Fiery rooster and fiery horse compatibility. Rooster and horse compatibility

Compatibility of the Horse and the Rooster is a strange union that can quickly develop and just as quickly unstick. Their relationship is built on disharmony, inconsistencies in outlook on life and regular quarrels over trifles.

The nature of the zodiac Horse in family and marriage

The horse is very curious and is drawn to everything new. She enjoys literally everything: an interesting trip, a new job, a new partner. Of course, she needs funds to implement all her enchanting ideas, so the Horse is very prudent about money.

Thanks to their activity, people of this year often become leaders - they are very responsible and sociable employees. It is impossible to take offense at the Horse for a long time, and it is impossible not to listen to it.

The negative qualities of the character of the representatives of this sign include:

  1. Short temper and excessive ardor. These traits are most characteristic of such signs: Leo, Aries, Virgo and Scorpio.
  2. Carelessness, the Horse rarely becomes the guardian of the family hearth. This quality is in the nature of the signs: Pisces, Libra, Gemini, Sagittarius.
  3. Tendency to irreconcilable disputes, as a result of which a scandal is kindled. This is especially true for Capricorns, Cancers, Taurus, Aquarius.

But horses are very optimistic, and their whole life is an adventure. In each unpleasant situation they are looking for something good. In a word, it is impossible to get bored with such a partner.

Character of the Zodiac Rooster

People born under this sign are also very sociable, but in conversation they can embellish reality a little in a favorable direction for themselves. Roosters love beautiful and stylish clothes, they do many things for show and are a little arrogant.

In this zodiac year, very straightforward people are born who, without thinking for a while, lay out in a conversation everything that they do not like in a person. Roosters are not afraid to offend someone, to be honest, they do not even think about the feelings of their interlocutor.

Their self-confidence often becomes pain point, because when faced with constructive criticism in his address, the Rooster can become depressed. A loving soulmate or relatives who will praise and support the Rooster can bring him out of this state.

The character of this sign is also rich in positive qualities:

  1. Sincerity and inability to lie, as a result of which Roosters rarely cheat on their partners.
  2. High working capacity and as a result a good income. But all earned representatives of this sign easily spend.
  3. Honest and principled friend.

Chinese Zodiac Compatibility Horse and Rooster

At an early stage, the relationship looks quite nice, and partners feel attracted to each other. The horse is very active in character and its energy overflows. She makes the perfect match for the Rooster, who thinks big and rarely brings his plans to life.

Of course, the outcome of the relationship of this couple also depends on the signs of the zodiac. But, undoubtedly, their compatibility in marriage is less successful than their compatibility in doing business. The horse is fond of the ideas of the Rooster, easily brings them to life and is waiting for new proposals, on the implementation of which he will again put all his strength.

While the couple is busy with a common cause, she does not notice each other's shortcomings.

It is necessary for them to start a life together and away we go. Horses are sloppy, not very economic and do not want to be responsible for the family hearth. Roosters, on the other hand, will guide their soulmate on the right path, read notations and make useful comments.

Their compatibility in love is possible provided that the partners turn a blind eye to each other's mutual shortcomings. People of these zodiac years are very quick-tempered and temperamental, which often leads to a pessimistic end to relationships.

Rooster man and Horse woman

The Horse woman and the Rooster man are a complex combination, the couple hardly gets along in the same territory. Most often, the relationship of such different people is built on passion and does not last too long.

In this pair, the woman perceives the man as a relative who from hour to hour does not stop teaching her how to live correctly. Because of the straightforwardness, the man expresses his claims to the partner directly, she is offended and off and on.

The horse does not see a reliable partner in the Rooster's spouse or boyfriend who will share her life views and aspirations. And he does not want to connect life with a woman who is too active and not economic.

Such a marriage can only be based on mutual love and respect of the wife for her husband. If the Horse adheres to the image of a warrior, then the couple will most likely part.

