Why did you start to get fat. Causes of metabolic disorders: why we get fat

Faktrum publishes 12 mistakes that you need to try not to make.

1. You don't use a schedule for lunch and dinner

Your body is a brilliant machine. When the body is waiting for food, it begins to spend energy on an accelerated program. After all, he knows that he will soon receive a new portion of fuel.

If you eat at different times each time, and also allow yourself to work for many hours in a row without eating, your body will slow down your metabolism. He simply goes into energy saving mode because he "doesn't know" when he will be fed next.

The ideal meal schedule to keep your metabolism at its highest possible level is once every 3-4 hours. Just remember to eat in small portions.

2. You drink too little water.

Your cells need a lot of water to function properly. When your body senses a lack of water, you burn at least 2% fewer calories than you could.

If you don't like plain drinking water, replace it with green tea. Each mug speeds up metabolism by at least three hours. Coffee, by the way, does the same, but on the condition that you drink it with water.

3. You avoid dairy

Dairy products contain nutrients that play an important role in burning fat and building muscle.
We are talking, in particular, about a substance called conjugated linoleic acid. It is whey made from casein and calcium. Calcium plays an important role in metabolism. The more it is in fat cells, the more fat your body will burn during the day.

4. You do not pay enough attention to physical activity

Your metabolism speeds up after your workout is over. The effect lasts approximately 48 hours. So try to go to the gym at least three times a week.

Besides, power training allow you to quickly increase muscle mass. And to maintain it, the body will also spend a fairly large amount of energy.

5. You are an owl

Sunlight, which some people enjoy in the morning, is very important for your metabolism. The fact is that it regulates and normalizes circadian rhythms.

Everything is simple here: if they are violated, your metabolism slows down, as the body decides that it lives in a state of constant danger.

In general, try to wake up early. And, accordingly, go to bed earlier.

6. You're trying to cut out carbs completely.

And you are making a big mistake. Giving up carbohydrates is an extremely dangerous idea. If only because your muscles need glycogen, and it is formed from carbohydrate stores.

Plus, if you're cutting out carbs, you're almost certainly living with chronic fatigue. Without glycogen, you will have no energy not only for training, but also for everyday life.

7. Sometimes you snack on chips, crackers and crackers.

If you occasionally eat snacks like crackers, chips, or sugary yogurts and still want to lose weight, then you will need to change your habits. You should not eat snacks with unhealthy trans fats and sugar, but snacks with polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Walnuts - perfect option. If for some reason you don't like them, try other types of nuts. Any vegetables are also suitable.

8. You sleep at too high a temperature.

Check your thermostat. Your body burns calories effectively while you sleep only when it's at a comfortable temperature. It is not necessary to sleep in the cold, but you must remember that the ideal temperature in the bedroom should be between 18-19 degrees Celsius.

And remember: it is at night that the so-called “brown” fat is burned the fastest, which is concentrated in the area around the abdomen and hips.

9. You only use sea salt

We don't mind sea ​​salt: it tastes good and is not as harmful as its other species. The bad news is that we all need iodine for a normal metabolism. Therefore, buy at least occasionally iodized salt.

Also, you should actively lean on iodine-containing foods: seaweed, eggs, shrimp and cod liver.

10. You don't buy organic.

11. You are not getting enough iron.

If your body lacks iron, then your muscles are chronically oxygen deficient. As a result - general lethargy, fatigue and fullness.

Women should give iron intake Special attention. Eat more legumes and dark greens - spinach, broccoli, Chinese cabbage.

12. You get too nervous

No one in the world can boast of living without stress. But it is important to remember that the body of a nervous person burns an average of 100 calories less than on calm days.

In addition, stress provokes our cravings for unhealthy foods. Therefore, it is vital to take time for yourself to de-stress. Choose the method that suits you best. The goal is to achieve a smooth and deep breathing, which allows you to burn fat as efficiently as possible.

