Great psychological game in the camp. Training exercises at the summer camp

These games contribute to the formation and development of a friendly children's team, liberate children.


Description: Participants become in a tight circle. The right hand is put forward, the left is taken right hand neighbor opposite. You can’t take one hand together, three of you, you can’t take the hand of a nearby neighbor. Then, by common efforts, it is necessary to unravel. As a result of unraveling, a circle should be obtained.

Commentary: The exercise can be made into a game if you add excitement and competition: divide the squad into two teams and choose a leader from each who leaves the room or turns away. Team members entangle themselves, holding hands. After that, the drivers return and must unravel the circle of the team - the opponent, who is faster.

Relax and fly

Description: One of the participants is placed on flat surface. The rest raise it with two fingers of each hand to the count of one, two, three.

Comment: For safety reasons, the prone participant must be raised slightly off the ground.

Fall into the crowd

Description: In this exercise, each participant will have to fall from a high surface into the hands of their team. Form a team in two lines so that both groups are facing each other. Ask to take off watches, rings, bracelets, stretch your arms forward, bend them at the elbows (90 degree angle). Hands alternate with each other, forming a "cradle" for the falling. The palms are turned upwards and in no case are they linked to each other, or to the hands of a neighbor on the side or opposite. The belayer's knees are slightly bent. The counselor becomes in line to the place where he has to heaviest weight falling and, no matter what happens, must not remove his hands during the fall of the participant.

Put strong guys next to you. As the queue progresses, you can change the order of the line so that each participant experiences a moment of capture, but keep the strong ones in the middle. If you have a big strong team, you may be out of line. The counselor checks the falling one:

The torso and legs should be absolutely straight, like a string.

Hands are crossed on the chest and clasped in the castle.

The head is slightly thrown back.

Ask them to remove their glasses and remove items from their pockets.

Words that must be said before the fall:

Fallen: "Are the spotters ready?"

Insurers: "Insurers are ready."

Leader: "Get down."

After landing, rock the participant in your arms - show affection.

On knees

Description: Participants stand in a closed "train". The task of the team is to sit on a friend’s knees for one, two, three and hold out in this state for a given amount of time (2-3 minutes).

Comment: The exercise can be complicated by adding tasks (sing a song, read a verse, move in a circle, etc.).

Cat dog

Inventory: Two markers of different colors.

Description: Participants sit or stand in a circle with the leader.

- Guys, imagine that you have memory problems, you immediately forget everything that they tell you, so you have to ask the doctor (host) again.

Then the facilitator passes the object to one side, and the participant, before taking it, asks: “What is this?”: The facilitator answers: “Dog”. The person who received the item passes it on to the next one, who asks the same question, but the first one does not answer, but (as if he doesn’t remember the script anymore) asks the host, who gives the answer: “Dog”. The first player passes the word "dog" to the second player, only after that the second player can take the object in his hands and give it to the next one. Thus, each time, passing an object, before picking it up, you need to ask the question “What is it?” and get a word of mouth response from the host. After receiving the answer, you can take the item. When one circle is completed, the game starts again, but this time an object with the conditional name “dog” is passed in one direction, and “cat” in the second.

Commentary: The exercise is aimed at interaction with each other, the ability to listen to others and coordinate joint actions. If the squad fails to complete the exercise, interrupt the game and allow a minute to discuss further actions.


Inventory: A set for each group: 1 pack of paper clips, 2 sets of cocktail straws, 10 sheets of paper, 1 tape.

Description: The detachment is divided into 2-3 groups, which are given the same set of materials for the construction of the "tower". The group needs to build a tower from this material. The tower must be stable. 10 minutes is given to discuss the task, 10 minutes to build the tower, while all members of the group must remain silent. Then comes the presentation of the models of the tower.

Psychological games and exercises for teenagers

Team building games

Clock face


Participants sitting in a circle form a "clock face" - each of them corresponds to a certain number. The easiest way is if there are 12 participants - then one number corresponds to each. With a different number of players, someone will have to represent 2 numbers, or, conversely, there will be 2 people for any numbers. This will complicate the game somewhat, but also make it more interesting. If there are more than 18 participants, then it is advisable to make 2 dials at once. After that, someone orders the time, and the “dial” shows it - first, the one whose digit had the hour hand, then the minute one, gets up and claps his hands. The leader can make the first 1-2 orders of time, then each of the participants in a circle.

The meaning of the exercise

Attention training, the inclusion of participants in active group interaction.


A brief exchange of impressions, as well as considerations about what qualities are developed in this game and what they are for.

Cotton on the knees


Participants, sitting in a circle, put their hands on the knees of their neighbors so that the right hand of each is on the left knee of the neighbor on the right, and the left on the right knee of the neighbor on the left. After that, they are invited to count in a circle clockwise in such a way that the numbers are pronounced in the order corresponding to the location of the hands on their knees: the one who starts says “one”, the neighbor on the right says “two” (since his hand lies in the order of the next ), the neighbor on the left is “three”, and “four” is again the one who started the count, etc. Whoever made a mistake is out of the game. The counting continues until about half of the players are out of the game. As a complication, you can ask participants to count backwards or add or subtract one from each subsequent number.

The meaning of the exercise

The exercise serves as a good intellectual warm-up, develops mindfulness, creates conditions for observing communication partners.