Rooster Woman and Horse Man

Compatibility in love and marriage for this couple is more real. A woman in union feels in her place, but she needs time to come to terms with the eccentric nature of her partner. The Rooster woman will become the most wonderful hostess, she is kind to her children and her husband, sincerely admires and is proud of their achievements.

A Horse man can become a support in this marriage only in one case - his wife will take care of all the chores associated with everyday life. The Rooster woman gets a difficult role, because the man does not accept criticism, and the partner will have to be tamed with affectionate words, gentle exhortations and other female tricks.

But the man in this pair is not an egoist, he always listens with interest to the advice of his partner. And the most successful ideas can be realized in business or everyday life.

The happy life of this couple is also built on the abilities and calmness of a woman.

If she loves her partner, she will be able to curb his character, as a result of which the family of the Horse man and the Rooster woman will become ideal.

According to the Chinese horoscope, the compatibility of representatives of these signs is problematic. Their relationship is disharmonious due to similarities in negative qualities. People born in these years have a difficult character. They find it difficult to compromise and admit that they are wrong. Both of these signs are always in conflict and competition. It is easier for them to destroy the union than to save it.

Friendship is possible between a horse and a Rooster

People born in the year of the Horse are excellent companions and interlocutors, they love and know how to communicate. However, in close relationships between men and women, problems always arise. This year is traditionally characterized by impulsiveness, independence, sometimes indifference to other people's opinions. It is difficult for a narcissistic Rooster who does not tolerate objections to get along with such a person. The horse will not be silent for an insult or an offensive remark - this is how a quarrel begins.

Friendship Forecast

These signs have friendly compatibility. Friendship between a man and a woman is possible. Sometimes the union develops and develops better than the relationship in marriage. People who were born in the year of these signs will create a comradely bond, although you cannot call them bosom friends. Still, the inconsistency of characters interferes with strong friendship. Slight indifference and hidden irritation often characterize such friendship.

Compatibility is manifested in hobbies, hobbies or secular communication. It will unite, though not bring together. Friendship will remain superficial. Representatives of these signs spend time together or meet at social events, but do not know anything about personal life and each other's marriage.

Forecast for business relations

The beginning of the partnership looks promising. The Rooster has ideas and plans. They are not always realistic, but there are many of them. This variety will conquer the Horse. She craves action and wants to implement projects. The union will end in a sharp break if business compatibility is complicated by the impulsiveness and randomness of the Horse. The behavior of a distrustful partner seems to her passive. This will cause irritation and reciprocal criticism.

Forecast for marriage

A person who was born in the year of the Horse or Rooster is uncompromising. He is an individualist and insists on his own. Here lies the secret of the poor compatibility of people who were born in these years. Regardless of gender, they strive for leadership. Between them there is a struggle for power. This weakens the bond in the marriage and the relationship breaks down.

The prognosis for marriage can be given depending on gender and year.

  • Rooster man and Horse woman. A man has a bright appearance and character, but it is difficult for him to build a strong love union. Passion plays a big role in the beginning. When it fades, the woman will leave. A man will be able to bind her if a woman opens his inner world, sees talents and opportunities.
  • Horse man and Rooster woman. A woman should be softer and more compliant. If she stops being irritable and straightforward, the man will support her. Cohabitation will work out well. A woman will inspire a man, keep his temperament, provide home comfort, and a man will protect and provide.
  • The horse will truly love the Rooster. Despite pride and pride, she will sacrifice a lot for the sake of love;
  • The rooster will stop being annoyed and attach importance to trifles;
  • both will learn to restrain emotional reactions and become more tolerant of each other's shortcomings.

A marriage will break up if:

  • independence will be more important for the Horse than maintaining the union;
  • the quick-tempered Rooster constantly finds fault and insults a partner;
  • spouses compete and refuse to communicate with each other;
  • infatuation arises. It doesn't matter how serious.

