Houses with pools in the form of a roof. Wet business

Those who go on vacation to seaside resorts often encounter such a phenomenon as an exploited roof, on which there is not only a solarium, but also a facility for taking water procedures. Even skeptics find this location convenient and understand that if you arrange a pool on the roof of a private house, it will save space on the site and provide bathers with complete privacy. Consider how you can organize such a vacation, and how sensible such a decision is.

Artificial reservoir on the roof

IN modern world exploited roofs are no longer something surprising: as you know, you can even arrange a parking lot or a helipad on them.

  • But this is if the building is designed in advance, and then built in full accordance with the project. To load a ceiling that is not designed for additional loads is only to make yourself an endless problem, which can become a pool on the roof of the house.
  • Another thing is to use a flat roof (if a stationary artificial reservoir is not designed on it) to install a portable pool, which can be either inflatable or framed, covered with a waterproof polymer film.

  • This is the cheapest and most acceptable option for private owners who decide to reconstruct the roof of an operated house for the pleasure of splashing around in the pool in the summer.
  • A stationary structure - no matter what some “specialists” write on the Internet, it is designed without fail. And not after the construction of the building, but with it!

In the photo - a built-in pool on the roof of the house

Note: The design of any hydraulic structure is always a rather complicated and responsible matter; only a professional should do this. Any mistake can be fraught not only in terms of financial losses, but also elementary dangerous for the inhabitants of the house.

Even one cubic meter of water weighs almost a ton, and the smallest pool contains at least 5-6 m3. This is only water, but you also need to take into account the weight of building materials - and this is often solid brick and monolithic reinforced concrete, not counting waterproofing, cladding and the weight of engineering equipment.

So, talking about building a pool on the roof of a private house on your own is simply pointless. But choosing a project if you want to build such a house is a completely different matter.

What are the pools

In the building being designed, the pool will be stationary, and can be built-in or surface. The first version of the structure is built into the ceiling, placing the bowl in the room below. In the second case, the pool bath rests on the floor plane and is, as it were, a superstructure.

Note: Regardless of the design, the entire weight load falls on the walls (after all, the floor also rests on them), and they must be properly reinforced.

Stationary construction is not only time-consuming, but also quite expensive at cost. It still makes sense where summer lasts most of the year, and the reservoir is constantly used. And here, even in the south in winter, this pool can fill up with snow. So for Russian latitudes, the best solution would be a temporary option, which is much easier to install and has much less weight.

The main thing in this case is that the ceiling should be designed for an additional load (mainly this is the mass of water, since the frame pool is very light), which can be discussed with the designer when purchasing the project. There are not many such projects, because in the standard version such houses are not offered, but still they exist. And one such project of a house with a rooftop pool, we will consider further.

Real project with a rooftop pool

We are talking about a house with a total area of ​​457 m2, designed for the needs of a family of up to six people. The house has two floors, its plan size is 278 m2. The building is designed for the climate of the Black Sea coast, in which there is quite a lot of solar radiation in summer, and the amount of precipitation in winter is low. A high-tech house, in the form of a parallelepiped with a narrow end part, can be built in rather cramped conditions - in resort areas only such plots can be purchased.


Here are the main planning characteristics of the house:

  1. Dimensions: 31.145*8.850*11.690 m.
  2. Floors (including the superstructure of the pool): 2.5.
  3. The area occupied by the pool bowl: 29 m2.
  4. The height of the 1st floor is 2.99 m, the 2nd floor is 2.60 m.
  5. Living area 120 m2.
  6. There is a barbecue with an area of ​​32 m.
  7. Parking 38 m2 next to the house.

The foundation of the house is a monolithic tape, on which a monolithic reinforced concrete frame of racks and ceilings also rests. The load-bearing walls are made of bricks, the rest of the foam blocks. The walls of the pool are reinforced concrete, reinforced with stiffeners and decorated with mosaics. The facade is finished with slabs of porcelain stoneware or white stone, wood is used as a facade decoration.

Layout features

The main entrance to the house is from the side of the parking lot. There is another one that can only be used in summer, it is formed when opening the sliding glazing system of the walls of the first floor. It includes the following list of premises:

  • entrance hall with wardrobe, including seasonal storage;
  • boiler room with laundry:
  • toilet;
  • a kitchen combined with a dining room, the walls of which are transforming partitions;
  • pantry;
  • corridor with stairs to the second floor.

