Skinny but thick legs. Why do legs get fat

What do they say about women? Either their chest is small, or their buttocks are large and not elastic enough, then their legs are short, or ears on their hips? How about we talk privately about our men? Let me describe those shortcomings of the male body that women do not like so much ... You don’t even know ...

1. General lack of weight.
Often men with such a physique say - I eat as much as I want, but I don’t gain weight. Always dry and hot. Or they are doing something stupid. The most notorious braggarts even show off their abs. But alas, this is not the most favorite option for women. However, there are exceptions to every rule. For example me.

2. Excess weight.
Having added as many as 30 pounds of fat since their student days, the peasants begin to consider themselves mature creatures. They slap each other encouragingly in thick places and feel even more attractive. But how! Previously, he was a drizzle, but now he is a seasoned boar!

3. Belly
More often excess weight deposited in the abdomen - that's how men are arranged. Moreover, a man with this type of figure does not feel like a paunch at all. Many times gentlemen of this appearance have called women sows. Oh yes, yes. Well then, you, you ... pigs!

4. Boobs.
To be honest, I can forgive the peasants everything. Economic blunders, laziness and general disorder. Criminal past and even treason. But not boobs. Boobs are my personal fu. When boobs start to appear - it's time to lose weight urgently! Well, I don't like it when someone has bigger boobs than me!

5. Big ass.
Often, in addition to the boobs in men, a big ass is also attached. And I must say that such an ass does not appear by itself! This is usually preceded by sitting on it for years and decades. But its presence indicates a level of female hormones that can no longer be ignored!

6. Sunken chest
Of course, this is not the worst thing that can happen in life, but not the most pleasant either. Still, a strong torso is the main decoration of a real macho. And then, if you still lied before the meeting about playing sports, the last of which took place right before graduation, and from the second you almost died, a sunken chest will betray you at once.

7. Thin hands.
Thin arms look good only on EMO boys. For everyone else, they can't look good. And evoke associations with weakness. Well, how can you bring down mammoths with such hands? Carry your loved one in your arms? Punch a bully in the face... Yeah...

8. Thin legs.
A guy's thin legs, if they are still thin, should ideally look like this. Otherwise, they look dumb in shorts and create a problem in choosing clothes. And yes, on thin legs it is difficult to run away from a mammoth.

9. Small growth.
There's nothing to be done about this. It is foolish to reproach a person for something that cannot be changed. However, the fact remains. Most strippers, models, actors and other glossy characters are taller than average. The rest is left to compensate for the lack in other areas

10. Want a tenth item? Well I won't, I won't...

Didn't write anything extra, didn't forget anything? A?

If you're not overweight and your legs are suddenly becoming fuller, you may just be swollen. Whether it is puffiness or not, it is very easy to find out. In the evening, pay attention to yours, if you have traces of elastic socks on them, these are swelling. You can also press your finger on the bone. If after that a hole appeared on the leg, disappearing gradually, swelling takes place. Another sign is that shoes are easy to put on in the morning, and difficult in the evening.

With swelling, the legs really get bigger. To eliminate this problem, eliminate salty and fatty foods from your diet.

Diuretics help fight puffiness, but before using them, it is better to consult a doctor.

The second and most common cause of full legs is excess weight. The hips and bottom are the zone for bearing the fetus, so nature carefully protects these places, covering them with a layer of fat. When a woman gains excess weight, he often focuses on it.

Diet for slimming legs

The low fat diet is the most effective way slimming legs. Eliminate animal and vegetable sources of fat from your diet, such as processed meats and sausages, full-fat dairy products, fatty meats, and fried foods. Also forget about sweets and pastries.

Do not exclude fish from your menu. Red oily fish is especially useful, as it contains polyunsaturated fats, vitamins A and D, as well as omega-3.

If you want beautiful, slender legs, eat mostly fruits and vegetables - sources of vitamins, fiber and antioxidants. Vegetables and fruits consist of useful macro- and microelements, so they speed up metabolism, cleanse the intestines and normalize blood circulation, thereby relieving cellulite in the legs.

Be sure to keep your water balance. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day. You can drink green tea with lemon, but without sugar. Enough water will help flush out toxins from the body.

