Working hours of administrators in the fitness club. Secrets of the work of a fitness club administrator

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Today, Russians are massively fond of sports and support healthy lifestyle life by visiting fitness, exercise equipment and other sports facilities. The popularity of this business is constantly growing - Gym even in a small settlement it quickly pays off and brings good profit to the owners. In this article, we will look atas one of the key characters of the gym - without him, the work of the institution is almost impossible.


Many people think that the administrator is just a girl or a boy who sits at the counter and answers questions about the cost of a subscription. In fact, this is not so - the popularity of a sports institution, the number of customers and the organization of the workflow depend on this person. He is a kind of face of the institution, because it is with him that acquaintance with sports facility, he answers questions, advises, manages subscriptions, helps to choose a coach, purchase sports nutrition, keeps records and, often, is responsible for tangible property.

Administrator is the face of the fitness club

If you need to find out something about the work of the club, about the simulators, about the availability of TRX loops, about whether it is possible to “stop” the membership during a vacation or illness, then the first thing you need to do is contact the administrator. It is he who knows everything about the institution, its rules, regulations and policies. Therefore, if you decide to become an administrator, then get ready for the fact that you will have to solve many problems, be well versed in the work of the gym and simulators, be able to communicate with people and solve various issues, from the illness of a popular coach to calling a plumber to clean the drain in the shower.

Job description of the administrator of a fitness club

When hiring, each person signs an employment contract and gets acquainted with their job responsibilities, which are prescribed in the instructions. The more complete and competently the instruction is drawn up, the less claims and misunderstandings will arise in the work in the future, so if you are the owner of the establishment, then try to involve a competent lawyer in the preparation, and if you are an applicant, then be sure to study the instructions in detail in order to understand what you will have to face. Since this document regulates labor relations, both parties should treat it as seriously and correctly as possible. It lists the rights and obligations of the employee, the area of ​​responsibility, the necessary experience, age and education requirements. As a rule, the instruction is typical, while it is adjusted for a specific institution and supplemented with individual items.

Attention:the administrator reports either to the head of the club or his deputy (manager). In his submission is the rest of the staff of the institution: cleaners, trainers, masseurs, etc.

The reception and dismissal of the administrator is usually carried out by the head of the institution. Accordingly, he also makes demands on this person. If a specialist falls ill or goes on vacation, then his official duties transferred to the second administrator or the manager himself.

Who can become an administrator

Consider the classic “portrait” of an administratorAs a rule, this is a person with a higher or special secondary education, aged 25 to 40 years. Quite often, graduates of special courses are taken to this position - there are institutions where specialists are trained for this position.

The administrator is an intermediary between the client and management

As a rule, employment requires 1 year of work experience, so you will need to either get a job as an assistant in the gym, or look for a job that does not require experience. In addition, the following requirements are put forward for the employee:

  1. Stress resistance. Working with people involves the presence of periodic conflicts and disagreements, so a person must be able to withstand pressure and defuse the situation.
  2. Ability to communicate with people. You will have to talk with unfamiliar visitors, tell them about the merits of your gym, explain the rules for using the subscription, etc. You will also need to communicate with staff and trainers, resolve various disputes that arise in one way or another at work.
  3. Collection and focus. You will have to keep track of memberships and visitors, distribute coaching hours, schedule maximum and minimum visits to smooth out peak loads. In a word, accounting will fall on your shoulders.
  4. Computer skills, knowledge of social networks and marketing rules. Today, most accounting is done through a computer, so you should be able to use office and accounting programs. Also, the process of accepting applications through social networks, maintaining the profile of the gym, advertising, etc. falls on the shoulders of the administrator.
  5. Ability to properly distribute responsibilities. You don't have to try to cover everything - you just have to distribute the responsibilities correctly. Trainers have to train, masseurs have to massage, cleaners have to remove dust and dirt, repair the air conditioner - a special team that you will call if necessary. No need to try to replace people and fulfill their job responsibilities.

