Women's biathlon team season. Russian men's team

The Russian national team, of course, starts too. Without Shipulin, Babikov and Tsvetkov. Without Akimova, Virolainen and Podchufarova. The new selection rules for the Russian team for the World Cup no longer allow you to ask the question “How did these people get into the team?”.

All - by sports principle. And those who, it seemed, it was time to slowly finish, like Malyshko or Slepov, and those who, it seemed, it was high time to start, like Vasnetsova.

In anticipation of the first race of the new World Cup, we analyze the composition of the Russian team - who already knows the taste big victories, and who you can rely on, who took the chance and flashed in the qualification, and who can expect a great and bright future in biathlon.

These people are now in the Russian biathlon team. No need to be scared

Asthmatic without therapeutic exclusion. Acquitted by WADA for meldonium. 27 year old debutante. All of them are new faces in the Russian team.

Russian men's team

31 years old, place of birth - Sosnovy Bor, Leningrad region.
Highest achievement: 2014 Olympic gold in the relay.
Crown discipline: mass start, pursuit.
According to the results of the World Cup season 2017/18, he took 50th place.
Winner of the best score qualifying starts- 40 points.

One of the best biathletes in the country and the main relay fighter in 2012-16. The Olympic gold relay was also won with his help. Malyshko's finest hour - the World Cup stage in Oberhof in 2013 - three wins in three races. Sometimes it seems that Dmitry is still chasing the ghosts of Oberhof - he so wants to return to those golden days.

Last season Dmitry by and large failed. It seemed that things were heading towards the end of his career, but no - Malyshko deservedly became the best at the selection in Kontiolahti. Maybe Dmitry will still be able to return to his former heights and become a team leader?

26 years old, place of birth - Saratov.
Highest achievement: bronze medalist of the World Championship - 2017 in mixed relay.
According to the results of the World Cup season 2017/18, he took 23rd place.
The winner of the second result in the qualifying starts - 30 points.

On the rise of Loginov's career, he was knocked down by a doping scandal, due to which he was forced to miss two years. But at the Olympics in Sochi, he could also compete in the relay: he already had two victories in team races, one of which was later canceled.

In the 2017/18 season, Loginov fully returned to the Russian national team, and even a couple of times he was very close to the medals. In general, Alexander is quite stable. And if he can properly prepare for the season in terms of physics, then the fans will be pleased.

30 years old, place of birth - Novoilinsky, Perm region.
Highest achievement: bronze medalist of the 2014 Olympics in individual race.
Crown discipline: pursuit.
According to the results of the World Cup season 2017/18, he took 31st place.
The winner of the third result in the qualifying starts - 24 points.

Garanichev was once considered as an athlete who is able to fight for the title of team leader with Anton Shipulin. When Eugene is in shape, he is capable of much. That's just the best readiness Garanichev showed bursts, and last season was the worst for him in seven years. The results of the races in Kontiolahti inspire the fans with restrained optimism about Garanichev, but in order to draw conclusions, it is worth waiting for the start of the World Cup.

You don't have to be ashamed of your abilities. What awaits the Russian biathlon team

Troubled times Russian biathlon? Maybe. But they will not prevent our team from winning a medal at the very first stage of the KM. Or medals?

31 years old, place of birth - Vladimir-30, Vladimir region.
Highest achievement: three-time European champion.
Crown discipline: sprint.

Slepov's characterization as a biathlete is extremely simple: fast, but not too accurate. For many years Slepov has been struggling with his shooting, but to no avail. Therefore, Alexei has not appeared in the first team at the World Cup for quite a long time - since March 2016.

I want to believe in a miracle, but it is unlikely that anything will change. Slepov had a great first qualifying race, and therefore scored good points and made it to the main team. But if he doesn’t show decent shooting or surprise with medals, then most likely he will return to the IBU Cup.

25 years old, place of birth - Zelenograd, Moscow.
Highest achievement: winner of the European Championship - 2016.
Crown discipline: sprint.
According to the results of the World Cup season 2017/18, he took 38th place.
At the qualifying starts in Kontiolahti scored 22 points.

Russian fans have long been waiting for something more from Matvey. It has the potential, but it can't be fully realized. There were two silver relays, there was a sixth place in the mass start in December 2016. But this is clearly not enough.