You can include Botvinya soup in your leg slimming diet. To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

2 carrots;
- 3 tomatoes;
- 2 cucumbers;
- 2 onions;
- 2 potatoes;
- beet root, tops and leaves;
- greens and parsley root;
- black pepper, bay leaf, salt.

To prepare Botvinho soup, throw potatoes, peppercorns and bay leaves into boiled water (2-3 liters). Stew the rest of the vegetables in a pan. After 5 minutes, throw the tops into the pan, after 10 minutes - stewed vegetables. Boil for 5 minutes and salt.

This dietary soup has a good rich taste. Cook it for your lunch, give up bad eating habits and your legs will always be slender.

Thick legs: what to do

Everyone has problem areas of the body, but what a shame when this problem is one of the main female prides - legs. Excess weight in the leg area does not allow you to wear short shorts, skirts, dresses, and it is these things that make it possible to emphasize a beautiful female figure so favorably. But one should never despair: what to do if there is a problem -?


Too voluminous and even thick legs can form for several reasons. Firstly, the legs can be voluminous initially - this is their physical norm. In this case, there is no need to worry: the appearance of each of us is unique, and you need to see beauty in each of your features, even if these features do not seem attractive to us ourselves.

It has long been proven that a person who considers himself beautiful looks the same in other people's eyes. In addition, small flaws are successfully corrected with the help of clothing, for example, a special cut of skirts and trousers.

The second reason for too fat legs may be the overdevelopment of muscles associated with active physical training and loads. In this case, it is worth reconsidering your attitude to sports.

Finally, the third and most common cause of fat legs is being overweight. Sometimes a genetic predisposition is related to the accumulation of fat on the legs, more often it is a wrong lifestyle and a violation, but in both cases it is possible to correct the shape of the legs.

Loads and sports

An important part of the fight against overweight on their feet are sports loads, but not any, but preferably cardio. What applies to them? swimming, running, race walking, bicycle (in the gym there is an exercise bike and treadmill), step, aerobics, etc. All of the above can be supplemented with any aerobic training to your taste and alternate them as you wish.

If you want to get rid of fat legs in the shortest possible time, pay sports training at least an hour a day, moreover - try to use every opportunity to provide your legs with an additional load. For example, you can climb the stairs every time you need to call the elevator, take a walk during breaks at work, spend an active weekend in nature, play games with friends. sport games etc. If you do all this regularly, thick legs will become slender very quickly!

Nutrition Secrets

What to do with your diet if the main problem area of ​​​​the body is thick legs? First of all, strict diets are not allowed - they are all aimed at short-term weight loss and have a short-term effect.

To lose weight legs, the emphasis in nutrition should be on the quality and freshness of products: remove semi-finished products, fast food, ready-made meals, fatty and fried foods, smoked meats, chips and other snacks from the diet. The basis of the menu should be high-quality protein, which is found in lean meat (chicken, rabbit, veal, beef), fish, as well as low-fat dairy products (cottage cheese, Adyghe cheese) and legumes (beans, lentils).

Choose complex carbohydrates - vegetables, cereals, bran and whole grain bread, durum wheat pasta - they contribute to proper digestion and guarantee a long-lasting feeling of satiety. But it is better to refuse simple carbohydrates, at least for the period of active struggle with excess weight on the legs, so try to stay away from sugar, all kinds of sweets, pastries and confectionery.

The "sweet" life is compensated by fruits and dried fruits, as well as a small amount. It is very important to review the quality of fats in your diet. Fatty meat, lard, fatty dairy products (especially creamy desserts, chocolate butter, cheese and sweet curd masses), sausages, sausages and sausages, mayonnaise and other sauces are the main enemies of slender legs!

Friendly fats are vegetable oils - sunflower, olive, corn, grape, etc. But you also need to be able to handle them - it is best to season fresh salads with vegetable oil (1-2 tablespoons per large serving) or add to ready-made dishes - soups , stewed or baked vegetables. Oil frying kills beneficial features both oils and the product itself. Also healthy fats found in fish, especially in its marine varieties (salmon, tuna, trout, mackerel), as well as in avocados and nuts. Every day you can eat 20 gr. nuts (unroasted and unsalted) as a snack, and they will bring great benefits to the figure.