A long discussion is not required, a short exchange of impressions is enough.

rock climber


Participants stand in a tight line, creating a "rock" on which protrusions ("snags") stick out, formed from the exposed arms and legs of the participants, bodies tilted forward. The driver’s task is to walk along this “rock” without falling into the “chasm”, that is, without putting his foot outside the line formed by the feet of the other participants. The driver himself chooses a way to solve this problem. You can't talk. It is most convenient to organize the exercise in the form of a chain - participants from one end of the "rock" alternately make their way to the other, where they again "embed" into it.

The meaning of the exercise

Formation of trust, breaking of spatial and psychological barriers between participants. In addition, the exercise works to develop non-verbal communication skills (communication without

the power of words through gestures, facial expressions, etc.) and the coordination of joint actions. Physical and emotional warm-up.


Exchange of emotions that have arisen during the game. What feelings did the leaders and the components of the “rock” have when performing this exercise? What helped and what hindered the task?

living mirror


Participants are grouped into threes. The music turns on, and one person from each trio begins to make any movements that he wants to it. Two other participants act as a "living mirror" - they repeat all his movements (1.5-2 minutes).

Then the roles change, so that each of the participants has been in an active position.

The meaning of the exercise

Warm-up, rallying, creating conditions for a more complete understanding and getting feedback- the ability to look at your movements "from the outside", through the eyes of other people.


What emotions and feelings arose during the exercise? What new did you manage to learn about yourself and about those with whom you were in the top three?

magic key


For the exercise you will need a lock key and a long thin rope (the length is determined at the rate of 1.5 m per participant).


Participants sitting in a circle are given a lock key to which a long rope is tied, and it is proposed to pass this rope under the clothes of each of the participants so that it enters under the clothes from above, at the level of the collar, and exits from below, at the level of the belt. Thus, the whole group is connected. Then you can invite the participants to collectively perform several simple exercise(get up, lean forward, sit down, etc.).

When the exercise is completed, it is advisable to leave the key in the field of view of the participants as a kind of symbol of the group: “With the help of this key, we were connected by one thread. Let it hang in a conspicuous place and remind us that now we are one team.

The meaning of the exercise

Team building, which is largely symbolic (“we are now connected by one thread”). Removal of spatial and psychological barriers between participants.


The exchange of emotions that arose during the exercise, and also considerations in which life situations the participants dig in "connected by one thread."

Effective Communication Exercises

relay race with balls


Four inflated balloons (better if there are also a few spare ones).


Participants are divided into 3-4 equal teams, including an even number of participants (for the possibility of working in bunk beds). A relay race is held between them according to the following rules: the first pair from each team receives a balloon, with which they must travel the distance (6-10 m), hit the intended target (approximately 50 x 50 cm) and return back. At the same time, you cannot take the ball in your hands, it must be in the air all the time, and partners are allowed to touch it strictly alternately. Then the ball is passed to the next pair from his team, and so on, until he visits each pair. The team that completes the relay faster wins. As a variant of the exercise, the ball is clamped by two participants between themselves in any way, it is forbidden to touch it with your hands. The pair that dropped the ball starts from the beginning of the race.

The meaning of the exercise

Establishing mutual understanding in pairs. Developing the ability to act in a coordinated manner with partners, quickly, decisively and deftly.


What emotions arose during the game? What qualities, besides dexterity, are required to achieve victory in such a relay race? Where else are these qualities needed?



Each participant receives a sheet of paper and writes on it the answer to the presenter's question, after which he folds the sheet so that his answer is not visible, and passes it on to his right neighbor. He answers the next question of the host in writing, folds the sheet again, passes it on, etc. When the questions are over, each participant

unfolds the sheet in his hands, and aloud, like a coherent text, reads the answers written on it.

Sample list of questions:



With whom?

What did you do?

How did it happen?

What do you remember?

And what happened in the end?

The meaning of the exercise

Outwardly, the exercise resembles a joke, but the resulting texts sometimes turn out to be quite unexpected and make you think about the problems that are significant for the participants.


There is usually no need to discuss this procedure in detail. It is enough to ask the participants to express which of the resulting texts seemed to them the most interesting and why.

Group Spmpathy


Each of the participants gets a minute of time to speak to the group. The performance is carried out in an arbitrary form - it can be oral speech, a small acting role, a demonstration of any sports skills, etc. There is only one task - to arouse the sympathy of the group with the help of this performance. Then each participant evaluates the performances with points from 1 to 5, describing how much the participant aroused his sympathy.

This is done in writing, on small pieces of paper. When all performances are completed, the facilitator collects these sheets and calculates the sum of the points scored by each speaker, and names 3-5 participants with the highest score. It is not recommended to fully voice the list, as this may be uncomfortable; for participants who scored insufficiently high scores.

The meaning of the exercise

Training of self-presentation skills, development of speech competence, training of quick wits. Material for discussion, what are our likes and dislikes in a relationship.


What is the meaning of the word "sympathy"? What do the most highly rated performances have in common?

Guess the rhyme


The participants are divided into two teams. The host pronounces a word from among the common ones in Russian, to which it is easy to pick up a lot of rhymes (for example, you can use: house, nose, day, soup, ice, goal, may). One team comes up with three rhymes for him.

Their task is to demonstrate these rhymes to the other team in such a way that they can guess them. At the same time, it is impossible to speak or point at surrounding objects, you need to demonstrate words only with the help of facial expressions and gestures. Then the leader pronounces the next word, the teams change roles, and the game is repeated (total duration 4-6 rounds). There is no formal definition of winners in this game, but the players can be explained that the team that spends less time choosing rhymes and inventing how to demonstrate them, as well as those whose rhymes are more quickly guessed by opponents, is more effective.

