Constancy is a sign of skill who said. Constancy is a sign of a fall

Three veteran candidates are participating in the 2018 presidential race - the current head of state Vladimir Putin, the leaders of the Liberal Democratic Party and Yabloko Vladimir Zhirinovsky and Grigory Yavlinsky. From the beginning of their candidate career, they managed to change their opinion on some issues to the opposite. Most often, unexpected turns occurred in the foreign policy bloc.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky: Russian weather vane

Russia must radically change its foreign policy and move from West-East relations to North-South relations, raged on the Kremlin podium in May 1991, the future leader of the Liberal Democratic Party, Vladimir Zhirinovsky. The future president of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, patiently listened to the speech from the presidium;

“Then we will have as friends those who have a high culture, high technology. This is North America, Northern Europe, Japan,” continued Zhirinovsky, who was already at the party work in the Liberal Democratic Party. This was perhaps his main campaign speech during the 1991 presidential race. The politician was already distinguished by his eccentricity, but had not yet had time to switch to bright jackets and obscene language.

It was during his first election campaign that Zhirinovsky began to paint the image of a fighter for everything Russian and national. He demanded respect for the Russian language and offered to abandon the national-territorial division, return the old name - Russia. And at the same time he walked through some of the union republics and announced that Georgia and Armenia would not be on the map if Soviet troops were not stationed there. Zhirinovsky was favorably disposed toward the West and not only wanted to have Americans as "friends", but also demanded that "normal elections be held according to European standards."

Then the Liberal Democrat had nothing against the rich. Moreover, he called for "strive for wealth" and criticized the Soviet "leveling". At the end of the campaign, all this gave him 7.81% of the vote and third place.

During the 1996 elections, he placed even greater emphasis on the national question, adapting the theses to the current agenda. Residents of many regions were worried about the influx of people from the Caucasus and the war in Chechnya, and Zhirinovsky has a new slogan - "We are for the city with Russian faces!" The Liberal Democrat's love for the Americans has dried up. He accuses the OSCE, NATO, the European Parliament and the Council of Europe of interfering in Russia's affairs. By that time, the veil of hope that “we can start living like in the West” had dissipated, explains Alexander Pozhalov, director of research at the ISEPI Foundation. “Already by 1996, there were the results of the first shock reforms, in Russia they debunked the ideal of the Western world as a society of universal prosperity among the bulk of the population,” the political scientist notes, recalling that the eccentric politician has always been sensitive to public sentiment.

Zhirinovsky began to generously dilute his foreign policy theses with populism. Promising to resettle communal apartments and reduce taxes, the candidate did not specify how and when he was going to do this. The result is 5.7%: he lost not only to the main contenders for the presidency - Boris Yeltsin and Gennady Zyuganov, but also to Alexander Lebed and Grigory Yavlinsky.

“Today we choose a person ... Programs are all to hell!” - said a disappointed Zhirinovsky, starting the next race in 2000. Again, the West gets it, in addition, the politician returns to criticism of the former Soviet republics - with some he even proposes to introduce a visa regime. But it looks like the Liberal Democrat didn't guess right. The Russians did not want to quarrel with the fraternal peoples, and relations with Western countries were relatively even. Harsh statements fell out of favor and gave Zhirinovsky only 2.7% of the vote.

After such a result, he missed one presidential campaign, only to return later with a much more balanced program. In the election document of 2008, the social, economic and foreign policy agenda is more or less balanced. He begins many promises with the words "I will forgive" and "I will return." In particular, he was going to forgive debts for rent, for electricity, for consumer loans.

In search of sources of funds for the budget, Zhirinovsky renounces the rich. In a 2008 program, he criticizes the 13% tax and claims that the rich should pay more because "they are smarter." This approach gives the policy best result in the entire history of his participation in the presidential elections - 9.35%.

In 2012, Zhirinovsky's program for the first time appeared specific plans to address the national question. Russians just need to give birth more, the politician decides and addresses the demographic problem. He proposes to reduce the number of abortions (pay a woman in labor for refusing the procedure, and give the unwanted child up for adoption), raise maternity capital, and make IVF free. The rich get it even harder than before. The leader of the Liberal Democratic Party calls for everything to be taken away and shared - primarily profits from the sale of natural resources.

However, the politician failed to deeply penetrate the voters and received a third less than in 2008 - 6.22%.

