Libre 18+
Territory of freedom

Free admission, constant drawings and promotions.

Kuznetsky most, 4; st. Pokrovka, 17/1

st. Pokrovka, d. 17/1, st. Kuznetsky Most, 4

Club "Duma"

A unique place with a homely and at the same time refined and stylish atmosphere. Sometimes there are concerts with tickets, but as a rule, admission is free.

st. Mokhovaya, 11, building 3B

Bar Disco 90 18+
Where eternal youth lives

Bar Disco 90 is always open for those who are ready to nostalgic for the stormy 90s and have fun in a cheerful, noisy company. The restaurant's menu contains all the gastronomic hits of the world, and the bar list is replete with original warming drinks.

st. New Arbat, 21

Nastasinsky per., 4, building. 2, st. Novoslobodskaya, 3

London Club 18+

Welcome aboard the spaceship! It is these associations that the atmosphere of the club evokes. The author of the extravagant interior is the famous designer Yulia Shors. Musical directions such as house, progressive, club and dance are played here, and theme parties are held. Entrance is free, but you will need to go through face control to get inside.

Ave. Vernadsky, 14

Look in rooms 18+

Here is where to turn around. At your disposal are two floors with a lounge area, the main dance floor and balconies. On the walls of the club there are photographs of New York at night with its grandiose skyscrapers and towers. During the day, a bar is open here, and in the evenings, guests can dance to house music from famous Russian and foreign DJs. Local face control is distinguished by fairness, and the public - by the absence of unnecessary pathos.

Tverskaya st., 18

Club "Chinese Pilot Jao Da" 18+

It is fun, sincere and very comfortable. Visitors to this establishment will learn a lot of interesting things about the Chinese pilot Zhao Da, try specialties and cocktails, and also have a good time in a good company. The club organizes both paid and free parties. To choose the appropriate option, you should familiarize yourself with the poster in advance.

There is no such person who has never been to a nightclub. Or would not want to get into it. After all, there is an indescribable atmosphere that you will never feel at a house party. Alcohol flows like water, music deafens, lights flicker.

Of course, there are plenty of nightclubs. For different categories of people. But, nevertheless, I believe that one should not be content with little. If you go to a club, then one of the best.

But on the way to fun there will definitely be a person, a face controller who can ruin your holiday with the cold phrase “denied”. And it's useless to ask, it's useless to ask why. After this phrase, he will simply lose interest in you, or, perhaps, to spare your pride, he will say: “Today is a closed party. Only with club cards.

How to make it so that your address does not sound like “refused”, but “come in, please”?

First of all, you need to soberly evaluate your appearance and wardrobe. IN beautiful place need beautiful people. If you doubt your ability to create some stylish and original set of trousers or a skirt, then the most faithful, win-win - dress.

It doesn't have to be a prom dress. It must be a party dress. Short, open, emphasizing dignity. Various shiny elements are welcome, but in moderation. The dress must have heels. Of course, it is more comfortable to dance in ballet flats. But you can't explain this to a face controller. An exception for slender girls taller than 175 cm, these are usually allowed in almost anything, even in jeans and flats.

So, back to us, "non-models". The heel of the shoes should be high, but comfortable. Still dancing all night. Match your dress and shoes with an elegant clutch. With a large bag, they will most likely not let you in, and it will be inconvenient for you to carry it.

Get the right hairstyle. The way you like it, but the main thing is that the hair looks well-groomed. You can just disband them.

Evening makeup will be appropriate, but this is if you are fluent in its technique. A girl painted like a nesting doll will definitely not be allowed in. A good option- draw small arrows on the eyelids with a black pencil, apply voluminous mascara. And focus on the lips, let them be bright.

Adriana Lima

For those who are now confused, I will describe a simple and win-win option: little black dress, stilettos, small clutch, loose hair, bright lipstick. That's all. The whole secret of success. Stylish and tasteful.

So, we figured out the appearance. But this is not enough. You're going to this club for the first time. Facer doesn't know you by sight. Of course, when you go there often, you will be recognized, and everything will be different. But, for the first time, be sure to make a good impression. If you are not completely sure of yourself, come early. 15-20 minutes after the start of the club. At this time, more people are allowed in than at the height of the party. You'll have a much better chance of getting inside.

If you see a huge queue in front of you, you don’t need to stand at the end. Smile and make your way through the line saying, "Sorry, they're waiting for me." Of course, no one is waiting for you, but the queue does not need to know about it. Get to the start. And stay calm. Don't ask, don't talk to the facer.

Smile sweetly, make eyes. Imagine that this is the guy you're in love with. He will appreciate. Everyone loves the attention. Just do it all confidently, without awkward movements. Smile and smile again no one likes an arrogant face. Be open, show that you are fun and ready to rock. Act like you've been here a dozen times.

If you do everything right, you will definitely have a great time at the club.