Transition to gallop. How to ride a horse: riding rules How to learn to gallop well on horseback

A person has been riding a horse for several thousand years, during which the animal has evolved from an ordinary means of transportation to a faithful friend, helper and even a doctor. At the present time, horseback riding is communication with animals, a form of recreation and a hobby, as well as a sport. However, unlike the old days, today not every person knows how to stay in the saddle. In our review, we present complete guide how to learn to ride a horse, as well as what means of controlling it exist.

Basically, horses are ridden for pleasure or sports.

Learning to ride a horse is very similar to learning to drive a car. A person cannot learn to drive a car well without knowing its details and rules. traffic. In the same way, he will not be able to ride a horse without special theoretical training. First, a beginner rider gets acquainted with the characteristics of horses, learns the basics of care and proper handling of animals, elements of equipment and equestrian equipment.

It is also important to understand the psychology of animals, their vision of the world, the peculiarities of physiology, because, unlike a car, they do not have special levers and buttons. Therefore, the lessons from the course "How to ride a horse" consist of long and hard training.

Only with hard training and the study of information about horses can you comprehend all the subtleties of riding.

The statement that every person can sit down and successfully ride a horse the first time is false. As practice shows, an inexperienced rider will be able to stay in the saddle until the first unpredictable situation. In the same way, the skill of the driver is shown under emergency conditions.

Riding training is based on three "pillars" of developing the correct position, controlling the horse and achieving contact with it. These principles are inseparable and equivalent, therefore their study takes place in a complex.

You cannot first learn how to sit correctly in the saddle, and only then control the horse. The seat is part of the contact with the horse and part of the ability to lead it.

Correct fit

Proper seating is the foundation of how to ride a horse. Without it, it will be impossible to achieve balance in the saddle, maintain balance when moving and “conduct” the horse. This concept includes the necessary position of the arms, legs, as well as the back. The posture should be natural, comfortable, free movement. Follow the instructions below.

  1. Sit in the deepest part of the saddle, straighten your back so that your head, shoulders, pelvis and heels are located on the same imaginary line.
  2. Distribute the weight on the buttocks, relax upper part body, lower your shoulders and do not spread your elbows.
  3. Keep your arms straight, relaxed, to feel the movement of the horse's head. Distribute the brushes at the level of the withers.
  4. Turn the leg (part of the leg from the knee to the heel) inward, turning the knees towards the saddle, as if hugging the horse. At the same time, keep your socks straight, lowering your heel a little down.
  5. It is very important to adjust the length of the stirrups so that the legs are in the correct position.

Sitting on a horse, you need to monitor the position of the back, arms and legs

The emancipation of muscles and a sense of balance are achieved by performing various exercises in the saddle. gymnastic exercises. Therefore, it is very important to ride a well-drilled horse in the first lessons under the guidance of a trainer or an experienced instructor. This will allow you to develop self-confidence from the very beginning, and also eliminate the fear of falling and trying to convulsively cling to the mane or saddle.

Learning to enter the rhythm of movement

The main riding difficulties beginner riders face during the transition from walk to trot. At this time, trying to avoid falling, with strong shaking, the majority squeeze the sides of the horse with their legs, as a result of which they get chafing, muscle pain, and discomfort when riding.

The success of riding at accelerated gallops lies in the ability to catch the rhythm of movement due to the correct work of the legs and the lumbosacral region.

When changing gait, the rider must relax the knees and, presenting lower part legs as a shock absorber, start getting up at the moment of tossing up, linger and lower back into the saddle to the beat of the horse's movement. In this case, the center of gravity must be shifted forward. When moving to a gallop, the body must be moved forward, the muscles of the lumbosacral region must be tightened, and the knees pressed against the saddle.

To avoid pain when moving to a faster ride, you need to adapt to the rhythm of the animal


Sitting in the saddle for the first time, each rider must clearly understand and know how to control the horse and what commands exist. Commands for horses are given with the help of the rein, leg, body, and also the lumbosacral region. Many beginners, for ease of understanding the functions of each element, are told that the rein is the rudder and brake, and the leg is the gas. However, this interpretation is very primitive, since correct driving the body and pelvic muscles are a kind of bridge that connects the actions of the rein and leg into single commands - messages. Consider all the horse controls in more detail.

A well-trained horse only responds to the right messages from the rider. Sharp movements of the reins, tugging or strong jerks with the legs cause discomfort, nervousness and disobedience in horses. Therefore, the rider must be well versed in commands and be able to correctly send messages.

