Why nightclub visitors are rejected by face control. A unique case: a Minsk resident was not allowed into a nightclub, but he filed a lawsuit and won the case “against face control. They are not allowed into the club when drunk”

So, you have chosen the club where you want to go, dressed decently, arrived at the club and the stern uncle tells you: "access is denied." What to do? How to pass face control? Below I will try to describe possible reasons no access to the club and ways to overcome them, but of course there are inexplicable reasons :-))

Everything that is described below concerns decent clubs, where there is an uncle at the entrance and where drunks are not allowed. There are clubs where you can go in almost any condition.

You can't enter the club drunk

If you drunk with friends suddenly wanted to go to a decent club, then it is better to immediately abandon this idea. of course, taking a little alcohol for courage is possible, but if you sort it out, they will definitely not be allowed into the club. But if it's really hot, then choose a club that is easier, where there is almost no face control and maybe you can have fun there.


There are clubs where the audience of the appropriate age and status rests. Therefore, if you are a student and you have 50 hryvnias in your pocket, then it is unlikely that you will be allowed into such an institution, even if you are decently dressed. You need to understand that you have nothing to do there among the uncles who have a cool rest, so choose a club according to your status and club positioning.


This is probably one of the main reasons why they are not allowed into clubs. Yes, clothing is very important! How to dress very much depends on the specific club and party. For example, on Halloween you can dress very extravagantly.

But in general for all clubs dress stylishly! It’s not just to buy yourself expensive clothes, but to pick up a set in which you will be irresistible. For guys, the cheapest and easiest option is a shirt, jeans, shoes. For girls, it’s more difficult, a lot depends on the figure. But in any case, dress beautifully and stylishly, not loudly and not depravedly, but stylishly, so that everything matches in color and is aesthetically pleasing.

It should be noted that in winter, the entrance to the club is complicated by the fact that you may have winter clothes not very pretty. For example, a down jacket and you don’t look very good in it, but under the down jacket everything is cool, but the face controller will not see this and will deny access. There is only one way out of this situation: to buy a decent winter top, the most ideal is a coat or a sheepskin coat. Otherwise, there may be problems with the entrance. I was not allowed into clubs several times because of an ugly down jacket.

Some clubs also have their own troubles with clothes and shoes. In some, you can’t enter in white sneakers, I don’t know why, but somehow they didn’t let me into Aura because of white sneakers. So be prepared for this turn of events.


The same is one of the main reasons for the denial of access in the passage. It is necessary to behave confidently and calmly, not to be impudent, remember, people at the entrance are just doing their job and it is in their interests that the visitors of the club have a comfortable rest. They will not let arrogant, rude people in, as they can then create problems for them. Therefore, be calm, speak in a calm voice, confidently answer questions if any. But usually they don't say anything, just "go through" or "access denied".

Unexplained reasons, or why I was not allowed into the club

Imagine that you did everything right, combed your hair, dressed perfectly, took a smile with you and received the ill-fated "access denied" at the entrance, why ??

1) Clothing, sometimes there are themed parties and they won't let you in because your outfit is different from what everyone else has. Well, it's not in the club's interest for you to ruin the party. Therefore, it is simply better to go to another club.

2) The club is packed anyway. It also happens that there are people there, and so to hell, so the security only allows regular good customers who leave a lot of money in the club, and the entrance is closed to mere mortals. This is quite logical, well, if you were the owner of the club, you would also only let in money customers, and the rest "access denied."

Therefore, the earlier you arrive at the club, the more likely you are to get inside! Because it is not yet known how many people there will be and therefore face control is more loyal.

3) Glamor clubs. Sometimes it's very hard to get into the Arena, Crystal Hall, Freedom and other super glamorous and overdressed clubs. Impossible because you are not a star and you don't have a lot of money and you can't afford an expensive outfit, I would even say super expensive. That is, not youth brands, but elite brands that few people can afford. And that’s why they won’t let you in there, and think for yourself, do you need it? Go where the sky-high prices?

Therefore, choose clubs according to the status, music and atmosphere in the club. I recommend choosing 3-4 clubs for yourself and going to them regularly. If you behave well, then they will constantly let you in there and the guards will know by sight.

4) You simply did not like the face control. Sometimes it happens. Let's say you look like his worst enemy, or look like his first unsuccessful love, etc. there can be many reasons. And he just won't let you in, well, he doesn't like you! It is useless to fight this, you must either wait for another face controller or not go to this club.