The 2017/18 season for Eliseev turned out to be neither good nor bad - working. For some reason, it seems that the coming year may turn out to be similar. But deep down I want to believe that Matvey will break through.

24 years old, place of birth - Grodno, Belarus.
Highest achievement: winner of the European Championship 2015.
Crown discipline: sprint.
Did not participate in the 2017/18 World Cup season.
At the qualifying starts in Kontiolahti scored 21 points.

The only new face in the Russian men's team. Eduard did not compete at the World Cup, but at IBU Cup has already managed to get it right: last year he completed two races in the prizes.

You should not expect a quick breakthrough from Latypov at the World Cup. He will definitely not be able to compete with the leaders right off the bat. But if you give him a chance, with the support of experienced team leaders, the athlete will eventually be able to strengthen not the most powerful clip of the Russian team.

The president of the world biathlon broke his leg before the start of the KM. It's a sign?

Even Dmitry Guberniev got tired of the old. Everyone wants something new, and it will be this season. Very soon.

Russian women's team

31 years old, place of birth - Kurgan.
Highest achievement: four-time European champion.
Crown discipline: pursuit, individual race.
The winner of the best result at the qualifying starts - 33 points.

Because of the doping scandal, she missed the old ones for not even two, but for three whole years, but still managed to return to the highest (by Russian, of course, standards) level. Major victories: two medals at two consecutive stages remained somewhere far away - at the end of 2013. But Irina's speed is still very decent, she has no experience, so you can safely put her in the relay.

25 years old, place of birth - Guryevsk, Kemerovo region.
Crown discipline: sprint.
She did not participate in the 2017/18 World Cup season.
The winner of the second result in the qualifying starts - 27 points.

One of the main surprises of the new selection system for the national team. In the IBU Cup, Pavlova started four times in the spring of 2018 and was in the top ten all four times, and even won one sprint. Maybe Pavlova will be able to surprise everyone at the World Cup? There are preconditions!

27 years old, place of birth - Novopavlovka, Chita region.
Highest achievement: bronze medalist of the junior world championship.
Crown discipline: sprint.
She did not participate in the 2017/18 World Cup season.
The winner of the third result in the qualifying starts - 26 points.

Vasilyeva, like Pavlova, was brought to work Russian team at the IBU Cup only in the spring of 2018. Margarita did not succeed in making a lot of noise, but the fifth place in the sprint in the second race is a reason for pride. God forbid, there will be something to be proud of at the World Cup.

Biathlon can be closed. This will be the most boring World Cup

Heroes, stars and icons left biathlon. You will have to look at the endless dull victories of Fourcade ... And no pink lipstick for you.

33 years old, place of birth - Leningrad.
Highest achievement: the winner of the World Championship - 2015 in the individual race.
Crown discipline: pursuit, mass start.
According to the results of the World Cup season 2017/18, she took 13th place.
At the qualifying starts in Kontiolahti, she scored 24 points.

Biathlon fans do not need to be reminded of Yurlova-Perkht. The most stable Russian biathlete, winner of the World Championships in Kontiolahti, winner of two awards in individual races at the World Cup. By the standards of Pyleva and Medvedtseva, not God knows what, but in the current team, Ekaterina is a celestial being, the undisputed leader of the women's team.

25 years old, place of birth - Labytnangi, Yamalo-Nenets autonomous region.
Highest achievement: three-time world champion in summer biathlon.
Crown discipline: sprint.
She did not participate in the 2017/18 World Cup season.

Many fans consider Ilchenko the prettiest girl in the current convocation of the Russian national team. But Christina also claims to be the fastest. In Russia, they did not really believe in her biathlon talent, so Christina went to Belarus, but did not succeed there. A new chance to revive her career was presented to the girl upon returning home. Ilchenko successfully overcame the qualification, it remains to overcome only the eternal problem with shooting.

21 years old, place of birth - Mozhga, Udmurtia.
Highest achievement: the winner of the junior world championship.
Crown discipline: sprint, pursuit.
She did not participate in the 2017/18 World Cup season.
At the qualifying starts in Kontiolahti, she scored 23 points.