In order for the horse to obey the rider, you need to give clear and correct commands.


Controls the back of the horse, turns, maintains balance and forward movement. You can’t hit the horse with your legs or tap your heels uncontrollably on the sides. To send, it is enough to firmly press the legs to the side. The main action of the leg is sending forward. To do this, the rider presses both legs close immediately behind the girth. The leg behind the girth at a distance of about 15-20 cm controls the movement of the hind legs during the turn. Also, this movement dictates or prohibits movement to the side.

The horse must be able to respond quickly to the slightest instructions from the rider. Otherwise, for poorly trained horses, as well as to strengthen the team, spurs and a whip are used as additional means of control. A whip for a horse is used in case of disobedience to a leg send. However, they cannot beat the animal, but only with a light slap on the croup or shoulder to draw attention to your team. Spurs are for the horse additional means sending legs, but they should not be used by inexperienced riders.

The correct position of the foot in the stirrup is a guarantee that the horse will correctly understand your command.


The rein is necessary to stop and turn the horse and serves as the main means of control. In addition, it is he who is the most important connecting center between the rider and the horse. The rein is attached to the bits that are in the mouth of the animal, so the horse feels very well all its movements. Jerks, jerks and other unnecessary hand movements are unacceptable here. Therefore, with regard to commands, the basis is important rule: good riding is the soft hands of the rider. Hands and forearms should always be relaxed.

The reins should not sag, but also not pull the horse's mouth. Their correct position is such that the rider feels the movements of the horse's head well, but at the same time does not constrain them. The effect of the rein depends on the type of bridle and the arrangement of the reins. There are several types of them. For a beginner, the English style is considered the best, when the rein is taken into a fist and passed between the thumb and little finger. At the same time, the brushes are held vertically, that is, with the thumbs up.

When driving a horse with a rein, sudden movements are unacceptable

Commands and Promises

Learning how to ride properly necessarily includes knowledge of messages and certain commands. Let's consider in more detail.

  • Forward command- we move the body forward, we strain the pelvis, we press the leg immediately behind the girth, we give up the reins.
  • The “stop” command - we strain the muscles of the pelvis, clinging to the saddle, we feed the body back, calmly, without jerking, we pick up the occasion for ourselves.
  • Turn to the left - the body is straight or in the direction of movement, we select the left rein, we give the right rein a little, the right leg presses the side immediately behind the girth.
  • Turn to the right - the body is straight or in the direction of movement, we select the right rein, give the left one a little, the right leg presses the left side.
  • The message “quickly” - we push the horse with shanks immediately after the girth with pushes, we move the body forward.
  • Development on the spot- we select the rein in the direction of movement, we push the leg immediately behind the girth on the side of the direction of movement, we press the opposite leg at a distance of the palm from the girth.
  • Movement "back"- we press the pelvis to the saddle, we take the body back, slowly and calmly, without jerking, we select the occasion for ourselves, the legs should work immediately behind the girth.

For competent control of the horse, learn all the commands


Today, almost every major city has stables or equestrian clubs. Therefore, anyone can learn how to learn to ride a horse by visiting special courses or riding lessons. It is advisable to immediately sign up for courses with an experienced coach or instructor in order to fully master the skill of a rider. Having learned to maintain balance and balance, to control a horse, you can safely go on a horseback trip or for a pleasant ride on horseback through the nearest forest. A horse is a living cure for depression, and riding in the saddle is a great outdoor activity.

    GALLOP, adv. Very fast gait (cf. gallop in 1 value). Gallop. || trans. Very fast, in a hurry. Started to run at a gallop. "Crossing through Europe." Maxim Gorky (ironic about superficial observers travelers). Explanatory ... ... Dictionary Ushakov

    Verb, nsv., use. comp. often Morphology: I jump, you jump, he/she/it jumps, we jump, you jump, they jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump; St. jump; noun, with ... Dictionary of Dmitriev

    - (inosk.) referring to the messenger: run (jokingly), jump, as soon as possible (a hint of a gallop, a fast run of a horse) Cf. Galloping (inosk.) galloping like a child, imitating a horse. Wed As soon as the governess returned to the room, I began to gallop ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    Gallop! (inosk.) referring to the one sent by the run (jokingly) jump as soon as possible (a hint of a gallop, a fast run of a horse). Wed To gallop (inosk.) to gallop like a child, imitating a horse. Wed As soon as the governess returned to the room, I ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    gallop- RIDE1, carry. Move in what l. in a certain direction by jumping, galloping, quickly, with great haste (on a horse, horses); Syn: gallop. The rider rode, ... ... Big explanatory dictionary of Russian verbs