The compatibility of the characters of the Horse and the Rooster according to the horoscope does not guarantee the strength of the family. In marriage, these signs face obstacles to a happy life. Only a deep sense of love and the desire to save the marriage will keep them together.

People born in the year of the Horse are in many ways similar to their patrons from the animal world: like wild mustangs, they take off right off the bat and rush at full speed, enjoying the whistle of the wind in their ears. In some cases, they go a little further than planned. As a rule, the Horse gives herself to some business with all her inherent passion, she is ready to work hard in order to get what she wants, but in some cases the flow of life takes the representatives of this sign a little in the wrong direction. Sometimes you become interested in some other project without finishing what you started, moreover, you often take on a task without thinking and completely forgetting about the details. Your love for life inspires the people around you. You are incredibly sociable, you adore big companies and often become the center of everyone's attention. Representatives of this sign are unlikely to miss the next party or some kind of social event. In love relationships, Horses often show windiness and inconstancy. You completely concentrate on relationships with another partner, direct all your energy to them and give yourself to your beloved with all your heart and soul, but as soon as you notice someone prettier, you immediately lose interest in her. If you do not have a relationship with a new passion, you realize your mistake and are desperately trying to get your old partner back. You are excellent at courting, seducing and winning women's hearts, but you are far from being so good at maintaining long-term relationships.

The Rooster Woman is in many ways similar to you, but at the same time, you are in many ways different from each other. This woman also loves to be in the center of everyone's attention, however, unlike you, she loves to show off and purposefully seeks the admiration of others. She tries to attract attention with her appearance, not her communication skills. As a rule, representatives of this sign dress in the latest fashion, preferring catchy and even extravagant outfits. Despite a sincere love for expensive clothes and accessories, the Rooster woman is excellent at managing finances and controls all her expenses and income down to a penny. She is a true master of financial planning, and this quality makes her related to the Horse. Unlike you, the Rooster woman never forgets the details, and her plan for the day is often scheduled to the minute. The Rooster woman is very ambitious, just like the Horse, but in the process of making her dream come true, she takes into account every little thing. You, on the other hand, rush into the next adventure like a pool of head, make every possible effort and hope only for the best.

Both of you are honest and somewhat straightforward, sometimes your frank comments can seem rude. Fortunately, such statements do not hurt either of you - you value honesty and frankness and are well aware that in fact the partner did not want to offend you. You like your partner's ability to take care of herself and the constant desire to do so. You have a sincere respect for her outstanding intellectual abilities. She really can appreciate your industriousness, but your complete inability to stick to any kind of schedule annoys her and sometimes even infuriates her. In this relationship, you both will have to make some concessions: you should make every possible effort to stick to the established schedule, and it would not hurt her to learn the art of relaxation and develop a more relaxed attitude to life. Both of you set yourself global and ambitious goals. You are really able to achieve them, because the Rooster woman will help you take into account all the details, and you will inspire your partner and share your raw animal energy. The Rooster woman does not like to admit her own mistakes, she never admits that she was wrong, and is far from always able to adequately respond to such comments, so if you want to avoid scandals, you should be sensitive and careful when communicating with your partner! Most likely, your ability to manage finances will cause her sincere admiration, since the Rooster woman really has respect for those people who know the art of financial planning no worse than her. In general, you complement each other in many ways and, subject to some compromises on both sides, you can build a happy and harmonious relationship.

Compatibility of a Horse woman and a Rooster man is hardly possible, because these people are too different. It happens that when they meet, they quickly approach each other, but also quickly part. It is too difficult for them to achieve balance, harmony and understanding together.


The first stage of a relationship can be quite normal. The Horse woman is energetic and active, which will make a pleasant impression on the Rooster man, because he is used to thinking big, but does not always do what he has planned. He has many ideas, but they are often unrealistic. And in this sense, the Horse, who is nearby, will be able to help him, and through it he will want to realize all his possible and impossible projects.

