How to catch a crab with a line. How to catch crabs correctly? Stone and grass crab

Crab fishing. The topic is not unambiguous for a fishing site, but after all real fisherman even at sea, he seeks to engage in fishing, especially if he is not a permanent resident of the sea coast, but simply came to rest.

Fishing at sea is very unusual - other bait, fish, conditions. But catching crabs is already more interesting. Usually, tourist fishermen buy an underwater mask or goggles and dive in search of these marine arachnids, of which there are up to 20 species in the Black Sea, but only two species will fit as an object of fishing - stone crab And grass crab. These two types of crab reach more or less respectable sizes, and the taste of their meat is not even bad, unlike other types. Let's look at the types of crabs.

Crab species

We will not consider crabs here, which can only be caught for fun. Let's deal with exactly those two species that will fit in food, and they will be more interesting in size. As I said, these are stone and grass crabs. Briefly consider their lifestyle, size, habits and nutrition.

stone crab

stone crab- one of the largest representatives of the Black Sea crabs. The dimensions of its shell sometimes exceed 10 cm in width. From the name it is not difficult to guess that he is a clear lover of stone reliefs. Indeed, this crab seeks shelter among stones, both large rocks and among relatively small boulders. If you lift or move a stone at the bottom of the sea, then there is a high probability that a stone crab will run out from there. Unlike other relatives, which are mainly scavengers, the stone crab is more of a predator, because with its powerful claws it can crush the shell of any snail, get a hermit crab out of the shell, or half a small fish. It lives both in the coastal zone and at great depths, found at depths of up to 30 meters. A frequent target of fishermen-hunters because of its tasty meat and large size. Beer lovers will appreciate it as a snack.

It is worth being afraid of the claws of the stone crab. Do not underestimate even very small specimens. The claws of this crab have incredible strength. Often, in order to get rid of the claw, you simply have to tear it off the crab, because he does not want to unclench it, clinging to the angler's hand.

grass crab

grass crab is no longer as dangerous as stone. The claws of this crab are much weaker and cannot cause much pain. Yes, and the size of this crab will be smaller. It grows up to a maximum of 8 centimeters in shell diameter. It lives mainly in coastal areas where there are stones, sand or algae. The deeper, the rarer you can meet this crab. At depths of more than 20 meters, it can be found very rarely.

Very sharp and fast crab. Raising his claws, he tries with all his might to break away from the pursuer, showing incredible speed of movement. Grass crab quickly becomes tame and calmly behaves after a few minutes of being in the hands of a person.

This crab feeds on various small living creatures of the seas - shrimp, small fish, bivalve mollusks, etc. Not averse to feast on the dead at the bottom of the marine life. Therefore, it is not only a predator, but also a scavenger.

The grass crab itself is the prey of many marine fish and mollusks: rapans, flounders, Black Sea katrans sharks, rays and sturgeons eat this crab, which is listed in the Red Book of Ukraine.

How and where to catch crabs

The main way to catch crabs is to catch them with your hands. You will need a mask and snorkel for this. It is advisable to have a cage with you in order to immediately put the caught crabs into it, but if you catch them near the shore, you can take each one out and put it in a container on the shore.

Crabs can be at a meter depth, it is not necessary to swim far into the sea. Usually, if the bottom is strewn with stones, then crabs can be caught without even going into the sea. They like to climb on the rocks near the shore and bask in the sun. True, when they see a person, they instantly scatter in all directions and hide under stones.

Diving for crabs under water, it is easier to catch them, because after detection they remain in your sight, and do not hide under water, as on coastal rocks. You need to look for them under large rocks, where there can be a huge number of them, but it is very difficult to get them out of there, or under smaller stones that you will be able to lift or budge. Almost under each such stone, a crab awaits you.

You can lure the crab out of the hole of a large rock with the help of bait. Tie a thin wire to a stick or fishing leash and attach a piece of fish or shrimp to it. Slip this bait closer to the crab, wait until he clamps it with his claws and you can pull.