What are the rights and obligations

So, we have already dealt with the basic concepts and examined what exactly the administrator does and what skills he has. Let’s take a look at what his job responsibilities are:

  1. Advice to visitors on the rules of the hall, services provided, payment terms and promotions.
  2. Acceptance of complaints and claims from clients, elimination of conflict situations.
  3. Qualified work with clients, providing them with the necessary consulting assistance.
  4. Supervision of staff and cleaners, maintaining order in the hall and utility rooms.
  5. Keeping records of clients, control over payment, informing trainers about the need for their services.
  6. Identifies shortcomings and shortcomings made during the work of the institution, tries to eliminate them or warn the manager about them.
  7. Controls the safety of material assets.
  8. Supervises compliance with the requirements of labor protection and safety in the institution entrusted to him.
  9. Engaged in marketing and supervises the state of outdoor advertising.
  10. Maintains documentation as required.

Coaches must follow the instructions of the administrator

Next, consider what is included in the rights of the employee. He can make decisions on issues within his competence, offer superiors ways to optimize the workflow and eliminate problematic situations, demand from management normal conditions for conducting activities and storing inventory. In general, the administrator has the right to manage all the work of the gym and resolve current issues, turning to the director only in serious situations.

Here, in general, and all the necessary information about fitness club administrator job description and about his rights. Both a man and a woman under the age of 40 can become an administrator - after this age, employers rarely hire employees for such positions. The main thing to consider when applying for a job is that you will have to communicate with a lot of people and help them solve problems. Not everyone will be positive, because there are a lot of inadequate personalities in society, so you will need to learn how to extinguish conflict situations and come out of them as a winner.

In contact with

LLC Hills Sport- Moscow

Reception and distribution of incoming telephone calls. Meeting guests and clients of the fitness club. Working with a cash register. What to do: Administrator of the Fitness Club Moscow M3vacancies... 35000 rub.

at: - 4 days/days ago

Live Steel LLC- Moscow

The Zhivaya Steel sports club is looking for an administrator. Preference is given to communicative students who have a basic understanding (or advanced understanding) of the fitness industry and sports. Responsibilities: Requirements... Administrator of the Fitness Club work... 25000 rub.

4 days/days ago


Meeting guests and members of the Club, their registration. Reception of incoming calls. Consultation on the services of the Club, registration for them, sale. Schedule 2/2. fitness club administrator with clients... from 30000 RUR

at: - 6 days/days ago

LLC "AKKOR"- Moscow

Experience in a fitness club. Ability to work in the program 1C Fitness. Meeting guests and members of the Club, their registration. Reception of incoming calls. Consultation on the services of the Club, registration for them, sale. Contact... the administrator of the fitness club for the evening... 30,000 rubles.

to: (+1 source) - 6 days/days ago

LLC "AKKOR"- Moscow

Experience in a sports (fight) club. Ability to work in the program 1C Fitness. Meeting guests and members of the Club, their registration. Reception of incoming calls. Consultation on the services of the Sports Fighting Club... sales administrator of the fitness club... 30000-30000

at: - 6 days/days ago

Fitness club Apollon- Moscow

Meeting of Guests and Members of the club, registration in the club program. Receiving incoming phone calls. Service work with clients. Maintaining documentation and reporting customer service of the club at the checkout maintaining... administrator of the fitness club coach... 30,000 rubles.

at: - 7 days/days ago

OOO SlimFitClub- Moscow

Presentation of the club and provision of competent advice on the services provided Conducting telephone conversations Sale of service packages for training Accounting, cash management, work in 1C, Organization ... administrator of the fitness club of the children's center ... 45,000 rubles.

at: - 7 days/days ago

Discipline, training club - Kiev, Pirogova street.

dosvіd work in fitness or at the reception (prote, we look at candidates without permission, but if you want to develop in this sphere and get ready to teach all of them!). be the first special company, how to sound our... the administrator of the fitness club and salon... 10000 UAH

Secrets of the work of a fitness club administrator- these are some kind of small nuances, the awareness, implementation and implementation of which significantly increases the efficiency of a specialist. Some of them are obvious, some need to come with time or experience, but one way or another, they all depend only on you. Realize that success or failure in your work lies only in your area of ​​\u200b\u200bresponsibility and proceed to study this article.


