Russian riding breed (Breeds of riding horses). Horses of the Russian land: Terskaya, Russian riding and Russian trotter Russian riding breed history of breeding horse breeding

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Sale. Mare born in 2011 Vladimir region. For sale mare 2011 (8 years old), nickname Elegy, Height 163 cm at the withers, a cross between Russian riding, dark bay. Strong, healthy horse. Vaccinations, documents (passport breeding horse crossbreeds of Russian riding breed). Well-groomed. Worn under the saddle, working on the lunge. It clears, it pricks, it puffs calmly. Doesn't fool around. At work, a flexible and quick-witted girl. Has no stable defects. All vet manipulations are carried out according to the schedule, clearing every 1.5 months. From childhood, he receives all the necessary feeding, easily stabunatsya, does not conflict with other horses. It is offered in sports for a confident (experienced) rider, or in production in the uterus. The sale is not related to horses, for family reasons. Photos and videos will be sent upon request. →

Russian riding - a breed of horses, bred from Oryol-Rostopchin blood. In the 19th century, it was these horses that were valued above all by cavalrymen, and were also used for arenas. In the 20th century, the original breed was lost, and attempts to restore it ended in failure for a long time.

Historical ups and downs

In the 80s of the last century, the Russian riding breed of horses was nevertheless recreated. The event happened thanks to the efforts and talents of the horse breeders of the Timiryazev Academy. The novelty was registered in 1999. Today, these are the only horses in whose veins the blood of the famous Orlov-Rostopchin horses flows.


There are official documents regulating what the Russian riding breed of horses is.

The growth parameters given in the table are valid for horses from four years old.

Males, see

Females, cm

A young horse is smaller in stature, but should reach the specified standard height by its four years of age.

Other Options

For Russian riding, the following types of coloring are allowed:

  • bay, including dark;
  • raven's wing;
  • Karak.

As follows from the enumeration, there are mainly horses of dark colors. But brown, red colors are extremely rare. If a young horse turned out to be an off-format color, it does not participate in further selection.

Very rarely, among the representatives of the named breed, one can see carriers of an atypical suit (gray or tan). Specimens whose heads and limbs are decorated with large white marks are low valued.

Appearance, type

Russian riding breed of horses are strong animals that look very elegant. They are characterized by forms and lines characteristic of riding animals. The body is closest in shape to a square.

The horse in structure meets the standards required for all similar animals in sports. At the same time, breeders strive to ensure that her type would be the most consistent with Orlovo-Rostopchinsky.

Now this sports breed of horses is still actively developing. As professional horse breeders say, over time, the existing heterogeneity will be completely eliminated. This can be achieved by breeding within the breed. Another effective method- consolidation.

beauty and health

Sports horses of Russia are surprisingly aesthetic, and yet the Russian riding horse is rightfully the best example of such animals. Her build is harmonious, her muscles are strong, there are powerful tendons and ligaments.

This sporty horse has a medium-sized head, and the structure of the skull is such that the forehead is fairly wide and straight. Concave lines are less common. The eyes of the horse look strictly, they are expressive and beautiful. The ears are usually medium and the neck is long.

A thoroughbred horse is characterized by a clear outline of the back of the head, the height at the withers is medium. The shoulder blades are also medium. The riding breed of horses is distinguished by a straight back and a slightly lowered croup, where powerful muscles are located.

The chest of the horse is deep, usually of medium size. Horses of this breed are characterized by false ribs. The legs of the horses are correct, even, beautiful, without flaws. You can also admire the hooves - they are all of the correct shape.

The Russian riding horse is attractive with its beautiful mane, it feels like silk to the touch, but it is quite dense. Beautiful thick, long tail.

Animal is not easy

The Russian Horse is known among breeders for its intelligence and penchant for contacts. Horses of this breed are characterized by curiosity. These are energetic animals, kind, lively, active.

It is worth remembering that such dressage of horses is unacceptable, as if you are only dealing with sports equipment. The animal feels such an attitude, and if the rider is rude, he responds in kind, which creates an abundance of problems.

But if the rider is skillful, sensitive and attentive, the horse will show maximum understanding and obedience. Many note that the horses of this breed are characterized by the desire for cooperation.

Phlegmatic, indifferent specimens are now found in cities, visually similar to Russian riding horses. Such obedient, spineless, unattractive animals were often encountered at first, when the breed was bred. Now such behavior indicates either impure blood or bad dressage.

breed breeding

Of course, the content of sports horses is difficult and requires a high level of responsibility. When planning to get an animal, you need to remember that Russian riding is a specialized breed, it was created to participate in field trips.

