Biathlete Maxim Tsvetkov: brief biography facts. You are recognized on the streets of the city

Biathlete Maxim Tsvetkov is a young handsome guy who, at the age of twenty-three, was able to achieve excellent results in the field of sports, namely in his winter sports, and find family happiness.

His regalia sound chic. Tsvetkov was awarded the title of Master of Sports, and international class. In 2014 he became the European champion. Under 19 - three times world champion among youths. Under 21 - twice world champion among juniors. He won prizes in several stages of the World Cup. But first things first.

Maxim Tsvetkov (biathlete), biography. Quick Facts

Maxim Tsvetkov is a native of the small town of Babaevo, Vologda Oblast, with a population of 12,000 people. Born in 1992 on the day of memory of the miracle worker Peter, on January 3rd. In his native city, he graduated from school No. 1, where he attended the Children's and Youth Sports School "Start" from the age of sixteen, where his father managed the entire institution as a director.

Higher education

After school, I decided to enter the Moscow State University. Sholokhov, where he successfully attended classes in the specialty "Psychology". Biathlete Maxim Tsvetkov receives his second education at the Moscow State Academy of Physical Education (MGAFK) with a degree in Sports Management.


It all started with sports school. At the age of 15, he took first place at the “Celebration of the North” (or the “Polar Olympics”, which takes place every year in the Murmansk region in early spring). And then there was the debut race in Holmenkollen (the highest point in the struggle for the World Cup. It was passed with the result of eighth place. In 2011 - three first places in the junior world championship, the next year - in Kontiolahti (a city in Finland) took two first places among juniors, and then in various competitions in the junior championship and in the European Cup he took 1-3 places.

According to the results of the 2014/2015 season, we can say that as a biathlete Maxim Tsvetkov feels more confident in the 4x7.5 km relay and in the mixed relay. In one of the interviews, the athlete said that, indeed, it is much easier for him than in individual races. Maybe it's the fact that you can't let the team down that spurs you on, or maybe the team spirit inspires you more.

That's how a young guy from the experimental team in preparation for the Olympics in Sochi got into the real Russian team. Promising, ambitious, capable - in a word, the hope of domestic sports.

Young Talent Coaches

The first coach who revealed Maxim's talent was his father, a ski racing coach, director of the Babaev Children's Youth Sports School. Before getting into the training team, it was dad who was the person who supported and admonished the young guy. Further responsibility was taken by the honored coach of Russia Nikolai Petrovich Lopukhov, a graduate of the Russian State University physical education, sports, youth and tourism, now awarded the Order of the IV degree "For Merit to the Fatherland".

Maxim Tsvetkov, biathlete: wedding

On August 2, 2014, Maxim received the main gold in his life. After two years of communication, which began with a simple correspondence on social networks, a young graduate of the philological faculty of the Vologda Pedagogical University, Anastasia Serebryakova, became the wife of a biathlete.

The wedding was modest, with only about forty guests present. In one of the interviews, the girl shared that it is very difficult to be the wife of an athlete. He is constantly in training, training camps, it happens that young spouses see each other only a few days a month. But it is good that we live in an age when it is easy to contact a person using cellular communications and Internet technologies. Let's hope that the young wife will understand and accept Maxim's life. They planned to live together in Vologda, but they also do not forget to visit Maxim's parents in Babaevo.

Some facts told in the interview

In an interview, Maxim spoke about why, after six years of playing for the Moscow region Russian biathlete decided to conclude an agreement with his native Vologda region. He substantiated this by the fact that, nevertheless, the beginning of his career is connected with Babaevo, and now, when he has achieved sufficiently high achievements, he can also represent his native region in various competitions.

In general, Maxim tries to visit his historical homeland often. And in his trips he tries to devote time not only to his relatives and friends, but also to those people who support him. So, on one of the trips, people gathered together with Maxim, and there were not only children and teenagers from sports schools and sections. The older generation wanted to take part.