If you swim away from the coast, where the depth will be already 4-5 meters, you can find a crab even on flat surface bottom - on sand or shell rock, and if you find a stone among this plain, then most likely a large crab has settled there. Move the stone and grab the crab. Well, additional pleasure in places more distant from the coast will bring the collection of rapans.

Rapany- these are the very big shells in which probably every person tried to hear the sound of the sea. But when they still contain a live mollusk, these are completely different sensations. The taste of rapana is not for everyone, but many people really like the meat of these mollusks.

You also need to be able to grab a crab. The fact is that the crab, defending itself from the crab catcher, takes such a fighting stance that it is almost impossible to pick it up without hitting the claw. He sort of sits on his back, lifting his claws up. You need to distract him with one hand, and crawl behind him with the other and press his shell to the bottom. Then, when he is almost in your hands, you need to grab him so that all your fingers except the thumb grab him by the muzzle, between two claws, and with your thumb, grab the crab from below. That way he won't be able to grab you.

If this method seems difficult for you or you are still afraid of being "bitten", then you can use a small net for catching crabs. Many use an ordinary stick as a tool, although it is desirable that it be metal, otherwise it will float up, which will cause inconvenience.

There are always more crabs where there are a lot of stones. Where the bottom is sandy, you have to look for single stones and turning them over to look for crabs. If there are no pitfalls on the sand, then catching crabs in such places is unpromising.

The easiest way

Well, for those who have read to the end, I will tell you how to catch crabs and not get caught in their claws. And for this we need only a plastic eggplant.

It is necessary to cut off the neck from the eggplant and we will use it to catch the crab. We cut off about 25 centimeters from the top of the eggplant and our crab is ready! Now, turning the stone over, you just need to cover the crab that ran out from under it top eggplants.

If the crab is small, then it will be completely inside, now you should squeeze the eggplant from the bottom, thus blocking the path to freedom and completely isolating the crab inside.

If a larger crab is caught, then it will simply press down with this eggplant to the bottom, the shell will be covered with the eggplant, and the claws will remain sticking out. Now he is completely disarmed and you should just take him so that he does not get you with his claws.

22.07.2017 17733

Crabs live in the sea and are the same marine animals as sturgeon fish species, gurnard, oysters, Russian quicksand, etc. In Russia, among the 50 varieties, two types of Black Sea crabs are most common: grassy (located in the Sevastopol Aquarium) and stone (as an endangered species, it is listed in the Red Book). These inhabitants can be found on the seabed, near or under stones. Unlike fishing, catching a crab does not take much effort and time. You only need to have a mask with you. Local residents and visiting tourists are actively engaged in catching them, often showing a poaching attitude towards arthropods. They sell their catch on the beaches and on websites on the Internet. Some also make souvenirs out of them.