For young representatives, special tests are carried out to assess the ability to carry loads. Largely thanks to such tests, taking into account their results and choosing the best individuals, horse breeders have been able to achieve great success in breeding the breed in just a few decades.

Horses in sport

Russian riders can boast of rhythmic gaits. All specimens are good at learning and absorb information quickly. Many individuals are characterized by high jumping technique.

The history of the breed is rich and glorious. Often Russian riding took part in Olympic Games, brought victory to their owners at the World Cups. It is impossible not to mention the fact that in Russia this particular breed is now the best in sports results. The first position behind it has been maintained for two decades.

How the story began

The current Russian horse traces its history from the breed that Count Orlov-Chesmensky bred in his possessions. He was the owner of the Khrenovsky plant, where experiments were carried out to create the most best horses that time. Breeding, breeding activities were aimed at obtaining an animal:

  • beautiful;
  • frisky;
  • strong;
  • correct.

It should have been big horse of good character and harmonious appearance, with strong and strong legs. Attention was paid to the elegance of the horse and the elegance of its forms, as well as the performance of movements.

The task was to develop a breed that is intelligent and obedient, kind and easily trained. The horse had to cope with a significant physical activity to be efficient and hardworking.

W. Witt, a well-known contemporary of Count Orlov-Chesmensky, wrote about the research that was carried out at the plant. He noted in his notes that the Khrenovsky plant became a springboard for creating such a horse that would be good both on a campaign, and in a parade, and in an arena. If the research were successful, the animals would be suitable for service in the ranks, for transitions, including heavy and long ones. High breed, brilliant performance and spectacular appearance - everything was given attention.

It wasn't easy to get what you wanted.

Both the count himself and his peasants took part in the work. It seemed that it was impossible to achieve the desired, the task was so difficult. But an unparalleled amount of effort has been put into achieving it.

It was necessary to get the best examples of the most famous breeds and cross them. So, Arab horses and English mares were used in the work, they resorted to a rush of blood from Danish, Spanish horses. Each specimen was selected very carefully, evaluating a number of parameters.

The amazing result that the count and his employees were able to achieve was largely due not only to the quality of the biological material, but also to technical equipment workplace. In those days it was unprecedented high level. In addition, the plant strictly observed the rules and regulations, treated animals with care and competently raised young individuals. Horses at the Khrenovsky factory were tested and trained with enviable regularity.

Efforts paid off

The forces applied to the work, financial and time costs gave an amazing result. Beautiful, strong horses were created that fully corresponded to the task. And engravings depicting the perfection of the invented breed have survived to this day.

Count Orlov was able to breed a breed that attracted attention not only in his native country, but captured the whole world. Such horses soon became a welcome addition to the collections of mounts of the most famous horse breeders in the world. In 1867, three horses of Oryol blood received the highest marks. History has preserved their names to this day: Frant, Pheasant, Torch.

Further development of the breed

A quarter of a century later, another horse breeding plant was opened in the village of Voronovo. Its owner was Count Rostopchin. The breeder set himself the task of breeding high quality riding horses. The crossing method used by the count was similar to that used earlier by Orlov-Chesmensky, and the new breed, obtained in the village of Voronovo, was close in its parameters to Orlov blood. However, it is worth recognizing: the Rostopchin horses did not reach the Oryol ones.

What happened in practice? The cavalry of those times, considered one of the strongest, was equipped with horses from both Count Orlov-Chesmensky and Count Rostopchin. For the townsfolk, the difference between the horses was often not obvious, so they were all combined into one category of high-class horses for the cavalry, calling them Orlovo-Rostopchinsky for clarity. The name did not last long.

The beautiful breed attracted more and more attention. In 1893, the horse Friend took part in an exhibition in Chicago (the breed was even then called more and more often Russian riding, and not Orlov-Rostopchinskaya). The stallion received the highest award. Seven years later, during the Paris equestrian exhibition, gold medal handed over to the Russian riding - Bayanchik. And despite such love of the public, more than once the breed was on the verge of extinction.

Russia experienced war after war - either external conflicts, or internal ones, which made it impossible to maintain the withdrawal mechanism unique horses. Although earlier the livestock was numerous, in the 20th century only a few horses remained from it. Budyonny tried to recreate the breed, and only scientists who worked on breeding horses at the Timiryazev Academy could achieve real success.