    GALLOP, husband. 1. Running, gait, when the horse goes galloping. Gallop. Raise a horse in the city 2. gallop, adv. Very quickly (colloquial neod.). The speaker galloped on an important topic. 3. Spasmodic rapid ballroom dance, as well as music ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    "Russian Troika" redirects here; for the type of high-speed rail car, see PT200. This term has other meanings, see Troika ... Wikipedia

    The Vyatka horse is a native breed of horses of the northern forest type, which was formed by the end of the 17th and beginning of the 18th centuries on the territory of the modern Kirov region and Udmurt ... Wikipedia

    - (French galoper). 1) ride a horse at a gallop. 2) dance gallop or gallop. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. GALLOPING to gallop. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    To sweat to gallop. Poss., from sl… Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Max Fasmer

    Elephants (Elephantidae). A family that unites the largest and strongest living land mammals. These are tall, thick-skinned animals of the tropical regions of Asia and Africa that feed on young shoots of trees and shrubs. U… … Collier Encyclopedia


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  • My big family. Revolt of baby dolls, Yemets Dmitry. Meet! Petya, Vika, Katya, Alena, Sasha, Kostya, Rita, and, of course, mom and dad! And three more dogs, one cat, tame rats, a red-eared tortoise, pigeons ... This whole big family lives in ...

Horse riding as a hobby or as a sport is gaining more and more popularity. Many people like the speed with which horses race in the gait.

The fastest form of movement for horses is the gallop. About this method of driving - later in the article.

What is a canter and what is the average speed of a horse

The gallop is the fastest gait (way of walking). Wild animals move to it in case of danger. The horse cannot gallop more than 2-3 km, because this method of movement exhausts very quickly.

Did you know? The most record speed that a horse could develop,- 69.6 km / h. The record was recorded in 1945, repeated- in 1993

The average speed of a horse at a gallop is 60 km / h, and at a slow one - 20 km / h.


The way horses move is different: trot, amble, gallop. The latter, in turn, is divided into several types.


The arena move also has other names - short, or kurts-galop. This is the most slow run gallop, in which the horse only warms up for faster movement. It is no coincidence that this type is called an arena: it is used if the horse needs to move quickly in a limited space.

A field gallop is called a hunting gallop, or a canter. This is a faster type of gait than the arena gait. It is used in large spaces, in dressage or show jumping, where it is possible to take overclocking. The movements of the horse are more extended, frisky, but not tiring.

It is this type of running that is used to learn how to stay in the saddle. But at the races, professional jockeys do not use it.

Quarry (fast gallop)

Quarry - this is the fastest pace of movement of the horse. With him, the swings of the limbs are very large.

Did you know? The length of a horse step in a career can be3 times more than the body length of the animal.

At a fast pace of a quarry, the speed can reach 20 m / s. Only trained and warmed up animals can use it for a long time, because it is the most tiring kind of running. A large load falls on the heart and lungs, and as a result, the animal may not have enough oxygen.

This is exactly what is called "driving a horse" when the horse has excessive loads pulmonary emphysema occurs. It is impossible to heal the horse after this, normal respiratory function no longer restored.

How to learn to ride a horse

Of all the gaits, the gallop is the most difficult. Riding a horse in this way requires skill, experience, and knowledge from the rider. Of particular importance here will be the correct landing, the correct management of the horse, knowledge of the features of this type of movement.

Correct fit

The safety of both the rider and the horse depends on how the rider stays in the saddle, what position he takes, how he changes it. This is especially true for galloping.

Important! If you are a beginner, strictly follow the instructions of the riding instructor.

The position of the body, arms, legs of the rider is important for controlling the animal and maintaining the safety of the rider. Proper posture is all about balance. You need to sit strictly in the center of the saddle, the back should be straight. The legs should be firmly pressed against the sides of the saddle. This way you can avoid scuffs and damage and not worry about how best to stay in the saddle.

With any fast run of the horse, it is desirable to maintain a deep landing. You need to learn to sit in full balance, relaxed, move in time with the movements of the horse. The shoulders should be deployed, the arms should be in line with the reins, the legs should be in the stirrups (stretched when running fast, the pelvis is slightly raised).

You can not shorten the rein, you need to keep it taut. This advice is suitable for any type of gait: amble, canter or trot.
When moving to very fast run the rider should move the body a little back and sit firmly in the saddle without fidgeting. With each jump, the rider must push his feet harder into the stirrups and rise up. With the advent of experience, the question of how to send a horse into a gallop will not stand - the skill of controlling a horse will be worked out to automatism.

