How to make a crossbow out of wood instruction. How to make a powerful crossbow at home

It will be a great gift for a child. With it, you can organize a small shooting range. The power of the crossbow is not great, since an elastic band is used here as a bowstring. Such a crossbow shoots almost anything, the author, as an option, uses small arrows made from a ballpoint pen and a tip in the form of a needle from a syringe. The crossbow is assembled quickly and easily, it requires a minimum of materials.

Materials and tools for homemade:
- steel strip;
- plank made of wood;
- an ordinary wooden clothespin;
- handle from ski pole;
- thin spring or elastic band;
- a piece of steel wire;
- a trigger from a children's toy gun;
- sheet iron or elements from a mechanical designer.

Of the tools you will need: drill, hacksaw, pliers, fixing tool and file.

How to assemble a mini crossbow:

Step one. Shoulders and crossbow stock
How the shoulders and stock of the crossbow are made and attached can be seen in the photo. The bed is assembled very simply, for this you need three boards. They are connected to each other with ordinary nails.

As for the shoulder mechanism of the crossbow, it is made from a piece of steel strip. The shoulders should not bend, since an elastic band or spring is used as a bowstring. Screws are used to attach the shoulders to the stock.

Step two. Device Trigger
The trigger mechanism for a crossbow is also very simple to make. For these purposes, you will need an ordinary wooden clothespin. From it you need to cut off one grasping part. How exactly, you can see in the photo.

Step three. Crossbow handle
To make a handle for homemade, the author used a handle from a ski pole. It can be attached to the bed with glue.

Step four. Additional crossbow arms
To make the crossbow a little more powerful, a second mount for rubber bands was made, that is, a second pair of shoulders. Such details have been found in old parts. How to fix them to the box, you can see in the photo.

Step five. How to make a pusher
To make a pusher, you will need a piece of wood. It must be carefully fitted under the clothespin. To secure the bowstring, a groove is made in the pusher. As a result, paired with a clothespin, the pusher works as a very simple and practical trigger mechanism.

Step six. bowstring
The author used an elastic band as a bowstring. This can be found in the fish store. In the middle of the gum, which will go into the pusher, you need to put on a tube (cambric). This is necessary so that the gum does not wear out from friction against the tree.

Step seven. Making a trigger
As a trigger for a crossbow, a trigger from a children's pistol is perfect. You need to attach a thin metal mount to it. For these purposes, an element from the constructor is well suited.

Step eight. We start to assemble the structure
In the photo you can see what the design will be like after installing additional shoulders. A top view and a bottom view are shown.

At this stage, you can already install the trigger. It is attached with a screw.

That's all, now the crossbow is almost ready, you need to connect the elastic. Rubber bands are attached to the shoulders, as well as the pusher, which moves freely in the groove of the crossbow bed. This design allows you to shoot almost anything with a crossbow, you can even shoot balls. To fix the pusher, a clothespin is used. To shoot, you need to click on the clothespin.

Step nine. Final steps assembly
As you can see in the photo below, the author decided to equip the crossbow with a sight. It was decided to abandon the gum, it was replaced by a thin spring.

After the trigger is attached, it must be connected to the clothespin. To do this, you need to make traction from steel wire. As a result, when you press the trigger, the clothespin releases the pusher and a shot occurs.

Are you interested in medieval culture? Do you want to get a fashionable accessory, impress your friends with an exclusive souvenir? Decided to make an unusual gift close person? Then you can easily make a magnificent crossbow right at home! Exactly this species sports weapons are now rapidly gaining popularity, and people are happy to purchase them for themselves as a souvenir, a catchy design element. Why do you need a bow, what to do with it? Here are just a few of the most common ways to use a crossbow.