The new program, with which Zhirinovsky is going to the presidential elections for the sixth time, almost completely repeats the previous one. The restoration of closed hospitals and schools, the reduction in food prices are among the first seven decrees that open the program. Sources of financing - nationalization and return of capital from abroad. There is an addition on the foreign policy line - the item "Ensure the protection of Christians around the world." It was decided to include it after the execution of prisoners in Syria in 2015, the party told Profile.

Despite anti-Russian sanctions and tense relations with the West and Ukraine, there are almost no sharp national accents in the 2018 program. However, the candidate can still compensate for this with oral rhetoric. “In Russia it is difficult to say that the program determines the outcome of the elections. It may be short, but the candidate in the course of public speeches is able to present to voters his vision of the country's development,” the Liberal Democratic Party notes.

Grigory Yavlinsky: from hatred to love

From other veterans - as, indeed, from newcomers - the leader of Yabloko is distinguished by the most detailed and elaborate programs. Beginning in 1996, Grigory Yavlinsky explains in detail how and from what funds social reforms should be financed. He proposes to raise the salaries of state employees and the military, to limit presidential powers, to reduce the state apparatus.

The deep elaboration of the document is easily explained by the composition of Yabloko's audience. The party is largely oriented towards the liberal intelligentsia, which is ready to study and discuss multi-page documents for a long time.

There is not much difference between the programs, however. The only serious difference between the 2018 election document and the 1996 and 2000 versions is in the foreign policy component. In previous campaigns, this direction was touched on a tangent. In the 1996 program “I Choose Freedom”, the politician actually threatened Western partners - he promised to take effective countermeasures in the event of “failure of diplomatic negotiations to prevent the expansion of military alliances that do not include Russia.” Then he received 7.34% of the vote, overtaking Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

In 2000, the position softened. Yavlinsky noted that Russia has no permanent friends or enemies, but only "permanent national interests." At the end of the race, the leader of Yabloko had 5.8%.

In the new pre-election program "Road to the Future" the foreign policy mood is even more friendly. The politician calls for Russia to be integrated into the club of countries with developed economies - the G8 and the OECD, and to enter European political, economic and defense organizations "as a full member." Among the priorities, he calls the end of the confrontation with Ukraine and the recognition of the annexation of Crimea to Russia as illegal.

Political scientist Alexander Pozhalov notes that this is typical for all candidates of the liberal sector, since their base electorate adheres to the values ​​of the Western world. “But such an obsession with foreign policy issues and criticism of the external course of the current government closes the possibilities for both Ksenia Sobchak (presidential candidate from the Civic Platform party. – Profile) and Grigory Yavlinsky to go beyond their electoral core,” the expert believes .

Vladimir Putin: Up the Maslow Pyramid

Representatives of the authorities have to be more careful than other candidates: the chances of winning are obviously higher, which means that promises will have to be at least partially implemented. On the other hand, access to the media and a variety of formats for communicating with the public allow us not to get too hung up on individual programmatic theses.

Instead of the usual campaign document, in 2000 Acting President Vladimir Putin published an open letter to voters in the media. “A whole sea of ​​political platforms of candidates is usually printed during elections. These voluminous documents are rarely read to the end,” the letter said. Therefore, the candidate only briefly outlined the main goals - to restore order in the country, overcome poverty, and make the life of Russians better. Together with other circumstances, this was enough to win the elections in the first round.

External conjuncture contributed to the fulfillment of promises. Prior to the 2004 elections, Putin delivered a keynote speech at a meeting with proxies. He continued the previous line, deepening, expanding and concretizing the points of the previous program. It was said that it is time to stop the squandering of national natural resources, reduce the unified social tax, simplify the administration of taxes in general, launch an affordable housing market and modernize the main industries. Such a transition from survival to conditions for a comfortable life and work gave rise to a 1.5-fold increase in support in the 2004 elections - up to 71.31% of the vote.

After serving as prime minister for several years, Putin prepared an extensive program component. Even as head of government, he publishes a series of articles on various areas - from social to international politics.

In the social block - the development of already familiar theses. He speaks not only about the satisfaction of inalienable needs, but pays more attention to the issues of education and the development of human capital. It is proposed to raise salaries for state employees and provide new housing, raise pensions, solve the problem of places in kindergartens, build athletic facilities, solve environmental problems, protect private property. The candidate promises hospitals new equipment, universities - more efficient funding. The foreign policy bloc is also saturated with positive - Putin plans to increase cooperation and establish close ties.