Place of origin of the breed - Russia; date of re-creation - 1998. The Russian saddle breed of horses is perfect for dressage. The horse is large, the colors are mostly dark, black prevails. The breed is based on a mixture of Orlov and Rostopchans, as well as Akhal-Teke and Arabs.

Outwardly quite large, most often found in an animal. The progenitors of the genus were the horses of the already missing breed Orlovorostopchinsky, with impurities, Akhal-Teke, Trakenen.

Black suit

The Russian riding horse was entered into the State Register and officially registered in 1999. The height of a modern horse of this breed is 1.63-1.66 m. Very beautiful, combining the qualities of a Thoroughbred horse and an Arabian. Representatives of the genus are characterized by black, dark bay, and caraca colors.

The Russian horse breed was created by Count Orlov-Chesmensky. He needed a drill horse that would be controlled in and from military training. Crossbreeding processes have been challenging and promising. Important roles in the creation were played by such stallions as Smetanka, Arabian horse, as well as Saltan the First brown color, presumably of the Turkmen breed.

Russian riding on the go

Orlov brought various horses to the estate near Moscow - from Spain, England, Turkey. The Persian Shah presented Catherine II with two stallions, and she handed them over to Orlov, as she was very interested in his idea new breed. During the war between Turkey and Russia, Orlov also brought horses. Thus, in 1770 the Ostrov factory became the best in Russia of all private factories. Saltan and an Arabian mare gave birth to a son named Saltan II. The stallion had an excellent exterior, endurance. It was used as a tribal. He left 4 sons. Each of them became the ancestor of the line, but only the Ferocious II was suitable for the standard of the breed being bred. He had a beautiful exterior, good disposition, learning ability. Therefore, Orlov rode it all the time. Having made a mare of the Arabic-English mixture with him, Orlov received Ashonok. This stallion became the father of Jasper, who was later recognized as the best of all producers. Just look at his son, Jasper II.

Jasper II

Having happened in 1778 Smetanka with an English mare, Orlov received Felkerzam I. He had an excellent constitution, agility and strength. From him was born Felkerzamchik, the father of Favorit and the progenitor of Frant, who won the prize in Paris in 1867.

In the same year, Orlov took the horses and moved them to his estate near Voronezh. It was there that he brought Oryol trotters and Russian horse breed.

In 1801, the Russian riding breed of horses was created, Felkerzam I and Saltan II are considered its ancestors. The resulting horses had tall- about 158 ​​cm, good-natured, energetic, smart. Oryol trotters and riding horses were different. The latter adopted grace and beauty from the Arabs, and strength and growth from the British. Orlov sold them, and the horses became popular. Private traders and state factories willingly bought them as manufacturers. There is evidence that it was on these horses that cavalrymen rode during the war in 1812. In 1845, the Khrenovsky plant was sold to the treasury. The Rostopchin horses, named after their creator, Count Rostopchin, were also transported there. The breeds were not mixed at first, but then they began to happen and were combined into one breed - the Orlovo-Rostopchinskaya.

There were three lines. The first came from Yashma I, the second - from Favorit I, and Rostopchinskaya - from Kaimak. In 1860, Oryol trotters were used, but then they began to use the British, so the breed lost some of its qualities. Then the riders were transferred to factories in Belovodie. Private factories that bred the Oryol horse decreased. But in the 1870s, the Russian riding breed of horses began to win various prizes at competitions and exhibitions, so horse breeders began to acquire them.

The wars could not but leave their mark on horse breeding, almost the entire tribe disappeared from many factories. Only in the 30s the decline of the breed was stopped. Having collected those horses that remained, they are moved to the Limarevsky plant. After 2 years, the livestock was moved to another plant, Derkulsky. There were over 160 horses. In 1939, the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition of the Oryol-Rostopchin breed was held. Then she began to be called the Russian riding breed of horses.

After the Second World War, the Krasnogvardeisky stud began to restore the Russian breed of horses, collecting thoroughbred horses from everywhere. Mixtures were also brought there. Thus, they tried to raise horses according to a certain type. Also, the factory created training, good content.

However, later the breed was transferred to the Labinsk stud farm, and in 1955 they began to be sold to state farms, then they disappeared from there.

A Russian horseback was used at the Zaporozhye factory, in particular a stallion named Globus. At the Kirov stud farm, Buket and Krasun were used. There is Russian blood in the Ukrainian riding breed.