The Horse woman is an addicting nature, and if she finds a meaning for herself in the undertakings of this man, then, most likely, she will take up their common affairs closely. In a global sense, the unification of interests can be a strengthening moment, despite different views in the conduct of everyday life.

Most of the proposed by the Rooster, the Horse will have to be adjusted to real conditions, but for her it will not be difficult. While the couple will be engaged in important unifying matters, minor problems and difficulties will be solved by themselves. The Rooster will become a strategist organizing the process, and the Horse will take on its embodiment.

Two options for developing relationships

Most the best option The development of relations is possible if the Rooster man forgives the Horse for its impulsiveness, slovenliness, obstinacy and selfish manners. And the Horse, in turn, will not react too violently to the constant nit-picking and criticism of the Rooster because of every little thing. If they work on themselves, then their union will be happy.

The worst option for the development of their relationship will develop if the partners do not learn to give in to each other, trust and they do not have a common goal. Each of them has an explosive temperament, which they will have to tame on their own. Not a single union can hold out only on passion, therefore it is necessary to build a balanced solid foundation. Close cooperation of partners will allow to overcome all vital barriers.

In this union, the fact of the presence of an important internal component of the Rooster man, or rather, whether the Horse woman can consider it, will play an important role. Without seeing his talents, the Horse woman will very quickly end the relationship. However, if she can appreciate and respect the Rooster man, then love and marriage will probably work out well.

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This union has every chance of failure. Both are trying to improve themselves and are used to taking care of themselves. For these allies, the opinion of others is very important, they are picky and touchy - especially the Rooster. According to the compatibility horoscope of the Rooster, a competition arises in their relationship, in which everyone tries to emerge as a winner.

In addition, their similarity does not contribute to the deepening of relations, but, on the contrary, depresses them. The horse will be annoyed by the efforts of the Rooster to spread his tail outside the house. She will start to suffer, and they will get on each other's nerves. The silence between them will drag on, and, as you know, both need communication. As a result, they will start looking for communication on the side.

Rooster man and Horse woman

Compatibility male Rooster and female Horse is hardly possible, because these people are too different. It happens that when they meet, they quickly approach each other, but also quickly part. It is too difficult for them to achieve balance, harmony and understanding together.

The best option for developing relationships is possible if the Rooster man forgives the Horse for its impulsiveness, slovenliness, obstinacy and selfish manners. And the Horse, in turn, will not react too violently to the constant nit-picking and criticism of the Rooster because of every little thing. If they work on themselves, then their union will be happy.

The worst option for the development of their relationship will develop if the partners do not learn to give in to each other, trust and they do not have a common goal. Each of them has an explosive temperament, which they will have to tame on their own. Not a single union can hold out only on passion, therefore it is necessary to build a balanced solid foundation. Close cooperation of partners will allow to overcome all vital barriers.

In this union, the fact of the presence of an important internal component of the Rooster man, or rather, whether the Horse woman can consider it, will play an important role. Without seeing his talents, the Horse woman will very quickly end the relationship. However, if she can appreciate and respect the Rooster man, then love and marriage will probably work out well.

Rooster Woman and Horse Man

The compatibility of the signs of the female Rooster and the male Horse is rather strange and in rare cases successful. Often meeting each other on their way, these people quickly converge and disperse just as quickly. A couple knows all sorts of extremes and it is very difficult to find harmony, balance and mutual understanding.

For a positive development of events, it is very important that the Rooster woman manages to close her eyes to the impulsiveness and carelessness of the Horse man, his selfish manifestations and obstinate behavior. He, in turn, needs to stop taking her constant nit-picking and criticism personally.

By being more flexible, the Rooster girl will be able to maintain a pleasant relationship. The Horse man will become a support for her, provided that she takes over the management of household affairs and learns to enjoy the little things, instead of expressing discontent. The Rooster woman can influence many processes if she learns to control a man like a woman, taming aggression and translating it into a peaceful creative channel.