As you know, the illegal capture of these invertebrate inhabitants of the seabed is prohibited by article 256 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (administrative and criminal liability is threatened) and provides for a fine of 5,000-10,000 rubles to 20,000-50,000 rubles. In addition, in May 2017, at the request of the prosecutor's office of the Balaklava district, the court prohibited distribution in the territory Russian Federation information about the sale of crabs.
So, if the ban is officially known, then why do cases of illegal catching of crabs continue? Who controls the situation, who is responsible? This is what we were to find out.
Many people believe that the Crimean Department of State Control, Supervision and Protection of Aquatic Biological Resources of the Azovo-Chernomorsky Territorial Administration of the Federal Agency for Fisheries (Crimean Department of the Federal Agency for Fisheries) carries out an inspection on this issue. But it is not so. This structural subdivision exercises control over freshwater reservoirs (the fish in them). For complete and reliable information, we turned to Vyacheslav Kuleshov, Vice-President of the Association of Underwater Activities of the Crimea and Sevastopol.
- Please tell us how crabs are protected and who monitors their catch?
- Crabs (stone, marble, freshwater Crimean) are listed in the Red Book of Crimea and Sevastopol. In addition, a ban was imposed on their catch by the basin fishery rules (AzCherbassein). The police and the FSB (border service) control the situation.
- How do you now assess the situation with illegal catching of red-listed short-tailed crayfish, and is their number suffering?
- There are a lot of crabs in general, nothing threatens their numbers. However, in places of mass recreation of citizens there are practically none. It is also very disappointing that souvenirs from their shells can still be found on sale, and sellers do not bear any responsibility for this. Those. It is forbidden to catch crabs, but it turns out that it is possible to sell souvenirs from them?
To find out how things are in the Sevastopol region with catching crabs on this moment, we talked with Sergei Bosov, a ballroom dancing coach at the Olimp dance club, which is engaged in spearfishing and freediving.
- Trapping takes place mainly at night and is very large-scale. Previously, these cephalothorax animals were caught mainly only by locals. Now it has become a business for the displaced refugees. They are looking for easy money and have found their niche. Previously, no one sold crabs on such a scale. However, the sale of crabs in whole batches is openly written on forums and social networks. Crabs are now even in stores, which was not there before. I have not caught them for many years, although I see them very often ... As for supervision: at the moment, border guards are doing this. In Sevastopol, I have never seen border checks when going ashore. I heard that on boats they only approached the hunters and checked for necessary equipment.
But in the Crimea, the border guards work satisfactorily. Arrange raids in places of mass fishing and crabs at night. For some reason, such a system does not work in Sevastopol. In order to catch a crab catcher here, you need a vigilant city dweller to call and report some poaching activities. Then the police or border guards will arrive and the violation will be stopped.
-What do you think, is it necessary to maintain the number of crabs?
-Of course, I believe that the population of crabs needs to be preserved, and by the way, not only so that my children and grandchildren can see them in their natural habitat, but also to maintain the ecological balance in the sea. Crabs eat dead fish, which greatly contribute to the cleanliness of our coast.
-Have you witnessed illegal fishing?
-Yesterday a friend saw two divers swimming with lanterns in the area of ​​Admiral's beach. Most likely, they were one of those who harvest crabs illegally. To my regret, they catch all the crabs in a row, regardless of the size and sex of the arthropods. Locals have been taught since childhood that females and small crabs should not be taken. But since the sale of crabs is carried out in kilograms, the poachers set themselves the goal of collecting as many individuals as possible. Such barbaric methods lead to a sharp decrease in the population of this traditional inhabitant of the sea.
- Do you notice a decrease in the number of crabs?
-Many believe that nature itself regulates the number of crustaceans. If there are few of them, then more offspring survive. I don't think so, because I see how the population has declined over the past 10 years.
-How do you feel about selling crabs online?
-It's a shame that the regulatory authorities allow you to openly trade crabs on the Internet and in stores. It seems to me that this problem will become relevant when the crabs in the sea really disappear. Posters will appear on the shore in defense of crabs, photographs with the image of a crab and the caption: “If you remember, like it” will be posted on Internet publics.
Share your opinion and Alexander Molchanov, an auto parts salesman who is also connected to the sea and its inhabitants.
-I think that a complete ban on crabs fishing would be right. Moreover, in order to preserve them, it is necessary to prohibit the sale, otherwise fishing is prohibited, but the sale is not. And the main destroyers, I think, are souvenirs. Their trading tendencies should be stopped. I hope your article will help stop the lawlessness of souvenirs.
And now to the attention of readers we present an interview with a crab catcher (illegal). For confidentiality purposes, the source wished to remain anonymous.
-What does catching these short-tailed crayfish represent for you?
- For me, catching crabs is a pleasure. I like to dive and catch them underwater. This is my hobby. I get excited when I catch a couple. I also like to use caught crabs for food.
How do you feel about fines for illegal fishing?
- I feel bad. Let them give the opportunity to take crabs according to the diameter of the shell, i.e. up to 8 cm or more, and less is forbidden to take, because the seabed is sometimes teeming with crabs.
-Do you consider your activity as poaching?
-I fish exclusively for myself, and no more than 10 pieces. If I were catching and selling, then yes, it could be classified as poaching, but I don't do that. Eating and selling are two different things.
- Did you fall under the action of "Rybnadzor"?
- "Rybnadzor" monitors from case to case, sometimes closely, but with all this, they do not allow catching fish and crabs normally. When catching, for example, horse mackerel, you can hang up to five hooks on the suspension, but you need ten. Mullet is allowed to be caught from 25 cm, but it is necessary at least from 15 cm.
-What alternative do you see to the ban on fishing?
-I think this is paid fishing / fishing in certain places. Then no one will catch crabs illegally. I think the optimal price for true spearfishing enthusiasts is 300-500 rubles per week.
In general, we found out how the illegal fishing of crabs is and who controls them. It is important to remember that crabs perform the role of cleaners, despite the fact that some of their species are already on the verge of extinction.
It is necessary to stop the sale of crabs, from which souvenirs are made, and sellers should be held accountable more strictly. A person must keep order water world, and the police should strictly control this very order.