Status of the constitution


Starozhilovsky stud farm and Timiryazevskaya Agricultural Academy in 1978 began the revival of the breed. Trakehner mares were placed there, as well as mixtures of Anglo-Trakehn and Arab-Trakehner. Then they began to bring Arabs, Oryol and Akhal-Teke. A direct descendant of Bouquet Nabeg and grandson of Globus Roar played a big role. They tried to use the same horses as Count Orlov. The Ministry of Agriculture and Food in 1999 published the State Register, in which the Russian horse was also entered. The Starozhilovsky plant was issued a state license.

It is worth noting that the Russian riding horse shows the most top scores just in dressage. So the use of the breed is connected precisely with this fact.

The most prominent representative of the breed is the stallion Barin, who, together with his rider Yuri Kovshov, competed both in the Soviet Union and abroad, in particular, they took part in the Olympic Games held in Spain (Barcelona) and South Korea(Seoul).

  • Nina Menkova and her horse Dixon were multiple champions and prize-winners:

Luxembourg, 1989, European Championship - silver; 's-Hertogenbosch, 1990, World Cup - bronze; Stockholm, 1990 - silver; Paris, 1991, World Cup - silver; Donauashing, 1991, European Championship - silver and bronze. Cheetah won in 2001 at the Equiros exhibition. He and his rider Vera Minaeva won the Grand Prix in 2006.

  • Amaretto and his rider Inessa Poturaeva have repeatedly won competitions both in Russia and abroad.

  • Imazitel performed together with Tatyana Kosterina. Repeatedly won in different competitions. For example, in 2004 they together won silver in the competition for the Prize of the President of the Russian Federation.
  • Belvedere performs with Ekaterina Orlova.
  • Durman competed 89 times, 12 of which were abroad. Participated in the USSR Cup, at the IV All-Union Youth Games.

tribal lines

There are several lines used in the breed:

  • Careless.

Bouquet was his father. Careless became the father of Ginger, Raid, Cubature and Parse. From the latter came Shurf, a representative of the Ukrainian riding breed. Ginger also became the progenitor of two Ukrainian riding horses.

  • Gunib.

Thoroughbred horse. Became the father of Thunder, Exile and Player (Ukrainian riding). From the Exile came Grifel and Gambit.

  • Moncotour.

Also a thoroughbred. He became the father of three thoroughbred stallions, from which Highlander, Ratmir and Garden descended.

  • Surf.

Arabian stallion. He became the progenitor of three lines of Russian riding: Abidjan, Ashfort and Cairo.

  • Absinthe.

Purebred Akhal-Teke. He became the progenitor of Arion and Azart. The first participated in the exhibition "EKVIFORUM-2010".

The history of the breed. The Russian riding breed is relatively young. She descended from the famous Oryol trotters. In addition, in their veins flows the blood of a thoroughbred English, Arabic, Akhal-Teke breeds. The founders of the breed are considered to be the offspring of the gray stallion Smetanka of Oryol blood and English thoroughbred horse. In 1778, the gray Felkersam I, born from these sires, became the second in the line of the new breed. It received its new distribution after registration in 1999. At present, the Russian riding breed is not numerous and requires special measures to breed and preserve the breed. Due to their rather “young” age, this breed is not given due attention, which is not entirely correct, since these horses are not only very beautiful and strong, but also have endurance and respond well to training, which is especially important for horses of sports breeds.

The exterior of the Russian riding breed. From the first glance at these horses, it becomes clear that these are horses of riding breeds. It is more massive than horses of Arabian blood, but more graceful than Frisians or heavyweights. This is a fairly strong and tall sports horse, with pronounced muscles and a well-developed ligamentous apparatus. The height at the withers reaches 175 centimeters, the body length is 165 centimeters, and the weight can reach 600 kilograms. The outline of the body resembles a square. The neck of the animal is long, graceful and set high. Croup and back well muscled, fairly straight. Rib cage medium width, well-set limbs with even hooves. The mane and tail are of normal density, there are no brushes on the legs. As for the colors of the Russian riding horse, almost half of this breed has a black color (about 48%). For representatives of this breed, darker suits are characteristic - karak, dark bay, bay. Light colors are extremely rare and are not typical of the Russian riding breed. In addition, various white or light markings on the head or legs of the animal are not allowed.

