Rinpoche Tibetan yoga of sleep and dreams. Tibetan yoga of sleep and dreams

Tendzin Wangyal Rinpoche


Tendzin Wangyal Rinpoche, a Tibetan Bon lama, currently lives in Charlottesville, Virginia. He is the founder and director of the Ligmincha Institute, an organization that researches and practices the teachings of the Bon tradition. Born in India, in the city of Amritsar, where his parents fled to escape the Chinese invasion of Tibet. He studied with Buddhist and Bon teachers and received the title of Geshe, the highest academic degree in traditional Tibetan culture. Since 1991 he has been living in the United States, conducting many training seminars throughout America and Europe.

The book by Tendzin Wangyal Rinpoche, a lama of the ancient Tibetan Bon tradition, gives detailed instructions on the yoga of sleep and dreams. The fruits of these practices are an increase in happiness and freedom, both in the waking state and during sleep. " Tibetan yoga sleep and dreams" provides powerful methods for advancing on the path to liberation. Addressed directly to the reader's personal experience, this book is certainly one of the most profound works in the field.

I want to thank those who contributed to the preparation of the book for publication, and above all and most of all - Mark Dalby, my student and close friend, with whom I was very pleased to work. We spent many hours in cafes around Berkeley, discussing various issues. Without him, this book would not have seen the light of day.

I am also grateful to Stephen D. Goodman, a colleague and friend whose valuable advice improved the manuscript, Sue Ellis Dyer and Chris Baker for editorial revisions of the first draft of the book, Sue Davis and Laura Shekerjian for reading the book and providing their comments, and Christine Cox of Snow Lion Publications, an experienced editor who, by applying her skill to the text, greatly improved the book.

The photographs depicting the postures of meditation and dream yoga (pp. 96 and 125, respectively) were taken by Antonio Riestra and modeled by Luz Vergara. Chakra drawings on pp. 120 and 122 by Monica R. Ortega. I also want to thank all those whom I have not mentioned here and who have provided me with various assistance.

I dedicate this book to Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche, who has become a source of inspiration in my life, both in the way I teach others and in my personal practice.


There is a saying in Tibet: "In order to stop all doubts about the authenticity of the teaching and transmission, one must turn to the line of succession and to history." Therefore, I will begin this book with brief history of my life.

I was born shortly after my parents fled Tibet to escape Chinese oppression. Life was difficult for them, so I was sent to a Christian boarding school, where, as my parents hoped, they would take care of me. My father was a Buddhist lama* and my mother practiced Bon*. A little time passed, and the father died. The mother then remarried, this time to a Bon lama. Both he and my mother wanted me to live in their cultural environment, and so, when I was ten years old, I was sent to the main Bon monastery, which was located in India, in Dolanji, where I took monastic orders.

After I lived in the monastery for some time, Lopon (senior tutor) Sangge Tendzin Rinpoche recognized me as the reincarnation of Kyungtul Rinpoche, the famous scholar and teacher, writer and meditation teacher. He was well known as a skilled astrologer, and in Western Tibet and India he became famous as a tamer of evil spirits. Many knew him as a healer with magical powers. One of his patrons was the lord of the principality of Himachal in North India. The prince and his wife, who could not have children, turned to Kyungtul Rinpoche with a request to cure them, which he did. Their son Virbhardur is currently the Prime Minister of Himachal Pradesh.

When I was thirteen, my root teacher Lopon Sange Tendzin, a human great knowledge and high realization, was about to transmit one of the most important and secret teachings of the Bön tradition: the lineage of the Great Perfection (Dzogchen*) of the oral transmission of Shang Shung (Shang Shung nengyud*). Although I was still very young, my stepfather visited Lopon Rinpoche and requested that I be allowed to attend the classes, which were to continue daily for three years. Lopon graciously agreed, but told me, as well as the rest of the future students, to tell him a dream I had the night before the start of classes so that he could determine our readiness.

Some students did not remember dreams, and this was taken as a sign of obstacles. Lopon told them to begin the cleansing practices and delayed the start of classes until each student had a dream. The dreams of other students indicated that they needed to do certain practices in order to prepare themselves to receive teachings, such as practices that would strengthen their connection with the Bon guardians*.