On the second floor there is a corridor in the form of a gallery with doors leading to three bedrooms and a common room with a loggia, a large bathroom. Above the second floor there is a technical floor, which is an attic under the non-exploited part of the roof, and an engineering room for the pool. On the surface of the exploited part of the roof there is a pool surface and a terrace on which sun loungers are installed.

Access to the roof is provided from a glass staircase block. Its valves can open, which, thanks to the influx fresh air gives the lower rooms the opportunity to cool. The technical floor itself also creates an excellent protection against overheating for the house.


As you can see, the layout of the house with a rooftop pool is very ergonomic, and the structure of the building is quite solid. The use of such a water facility will be more convenient than the street. In it, the water will warm up better, and less leaves fall from the trees - and this, although small, is also a plus. The main thing is to carry out the design correctly, which should be done by specialized organizations.

Well, for the owners of apartments located on the top floors of skyscrapers who decided to arrange a swimming pool on the roof, let this video serve as a lesson:

The geology of the site includes checking and studying the soil, this allows you to optimize the cost of the foundation.

What happens if you don't do geology?

If you ignore this stage, then you can choose the wrong foundation and lose from 1,000,000 rubles on alterations.

10 year warranty on foundation, walls, ceilings and roofing.

Ask an engineer a question

What is included in the Engineering Solution?

Documentation on the location and equipment of all technical premises, electrical outlets, water supply, ventilation, gas and sewerage.

What is included in the design solution?

A detailed plan and instructions for the foreman, which display all the necessary stages and technologies in the construction of the foundation, walls and roof.

What is included in the architectural solution?

Creation of a sketch and its 3D image, which displays the location and size of rooms, walls, roofs, furniture, windows and doors.

What will you get after this stage?

All technical and visual documentation. Author's supervision over the course of construction. Our architect and designer will visit the site weekly.

Do you have any questions? Ask them to the engineer.

Ask an engineer a question

What do deadlines depend on?

The terms add up depending on the chosen project and material, (houses made of logs and timber take time to shrink).

What is "house shrinkage"?

This is a natural process of changing the volume of wooden walls and other details due to the drying of the tree.

Who will build my house?

We have our own staff of certified workers and foremen with at least 5 years of specialized work experience. Since 2015, a construction equipment fleet has been put into operation. We do not engage contractors.

Do you have any questions? Ask them to the engineer.

Ask an engineer a question

I want it like this picture. You can?

Yes! You can send us any image and we will design and build what you want.

Do you have a designer on staff?

Now the state employs 5 interior designers with a total profile experience of 74 years.

What is included in an interior design project?

Drawing up a 3D project by a designer, as well as support and implementation of all finishing works.
We will also produce and supply furniture that suits your lifestyle and taste.

In the hot summer period, everyone is drawn to nature - namely, closer to the reservoir, where it blows cool and you can calmly wait out the heat by swimming in clear water. Summer residents have long understood that their pool is needed near the house and donated their hundred square meters for the construction of a personal backyard pond. But what if there is not enough space on the traditional 6 acres, or even a house with a minimum backyard area? And if there is no country house at all, but there is only a garage? Do you really have to while away the hot days under the air conditioner in the stuffy room of your own apartment? No. There is an option - a rooftop pool is a luxury available not only to millionaires. It turns out that the cost of such an original pool is quite insignificant. From the article you will learn how to make a pool on the roof of the house, what you need to build a pool on the roof of the garage.

If you are the owner of an apartment on the top floor, then you can build a pool on the roof of a high-rise building, but only after obtaining all the relevant permits.

A rooftop pool is not only convenient and useful, but also stylish. Agree, if you correctly build a swimming pool on the roof, put sun loungers and deck chairs next to it - that’s a resort corner right in a country house or, even more interesting, near your favorite garage. There are many options to make a pool on the roof of the house. Simplest - inflatable pool, it is mobile and can move if desired - from one roof to another, depending on your location. But still, most people prefer to build a pool on the roof of the house of a more static, permanent nature, so that they can swim at any convenient time and without blowing and inflating, assembling and disassembling. Simple - there is a pool, and it pleases the whole family all year round.

So, country pools on the roof can be divided into two main groups:

  1. Seasonal.
  2. Year-round, closed.

The names themselves already speak for themselves - the first option implies a design that is put in a closet, and when the heat comes, reassemble. The second option requires a good roof, mainly made of polycarbonate, which will protect the pool even in bad weather.