The policy articles hardly determined the outcome of the presidential race, but they helped to resolve the issue of protest moods, experts say. In December 2011, thousands of people rallied on Bolotnaya Square in Moscow: the demonstrators were disappointed with the results of the last parliamentary elections and demanded a reform of the political system. A significant part of Putin's electorate saw in these events the weakness of the power vertical. “And here, Putin's repeated programmatic speeches played a strong mobilizing role in relation to state employees, the working class, those social groups that were customarily attributed to Putin's silent majority. Everyone saw that he was going to a new term with specific action plans to improve the well-being of the population,” notes Alexander Pozhalov from ISEPS.

Already after the elections, in the fall of 2012, relations between Russia and the United States began to cool. And this jeopardizes the rating of Putin, who, on the one hand, promised close cooperation with foreign partners, and on the other hand, as president, was inevitably associated with growing tensions between the Russian Federation and Western countries. “In part, society did not want to move away from the images that were born during the Medvedev period: modernization, we again began to be friends with everyone,” says political analyst Andrei Kolyadin.

However, over the next presidential term, this risk factor has turned into competitive advantage. After the coup in Ukraine, the annexation of Crimea and the imposition of sanctions, most Russians began to perceive Western states as adversaries, opinion polls show. In addition, this helped protect the presidential rating: if there were inconsistencies with the fulfillment of election promises, there was an obvious reason for this - foreign economic restrictions and the crisis.

By the start of the 2018 presidential campaign, criticism and jokes about the West seem to be a familiar part of Putin's image. From restrained defensive rhetoric, the head of state switched to emphasizing patriotic education. The scandal with the IOC and the removal of the national team from the Olympics reinforced the tension and gave rise to an increase in the "anti-Western" component of public speaking.

However, there is no longer any need to package these approaches into program documents. The incumbent president has developed a whole range of formats for communicating with the population - large press conferences, direct lines, meetings with representatives of certain social groups. At the same time, the Russian leader moved from large-scale goals like “to defeat poverty” to measured passes addressed to certain significant social groups. As an example, Alexander Pozhalov from ISEPI cites the president's initiative to exempt pensioners from income tax. summer cottages six acres.

At a January meeting with proxies, candidate Vladimir Putin outlined the points of application of efforts - the development of education and culture, high technology and the education of patriotism. The main program theses are expected to be delivered as part of the message to the Federal Assembly. However, according to experts, it will be addressed to a greater extent not to ordinary voters, but to the political and business elite.

When addressing voters, candidates rarely focus on one-off speeches or programs in their classic form. The choice of format depends very much on the strengths and resources of the politician himself, but even more so on the habits of his main audience. Therefore, Zhirinovsky relied on public speaking, Putin - on the socio-political media, which are read, among other things, by "Putin's majority." The liberal audience demands thoroughness from the candidates: both Yavlinsky and even Sobchak, who almost entered the race without a program, publish extensive campaign documents.

But when forming the main pre-election messages, politicians, oddly enough, do not always or in everything take into account the preferences of the audience. The reasons can be very different - from the usual miscalculation to external circumstances. But loyal voters - at least the electoral core - are most often ready to forgive this.

About the beginning of a career. At the age of seven, I was sent to karate. Won city competitions, region. Several times I was even disqualified. The fact is that in karate you can’t kick with your feet above the chest. But I was tall and got into the neck, head. Then he quit karate, did kickboxing for a year, then hand-to-hand combat. And after that, he gradually switched to mixed martial arts, to oriental sports, he studied with us, in Razumny. Well, then there was already Kharkov, Oplot.

About Oplot. This is a public organization and a fight club in Kharkov. I performed there several years ago. Oplot became the first organization to start holding professional tournaments, and well-paid ones at that. An athlete could count on preparation, some kind of training schedule, and know that rewards would help pay for all the training. Kharkiv is located close to us, so Oplot gave a powerful impetus to organizing professional tournaments in our region.

About the transition to Thai boxing. As such, there was no transition: I compete in parallel in Thai boxing and in mixed martial arts. This year, for example, I participated in the Battle in the North MMA tournament in Surgut. Thai boxing is easily woven into MMA, because striking techniques are used in almost all mixed fights. All the world's top striking fighters train in camps in Thailand.