I dreamed of a bus that circled around my mentor's house, when in fact there was no road. In the dream, my Friend was the conductor, and I stood next to him and handed the ticket to everyone who got on the bus. The tickets were pieces of paper on which the Tibetan syllable A was written. Then it was the second or third year of my stay in Dolanji. I was thirteen years old and did not know that A is one of the most important symbols in the Dzogchen teaching. The teacher, as usual, said nothing about my dream. He didn't talk much about the good stuff, but I was happy just because I was allowed to attend classes.

In the Tibetan spiritual tradition, the teacher often uses the students' dreams in this way to decide if the student can receive a particular teaching. And although it took a long time before I began to study and practice dream yoga, this incident marked the beginning of my interest in dreams. I was deeply impressed by how highly dreams are valued in Tibetan culture and in the Bon religion, and how information from the unconscious is often more important than information that the conscious mind can provide.

After classes that lasted three years and included numerous meditation retreats with fellow practitioners, as well as many retreats that I did alone, I entered the monastic school of dialectics. As a rule, it takes nine to thirteen years to complete a program of study built on a traditional basis. We were taught the usual academic subjects: grammar, Sanskrit, versification, astrology, fine arts, but we also studied not quite ordinary disciplines: epistemology, cosmology. Sutra*, Tantra* and Dzogchen. During my time at the monastery, I received many teachings and transmissions on dream yoga, the most important of which were based on the texts of Zhang Zhung Nengyud, the Mother Tantra, and the books of Shardza ​​Rinpoche.

I studied well, and when I was nineteen I was asked to teach others, which I began to do. Around the same time, I wrote and published a short biography of Shenrab Miwoche*, the founder of the Bon religion. Later, I became the director of the school of dialectics and, holding this post for four years, devoted a lot of effort to the formation and development of the school. In 1986, I received the degree of Geshe, the highest degree that a Tibetan monastic education gives.

In 1989, at the invitation of the Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche Italian Dzogchen Community, I went to the West. Although I had no plans to teach, members of the congregation asked me to do so. I started handing out pieces of paper to use for concentration in meditation. Each had the Tibetan syllable A written on it. And then I remembered a dream from fifteen years ago in which I handed out tickets with exactly the same letter A to people entering the bus. It struck me to the core.

I stayed in the West and in 1991 received a scholarship from the Rockefeller Foundation to conduct scientific work at Rice University. In 1993, my first book in the West, The Wonders of the Natural Mind, was published, in which I tried to present the teaching of the Great Perfection (Dzogchen) simply and clearly. In 1994 I was awarded a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, which enabled me to study the logical and philosophical aspects of the Bon tradition with Anna Klein, Professor of Religious Studies at Rhys University.

This is how my inclination towards science manifests itself, but practice is always more important, and therefore all this time I continue to be interested in dreams and the practice of dream yoga. My interest is not only theoretical. I trust the wisdom of my dreams early childhood influenced by the dreaming experiences of my teachers and mother and the practice of using dreams in the Bon tradition, and for the last ten years I have been intensively practicing dream yoga. Every night, when I go to bed, I feel a sense of freedom. The day's work is over. Sometimes nighttime practice is successful, sometimes not, and this is to be expected until one achieves a very high level. However, almost every night I go to bed with the intention of completing my day's practice. The teachings included in this book are based on my own experience of practice and on the three texts I mentioned above.

Tibetan Yoga of Sleep and Dreams grew out of the oral teachings I gave over the years in California and New Mexico. It retained the informal spirit that marked these teachings. Words marked with asterisks when they first appear in the text can be found in the glossary at the end of the book.

For me, dream yoga has become the basis ...


Tibetan Yoga of Sleep and Dreams (Tendzin Wangyal Rinpoche)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 256kbps
Tendzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Release year: 2013
Genre: Esoteric
Publisher: Do-it-yourself audiobook
Artist: Andrey
Duration: 07:53:04
Description: This book gives detailed instructions on dream yoga, including fundamental practices that are performed throughout the day. In the Tibetan tradition, the ability to have lucid dreams is not an end in itself, but an additional area that can be mastered by performing higher-level actionable practices that lead to liberation.
The yoga of dreams is followed by the yoga of sleep, also called the yoga of clear light. This even higher practice is akin to the most secret Tibetan practitioners. Its purpose is to remain aware during deep sleep, when the gross conceptual mind and senses cease to function.
Most people in the West cannot even imagine that such a depth of awareness is possible, but in the Tibetan spiritual traditions, Buddhist and Bon, this phenomenon is well known.