Daily liver cleanse.
Often, when they talk about the caloric theory of nutrition, they mistakenly call its main position as follows: the calorie content of the diet should correspond to the energy costs of the body.
There is a big mistake in this definition, which even experts often do not notice. We will now analyze this mistake, correct it and draw an important conclusion, very valuable for our goals of fast and healthy weight loss.
Why can't we talk about the caloric content of the diet? For the simple reason that there are a lot of people who eat a lot and do not gain weight. There are a lot of people who eat little and do not lose weight.

The answer to this question is simple - it's not about the calories that are in the diet, but about those calories that are absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract.

Thus, in fact, the caloric theory of nutrition sounds something like this: the calorie content of the main part of the diet DIGESTIBLE by each organism in different ways should correspond to the energy consumption of the body.

Yes, that's right, each body can absorb food in different ways. Therefore, a situation may arise when two different people eat the same food, but one will lose weight and the other will gain weight. The difference in the assimilation of food can be 30%. If for a normal person a normal diet is taken as 100%, then a person who is losing weight will receive only 70% of food calories on the same diet (food is poorly absorbed), a person who is gaining weight will receive 130% of food calories (food is overabsorbed).

Our task is to find out why this happens and how it can be eliminated. And for this we will need to remember a little physiology and anatomy.

Food enters the stomach, is treated with hydrochloric acid there and turns into a crushed oxidized food lump and goes on its further journey through the digestive tract - into the duodenum.

Between the stomach and the duodenum is the pyloric sphincter - a kind of dispenser of food entering the duodenum.
Normally, as soon as the oxidized lump of food approaches the pyloric sphincter, it opens and lets some of the food through.
The pyloric sphincter remains open until the environment in the duodenum becomes acidic under the influence of an oxidized food bolus.

As soon as the environment has become acidic, the sphincter closes. The dispenser worked.
The food bolus in the duodenum begins to be processed by alkalis entering the duodenum 12 - bile, pancreatic juice and intestinal juices.
As soon as the food bolus becomes alkaline, the pyloric sphincter opens, the alkalized bolus goes further into the small intestine, and the next portion of food from the stomach enters the duodenum, which again oxidizes the entire space of the duodenum 12. And so on.

And so this dispenser works continuously, as food is digested in the stomach and alkalized in the duodenum.
From this description, a very important conclusion can be drawn that the faster the food is alkalized in the duodenum, the faster the dispenser will work, the faster the food will move through the gastrointestinal tract.
Is it good or bad? Let's figure it out.

If the food moves faster than the norm, then the assimilation processes begin to go faster.
To make it clear, let's look at the bathroom analogy. Let's say we have a 400 liter water tank and a tub half filled with water, but with an open drain.
We begin to supply water through the faucet to the bathroom.
Normally, the rate of pouring water is equal to the rate of its discharge. There is neither more nor less water in the bathroom. The level is saved.
If you open the tap and let more water in, the pouring speed will exceed the draining speed and the bathroom will fill up. The water level will rise.
If the speed is made less than the norm (less than the drain speed), then the water level will decrease. There will be less water in the bath.

Approximately the same thing happens in the body and this can be called the effect of “overabsorption“.
The fact is that normally the rate of arrival of nutrients is approximately equal to the rate of their expenditure.
If, for some reason, the rate of arrival becomes greater (and this is just our case of “over-assimilation”), then, since the rate of expenditure has not changed, the body accumulates an excess of incoming substances. Roughly speaking, the concentration of the incoming substance increases. The body receives a shock dose - the amount of nutrients that used to come in within 1 hour, now comes much faster - in 20 - 40 minutes.

This applies to all nutrients, but especially glucose! It is the intake of a loading dose of glucose that has an extremely strong effect on obesity!

Normally, glucose enters the liver and is stored there as glycogen. But the liver cannot store more than 90g of glycogen at a time. And if suddenly the rate of glucose intake has increased, then the liver has nowhere to place glycogen and it processes it into fats. This is how the effect “I eat little, but I get fat” arises.

In the normal variant, the liver cells would receive glucose more slowly, they would also slowly deposit it in the form of glycogen, and in the absence of excesses, there would be no processing of it into fat and its transfer to fat reserves.

Thus, we come to an important conclusion that the reason for the situation “I eat little, but I get fat” is the rapid operation of the pyloric sphincter between the stomach and duodenum 12. The reason for this response is the rapid alkalization of the food bolus in the duodenum 12.