It often happens that a person, having got a job as a fitness club administrator, after some time loses interest in it, becomes unproductive and eventually changes the club or leaves the industry altogether. Why is this happening? There can be many reasons. There is no common language with management, conflicts with clients or employees, low earnings, stress, fatigue, and so on.

The secrets of the administrator's work lie in the fact that they help to be a more effective employee and thereby exclude the possibility of conflicts with superiors, improve their communication skills and thereby avoid possible conflicts with clients or employees, learn methods of influence, persuasion and argumentation to increase their earnings and Not only. These are the sort of little tips that are not taught in admin training courses and can only be learned from more experienced colleagues or by making bumps from your own experience. However, I will share some secrets with you here.

ADVICE. This article is the fourth in a series of articles about the work of a fitness club administrator. In addition to it, I also recommend that you read the articles "", "" and "".

Secrets of the work of a fitness club administrator

The qualities that an administrator should possess are charisma, charm and the ability to win over. Of course, this will not be taught in the courses, however, with psychological point vision is an incredibly powerful tool for influencing the client. Whoever says anything, but the first impression of a person is formed literally within the first 10 seconds after greeting. A smile, a good mood and friendliness shown to a client often manage to win his heart even before you have time to open your mouth. It often happens that a client who feels that he is being taken care of is ready to buy anything out of gratitude.

After you open your mouth, skills such as communication, argumentation and persuasion come into play. The ability to win over (see the previous paragraph) will help to establish contact with the client, and the ability to listen, analyze, offer and justify will help you choose the most suitable option for solving his problems for a person. The more competently your speech is built and the better all the moves of the conversation are calculated, the easier it is for you to manage the situation. Competent speech + possession of materiel + well-suspended language = result. Constantly improve your speech and your skills of argumentation, influence and persuasion.

In order for the administrator to be able to calculate in advance all possible dialogue options, I strongly recommend getting a script. A script is a certain algorithm, painted in steps: what needs to be said, how to say and when to say, in order to give the client the necessary amount of information, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, to lead the dialogue towards the main goal for the administrator - closing the transaction. The script should include both objection handling and argumentation, but remember that the script does not need to be followed blindly. Use a script, it significantly increases the likelihood of closing a deal due to a specific algorithm of actions.

The authority of the fitness club administrator

  • In order to be able to convey information about your club to the client as fully and deeply as possible, the administrator must use his services himself. This is another obvious rule that allows you to make club presentations of the highest quality, thereby increasing your credibility in the eyes of the client. When he knows that club employees themselves use his services, this increases their value in his eyes, which means that he will be ready to pay for them. The management of the club almost always provides its employees with a full or partial discount on the use of its services. Golden Rule- use the product you sell.
  • Of course, the authority of the administrator of a fitness club is also influenced by his experience. The more experience a person has, the better he is familiar with how the mechanism of interaction with customers works, from establishing contact to closing the deal, that is, selling. Clients are human and always see or feel false. An administrator who says “now I will tell you everything,” and at the same time cannot connect two words, will immediately give the client the impression that he is being deceived. Do not try to show yourself as a know-it-all, especially if you just got a job. Also, don't tell the client "I don't know", say "I'll check" and offer to call back or come over after the workout.
  • Another factor that increases its credibility in the eyes of customers is attentiveness. This applies primarily to names and surnames, as well as dates and events. This is another unwritten rule of interaction with customers. You can remember, you can write down this data, but the very fact that you address the client by name endows them with you and enhances your reputation. Customers know that there are a lot of them, and administrators are very few, and when you show a person that you know him, you thereby demonstrate that you distinguish him from the crowd. Clients really appreciate it. Maintain a database of clients and enter their names, the names of their children, birthdays and other data there.