How yoga works. Healing and Self-Healing with the Yoga Sutras (Geshe Michael Roach, Christy Michael McNally)

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Genre: Self Improvement
Publisher: Gayatri
Russian language
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Series: Dream Hackers
Format: FB2, OCR without errors
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Genre: Esoteric
Publisher: IG "Ves"
Russian language
Number of pages: 320
Description: With the help of the Transurfing technique, a large number of people managed to change their lives in better side. But how exactly? Is there any real evidence for this? It was these examples that we so lacked after reading the first books. Your attention is invited A new book Vadim Zeland, the author of the bestseller "Reality Transurfing", which is based on the experience of living and mastering the Transurfing technique...


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Artist: Mikhail Chernyak
Duration: 67:50:59
Description: Transurfing is a powerful technique that gives the power to do things that are impossible from an ordinary point of view, namely, to control fate at your own discretion. There will be no miracles. Something more awaits you - an unfamiliar reality is much more amazing than any mysticism. You will experience indescribable feelings when you discover in yourself abilities that you did not even suspect. It's like the feeling of free fall - incredible and...


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Publisher: Peter
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Tibetan Book of the Dead (Bardo Thodol)

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Format: mp3, 96 kbps
Author: Bardo Thodol
Genre: Philosophy, Religion
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere
Artist: unknown
Duration: 01:41:00
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Author unknown
Year of issue: 1927
Genre: Philosophy
Russian language
Number of pages: 44
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Author: Mikhail Raduga
Release year: 2011
Genre: Mystery of the Mind
Publisher: Ripol classic
Russian language
Number of pages: 243
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Publisher: Talking Book
Artist: Ilya Bobylev
Duration: 07:19:00
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Interpretation of dreams (Mazin V.A., Pepperstein P.P.)

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Author: Mazin V.A., Pepperstein P.P.
Release year: 2005
Genre: Psychology
Publisher: New Literary Review
Russian language
Number of pages: 712
Description: One of the fundamental foundations of this book is that dreams have meaning. A dream is not only a deeply personal product, but also a mirror that allows one to see the processes taking place in culture. The environment in which we live affects not only the content of dreams, but also the technology of representation. Analyzing personal dreams, we inevitably...


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Release year: 2012
Genre: Fantasy
Artist: Evgeny Sokolov
Duration: 15:04:49
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Author: Jiri Kratochvil
Release year: 2018
Genre: Modern prose
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere
Artist: Sergey Dadyko
Duration: 11:12:05
Description: The three main characters of the novel - the stepson of a Russian emigrant Konstantin, who is in love with Russian culture, the Czech Jakub and the Jewish youth Henry, whose parents were destroyed by the Nazis, find themselves in Brno on one of the last days of the war - April 30, 1945. The city center has already been cleared of invaders, although fighting is still going on on the outskirts. The prisoners of the concentration camps are returning, but their houses are occupied by others. There is no electricity in the city...


Sigmund Freud - Dream Interpretation

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Genre: psychology
Artist: Irina Erisanova
Publisher: Ardis
Release year: 2005
Audio Format/Quality: MP3, 192 kbps, 44.1 kHz, Stereo
Description: Sigmund Freud is an Austrian scientist, the founder of the theory of psychoanalysis. "The Interpretation of Dreams" - a book first published in 1900, is still among the bestsellers. “Sleep is a fulfilled desire,” says Freud. A person, being the arena of the struggle of all kinds of conflicting desires, often without knowing it, “drives” them into the subconscious. However, repressed desires reveal themselves only in a dream ...

but I

In ancient times, people turned to shamans and priests to help them unravel their dreams. Today you have the opportunity to independently predict your fate. The company "Media World" together with the company "Comulti" offer you a CD "Secrets of Dreams", where, along with the traditional interpretations of dreams, the world-famous dream books of Miller, Carnegie, Freud, Vanga and others are presented (more than 10,000 articles in total). In order to find out the interpretation of sleep, click on the "Search in alphabetical order" button. A scroll of words will unroll in front of you. Select the first letter of the word by clicking on the corresponding letter...