The meaning of the exercise

Non-verbal expression develops (the ability to express one's thoughts and states through facial expressions and gestures, without the help of words), observation and the ability to understand interlocutors based on their facial expressions and gestures. Training fluency and flexibility in speaking (the ability to quickly select rhymes is closely related to these qualities).


Who liked the role of inventing and demonstrating rhymes more, and who guessed why? What variants of the proposed rhymes and ways of demonstrating them were remembered, seemed the most interesting, what exactly? Why is it important to be able to convey certain information without the help of words, and also to understand such information transmitted by other people?

Gretsov A., Bedareva T. Psychological games for high school students and students

The purpose of the lesson: Uniting a group of guys in the camp.

  1. Create a favorable psychological atmosphere in the children's team.
  2. To promote the establishment of contact between children (friendly attitude towards each other).
  3. Develop communication skills in children.
  4. To create conditions for self-disclosure of each child.

Designed for children of primary school age.

Total: 6 lessons lasting 25-30 minutes (classes are held twice a week).

Psychologist work plan

Date (day)

Psychological and pedagogical block "Chudinka"

1 lesson

  • Greeting - "Compliment"
  • "Affectionate Name"
  • “Know each other”
  • "Confusion"
  • Farewell - "Kind Smile"

2 lesson

  • Greeting “Like a fairy tale character”
  • "Enchanted Friends"
  • "Conversation Through Glass"
  • “Friendly Train”
  • Farewell - "Binding Thread"

3 lesson

  • Greeting - "Ships at Sea"
  • "Two countries"
  • Collective drawing in a circle
  • Farewell - a gift of drawing

4 lesson

  • Greeting - "Snowflakes"
  • “Coming up with a fairy tale, a story”
  • “Our squad in the sun”
  • Goodbye (your way)

5 lesson

  • Greeting (your way)
  • "Animals"
  • “Gardeners and Flowers”
  • Farewell - “Postcards as a gift”

6 lesson

  • Greeting - "You are the most..."
  • Collective poster “Our squad!”
  • Farewell – “List of Good Wishes”

Day 1

1. Greeting - “Compliment”

Target: creating a positive emotional background in the group.

All children stand in a circle. One of them turns to his neighbor, greets him and says something nice to him, a compliment to him. He should say “thank you” in response, take his hand and, in turn, turn to his neighbor. And so on until everyone hears a compliment about themselves. As a result, everyone joins hands, and a circle is formed. The psychologist concludes: “Look, there are so many good, beautiful, kind ... guys in your squad”

2. “Affectionate name”

Purpose: creation of conditions for self-disclosure.

Children sit on chairs in a circle. For each child, the neighbor comes up with a new name, starting with the first letter of his real name. For example, Lena is affectionate, inquisitive, etc. At the same time, there is a discussion of what was said by the children.

3. “Get to know each other”

Target: The game is held so that children can get to know each other better.

The psychologist offers to stand in a certain place for everyone who has a common feature, for example:

  • Who has a name that starts with a vowel, and who has a consonant - 2 groups
  • Who has blond hair (blonds), dark hair (brunettes) or brown hair - 3 groups
  • Who has a birthday in winter (spring, summer and autumn) - 4 groups
  • Who has pets at home - 2 groups
  • Who loves fruits, who loves sweets, and who loves meatballs - 3 groups
  • Who can ride a bike
  • Who loves to sing and dance, etc.

4. "Confusion"

Target: group bonding

Children choose one of the participants who goes out the door. The rest stand in a circle and hold hands. At the command of the psychologist, they, without throwing up their hands, get confused with each other. The psychologist helps children to get confused. When confusion is ready, the player who was outside the door is called. His job is to unravel the confusion.

5. Farewell - “Kind smile”

Target : team building, completion of the lesson.

Those sitting in a circle join hands, look into each other's eyes and silently give everyone their kind smile.

Day 2

1. Greeting - “Like a fairy tale character”

Target: creating a favorable atmosphere in the group.

Children need to choose a fairy-tale character and say hello the way he would do it. The rest of the guys should recognize this character.

2. "Enchanted Friends"

Goal: developing the ability to feel the mood of another person, developing communication skills, gaining experience of interaction in pairs, overcoming the fear of tactile contact.

The psychologist says: “In one country there lived an evil wizard whose favorite pastime was to quarrel everyone. But the people in this country were very friendly. And then he got angry and decided to bewitch them. He connected each person with his friend so that they turned into one. They grew to each other side by side, and between them they had only two arms, two legs, etc. Let's play these bewitched friends. Divide into pairs, hug each other tightly around the waist and consider that you do not have this arm. There is only one hand for each. Walking is difficult, because the legs are also fused, so you have to walk as one creature. First - a step with two fused legs, then a single step with two lateral legs (shows an example). Walk around the room, get used to each other. Are you used to? Now try to eat. Sit at the table. Remember that you only have two hands for two. Take a spoon in one hand, a piece of bread in the other. Remember that you need to be attentive to the actions of your friend, otherwise nothing will work out.

3. “Talking through glass”

Purpose: development of non-verbal communication skills.

The group is divided into pairs. The first numbers are given the task to call the second for dinner without words, the second - to go plant a tree. The first numbers should not know what was proposed by the second, and vice versa. The participants try to negotiate among themselves as if there is a thick glass between them, through which they cannot hear each other. Then a discussion is held, whether the participants were able to understand each other, to agree.

4. “Friendly train”

Target : group bonding.