Useful Supplements

Thick legs are one of those problem areas that are quite difficult to influence with conventional weight loss methods (diet, sports, etc.) This does not mean that it is pointless to fight excess weight in this case, but sometimes additional help should be connected to the main methods. . The most effective way by far is to take those approved by doctors and tested by experience.

The choice is yours personally, but if safety is in the same place for you as efficiency, you should pay attention to Russian drugs and. Taking one of them, or, even more effective, taking it together, restores and improves the metabolism in the body, acting specifically on problem areas. As a result, it is precisely those areas that are most difficult to influence - the stomach, arms, hips and, of course, the legs - that lose weight.

These drugs improve digestion, reduce cravings for harmful and high-calorie foods and also block the further accumulation of fats in the body. Consisting only of natural ingredients, and gently and naturally contribute to weight loss and greatly facilitate the struggle for slim legs.

Massage and other pleasures

Pleasant and useful procedures for slim legs are various body wraps, baths and massages. The main thing is not to be lazy and do them regularly, for example, today a bath with salt, tomorrow - a wrap with algae or clay, the day after tomorrow - massage. When there is time (for example, on weekends), you can pay more attention to your favorite legs and do several procedures in a complex - then the result will be even more noticeable.

Do not skimp on wraps and creams - quality products cannot be cheap. Means for slim legs can be prepared independently. So, for wrapping, you need to mix dry clay with kefir or water to a slurry state, add a few drops of essential oils of lemon, orange and grapefruit, apply the mixture to problem areas of the legs, wrap with a film, and after forty minutes rinse with warm water.

To get a homemade slimming cream, it is enough to add some aromatic oils to a regular body cream - bergamot, rosemary, juniper or citrus. Massage should be done vigorously, rubbing the problem areas of the legs to a slight reddening of the skin. A few weeks of such care will give the legs beauty and relief.

Good luck and don't forget to always love your feet the way they are!

Every Wednesday answers readers' questions about style and fashion. In the last edition of the Fashion Guide, we talked about. Today we’ll talk about how to choose trousers if you have full legs.


READ ALSO: How to look slimmer with clothes

As usual, we received a lot of letters to our editorial office asking for help to decide on certain issues in the fashion sphere. We have selected the most interesting ones and are ready to answer them. But first, let me remind you that you can send me an email: n.lusta@site or write directly in the comments under. And send questions on beauty and cosmetics to ours.

As you remember, last week we promised to play . We decided to reward our regular reader Katya with a prize, who sent the most daring question about which pants to choose for girls with full legs. Please contact the editors of for information on how you can pick up a gift.

CONGRATULATIONS! And now the answers to your questions.

“Tell me what to wear if I have full legs. I want tubular trousers, but they don’t fit, and I don’t want to wear things from the hip all the time. ”
Hello Kate!

It is difficult to give an exhaustive answer to your question (you can, yes?), Without having a photo in front of your eyes. But I'll try :) Firstly, if you have full legs, this does not mean that all that can be worn is straight, wide or flared trousers from the hip. It all depends more on the type of figure, and not on the thickness of the legs.

So, if you have a “pear” body type (that is, a relatively miniature, slender or even thin top and a massive bottom) and not the longest legs in the world, then tapered trousers-pipes are really contraindicated for you. However, you can wear tight cropped trousers and even skinny (!), But under what conditions: if you have thin ankles (even with small stature and not long legs - like, for example) and / or long legs. If your legs are long and even, but full, you can wear everything the same as girls with thin legs.

A good example: Jennifer Lopez is the owner of a pronounced pear-shaped figure, slender and lean, but with noticeable "ears" in the hips and not long legs. 70s-inspired flared jeans help solve this problem, while platform sandals add height and length to the legs.

Be sure to wear: an elongated jacket, blouse, shirt, tunic, etc., which should cover the hips to the middle and concise, simple shoes in skin tone or the color of the trousers. It’s good if these are pointed classic pumps or inconspicuous sandals with a heel adequate to your physique (that is, you don’t need to choose a thin stiletto heel or a very massive heel or platform if you are, as they say, “in the body”). If the trousers are black, then it is better to choose nude shoes. The main thing - trousers should not contrast with shoes, so as not to "cut" the legs into pieces.

