Japanese salt-free diet. Recipes, menu, description

Everyone knows about the mega-effective Japanese diet. But few people realize that she has options that allow the use of completely non-diet products. What you can eat on the “Japanese”, read the article.

Japanese salt-free diet- a popular weight loss technique developed by the specialists of the Yaelo clinic (in another version, Yaex), has won the trust of many women and men due to its effectiveness. The principle of its action is a low-carbohydrate, protein-rich diet that activates the processes of burning body fat. Traditional Japanese lasts 21 days: 7 days of preparation, 14 days of diet and a 4-week exit.

Most of those who have lost weight note that this technique requires psychological preparation and strong motivation. However, the results are worth the effort: in 14 days (the "classic" version) you can lose 5-15 kg - depending on the initial weight. In addition, the key stage is the exit from the diet, which requires no less endurance. If you do not violate the conditions, the problem excess weight will remain in the past.


  1. Use only specified products.
  2. The sequence of days and meals cannot be changed.
  3. Salt, sugar, alcohol, confectionery and flour products (except those indicated) are completely excluded from the diet.
  4. Every day you should drink 1.5 - 2 liters of clean water without gas.
  5. If you do not drink coffee, drink green tea without additives and flavorings.
  6. Zucchini can be replaced with one of the following products: beets, pumpkin, boiled or fried carrots, zucchini, parsnip root. This replacement will not affect the result of losing weight (subject to all the rules).
  7. Zucchini (or a vegetable alternative to zucchini) can be baked in foil and eaten with 1 teaspoon vegetable or olive oil.
  8. A raw egg can either be omitted or replaced with a boiled one.
  9. Drinking green or herbal tea between meals is allowed.
  10. Before proceeding, it is necessary to consult with a specialist.
  11. You can repeat no more than twice a year.


  • Effective weight loss in a short time.
  • Availability of the products provided.
  • A specific menu (without calculating the nutritional and energy value of dishes).
  • Three meals (easy to combine with study or work).
  • There is a cleansing of the body of toxins, because for two weeks you do not consume sugar, alcohol and salt.
  • Protein is present in sufficient quantity - this prevents loss muscle mass. In addition, a lot of energy is spent on the digestion and absorption of protein, which speeds up metabolism.


  • Low calorie diet.
  • An unbalanced ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and a lack of essential vitamins, macro- and microelements. The consequence of this is a deterioration in the condition of the skin, nails and hair, a decrease in immunity. Therefore, during the Japanese diet, it is necessary to take complex vitamins.
  • The lack of a full breakfast deprives the body of the energy it needs in the morning and increases the risk of an evening breakdown.
  • Long breaks between meals.
  • The transition to a normal diet can result in a rapid return of weight.


Preparing the body is an integral part of the Japanese salt-free diet. A week before it starts, give up fast food, minimize the amount of sweets, flour and fatty foods, reduce your usual portions by 20% - the daily calorie intake of your diet should be reduced by 500 calories. Try to have dinner at least three hours before bedtime and drink at least 1.5 liters of pure water per day. After waking up, be sure to drink 250 ml of water at room temperature. This activates the metabolism and will allow you to better endure the absence of breakfast during this period.


For 7 days

  • Breakfast: black coffee.
  • Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, 150 g of salad (Beijing cabbage + carrots + 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil), 200 ml of tomato juice.
  • Dinner: 150 g of boiled pollock, 100 g of Beijing cabbage + 1 teaspoon of olive oil.
  • Breakfast: rye bread toast (15 g), black coffee.
  • Lunch: 200 g of baked cod, 150 g of Chinese cabbage + 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil.
  • Dinner: 200 g of boiled beef, 200 ml of kefir (2.5% fat).
  • Breakfast: black coffee.
  • Lunch: 1 boiled egg, 150 g of grated carrots + 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil.
  • Dinner: 2 apples.
  • breakfast: rye bread toast, black coffee.
  • lunch: 1 medium zucchini fried in vegetable oil, 2 apples.
  • dinner: 200 g of boiled beef, 2 boiled eggs, 150 g of Chinese cabbage.
  • Breakfast: 150 g grated carrots with lemon juice.
  • Lunch: 200 g baked hake, 200 ml tomato juice.
  • breakfast: black coffee.
  • lunch: 300 g of boiled chicken breast, 150 g of salad (Beijing cabbage + carrots).
  • dinner: 2 boiled eggs, 150 g of grated carrots + 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil.
  • Breakfast: green tea.
  • Lunch: 200 g of boiled beef, 200 g of any fruit (according to the season).
  • Dinner: any of the previous options.

For 9 days

The menu for 7 days of the 9-day Japanese diet does not differ from the 7-day version.