  • An excellent solution is to use a crossbow on shooting ranges. Here is what an archery lover says: “You can arrange marksmanship competitions with friends, shoot at targets with pleasure, organize role-playing games. A bow will always come in handy for such a hobby, it will allow you to develop attentiveness, the ability to concentrate, and respond quickly.”
  • Nowadays, crossbows are increasingly used for hunting. It is enough to load an arrow into such a bow and shoot accurately to become the happy owner of a partridge, a hare.
  • Crossbows are also in demand as sporting weapons. Eat professional athletes who regularly take part in competitions, constantly train. They also often make bows with their own hands.
  • The bow can be made the central detail of the interior. Designers note its versatility: “The crossbow looks amazing in any room. In the corridor, he has a particularly formidable look, meeting everyone who enters the house. In the hall, he emphasizes the solemnity, focuses on the character of the hosts. In the bedroom, the bow hints at a passionate relationship, the power of love. In the kitchen, a crossbow might well be hung next to a hunting painting of game.”
  • Increasingly, people are acquiring, making crossbows with their own hands to please their acquaintances, friends, colleagues with an unusual gift. Such a souvenir will be surprisingly original, will definitely come in handy and will evoke vivid emotions. It is especially appropriate to present a present to a man.

Now that you know how useful an onion is, how it can be used in many ways, it's time to familiarize yourself with the basic principles of its manufacture. How to make a crossbow at home, what you need to know so that it looks good, shoots well, can become a worthy weapon, souvenir and accessory? We'll find out very soon. The algorithm will help you, useful recommendations.

We make a crossbow with our own hands

You will need a good selection of wood. You can not take conifers, too old, dry branches. The crossbow consists of three main elements. It is necessary to make a high-quality trigger, stock and arc. Act strictly according to the algorithm, do not confuse the steps. You will succeed!

  • You need to make an arc. It is advisable to take yew, hazel or ash for her. The board should be flat, without slant and knots. Make a thickness of about 2 cm. A piece of wood must be dried, kept for several days, and then cut evenly. The length of the arc is approximately 75 cm, the width can be made about 4 cm, the arc should gradually become thinner towards the edges. Thickness from the edges - 1.5 cm.
  • Now you need to make a bed. For it, you will need hardwood, which is quite hard. Take a board of such a size and shape that it is convenient to hold it in your hands. Remember that from one edge you need to make a special groove where the arc will be inserted.
  • It's time to machine the groove for the arc. You need to make a hole for fastening from a rope at a distance of ten centimeters from the cut groove for the arc. Now insert the arc into the groove, and then fix it there with a rope. Now attach the bowstring to the ends of the arc using the cuts made for this. Stretch the string as you would while shooting. It is necessary to designate a point that is as far away as possible. Now determine the optimal size of the crossbow - it should be equal to your forearm in length.
  • A responsible task is the manufacture of the trigger for your bow. Previously, pin type locks were made. You will have to familiarize yourself with hallmarks such a mechanism. When you have already made a mark at the place of the maximum tension of the bowstring, you need to drill a hole through there. A transverse recess must be made in the box, in its upper part. Then fix the lever at the bottom of the crossbow. Most often, the axis is made of wood, and attached with wire.
  • Now the bed and the lever must be folded together. Fasten the elements with a rope. The lever should move on the axis with minimal friction.
  • Now you need to make a small pin, thanks to which the bowstring will be pushed out of the bow. The pin should be round, it is better to make it from oak. The pin will pass into the recess of the lock freely, without getting stuck due to the fastening. When the lever is raised, the plane of the bed and its upper edge should be equal. It is the pin that will push the bowstring.
  • For the arrow, you will need to make a special chute. The recess extends from the top opening of the lock to the leading edge. The gutter must be laid at a shallow depth, approximately like a quarter of an arrow.
  • Then it's time to work on the details. All elements must be walked with sandpaper. Sometimes parts are covered with egg white, after dissolving it in water.
  • Secure the arc in the groove using a strong rope. See if the lock works well. All elements must be finally adjusted so that the mechanism is as strong as possible.

Before proceeding to self-manufacturing crossbow, you should decide on the device of this type of weapon. Its main structural elements are: a trigger, a bowstring, a bow with a bowstring, a sight, a tension mechanism and a wooden base, which is commonly called a stock.

Of course, a crossbow made will be very different from the factory design. But the principle of operation will be the same. First you need to make the base of the crossbow. The base is the main element of such a weapon. It can be made from wood such as birch or walnut. The thickness of the workpiece must be at least three centimeters. After creating the blank, you will need to project the shape of the future base onto it, and then cut it out.

As for the bow itself, you can use arcs from an old sports bow (if you have one) to make it. To connect the crossbow bed and the bow, you will need to connect the bow to the base. True, you can use another option. It involves the manufacture of a metal frame. It will have a bed and a bow.