IMPORTANT!They also build bricks. At the same time, a large number of insulating and insulating materials are used. However, before building such a pool on the roof of the house, it is worthwhile to first draw up a design project, in which all parameters must be taken into account and the required amount of material calculated.

Pros of a rooftop pool

Everyone who decides to make a pool on the roof of the house should understand why he needs it and how actively it will be used. This is where the project of the future pool and its modification will come from. When building such a pool, you:

  1. Save land (Moscow residents should appreciate this ergonomic vertical space).
  2. Save electricity. Since the water on the roof in the summer heats up from the sun in a matter of minutes.
  3. You have a unique opportunity to constantly take water procedures without visiting city pools or crowded beaches.
  4. Organize an original vacation not only for family members, but also for all friends.
  5. When selling this property - to dramatically increase its value.

ADVICE!For a fixed pool on the roof, it will be necessary to separately lay the water supply and drain pipes. And the protection of the entire house from flooding will depend on the quality of the waterproofing.

The most common option on the roof

As a rule, homeowners prefer a frame pool to build a pool on the roof. That is, you need a frame - any bath, welded and sealed vessel, which is clearly attached to the horizontal surface of the roof of a house or garage. The main thing is that the weight of this structure should not adversely affect the overall construction of the house. To do this, it is desirable to calculate all the parameters before building a house or garage. But if the idea of ​​a pool on the roof arose long after the construction of the house, then it is necessary to consult with specialists regarding the installation of additional structures on the roof in order to avoid breakdowns or distortions of the main structure.

The frame version has one significant disadvantage - the laboriousness and financial cost of buying a large monolithic bath. But there are also many positives:

  1. A wide choice of frame of any size, material, color and so on.
  2. It can be dismantled and put away for storage if necessary.
  3. Weld a frame of any shape and modification, thereby developing your own individual design of a beach place.

Of course, concrete pit pools cannot be made on the roof of any building, because this requires a recess of at least half a meter down. Unless, of course, this is provided for in advance by the garage or house project.

ADVICE!When choosing a frame pool for installation on the roof, you will need to provide it with water inlet and outlet pipes, as well as make drain holes on the roof of the house. These works also require the fulfillment of certain requirements and recommendations, so be sure to consult with specialists.

Step-by-step instructions for building a rooftop pool

If you are still puzzling over the question: “How to make a rooftop pool with your own hands?” Then pay attention to the possibility of building a reservoir on the roof of your house and garage. If there is such an opportunity, according to the calculations of the mass, the connection of communications, then proceed with the construction. It should also be taken into account that rooftop pools can be built-in and surface. For built-in pools usemonolithic concrete, foam blocks or bricks and waterproofing materials and heaters. Such materials will require a large amount. That is, such structures differ in a rather large mass. The design of pools of this type is carried out taking into account all the necessary parameters and an accurate calculation of the required amount of materials.

Surface pools are built on the roof plane, raising the structure to the desired height.

To start:

  1. Stock up on the necessary building materials and components (wire, formwork, cement, roofing material, sealant, bars, hydrophilic rubber, plaster mortar, cement, sand, fine gravel, foam blocks, bricks).
  2. We strengthen the bottom of the pool (we close it with two layers of roofing material, fix it with mastic, coat it with sealants).
  3. We concrete the walls of the pool. We put a metal frame, formwork, fill the walls and bottom with concrete. To do this, we put formwork and a reinforcing wall, pour concrete between earthen walls and formwork. Choose the brand of concrete for quality and durability, so as not to carry out repair work on the pool every year. Experts advise using concrete grade M350 - M400, frost resistance index F200, and water resistance - W6. To model a concrete bowl for a pool with their own hands, heavy concretes with plasticizers and hydrophobic additives are used. When concreting the walls, do not forget about the water supply system so as not to concrete the pipe outlets.
  4. Put crushed stone on the bottom and fill it with hydroconcrete.
  5. Pour concrete into the walls 35 cm daily. After a week, wipe the walls with an aqueous solution.
  6. Start finishing work. The choice of material is up to you.