What not to do at the entrance to the club:

1) Drink any drinks, because of this they may not be allowed.

2) Arguing with the guards, believe me, it's useless! They are just doing their job. Therefore, if they refused, they simply turned around and left. And then, think, why go to a place where you are not welcome already at the entrance?

3) Swear, talk loudly, laugh like a horse. Also, you should not do it in full view of the club's security at the entrance. They may take you for inadequate and not let you into the club.

I will update the article as much as possible. But so far, these are all the reasons I know for not passing the club.

Tinkoff, hello!

There is a question about the legality of face control in restaurants and bars, for example, they didn’t let me into the Gas Holder.

Hello Valery!

Christina Frolova

It's good that you asked this question, because in general, face control and dress code are illegal. But there are nuances. Let's go in order.

public contract

All institutions that provide cultural and leisure services - nightclubs, cinemas, restaurants and bars - as well as other commercial organizations, must comply with the norms of the civil code and the law on consumer rights. In particular, the provisions on a public contract.

A public contract is an agreement between a commercial organization and a consumer. It establishes the obligation to sell goods, perform work and provide services to any consumer who applies for these services, works or goods. For example, hairdressers must cut any customer's hair, a store must sell bread to any customer, and a restaurant must feed anyone.

Commercial organizations, including cultural and leisure ones, can set some conditions for visiting: opening hours, provision of services by appointment, entry according to lists. But these conditions should be the same for all consumers. Giving preference to someone is illegal. That is, for example, you can’t let someone into the theater hall after the third call, but someone isn’t.

It's illegal to give preference to some visitors

If it is possible to provide the relevant goods, services or perform work, commercial organization does not have the right to refuse the consumer to conclude a contract. Therefore, the announcement "The club is a private institution and has the right to refuse to attend without giving reasons" is contrary to the law. In case of refusal, you can apply to the court with a demand to compel the conclusion of the contract and compensate for the losses.

It turns out that if night club or the restaurant is open and does not host an invitation-only event, they are required to enter into a public contract and provide a service to anyone who wishes. That is, if you comply with the general conditions for visiting, then you must be admitted to the Gazgolder or Simachev.

Face control

face control by appearance, according to the attractiveness of the face and the fashionable hairstyle, violates paragraph 3 of Art. 426 of the Civil Code and paragraph 1 of Art. 16 of the Consumer Protection Act. Establishments are not entitled to give preference to any visitor in concluding a public contract. Rules that provide for infringement of consumer rights are recognized as invalid. Therefore, the rule "Administration may refuse access to the club without explanation" is illegal.

You can not let the club without explanation

The only face control that complies with the law is security face control. Aggressive visitors may not be allowed into a nightclub or restaurant. This ensures the safety of other clients. For example, if at the entrance to the club, those who want to get through quickly put up a fight or rudely rude to the guards, they can quite reasonably be denied entry.

In 2017, the Central District Court of Tver denied the plaintiff compensation for non-pecuniary damage for not being allowed into the Lazurny club-restaurant

They may not let people in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication. Although the diagnoses of "alcohol intoxication" and "drug intoxication" are supposed to be made only by a narcologist. Therefore, anyone who has been denied access to the club on such a basis has the right to demand a specialist.

Dress code

If the dress code is stated in the offer and applies to all clients without exception, it fully complies with the current legislation. For example, some restaurants may not be allowed in shorts and flip flops, and some parties may not be allowed without a carnival costume. The exception is an individual dress code.

Establishments do not have the right to evaluate the clothes of visitors on cost, decency, fashion or status. For example, if at the entrance to the club someone is told that it is impossible to wear sneakers, but another is allowed to pass in new airmax, this is illegal.

What to do if not allowed into the club

If you were not allowed into the "Gazgolder" for an open party for subjective reasons - insufficiently fashionable clothes or an unsympathetic face - then by law you have the right to go to court with a demand to force you to conclude a public contract - to let you into the club - and compensate for losses.

There have been many cases in judicial practice when moral damages were collected from bars and clubs - usually 5,000 rubles - for refusing to enter an institution without explaining the reasons. Therefore, there are chances to win.

Another thing is that the court is time. The court also needs evidence: ideally, the testimony of witnesses, video or audio recordings that will confirm that you were not let in illegally. You can also complain about the institution to Rospotrebnadzor, so that he can hold him accountable.