A. BUTRIN, 2nd year student of the Novgorod State University. Yaroslav the Wise.

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IN international competition in the diving all-around "Depth", which will be held in Sevastopol from August 2 to 9, except for representatives of the Russian Navy, as in 2016, the participation of the teams of the Navy of Venezuela and Iran was confirmed. Among the new participants are representatives of Syria and South Africa, said the head of the information support department of the Black Sea Fleet, captain 1st rank V. Trukhachev.

Popular Shores

In the summer of 2017, the TOP of beach destinations among Russians traveling on their own was headed by Simferopol and Sochi, said Ya. Dzenis, PR director of the Aviasales air ticket booking service. In 1st place in terms of popularity is Simferopol, the demand for it compared to 2016 increased by 12.6% in the summer. Sochi became more popular by 15.5% and ranks 2nd, followed by flights to Krasnodar (+31%), followed by Anapa (+27%).

Get ready for traffic jams!

The construction of access roads to the air terminal complex under construction of the international airport "Simferopol" will inevitably lead to the formation of traffic jams on the Simferopol-Yevpatoriya highway, said the head of the Road Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan A. Safronov. “There will be constrictions, overlaps. We are preparing various options and detour routes, but still they will not compensate for the difficulties that will arise. We appeal to the residents and guests of Crimea and Simferopol that it will be necessary to endure for a year and a half,” Safronov said. First, a separate access road to the airport will be built. From Yevpatoria there will be a bypass road that will merge into the Yevpatoriya highway. In the future, there will be a transport interchange (at the intersection of the Simferopol-Evpatoria and Simferopol-Mirnoye-Dubki highways), the construction of which will begin this year.

Unhappy inside!

A number of American companies have come out in favor of changing the bill on new US sanctions against the Russian Federation, which could negatively affect American business, CNN reports, citing sources in Congress. Those who have launched such an initiative include oil and energy giants BP, Exxon and General Electric, aerospace company Boeing, banking conglomerates Citigroup, Mastercard and Visa, as well as manufacturing companies Ford, Dow Chemical, Procter & Gamble, International Paper. , Caterpillar and Cummins.

Aegean paradise collapsed

An earthquake of magnitude 6.7 has struck in the Aegean Sea off the western coast of Turkey, the Euro-Mediterranean Seismic Center said. The earthquake was recorded at 1:31 Moscow time, the epicenter was near the city of Marmaris (10 km from Bodrum in the Turkish province of Mugla and 16 km from Kos). About 200 people were affected in two countries - Turkey and Greece. The source of the tremors lay at a depth of 10 km. After 50 min. an aftershock of magnitude 4.7 was registered. Tourists from Russia, according to preliminary data, were not injured, said a representative of the Russian Consulate General in Antalya. But at least two people died on the Greek island. Kos. The mayor of the island, D. Kiritis, announced a large number of wounded. Large-scale destruction is reported, especially on one of the central streets, where there were night bars and restaurants. One of the fire brigades managed to pull three people alive from the rubble.