A good example: despite the voluminous hips, Lopez has a thin ankle and Thin legs below the knee, so cropped skinny jeans suit her. However, this style looks good on Jennifer only in the presence of high heels.

Check out how well-known blogger Tanesha Ashanti, who runs the Girl With Curves blog, dresses. She has a full but harmonious hourglass figure with pronounced hips, waist and long legs. Tanya has “ears” on her hips, but at the same time she has thin ankles and beautiful high calves, so she can also afford tight jeans or trousers, even despite her fullness.

A good example: Tanesha Ashanti in black cropped skinny and heeled pumps. The blouse covers the unsteady inguinal zone and reaches the middle of the thigh

If you have full legs, but a different body type, then everything is even easier. For example, you can look at another fashion blogger - Italian Iris Tinnunin, who has a rather undefined waist, a voluminous top and even, rather narrow hips. It looks good on her like bananas, chinos, pajama pants and rolled-up boyfriend jeans.

A good example: Tanesha Ashanti's large-print banana trousers, oddly enough, hide the lush fullness of the legs. The main thing: trousers should not fit tightly to the body.

The price was and remains long. However, by nature, not everyone gets such data. If the length is not very lucky, you can make them visually appealing by working on problem areas. And then you get beautiful chiseled legs, an example is Nicole Winhoffer, who has devoted herself to fitness and is the best advertisement for her activities. But what if you have fat legs today?

Exercises aimed at the formation of chiseled legs will not allow you to see the result due to the layer of fat, so it is useless to mock yourself with strength exercises if there is too much fat in the body. your hard way to slim legs lies through Jogging helps the best. But it will take quite a long time to run to the results. In order to burn 5 kg of pure fat, you need 75 hours of running. Sounds sad? Nothing can be done about it, if the initial weight is about 60 kg, then only 300 kcal will be spent for a half-hour workout. The good news is that if you run, they will receive a load, and they will not collapse due to lack of energy.

Of course, you can not do without a special diet. Don't buy into the promise that another "thigh diet" will work. You never know where the body will take fat in order to survive the next "crisis", and that's how it views your diet. Sooner or later it will get to the hips, but due to the hormonal characteristics of the female body, it will be sooner rather than later. Therefore, mentally prepare for serious and fairly long deprivations in terms of food. The figure of 1000-1200 kcal works best, if you eat less, the likelihood of hungry fainting and feeling unwell increases. If you eat more, the result will have to wait quite a long time. In addition, there is also an adaptation of the body to cut spending that is familiar to all those who are losing weight. As a result, weight loss slows down dramatically or even stops altogether.

What to do if weight loss and volume reduction has stopped, but is still with you? Surely you have heard about cheating, that is, such a day when you eat up, the body receives a lot of energy and the slowdown in metabolism stops? Yes, it's real. But there are some limitations.

Firstly, you can not eat anything, but only carbohydrates and proteins. Lots of carbohydrates and lots of proteins. Almost no fat. Therefore, from meat you can only lean beef and chicken breasts. From desserts - forget about everything where the fat is more than 3%. That is, ice cream and chocolate are not for those who want to get rid of the problem called “full legs”. You can marshmallow, marmalade, pita bread. But donuts should be put aside. Sausages and sausages are also not allowed, ham is very limited.

Secondly, carbohydrates in 2-3 hours should not be more than 50 g, otherwise the process of fat formation may begin. This is especially true for those who were on a very strict diet.

Third, total calories for those who do not want to have thick legs, on the day of cheating should not be twice as much as on a regular diet day. That is, if you usually eat a thousand, you can eat two per day of cheating.

Lose weight with the help of aerobics and diet should be until the weight is ideal minus 2 kg. Then you will purposefully gain two kilograms. muscle mass. For this you need to do special exercises. Contrary to popular belief, Gym is not required for this. For girls who do not want to become bodybuilders, their own body weight is enough.

But you will have to limit the amount of fat to 40 g per day for the rest of your life and drink special ones. Put in some effort - and you will forget about fat legs.