How to send a horse to a gallop

At the beginning of training, it is better to raise the horse from a trot. It is difficult for an inexperienced rider and an untrained animal. You cannot learn and teach this overnight, so hard training is needed.

An important factor is the coherence of the rider and the horse in which foot to start the movement. It is necessary to force the horse to start moving from the required foot. If the horse has risen, loosen the reins, but do not let the animal lower its head. You need to drive it straight ahead, turns are not safe. It must be remembered that riding a horse is dangerous because the rider risks being thrown off.

The most important action of the rider during the transition to the canter is leg pressure. This is a team that is taught gradually. An experienced horse determines its subsequent actions by the slightest movement or pressure.

How to bring a horse to a gallop?

Horse training in gaits begins from 2-3 weeks after birth. Naturally, it is impossible to force the foal to gallop at this stage. The first classes are carried out on a cord - a long rope, with which the trainer controls the animal, while you need to give the baby freedom for several days - let him move as he wants. Only gradually will you be forced (stretching the line, hitting the whip) to move the animal to a trot and a walk. When the horse has mastered these gaits, they begin to accelerate it, stimulating the gallop.

Already strong animals are tamed for riding. Here, too, initially they simply put a saddle on a horse, and then they teach it to a rider. The assistant then takes the horse out for a walk, gradually moving to a light trot. When the horse has become accustomed to the rider, it is possible to carry out movements without a lunge.

The transition to the canter can be difficult for both the horse and the person. At the same time, an experienced horse can switch to this gait on its own or at the command of the trainer, even under a novice rider. Therefore, learning to ride a gallop is best done on adult animals and under the supervision of a specialist.

To change the gait, a horse message is created:

  • the rider's body weight is transferred to the side;
  • a prerequisite for movement in a circle is created;
  • the thigh of the rider's inside leg is brought forward;
  • the leg of the outer leg should be adjacent to the croup;
  • do not allow uniform bilateral pressure with shanks - this forces you to switch to a frisky trot;
  • reins weaken, giving freedom of movement forward.

Leg pressure is the key action of the rider that encourages cantering. When working with a horse, you can learn certain commands that make it easier to control the animal. So, you can teach a horse to hit with a whip, a certain shout.

Learning to turn

A lot of space is needed to move at a gallop - this is a fast gait, so the horse instantly overcomes long distances. More often, to train a horse, they use a jump on a cord - a long rope, one end of which is attached to the horse, and the other is held by the trainer. It is not difficult for a horse to move in a circle, even if it is galloping. After all, with a monotonous movement, the horse always makes the same sequence of steps. But if you need to turn the horse in a different direction, then you will run into a problem.

It is important to turn the cantering horse in the direction of its leading leg.

At a slow canter, the horse itself adjusts to the movement. During the training period, you will not have any difficulties in managing. Unless you should shift your weight towards the emerging turn, so as not to fly out of the saddle. It is completely different to turn at speed, with stubborn animals or in the presence of a possible danger on the future path.

Before turning, you need to correctly place the leading foot. The rider first assumes a normal position on the horse, and when the pace evens out, he shifts the body towards the future turn. Leg shankel from the side of the emerging turn is pressed against the girth, and the outer leg is behind it. A small push with the feet follows, after which the horse must change the position of the limbs to the desired one.

When did you achieve right position limbs, you can start turning. rein tension with inside achieve head tilt in the desired direction. The outer rein and the pressed leg control the radius of the turn, and inside leg send the horse forward, setting the pace.

You can control the correctness of the passage of turns in the footsteps of the horse. Normally, the hind limbs should follow the front ones, that is, the prints either coincide or are located as close as possible - this is called a volt. achieve correct technique galloping is difficult - you need to accurately coordinate your actions. Especially often horses cut corners in training in arenas - in this case, the pelvic limbs go further than the chest ones. To correct the movement, you need to push harder with your inner leg - squeeze the horse out of the circle.

To train the horse and rider, training is done to increase and decrease the volt. To this end, they force the horse to move in a spiral, that is, so that the hind limbs either go behind the chest, or vice versa - do not reach them. In order to reduce the volt, it is necessary to push harder with the outside leg, while not needing to overtighten the inside rein. To increase the turning radius, the horse is directed out of the circle by pressing on the inner surface with the leg.