Valeria Vasnetsova, if you forgot, already has experience playing at the World Cup: at the very end of last season, the coaches gave the girl a chance, and she took 79th place in the sprint. I would like to believe that from the start of the new season the results will be slightly higher. Still, in juniors, Valeria won a whole scattering of awards at the World and European Championships. You must have confidence!

24 years old, place of birth - Mozhga, Udmurtia.
Highest achievement: two-time European champion.
Crown discipline: sprint.
According to the results of the World Cup season 2017/18, she took 48th place.
She was called up to the Russian national team for the World Cup by decision of the coaching staff.

A couple of years ago, she was a bird in the main Russian team - in fact, simply because the public was indignant and demanded rejuvenation, and Ulyana brilliantly showed herself at the IBU Cup. For two years, Kaisheva did not reach the stars, but twice hit the top ten. And in the new composition, she is one of the most experienced athletes at all. Apparently, it was precisely because of the experience in the World Cup that the coaches gave Kaisheva a "wild card".

It seemed only recently that all the disputes regarding the last biathlon season had calmed down and the time for the Biathlon World Cup was coming again and the time had come, and, therefore, again excitement and worries for our team, since the Russian team will also have serious rivals and competitors in this championship, the strength and power of which also should not be underestimated. These are, first of all, Germany, Norway and France. Although at the present time we, all fans, are more and more concerned and interested in the question of who will be in the Russian biathlon team 2016-2017 and on whom the coaches are betting and focusing the most, who is expected high results and indicators.

It is worth saying that the expanded list included 22 men and 20 women.

As for the list and composition of juniors, it has 10 people from each group. Starting from April 20-21, all declared participants of the cup will undergo an in-depth medical examination, based on the results of which the coaches will form the final list of team members.

Composition of the men's team.

Regarding the preliminary list of the men's team, we can say that it included the following outstanding athletes, behind which there is already quite a rich and productive experience of participation and victories in various competitions and championships. This:

    1.Anton Shipulin and Evgeny Garanichev.
    2.Anton Babikov and Matvey Eliseev.
    3. Alexei Volkov and Alexei Spelov.
    4.Maxim Tsvetkov and Dmitry Malyshko.
    5. Pyotr Pashchenko and Yuri Shopin.
    6.Semyon Suchilov and Alexander Povarnitsyn.
    7. Alexander Dedyukhin and Temur Makhambetov.
    8. Dmitry Ivanov and Sergey Korastylev.
    9. Evgeny Boyarskikh and Pavel Magazaev.
    10. Alexander Pechenkin and Timofey Lapshin.
    11. Vyacheslav Akimov and Alexander Babchin.

Women and their composition.

Regarding the women's team, the following participants can be noted and named. These are Anastasia Zagoruiko, Olga Yakushova, Victoria Slivko, Olga Podchufarova, Ekaterina Yurlova, Ekaterina Shumilova, Olga Shesterikova, Daria Virolainen, Galina Nechkasova, Svetlana Sleptsova, Tatiana Akimova, Anna Nikulina, Anna Shcherbina, Ulyana Kaisheva, Svetlana Mironova, Irina Uslugina, Olga Vilukhina, Ekaterina Avakumova, Valentina Telitsina, Ekaterina Glazyrina.

Biathlon World Cup.

The World Cup is a competition and championship, which differs from the usual tournament in many respects and the principle of holding. Ask what exactly?

  • Firstly, this is a tournament, the peculiarity of which is and is the fact that it is not held at the same time.
  • Secondly, in order to become the winner of the cup, it is necessary to show and demonstrate the best performance in nine areas, that is, stages. Moreover, each of these stages can be carried out on completely different continents. That is why the winner must truly have a good and excellent physical training and remarkable composure.
  • Thirdly, the duration of the cup. Regarding the beginning of the competition, it is already known that the tournament will begin on November 28, 2016 and it will start in the Swedish city of Östersund. The cup will last until March 19, 2017 and will end in the capital of Norway - Oslo. If you calculate, then the duration of the cup will last and will be almost 6 months.
  • Fourthly, the features of the competition stages. Each stage lasts almost exactly 1 week and includes up to six various kinds races and relay races, which also take place and are implemented in nine different cities, the list of which is already known and approved. This:

    1. Ostersund - Norway.
    2. Pokljuka - Slovenia.
    3. Nove Mesto - Czech Republic.
    4. Oberchow - Germany.
    5. Antholz - Italy.
    6. Pyogchang - South Korea.
    7. Tyumen - Russia.
    8. Oslo - Norway.
    9. Asia.