Wheel of Time 11. Dream Knife (Jordan Robert)

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Author: Jordan Robert
Release year: 2017
Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: Do-it-yourself audiobook
Artist: Akhn
Duration: 41:14:00
Description: The Wheel of Time is turning. Burning winds of fate scorch the earth. The very fabric of being is becoming thinner and torn. Even the White Tower has ceased to be a stronghold of security. Elaine enters into a fierce battle for the Lion Throne. And Rand al "Thor, Reborn
Dragon, understands: The Last Battle can no longer be avoided. He can only prepare for the fateful battle with the Dark One and his minions. But first he has one more difficult task: ...

Maintaining clarity of thought while immersed in limbo, managing visions, traveling, discovering new worlds and clearing karma is possible. Those who master the science of sleep yoga will discover new amazing feelings.

In this article

The wisdom of ancient Tibet in the minds of modern man

We are so busy with information and business that there is no room for relaxation in a busy schedule. But night time can be devoted to both rest and meditation. Basic knowledge from the set of Tibetan sages will solve health problems, help you climb new level Consciousness.

The European interpretation of dreams was reduced to the function of predictions. Eastern philosophy is different from Western. It does not have the usual signs and images. Followers of the doctrine do not look into dream books or the writings of Sigmund Freud to decipher the messages.

Miller's dream book interprets the images in detail. On its pages you will find more than 10 thousand descriptions of situations, symbols and signs that help to unravel the most intricate and amazing vision. The book, published at the end of the 19th century, is still popular and has been reprinted many times.

Followers of the Tibetan teachings divide this state into three groups: Clarity, Clear Light and samsara.

  1. Samsaric visions are available to everyone: they arise from personal experience, life impressions, emotions and karmic relationships.
  2. Dreams of Clarity. Feelings that visit after such visions are akin to catharsis: they leave a joyful trace in the soul, make you think about the meaning of life. They differ from samsaric in that they come from bodily sensations.
  3. The Clear Light comes only to those who are at the highest level of Mastery. Vital energy– Prana – penetrates the Consciousness, becomes a part of it. Tibetan monks who have attained enlightenment, with the help of the Force, can heal their own and other people's illnesses, receive the gift of clairvoyance.

Here is useful music that tunes the brain to Delta waves, allows you to put your mind into a trance:

During Delta sleep, nervous and muscle tension is relieved, the pulse slows down. In a state of deep sleep, the body self-heals, both psychological and physical wounds heal, and thus the quality of life improves.

Yoga classes teach self-control, the ability to control oneself, maintain balance and balance, and concentrate on the main thing.

Meditation is the path to harmony

Not everyone will reach Enlightenment and go beyond the Wheel of Samsara. But everyone should strive to understand their subconscious.

The Buddhist teaching, based on the principle of the cyclical nature of the Universe, claims that at night we travel not only through the impressions of the day, but also past incarnations.

Tibetan yoga of sleep and dreams

Spiritual practices Tibetan monks described in detail in a book published in 1998. Author Tendzin Wangyal Rinpoche gives precise instructions on how to achieve clarity through daily exercises.

Eastern teachings about man are based on different ideas about life, death, wakefulness and oblivion.

If we do not know how to practice and fall into oblivion every night, what are our chances of maintaining awareness when death comes? Take a look at your experiences in dreams - you will find out what it will be like for you in death. Take a look at your dream experiences and you will find out if you are truly awake.

Those who have read the book speak of it as a complex but useful instruction. It differs from the superficial advice presented on the Internet, which promises instant enlightenment after a few sessions.

The experience of Tibetan monks will erase the boundaries between sleep and wakefulness

The manual provides the right balance of theoretical and practical knowledge. The sequence and logic of actions, the duration of the exercises are clearly spelled out, the final goals are defined.