Sevastopol customs arrested the motor yacht of a citizen of Ukraine and opened a case for non-compliance with the terms of temporary import. The vessel is registered in the Republic of Sierra Leone, built in 1967, its length is 13 m.

Tow trucks resumed work on the roads of Sevastopol in a temporary format - a resolution in this regard was adopted by the city government, earlier about 50 cars were removed from the streets of Sevastopol daily, the owners of which violated the parking rules; since July 2016, the cost of evacuation was 2000 rubles, storage in the parking lot for a day - from 300 to 2000 rubles.

On the eve of the Day of the Russian Navy, on July 28-29, Sevastopol will host the annual amateur tennis tournament"Big Peakless Cap", organized by the Institute of the CIS countries together with the tennis club "Big Hat" with the support of the Black Sea Fleet.

In the city in this year. more than 20 new traffic lights will be installed, and the repair of the interchange on Svyato-Nikolskaya Square will be completed two months earlier.

A modern ultrasound room was opened in Children's Polyclinic No. 2.

King crabs are considered one of the largest crustaceans in the world. They are caught in stormy conditions at extremely low temperatures. Therefore, the crab fishing profession is considered one of the most dangerous in the world.

Crab fishing in the sea is common on both coasts Pacific Ocean. This fishery to this day is fraught with many deadly dangers for fishermen. The average annual water temperature barely reaches 4 ° C, up to 80% of all tsunamis occur in the ocean and often storm. Plus, neither a simple sailor nor a captain is immune from an unexpected fall overboard due to another push.

The most common crustacean is the king crab. This species was first described by our compatriots, participants in a round-the-world voyage at the beginning of the 19th century. It belongs to the suborder of soft-tailed crayfish, being a close relative of hermit crabs.

King crab populations

There are two varieties of king crabs: red king crab and snow crab. The latter has a small size and reaches a weight of 0.5-1.5 kg. But the king crab is a welcome prey for all fishermen. The length of its legs can reach one and a half meters, and average weight ranges from 3 to 5 kg.

The Bristolian population lives in the Bering Sea, while the Ayano-Shantar and Western Kamchatka populations live in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. On the other side of the ocean lives the Alaskan population. And also biologists distinguish the West Sakhalin, East Kamchatka, South Kuril and some other populations.

When is crab fishing in Kamchatka?

The season starts in mid-October and continues until early May. Rigid time frames are determined by the characteristics of the life of the species. Migration begins from May to September, during which juveniles hatch. After some time, female and male individuals meet each other and move to the places of molting, where the fertilization of new eggs takes place, which will be gestated until the next year.

Fishing for crab during the migration period leads to disruption of spawning. In addition, individuals of non-commercial size can fall into traps. To keep the population at an acceptable level, it is necessary to release immature males and females. Therefore, during spawning, fishing is prohibited in Russia, and fishermen are not particularly keen to catch small individuals.

The time frame for the ban on the extraction of king crab may vary depending on the region according to the consolidated decision of local authorities and biologists. So, in Primorsky Krai, fishing stops in May and new season starts at the end of August. In some areas, the ban is extended until mid-September. But on the shores of Kamchatka, sometimes they stop fishing from the end of January. In addition, in some areas, the authorities temporarily prohibit fishing altogether.

How are crabs caught?

There are three main ways to catch crab in Kamchatka:

  • hands;
  • a special pot;
  • trot.

The simplest and not requiring additional equipment method is catching by hand. Like other arthropods, king crabs often hide near reefs and under large boulders. To catch prey, you need to slip a folding knife or any other object under the stone. After the crab grabs the knife, it must be thrown and caught in the net. It is best to catch arthropods in this way together in the morning or evening hours.