It is up to you to decide: be principled and go to the end or forget the unpleasant incident.

If you have a question about personal finances, expensive purchases or a family budget, write to: [email protected]. We will answer the most interesting questions in the magazine.

Networks and on the streets, it is worth practicing communication with the fair sex in nightclubs. In such places, there is a rather cheerful atmosphere, and if you are determined, you will definitely leave there with a girl. It is especially difficult to get into expensive clubs that care too much about their reputation. Therefore, today we will talk about how to pass face control at the entrance to the club.

Face control worker, face controller, facer, face determinant and a lot of unflattering words addressed to the person who determines whether you are relaxing in the club today or not. It is extremely unpleasant to be overboard, especially without explanation.. And no one is going to explain to you. Think for yourself, let several hundred people pass through you a night, do not miss a few dozen and explain to everyone what, how and why. Perhaps that is why the facer is a mysterious person, you yourself will think why they were not allowed into the club.

Who are facers?

The work is not easy, no one likes such people. On the other hand, it would be really bad without them. Normal clubs would turn into bums. This will not add profit to the owner, but it will spoil the atmosphere for normal people. Perhaps that is why it makes sense to give more money than in the store for alcohol and food, if you want to have a good rest, with almost 100% continuation of the evening in bed.

Who is a facer? Officially, there is no such vacancy in the club, but nowhere. But people stand at the entrance, work, receive money. To get a job like this is more luck. Face control is a difficult job, a person must take into account several parameters of who should be allowed into the club:

  • age;
  • approximate financial situation;
  • the constancy of visits to the club by this person;
  • external attractiveness and much more.
Face control in the club will still remain a mystery. The selection criteria are kept secret, and rightly so. Nevertheless, you can say approximately what you need to do in order to successfully answer the question of how to get into the club yourself.

Facer is a human filter. Remember that he will deliberately provoke you.. He needs to weed out all at least some aggressive people so that they do not do anything inside the club. If you are stopped at the entrance, it is already unpleasant, but it is too early to despair, you are being checked. Be friendly, show that you came here to relax and nothing more. If you fit all the other parameters, you will get inside.

How to pass face control to the club?

There are a few important rules that must be followed. Each club has its own, but there is an approximate list of criteria that are likely to be taken into account. Let's tell you more. If you are going to this club for the first time, get acquainted with it in advance. Pay attention to the photos, they will tell you exactly how to dress and behave. People in the club always have something in common, find it in common.
Take a look at the club program below. It is quite possible that some kind of theme party is taking place there today, and if you are “not in the subject”, you will be left behind. What could it be? For example, a foam party in swimsuits. Or all visitors must come in pajamas, masks, etc. It is better not to drink the night before. Drunk, and often tipsy visitors to the club are not needed. The fact is that a completely drunk visitor will bother others, perhaps show aggression or simply fall asleep. One way or another, he certainly will not support a healthy atmosphere of relaxation. A tipsy visitor is unlikely to buy a drink inside or may pump up too much, which also does not color him. Just go to the club sober. It will be better for you, trust me. Clothing must be normal. Face control in the club rarely allows young people in sportswear to pass. The exception is those cases when the employee sees that a person has a lot of money, and he is ready to spend it here. Office suit is also rare. The best option– jeans and a shirt, this option almost always wins.

The most winning option

You can cheat face control a little, but you just have to remain vigilant so that employees do not suspect fraud. First of all, you should stock up on a good car. Dear car - great option, while it is also desirable to hire a driver. All this can be done, even not very expensive. A pleasant even classic, but stylish suit will become an additional trump card.

Next, you need to find two girls who are also eager to get into this club today. They should be next to you, you will joke - they will laugh. Calmly get out of the car, open the door for them, put your arm around the waist and just get in line. Keep doing the same. And five minutes will not pass, as the face control will pull you out of the queue and almost forcefully push you inside.
You look like a special client to them. The second winning option requires more careful preparation, but it is not so expensive. Its essence lies in the fact that you get to know the employees of the club, and even better - with the management. Then you can go to the club every time, in some cases even without a queue.
The third option is perhaps the most interesting. Once you have entered the club once, try to appear there as often as possible. The essence of the work of face control is also to remember the whole party in person. As soon as you become familiar, you can be sure that you will go inside in almost any condition and clothes. Employees already know what to expect from you.

How to get into the club if not 18?