In what cases can this rapid alkalization occur? For example, in the case of gastritis with low acidity (and this is the most common cause). There is little acid in the stomach, and there is a normal amount of alkali in the duodenum. This leads to a faster, compared with the norm, alkalization of the food bolus.
The second reason is the excessive release of alkalis due to the excitation of parasympathetic excitation of the pancreas and liver.

In any case, the reason is in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and in the too rapid alkalization of the food bolus.
Now that we know all the ins and outs of the “over-assimilation” phenomenon, we can think about how to deal with it.
The method is very simple - you need to empty your gallbladder every day. This is exactly what will be the task of the first week - to get used to emptying the gallbladder every morning.

The fact is that bile from the liver enters the gallbladder around the clock. Every second, every minute there is an accumulation of bile in the gallbladder. Bile is released only when we eat food, so the gallbladder usually fills up overnight. And if we empty it at this moment, then with further meals, the food bolus will not be so much alkalized and, accordingly, there will be no “overabsorption” phenomenon.

In addition, such prevention will save you from stagnation of bile in the gallbladder, from the formation of stones. Essentially, this is nothing more than a daily liver cleanse.
I have already talked about how to do this earlier - it is enough to drink 1 teaspoon (eventually 1 tablespoon can be used) of vegetable oil in the morning on an empty stomach. Oil can be any - sunflower cedar, pumpkin, linseed, etc. This is only a matter of your taste.

Drinking 1 teaspoon of oil every morning on an empty stomach, 40-60 minutes before meals, you will forget what biliary dyskinesia is and you will never develop cholelithiasis.

Certainly, different kinds You can alternate oils and drink one type of oil for a while, then another, and so on. By the way, if 1 tsp. seems like a large dose to you, then try starting with 0.5 tsp.
If it is difficult to drink oil, then use coffee with a piece of oil.

In any case, daily morning cleansing of the gallbladder should become a habit, just like brushing your teeth in the morning. This skill will not only prevent you from falling into the “eat little, but get fat” category, but will also save you from numerous problems with the gallbladder and liver.

I want to add a couple of explanations about the intake of vegetable oil.
First - vegetable oil has a high calorie content - 1 tablespoon contains 160 kcal.
But the fact is that vegetable oils cannot serve as a full-fledged source of human fat.
Each molecule that enters gastrointestinal tract vegetable oil, breaks down into one molecule of glycerol and three molecules of fatty acids, from which a slightly different - human - fat can already be synthesized.

And if every molecule of glycerol is suitable for the synthesis of human fat, then the situation is completely opposite with respect to fatty acid molecules. human fat cannot be synthesized from unsaturated fatty acids, namely, such unsaturated fatty acids (linoleic and linolenic acids) make up 90-95% of the volume of vegetable oils.

Roughly speaking, vegetable fats are absorbed very poorly, 90-95% of the accepted vegetable fats do not even enter the bloodstream, but simply pass through the intestines and come out with feces.

Therefore, when you take 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil, then only 5-10% of the total volume of vegetable oil will be absorbed. Those. the calorie content of one tablespoon of oil absorbed by the body will be only 8-16 kcal - it is so low that it can not even be taken into account when calculating the daily calorie content.

Second - vegetable oil contains fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, K, D). Moreover, if the fatty acids contained in a spoonful of oil, for the most part, are not used, and therefore they are not absorbed, then nothing prevents the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Daily intake of vegetable oils will saturate your body with these vitamins and make your skin glow. The skin will become young and elastic. In fact, taking 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil daily is the best thing you can do to rejuvenate your skin.

To effectively get rid of unnecessary accumulations of fat, you need to adjust the diet and choose the right exercises. Diet and physical activity cause the organs and glands to secrete hormones that burn fat. So if these two strategies are effective diets and exercise - do not work, it makes sense to consult a doctor and look for the true cause of weight gain, which, according to the site, may well be one of those described below. So, why do we get better, even if we lead the right lifestyle, and by what signs and features of weight gain can we calculate its cause?