Correct fit

A lot depends on how you sit in the saddle while galloping. Firstly, a certain position of the arms, legs and body is important for controlling the horse. Secondly, if you sit incorrectly, you get tired quickly, and muscles, joints, and vertebrae may be displaced - serious injuries are not uncommon.

First of all, learning to ride, you need to maintain balance. You need to sit in the saddle freely at any pace of the canter - you should not grab, mane, reins or tightly squeeze the sides with your legs. The easiest way to learn balance is to walk - your back should be perpendicular to the saddle, your head should look forward, and your pelvis should be strictly in the center of the saddle. The position of the legs and arms while maintaining balance does not matter - you work with the body and the greatest load falls on the muscles of the lower back, abdominals.

It is customary to distinguish between two main types of landing when riding at a gallop - arena and field. The first is not much different from the landing when moving at a trot - you sit up straight, tightly wrapping your legs around the sides of the horse. A tight fit (holding in the saddle with your feet) avoids rubbing of the legs and the formation of scuffs.

A completely different type during a field landing - speed jumps, overcoming obstacles. A frisky gallop is accompanied strong blows that need to be compensated by the work of the joints of the legs. The stirrups are slightly raised, the rider should be slightly raised (no need to stand high - this is a common mistake that leads to loss of balance), the shoulders are straightened, and the loins are bent forward.

Moving in a straight line, the leg is placed behind the girth. The feet rest against the stirrups with a wide part. With each jump, the rider additionally rests on the stirrups and rises. Then slowly lowers into the saddle. This allows you to reduce impact. Lowering into the saddle occurs during the fourth step. It is important to compress the body of the horse with the tops all the time and rest against the stirrups in order to rise a little above the saddle all the time. To control the landing, you should look at yourself from the side (if you ride without a coach), for this you can shoot a video of your galloping, and then sort out the mistakes.


Different breeds of horses have different types of movement, which are called gaits. They differ from each other in the way of movements and setting of the limbs during the course, the speed of movement. And among all types of gait, the gallop is considered the fastest. The French term "gait" is interpreted in Russian as "gait". In addition to divisions into a variety of such gaits, each type of gait also has subspecies. Only an experienced horse breeder or rider who has been in contact with horses for a long time will be able to remember all these classifications and independently determine each of them.

Description of the gallop as a gait

For specialists in horse breeding and equestrian sports, the gallop is also called baiting. Namet is a three-beat way of gait with an unsupported phase and three paces. The gallop is recognized as the most fast way movement of horses, the maximum speed of the best horses reaches more than 60 km / h. During such a gait, the horse makes spasmodic movements with its limbs and body, respectively, evenly and alternately tearing off the ground, first the front limbs, then the hind limbs.

The gallop cannot be called a symmetrical gait, since the horse performs it either from the left or from the right limb. Comparing the canter with the trot, both gaits assume the same phase of unsupported movement, after which the horse will first land the hind limb, instantly the second limb behind and one in front, and after taking both limbs away from behind, the second front leg will firmly land on the ground. Moreover, the front leg lowered at the end must necessarily be diagonally opposite to the lowered priority leg behind. This forelimb performs a repulsive action in the accompanying flight phase. And it is this leg that decides in which direction the animal will move in the gallop.

According to experiments, it was found that the length of one step during a gallop will be about 8 meters, while the traces of the front legs will coincide with the traces of the subsequent hind limbs. In a minute, the speed of making steps reaches a frequency of 140 times. History has recorded that only during a gallop can a horse accelerate to such a crazy speed - overcoming up to 900 meters of distance within 60 seconds. Record set was 1 km of the way in just 53 seconds of the time allotted for this, that is, the speed of this gallop was 68 km / h.

Horse gallop bottom view

But not always during a gallop, a horse accelerates to such sharp speed indicators, sometimes slow walking can be done at a speed of 7 - 8 km / h, specially trained horses can perform such a gait while standing still. At the same time, the gallop is divided into several subspecies according to the tact of movement: the right hind limb, the right diagonal and the right front diagonal, as well as a specific hover.

IN wild nature without the gallop, horses would probably have died out long ago. Only due to such a gait, many individuals escape from predators and quickly overcome distances. But, as a rule, the horse will gallop for no more than 3 km. You can increase the gallop distance by reducing its speed. A slow gallop can easily overcome races over a territory of 20 km. All other types of gaits assume approximately the same load on all legs, but the canter will become tiring on one side of the limbs, given the fact from which limb the horse begins its movement.