The question is serious. On this moment no nightclub caters to minors. In some cases, you need 21 years. So the answer is very simple. You wait until you turn 18 and go to the club. That's all! And so only by acquaintance, and that is far from the fact that it will turn out. The owner doesn't want to take responsibility for being away from home after curfew. We'll have to glue the girls in another place.

Never do it if you wanna hit the club

Don't break into the club just like that. If you go ahead without paying attention to face control, be sure that you will be kicked out of there within a minute. And what are you hoping for if you want to do that? Hide inside and wait until they stop looking for you? Just nonsense.

Do not try to offer bribes to face control workers, it will not burn out. Perhaps these nice guys are happy to get rich for a couple of thousand, but they will not accept the money. There were cases when they were offered very tasty bribes, up to several thousand dollars, but this did not work either. The fact is that face control is in plain sight. You will set a precedent and everyone will want to enter the club for a bribe. A broken facer will fly out of work in an hour or less.
Do not threaten face control with anything. Neither by his dad, nor by the Pope of Rome, nor by the director of Gazprom, nor by God's punishment. They have already gone through all this and probably know that 99% of threats remain simple threats. And the people here are extremely stress-resistant, they won’t even remember your threats tomorrow, and they will do the right thing. Only politeness, understanding and human attitude will save the situation.
Never show aggression. And you will be provoked to it. Of course, you should not go to extremes, but you will have to react calmly to a provocation. Usually, facers are guys with a beautiful physical training, and you won’t be able to resist the crowd of trained experienced guards alone.
Now you know how to pass face control in the club. Now go ahead, practice. Not in the first, but in the tenth club, so you will definitely get there.
If you want to know even more secrets to seduce girls

Minsk restaurants, cafes, bowling alleys, clubs and clubs want to work in a European way. This is probably why they so often operate with semi-foreign terms like dress code and face control. Every month, we tell the stories of our readers who are not allowed into establishments in sneakers, jeans, tracksuits, or even simply without explanation: they say, the face did not come out. 99% of consumers will never download rights, but our hero, Eugene, tried - and won. We will not claim that he created a precedent, because in Belarus you will not find a database of judicial decisions in the public domain. Nevertheless, the experience of the Minsker is unique in many ways. It turns out that it is quite possible to fight for justice in our tolerant lands.

Oh, "Vernissage"

This story happened almost a year ago. On the evening of December 15, 2013, together with friends, Eugene decided to go to the Vernissage nightclub on Nekrasov Street, which is no longer working.

- We gathered in the club together with my brother and friend (all lawyers by education),- says the interlocutor. - They decided to smoke. It was cold and I went inside alone. At the entrance there was something like a turnstile - two stretched chains, guards nearby. The usual thing: someone was allowed, someone was not. I was refused. He asked what was the matter. They answered: based on the internal rules of the institution, they can refuse without explaining the reasons. This wording did not suit, I asked again. One of the guards explained: based on his personal experience I am under the influence of alcohol.

- Were you drunk?

- No! We were sober. At the same time, in front of our eyes, they left the club for a smoke break, and then quite “ready-made” comrades returned back. I asked for a book of comments and suggestions, made an appropriate entry there: that I was outraged by the fact of unmotivated inadmissibility to the institution. The book, by the way, was taken out to the street, they didn’t let me inside - I had to write in the cold under the dim light of a lantern. After that, the mood, of course, was spoiled, and we went home.

Eugene is currently not working in his specialty. According to him, the next day he consulted with his friend, legal adviser Dmitry, who had no doubt that the actions of the club administration were unlawful. A lawyer friend advised me not to turn a blind eye to the mess.

- Once I was not allowed to go bowling because I was wearing the "wrong shoes"- says Eugene. - All these numerous motivations run counter to the law, and we decided to prove it.

Shake the swamp with the bureaucrats

A month is given to consider the complaint in the book of remarks. At the end of this period, our hero received a response from Vernissage.

- Nothing new has been written. They reminded that, according to internal rules, they have face control and dress code systems that they may not be allowed in without explanation, and the like. Unless they apologized for "the inconvenience caused, if any."