The so-called pot or crab is a container made of metal mesh. To catch a crab, bait is placed in it. Once the prey passes through the neck, it can no longer return. The special design of the pot does not allow you to eat the bait, so it can be used several times.

Trot fishing refers to semi-industrial methods of fishing, allowing you to get king crab in the open sea. It is a little more complicated than the methods mentioned, but at one time it allows you to get a rich catch. The trot is anchored between two buoys. As soon as the crab grabs the bait, it is pulled to the surface and placed in a pre-prepared cage. Experienced crab anglers use several types of trots at once with various types nozzles.

How do professionals catch crabs?

Industrial fishing cannot be compared with the methods described above. It is produced on large vessels from 17 to 50 m long, which are able to go deep into the sea for 2-3 days. In the sea, the primary processing of the caught arthropods is also carried out: the limbs are separated from the back, washed, cleaned, heat treated, frozen and put into large boxes.

Interesting: captains of fishing boats look for colonies of crabs almost at random. The fact is that arthropods change their routes every year, and modern radars are unable to detect them. Fishing continues until the vessel is filled to capacity. Sometimes trips to the sea are delayed for 7-8 days.

Catching is carried out with the help of huge traps, which can be from 40 to 250 on a ship. They are filled with herring as bait and submerge 100-120 meters under water. Cells can be exhibited on an area up to 100 square meters. m.

Also among the fishermen popular radio. This is when a certain area is examined by several courts at once. As soon as one of the captains discovers a large colony, he transmits the coordinates in encrypted form over the radio, after which the rest of the ships go to the place of future fishing.

As soon as the king crab fishing is over, a floating crab processing plant goes towards the vessel. At this time, the main task of sailors is the delivery of live arthropods. One dead crab can spoil the whole catch, as its body releases toxins that can poison other individuals.

Seeing freshly cooked crabs on the dinner table, it's hard to imagine that sailors have to endure harsh weather conditions and fight waves as high as a four-story house to catch them.

You can find equipment for processing king crab at.

I love crabs! Boiled fresh crabs + beer = high. At the same time, I need quite a bit of beer, because. when you eat crabs, your hands practically do not reach the beer. Yes, and beer in large quantities will only kill the whole buzz from eating crabs. I have never understood people (mostly visitors) who look with disgust and disgust at crabs, mussels and other seafood. People themselves do not understand what they are losing because of their unreasonable disgust. All in all, we will talk today about crabs of the Black Sea.

Crabs of the Black Sea (in Crimea)
As far as I know, about 20 species of crabs live in the Black Sea. I am not a zoologist and I do not know all of them, not to mention the abstruse scientific names of crabs. Therefore, I base this article purely on personal experience.

Of all the Black Sea crabs, I single out only two types for myself - the mason and grass crab. By their names it is easy to guess about their habitats. Stonemasons are larger than grass crab, but, nevertheless, I like “grass” more both in taste and in the convenience of its “disassembly” - in the sense it is more convenient to eat grass crab. Although the mason crab has more meat, it has a very hard shell - it is not convenient to eat it without a hammer.

The rest of the crabs are of interest to me only as objects of the Black Sea fauna. The vast majority of them are too small to be boiled next to a bottle of cold beer. Although, sometimes I like to watch, diving in a mask and snorkel, for clumsy little purple crabs, which are enough among the stones. Or chase nimble sand crabs, deftly burrowing into the sand.

How to catch crabs.
Catching a crab is not at all difficult, you just need to know its habitats and some nuances. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to be able to dive in a mask, snorkel and fins. Now you will be convinced of it. So, consider the main ways of catching crabs:

1. We dive as a set.

This is a classic. We take a kit (mask, snorkel, fins) and go to the habitats of crabs - away from crowded beaches. Well, we begin to dive, looking under the rocks. It is near the stones that crabs most often hide. At the same time, grass crab, despite its name, is also most often found near stones. It's just that there is usually a lot of algae nearby. For the convenience of catching, I recommend putting on a pair of ordinary work gloves on your hand, after all, with their claws, crabs can damage unprotected skin to the point of blood. It is better to fold the catch into a net with a rim at the entrance - this is very convenient. The package is not the best option.