Russian biathlete Maxim Tsvetkov often attends various meetings with children's teams in order to talk about sports or just talk, answer questions of interest. So, passing through Cherepovets, Maxim Sergeevich Tsvetkov was invited to talk with students of sports schools. Children with great interest asked various questions, asked for autographs and made joint photo. The most pleasant thing was to hear that they want to be like Maxim - to achieve high results and get into the Russian team.

The young biathlete understands that everything is not given just like that. Frequent hard workouts are needed, but it's nice to feel how they give results - not immediately noticeable, but tangible from the inside. Let's hope that Maxim will not lose his ardor and will not lose interest in biathlon. And we look forward to more from the guy best results and high achievements in future competitions!

Maxim Sergeevich Tsvetkov - popular Russian athlete involved in biathlon. He was born on January 3 in the village of Balabaevo in the Vologda region in 1992. His height today is 182 cm, and his weight is 74 kg. He has blond hair and green eyes.

Before he became famous

Since childhood, Maxim loved to play sports, he trained in the section cross-country skiing in the Children's and Youth Sports School "Start" with his father Tsvetkov Sergey Yuryevich. Already at the age of 15 he became the winners all-Russian competitions"Festival of the North" After that, he was noticed by Moscow coaches and he was invited to Moscow to train under the guidance of Nikolai Petrovich Lopukhov in an experimental group in preparation for the Sochi Olympics.

For various reasons, for several years he could not be selected for the youth team, only by 2011 he managed to do it. The first international successes for the young biathlete came in the Czech Nove mesto, where he took part in youth championship peace. Here he managed to win 3 out of 4 races in which he participated. Only the first individual race did not work out, where he took fifth place. In the rest (sprint, pursuit, relay) he had no equal.

After that, he was listed in the junior team for two years until 2013, continuing to work with his personal trainer Nikolai Lopukhov. In parallel with this, he began to be attracted to the second adult team. In 2013, there was a debut in adult team he scored 8th place at the World Cup stage in Holmenkollen, Norway.

Maksim Tsvetkov underwent urgent military service in the sports company of CSKA, after which he remained in this sports society for further service, representing his interests at military games. Maxim has two higher educations: he graduated from Moscow State University. M.A. Sholokhov with a degree in psychology, and the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture with a degree in sports management.

How did you become famous

The following year, Maxim became a full-fledged member of the Russian national team. In the very first year of his presence in the national team, he was able to win the first adult medal of the highest dignity of the European Championship. The medal box of the biathlete also replenished with two medals with IBU Cup and a medal from the championship of Russia. This year they began to talk about Maxim Tsvetkov as a serious, promising biathlete.

The following year, the athlete won a victory at the World Cup stage in Hochfilzen, as part of the relay team. But he did not have individual success this season. Maxim Tsvetkov made his first ascent to the podium of the adult World Cup only in 2016. In the January sprint, held in Anterselva, Italy, thanks to his impeccable shooting, he climbed to second place, ahead of many eminent athletes.

The next ascent to the podium, at the World Cup, was a triumph. In the last race of the 2017/2018 season from the mass start, held in Tyumen, he managed to get ahead of all the participants in the race and come to the finish line first, ahead of many Olympic champions and world champions. Since 2017, he has been the captain of the Russian men's biathlon team.

Family status

Maxim Tsvetkov married in August 2014, Tsvetkova Alexandra Alexandrovna became his wife. The couple is still married, but they have no children yet.

consistently show high sports results Maxim Tsvetkov started almost immediately, as soon as he got into biathlon. This was confirmed by a number of medals in youth and junior competitions. Only the gold medals of youth competitions in the asset of the biathlete are five pieces. But even in adult sports, Maxim Tsvetkov did not cease to please fans. And in 2016, Maxim, along with and became the main discovery for Russian sports fans.