4 causes of weight gain and their characteristics

If you have significantly reduced your calorie intake and increased your physical activity, But body fat still can not be removed, it is worth considering whether this is the cause of failures internal organs and glands that produce hormones that promote weight loss or gain.

So, below the site will talk about these four reasons for weight gain and their characteristic features that will help to suspect "malfunctions" in a particular organ:

  • "adrenal" weight gain;
  • "liver" weight gain;
  • "thyroid" weight gain;
  • "ovarian" weight gain.

Characteristic features of "adrenal" weight gain

The adrenal glands are responsible for the body's fight-or-flight response that occurs in response to stress. If the adrenal glands are disturbed too often by stressful situations, this can lead to an imbalance of hormones and disrupt various functions of the body, including the sleep-wake cycle, making it difficult to wake up and fall asleep. The adrenal glands secrete the stress hormone cortisol, elevated levels of which lead to weight gain in the middle part of the body (the so-called "cortisol belly").

The appearance of fat in the abdomen and waist is possibly the reason for the disruption of the adrenal glands.

If you suspect that your adrenal glands or stress may be the cause of your weight gain, consult your doctor and try to reduce your stress levels, for example, through yoga and meditation.

Symptoms of adrenal dysfunction include:

  • fat deposits in the abdomen and waist;
  • "full" face and neck;
  • relatively thin arms and legs;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • weakness of muscles and bones;
  • high blood sugar;
  • mood swings, irritability or depression.

Characteristic features of "liver" weight gain

A properly functioning liver is an important part of health and wellness. If it fails, fat begins to accumulate in the abdomen. Also problems with high blood sugar (including diabetes), high cholesterol levels and high pressure blood. The accumulation of toxins in the liver can also lead to joint pain, allergies, skin problems (including acne), and body odor.

Liver disease can be either genetic or acquired as a result of exposure to various factors, including viruses and alcohol abuse. Therefore, if you notice that your tummy has begun to rapidly grow fat, seek medical help - perhaps the cause of weight gain is not enough effective work liver.

Characteristic features of "thyroid" weight gain

The rate at which the body uses energy is regulated by the thyroid gland, producing hormones that control the rate of metabolism. If the thyroid gland is not active enough, weight gain will be observed even with a decrease in the number of calories consumed.

A common cause of sudden weight gain is an underactive thyroid gland.

Also, a reduced activity of the thyroid gland may indicate:

  • weight gain;
  • muscle weakness;
  • constipation;
  • hair loss;
  • slow heartbeat;
  • dry skin;
  • hoarseness;
  • depression;
  • constant fatigue;
  • irregularity of the menstrual cycle.

Regularly visit an endocrinologist in order to recognize malfunctions in the thyroid gland in time and correct its work.

Characteristic features of "ovarian" weight gain

This reason for weight gain is typical for women who have problems with the ovaries may be an indicator of hormonal imbalance. Signs of a malfunctioning ovary include unexplained weight gain in the lower body, PMS, missed periods, persistent constipation, and excessive cravings for chocolate or dairy products.

If you are suffering from pain in the ovaries or you notice changes in the menstrual cycle and weight gain in the lower body, seek help from a gynecologist.

Not all reasons for weight gain are listed above. There are other diseases that explain the dramatic weight gain in men and women. Therefore, if you suddenly began to recover and cannot lose weight, the site recommends consulting a specialist.

Are you completely satisfied with your figure? No, you are not fat. You go to the gym, swim in the pool. But over the winter, some deposits have grown on the sides, a friend lovingly calls them “dumplings”. No matter how much you puff with the barbell, the “dumplings” hold on. A month later - vacation, beach. And now you don't look perfect in a T-shirt. What to do? First, figure out how you eat.

Go over your typical day in memory, take the most harmful habit (gluttony on weekends? Beer with pretzels?), getting rid of which will give maximum effect. Work on this task for a week, and on the next one, connect the second one. Trying to get rid of several habits at once will fail. Below we give six examples of how men usually eat. Nothing extraordinary, so many do - but that's where the "dumplings" come from. See if your signs of the day are on this list, and read simple tips what to do with all this.