How to make a string

The bowstring should not have a high degree of extensibility. Otherwise homemade crossbow will cease to function very quickly. So, the best material for creating a bowstring will be lavsan or fastflight. Wrap the threads, after pulling them between the nails. Do not forget to make loops for putting on a bowstring. It will not work to pull the bowstring without a stirrup, which in turn can be made of steel wire or cable.

Attach one end of the rope or wire to the base of the crossbow. And at the other end, fix the handles. You will also need to adjust the tension level of the bowstring after it is fixed. You can do this directly on .

Trigger and arrows

After adjusting the tension of the bowstring, you can proceed to the manufacture of the trigger mechanism. The role of such a mechanism will be a wooden lever, which will need to be carefully built into the crossbow. Then you need to mount the sighting device. Front sights can be used for a mechanical sight.

Arrows for a homemade crossbow can be made from ordinary boards, and then planed. If you want arrows to be strong, you should not drive nails into them. Otherwise, when reaching the target, the arrow may break.

Twenty years ago, a bow or crossbow for individual use did not exist in nature. Some eccentrics and fanatics of historical reconstructions undertook their manufacture at their own peril and risk, having absolutely no idea what they would get in the end. And all because the process of accumulating experience and honing skills in the manufacture and use of throwing weapons, which lasted several tens of thousands of years, was once interrupted and anathematized in our time.

Now all this rare knowledge has been taken out of dusty chests, they have learned how to make bows and crossbows using modern technologies, and the army of followers of William Tell and Robin Hood is growing exponentially. And today we have prepared for you drawings and diagrams that will tell you how to make a crossbow at home.

Despite the abundance of online stores selling throwing weapons, as well as the fantastic breadth of the product range, there are many who want to make a crossbow on their own. Most of them don't know where to start. Today we will tell you about the main design features crossbow. This knowledge will help you avoid manufacturing errors, as well as frustration and injury when using it.

Before starting work, you should know two main points.

  1. In our country, a crossbow is recreational and sporting weapons. Hunting with him is prohibited. Any throwing weapon with a pull force of more than 43 kilograms is considered combat, the right to use which is given by the licensing authorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  2. The crossbow is design that experiences enormous loads during operation. Therefore, any carelessness in its manufacture is likely to result in injury. Any part of it must have a multiple margin of safety.

So, let's find out how to make a simple crossbow at home.

The video below will tell you how to make a crossbow at home:


The energy source of the crossbow is a bow - an elastic plate of complex shape, which has one main bend and, as an option, two additional ones at the ends. It is necessary to start making a crossbow with this part and adjust everything else to it - the choice of the type of tension (recursive or block), the size of the stock, the type of trigger mechanism.

Wood and composite

There is an acute question about what to use as a material for a bow: wood, composite or metal?

  • Tree is the worst choice. Available "wood" lying underfoot is garbage, suitable only for kindling stoves. Branches cut down in the forest, as they dry out, lose their elasticity, crack and fall apart. From this material you can only do something for short-term entertainment in the country. Of the models sold in stores, and having a tree in their composition, it is very popular, as well as.
  • Composite, created from fiberglass and epoxy binder, is very tempting and outwardly simple. But there is an obstacle - the need for scrupulously precise adherence to the technology of all work. The proportions of the mixture, drying, exposure. At home, this is almost impossible.


There remains one uncontested option - metal. If you have an old Moskvich with a set of leaf springs on hand, then consider yourself lucky. One sheet is taken from the entire package - the second. If you are not too afraid of the dimensions, then the first one will do. Moreover, he has at the ends of the tube - an almost ready-made bracket for attaching blocks or strings.

A block is used to attach the bow to the stock. This is a U-shaped design, clasping the box in front. It can be welded tightly to the spring leaf, but in this case, when the bow is bent, the welds will experience excessive pull-off stress. Therefore, it is better to fix the ball joint from the VAZ 2108 on the block. The bow is attached to its pin. This is also convenient because there is a hole on the spring leaf.