Maxim Tsvetkov was born and raised in the village of Babaevo, Vologda Oblast. There he began to play sports under the guidance of his own father, director of the Babaev children's and youth sports school "Start". At first, Tsvetkov Jr. trained as a pure skier, but at the age of 15, Maxim switched to biathlon and took first place at the very first Polar Olympics competitions in the Murmansk region.

At the age of 19, Maxim Tsvetkov is a regular and leader of youth biathlon competitions. Three gold medals at the World Cup in the Czech Republic in 2011 and two more - a year later in Finland riveted the attention of the coaches of the main team to the young athlete. Maxim did not disappoint the coaches and at almost every stage at the junior level he climbed the podium.

But Tsvetkov did not live exclusively in biathlon. realizing that sports career not long-lived, the young man graduated from the Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities with a degree in psychology. After that, he went to the second education at the Moscow Academy of Physical Education, where he studies in the specialty "Management in Sports".


Maxim Tsvetkov started his career quite well at the adult level as well. At the 2013 World Cup in Holmenkollen, in the very first competition, Maxim finished in 8th place, which is considered a great achievement for a debutant. The following season, the young athlete again felt the taste of victory when, together with teammates, he won the relay race.

Tsvetkov feels much more confident in relay races and mixed races. According to the athlete, in such competitions, in contrast to individual competitions, the participants are spurred on by responsibility for the result to colleagues, and also encourages the team spirit.

It is worth noting that Maxim from stage to stage improves his own performance in shooting, which promotes Tsvetkov to the number of leaders. For example, in January 2016 in individual race Due to faultless shooting, Maxim Tsvetkov achieved 5th place, and a week later, again without making a single mistake in the sprint race, he finished second. This became a personal record for an athlete at a professional level.

Such dedication pleases the fans of both Maxim Tsvetkov and the Russian team, because this fact speaks of the potential and promising prospects of the young athlete.

Personal life

Maxim Tsvetkov - the youngest member male composition Russian biathlon team, but the young man has already managed to become a family man. On August 2, 2014, the biathlete married Anastasia Serebryakova, a graduate of the philological faculty of the Vologda Pedagogical University, whom he had met for two years before. Young people met on a social network.

Sure to be a wife famous sportsman- difficult, and Anastasia understands this. Today, the couple does not see each other often. It happens that only a couple of days a month remain for the family, but young people are firmly convinced that their best years together are still ahead.

In the future, Maxim and Anastasia plan to live in Vologda in order to be close to Tsvetkov's relatives. By the way, the young man does not forget his small homeland. He tries to visit Babaevo as often as possible and pay attention not only to his relatives, but also to all the people who support him.

On one of the trips, the biathlete visited the nursery sports section and with his communication gave the young pupils a new motivation for hard training. Another time he spent on the streets of the city morning exercises For everyone. According to Maxim, he was very pleased that not only small athletes, but also people of the older generation, including pensioners, came to work out.

Maxim Tsvetkov now

In 2017, the achievements of past years faded before the new victories of the biathlete. In 2017, Maxim Tsvetkov, as part of the Russian national team, became a participant in the World Championship in Hochfilzen. The 4 × 7.5 km relay brought gold to the team. The team, which included Maxim Tsvetkov, Anton Babikov and , covered the distance in 1:14:15.0, overtaking the French by five seconds and the Austrians by 20, who took second and third places respectively.

Also in 2017, Maxim Tsvetkov became a participant in the Military World Games, which were held in Sochi on February 22-28. This is a multi-sport competition organized by the International Military Sports Council for military athletes. Maxim Tsvetkov took gold in the 10 km sprint and in the team 10 km race, and also received third place in mixed relay.

In the fall of 2017, the athlete again pleased his own fans, but not with sporting achievements, but with the fact that he tried to be closer to the fans. The biathlete started a blog on YouTube. On the YouTube channel, Maxim Tsvetkov shows training sessions, training camps of the Russian team and shares his own thoughts. Sports fans are happy to see an idol in a relaxed atmosphere, and not in the official and serious plots of major TV channels.