Horses of the Russian riding breed today. Russian riding horses are quite promising in terms of development. Besides the fact that they have the necessary strong and enduring body for equestrian sports, these horses are also unusually contact and intelligent. They have a calm disposition and a healthy curiosity. Under the guidance of a skilled rider, this horse can reach great heights in equestrian sports. Today, the Russian riding breed is a specialized sports riding breed that lends itself well to training, can jump quite high and technically, has an innate sense of rhythm, which is especially useful for dressage. Representatives of this breed showed high results in many world equestrian competitions.

The Russian riding horse is the most beautiful and graceful variety bred in Russia. We will talk about the nuances of care and maintenance of this breed in our article.

History of origin and homeland

At the end of the 13th century, the Russian Count Alexei Orlov-Chesmensky decided to breed a variety of horses that would easily endure the Russian climate and be suitable for military service. The horse was bred on the basis of many famous breeds: Thoroughbred English, Arabian, Turkmen, Lipizzan and others. So the Oryol breed appeared.
In 1802, Count F. B. Rostopchin also began to breed a riding horse based on several of the best breeds in Europe. As a result, the Rostopchinskaya breed appeared. At the beginning of the 20th century, representatives of these two varieties were crossed and received the Oryol-Rostopchinskaya variety, which after some time was called the Russian riding breed of horses.

Decline of the breed

During the First World War, the number of animals of the described breed decreased significantly, because they were used primarily in the army. Then were lost the best representatives this variety.


In 1980, at the Starozhilovsky stud farm, work began on the revival of the described breed. For this, many varieties of horses were crossed: Oryol trotter, Trakehner, Thoroughbred riding and others. Selection work ended in 1997. And in 1999, the horses were included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements.

Did you know?An irreparable blow to the horses was dealt by the Second World War: the animals did not have time to evacuate. They were also driven to farms to perform chores, and under the influence of difficult economic circumstances, breeders stopped breeding thoroughbred horses.

Description of the breed

Horses have an aristocratic appearance. They have such distinctive features:

  • athletic physique;
  • leadership in the technique of performing different gaits;
  • from the side, the horse's body resembles a square;
  • the characteristic luster of the coat, including the mane and tail.

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External characteristics

In the table below, consider external features horses in question.

Appearance Characteristic
Height at the withers163-165 cm
Body lengthabout 180cm
Girth in the chestUp to 180 cm
Pastern girth20.5 cm
SuitCrow (more than 50% of animals), karakov, bay
HeadWide, medium size
Earsmedium size
EyesExpressively large, dark in color
NeckLong, curved
ManeSparse, glossy
Withersmedium height
CroupWell formed, medium length, slightly dropped
TailLong, thick and slightly wavy, with a characteristic sheen
Backshort, strong
BreastDeep, sunken and strong
LegsLong, straight, strong, graceful, with pronounced joints
HoovesTall, with a strong horn plate.

Productive qualities

Previously, the Russian riding horse was used as a draft force in the army. Today, its use has changed due to technological progress. Horses of this breed are actively used in dressage, show jumping and triathlon. Animals show excellent results in sports. They even took part in the Olympic Games in Spain and South Korea. Also, this breed is often used in parades because of their stateliness and beauty. The horse has no equal in the performance of all types of gaits.


The horses of the described breed have a complaisant character, they are obedient and smart. Horses easily learn new tricks and show very good results in competitions. They have a high level of energy, so beginner riders should not ride them. Animals are kind and friendly - they easily make contact with people. Also, these horses are quite hardy.

Important!These animals are so quickly attached to their master that they may simply not recognize another. Also, horses should not be shouted at and punished strongly, as they will no longer obey a person.

Advantages and disadvantages

Horses of this breed are very popular in large farms. But before you start breeding them, you need to know what are the pros and cons of these animals.

  • Russian riding breed has the following advantages:
  • horses are obedient and calm;
  • animals quickly get used to the owner;
  • horses are smart and therefore easily trained in various actions;
  • they are very hardy.
  • Disadvantages of the breed:
  • horses are very demanding in nutrition, as an improper diet will negatively affect their fitness and health;
  • for them it is necessary to organize proper care, which requires a lot of time and effort.

Breeding of Russian riding breed of horses

This breed is very demanding in terms of content. Horses need a lot of space in their home, as they are very active. A stall for one animal must be at least 5 square meters. m, while the height of the room is 2.5–3 m.
The Russian riding horse is sensitive to temperature changes. To prevent the occurrence of diseases in her, the temperature in the stable should be + 15–20 ° С. Keep indoor humidity below 60%. The stable should have plenty of windows to maintain a high level of light. You can use a box with a paddock, in which the doors open when circumstances require it. Plenty of light and Fresh air affect the daytime activity of animals and their mood.