  • Breakfast: green tea.
  • Lunch: 200 g of boiled beef, 2 apples or 1 orange.
  • Dinner: 200 g baked hake, 150 g Chinese cabbage.
  • Breakfast: black coffee.
  • Lunch: 200 g salad (carrot + cabbage), 150 g boiled chicken breast, 2 boiled eggs.
  • Dinner: 150 g of grated carrots + 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Foods needed for the 13-day and 14-day Japanese diet

  • Natural coffee (beans or ground) - 1 pack.
  • Fresh eggs - 20 pieces.
  • Fish fillet - 2 kg.
  • Green tea without flavors - 1 pack.
  • Beef - 1 kg.
  • Chicken breast - 2 kg.
  • Olive oil.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Carrots - 2 kg.
  • Fresh white cabbage or Beijing cabbage - 2 - 4 pieces (depending on size).
  • Zucchini - 1 kg.
  • Apples (or other fruits) - 1 kg.
  • Tomato juice (no sugar) - 2 liters.
  • Kefir - 1 l.
  • Lemon - 3-5 pieces.
  • Rye bread - 1 loaf.

For 13 days

  • Breakfast: black coffee.
  • Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, 150 g of salad (Beijing cabbage + carrot + 1 teaspoon of olive oil), 200 ml of tomato juice.
  • Dinner: 200 g boiled cod.
  • Lunch: 200 g of boiled pollock, 150 g of salad (cabbage + carrot + 2 teaspoons of olive oil).
  • Dinner: 100 g of boiled beef, 200 ml of tomato juice.
  • Breakfast: black coffee and rye bread toast (15 g).
  • Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, 200 g of boiled beef, 100 g of Beijing cabbage + 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil.
  • Breakfast: black coffee.
  • Lunch: 1 raw egg, 100 g of grated carrots + 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, 15 g of hard cheese.
  • Dinner: 200 g fresh fruit according to the season.
  • Lunch: 200 g baked cod, 200 ml tomato juice.
  • Dinner: 200 g of fruit.
  • Breakfast: black coffee.
  • Lunch: 300 g of boiled chicken breast, 100 g of salad (cabbage + carrots).
  • Breakfast: green tea.
  • Lunch: 200 g of boiled beef, 150 g of fruit.
  • Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, 100 g of grated carrots + 1 teaspoon of olive oil.
  • Breakfast: black coffee.
  • Lunch: 250 g of boiled chicken breast, 150 g of salad (carrot + cabbage).
  • Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, 150 g of grated carrots + 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil.
  • Breakfast: 100 g grated carrots + 2 tablespoons lemon juice.
  • Lunch: 200 g of baked pollock, 200 ml of tomato juice.
  • Dinner: 200 g of fruit.
  • Breakfast: black coffee.
  • Lunch: 1 raw egg, 150 g of grated carrots + 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, 15 g of hard cheese.
  • Dinner: 200 g of fruit.
  • Lunch: 1 zucchini fried in vegetable oil.
  • Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, 200 g of boiled beef, 100 g of fresh cabbage + 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil.
  • Breakfast: black coffee, rye bread toast (15 g).
  • Lunch: 200 g baked hake, 150 g fresh cabbage + 1 teaspoon olive oil.
  • Breakfast: black coffee.
  • Lunch: not provided.
  • Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, 200 g of boiled cabbage + 1 teaspoon of olive oil, 200 ml of tomato juice.