Often, when building a pool on the roof, polypropylene is used, which does not let water through, is resistant to high humidity, is lightweight, and maintains the desired temperature. Therefore, this material, which is fastened by welding with a special tool, can serve as the frame of your pool. It should be noted that the volume of the structure should be slightly less than the concrete hollow structure that you made. After welding the bowl, again using wire, mesh and formwork, we concrete the walls of the bowl to the erected concrete frame. We install a bottom drain and nozzles to a common water supply channel in a house or garage. If necessary . We bring communications.

Economy option

For a more economical option, hydrofilm is used. On a frame erected from a foam block, brick or monolithic concrete, a strong film is strengthened - first to the bottom, then to the side of the pool. When pulling, do not forget about the communication holes - for filling and draining water, filtering, cleaning. We coat the joints and upper parts with sealants.

IMPORTANT!In order to close the way for excess water to the roof and not flood the house, it is necessary to take preventive safety measures. Therefore, it is necessary to run drain pipes along the walls at a calculated angle, through which water from the roof is discharged directly into the pit.


When choosing a finish, preference is given to more practical materials: ceramic tiles; porcelain stoneware; glass mosaic. Choose the color scheme according to your taste and set the backlight if desired. For convenience, the areas around the pool are often sheathed with clapboard or checked wooden slabs - waterproof and not subject to changes in humidity and temperature. If the roof on which the pool is built is flat, then it is advisable to install metal fences.

Frequently asked questions and answers

Swimming pool on the roof of an apartment building. Is it real?

Realistically, but if you are the owner of an apartment on the top floor, then you can build a pool on the roof of a high-rise building, but only after obtaining all the relevant permits.
What varieties are there?

There are seasonal and year-round (that is, closed).
What is the usual version of the rooftop pool?

The most common option is frame pools. The frame version has one significant disadvantage - the complexity and financial cost of buying a large monolithic bath.
Is there a step by step guide on how to make a rooftop pool?

Yes, sure. Our website provides a similar instruction, go to the site.
Rooftop pool is expensive! Is there any economical option?

For a more economical option, hydrofilm is used. On a frame erected from a foam block, brick or monolithic concrete, a strong film is strengthened - first to the bottom, then to the side of the pool.

About 30-40 years ago buildings with flat roofs did not attract potential tenants, the cost of apartments in them was lower than in other houses. Residential buildings with a flat roof were inferior to houses with a gable roof. Especially a big difference was between housing on the first and last upper floors. Everything was explained very simply - the poor quality of the roofs caused regular leaks. Now the situation has changed dramatically, and many wealthy homeowners equip pools on the roofs without any problems.

In the past, flat roofs leaked for two reasons:

  • irresponsibility of performers. It's no secret that not the best people worked in the housing departments. the best representatives of the working class, more than one comedy has been shot on this subject and more than one feuilleton has been written;
  • lack of reliable roofing materials. To seal flat roofs, ordinary bitumen and roofing felt were used. Bitumen is very afraid of ultraviolet radiation, at negative temperatures it loses plasticity and hardens. The roofing material was made on the basis of ordinary cardboard, the protective impregnation is also bituminous, the strength and durability indicators are unsatisfactory.

Poor quality of built-up roofing is the main cause of leaks

Even very experienced and responsible specialists could not make a high-quality durable coating with such dubious materials, not to mention the employees of the housing departments. As a result - regular leaks. And this despite the fact that they tried not to walk on such roofs, they placed a minimum of engineering communications on them. At present, the situation has changed radically.

Modern materials and technologies have made it possible to create a very durable coating on. They are completely sealed, have high mechanical strength, and do not react to harsh ultraviolet rays. The service life can be fifty years. So high specifications make it possible to place various objects on the roofs: walking areas, winter gardens, parking lots and swimming pools.

Roofing "TechnoNIKOL"

It should be noted that the regulatory requirements for pools are the most stringent, emergency situations can have extremely negative consequences. And this despite the fact that the construction technology provides options for quick and safe water drainage in case of unexpected breakthroughs and other emergencies.

The construction of rooftop pools should be provided for at the design stage of the house, it is forbidden to make such decisions spontaneously. And it's not just that a large volume of water can cause serious leaks. The main problem is different - pools create a significant additional load on ceilings, load-bearing walls and the foundation of the building. Such loads cannot be ignored and must be taken into account during the calculations of the main architectural components of the structure.

Types of pools by architectural design

When designing buildings with swimming pools, engineers provide several design options.