Children stand one after another and hold the one in front by the belt. In this position, they overcome various obstacles:

  • Get up and get off the chair (“move over the mountains”)
  • Crawl under the table (“we entered the tunnel”)
  • Get through the "dense forest"
  • Quietly drive through the “enchanted forest”.

Throughout the exercise, children should not unhook from their partner.

5. Farewell - "The connecting thread"

Target: team building.

Children sit in a circle, passing a ball of thread to each other so that everyone who already holds the ball takes up the thread. The transfer of the ball is accompanied by statements about what the children would like to wish others. An adult starts, thereby showing an example. When the ball returns to the leader, the children, at the request of the psychologist, pull the thread. The psychologist draws the attention of children to the fact that they are one whole, and that each of them is important and significant in this whole.

Day 3

1. Greeting - “Ships at sea”

Purpose: group cohesion, overcoming the fear of tactile contact.

Children move freely around the room to calm music, as if "ships are sailing on the sea." Then the leader says that “oncoming ships swim up to each other and greet”: first with their hands, then with their shoulders, knees, foreheads, backs, etc.

2. "Two countries"

Goal: creating a positive emotional background in the group.

The facilitator divides the group of children into two subgroups. Then the host tells a fairy tale: “Once upon a time, there were two neighboring states. One was inhabited by cheerful inhabitants: they laughed and joked a lot, often arranged holidays. The other is sad residents: they thought about sad things all the time and were sad a lot. The inhabitants of the cheerful state were very sorry for their sad neighbors, and one day they were going to come to their aid: they decided to infect the sad inhabitants with their fun and laughter. Let those who sit on my left hand be sad people. Try to remember something very sad and sad. And those who sit on my right hand will be cheerful people. You have never known sadness and have had fun all your life. Now your task is to infect your sad neighbors with laughter. Stand opposite each other, and let those sad guys who will be infected by the laughter of cheerful residents go over to their side and begin to infect with their joy those who are still sad.”

3. Collective drawing

Purpose: the development of empathy, the ability to feel another person.

Children are given the task to draw what they want. Some time is given, but so that the drawing is not completely completed. At the command of the presenter, everyone must transfer their drawing to the neighbor on the right. As a result, there is an exchange of drawings. Now the children should carefully look at the drawing they got, try to guess what the author of this drawing wanted to depict and finish drawing one detail. Then the drawings are again passed around in a circle and so on until each child returns the drawing that they began to draw themselves.

It is imperative to discuss the results: what happened, what the author of the drawing agrees with, and what he would not add to his drawing, etc. (i.e. how other guys were able to understand his plan).

4. Farewell

At parting, the participants give each other the resulting drawings.

Day 4

1. Greeting - “Snowflakes”

Purpose: team building.

Children move freely around the room to calm music, like flying snowflakes. At the command of the host, snowflakes fly up to each other and connect: 2, 3, 4, etc.

2. “Inventing a fairy tale, a story”

Purpose: ability to work together.

Children sit in a circle. Each child names his favorite character from a fairy tale or story, says why he likes this particular character, what he has in common with him. Then the children are divided into subgroups, they are given the task to come up with a new fairy tale with the characters they have chosen and stage it.

3. “Our squad in the sun”

Target : team building, creating a favorable emotional sphere.

Attached to the board is a piece of drawing paper depicting the sun without rays. Each child is given a “ray”, on which they must write what, in their opinion, their detachment, positive moments, good words about the camp and the detachment. Then everyone glues their “ray” to the sun. When all the "rays" are glued, the presenter reads out the answers that are on the "rays". The conclusion is made.

4. Farewell

Goal: development of the emotional sphere.

Children need to come up with new ways to say goodbye.

Day 5

1. Greeting

Purpose: to create a favorable atmosphere in the group.

The facilitator says: “There are many ways of greeting, your task is to come up with a new way of greeting and say hello to everyone.” At the end of the exercise, it is discussed who had the most interesting and unusual greeting.

2. "Animals"

Target: development of non-verbal communication skills.

Children are given leaflets with the names of different animals, which they should not show to anyone. There can be four types of animals in total, for example: a hare, a bear, a cow, a fox, but there must be 4-5 of them, so that 4 groups are eventually formed. Children must find their subgroup, i.e. those who have written the same animal as theirs, but with the help of gestures, pantomime and facial expressions (i.e. without the help of words and sounds). At the end of the game, it is discussed who was looking for how: either they waited for others to guess and come up, or he himself tried to find “their own”.

3. “Gardeners and Flowers”

Purpose: to create a favorable emotional atmosphere.

The group is divided into two subgroups. The facilitator says: “There are flowers that stand in your class, do not water for a long time - they will wither. But today we will go to an extraordinary garden, where flowers grow that do not need water. They wither and wither if they do not hear kind and affectionate words about themselves for a long time. Let one group be flowers that have withered because they have not been watered for a long time with kind words, and the other group be gardeners who were called to help dying flowers. Gardeners should walk around the garden and address each flower with affectionate words, and then the flowers will gradually come to life and bloom. Then we'll switch roles."

4. Farewell - “Gift card”

Target: development of positive emotions.

Children are divided into pairs. The host says: “Today we will draw postcards as a gift to each other. Draw a card for your partner. She must be very beautiful, gentle and kind. When the card is ready, I will approach each of you and you will dictate good words and wishes to your friend, and then give him a card.”

Day 6

1. Greeting - “You are the most ...”

Purpose: the ability to find positive character traits in other people.

For this exercise you will need a ball. The children also sit in a circle. The one who has the ball in his hands throws it to another, while calling a classmate by name and saying the following phrase: “Vanya, you are the most ... cheerful (etc.)” It is important to ensure that children name only positive qualities .