For 14 days

  • Breakfast: black coffee.
  • Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, 200 g of boiled cabbage + 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, 200 ml of tomato juice.
  • Dinner: 200 g boiled or baked hake.
  • Lunch: 200 g of boiled pollock, 150 g of boiled cabbage + 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil.
  • Dinner: 100 g of boiled beef, 200 ml of kefir (2.5% fat).
  • Breakfast: 20 g of rye bread, black coffee.
  • Lunch: 1 medium zucchini fried in vegetable oil.
  • Breakfast: 1 fresh carrot, black coffee.
  • Lunch: 200 g of boiled pollock, 200 ml of tomato juice.
  • Dinner: 200 g of any fruit.
  • Breakfast: 1 fresh carrot, juice of one lemon (can be diluted with water).
  • Dinner: 200 g of any fruit.
  • Breakfast: black coffee.
  • Lunch: 300 g of boiled chicken breast, 200 g of salad (fresh cabbage + carrots + 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil).
  • Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, 1 fresh carrot.
  • Breakfast: green tea.
  • Lunch: 200 g of boiled beef, 2 apples.
  • Dinner: any of the previous options, except for the 3rd day.
  • Breakfast: black coffee.
  • Lunch: 300 g of boiled chicken breast, 150 g of salad (cabbage + carrot + 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil).
  • Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, 1 fresh carrot + 1 teaspoon vegetable oil.
  • Breakfast: 1 fresh carrot, juice of one lemon.
  • Lunch: 200 g boiled hake, 200 ml tomato juice.
  • Dinner: 200 g of any fruit.
  • Breakfast: black coffee.
  • Lunch: 50 g of hard cheese, 100 g of grated carrots + 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, 1 boiled egg.
  • Dinner: 200 g of any fruit.
  • Breakfast: 20 g of rye bread, black coffee.
  • Lunch: 1 medium zucchini fried in vegetable oil.
  • Dinner: 200 g of boiled beef, 2 boiled eggs, 150 g of fresh cabbage + 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil.
  • Breakfast: 20 g of rye bread, black coffee.
  • Lunch: 200 g of boiled pollock, 150 g of fresh cabbage + 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil.
  • Dinner: 100 g of boiled beef, 200 ml of kefir.
  • Breakfast: black coffee.
  • Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, 200 g of boiled cabbage + 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, 200 ml of tomato juice.
  • Dinner: 200 g of boiled or baked pollock + 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil.
  • Breakfast: black coffee.
  • Lunch: 200 g boiled or baked hake, 150 g fresh cabbage + 1 teaspoon olive oil.
  • Dinner: 200 g of boiled beef, 200 ml of kefir.

Getting out of the diet

The first week of leaving the Japanese diet is an extremely crucial period. At this time, the body continues to lose weight and adapt to new parameters, so it is important not to pounce on food, but to slowly introduce familiar foods into the diet. They must be exclusively natural.

  • In order for the achieved result to be fixed, it is necessary to leave the diet gradually. The exit period should last twice as long. So, the exit period from the 14-day Japanese diet should last at least 28 days - that is, 4 weeks.
  • In the first week, gradually increase the portions of meat and fish dishes- per 50 g, vegetables - per 100 g.
  • For breakfast, eat cereals cooked in water (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice) and omelettes. Your single serving should be about 200 g.
  • Salt should be added to food gradually: at the beginning of the exit, consume no more than 5 g of salt per day.
  • During the day, you need to make 2-3 snacks from fermented milk products and fruits.
  • Replace a fruit dinner with a full meal of vegetables and proteins (for example, 200 g of vegetable stew and steamed chicken cutlet).
  • Do not reduce the amount of protein food.
  • Eat fractionally (5-6 times a day).

Indicative menu for exiting the Japanese diet for 2 weeks

  • Breakfast: 2 eggs omelet and 150 ml of milk (2.5% fat), 1 loaf, black coffee.
  • Lunch: 200 g of boiled beef or 200 g of baked cod, 100 g of fresh vegetables.
  • Dinner: 100 g of cottage cheese (5% fat) or 250 ml of kefir (2.5% fat) and 1 apple.
  • Breakfast: 200 g oatmeal on water (without sugar and oil).
  • Snack: 1 orange, 1 kiwi.
  • Lunch: 200 g of baked chicken breast, 100 g of fresh vegetables (cabbage, carrots, peppers).
  • Dinner: 200 g boiled shrimp or 150 g cottage cheese (7% fat), 1 cucumber.
  • Breakfast: 200 g of oatmeal in water without sugar and butter, 2 toasts (20 g each).
  • Snack: 1 any fruit.
  • Lunch: 200 g vegetable soup, 100 g boiled beef.
  • Snack: 100 g natural yogurt.
  • Dinner: 200 g of baked chicken breast, 150 g of any steamed vegetables.
  • Breakfast: 200 g of any porridge with nuts, dried fruits and honey (no more than 1 teaspoon), 2 toasts (20 g each).
  • Snack: 1 any fruit, 100 g of natural yogurt or cottage cheese (5% fat).
  • Lunch: 200 g of any soup in low-fat chicken broth, 150 g of boiled chicken breast, 2 fresh cucumbers.
  • Snack: 1 any fruit or 150 g of natural yogurt.
  • Dinner: 200 g of boiled mussels, 150 g of vegetable stew.
  • Snack: 200 ml of kefir (2.5% fat).

Diet Options

With green tea

This option involves daily (within 14 days) consumption of green tea. It is recommended to choose Japanese green tea, as it is rich in glutelin and albumin proteins, which provide nutrition to the drink. In addition, the antioxidants contained in Japanese green tea speed up metabolism. You should drink about 1 liter of tea per day.

During the Japanese green tea diet, all vegetables (except tomatoes) and fruits (except bananas and grapes) are allowed.