About training in Thailand. Every year I go to the WMF (World Muaythai Federation) championship in Bangkok. Thai boxing there is like ours Combat Sambo or professional boxing in America. There are very strong schools and there is no way to count on an easy fight.

Photo by Yuri Bograd

About how not to. In 2014, the fight for the championship belt in Thailand ended unsuccessfully for me due to the fact that I tried at all costs to knock out the opponent. I screwed myself up, I wanted to finish the fight ahead of schedule, to win beautifully. On this, the opponent caught me and with a strong blow broke his ribs. The fight was stopped and I lost then.

About how to. While preparing for the fight in the Belgorod "Cosmos", my sparring partners and I built our training in such a way as to work out all three rounds to the maximum. That is, do not try to knock out, but box in such a way that it is a clear victory, but with the maximum duration of the fight. It is in MMA that you can fall, make a painful hold and end the fight. In Thai boxing, a knockout may not happen, the fight drags on, and endurance plays a role here. I needed the experience of just such fights. We did a great job, I trained in Stary Oskol, where I was invited by Vladimir Voronov. Three weeks of training with Fedor Emelianenko, Vitaly Minakov, Vadim Nemkov, Kostya Erokhin did their job. Managed to win the fight. Although achievement list my opponent has an impressive one. I am much less experienced than him. Plus, the weight difference is almost 12 kg in his favor.

About tattoos. I have my own take on this. Tattoos are something personal, some important points that I captured over 30 years of life experience. I've wanted to do this for a long time, but it just wasn't possible. But then a very good master appeared. I don't prove anything to anyone. I think that if it is done beautifully, masterfully, then you need to show it. This is also art.

About omens. By by and large for me they don't exist. I try to somehow set myself up for a fight, listen to certain musical compositions, watch selected films. I always collect my windings on my hands after fights. I agree with Fedor Emelianenko that you don’t need to think about the fight before the fight. Until the last day, I try not to scroll through the possible course of the battle in my head. In the evening, of course, there are moments when you are trying to think of something, to do something. Until the end, you will not be protected from this.

About the nickname Gladiator. Once I went to Brazil with a seminar on capoeira and jiu-jitsu. We trained with local masters, capoeiristas. In sparring, there were many Brazilians who wanted to work in pairs. They are especially interested in standing with those who come, they call them gringos. They want to prove that they are stronger than gringos. But many failed to defeat me. And in the end they called me the Gladiator, because I injured a lot of people. Strong athletes tried to overwhelm me, but failed.

The November issue of OnOnas magazine is available free of charge at

According to the results of the summer season game, this team not only received the Crystal Owl, but also scored the most points in the warm-up. The players themselves say with a smile that for them the next victory was largely unexpected, because the composition of the team summer game updated significantly. But this not only did not interfere, but even helped to show an impressive result: the new team members brought with them new knowledge, a fresh look and a great desire to win.

Composition of the Infosecurity Group of Companies

  • Sergey Bulatnov
  • Milan Martyusheva
  • Svyatoslav Golenetsky
  • Valeria Nekoz
  • Catherine Mukhtyarova
  • Eugene Gergel
  • Evgeniya Bulygin
  • Team captain- Alexander noble
  • The best team player - Ekaterina Mukhtyarova

"Either great or not good"

This is how Alexander Dvoryansky evaluates the game of the team he leads. “It just so happens that we either take first place and, accordingly, the main prize of the competition, or we don’t even get into the prizes. We rarely take second or third place, which may seem surprising. That is, our path is not progressive, but according to the model of a sharp take-off,” says Alexander Dvoryansky.

It is especially important, according to the permanent captain of the Infosecurity team, that, despite the renewal of the players, the result exceeded even the most optimistic expectations. “Personally, I was very pleased with the fact that the gap from other teams turned out to be significant: we were separated not by two or three points, as is often the case, but by a much more impressive number. This convinced me that there is no need to be afraid of “regular updates”. The main thing is to keep the backbone of the team, who knows how to build a game in order to win the coveted first place, ”concludes Alexander Dvoryansky.

Anna Nikolenko, who is one of the "oldest" players, fully agrees with her colleague in the company and in the team of experts. “Definitely, the secret of success lies in the cohesion of the team and the presence of a common goal - to achieve success. In this context, personalities are not so important, team spirit is more important,” says Anna Nikolenko.