The answer did not suit us, and I sent a complaint to the administration of the Soviet district. There they conducted a formal check, sent a reply: about “internal rules”, about the fact that I was allegedly drunk, and so on. It should be noted that all the activities of the clubs are regulated by the Regulations on the organization of discos and the work of cultural and entertainment clubs, approved by the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 582 of 05/14/2007. The document says that the institution really has the right to establish its own rules for discos and other events. But only (attention!) if they do not contradict the Regulations. And in this document there is a clear list of persons who cannot be allowed inside. First, citizens under the age of 18. Secondly, persons in a state of narcotic and toxic intoxication. (Not alcohol! After all, this is illogical: you came to the club, drank a cocktail - and what, you can’t go back?) Thirdly, people with edged weapons and explosives. And most importantly - those who violate public order. All! And it is also said that the administration should not allow discrimination against visitors.

Yevgeny appealed against the replies from the district administration to the city executive committee.

- Here was a more detailed answer. The administration of "Vernissage" was instructed to bring its internal rules in line with the Regulations - regarding the admission to the club of persons in a state of intoxication. It looks like we've achieved something. We decided to move on anyway. We wrote letters to the Ministry of Trade, to the prosecutor's office and, among other things, to a local deputy. After all, the deputy was elected by the people, maybe he decides to help the voters, imposes some kind of resolution, sends a deputy's request. But the parliamentarian did not answer.

The prosecutor's office did not find violations. But the Ministry of Trade approached the issue seriously and found a violation of consumer protection law. With regard to CJSC Vernissage-Lux, an administrative process was initiated under Article 12.17 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

From the response of the Ministry of Trade

In addition, the Ministry of Trade pointed out that in Vernissage, apparently, they put the wrong meaning into the very concept of a dress code. The rules for visiting CJSC "Vernissage-Lux" indicate a dress code: dirty jeans, torn clothes, sneakers and shorts, etc. are not allowed, but dress code means required dress code.

From the response of the Ministry of Trade of CJSC "Vernissage-Lux"

Officials also pointed to the inadmissibility of using words in a foreign language in the rules for visiting the club.

After a response from the Ministry of Trade, Yevgeny decided to file a lawsuit in court. Correspondence with authorities lasted six months. In total, the guys sent 15 different appeals. The bureaucratic swamp was awakened and disturbed.

Court, "circus" and 50 million for non-pecuniary damage

Eugene continues the story:

- In a statement of claim, based on consumer protection legislation, he asked to compensate for moral damage. He indicated the amount of 50 million. Frankly, I did not count on this, because it is quite difficult to prove the existence of moral damage and justify its size. The main thing for me was not even money, but the establishment of the fact of violation of the law by the defendant, the issuance by the court of a private ruling on the inadmissibility of such a practice in the future.

I did not come to the first meeting: the summons was delivered late. At the second, I explained to the court that the fact of discrimination had been committed against me, because of which I had to experience moral suffering, my health worsened, and my blood pressure jumped.

Vernissage was represented by a director and a human resources specialist. They showed the judge photos from the Internet in which I smile. Like, I’m a fraudster, I’m trying to pay for my studies at the university at their expense (I graduated from the university a long time ago) and in general - I recently went to St. Petersburg, which means I don’t suffer at all. What do these photos have to do with what happened a few months ago? And in general, if your rights are violated, and you want to protect them, is it now a fraud?

The judge offered to go to the world. We went out into the corridor, the director promised that he would give two invitations to the club and pay for a taxi to my house. To which I replied that I would not go to them again. The world, in general, did not work out, because it was the decision of the court that was important to me, and not a compromise.

At one of the meetings, the guard witness again accused me of being drunk, disturbing public order and being rude. Moreover, the defendant's representatives have already corrected their version. I, according to them, was not just drunk, but had a look that "insulted human dignity and morality." In the Code of Administrative Offenses, there is indeed a responsibility for being in a public place in a similar state. When I asked why they did not call the police, which they were obliged to do immediately in accordance with the same Regulations, the director explained: I asked them myself. It turns out that I myself asked the guards not to call the police, and they obediently obeyed! It causes nothing but laughter and a smile. Why then demanded a book of comments and suggestions? Subsequently, the defendant's representatives even stated that no one specifically refused me to visit the club, and I myself did not want to go through and the like. Let's remember the answer they gave to my entry in the book of comments and suggestions. It follows from it that I was not allowed into the club without explanation. Versions of "Vernissage" were not friends with logic ...