Day 1 and 14

  • Breakfast: 250 ml of Japanese green tea, 150 g of cottage cheese (5% fat).
  • Lunch: 200 g of stewed cabbage, 2 boiled eggs, 2 apples, 250 ml of tea.
  • Dinner: 200 g of salad (cabbage + carrots + cucumbers), 200 g of any boiled (or baked) fish, 250 ml of tea.

Day 2 and 13

  • Breakfast: 250 ml of tea, 50 g of hard cheese, 2 toasts (20 g each).
  • Lunch: 200 g Chinese cabbage + 1 teaspoon olive oil, 100 g boiled hake, 250 ml tea.
  • Dinner: 200 g of boiled beef, 2 boiled eggs, 150 g of salad (Beijing cabbage + carrot + olive oil), 250 ml of tea.

Day 3 and 12

  • Breakfast: 250 ml of tea, 20 g of unleavened biscuits.
  • Lunch: 1 stewed zucchini, 1 fresh apple, 250 ml of green tea.
  • Dinner: 100 g of boiled beef, 2 boiled eggs, 150 g of salad (cucumbers + any pepper + Chinese cabbage), 250 ml of tea.

Day 4 and 11

  • Breakfast: 200 ml of tea, 150 g of cottage cheese (5% fat).
  • Lunch: 1 boiled egg, 200 g of salad (Beijing cabbage + carrot + 1 teaspoon of sour cream 10% fat), 250 ml of tea.
  • Dinner: 250 ml of tea and any fruit (no more than 300 g).

Day 5 and 10

  • Breakfast: 200 ml of tea, 2 toasts (20 g each) with jam (10 g).
  • Lunch: 200 g of boiled pollock, 200 ml of tea.
  • Dinner: 200 g of salad (Beijing cabbage + carrots + cucumbers + 2 teaspoons of olive oil), 50 g of hard cheese, 200 ml of tea.

Day 6 and 9

  • Breakfast: 250 ml of tea, 2 loaves + 10 g of jam.
  • Lunch: 250 g of boiled beef, 100 g of any steamed vegetables, 200 ml of tea.
  • Dinner: 200 g grated carrots (boiled or fresh), 2 boiled eggs, 200 ml tea.

Day 7 and 8

  • Breakfast: 50 g of hard cheese, 250 g of tea.
  • Lunch: 200 g of boiled beef, 100 g of any stewed vegetables, 200 ml of tea.
  • Dinner: 200 - 300 g of any fruit (from allowed), 200 ml of tea.

You can repeat it no earlier than a year later.

For men

Unlike women, men require much more calories. Therefore, low-calorie nutrition is contraindicated for the stronger sex. So, the Japanese diet for men provides for the consumption of 1600 - 1800 calories per day and does not imply strict restrictions. Her diet is balanced. It consists of brown rice, fish and seafood, vegetables. Meals and the combination of ingredients can be varied as desired. Duration - 14 days.

For Vegetarians

The Japanese diet for vegetarians provides for the replacement of meat with legumes (soybeans, beans, peas, dal), seaweed, tofu cheese.

Menu example

  • Breakfast: black coffee.
  • Lunch: 100 g of tofu cheese, 150 g of Chinese cabbage, 1 apple.
  • Dinner: 100 g of grated carrots + 1 teaspoon of olive oil, 70 g of boiled soy meat, 1 loaf.

During pregnancy

The classic version is contraindicated during pregnancy. However, there is its salt-free version, the purpose of which is to improve the body of the expectant mother. It is not supposed to completely abandon salt, which is a necessary element for the full functioning of all body systems, but to exclude the use of salt in its pure form - only products in which it is contained.

Rules for pregnancy

  • Food should be baked, stewed, boiled or steamed.
  • It is necessary to exclude sauces, marinades, smoking, pickles, fried foods from the diet.
  • It is necessary to minimize the consumption of confectionery and pasta.
  • It is recommended to consume no more than 200 g of bread per day.
  • Soups should be cooked on vegetable, low-fat meat or fish broth.
  • It is recommended to consume exclusively low-fat varieties of fish and meat.
  • It is recommended to consume fresh fruits, vegetables, eggs, dairy products, tea, butter (no more than 10 g per day).


The Japanese rice diet differs significantly from the Japanese protein diet. This is a more gentle method of losing weight, which will allow you to lose weight by 2-5 kg ​​in 7 days - it is highly not recommended to exceed this period. The principle is the same as in protein: salt, sugar, alcohol should be excluded from the diet, and products must be consumed in a clear sequence. The peculiarity of rice is the consumption of rice - a natural sorbent that effectively cleanses the body of toxins and toxins.