Alexander Dvoryansky notes that an extremely important and certainly positive feature for the team is the high loyalty of the players to the game itself. “If we talk about me, I was consistently present at every game - no matter what problems arose on the “other field”, no matter how personal or business circumstances developed, I always ended up at the table next to my colleagues on the appointed day. We also have Milana Martyusheva in our team - a player who comes from Perm every time to take part in the Intellectual Cup. She has always been one of the leaders and a permanent super blitz player, and in general she can be called the soul of our team, since her passion and loyalty to the game inspire not only those who have recently joined the team, but also the “oldies,” says Alexander Noble.

Evgenia Bulygina considers her attitude to be one of the main success factors of the team. “When you go to the game with a clear mind, in a great mood and play cool, everything works out. During the summer Intellectual Cup, we had just such a mood - light, cheerful and at the same time purposeful. I hope that we will be able to keep it in the next game, although it will be difficult, as we will try to conquer the Blue Owl,” says Evgenia Bulygina.

Ekaterina Mukhtyarova, who was recognized by the results of the summer Intellectual Cup as the best player of the Infosecurity team, indicates the presence of a reserve among the company's employees. “At the same time, we are not talking about those who would like to join the team, but do not yet have experience of participating in intellectual games. I'm talking specifically about proven "in battle" reserve players. We have quite enough of them, because the game is “addictive” from the very first time. If for some reason you were unable to take part in the next season cup, then you will look forward to the next one and build your business and personal schedule so that you have the opportunity to enjoy the game and, of course, communicate with your colleagues . For example, when I find out the date of the event next game, I always make adjustments to my plans so that they do not interfere with the game, ”emphasizes Ekaterina Mukhtyarova.

“There are no difficult questions, there are misunderstood”

So, according to the members of the Infosecurity team, the first secret of success is attitude. As they say, you need to see the goal, not the obstacles. And the second secret, according to Alexander Dvoryansky, lies in the correct understanding of the questions that the host asks the players. “When we first started playing, we lost points because we thought that the answer was a priori difficult, we had to “get to the bottom” of it. Now we know that in most cases the answer to even the most sophisticatedly formulated question lies on the surface and you just need to be able to “reach” it. In fact, we are talking about the ability to rebuild thinking, learn to think a little differently, not as usual - and when you master this technology, you immediately see how it changes in better side the result of your team,” Alexander Dvoryansky is sure.

Another point that he notes is that one should not be afraid. “In no case should you be “ashamed” of expressing your versions and / or afraid to insist on a certain option that seems to you the most reasonable. Discussion is a process of "throwning" a variety of versions: it's not a fact that your idea is correct, but it is it that can direct thoughts and discussion as a whole in the right direction, and the final choice, of course, is made by the captain or best player commands. When looking for an answer to a question, as I said, it is important to “throw out” versions, but it is equally important to stop in time and say “the answer will be like this.” Every time this is an exciting and difficult moment, but it is inevitable in every game, when answering any question,” the captain of the Infosecurity team shares his impressions and thoughts.

Ekaterina Mukhtyarova, who, according to the team captain, is periodically delegated the authority to choose the version of the answer, admits that the moment of choice itself is one of the most intense in the game. “It happens, of course, that the answer is obvious, but there are times when several versions seem viable at once, or, conversely, none of the options inspires 100% certainty. But there is nothing to do: a minute is a very short period of time during which you need to generate versions, discuss them and make a final decision,” Ekaterina smiles.

Anna Nikolenko notes that the correct answers to questions are also the result of the fact that the team's players do not "rest on their laurels" between season games, but continue to train. “The main goal is to keep yourself in good shape so that you can enter the Intellectual Cup site in your best shape,” she emphasizes.

Members of the Infosecurity team believe that a lot depends on who is the author of the questions and how the moderator reads them out and comments on the answers of the teams. “We understand that all hosts are different, each has its own way of communicating with the players. But personally, we, the players, are very pleased when a person who has vast experience in participating in larger games talks to us on an equal footing, when he explains where you made a mistake, or, on the contrary, praises you for the correct answer, ”says Alexander Noble. And Evgenia Bulygina, for her part, adds that with some presenters there is a feeling of unity and this is wonderful. “Sometimes you feel like a student at school who didn’t learn a lesson, and you worry about not being asked by your team, because you simply don’t know the answer and there is no more or less adequate version. But it happens quite differently when the host of the game becomes your friend and assistant - not, of course, in the sense that he tells you the answers, but in the fact that he morally supports you, your team and all the other teams in the hall, ”summarizes Evgeny Bulygin.