The YouTube channel is not the only way to find Maxim Tsvetkov online. The biathlete has an official website. The page is designed in laconic colors, but contains all the information fans need. On the site you can find the biography of the athlete, photos and videos of sporting achievements, descriptions of games, as well as links to the video blog and other accounts of Maxim Tsvetkov: in "

Dmitry, Handsome! He is a genius and in Africa there are two prices!))

Bursting into the blog with bad advice
he was tired in it, and wilted at the same time .. :))

Alexander. ru, thank you, mutually)). Sweet dreams).

Irina, in vain, you do not put an avatar! You must be very beautiful! I believe! Went, I'm hibernating!)) Thanks for the dialogue, it was nice!))

I have enough politics in everyday life. Is this supposed to be a sports site? Therefore, Alexander's works relate to the topic of biathlon and sports. He is not a political commentator.
Now, the main policy for us and for the athletes is to be admitted to the Olympics. What, there will be no war, they answered me earlier, in a neighboring blog)).

Here are some quotes for you:

A politician does not take his words for granted to such an extent that he is always surprised when others take him literally.
Charles de Gaulle.

If there are so few women among politicians, it is only because it is too tiring to make up two faces at once.
Maureen Murphy.

And about this and that, Maxim's blogs are naive and, in principle, there is nothing, but if someone likes it, yes, for God's sake, Alexander's blog, sorry, for sale, by the way, has the right.
There is also Dmitry's blog - there is 10 doctoral ones, by the way, explain to me, wretched, how politics does not concern everyone? And then all politics is separate, are we different? For me, this is the biggest myth.))

And if you want, go to Marina Alekseevna’s blog from Zheka’s birthday (God rest her kingdom) and understand the difference in the “price”.
It's simple - in the search box you type the name, and there you can eat all the publications of the author. Visiting these 3 blogs will give you a complete picture of the audience here - very interesting and not very stupid! Although some I would have preempted!)) But it’s not fate!)) I think they won’t reach me!))

Alexander. ru, As I understand it, your words: “this blog is about simple and understandable things and that’s all” - refer to the improvisation and comic caricature of Alexander? Or are you talking about Max's vlogs?
Of course, YouTube is full of all sorts of "garbage" - now everyone is their own director.
Don't you know that Max's vlogs are jokingly called "Dom-3", "biathlon-behind glass")).
Any creativity has the right to be. Who and how, this is a personal matter for everyone.
You did not answer the question: an example of an expensive blog on this site and how can you please the audience? I am waiting.
Try to suggest, for Alexander, interesting topics and ideas. I think your joint work will be even more "masterpiece")).

Sorry, later I saw the answer - about Vlad's blog. But there, in general, about politics. Aren't you tired of watching on all major channels and evidence, foaming at the mouth of different opinions and visions of the situation, in Ukraine?
Give, pliz, a link to Vlad's blog.

Irina, Lord!)) Come on. On YouTube, billions present their "masterpieces", for example, one dude, in live bitten by a poisonous snake and he “glued flippers”, I honestly don’t know how to feel about this! The fact that Maxim started a blog is in modern world- what to go for bread. That Yura is dancing? So, a young and healthy guy should also sing and climb girls' balconies. A biathlete is not an alien, is he? And youth has not been canceled. Normal, lively guys, by modern standards, even modest. This blog is about simple and understandable things and that's it.
An example of an "expensive" blog - go to Vlad's blog about Ukraine - there are five dissertations and three doctoral dissertations and the topic has not been exhausted, just tired.

Okay, tell me something like what you mean by a cheap blog and give me an example of an expensive blog on this site. What, specifically, can you suggest? If you want, use a "quote" for a red word)). - =) it turns out "create and conquer", right? I prefer not to dominate, as far as possible, there are enough household chores :)

Irina, why am I jealous? Your conclusions are strange! As a pragmatic person, I let you know - Alexander and I are in love with different women, I did not take a loan from him, we have no joint projects. There is no motive!)) And we are not discussing Alexander's personal diary, but what he brought to court himself, voluntarily. Do you want me to insert a quote at the moment?))