Daily menu (for 7 days)

  • Breakfast: 150 g of boiled brown rice, 1 apple (you can grapefruit or 100 g of any fresh berries in season), green tea + 1 teaspoon of honey.
  • Lunch: 100 g of boiled brown rice, 100 g of baked pollock, 100 g of Chinese cabbage.
  • Dinner: 100 g boiled brown rice, 1 boiled egg, green tea + 100 ml milk (1.5% fat).

It is necessary to drink at least 1.5 liters of pure water per day.


This Japanese banana diet has practically nothing to do with protein and rice. It appeared thanks to a book published in Japan, which deals with the banker Hitoshi Watanabe, who lost 13 kg on a banana in three months.

Its essence lies in the consumption of unripe bananas (1-2 fruits) with clean water at room temperature for breakfast. The rest of the meals (lunch and dinner) may be familiar to you. The fact is that unripe bananas are rich in unstable starches, which are sorbents. Thanks to this, fat burns 30% more efficiently than other methods. In addition, bananas provide a long-lasting feeling of satiety.

Japanese banana diet rules

  • You need to get up from the table with a feeling of a free stomach.
  • Dinner should be no later than 19:00.
  • Desserts should be excluded from the menu. If you want sweets, you can eat marmalade, marshmallows, jelly, marshmallows or 50 g of dark chocolate, but separately from the main meals and no later than 14:00.
  • The use of alcohol is prohibited.
  • It is better to refuse sugar, or replace it with honey (no more than 2 tablespoons per day).
  • Be sure to drink 2 liters of pure non-carbonated water daily. Water should be at room temperature.
  • Physical activity is not necessary, but it will speed up the process of losing weight.

Sports during the Japanese diet

If your body is accustomed to a certain level physical activity(for example, morning jogging or fitness three times a week), then you should not increase the frequency and intensity of training - this can provoke a deterioration in well-being (loss of strength, dizziness, nausea).


  1. Diseases gastrointestinal tract(gastritis, gastroduodenitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum).
  2. During pregnancy and lactation.
  3. Any chronic diseases of the kidneys and liver.
  4. Anemia.
  5. Avitaminosis and hypovitaminosis.
  6. Acute infectious diseases.
  7. Diabetes.
  8. Cholelithiasis.
  9. Any condition in the acute stage.
  10. Chronic diseases of internal organs.

There is a Japanese diet for 14 days, you follow the menu for every day - and minus 10 kg! I’ll tell you about the features of such nutrition, dubious moments and the opinion of doctors ...

My dears, hello! Svetlana Morozova is with you. Today I show an example of a Japanese diet menu for 2 weeks. Go!

Friends! I, Svetlana Morozova, invite you to mega useful and interesting webinars! Host, Andrey Eroshkin. Health Recovery Expert, Certified Dietitian.

Topics for upcoming webinars:

  • How to lose weight without willpower and so that the weight does not return again?
  • How to become healthy again without pills, in a natural way?
  • Where do kidney stones come from and what can be done to prevent them from reappearing?
  • How to stop going to gynecologists, give birth to a healthy child and not grow old at 40?

Do you want to lose weight? Interested in diets?

You will definitely find something interesting.

Japanese diet 14 days menu for every day

The menu for 14 days is built according to the following scheme: the weekly menu is signed, and after the first week, the food for each day goes in the reverse order.

Breakfast is the same everywhere - coffee: natural ground, insoluble, without sugar and milk. After a day or two, you can add crackers or bread to coffee. What the exact menu looks like otherwise:

1 (13) day:

  • Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, stewed zucchini (or fried), beetroot juice.
  • Dinner: fish steak baked in the oven with herbs and lemon.

2 (12) day:

  • Lunch: a serving of fat-free cottage cheese (100 g), fresh vegetable salad (lettuce, cucumber, tomato, radish, greens).
  • Dinner: a piece of hard cheese, fruit.

3 (11) day:

  • Lunch: boiled chicken breast, grated carrot salad, tomato juice;
  • Dinner: fish steak stewed in tomato sauce with herbs and garlic, kefir.

4 (10) day:

  • Lunch: 2 egg omelet, slice of cheese, courgette, eggplant, carrot and onion stew. You can replace ratatouille.
  • Dinner: minced chicken meatballs, fruit.

5 (9) day:

  • Lunch: boiled fish, coleslaw, carrot juice;
  • Dinner: egg, cottage cheese.

6 (8) day:

  • Lunch: turkey fillet, egg, boiled beetroot salad with garlic.
  • Dinner: boiled beef, kefir

Day 7:

  • Lunch: meat souffle, boiled broccoli salad with tomatoes and carrots, freshly squeezed celery juice.
  • Dinner: fish, fruit.