The club had no proof. None! There are security cameras at the entrance. Even in my letter to the Department of Commerce, I petitioned for the reclamation of the camera recordings, as well as later in court, but the recording was not provided. When I asked why, an explanation was given that the hard drive was damaged, it was replaced, there is an invoice. I assumed it might have been done on purpose. But the most interesting thing is that in the response of Vernissage-Lux CJSC to the Ministry of Trade to a request to demand records from CCTV cameras, another reason is mentioned, namely “the expiration of the storage period, since the records are stored for about 45 days.” I could only assume that the representatives of the defendant were already confused about to whom and what they were saying.

The director of "Vernissage" called the meeting a circus and asked him to stop. I was quite surprised by such insensitivity. At the same time, the evidence and arguments of the defendant, I repeat once again, were untenable.

The court made a decision in October - almost a year after Evgeny unsuccessfully went to Vernissage.

- The court ruled to recover in my favor 450,000 rubles as compensation for non-pecuniary damage. But the most important thing is that a private definition has been issued. The fact that the consumer protection law was violated, that the violations must be eliminated within a month. I would like to note that Vernissage has radically revised its internal rules.

From a court decision

Did the defendant appeal against the decision of the court?

- No. Why, if the Ministry of Trade took my side, and everything was obvious?

According to Yevgeny, he does not exclude that a judicial precedent has been created.

- In Russia there is open access to court decisions, we do not. In the Russian Federation, there were winning cases on face control, but I can’t say about our practice. In any case, judges have access to such databases. Another time, if a similar case is brought up for consideration, I think it will not drag on for three whole months. A complex criminal case can be considered within three months.

- Do you think someone else will decide to spend a year to defend their rights?

For us it has become a matter of principle. If you decide to go to court, you need evidence to substantiate your claims.

I note that a number of scientific articles have been published in Belarus stating that all these dress codes and face controls are absolutely illegal. If we go back to the Regulations, then not a word is said about the client's uniform. I am absolutely convinced that all such demands are absolutely untenable, that this is discrimination. You may not be allowed into a club, cafe, bowling, karaoke for the reasons that I gave above. I will add two more to them: if you are so drunk that your appearance offends human dignity and morality (what they tried to impute to me), and if the institution is overcrowded - but this still needs to be confirmed. In other cases, when they don’t want to name the reason, do not hesitate to defend your rights. Do not assume that we, the customers, have no rights.

Reprinting text and photos of Onliner.by is prohibited without the permission of the editors. [email protected]

Face control is the personal opinion of the security guard of the establishment. You can write a claim or file a lawsuit. If you are a principled citizen, and you go to the club in a company (that is, there are witnesses), but you were not allowed in, you can go to court and demand compensation for non-pecuniary damage. The judicial system in Russia assesses your moral suffering to an insignificant extent, about 1000 - 3000 rubles. Also, for the purpose of prevention, you can apply with a written application to Rospotrebnadzor for an inspection to be carried out on the fact of a violation. Restaurant owners forget that such a restriction violates the rights of consumers. After all, an ordinary club, which is not a kind of closed institution, does not have the right to refuse to provide a service. There is only one "BUT" - the rules for visiting should be the same for everyone. Moreover, the rules of the club or restaurant should be communicated to the consumer before visiting, for example, by posting them at the entrance and additionally on the website. For example, the dress code established by the institution is quite legal if all visitors are warned about it. It would be strange to see a visitor in a carnival costume at a theme party among people in tuxedos. If the passage to the event is by invitation, or the event is closed, then in this case, the security at the entrance to the entertainment facility has every right to refuse you to visit this institution, clearly indicating the reason for the refusal. Here the requirements of the club are quite reasonable. But if the reason for the refusal is not explained, as in the case of face control, then there is a reason to complain about the institution, and even go to court with a lawsuit. It's no secret that face control often hides only one thing - the ability to weed out the so-called "insolvent" customers. All the security of the clubs thoroughly knows the latest collections of fashion designers, is well versed in expensive cars. If you do not have the above benefits, then the guard may assume that the visitor will not be able to bring large proceeds. Consequently, he chooses from the crowd of applicants only those whom he considers the most profitable clients. Such violations are punishable, but do not forget that the fines are so meager that it is sometimes easier for the club to pay them and continue to violate the rights of consumers. Summarizing all of the above, I would like to ask our readers when visiting public places and entertainment clubs to look neat and tidy, iron shirts, clean shoes and wash hair. I would like to see adequate, good-looking, positive people in the club, in whose company it will be pleasant to spend time.