Alexander, as a creator, you must rule over them (within reasonable limits, otherwise they will burn))) =)) I imagined how in the mornings, all unshaven, unwashed and unkempt, I go to forums, rummage, collect souls))

Thank you for the advice, dear, hello to Papa Carlo. Are you jealous of Alexander?

Irina, you are lovely!)) Just make sure that no one burns your flip calendar (although .., it’s not scary, the statuses in contact are also a storehouse of wisdom, for example, you can draw there too!)))
Alexandr, so you are the master of souls? Or their collector?)) - there are readers who are pleased to talk with me, I can’t refuse them) And about “get it” - I have a thick mental organization, so every opinion is interesting and useful in its own way, including yours)

To another, what does not matter, he talks about it most willingly; and look - right next to it, the village burned down between the eyes. Krylov. "Three Men"

Perhaps he is a dreamer in poetry,
But he, believe me, has his READER,
Which critics are more expensive than all!
And the CRITICANS climb out of their skin ...

Dmitry, ah, of course.
But that doesn't change anything.)

Marina, by "one person" I meant Comrade Dumas. And even then, maybe it was not his "look", but his "intention"

Dmitry, of course, this is my subjective idea of ​​those and those after reading the novel, and of course the movie.
I didn't mean external beauty.
And not mutations. And Fourcade's ancestors, obviously not native French.)
What kind of musketeers are there.)

Marina, well, this is just a subjective view of one person!
As for me, Comrade Boyarsky did a good job of discrediting Dumas's idea with his appearance alone :))

Marina, Martin "happened" in the mountains. And, probably, somewhere in space, since such mutations have gone

Dim - perhaps this impression is due to the squinted eye during the shooting. And the language is a signature feature that Max had at one time - even somewhere there are such pictures. But the world is interesting because everyone sees it in their own way) It would be nice if there was a “on” button. positive =)

Dmitry, Dim, Max is just very cunning there), but not caustic for sure)

Dmitry, of course, you read the novel, you saw our film, then you might have noticed that the king’s musketeers, in the person of the characters I named, are the personification of nobility, and the cardinal’s guardsmen are quite the opposite, there “does not smell” of nobility, but deceit, blows from the sly enough.)

Alexander, a very dubious statement. about origin)

Alexander, thank you very much for the positive, looking at night) Otherwise, the mood was at zero (

Alexander, nooo... Even in this blog, I see the top picture of Tsvetkov as cheerful and positive, and where he is depicted in the group - some kind of caustic and caustic

Dmitry - thanks =) but that's how it is, the style and technique are the same as in this blog - caricature

Anyuta - I didn’t write any poems or jokes for him, but just a picture is not enough for a blog. Perhaps I’ll make a big issue about Marten later if there is interest (after all, most Russian biathlon users want about our guys)

Marina - well, the musketeers are also people and nothing human is alien to them. And Marten is a bigger musketeer than Gu, at least by origin)

Irina - Somewhere around 3 hours from the maturation of the idea, sketch / estimate of the composition to completion.

Irina, he is not only drooping, but also with a black eye. It’s good that he was spat upon (otherwise it would already be another provocation)

Alex, quick drawing - is it an hour? Cool, with a twist, only Gu turned out to be some kind of drooping))

Marina, explain why the cardinal's guards are worse than the king's musketeers?

Alexander, Martin - King's Musketeer? Hmm .. it's a shame for D "Artagnan, Athos, Aramis .. I didn’t imagine them like that. In human terms.)
Fourcade, quick, cardinal's guard.

The poems in the blog “What the soldier will not tell about” are sincere, piercing, sensual, from the heart, from the heart, not just words.

Alexander, why didn’t we put this blog here separately!?
We'll be offended))

Alexander, wow, this is a cool drawing!