In fact, this is a 13-day diet. On the 14th day there is an exit from it. That is, it is recommended to increase meals by 4-5, but the amount eaten for these meals should also be small. It is allowed to eat everything the same as on previous days, plus vegetable soup if desired. And breakfast can be supplemented with 100 g of oatmeal on the water.

To make it clear, I entered everything in the table. You can download and print it. Free, naturally.


Here are some tips for the menu:

  1. The diet is salt-free, so nothing can be salted.
  2. You need to drink as often as possible, up to 8 glasses a day.
  3. Dinner should be no later than 4 hours before bedtime.
  4. You can't snack. If you are very hungry, it is recommended to quickly drink a glass of warm, almost hot water.
  5. For lunch, you can drink freshly squeezed juice. Better vegetable, sometimes it is allowed to make unsweetened smoothies, without the addition of cereals.
  6. Salads can be seasoned with vegetable oil, lemon juice. But no vinegar.
  7. If cabbage salads go hard, cabbage should be cooked almost until tender.
  8. The original Japanese diet - when the morning starts with coffee. But instead of it, it is sometimes allowed to drink herbal tea.

Japanese diet 14 days: what you can and cannot eat

IN Japanese diet The list of products is very limited. There is no need to be especially imaginative.


  • Protein food: any lean meat, fish (cod, pollock, trout, pike, pike perch), eggs, kefir, cottage cheese, cheese.
  • Vegetables: cabbage (all kinds), zucchini, eggplant, carrots, onions, garlic, radishes, beets, cucumbers, tomatoes, greens.
  • Fruits: apples and citrus fruits.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Vegetable and fruit juices - freshly squeezed, not from the package!

It is forbidden:

  • Salt, sugar;
  • Spices;
  • Potato;
  • Sweet fruits: banana, grapes, figs;
  • Flour, pasta;
  • Sausages;
  • Cereals (not only rice and semolina - all).

More about the diet

I want to emphasize once again that the article is food for informational purposes only. In no case do I recommend that you lose weight in this way. The Japanese diet is an unbalanced diet. Doctors are categorically against such.

Why? We look:

In addition, rigid diets are always fraught with nervous tension and breakdowns. For example, on the Woman website I read in reviews that it is especially difficult for some people to eat unsalted food, and if there is not enough of it, you generally hate the whole world. Do you want to be hungry and angry, sleep badly, snap at everyone, and then break into some goodies and regret it?

It's time to make the right choice for your health. Before it's too late - act! Now 1000 year old recipes are available for you. 100% natural Trado complexes is the best gift for your body. Start restoring your health today!

Do not believe the fairy tales about how to lose 10 kg in 2 weeks. And even more they promise - how many craftsmen. Do not be fooled by the tricks of marketers who sell miraculous pills. Good things don't happen quickly.

Which exit?

Eat properly and balanced, with a slight calorie deficit, play sports, lead an active lifestyle, get enough sleep and enjoy life.

I wish you to achieve your desired goal without harm to health! May harmony be with you!

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One of the most effective, according to weight loss reviews, is the Japanese salt-free diet for 14 days. It is special in that just one course of such a diet allows you not only to burn excess fat, but also miraculously rebuild your metabolism. This is one of the options for extremely strict nutrition, which guarantees not only rapid weight loss, but also its stable strengthening. In just a couple of weeks of following the requirements of the Japanese diet, you will be able to control your appetite and prevent weight gain.

There are many variations of the diet: for 7, 13 and salt-free Japanese diet for 14 days. It is the latter that gives the most obvious results. Due to the fact that Japanese nutrition is the strongest stress for the body, doctors do not advise repeating the course more often than once every 2 years.

Why the "Japanese" diet

There are different variants origin of this diet. The first sources claim that it was invented about 35 years ago by scientists from the Land of the Rising Sun, hence its name. Others persistently insist that this type of food cannot have anything in common with Japan: it was designed by European nutritionists only 15 years ago. And the diet is called so only because it is Japanese girls who are the standard of fragility all over the world.

The subtleties of the Eastern diet

  • The Japanese salt-free diet for 14 days offers a specific menu for each day. In case of compliance with all rules and restrictions, the authors promise weight loss from 6 to 10 kg;
  • During the entire time of the diet, it is necessary to absolutely abandon all seasonings, salt, sugar, alcohol and flour products. Nutritionists allow only one exception - a teaspoon of honey during breakfast. Thus, you will be able to maintain the desired level of glucose in the blood without harming your body;
  • Plentiful drinking is a mandatory circumstance of the diet. It is necessary to drink about 1.5 liters of clean water per day, not counting other drinks;
  • In order for the result to last as long as possible, get out of the Japanese diet gradually, adding one or two new foods to the diet daily. In the future, it is advisable to follow proper nutrition by limiting the intake of animal fats and refined carbohydrates.