As for Russia, the tournament in Tyumen will last from 6 to 12 March. At the same time, one should not forget that athletes will be involved not only in the Cup, but also in other competitions. A completely logical and logical question arises, in which? First of all, these are the World Championships and the IBU Cup, and the results shown in the individual competitions will be included and will be counted in the overall World Cup ranking.

Types of disciplines.

Currently, there are seven men's and women's disciplines in the World Cup, each of which has its own characteristics.

    1. Relay race men / women - 4 x 7.5 / 4 x 6.
    2. Single mixed relay - 1 x 6 + 1 x 7.5 km.
    3. Mixed relay - 2 x 6 + 2 x 7.5.

It is worth saying that the distances of the mixed relay races are the same for both men and women. When participating in these competitions, you should remember one very simple, but important rule- points received in all types of the relay race do not replenish the total treasury of the athlete's standings. After all, only points received in individual competitions are taken into account and counted, of which there are only four types in the tournament. These are Individual, Sprint, Pursuit and Mass Start.

I would like to believe that the composition of the Russian biathlon team 2016-2017 and the entire declared list of participants will show good results in the competition and take their rightful place. At the same time, the audience will be pleased not only good results but also a wonderful and spectacular show.

In our time in sports, you can meet a huge number of pretty girls. One of the leaders in the number of beautiful participants is undisputed biathlon, which is well developed in most European countries. With the most beautiful biathletes in the world, some of whom are well-deserved champions, while others are only going to success, this post will introduce you to us.

Dorothea Wierer. The Italian athlete is perhaps the most beloved biathlete of the majority of male fans.

Lisa Vittozzi. Wierer's teammate is a tall, model-looking girl.

Miriam Gessner. Already at the age of 20, Miriam performed in ski team Germany and won silver at the Vancouver Games.

In the year of the Olympics, a young German woman received a severe back injury. Being out of biathlon, the girl agreed to star in a candid photo shoot for Playboy.

Daria Domracheva. National treasure of Belarus. At the Olympics, Dasha took three golds, and also won the heart of Ole Einer Bjoerndalen.

Kaisa Makarainen. A fast-footed athlete is called both a beast, and a horse, and a car. The Finca won the overall World Cup standings, but she is unlucky at the main competitions.

Louise Kummer. The German athlete can not yet boast of awards, but broken men's hearts - for sure.

Gabriela Koukalova (Soukalova). The Czech athlete won the World Cup last year.

Tiril Eckhoff. One of the most smiling biathletes in the world made her debut at the World Cup in 2011, and in 2014 she took three awards at the Sochi Olympics.

Paulina Fialkova. The Slovak is not a frequent guest in the tops of the World Cup standings, however, you must admit, she is a beauty.

Marie Dorin-Habert. The Frenchwoman triumphantly returned to big sport just a few months after giving birth.

Christina Ilchenko. A Russian woman who now plays for the national team of Belarus.

Eva Puskarchikova. The Czech athlete reliably performs for the team in relay races, but there are not enough stars from heaven in the individual championship.

Maren Hammerschmidt. The girl is a silver medalist of the World Cup stage, a vegetarian and an animal advocate.

Eliza Gasparin. One of three biathlete sisters representing Switzerland.

Selina Gasparin. Beauty - legal wife Russian skier Ilya Chernousov.

Lisa Teresa Houser. The Austrian beauty is the favorite of the “people's biathlon commentator” Dmitry Guberniev.

Michela Ponza. Italian biathlete, bronze medalist relay world championship, repeated winner of the World Cup stages.

Hope Scardino. Another representative of the Belarusian national team, a knitting lover, who, by the way, comes from St. Petersburg.

Panayota Tsakiri. The name of the Greek biathlete and skier is not noticed in the tops of the cup competitions, which does not detract from her merits.

Colin Varsen. 23 year old French biathlete already became the champion of Europe, but nothing more.

Grete Geim. Estonian biathlete, world champion among girls, the first and only in the history of her country.