Rinpoche believes that vivid dreams are a reflection of the spiritual and emotional growth of the Soul.

Daily sleep yoga practice: four steps in reality

The main set of exercises is designed to be performed in the daytime. Exactly following the advice of teachers from Tibet helps to consciously wander in the world of dreams. Practice to create a calm and peaceful mood will come in handy in reality.

Healing soothing Chinese music will complement the complex:

To enter into meditation, we recommend placing any object half a meter away from you. Fix your eyes on it and gradually clear your mind of anxiety, worries and fuss. Having fixed the skill, you will be able to concentrate your eyes on a clear sky, a wall or a blade of grass in a field. The lesson is to be carried out in silence, detachment and in a good mood.

Wandering through the labyrinths of the subconscious must be safe. In the immediate vicinity of the bed, it is recommended to place items for protection, the so-called. anchors that help the astral traveler to return. These can be figurines made of stone or wood, or popular dream catchers.

Life is just a dream

The statement is based on the idea of ​​the followers of Buddhism about the existing world order. Everything around is an illusion. Buddha sleeps and dreams, we are characters in his fantasies. To accept and realize this fact means to start moving towards Enlightenment.

Our life is just a dream of the Buddha

The first step in the ascent to the Clear Light is the achievement of a state of complete calm and a decrease in the activity of the mind - Shine. It must be done in order to open the way to the Cosmos.

Pose for meditation: cross your legs, straighten your back, turn your hands palms up. This is the classic position of the body in spiritual practices, in which the energy of the Universe moves freely.

Reducing the reactivity of the mind and control over the emotional state

The second step is letting go of emotions. Strong feelings: rage, love, hatred or anger overshadow the mind. They create obstacles on the way to Harmony. The stronger the external stimuli, the sharper the reaction. Release all desires and feelings. Do not rush from one extreme to another, and soon you will feel that dissatisfaction and depression leave the Soul.

Classic Meditation Pose

Exercise will allow you to move away from problems, look at them from the side. Remember, everything that happens is colorful scenery in the theater. Anger, passion, grief or sadness does not matter, because it is an illusion.

Meditation before bed to help you reboot, clear and release:

In the Old Testament, the book of Ecclesiastes says:

From much wisdom, many sorrows. By multiplying knowledge, you multiply sorrow.

Don't complicate simple things.

Experience of the day: to feel in a dream as if in reality

To achieve the desired state, follow the rules:

  1. Be firm in your intentions.
  2. Develop memory and attention to the details that come at night.
  3. Make it a rule in the morning to remember the details of visions and insights.
  4. Try to write down in detail the sensations that came at night.
  5. Don't jump out of bed as soon as you wake up. Become aware of and feel every cell in your body.

The first lessons will be difficult. This is especially true for concentration.

Have a lucid, lucid dream

Poor health or anxiety will affect the quality of meditation: enlightenment will not come. Every day, falling asleep, you should tell yourself that reality is a dream, and worries, fears and anxieties are nothing more than its component. Gradually, the boundaries between the worlds will be erased.

Humanity has always treated sleep with alertness and mystical reverence. This state is not in vain equated to death.

Lotus flower protects in a dream

Remember, realizing yourself inside a dream, do not try to change anything! At this moment, we do things not only at the subconscious level. Be aware of the karmic consequences.

The path to yourself, or the practice of natural light

Previous incarnations and dependencies affect all levels of being. Without releasing debts to the Family and resetting the cyclic program, it will not be possible to achieve conscious visions. The practice of natural light is the feeling that a person experiences at the moment of meaningful dreaming. An amazing feeling of lightness, belonging to the collective Mind, peace and joy.

Tendzin Wangyal Rinpoche - Tibetan Yoga of Sleep and Dreams, 1998

If we don't know how to practice in our sleep, writes author Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, if we fall into unconsciousness every night, what are our chances of remaining aware when death comes? Take a look at your experiences in dreams - you will find out what it will be like for you in death. Take a look at your dream experiences and you will find out if you are truly awake.

This book gives detailed instructions on dream yoga, including fundamental practices that are performed throughout the day. In the Tibetan tradition, the ability to have lucid dreams is not an end in itself, but an additional area that can be mastered by performing higher-level actionable practices that lead to liberation.