2. Catching crabs on a crab.

The simplest crab fishing is a metal rim on which a net is stretched (not stretched) with a rope tied to it. A fish, a piece of meat, a bone, etc. is tied to the net with wire. Crabs are cast from a pier or ship's side at a depth of several meters. You need to raise the crabs sharply, after waiting at least 20 minutes. By the way, they catch crayfish in the same way.

3. We just collect crabs.

So you can catch crabs in late spring and early summer. At this time, crabs approach the very shore, sometimes even crawling out onto land. The ideal time is early morning and evening. At the same time, there should be no wind, because because of the wave we will not see anything. Naturally, you can’t collect crabs so stupidly everywhere. But at the end of May, on Tarkhankut, I collected a couple of dozen crabs in an hour, wandering only knee-deep in water. In general, you need to know the places.

How to cook crabs.
Well, here everything is simple for me. I don't cook any gourmet crab dishes. I just throw the crabs into generously salted boiling water and cook for 10-15 minutes. That's the whole process. This is from mussels, it makes sense to cook certain dishes from rapana, and crab, as for me, should be eaten in a classic way - boiled and with cold beer.

Finally, a few recommendations:
- do not store crabs in the freezer (the meat dries out);
- in a cool, damp place, crabs live without water
about 3 days;
- when catching crabs, try to let the females go. There is still little meat in them, but in the future they will bring offspring;
- crabs suitable for food are listed in the Red Book of Ukraine. So if you get caught hot, get ready for a hefty fine.

Only two types of Black Sea crabs are interesting - a stone crab and a herbal crab. The names of these crabs speak for themselves and it is not difficult to guess about their habitats. However, they differ from each other and have their own characteristics. The mason crab is larger compared to the grass crab, but the grass crab is somewhat tastier and easier to eat and get to its meat. Stonemason is much harder to eat, as without a tool like a hammer, its meat is hard to get to.

Other types of crabs are also found in the Black Sea, they either live deep or are very small and it is rather problematic to use them as food.

Catching a few crabs, for example, for dinner, is not so difficult, the main thing is to know exactly where they live. If they are found in the Black Sea, this does not mean at all that they are everywhere.

To catch crabs, you can use the following options:

Retrieve from the depths by diving in a mask with a snorkel and fins

This is the main way to catch crabs, and you just need to purchase a spearfishing kit and learn how to use it, since diving with a mask and fins is not at all easy, but you can dive to a considerable depth.

For crab hunting, you should choose places that are at a considerable distance from noisy beaches and recreation areas. As a rule, crabs hide under stones, including grass ones, if there are algae nearby. For convenience, you should use gloves, especially since they will protect against crabs bites. Seafood must be collected in a special cage, but an ordinary plastic bag is not suitable for this.

This operation is similar to catching crayfish, as is the catching tool. The crabs consists of a metal rim, on which a mesh with a slight sag is stretched. A bait is placed in the center of the crab, which may consist of a piece of fish, meat, bone, etc. The device is lowered with a rope to a considerable depth (several meters), after which a pause is maintained, lasting 20-30 minutes. After that, the crab rises sharply. If crabs live in this place, then the catch is guaranteed.

You can catch crabs with your hands, just like crayfish, by probing the bottom of the reservoir, but it should be remembered that the crab can pinch very painfully. In late spring and early summer, crabs gather near the shore at shallow depths. At this time, you can see how individual specimens crawl out onto the shore. This usually happens in the early morning or late evening when there are no waves on the sea, otherwise it will be very difficult to catch crabs.

Unfortunately, you can not use this method everywhere, but you need to know the places where they gather. You can learn about this from local residents, who certainly know about it, but they will not always tell about it, especially if they are visitors who suddenly want crabs for dinner.

Catching crabs in a mask — Video

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