Diet Contraindications

Due to its unnatural menu, the Japanese diet has a number of contraindications:

In addition, a strict Japanese diet cannot be followed for more than two; and training
to the salt-free Japanese diet of 14 days, you need to start a few days in advance. You need to have dinner no later than 3 hours before bedtime, the menu should contain fresh vegetables and cereals.

The Japanese Diet: A Closer Look

Before you go on a diet, it is advisable to immediately stock up on food for these two weeks. So you will limit yourself from the temptation to break the rules of the menu, and you will know how much your weight loss cost. So, the shopping list for a two-week Japanese diet:

  • Premium coffee (ground or beans) - 1 pack;
  • Green or white tea - 1 pack;
  • Chicken eggs - 2 dozen or quail - 3 dozen;
  • Low-fat sea fish - 2 kg;
  • Chicken fillet - 1 kg;
  • Beef or rabbit meat - 1 kg;
  • Olive oil (cold pressed) - 500 ml;
  • 2 heads of white cabbage;
  • 2.5 kg of fresh carrots;
  • eggplant or zucchini - 1 kg;
  • Fruits (you can’t just banana) - 1 kg;
  • Tomato juice - 1 l;
  • Lemons of medium size - 2 pcs;
  • Kefir - 1 l.

For many, the Japanese diet is one of the most comfortable. After all, the range of food is quite diverse, and the dishes taste good. The following table will help you create a menu for every day of losing weight:

Day of the week Menu
Day 1Breakfast: a cup of natural coffee.
Lunch: 2 hard-boiled chicken eggs (or three quail eggs); fresh cabbage salad dressed with a teaspoon of olive oil; a glass of homemade tomato juice or one tomato.
Dinner: fresh cabbage salad; sea ​​fish (can be fried in a pan, boiled or grilled).
Day 2Breakfast: unsweetened crackers and natural coffee.
Lunch: fresh cabbage salad dressed with a spoonful of olive oil, steamed or boiled fish.
Dinner: 250 ml of low-fat kefir and 200 grams of baked beef.
Day 3Breakfast: unsweetened cracker or 50 grams of biscuit cookies, a cup of ground coffee.
Lunch: medium zucchini, steamed with drops of vegetable oil.
Dinner: 200 grams of beef, boiled or steamed, fresh cabbage salad, 2 boiled eggs.
Day 4Breakfast: a cup of natural black coffee, a spoonful of honey.
Lunch: one hard-boiled egg, three boiled or fresh carrots, 20 grams of parmesan cheese.
Dinner: 200 grams of any fruit.
Day 5Breakfast: one egg, one carrot salad dressed with the juice of a quarter of a lemon.
Lunch: 250 ml of homemade tomato juice, 400 grams of fried or boiled fish.
Dinner: 200 grams of fruit.
Day 6Breakfast: a cup of coffee.
Lunch: 500 grams of boiled chicken fillet; fresh cabbage and carrot salad dressed with vegetable oil.
Dinner: one raw carrot and 2 hard-boiled eggs
Day 7Breakfast: a cup of weak green tea.
Lunch: 250 grams of boiled or grilled beef.
Dinner: 200 grams of lean fish, a salad of two eggs and fresh carrots; a glass of kefir.
Day 8Breakfast: black coffee.
Lunch: 500 grams of boiled chicken fillet, cabbage and carrot salad seasoned with lemon juice or vegetable oil.
Dinner: two boiled eggs and one medium-sized carrot.
Day 9Breakfast: raw carrots, grated on a medium grater and seasoned with lemon juice.
Lunch: a glass of tomato juice without salt and 200-300 grams of fish.
Dinner: 200 grams of fruit.
Day 10Breakfast: a cup of coffee.
Lunch: one soft-boiled egg, 30-40 grams of soft cheese, 3 small carrots (can be boiled).
Dinner: 200 grams of fruit.
Day 11Breakfast: a slice of rye bread, coffee without sugar.
Lunch: fried zucchini or eggplant - as much as you want!
Dinner: 200 grams of veal or beef, 200 grams of coleslaw, two eggs.
Day 12Breakfast: a cup of black coffee, 30 grams of biscuit cookies or a slice of rye bread.
Lunch: fresh kaput salad dressed with olive oil, 200 grams of fried fish.
Dinner: a glass of yogurt and 100 grams of boiled beef.
Day 13Breakfast: black coffee without sugar.
Lunch: 200 grams of boiled cabbage, a glass of tomato juice, two boiled chicken eggs.
Dinner: 200 grams of fish (boiled or fried).
Day 14Breakfast: green tea, rye cracker.
Lunch: 200 grams of low-fat soft fish, cabbage salad with olive oil.
Dinner: 200 grams of beef meat, a glass of kefir.