The yoga of dreams is followed by the yoga of sleep, also called the yoga of clear light. This even higher practice is akin to the most secret Tibetan practices. Its purpose is to remain conscious during deep sleep, when the gross conceptual mind and senses cease to function. Most people in the West cannot even imagine that such a depth of awareness is possible, but in the Tibetan spiritual traditions, Buddhist and Bon, this phenomenon is well known.

The fruits of these practices are an increase in happiness and freedom, both in the waking state and during sleep. "Tibetan Yoga of Sleep and Dreams" provides powerful methods for advancing on the path to liberation.

TV Rinpoche, a Tibetan Bon lama, currently lives in Charlottesville, Virginia. He is the founder and director of the Ligmincha Institute, an organization that researches and practices the teachings of the Bon tradition. Born in India, in the city of Amritsar, where his parents fled to escape the Chinese invasion of Tibet. He studied with Buddhist and Bon teachers and received the title of Geshe, the highest academic degree in traditional Tibetan culture. Since 1991 he has been living in the United States, conducting many training seminars throughout America and Europe.

So, the goal of the practice of dreams is the liberation and cessation of incarnations in the samsaric worlds.

The book divides all dreams into three groups:

Ordinary samsaric dreams;

Dreams of clarity;

Dreams of the Clear Light.

The first two types differ in their causes, and in each the sleeper may or may not be aware. In Clear Light dreams, not only is awareness present, but there is no dual division into object and subject.

As the practice of dreaming develops, dreams become clearer and more detailed, and we manage to remember more and more of each dream.

Most of us see only samsaric dreams based on events and emotions. Everyday life. From time to time, we may have dreams of clarity, but they are not regular until the practice develops.

Dreams of the Clear Light visit those who have advanced far along the path. This is not easy to achieve.

The book talks about how dreams can be used on their own as a spiritual practice.

Reading this book, I made the main conclusion for myself - here theory and practice are given in a good proportion. The author quite easily and simply talks about really interesting and important things, and then translates the conversation into the plane of practice. The sequence of exercises, their duration, the goals that they pursue and what they can bring in the end - everything is logically justified and understandable.

In the personal evaluation of the book, it is precisely the fact that the author argues that the practice works, but it is quite complicated and the result may have to wait for a long time, just captivates. Unlike most YouTube videos and various superficial books and sources that guarantee enlightenment, lucid dreams, and so on in one or two sessions, Rinpoche says that quality dreams are a reflection of inner spiritual evolution. Dreams are secondary to inner growth. There will be an evolutionary movement, and lucid dreams will appear. And therefore, systematic and high-quality work on oneself is necessary.

In relation to myself, I noticed a certain fact - after reading the book and following the practices given (albeit to a small extent), dreams, their quality and depth improved. I won’t dare to say about a qualitative or “real” breakthrough, but there are some internal changes.

Tibetan yoga of sleep and dreams - description and summary, by Rinpoche Tendzin, read for free online at the site electronic library ParaKnig.me

If we don't know how to practice in our sleep, writes Tendzin Wangyal Rinpoche, if we fall into unconsciousness every night, what are our chances of remaining aware when death comes? Take a look at your experiences in dreams - you will find out what it will be like for you in death. Take a look at your dream experiences and you will find out if you are truly awake.

This book gives detailed instructions on dream yoga, including fundamental practices that are performed throughout the day. In the Tibetan tradition, the ability to have lucid dreams is not an end in itself, but an additional area that can be mastered by performing higher-level actionable practices that lead to liberation.

The yoga of dreams is followed by the yoga of sleep, also called the yoga of clear light. This even higher practice is akin to the most secret Tibetan practices. Its purpose is to remain aware during deep sleep, when the gross conceptual mind and senses cease to function. Most people in the West cannot even imagine that such a depth of awareness is possible, but in the Tibetan spiritual traditions, Buddhist and Bon, this phenomenon is well known.

The fruits of these practices are an increase in happiness and freedom, both in the waking state and during sleep. The Tibetan Yoga of Sleep and Dreams provides powerful methods for advancing on the path to liberation.