Table. Types of pools

Type of poolsDistinctive features and brief performance characteristics
The pool and a small adjacent area around it are closed; for this purpose, light metal structures covered with tempered glass or polycarbonate are used. These structures are among the most expensive and prestigious; stationary pools are most often placed in such shelters. The facilities require high maintenance costs; not only significant volumes of energy carriers are needed, but also qualified maintenance personnel. Have the most big weight, create significant additional loads on all load-bearing elements of the structure.
Above the plane of the pool, only a canopy is made, most often polycarbonate is used as a roofing material. They are used in the warm period, but there are options with heated water for all-weather use.
Relatively cheap construction, construction takes much less time. Design solutions depend on the type of water bowl itself. Disadvantages - problems with maintaining water in the desired temperature parameters. In winter they are not operated, the water must be drained.
Very complex structures, during construction, the most modern and high-quality waterproofing materials and technologies are required. Only specialized companies should be involved in the creation, they give a guarantee and indemnify for material losses that have arisen due to a gross violation of building codes and regulations during the work. Such designs are most suitable for high-end apartment buildings, a bowl of water is placed on the surface of the roof or built into the body of the house.
The average version of pools, both in terms of quality and reliability, and in terms of estimated cost. The frame is made of metal, special sealed plates hold water. There are options when elastic bowls are inserted into the frame. Pools can be completely or partially dismantled for the winter. Designs are practical, universal use, multiple use. At a cost much cheaper than stationary ones, they are easier to repair and maintain. Some Models frame pools have very complex maintenance equipment, only specially trained people can work with it.
The simplest and cheapest options can be used both on specially prepared roofs and on ordinary ones. They have a relatively small weight, do not have a noticeable effect on general loads bearing nodes of the house. They have different sizes and volumes, it is possible to install units for water purification in automatic mode.

Each design has its own characteristics and requires a certain preparation of the roof. During the selection and installation, it must be remembered that if the technology of work is violated, the pools will cause serious problems not only for the roof, but also for the interior.

Step-by-step instructions for making a rooftop platform for a pool

Whatever type of pool you choose, it is recommended to install it on a specially prepared site. The size of the structure is 6 × 6 m, you should not do less, you will get not a pool, but a large bath.

Foundation concreting

Prices for cement and mixture bases

Cement and mixture bases

Step 1. Prepare the edging of the platform from metal, it is necessary to weld home-made T-profiles. Put one strip on the edge, the position must be chosen such that on one side there is 1/3 of the width of the lower strip, and on the other 2/3. Weld the rental. Work should be on level ground, follow the rules for welding. If the element is a little led, then you need to make a cut with a grinder, the beam will sit in place.

Step 2 Choose a specific location for the pool. This is a heavy structure, it should be placed above the bearing walls. If there is no plan of the premises, then it is necessary to examine the walls from the inside of the building. It is desirable that the slab under the pool rest on at least three load-bearing walls, choose a symmetrical position.

Step 3 Install formwork for pouring concrete from edged boards 25 × 150 mm, pour concrete. Allow at least two weeks for curing, remove formwork and install metal edging. It will not only strengthen the entire structure, but also prevent foot damage to the edges of the site.

Before installing the edging, it is necessary to lay a metal mesh to reinforce the structure. The fact is that in the future there will be a layer of bitumen on it, it is necessary to minimize the likelihood of various deformations and cracks, the protection must be intact and guarantee the complete impermeability of the roof.

Step 4 Fasten the metal edging to the site with a solution around the perimeter. Side surfaces do not touch yet, they still need to be waterproofed.

Step 5 Weld metal bars about 25–30 cm long to the edging. Fix the metal bars to the vertical rods. Pre-drill the holes, drive them into the concrete, cut off the excess with a grinder.

This is an additional insurance against the displacement of the edging, it must be motionless under any load.

Important. If you are working on a ready-made coating, then you need to be very careful. Various construction debris can damage the roof, leaks will appear. Do not be lazy to immediately clean up after yourself, nothing should be lying under your feet.

The distance between the fasteners is approximately one meter. Further it is impossible, the strip is thin and can be deformed.

Step 6 Secure the harness against movement in the vertical direction. Drive in and weld the pins close to the edge of the strip, the distance between them is also about one meter.

Step 7 Install the first guide to level the top layer of concrete. The entire site will be filled with separate sections, the guide will then have to be displaced and installed in a new place.

Step 8 Start pouring concrete. The algorithm of actions is standard, the strength of concrete is not lower than M 200.