2. Collective poster “Our squad!”

Purpose: awareness of their importance in the team.

Children in subgroups make a poster on the theme “Our squad” from a large sheet of drawing paper (drawing, application - optional). The poster should reflect camp life, friends, hobbies, etc. Then each subgroup presents its poster, gives explanations.

3. Farewell - “Hurrah! Holidays!"

Goal: end the day on a positive note.

A large sheet of whatman paper with the inscription "Vacations" is hung on the board. Children should cut out a figurine from colored paper and write on it a wish for everyone for the summer. Then the figures are glued onto a sheet of drawing paper. The psychologist reads the wishes of the children aloud (also writes a wish) and says his own wish for all the children.


  1. Adaptation period of first-graders and fifth-graders (from the experience of the psychological service of the Votkinsk region). Information and methodological collection “Image” No. 24 / Comp. G.G. Lomaev. - Votkinsky district: Information and methodological center of the Votkinsky district district, 2006.
  2. Alexandrovskaya E.M., Kokurkina N.I., Kurenkova N.V. Psychological support for schoolchildren. - M.: Academy, 2002. - 208 p.
  3. Istratova O.N. Workshop on children's psycho-correction: games, exercises, techniques. - Rostov n / D .: Phoenix, 2007. - 349 p.
  4. Correctional and developmental classes (from the experience of the psychological service of the Votkinsk region). Information and methodological collection “Image” No. 25 / Comp. G.G. Lomaev. - Votkinsk district .: Information and methodological center of the Votkinsk district district, 2006.
  5. Kholmogorova V. How to form humane relations in a group kindergarten: psychological technique "School of good wizards" - M .: Chistye Prudy, 2007. - 32 p.

Trainings in the camp for children

Training exercises at the summer camp

Now a lot is said and written about training as a method of training and personal development in various publications, training is used in many areas of pedagogical and social life. For the most part, trainings are aimed primarily at the development of the individual, at the formation of effective communication skills in her, at the development of interpersonal skills of interaction. In each detachment, pupils have their own specific problems: difficulties in personal self-determination, difficulties in relationships with peers, increased conflict with counselors, etc.

IN various training exercises can be carried out. Using training, counselors can:

determine the level of mutual understanding in the team;

rally the team;

identify leaders in the group.

Some of the above trainings can be used not only in the organizational period, but also in the main one.


Materials: wallpaper paper (newspapers), paper clips, adhesive tape, glue, scissors.

Exercise : from the proposed materials, participants need to build a tower as high as possible.

Rules : participants are divided into two groups, the group has 10 minutes to complete the task. Discussing verbally is prohibited. (You can blindfold, but with discussion.)


The participants sit in a circle.

Exercise : at the command of the host "Choice!" each participant points with outstretched hand to one of the other participants. It is necessary to achieve such a choice in which the group would be divided into pairs. If the group has an odd number of participants, then the task is considered completed when only one participant is left without a pair.

Rules : participants are not allowed to talk to each other and get up from the circle.


The participants sit in a circle.

Exercise : all participants show the same number of fingers on their right hand at the expense of "three".

Rules : Participants are not allowed to talk to each other. Each participant clenches his right hand into a fist and puts it forward.

four standing

The participants sit in a circle.

Exercise : Four people must stand in a group for 5 minutes.

Rules: participants are not allowed to talk to each other, one participant can only stand for 5 seconds.


The participants sit in a circle.

Exercise : learn to work in a group.

Rules : the counselor distributes all the letters of the alphabet among the children. The smaller the group, the more letters for each. Participants of the game are invited to "print" the words. First short, then long.


Participants form a circle and join hands, with the hands of one person should be linked with the hands of different people.

Exercise: without disengaging your hands, unravel the knot and form a circle.

Electrical circuit

The squad is divided into pairs. Partners sit opposite each other, where they connect their hands and feet, thus forming an electrical circuit through which current flows through the clasped hands and feet.

Exercise: get up without breaking the electrical circuit. Then combine two pairs with each other to make an electric circuit consisting of four people. The task remains the same - to stand together without breaking the chain. When this stage is successfully completed, combine the groups again to form an electrical circuit of eight people. In the end, there will be an electrical circuit formed by all the participants who must rise.

Big Mac

Organize a big circle. The squad is divided into pairs, and each pair chooses a phrase from two words that are traditionally used together (for example, one partner says: "Big" and the other: "Poppy"; one: "Nut", the other: "Butter", etc.). d.). According to the rules of the game, you need to close your eyes and not open them until the end of the event, and, in addition, you can only say your chosen word. Now the leader shuffles the team so that the partners are far from each other. Partners with closed eyes, shouting out their word, find each other. As soon as the couple is reunited, the leader leads them out of the way of those whose eyes are still closed. At the end of the task, each pair tells all participants their phrase.

For this exercise, the platform plays a very important role, which should be large.

sitting circle

The team forms a tight circle (shoulders touching). After that, ask the children to turn 90 degrees to the right.

Exercise: you need to slowly kneel down to each other and touch the shoulder of the person behind you with your hand.

Squad portrait

Each member of the detachment on sheet A4 draws what, in his opinion, most accurately expresses his nature, his character, his interests. Each drawing is signed on the front side. Then they put their drawings on the floor in the place they want, someone will put it in the center, someone, on the contrary, away from everyone. The counselor gives the group 5 minutes for each to move the drawing that, as it seems to him, is out of place. As soon as 5 minutes pass, everyone moves away from the drawings and the counselor pushes the drawings so that they create a dense "carpet". Then the counselor asks each person to take off their shoes and stand on their drawing. Thus, a close group is obtained. Then you can glue this "portrait" and hang it in a squad corner.