If you are very strong, then you can stop at the recursive method of pulling the bowstring (as in, etc.). But it is better to choose a block one (as in models, etc.). To attach blocks to the bow, if you have chosen a second spring leaf, you need to fix the brackets at its ends. A bolted (and even better riveted) connection is preferable to welding, since this assembly experiences strong vibration loads. As pulleys, use the parts of the glass lifting mechanism of the same Moskvich.

Regarding the bowstring, an obvious solution suggests itself: a thin metal cable. But it is not entirely true, since steel cables do not withstand variable loads well. It is better to choose a climbing cord with a diameter of 5-8 mm.

Having made a bow and fastened a bowstring to it, you can conduct natural bending tests. It’s great if at the same time you have a dynamometer of kilograms for 100-150. As a result, you will find out two parameters necessary for further work: the length of the bowstring and the load.

About how to make a lodge on powerful crossbow at home, see below.


For this part of a homemade crossbow, a tree is an uncontested option. But not everyone. In any case, not aspen, alder, spruce or pine. Better beech, elm, oak. A blank dried for twenty years. It is clear that you will never find anything like this anywhere. Therefore, use moisture-resistant plywood with a thickness of 7-9 mm. 3 or 5 contours of the stock are cut out of it, and then this package is glued with epoxy. Not very pretty, but extremely reliable.

  • Regarding the form - give up the semi-pistol, use a straight English box. It is not only easier to manufacture, but also stronger.
  • When assembling a stock package, both the course of the bowstring and the load must be taken into account. The first determines the distance from the shoe to the groove for the trigger. The second is the thickness of the stock walls at the place of its attachment. It is a straight English stock that will allow you to avoid excessive thinning when moving from the forearm to the butt.
  • The most important detail of the crossbow lodge is the arrow guide. It should be smooth and durable. For it, you can use plates framing the side windows of the Moskvich, furniture fittings, and other parts similar in shape.
  • If you are using a block type of bowstring tension, then in the fore-end under the guide there should be a groove for the cable system. This is another element that weakens the stock, so give up on the thought of making the forearm graceful. High will protect your fingers from falling under the bowstring and traumatic amputation of the phalanges.

Usually crossbows have a plastic stock, such as models, and others.

We will talk about how to make a homemade trigger for a crossbow at home below.

This video will tell you how to make a crossbow out of wood (plywood) with your own hands:

Trigger mechanism

If you are not a mechanic of the sixth category, then give up the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmaking this element yourself. Apply force and find the trigger from any spring-piston air rifle. In the most difficult case, you only have to modify its tooth holding the piston - it may be small for a thick bowstring.

Above the trigger mechanism, a casing with a height of 2 to 5 cm is arranged, which is necessary in order to protect it from moisture and dirt, and which is also the basis for sighting devices - slats for optics or a rear sight. Weaver, Picatinny or dovetail rails can be bought at any online store that sells pneumatics.

The front part of the casing above the trigger mechanism is made in the form of a long (no more than 10 cm) elastic "tail" with which the rear part of the arrow is held on the guide.

Arrow making

Canonically correct ammunition for a crossbow is called "bolt". But many online stores sell crossbow arrows. For crossbows with a rifle stock, lengths of 14, 16, 20, 22 inches are suitable. To be absolutely frank, you won’t find better store arrows. Unfortunately, none of them costs less than 150 rubles. Therefore, it is worth trying to make them yourself.

They can be made from wood, straight-grained, without knots. As an option - use furniture details - balusters from chairs, railings of cribs. Good arrows are made from aluminum tubes up to 2 cm in diameter. If desired, even electrodes of the maximum diameter can be used, but they hopelessly bend when hit and it is difficult to screw plumage to them.

For plumage, thin plastic is used. Natural bird feathers can give an unexpected effect of a chaotic change in flight direction, since they have natural curves that must be taken into account.

The main condition for a good, smooth flight is balancing. The center of gravity of the crossbow bolt should be after the first third of the length from the tip. If it is not metal, then the end of the arrow can be loaded with lead wire wrapped around the shaft.

The issue of equipping an arrow with a tip should be treated without fanaticism. Turning metal on lathes, milling and polishing, giving exquisite forms - these operations are accessible to a few. In addition, such a tip is extremely dangerous. If you do not need to pierce knight armor, then a wooden bolt can simply be sharpened at an angle of 30 degrees using a regular knife.