Veronika Vitkova. Czech biathlete, world champion 2015 in the mixed relay, silver medalist of the winter Olympic Games 2014 in the mixed relay, two-time world champion in biathlon among juniors.

Catherine Apel. Double Olympic champion, silver and bronze medalist of the Olympic Games.

Ida Lean. Last year, the 18-year-old athlete became number one in the Norwegian Cup rankings, although she did not make it to the main national team this season.

Monica Hoinisch. The biathlete from Poland achieved the highest position in 2013 - it was bronze in the mass start of the World Cup.

Daria Usanova. Kazakh biathlete.

Ivona Fialkova. 22-year-old beauty from Slovakia.

Johanna Pikalainen. A young promising Finn.

Theresia Polyakova. Another representative of Slovakia.

Hope Pisareva. Representative of the Belarusian national team, transferred from the Russian national team.

Yulia Zhuravok. A promising 22-year-old biathlete from Ukraine has the title of European champion and the gold of the World Junior Championship.

Matea Tofte. A little-known but pretty biathlete from the Norwegian national team.

Lucy Harvatova. The Czech debuted in the World Cup only last season.

Annia Keita Saboule. A new hope for the Latvian biathlon.

Natalia Tomashevska. Representative of the youth biathlon team of Poland.

Victoria Padial Hernandez. A representative of hot Spain, exotic for biathlon.

Tanya Karishik. Another representative of the second tier team is Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Stephanie Popova. An athlete from another hot country - Bulgaria.

Claire Lapointe. Representative of Canada.

Most recently, all disputes related to seasonal biathlon competitions have ended, but time is moving on. Before you have time to look back, the 2016-2017 Biathlon World Cup started.

And this means that new unrest and experiences for our team cannot be avoided. At the Biathlon World Championships, Russia has very strong rivals, which include the national teams of Germany, Norway and France.

Many Russian fans are interested in what will be the composition of the Russian biathlon team 2016-2017. To date, the list of athletes who will defend the honor of Russia at world-class competitions has already been officially announced. It should be noted right away that the list consists of 42 declared participants: men - 22 people, women - 20 people.

List of men included in the biathlon team:
Anton Shipulin, Evgeny Garanichev, Anton Babikov, Matvey Eliseev, Alexei Volkov, Alexei Slepov, Maxim Tsvetkov, Dmitry Malyshko, Petr Pashchenko, Yuri Shopin, Semyon Suchilov, Alexander Povarnitsyn, Alexander Dedyukhin, Timur Makhambetov, Dmitry Ivanov, Sergey Korastylev, Evgeny Boyarskikh , Pavel Magazeev, Alexander Pechenkin, Timofey Lapshin, Vyacheslav Akimov, Alexander Babchin.

List of women in the biathlon team:
Anastasia Zagoruiko, Olga Yakushova, Victoria Slivko, Olga Podchufarova, Ekaterina Yurlova, Ekaterina Shumilova, Olga Shesterikova, Daria Virolainen, Galina Nechkasova, Svetlana Sleptsova, Tatiana Akimova, Anna Nikulina, Anna Shcherbinina, Ulyana Kaisheva, Svetlana Mironova, Irina Uslugina, Olga Vilukhina , Ekaterina Avvakumova, Valentina Telitsina, Ekaterina Glazyrina.

Biathlon World Cup 2016-2017.

The biathlon championship for the World Cup has some distinctive features from the usual tournaments. Let's take a look at what exactly these differences are.

Home hallmark Biathlon World Cup is that it is held in several stages, to be more precise, in 9.

Tournament winners must show their professional skills in each such stage. It is also worth noting that all stages are held in different countries of the world. Therefore, before the competition, all participants undergo thorough training in order to be ready for any conditions and changes in the climate.

The duration of the Biathlon World Cup championship is significantly different from the duration of a regular tournament. This championship starts on November 28, 2016, and will end only on March 19, 2017. The first stage will be held in Sweden in the city of Östersund. The last stage of the competition is organized in the capital of Norway - Oslo. Thus, the duration of the competition is almost six months.

Each stage lasts about a week. As a rule, it includes up to six different relay races and types of races. Each stage will take place in different cities. The list of cities and countries where competitions for the Biathlon World Cup will be held is already known.