Therefore, due to which leg the gallop begins with, it is divided into several more subspecies:

  • Right-handed gallop, in the process of running the horse turns easily to the right side.
  • Left-handed canter, during which the horse usually turns exclusively to the left side. The gallop assumes the first rate of lowering the right hind limb, after which the front leg is lowered from the same side along with the rear left, and at the same time this is the second rate. The final stage is the setting and support of the forelimb from the left side. The uniqueness of the left-sided canter lies in the fact that when moving to the second first pace of such a bait, the horse hangs above ground level for a while.

How to learn to ride a horse

Most experts in the field of horse breeding are inclined to the theory that the gallop is the most comfortable gait for riders. But for it to be so, the rider needs to learn how to properly stay in the saddle, relax and gently control his horse. Thanks to the neck and head of the animal, it is possible to maintain the balance of movements that are associated with a swing wave. The canter can only be learned if the rider can easily walk around the arena and trot with or without stirrups.

Proper seating at the canter

If the rider has fulfilled all the instructions for landing, during the canter his pelvis will move freely and smoothly back and forth, according to the rhythm of the horse's movement. How to dampen the shocks given by the horse is possible if you use the relaxed lower back correctly. At the same time, the legs should be in a natural position along the saddle line, they are controlled by the horse, and the rider’s buttocks should be relaxed as much as possible so that the horse’s impulses are sent to the feet through the ankles and knees of the person. In this case, you need to properly deploy your shoulders, straightening your posture. No need to shorten the reins, just rest your feet on the pre-equipped stirrups. A short rein will make the animal jump even faster or, conversely, stop.

Incorrect landing at a canter

How to put a horse into a gallop

This stage involves learning to control the horse. The rider already knows how to hold the body well in the saddle, making sure that the legs are in place and can reach up. Only experienced trainer can demonstrate to the student the technique of entering the canter:

  • the rider looks forward, his shoulders are straightened back, and the center of gravity is focused in the middle of the saddle;
  • then a half-halt is performed, when the rider transfers the weight only to the hind legs, saying to the horse in this way “attention!”;
  • maintaining unbreakable contact with the outer rein and soft with the inner one, it is necessary, as it were, to make a weak decision to the side of the potential movement;
  • the rider controls the inner leg strictly at the girth, and the outer one - slightly behind it, while the rider sends the horse with the inner leg more than the outer one;
  • after that, it lends itself slightly forward and takes the inner thigh lower.

The rider must understand that any pace of such a gait is a slight rise to the canter itself. Wherein typical mistakes novice riders in a canter are:

  • when the rider pulls the leg down from the hip;
  • during movements, a person keeps his posture and does not move in time with his body;
  • in the process of transitions, the horse throws the rider out of the saddle.

Setting the pace

After the horse has entered the canter, the rider needs to learn how to keep the horse under control and properly manage it. The rider should already be able to raise his animal to the start of the canter, support him and sit harmoniously in the saddle, without grabbing his horse by the leashes.

When setting a certain gallop rhythm, you need to understand that the horse does not have “on” buttons. and “off”, so it can go out of rhythm without the help of a rider. You can maintain a certain rhythm of the gait with the help of shanks. For example, to change legs in a canter, the rider needs to maintain a stable balance in the saddle, as well as a coordinated and smooth action of the legs and reins.

To turn the horse to the right side, right hand the rider should lead smoothly to his right knee and vice versa. During the turns, the horse needs to be pushed, as it were, otherwise it will lose its speed. At the same time, it is forbidden to pump it with the body. It is dangerous to lean too much during such a gait, because the horse can stop, and the rider can not resist and fly out through the neck of the animal. The rider must hold the reins in such a way that the horse does not bend his head down and keeps it straight in front of him all the time. For a smooth transition from canter to trot, you need to gradually pick up the reins, lean back with your body and let the horse trot.

  • If the gallop is practiced in equestrian school, it is better to switch to such a gait in the corners to set right side gallop.
  • During the gallop, it is forbidden to make loud noises so as not to unbalance the animal.
  • The first cantering lessons should be done with a trainer.
  • For a quick and fruitful learning to ride a gallop, you can use an experienced instructor who keeps the horse on the lunge during training. In this case, the rider can focus on the canter, and the assistant will control the speed and rhythm.
  • In order for the horse to transition to the correct canter, and not trot and just rush around the arena, it is important to use the right equipment.

Canter training attempts should only be made by a person who has experience with horses and has the skills to walk and trot. For a gallop, the rider must have a helmet, special shoes and a comfortable riding suit.