The entire detachment stands on the curb or on a pre-drawn line. Task for the group - those that stand at the edges, at the same time begin to move towards each other along the group and must change places. The most important thing is that no one from the detachment leaves the curb.

You can carry out the exercise so that not the extreme ones change places, but, starting with the first person, the team is transported to the opposite end of the curb. The result should be the same line, in the same order.


Equipment: "bumps" - a small board, bar, sheet of paper or other auxiliary item.

Mark two parallel lines at a distance of at least three meters from each other. The task of the team is to cross from one line to another without touching the ground, using "bumps".


At a certain height (at the level of the belt of the average height of a child in your squad), a rope is pulled. The whole group needs to cross to the other side of the rope without hitting it. It is forbidden to climb under the rope.

Mandatory insurance! It is good if the exercise takes place on the beach, where possible falls are mitigated.

Trust - foul

Form a team in two lines so that both groups are facing each other. Ask to take off watches, rings, bracelets, stretch your arms forward, bend them at the elbows (90 degree angle). Hands alternate with each other, forming a "cradle" for the falling. The palms are turned upwards and in no case are they linked to each other, or to the hands of a neighbor on the side or opposite. The belayer's knees are slightly bent. The leader stands in line at the place where the greatest weight of the falling person will have to, no matter what happens, do not remove his hands during the fall of the participant. Put strong guys next to you. As the line progresses, you can change the order of the line so that each member experiences a fall, but keep the strong guys in the middle.

It is necessary to prepare the falling:

the torso and legs should be absolutely straight, like a string;

arms crossed on the chest and clasped in the castle;

the head is slightly thrown back;

ask them to take off their glasses and remove items from their pockets.

Words that must be said before the fall:

falling: “Are the belayers ready?”;

insurers: “Insurers are ready”;

Leader: "Come on."

After landing, swing a friend in your arms.


For this exercise, the group should not be too large. The whole group, except for one participant, becomes in a tight circle. The participant stands in the center of the circle, crosses his arms over his chest, closes his eyes and, without bending his legs, keeping his body in full tension, falls in any direction. The group holds the arms bent at the elbows so that the palms turned to the center of the circle are at chest level. The group receives the falling person and carefully passes him in a clockwise direction.


Each of the participants will in turn “receive” some kind of represented object from the hands of his neighbor, the object is not material. The neighbor will "transfer" it to the participant with the help of gestures alone. Having “received” this “item”, the participant will have to do some action with it (for example, if this, in your opinion, is an earring, then try it on yourself). If the participant is not sure that he understood his neighbor correctly, it’s okay - let him continue as he understood, even if later it turns out that the participant “received” not what his neighbor “transferred” to him.

Be sure to have a discussion after the exercise. What was given to you? What did you do with the item that was given to you? Was it easy for you to guess what was being passed to you? Why is it easy (difficult)?

Swap places

Standing in the center of the circle (leader) offers to swap places for those who have some common feature. For example, the host says: "Change those who have sisters." And at the same time, everyone who has sisters should switch places. And the one who at this time is standing in the center of the circle must have time to take someone's place. The one who remains in the center of the circle after everyone has taken their seats will be the leader. When the exercise is over, ask several participants to list those who have sisters, who speak French, who can drive, etc.


Let one of the participants be the leader. The rest of the players will freeze in different poses. The host must remember the poses of the players, their clothes. And now the host leaves the room. The players make five changes in their postures and clothes (not everyone - five, but only five). The leader enters. He must return everything to its original position: look carefully and find five changes in the poses and clothes of the players.


The counselor distributes cards to the participants, on which the name of the animal is written. The names are repeated on two cards. For example, if one participant gets a card that says "elephant", he must know that someone else has a card that also says "elephant". Each participant must read what is written on his card, but do it so that only he sees the inscription. Now the card can be removed. Everyone's task is to find their partner. In this case, you can use any expressive means, you can’t just say anything and make the characteristic sounds of an animal. In other words, whatever the participants will do, they will do silently.

When the participants find each other, they become close, but continue to be silent, not to talk. Only when all pairs are formed, the counselor checks what the participants have done. When everyone has found their couple, the counselor asks each couple in turn: “Who are you?”, And they answer him. Possible animals: elephant, horse, monkey, camel, eagle, bear, dog, parrot, cat, kangaroo, panther, hare, lion, hedgehog, crocodile.


All participants are given cards with the names of vegetables and fruits written on them. The task of each participant, asking questions to any of the group, is to guess what kind of fruit or what vegetable it is. You can not ask direct questions, for example: "Am I an apple?", You can only ask leading questions. A certain time is allotted to complete the task - it depends on the number of people in the group. At the end of the exercise, the leader asks each participant what kind of fruit or vegetable they are.

friendly handshake

The whole group becomes in one line. The first participant turns to his neighbor, shakes hands with him and says something friendly, then he moves on to the next participant, while the second participant shakes hands with his neighbor, etc. Thus, everyone should shake hands and kind words.


Participants are divided into threes, stand up like a train one after another, put their hands on the shoulders of the neighbor in front. The first two people in the trio close their eyes, and the last person remains with their eyes open. He will be a locomotive. His task is to direct his engine in such a way that he does not collide with anyone. The task of the trailers, the man in the middle, is to exactly copy and obey the movements, instructions of the driver, the main engine. During the exercise, participants need to pay attention to their thoughts and feelings in each role. The exercise takes place in complete silence. You can't talk.