If you don't eat lunch, you'll overeat at dinner. And do not expect that you will endure. Willpower is a function of the brain, and it needs glucose to work. If you skip your regular meal, your nervous system just not enough power to keep you in your hands.

How to get rid of: It's just as simple. Divide the number of calories per day into three main meals of approximately 500 kcal and two snacks of 100-200 kcal. If you go to the gym and spend a lot of energy, choose for yourself with a trainer individual program nutrition. The main thing is to eat regularly and not bring yourself to acute hunger. Restriction leads to overeating.


In an experiment published in the American Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 17 men ate a hefty glass of ice cream. Some were given 10 minutes to do it, others enjoyed half an hour. So, scientifically speaking, the level of hormones that signal to the brain that it’s time to stop eating was higher in the second group after this glass than in the first. In simple terms, the latter were already full, while the former required supplements.

How to get rid of: Eat slowly and enjoy your food. Put down the newspaper. Try breathing exercise yogis: inhale slowly, counting to five, then exhale, also counting; repeat 3-5 times before meals. At least calm down and focus on your feelings.

We hope your lifestyle has nothing to do with this photo.


In fact, these are two bad habits, and even harmfully combined. Studies confirm that people who eat in front of the TV (or, for example, read at the table - in general, distract from eating), consume more calories (almost 300 kcal per time on average) than those who do not have such a habit. And a dream in front of the TV is not a dream at all, but a faint. Waking up in a sweat in a couple of hours, you will crawl into bed, you will toss and turn for a long time - that is, you will not get enough sleep. And here are the results of one experiment conducted in Chicago: healthy sane men who slept 5.5 hours consumed an average of 200 kcal more the next day than the same men who slept 8 hours. So don't eat in front of the TV. Don't watch TV at night. Do not watch TV just like that, mindlessly switching channels - choose a certain program or movie, and turn off the box when finished. Better yet, take a walk at night.


And now about rats - where without them? This time, in an experiment, scientists used caudate animals to study the effect of palmitic acid on leptin, a hormone that regulates appetite. Palmitic acid is included in most animal and vegetable fats, which are likely to be rich in your weekend meals. “We found that saturated fat blocks the properties of leptin for up to three days after ingestion.” says study author Deborah Clegg of the University of Texas. We explain: if you overeat on the weekend - for another three days you will suffer from the desire to repeat this sin. Well, or repeat.

How to get rid of: One sumptuous dinner on Saturday is not a sin. Only let it be a turkey with whole grain bread and a bunch of vegetables, fish or seafood.


Sodium is tricky: it makes us eat more and more. Everything happens quickly: a bucket of popcorn at the movies, crisps at the stadium, peanuts at the bar. And in 100 grams of that popcorn, by the way, up to 400 kcal - as if Big Mac ate ​​it.

How to get rid of: The desire to eat something salty passes after a couple of weeks of a diet low in white poison. Few men are ready to change their favorite snacks for carrots, but still try: maybe it will be enough for you to just crunch. And when you cook for yourself, remember: it is better to undersalt. For some reason, it takes much less harmful white substance to correct undersalting in a plate than if you add salt “as it should” during cooking.


Here's an exercise for you tonight: write down how much beer, wine and other alcohol you drink per week, and calculate how many calories it is. I think you will be surprised. Just two beers a day is over 2,000 calories a week. It's like you lived for seven days and ate eight of them.

How to get rid of: Try not drinking at all for at least a week. Then check your weight and how the pants fit. Think about whether you can live without this habit. If you can't, switch to a dry red that's lower in carbs (about 4g per 100g, compared to 13g in beer).

Excess calories are not necessarily the only reason you're fat

Everyone knows that if you eat a lot of fried foods in huge portions, eat a fatty dessert, drink alcohol or carbonated drinks, this will inevitably lead to weight gain. It is also clear why a person gets fat. When a person consumes more calories than they expend as a result of physical activity, the extra calories simply have nowhere to go.

But why does a person get fat when he regularly exercises, follows the principles of rational nutrition and counts the calories consumed?

If a balanced diet, regular physical education did not give results and the arrow on the scale continues to creep up, you need to think about a number of reasons. It may very well be that there are several such factors, and they act in combination.