Reputation of the administrator of the fitness club

  • A person entering a position can prove himself either a whole personality or a spineless one. Competition among administrators encourages a person to either show character or bend to others. A newcomer can be dumped on a lot of unnecessary or meaningless duties that are outside his area of ​​\u200b\u200bcompetence. The job description clearly states what the administrator must do and what he must not do. If the second or senior administrator or someone else forces you to run to the store for a chocolate bar during working hours, you can safely refuse. Learn your job description and don't be afraid to put people in their place.
  • In principle, forget about what a bad mood is. There is no such thing as an administrator. Each person has his own worries and his own problems. The administrator is the face of the club, this is the first person that the client sees when entering the reception. If the administrator is not in the mood, he will most likely cause negative emotions among visitors, and if he starts being rude to them, then this may generally serve as a reason for dismissal. Remember that the administrator works with face and language. No one cares that you have a loan debt, a headache or a car breakdown. Learn to manage your emotions and always be positive.
  • The reputation of an administrator can also be tarnished by such seemingly elementary things as ignoring customers, picking at the phone, or eating sandwiches at the workplace. A visitor can be repelled by a strong smell of cigarettes, bad breath, as well as elementary rudeness addressed to him. It is in principle prohibited to sell goods or services of the club “past the cash desk” both by the employment contract and job description. You can sell any of your goods or goods of trainers in the club only with the prior permission of the management. In any situation, save face, be decent and be guided by the administrator's job description.

fitness club manager salary

  • As you know, the income of a fitness club administrator consists of a rate and a percentage of sales. The rate is a fixed value and usually quite small, which means that the amount of your earnings is determined precisely by the number of basic (subscriptions) and additional sales (goods and services). As a rule, one person buys one subscription. At the same time, this one person can buy a lot of extras. services, be it a solarium session, spa treatments, massage, water, coffee, gloves, a shaker, etc. Often, earnings with additional. sales allows you to earn more than selling subscriptions. Offer clients additional services and goods, as this increases your earnings.
  • It's no secret that fitness is a seasonal business. An administrator's earnings are sales of goods or services to customers. When the flow of clients is continuous, the administrator earns a lot, when the flow decreases, incomes also fall. Since you cannot influence seasonality, influence the average check. In the low season, when attendance falls, it is necessary to actively promote additional. club services. It is also necessary to correctly distribute the number of long and short subscriptions. If you sold an annual subscription to a client, answer the question right away: how will you replenish the cashier next month? Therefore, sell one-, two-, or three-month subscriptions more often.
  • Most, if not all, fitness clubs have what's called a sales plan. This is the number of subscriptions that the administrator must sell per month. This plan has a lower limit but no upper limit. We are talking about the fact that the administrator must sell at least the number of subscriptions per month, and if he does not reach this minimum mark, he may be reprimanded. The next month, if the picture repeats, he is given a warning. If the sales plan is not closed even for the third month, the administrator may be fired. Treat the plan not as an enemy, but take it as an incentive to be more active in your work.

The start of a career as a fitness club administrator

Without work experience, it is quite difficult for a future administrator to get a job at a prestigious fitness club right away. In fact, there is nothing supernatural in this, everything is completely logical. In premium clubs the target audience- These are usually wealthy people with a level of income above average. Such clients not only want, but often require special treatment. A newcomer who has just joined the club has little command of the equipment and, at the sight of a client, begins to talk nonsense, unconditionally substitutes the management, which took the risk of hiring him. The client will not hesitate to complain to the management, and it, in turn, will at best reprimand the administrator, at worst, dismiss him in accordance with the current legislation. As a result, both the administrator and the management of the club and the visitor will not benefit from this situation.

On the fingers, everything looks quite simple. The task of the applicant for the position of administrator is, first of all, to get into the industry. It is quite fair to assume that the clubs entry level it will be much easier to get a job, because sometimes they indicate in their ads that they are considering even candidates without work experience. If you set out to grow and develop in the chosen direction, get a job in budget clubs, gain experience there and move to more prestigious ones.


Be that as it may, the income of a fitness club administrator depends primarily on how prone he is to constant learning and self-development. The learning process may have a beginning, but it certainly has no end. As I have said in previous articles, the industry, the employer, and the clients appreciate the specialist who is constantly improving in his craft. Study at trainings, read specialized literature, attend conferences, watch lectures, listen to audio books and improve your skills in every possible way, and then you will be able to earn more even in a budget club than your colleagues in premium clubs.