Circle massage

All participants stand in a circle so that a closed train is formed, put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front and, starting to move in a circle, wring each other's shoulders, imitating the movements of a massage.

number circle

The participants sit in a circle.

Exercise : Each participant is required to name one number from 1 to the number indicating the number of people in the group. Participants name numbers in ascending order. The whole group must "recount". Then the task becomes more difficult - you need to count with your eyes closed.

Rules : the leader gives the go-ahead to start, and the guys begin to count. If several people named the number at the same time, then the count starts again. You can't count in circles.

The organizational period of the shift to mass camp-wide events is coming to an end. Usually this is the grand opening of the shift, which may include both the grand opening line and Business Cards of all the detachments, and a review of detachment corners, and the opening of the summer sports day, and, of course, a leader's performance.

Stelmakh Natalya Ivanovna

Summer is the best time for relaxation, communication with nature, constant change of impressions, making new acquaintances. This is the time when children have the opportunity to relieve the psychological stress that has accumulated over the year, carefully look around them and see what is amazing nearby.

The holistic development of the personality is possible with the harmonious development of mental and physical health, which provides the basis for social health, adaptation of the individual in society and the formation of an active position. It is during childhood and adolescence that the foundations of human health and personality are laid, most of this period falls on school age.

Well, where else schoolboy will feel liberated, free, independent, as if not in a period summer holidays, on school playgrounds, V summer camps!

Summer health camp provides children with the opportunity to acquire new experience, testing your capabilities, abilities, great emotional upsurge, communication with new friends, broadening your horizons, getting to know new places.

However, the nature of the organization summer rest affect psychological condition children is ambiguous. To such features relate:

short duration camps(on average 18 days, children do not always have time to adapt;

Saturated, mostly collective activities of children;

The guys do not know each other or know little;

The need to obey the strict requirements of the regime of the day and the rules of behavior, and teenagers mostly traveled with the installation of freedom and independence;

Misunderstanding by some of the children where they were going and what they will do;

Space limitation camps as a result - disciplinary violations;

The contingent of children from shift to shift can be very different.

Problems to be faced teaching staff:

A certain confusion of children at the beginning of the shift and a lack of understanding of what is required of them;

towards the middle camp shift(9-10 days) fatigue and decreased activity;

An increase in the number of diseases, as a protective reaction of the body;

Psychological stress;

Personal problems, the problems of leaders are aggravated;

Immersion in intense activity, combined with the need to simultaneously build intra-group connections, can lead to overwork of participants, the emergence of intra-group conflicts, general dissatisfaction and a negative assessment of what is happening;

If the children of the younger school age - there is still a great feeling of loneliness, discomfort, since many of them leave home for the first time.

The first 3 days of the shift are the most important. During this period, children get to know each other, with counselors and camp, adaptation to new living conditions (daily routine, living conditions, etc., determining the roles that children will perform in a team ( "commander", "fizorg", "organizer" etc.). This is a very difficult time for both children and teachers. In the early days before teachers worth a few tasks:

Get to know the squad (remember each child by name, find out some of their personal characteristics, identify interests);

To introduce children to each other, to help them adapt to new conditions, to introduce them to the territory, to talk about the rules and traditions camps, draw up the laws of the life of the detachment;

Create a cozy atmosphere, give the opportunity to express themselves in events of various directions, rally the squad (hold games aimed at rallying, create a squad corner, choose a squad symbolism: name, motto, song, emblem);

Include children in activities, reveal to them the prospects of this activity;

Create an emotional mood for a bright, interesting future life together (from the first day, spend fun, interesting, unexpected events and games with children).

Main tasks psychologist teacher summer camp are:

1. Providing children with a sense of security, self-sufficiency.

2. Acceptance in the team by peers and adults.

3. Establishing status in the team.

4. The development of the art of discovering the goal between the satisfaction of personal needs and the realization of social passions.

5. Create a feeling "We"(family, together, special, trust among themselves.

6. Maintain a positive psychological mood.

As a rule, in summer camp on one shift are children from 6 to 15 years. It is important for a specialist to choose those forms and methods work suitable for any age group.

Having many years of experience as a psychologist in a health camp"Zubrenok" JSC "Minsk Automobile Plant" - the management company of the holding "BELAVTOMAZ", in my practice I use the techniques of game therapy, puppet therapy, psychodrama. Excellent game guide "Emotional Dolls"(author's development, as well as a game parachute. The game is a universal tool for both kids and teenagers.

Indeed, nowhere is the child revealed as in games. Here, in addition to satisfying personal interests, the child himself, without suspecting, develops his physical and moral qualities, learns to be friends, empathize, go to the rescue without looking back, learn to win and lose. It is only necessary to set it up correctly, not to push it away, not to turn away from it as unpromising.

"Emotional Dolls" V

The biggest difficulties in the first days of getting used to the conditions camps occur in the younger units. Many children leave their families for the first time, being separated from their parents for such a long period. Problems arise in communication with a new children's team and adults, new living conditions in space camps(sharing a room, sleeping in "non-native" bed, submission camp regime, etc.. d) cause psychological discomfort in many children.

It is very important during this period to correctly build a psychological pedagogical support of the process of adaptation of children. Using the game guide "Emotional Dolls" V the work of a teacher-psychologist allows a variety of methods work with children. One effective form of using dolls, both with younger and older children, has been storytelling.