Dima, ok - then especially for you =) In my opinion, quite positively -

Alexander, the opinion of all kinds of "McLarens" and their "smaller brothers" worries me a little. I hope you do too. So I'm waiting!

Dmitry - “Well, by the way, your poem is about those who returned to big sport after the disqual - just great! - this is a dangerous opinion, be careful, someone may be offended) Well, Dima, there will be a reason and inspiration - of course, I will give something out. As a creative person, you understand that simple desire is not enough here.

Irina - yes, on topic)

Alexander, so I'm also not a master in chanting. What to do?

Well, by the way, your poem about those who returned to the big sport after the disqualification is just great! And it's clearly not humor. Maybe you're just misjudging yourself a little? There are many people who can humor here, but few people can write such poems, as in the blog “about the Old Ones”. Think about it.

Leonid Filatov - Yard: Verse

In the evening my yard is gloomy deaf,
Laughter and hubbub are quite rare here, -
Secret government of old women
He sits in a gloomy gazebo.

He is intimidated, this poor yard,
The click of the lock is the same as the click of the shutter.
Who knew the old woman's terror,
Agree - there is no worse than terror.

Get lost you fucking hole
The kingdom of slander, mold and dust! ..
But even in the gloomy abyss of the yard
Sparks of freethinking flare up.

Jacobin flag in the morning
Near the same old gazebo
Torn from clothespins in the wind
Panties of a young neighbor!..

Well, the message is clear) I leave this to the true poets of the site (including you), I myself am not one. The text and poems are just an addition to the picture, so that the blog is not empty. And I gravitate more to humor than to chanting)

Dmitry - It's great, 100%. The report is quite self-sufficient as a source of joy)

Alexander, why is this "from scratch"? Yes, life is difficult now for everyone, but there are positive moments too. Here, for example, competitions: site
Isn't it great?

Dmitry - you also need to make something positive out of something, not to clap your hands from scratch. About Maxim’s channel, it’s quite positive for itself, for those who have order) You can’t please everyone, I’m not omnipotent

Alexander, you see - here the people have already eaten a "mixed cocktail" and without provocative works, so now the positive is relevant

Elen - strange, but I remember that in that blog, comrades who "ate a pound of salt together" insulted me and our athletes ... And then Vyacheslav came))

Dmitri - thanks. I agree that it is necessary to please with a positive. But you also need to give a mixed cocktail to think about, you won’t last long on one positive)

Elen, thank you!
I think that not only in the peaceful. However, like everyone else. But not everyone is so energetic.

Elen, yes, those poems were of course from a completely different category. There you can already see not only the talent of the artist, but also the talent of the poet. I hope that Alexander did not lose him and will still please us not only with his POSITIVE (I emphasize - you need to please - positive) pictures, but also with beautiful poems!

The world of sports is constantly replenished with new, bright and young stars in various disciplines. Today in Russia there are many outstanding athletes, especially among representatives of winter disciplines. One of such zealous, hungry for victories and promising people is biathlete Maxim Tsvetkov. We will talk in detail about his fate and achievements in the professional field in the article.

basic information

Maxim Tsvetkov is a master of sports of international class. He was born on January 3, 1992 in the Vologda region, the city of Babaevo. The height of the athlete is 182 centimeters. According to the sign of the horoscope - Capricorn. He holds the rank of lieutenant of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.


The future world champion of 2017 in the relay began to play sports within the walls of the children's and youth school called "Start" in his hometown. The guy's first mentor was his own father, who invested in his son qualities that later contributed to his achievement of high results and high-profile victories.

Initially, the hero of the article was a pure skier, but at the age of fifteen he switched to biathlon and already at the first competition for himself, held in the Murmansk region, he turned out to be the winner, climbing to the very top step of the podium.


At the age of 19, Tsvetkov Maxim Sergeevich became a real old-timer of all youth biathlon championships. Three gold medals of the World Cup in the Czech Republic (2011) got into his piggy bank, and two years later he won two "gold" already in Finland. Such successes could not go completely unnoticed by the leading coaches of the country, and the young talent came to their attention. He was regularly among the winners of European and world tournaments among juniors and youth.