Despite the varied diet, the Japanese diet for 14 days is considered one of the most strict. Therefore, we recommend that you consult with a therapist before starting to lose weight.

Favorite by many, Japanese cuisine is not the basis of a dietary diet. At the same time, it would seem that a strict diet includes a variety of dishes that will not make you starve and will help improve your figure. By following all the recommendations, you can lose at least 7 kg.

Japanese diet method

The well-known diet provides for strict adherence to the daily diet. At the end of the diet, you should also follow some special recommendations from Japanese nutritionists, which will allow you to enjoy the result for a long time.

Basic principles of the Japanese diet:

  • Refusal of all seasonings, including salt;
  • The use of low-calorie foods;
  • The predominance of foods rich in protein;
  • Proper nutrition in the future.

The Japanese diet for 14 days includes a menu that is rationally designed and aimed at removing not only excess fat but also harmful substances. The absence of salt contributes to the removal of extra pounds faster and more efficiently, since salt tends to retain weight.

Eating foods that do not contain fat will provoke the combustion of their own reserves in the body. Food rich in proteins improves metabolism, and maintaining the result in the future will allow you to maintain a good figure.

List of allowed products

Following Japanese technique original diet, you need to buy the following:

- fermented milk products without additives, dyes;

- fillet of beef and chicken meat;

- fruits (bananas are excluded), including lemon and other citrus fruits;

- drinking water;

- cabbage, carrots, eggplant, zucchini;

- juice from tomatoes;

– sunflower oil of the first extraction;

- coffee and tea (natural without flavorings and other additives);

- low-fat fish fillets;

- hard low-fat cheese;

- chicken and quail eggs.

List of prohibited products

The list of products that need to be excluded is much longer than allowed. However, do not be upset, because slowly you can return to them after the diet. True, without excessive use.

What it is forbidden in Japanese?

– alcohol, drinks with gas;

- fruits with high sugar content;

- fatty, salty, smoked foods;

- other vegetables;

- milk and dairy products with a high percentage of fat and flavor additives;

- sweet products;

- spices, salt.

Menu for 14 days

The Japanese salt-free diet provides light meals. Below is a menu for every day for the Japanese diet for 14 days (original):

1st day

The day starts with a cup of black coffee without anything.

For lunch, boiled soft-boiled eggs (2 pcs.) And shredded cabbage, which is dressed with oil. As a drink, tomato juice is suitable.

In the evening, fish fillet is cooked (200 gr.).


In the morning we make coffee, which you can drink with crackers.

During the day, 200 gr. steamed fish and shredded cabbage with oil.

In the evening, beef or veal fillet is cooked in an amount of 200 gr. As a drink - kefir (1 glass).


The morning of the previous day is repeated.

In the afternoon we eat 200 gr. baked zucchini.

In the evening 2 hard boiled eggs, cabbage and 200 gr. cooked beef.


Morning: repeat of the first day.

Day: soft-boiled egg, 3 carrots, which are desirable to boil and 20 gr. hard cheese.

Evening: fruit fruits (2 pcs.).


Boiled egg in the morning, carrot salad seasoned with lemon juice

At lunch 400 gr. steam fish fillet with a glass of tomato juice.

Dinner repeats the previous day.


The morning is the same as the first day.

During the day, we cook 400 g of chicken fillet and prepare a salad of carrots and cabbage with butter.

In the evening, hard-boiled eggs (2 pcs.) And grated carrots with butter.


We drink green tea for breakfast

For lunch, we eat two fruits and a piece of steamed beef.

Dinner: to choose from the proposed menu, except for the third day.


Menu for the sixth day.


Morning of the first day.

During the day, a glass of tomato juice is drunk and 400 gr. boiled fish.

Dinner is similar to the fourth day.


The menu is the same as on the fourth day.


The menu is similar to the third day.


The second day is repeated.

penultimate day


The diet repeats the first day of the diet.


Final day

Morning is similar to the beginning of the diet (the first day).

During the day, 200 gr. fish fillet and shredded cabbage.

In the evening, a piece of boiled beef is eaten (200 gr.). As a drink - natural kefir (1 glass).

We have prepared the same menu for you in the form of a table:

Japanese diet for 14 days: menu - table

Life after the Japanese diet

After two weeks, you can relax a bit. Switching to a regular diet should be done smoothly and carefully in order to consolidate the effect and not harm your health.

- Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day

- fulfill physical exercise,

- reduce the consumption of "bad" food to a minimum,

- use salt sparingly

You can resort to the Japanese diet a maximum of 2 times a year.