This form work wears several options:

1. Drawing up a story on a pre-spoken topic. As a rule, the plot is associated with the arrival of a doll or dolls in camp. The emphasis should be on the positive aspects - the doll has become independent, she has matured, she copes with life situations on her own, her parents will be proud of her, etc.

2. Self-selection. Children choose their own dolls and make up a story. The main task of the psychologist is to bring children to the logical conclusion of the story, with positive resource content.

3. Individual Job. Compiling and playing a story with a child based on a specific problem.

4. Drawing history. Children are given the task to come up with and draw a puppet story. The detachment holds a presentation of illustrated stories, you can arrange an exhibition works or make a common squad book.

5. Diary of a doll. The child keeps a daily diary on behalf of the doll. It can be in the form of stories, short statements, drawings, notes. Such a form work very effective with older children.

6. Drawing up and staging a puppet story.

Examples of children's creativity using a game guide "Emotional Dolls"

Presentation of Joy

(joint compilation of history)

compilers children 11 years old (senior team)

I am Joy. I come to people when there is a reason for it. And the reason may be different. For someone - clear sky and the sun, for another - delicious food, for the third - an expensive car and fashionable clothes. People themselves choose the reason to invite me to visit. I try not to offend anyone and please everyone. But sometimes I feel very sad. It's sad that people are happy with money. Expensive things, jewelry. And often, and this is the worst thing, people rejoice when others feel bad, when someone has a problem. I cannot come for such occasions. My joyful soul sheds tears, I almost die ...

But somewhere I hear the call. There, a little boy rejoices with all his heart when he sees a butterfly, in another place, a mother cries for joy that her child has recovered, somewhere far away, a whole village is dancing a dance of joy that it has rained and there will be a harvest. My wounded soul is reborn, I fly on wings to these people and rejoice, rejoice, rejoice with them. I rejoice in the human and eternal. Rejoice! Give Joy to each other!

Alexandra, 13 years old

saddened by sadness,

It became sad Sadness ...

The sad rain is falling

sad at heart.

sad friends

They talk sadly.

In sad silence

Sad reality.

So sadness sat

Thinking sadly

Flowers, rainbows and sunshine all around.

And all around is life

And full of EMOTIONS!

Do not be sad!

Using a play parachute the work of a teacher-psychologist in a summer health camp

A play parachute is a bright fabric consisting of several colored sectors, with handles arranged in a circle.

To play with a parachute, you need at least 8 people, and preferably 10-15, then everyone will have enough pens, and everyone will be able to enjoy the game.

Parachute games are not competitive, they teach coordination of actions, and the ability to feel the movements of other players. It is very important for children to feel through movement that they can be part of a team. When playing with a parachute, even the smallest players can feel it.

It is important for a child of any age to learn how to coordinate their actions with the leader's commands and with the actions of other players. In skydiving games, this happens by itself, without much effort. Even very shy children, who have difficulty playing group games and are usually in no hurry to join group games, like to play with a parachute. For quiet and shy children, the parachute provides plenty of opportunities to gradually join the children's company. Indeed, in these games, no one requires you to immediately give a hand to other people, as in a round dance, or immediately enter the circle. Each child can choose their own speed and level of activity.

A parachute is very useful both for quiet and slow children, and for active ones, including hyperactive children, since playing with a parachute makes it possible to both stir up quiet children and calm down especially nimble ones.

dating game

Children hold a parachute and walk in a circle. The host says who exactly is hiding under the parachute. For example: who is Katya, Sergey, Ivan, etc. (it is advisable to name the names that are in the detachment, who loves rock music, who was born in April, May, etc., who does not like to drink milk, who goes in for sports and others

Criteria "landings" there can be a great variety, the more diverse they are, the better the children get to know each other on the first day.

A game "Rain and Sun"

Children hold a parachute. The host says "sun" or "rain". When the sun is shining, we all raise the parachute together as high as possible. When it rains, everyone hides under the parachute, holding onto the parachute handles.

A game "Hunting"

Under the parachute we put different items: ball, jump rope, plastic bottle. We raise the parachute and the players, whose names were named by the host, must run under the parachute and have time to grab something. If the wing of the parachute touches the player, he must put the toy back.

A game "Fifteen"

Raise the parachute high, high above your head. Choose a child, say his name. Now the child must run (jump, jump, crawl) under the parachute before it hits the ground.

A game "Red Entry, Blue Exit"

The parachute is great for active outdoor games with simple rules. For example, you can declare that children can enter only through the red sector, and exit opposite, through the blue one, and run back outside of the parachute so that there are no collisions inside. Adults raise and lower the parachute, and children run in from the side of the red entrance, and run out where the blue exit is, if the parachute did not touch them. If the parachute has already descended, then the children stop and wait for a new day.

A game "Sea breeze"

Game for relaxation and rest, good after others active classes. Half of the group of children lie down on the ground, with their heads towards the center of the parachute. The rest, holding on to the parachute, raise it high and lower it down. Those who lie are blown by a pleasant breeze.

A game "Whirlpool"

This game requires a parachute and a large light ball.

The team unites, pulls on the parachute, then begins to smoothly rock the parachute, trying on the one hand to help the ball roll along the edge of the parachute, on the other hand, making sure that the ball does not fall from the parachute. This game requires a great team work and active interaction.

A game "Hide and Seek"

All children stand in a circle and hold a parachute. We close our eyes and don't peek. We quietly hide one of the guys under the fabric of the parachute, the rest try to guess who disappeared.

hide-and-seek variant: hiders lie under the parachute, exposing only their legs. Everyone else must guess by the boots who is under the wing.