It should be noted that Maxim Tsvetkov, whose biography is given below, does not live only in sports. The guy understands perfectly well that biathlon will not always be in his life, and therefore one should be the most educated person. Therefore, the young man received a diploma from the Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities with a degree in psychology.

But the athlete did not stop there. He decided to continue to improve himself and became a student of the Moscow Academy of Physical Culture, where he comprehends all the existing subtleties of management in sports.

On the highest level

Biathlete Maxim Tsvetkov started his career quite strongly among adults as well. In 2013, at the World Cup held in Holmenkollen, he was already able to take eighth place in the final standings in his first race. And this is a very worthy result for a debutant, promising great prospects. In 2014, the young man, being part of the team, became the winner in the 12.5 km pursuit race at the European Championship.

It is worth noting that, as a biathlete, Maxim Tsvetkov feels much stronger and more confident in relay races and mixed races. As the athlete himself says, in such competitions, unlike individual competitions, the ability to work in a team comes to the fore, and this already significantly mobilizes him and increases the degree of responsibility for final result in front of colleagues and fans.

At the same time, Maxim fires at targets better and better with each race, which, of course, puts him higher in the final ranking. In particular, at the beginning of 2016, thanks to his impeccable shooting, Tsvetkov was able to reach fifth place, and a week later, having again avoided mistakes at the shooting ranges, he crossed the finish line second in the sprint race. This was a real press record for an athlete at that time. It goes without saying that such colossal dedication and dedication to one's work promises the athlete a promising future.

Personal life

Tsvetkov Maxim Sergeevich is the youngest member of the men's biathlon team, but this did not stop him from becoming a family man. On August 2, 2014, he married Anastasia Serebriakova, a graduate of the Faculty of Philology of the Vologda Pedagogical University. The couple dated for two years before the wedding, and the lovers met on one of the now famous social networks.

Of course, the girl understands that being a wife professional athlete defending the honor of the country at the international level is very difficult. Spouses see each other infrequently now, but young people are sure that their best and happiest years will still be ahead. By the way, the family plans to live in Vologda in order to be as close as possible to their parents.

And the athlete himself not only remembers his relatives, but also visits his section in his small homeland, which once gave him a start in life. There he holds meetings with children and motivates them to continue training. Sometimes Maxim spends morning exercises on the streets of his hometown. In one of his interviews, our hero said that he was very pleased when not only young guys, but also people of the older generation came to his lesson.


In 2017, biathlete Maxim Tsvetkov achieved such high results in his sports activities that previous achievements simply faded. He was among those who won gold medals in the 4 × 7.5 km relay held in Hochfilzen as part of the world championship. Russian team covered the distance in one hour, fourteen minutes and fifteen seconds.

In the same year, Maxim took part in World Games among military personnel, which were held in the city of Sochi from February 22 to 28. This competition, organized by the International Council of Military Athletes, Tsvetkov held simply brilliantly. He was the first in the sprint distance of 10 kilometers and the winner in the team event in the race for the same distance. He was third in the mixed relay.

This autumn Maxim Tsvetkov, sports achivments which is the envy of his many serious competitors from other countries, once again gave a reason to rejoice at all his fans. But this was no longer about biathlon, but about its high activity in social networks. The young man started his blog on the popular international Internet channel YouTube. With the help of this resource, the Russian shows everyone the various training sessions and training camps of the national team of the Russian Federation, and also shares his thoughts on various topics. Fans now have a great opportunity to see their favorite athlete in an informal setting at any time and understand what he is like Everyday life when there is no formal setting.

At the same time, YouTube is not the only place on the World Wide Web where you can find Tsvetkov. Maxim also has his own personal official website, which is designed in rather laconic and calm colors, but gives visitors all the necessary information about the athlete.