After the concrete is completely dry, treat the surface. Professionals strongly recommend doing this operation. The primer not only significantly increases the adhesion between the base and the roofing material, but also serves as a fairly reliable hydro-barrier. The solution is deeply absorbed into the concrete, an even hermetic layer is formed on the surface. It is protected from the negative effects of harsh UV rays by topcoats and lasts much longer than them.

Important. Work only in dry weather. Do not believe the manufacturers that the humidity of the surfaces does not affect the quality of the coating. Practice shows that it affects, and very strongly.

Installation of rolled roofing materials

Prices for roofing material


The base is prepared for final waterproofing. Raise the burner, gas bottle and rolls of material to the roof.

Step 1. Lay the underlayment. For waterproofing work under pools, only high-quality materials should be used, a small amount of savings on them cannot be compared with possible losses. Attention should be paid not only to the type of modified bitumen, but also to the physical strength of the base. Fiberglass has the highest performance in this parameter. Never buy rolls based on non-woven fabric for these purposes. In terms of tensile strength, they are almost the same as ordinary cardboard. The only advantage of a non-woven base is that it is not afraid of moisture. Non-woven materials in their structure have nothing to do with the usual fabrics, they do not have strong longitudinal and transverse threads.

Step 2 On top of the lining layer, glue the finishing layer with stone chips. For him, too, purchase only modern high-quality coatings.

The pool area is ready, you can install it.

Prices for frame pools

Frame pools

In this situation, not always what is more expensive is better. Why? A house is a complex engineering structure that has a huge number of individual elements that affect each other's condition. For example, the increased load on the roof puts pressure not only on the ceiling and walls, but also on foundations. What factors should be kept in mind while choosing a pool?

  1. Stationary indoor is the heaviest structure, it is possible to plan its construction only at the stage of development of the design specification. You should not hope that the designs of the house have initially large stock strength and without problems cope with significant additional loads.

  2. In winter, it is better to drain the water, regardless of the type of container. Few people will take water procedures and harden at the same time, they will have to do heating. This is not only difficult, but also dangerous.

  3. We must not forget that any pool must be periodically cleaned of dirt, and the water must not only be filtered, but also disinfected. Otherwise, green mucus will appear on the walls, it will be unpleasant to swim.

  4. The area of ​​the pool is not less than twenty-five square meters. It is not advisable to start complex expensive work for the sake of a large bath.

  5. Do not get carried away with cheap inflatable structures. In the event of a breakthrough from flooding the lower premises, no waterproofing will save, leaks will be very likely.

Do not rush to make final decisions. There are always several options, choose the best one for you and your home.

And the last. The type and dimensions of the structure must take into account the purpose for which they are made. If only in order to show friends once, then you can choose the simplest options. When regular use of the pool is planned, then you should not save on reliability and comfort. For such cases, it is recommended to mount a stainless steel container on the site described above. The pleasure is expensive, but over time it fully pays for itself: significant savings in the cost of periodic maintenance, maximum guarantee of safety of use and an almost unlimited service life.

Video - Rooftop pool

The pool on the roof is an original solution to increase the prestige and comfort of the building, they are placed on inverted roofs. But such roofs can be used for other purposes. What are inversion roofs, what are their performance characteristics and how to build them can be read.

The article will talk about various types pool cover. You will learn about how each of the varieties works, what are their main advantages and disadvantages. The article contains videos demonstrating the possibilities of sliding pavilions and step by step instructions assemblies.

Types of protective structures for swimming pools

The protective structure of the bowl is a moisture-dust barrier, which sometimes allows ventilation of the internal space. Consider the methods of mechanical protection of the bowl, i.e. options for enclosing structures.


This universal design is not directly related to the pool, it can be installed anywhere. In terms of protecting the bowl, this is only a conditional fence - from rain and sun. This option can afford a house in a resort area with a mild climate and clean environment, without abundant vegetation around.


A panel made of a material that combines the properties of fabric and polyethylene * the size of a bowl. If the pool is made by a company, it is provided as an option or as a set; it comes as a set with purchased ready-made pools.

* The material of the canvas can be very different - from tarpaulin to polyethylene.


  1. Low price.
  2. You can make your own.


  1. Inconvenience at work. Installation requires 1-2 assistants.
  2. fragility. Due to constant transfers and peals, the canvas wears out.
  3. The canvas accumulates dirt and debris. Its cleaning is a rather laborious task.