  • Ostursund - Sweden.
  • Pokljuka - Slovenia.
  • New Place - Czech Republic.
  • Oberchow - Germany.
  • Antholz - Italy.
  • Pyogchang - South Korea.
  • Tyumen - Russia.
  • Oslo - Norway.
  • Asia.

All fans of biathlon, of course, are interested in exactly when the competitions will be held in Russia. In Tyumen, athletes will be able to compete for the World Cup from 6 to 12 March. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that these same athletes can take part in other biathlon competitions at the same time. These include the World Cup and the IBU Cup, and the results that the athletes show in the individual tournament will be counted in overall rating World Cup.

What are the types of disciplines?

To date, there are seven key disciplines in World Cup competitions. They apply to both men and women. Each such discipline has a number of its own characteristics.

List of disciplines of the Biathlon World Cup competitions:

  • Pursuit.
  • Individual race.
  • Mass start.
  • Mixed relay.
  • Sprint.
  • Relay race.

The first four of these disciplines are individual, the rest are team, which is quite reasonable for relay races. In addition to the main Biathlon World Cup, there are also prizes that are related to individual classifications.

When taking part in the competition for the Biathlon World Cup, it is worth remembering that the points that will be earned in any kind of relay race will not be added to the total score of the athlete. Only those points that were obtained in the individual type of discipline, which were mentioned above, can be taken into account.

We can only hope that the athletes of the Russian biathlon team will be able to bring the best results of the competition for the 2017 World Cup. We should also not forget that in addition to best results, the viewer also wants to see a beautiful and spectacular show, accompanied by intrigue and great interest.


Anton Shipulin

30 years. Born on August 21, 1987 in Tyumen.
Height 185 cm. Weight 80 kg.
World Cup: debut - 01/10/2009, medals - 64 (21+21+22), in individual races - 40 (10+14+16), the best place in the overall standings - 2nd (2014/15, 2016/17).
World Championships: debut - World Cup 2011, medals - 7 (1 + 3 + 3).
Olympics: debut - OI-2010, medals - 2 (1 + 0 + 1).
Shooting in the 2016/17 season: lying down - 91%, standing - 85%, total - 88%.
Place of residence: Ekaterinburg.

The undisputed leader of the national team and one of the strongest biathletes in the world. Ranked in the top three for three years in a row overall standings World Cup, but can not take gold in a personal race at the Olympics or the World Cup - only in relay races, where Shipulin, as befits a strong finisher, runs the last stage. Last season, he noticeably accelerated the shooting, which sometimes had a negative effect on its accuracy.

Quote:“The track in Pyeongchang is hard, working, but you can adapt to it. We have a lot of training tailored just for her. (TASS)


26 years. Born on August 2, 1991 in Ufa.
Height 180 cm. Weight 66 kg.
World Cup: debut - 01/17/2015, medals - 6 (2+2+2), in individual races - 2 (1+0+1), the best place in the overall standings - 24th (2016/17).
World Championships: debut - World Cup 2016, medals - 1 (1 + 0 + 0).
Did not participate in the Olympics.
Shooting in the 2016/17 season:
lying down - 88%, standing - 83%, total - 86%
Place of residence: Ufa

A year ago, he won the pursuit race at the starting stage of the KM, overtaking Fourcade himself, and entrenched himself in the main team, from which he no longer dropped out. Constantly performs in the relay, where the third stage usually runs. At the 2017 World Cup, it was he who, having passed both firing lines without error, brought the Russians into the lead, making a decisive contribution to the only victory of the national team in the championship.

Quote:“I feel that before the season functionally I have a certain shift. When preparing, I worked more on speed at a distance. Especially in the sprint - in the pursuit races, the pace suited me more or less.


29 years. Born on February 13, 1988 in Novoilinsky (Perm Territory).
Height 169 cm. Weight 68 kg.
World Cup: debut - 01/20/2011, medals - 23 (7 + 9 + 7), in individual races - 13 (1 + 6 + 6), the best place in the overall standings - 7th (2014/15, 2015/16), place in the overall standings-2016/17 - 18th.
World Championships: debut - World Cup 2012, medals - 1 (0 + 1 + 0).
Olympics: debut - OI-2014, medals - 1 (0 + 0 + 1).
Shooting in the 2016/17 season: lying - 90%, standing - 80%, total - 85%
Place of residence: Tyumen.