We will tell you how to make a crossbow that shoots with your own hands from paper, pencils and other materials.

Cool shooting games

A toothpick or match shooter can be made from a wooden clothespin. To do this, disassemble it and redo it:

  1. expand the narrow groove for the spring of one half to 1 cm, on the second make the same, but indented by 1 cm;
  2. at the front ends of both halves, from the side of the narrow grooves for the spring, make a longitudinal groove 1-2 mm deep;
  3. collect the halves of the clothespin "inside out" by twisting them with a thread;
  4. install the clothespin spring with the paws in the cut grooves, and with the spiral outward;
  5. insert a toothpick into the hole between the halves;
  6. press the spring coil, shifting it into a semicircular cutout;

The foot of the spring will slide down the long slot, snapping the toothpick and causing it to fly out.

To learn how to make a mini crossbow out of pencils with your own hands at home, see the video below.

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Recently there has been heightened interest to medieval culture. We enjoy watching costumed films, reading books about past life, arrange themed evenings, draw characters of “those” times. Do you remember our step by step instructions, or . Ancient technologies are being revived that allow you to make exact copies of weapons and various household appliances. One of the most popular historical items is the crossbow. You can make it yourself and use it as an attribute in role-playing games, a method of protection or a sports weapon.

Before we tell you how to make a crossbow at home, let's clarify: it can be regarded as a melee weapon if the bowstring force exceeds the allowable threshold of 20 kg.

You will need:


The design of the crossbow consists of three main parts:

  1. lodge;
  2. arc;
  3. trigger mechanism.

If you want to make a crossbow with your own hands, start from the blank for the arc. It is on its size that the parameters of the remaining parts will depend.

The arc can be made from ash, hazel or yew. Coniferous trees are not suitable. Make sure that the selected board does not have knots, slanting and tortuosity.

You will need a piece about 2 cm thick. Dry it well and soak it, and then cut it off:

  • length should be from 70 to 80 cm;
  • width - up to 4 cm.

Make sure that the arc evenly thins towards the edges, reaching 1.5 cm.


The crossbow does not press against the shoulder during shooting, therefore it does not have a stock. The bed is made of hardwood, which have sufficient hardness. Choose the size and shape of the board so that you can comfortably hold it in your hands. From one end, make a groove for the arc.

Groove for arc

Step back ten centimeters from the cut groove and make a hole for the rope attachment. Place the arc in the groove and temporarily secure it there using a rope. Attach a bowstring to both ends of the arc, after making small cuts with a knife for this.

Stretch the string as you would when shooting and mark the farthest point. Remove the arc and continue to process the bed.

In order to make a good crossbow that will suit you, determine the length of your forearm, and stepping back the same distance from the mark made earlier, saw off the board.

Trigger mechanism

In the most ancient design, a pin-type lock was used. If you want to make the same crossbow at home, carefully study the technology and start making the trigger.

  1. At the place of the bowstring mark, drill a through hole, and make a transverse recess in the upper part of the bed.
  2. Next, you need to fix the lever at the bottom of the weapon.
  3. The axis of the lever can be made of wood, fixing it with a wire.

If you decide to strictly follow the historical technology, then the holes for the passage of the wire will have to be burned.

Put the lever and stock together

Fix the desired position with a rope or clamp. Drill a non-through recess in the lever, using the existing hole in the stock as a basis. After removing the clamp, check how freely the lever moves on the axis: the friction should be small.

Pushing the bowstring out of the groove

Use a knife to cut a round pin out of beech or oak. Its diameter should be slightly less than the lock hole, that is, the pin should freely, without catching, enter the recess, relying on the trigger lever. Measure the length so that when the lever is fully raised, its upper edge is level with the plane of the bed. The function of the pin will be to push the bowstring out of the groove.

Boom chute

Make a groove for the arrow from the leading edge to the top hole of the lock. The depth should be a quarter of the boom diameter.

Parts processing

Before making a crossbow, process all wooden parts with sandpaper. You can wax them or cover them with egg white dissolved in water.

Assembly and verification

Secure the arc in the groove with a rope. Check the operation of the lock. The assembly of the crossbow will not do without the final fitting of parts: this will increase the strength of the mechanism.