Dr. Michelle May, author of Am I Hungry? What to do when diets don't work? notes that weight gain is quite difficult process. She identifies five factors that can lead to obesity when you least expect it:

1. Weight may increase due to lack of sleep.

The course of all processes in the human body depends on how much he rested. When you don't get enough sleep, your body gets stressed. In this case, biochemical processes occur that contribute to the deposition of fat.

During fatigue, it is more difficult to cope with stress. In this state, the temptation to relieve stress with food is great. It is possible that extra calories are gained from the snacks that you eat at night. Some people believe that it is easier to fall asleep on a full stomach, but this is not true. The only thing you get as a result of such a late snack is extra calories. Lack of sleep is indicated by fatigue, lack of energy, drowsiness and irritability.

Try to get at least eight hours of sleep a night. Try increasing your sleep by 15 minutes and see how you feel. By adding 15 minutes to sleep every day, you will determine how much sleep you need to get enough sleep. A person sleeps better when they exercise regularly and follow a routine bedtime routine.

2. Stress May Contribute to Weight Gain

Society demands more and more from us. Every day you have to work better, harder and faster. Stress pushes us forward. It helps to cope with the demands of life, but it also affects our mood and emotions.

Stress breeds a response. A person is eager to fight, takes on additional obligations, seeks to overcome financial difficulties. This, in turn, triggers a biochemical mechanism that turns on the “survival mode” in the body.

Our bodies begin to store energy for the future, slow down the metabolism and release chemicals such as cortisol, leptin and a number of other hormones, which in most cases lead to obesity in the abdominal cavity, May explains.

Many people are accustomed to stress eating, trying to relieve tension in this way. But, of course, this path does not help in the long run.

. Steroids
. Antidepressants
. Antipsychotics
. Remedies for seizures
. Remedies for Diabetes
. Medicines for high blood pressure
. Heartburn Remedies

Remember that sometimes a couple of extra pounds is better than taking some kind of medication. In addition, even if certain medications lead to obesity, you still should not forget about the need for a healthy diet and regular classes sports.

“The problem is rarely solved by changing prescribed drugs alone,” emphasizes the author of a book on healthy eating Michelle May. “The causes of weight gain tend to be related to each other. If you suspect that your obesity is due to certain medications, talk to your doctor. He may prescribe other medications for you. Most importantly, do not stop taking your medication without consulting a specialist. Failure to take medication without consulting a doctor is fraught with very serious consequences,” warns Dr. May.

4. Weight may increase due to health problems

The most common cause of obesity in medicine is low levels of thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism). A lack of thyroid hormones can lower your metabolic rate, leading to loss of appetite and weight gain.

"If you're feeling tired, sleepy, overweight, have a rough voice, chill intolerance, sleep too much, or suffer from headaches, you should see your doctor for a simple hypothyroidism test," May advises.

Much less often, there is a disorder associated with an excess of the hormone cortisol, which can also lead to weight gain.

5. Weight may increase with the onset of menopause.

Menopause occurs in women at different ages. On the average it occurs in 45 50 years. Over the years, a natural slowdown in the metabolic rate begins. Hormonal changes in the body can cause depression and sleep disturbance.

Menopause brings about many changes in the female body. When women go through menopause, they lose the female sex hormone estrogen. This in turn leads to a change in physique due to the loss of muscle mass on the hips. However, women begin to gain weight in the middle part of the body. Estrogen, Bowerman explains, promotes fat storage in the lower body. When the production of this hormone decreases, fat begins to be deposited mainly in the middle part of the body (much like in men).

You can avoid the appearance of fat on the belt by maintaining and increasing muscle mass. This in turn leads to an increase in metabolic rate and calorie burning.

“Women need to understand how important weight lifting and strength training is to their health,” says Bowerman. As experts emphasize, do not be afraid that power loads will turn you into bodybuilders. This is wrong.

Exercise also prevents bone loss caused by menopause. Therefore, menopausal weight gain can be countered by a combination of exercise combined with a healthy diet. The diet should include foods rich in calcium and vitamin D, and the number of calories consumed should also be taken into account.