After the Games in Sochi-2014, he became a strong "second number" of the men's team, but last season he lost a little and lost his permanent place in the relay four. The main reason is the instability in standing shooting, where Garanichev often gets penalty loops. His main trump card is the speed on the track, in which he is not much inferior even to Shipulin.

Quote:“In preparation for the Olympic season, it is necessary to correct the mistakes made in the past season. And success will always come. (SBR)


25 years. Born on January 3, 1992 in Babaevo (Vologda region).
Height 182 cm. Weight 74 kg.
World Cup: debut - 02/28/2013, medals - 9 (4+4+1), in individual races - 2 (0+2+0), the best place in the overall standings - 19th (2016/17).
World Championships: debut - World Cup 2015, medals - 1 (1 + 0 + 0).
Did not participate in the Olympics.
Shooting in the 2016/17 season:
lying - 92%, standing - 86%, total - 89%
Place of residence: Vologda.

Together with Babikov, he made a breakthrough last season, until which he either made his way into the main team, then fell out of it back. In personal races, he fights for medals only occasionally, but he manages almost without failures. That is why he deserved a place in the gold relay of the 2017 World Cup. An excellent shooter: he surpasses even Volkov in prone accuracy.

Quote:“After joining the national team, Ricco Gross, my results have improved a lot. Both in terms of speed and shooting. I really like his way of working.”

Alexander LOGINOV

25 years. Born on January 31, 1992 in Saratov.
Height 177 cm, weight 70 kg.
World Cup: debut - 02/28/2013, medals - 3 (1 + 0 + 2), in individual races - 1 (0 + 0 + 1), the best place in the overall standings - 46th (2012/13), place in the general standings - 2016/17 - 93rd.
World Championships: debut - World Cup 2017, medals - 1 (0 + 0 + 1).
Olympics: debut - OI-2014 (results canceled).
Shooting in the 2016/17 season: lying down - 76%, standing - 69%, total - 73%.
Place of residence: Saratov.

Potential "Joker for PyeongChang". Loginov's two-year doping ban expired last November. Last season, ours preferred not to “shine” him much, although in the IBU Cup he won 8 out of 13 races, and then took three golds at the European Championship and, finally, the bronze of the World Championships in the mixed relay. If we abstract from all sorts of scandals like the February clash with Fourcade, then we are talking about a very fast biathlete who, in addition, knows how to shoot smartly and accurately (ignore the latest statistics - we remember what happened before the disqualification) to shoot. True, in September, Loginov was injured.


29 years. Born on 04/05/1988 in Raduzhny (Tyumen region).
Height 177 cm, weight 69 kg.
World Cup: debut - 12/5/2009, medals - 15 (6 + 5 + 4), in individual races - 3 (0 + 2 + 1), the best place in the overall standings - 22nd (2013/14), place in the overall standings - 2016/17 - 56th.
World Championships: debut - World Cup 2012, medals - 1 (1 + 0 + 0).
Olympics: debut - OI-2014, medals - 1 (1 + 0 + 0).
Shooting in the 2016/17 season: lying down - 91%, standing - 89%, total - 90%.
Place of residence: Khanty-Mansiysk.

A recognized master and an experienced shooter with a not very stable (if not modest) “move” over the distance. In Pyeongchang, he can really qualify for participation in the individual race - and, of course, in the relay race, where he has already won both the World Championship and the Olympic Games.


24 years. Born on March 31, 1993 in Zelenograd.
Height 187 cm, weight 86 kg.
World Cup: debut - 02/7/2015, medals - 2 (0 + 2 + 0), in individual races - 0, the best place in the overall standings - 35th (2016/17).
He did not participate in the World Championships and the Olympics.
Shooting in the 2016/17 season:
lying down - 82%, standing - 80%, total - 81%.
Place of residence: Moscow.

On this moment he is clearly the last "number" in this lineup, although breakthroughs are common in the Olympic season. Eliseev's main problem is shooting, but with speed he always had everything in perfect order.