You also need to make sure that in each stall there are such items that the horse needs in everyday life:

  • automatic drinkers;
  • nursery;
  • feeders;
  • ventilation holes.
For the construction of walls, choose thermal insulation materials.
Also make the floor from a strong material: it should not be slippery so that the horse is not injured. Sprinkle it with a bed of sawdust or straw. We must not forget that the representatives of the breed in question are very active, therefore sliding doors with 2 bolts are better suited for the stall so that the horse cannot open them.


Horses of this breed must keep sportswear to show excellent results in competitions. To do this, their nutrition must be balanced and correct. Give one horse a day the following products:

  • 4 kg of grain or compound feed;
  • 4 kg of meadow hay;
  • 2 kg of succulent feed;
  • 1 kg of wheat straw;
  • vitamin and mineral supplements.

In summer, include high-quality grass in your diet. Oats should be given to horses with the addition of chopped wheat or rye straw, by means of which a sufficient amount of saliva is secreted in the horse to facilitate the process of chewing food. Ordinary straw (not chopped) clogs the horse's stomach in large quantities. Therefore, this product should take up to 10% of the daily diet of the animal.
Add clover hay to regular herbs. It consists of many vitamins that horses need to keep fit.

Important!Make sure that horse food is of good quality (no mold, no musty, dry). Otherwise, the animals may experience health problems.

Representatives of the breed in question are very fond of vegetables and fruits: beets, apples, pumpkins and carrots - rinse them thoroughly before use and cut into large pieces. But remember that juicy foods should take up no more than 20% of the horse's daily diet to avoid indigestion.

Add daily to main food fish fat, bone and grass meal, so that there is enough calcium in the horse’s body, otherwise the horse will have problems with joints and bones.

Water is an important part of a pet's daily diet. Make sure that there is enough of it in the drinkers. Water must be clean and fresh, and the animal must have free access to it.


For the horses to have a good appearance and were healthy, you need to follow these recommendations for care:

  • the stall should be cleaned every day to prevent odor and bacteria growth;
  • wash the stable thoroughly twice a week so that there is no mold in it;
  • ventilate the room so that it always has fresh air. But at the same time, do not allow drafts to appear;
  • with the onset of the new season, be sure to disinfect the stable;
  • change the bedding in the stall regularly. To keep it dry, horses can be taught to go to the toilet in one place.

Important!Horses of this breed require daily dressage. Otherwise, their muscles begin to atrophy.

Protect them from any injury because animals are very sensitive. The slightest injury requires immediate medical attention. If a bruise, sprain, or other minor injury is ignored and a veterinarian is not called in for help, this horse will suffer from it in old age.

Also make sure that the elements of the horse's equipment are not tight or wide for him. Equipment should be selected individually for each animal, taking into account its size.
Do not forget about horse hygiene:

  • bathe the animal 3 times a week in summer. In winter, this procedure can be carried out 1-2 times a week. Use special shampoos and conditioners for horses. After the procedure, dry the animal with a soft towel;
  • also regularly wash the mane and tail, comb them;
  • To prevent hooves from becoming inflamed, wash them after each walk.
If you follow all the recommendations for caring for animals, they will thank you with an elegant look and more emphasized grace.

Video: Horse cleaning

Disease Prevention Measures

Horses of this breed suffer from various diseases (including cardiovascular, pneumonia, and so on). Therefore, it is necessary to regularly invite a veterinarian to the animal so that he examines it and can identify the signs of any disease in time. Also, follow these preventive measures for equine diseases yourself:

  1. Make sure your pet is properly cared for.
  2. Comply with all requirements regarding horse hygiene.
  3. Clean your stall and stable regularly.
  4. Conduct preventive vaccinations against various diseases.
  5. Monitor the correct diet of animals. Use only high quality food for them.
  6. Organize daily dressage horses.
  7. Keep the room dry. Avoid dampness and drafts.

Prospects for breeding Russian riding breeds of horses

Russian riding breed is promising in breeding. Because of his sports purpose horses can bring a lot of income thanks to victories in various competitions and horse shows. Given the ability to quickly learn and the excellent performance of different gaits, these horses can be used for hippotherapy. In addition, breeders are actively working to increase the purebred population of the breed. And also horses can be sold, as they are highly valued in the market. Therefore, the breeding of the described variety of horses has great prospects.