In other words, the canopy is the cheapest basic option.

low pavilion

A collapsible frame structure, which, when assembled, has a fixed structure. The height of the "greenhouse" is from 200 to 600 mm, the wider the pool, the higher the "horse" of the roof will be. Any type of pavilion provides slopes at an angle to the horizon to remove precipitation.


  1. Sturdy construction.
  2. It is practically not subject to wind loads due to its low location.
  3. The lowest cost of all frame pavilions.


  1. After installation, the bowl is not accessible.
  2. Assembly / disassembly will require time and skills (or hiring a specialist).
  3. You need a place to store the disassembled structure.

This option is well suited for hotels in resorts and country houses for summer holidays with a clear schedule for the transition to the summer / winter season, when the date of conservation and re-preservation of the pool (and the whole house) is known in advance.

high pavilion

Frame, as a rule, a translucent structure with a height of more than a human height. Budget pavilions usually have from 2 to 2.2 meters in height and are mounted 200-300 mm from the edge of the pool. Exclusive custom-made models can cover not only the bowl, but also the surrounding space - they are designed as an element of the landscape ( a roof with a panoramic view). The design is stationary, provides for a separate entrance and temporary dismantling of parts (stained-glass windows, walls).


  1. Maximum use of the pool by time.
  2. Ease of being inside.
  3. The best protection from precipitation, debris, etc.
  4. Mounted once.


  1. Due to the conditionally closed structure, an important factor is leveled - unity with nature.
  2. Suitable only for mild climate (average winter temperature not lower than -18 °C).

A growth pavilion or a panoramic roof is suitable for those who are accustomed to regular water procedures regardless of weather and time of year.

Selection of protection for different needs

In order to choose the best option for a protective structure, it is necessary to determine the purpose of its device. Typically, pool owners have three goals.

Winter conservation. A mandatory and inevitable procedure for those who have an open bathing bowl. It does not depend on the mode of operation in the summer. If the region is “snowy” (snow load is more than 80 kg / sq. M), the option of the panel is no longer suitable - it is suitable for areas with a mild climate:

  1. Minimum - a cloth (at an average winter temperature of up to -15 ... -18 ° C) or a low pavilion (at temperatures below -18 ° C).
  2. Ideally, a collapsible / portable / sliding frame low pavilion.
  3. Not recommended - a polyethylene cloth, a high pavilion made of cheap polycarbonate.

Protection from abundant leaves and rain, dust. Actual in areas surrounded by trees, especially with small animals, located near highways, irrigated fields. It is very important if a neighbor breeds poultry or pigeons. Such bowls have to be protected literally around the clock:

  1. The minimum is a very high-quality panel or a low sliding pavilion.
  2. Ideally - a completely closed "greenhouse".
  3. Not recommended - an arched canopy without side walls (leaves will still fall).

Swimming season extended. The goal is achievable with the device of a sealed (conditionally) "thermos" over a bowl dug into the ground - the water will receive heat from the soil, and the "greenhouse" will not allow it to evaporate quickly. Only one option is fully suitable here - a high frame sliding or stationary pavilion. It will allow you to effectively apply heating and swim in warm water even in deep winter (if it turns out to be “soft”).

Solving the installation problem

Stationary structures for small and medium-sized pools, strictly speaking, are obsolete - the age of wholesale automation and simplification is in the yard. Mounting / dismantling and summer storage take time and effort. Telescopic sliding pavilions have become the answer to this consumer request.

In fact, these are the same "greenhouses", divided into sections. Rollers are installed on each section, and instead of support points there are safety guide rails. Moreover, each arch is larger than the previous one and has its own track. The whole structure can be easily folded and unfolded in a few seconds, which expands the scope of rigid frame pavilions.

On the video - how the sliding pavilion works

In this form, protection for the pool is produced in factories and is supplied as a kit, the installation of which can be handled by yourself.

Installation of a sliding pavilion - step by step video

The price of pavilions depends on the design, additional options and size. On average in Russia, a pavilion costs 100 USD. e. per 1 sq. m, including manufacturing, delivery and turnkey installation.

In some cases, water can be no less dangerous than height. There may be a pet in the pool, or worse, a child who cannot swim. So the roof over the bowl is not only protection from precipitation and foliage, but also a talisman of peace for the owners.