27 years. She was born on October 26, 1990 in Cheboksary.
Height 168 cm. Weight 57 kg.
World Cup: debut - 12/5/2015, medals - 3 (1+0+2), in individual races - 2 (1+0+1), the best place in the overall standings - 16th (2016/17).
World Championships: debut - World Cup 2016, medals - 1 (0 + 0 + 1).
Did not participate in the Olympics.
Shooting in the 2016/17 season:
lying down - 91%, standing - 75%, total - 83%.
Place of residence: Cheboksary.

Last season, quite unexpectedly, she became the new leader of the women's team. Constantly adds both in speed and in shooting. Even if it is still far from world leaders, but if you tighten up your “stand” and approach Pyeongchang in optimal shape, then the result can be anything.

Quote:“The experience is still not enough, but no one will endure the Olympics for me. You have to work hard and be well prepared. Well, there - the result will show.

Ekaterina YURLOVA

32 years. She was born on February 23, 1985 in St. Petersburg.
Height 160 cm. Weight 58 kg.
World Cup: debut - 03/6/2008, medals - 4 (2 + 0 + 2), in individual races - 3 (2 + 0 + 1), the best place in the overall standings - 17th (2010/11).
World Championships: debut - World Cup 2011, medals - 1 (1 + 0 + 0).
Did not participate in the Olympics.
Shooting in the 2015/16 season:
lying down - 94%, standing - 79%, total - 86%.
Place of residence: Saint Petersburg.

Her trump cards are reliability and fighting qualities. Last season, the 2015 world champion in the individual race missed almost entirely due to the birth of a child, but she returned by spring and is not going to give up. If Yurlova picks up for Pyeongchang good shape, this can be a serious help for our relay race.

Quote:“The Olympics is my dream. I would like not only to get there, but also to win a medal. I trained during pregnancy, and almost immediately after giving birth.


25 years. She was born on 08/05/1992 in Moscow.
Height 169 cm. Weight 62 kg.
World Cup: debut - 03/09/2013, medals - 4 (1 + 0 + 3), in individual races - 2 (1 + 0 + 1), the best place in the overall standings - 16th (2015/16), place in the overall standings - 2016/17 - 45th.
World Championships: debut - World Cup 2015, medals - 1 (0 + 0 + 1).
Olympics: debut - OI-2014.
Shooting in the 2015/16 season: lying down - 93%, standing - 86%, total - 89%.
Place of residence: Moscow.

In the 2015/16 World Cup, she quickly broke into the world biathlon elite, but there was no continuation: at the end of both that and the last season, Podchufarov highest level did not perform well. The explanations did not differ in variety: poor form and injuries or injuries - and a flat form. It remains to be understood: will a very young biathlete be able to return to her previous level?


28 years. She was born on 01/24/1989 in Moscow.
Height 161 cm. Weight 51 kg.
World Cup: debut - 03/3/2014, medals - 2 (0+2+0), in individual races - 2 (0+2+0), the best place in the overall standings - 16th (2014/15), place in the overall standings - 2016/17 - 54th.
World Championships: debut - World Cup 2015.
Olympics: debut - OI-2014.
Shooting in the 2015/16 season: lying down - 92%, standing - 82%, total - 72%.
Place of residence: Khimki.

Very uneven speed and even more uneven shooting: it's hard to imagine Virolainen finishing second in her first World Cup race in the spring of 2014.

Victoria SLIVKO

23 years old. She was born on May 5, 1994 in Muromtsevo (Omsk Region).
Height 171 cm. Weight 56 ​​kg.
World Cup: debut - 01/12/2017, no medals, best place in the overall standings - 76th (2016/17).

Shooting in the 2015/16 season:
lying down - 92%, standing - 88%, total - 90%.
Place of residence: Tyumen.

An obvious spare. Shoots well, but goes, as a rule, not very fast. If, as the coaches hope, Irina Starykh returns to the national team after an injury, Slivko will be the first candidate for the role of “extreme”.


23 years old. She was born on February 22, 1994 in Moryakovka (Tomsk Region).
Height 165 cm. Weight 52 kg.
World Cup: debut - 2.03.2017, no medals, no points in the overall standings.
She did not participate in the World Championships and the Olympics.
Place of residence:

But this story is much more interesting: we are talking about a very fast (including by world standards) biathlete who has not yet learned to shoot. But if she learns to shoot, then the Russian team will receive very serious support. And maybe even get a new leader - although this, of course, is still too much.