Dream of Blue Owl and Super Blitz victory

The last thing the Infosecurity team is going to do is stop there. It would seem that there are already enough owls, symbolizing victories in one or another seasonal cup and in the final game. But the players admit: their cherished desire is to get the Blue Owl, which is awarded to the team that has already become the winner in one of the previous games, but scored the most points in the next game.

“Maybe someone will smile when they hear about this, but for each owl we won, I made a separate shelf in my office, and now I am looking forward to the next game, hoping that I will need another shelf in addition to the existing ones - this time for Blue owl. I am sure that our dream of it will definitely come true, because we are doing everything possible for this and even beyond that,” smiles Alexander Dvoryansky.

However, the players of the team have another dream, which Evgenia Bulygina told NBJ about. “Both my colleagues and I really want to win a super blitz - to answer correctly three questions that are asked only to one player left alone at the table. Unfortunately, super blitz still remains an unconquered peak for us. This is probably due to the high voltage that is in the air at these moments. But I am sure that over time we will definitely conquer this peak, ”admits Evgenia Bulygina.

“Super blitz is an amazing element of the game,” Alexander Dvoryansky agrees with his colleague. - The most amazing thing about it is that when you are standing among the fans, and not sitting at the table, your brain easily finds the right answers, and it seems that everything is as easy as shelling pears. But if you yourself are at the table as the only representative of the team, and something happens, at least one of the three questions asked within one minute, you misfire. This happened to me when I participated in the super blitz from our team. Well, we will try to achieve this goal as well.”

“I am sure that we will play until we win the Blue Owl and the Red Owl and take the super blitz,” Ekaterina Mukhtyarova says confidently. - Every person should have a dream, and we have it. One, common, for all! We are sure that the Intellectual Cup will help us to realize it!”.

Infosecurity is a specialized service provider providing services in the field of information security, system integration and consulting. The company is a licensee of the FSB of Russia and the FSTEC of Russia; its business processes are built in accordance with international practices and standards.

Infosecurity's key services are response to information security incidents (Security Operations Center), data leakage prevention, protection against zero-day threats, IT infrastructure support. The company successfully implements and maintains information security systems in various industries - finance, industry, the public sector, medicine, etc. Infosecurity includes the Computer Forensics Laboratory, whose specialists participate in the detection of cybercrime, conduct penetration tests and research various digital objects.

In addition, Infosecurity develops its own information security solutions. These include fraud monitoring and incident response automation systems.

For any person, nothing feels more painful than change. Consider moving to a new location, changing jobs, or other global changes in your life. Often we are ready to endure any inconvenience, if only everything was the same as before. That is why there is a proverb "stability is a sign of mastery." What does this statement mean, who is its author, is it so unambiguous for all spheres of life? We will cover this topic in this article.

Where did this saying come from

Who first said the weighty: "Stability is a sign of mastery"? This quote does not belong to one person, but appeared in the late sixties among domestic athletes. As today, sports and sports achivments were highly valued by the state and each individual, and therefore the athletes who always showed good results brought the country medals and first places in the international arena. Stability is good in working on yourself, when without breakdowns and stops, slowly and surely you move up, gradually progressing.

It turns out that with regard to sports, it is one hundred percent true that stability is a sign of skill. The quotation, the author of which is unknown, is still used today in speech and writing. But is it true in all areas of life? Is consistency better in everything? Let's find out what is better - spontaneity or stability?

A sign of mastery and a single measure - feeling happy

Of course, you can not row everyone with the same brush, but most people strive for stability. This is what we will certainly receive, what we can count on. Stability is a kind of safety net for life.

Is stability good in everything or does it have its drawbacks? Of course, this state has its pros and cons. But whatever you choose in life for yourself, it is important to feel comfortable and cozy.

Feeling of stability in youth

Consider the statement "stability is a sign of mastery" regarding the difference in perception due to age. Let's take a young man up to twenty years old and young man close to thirty years old. not so great, but it is here that the distinction between concepts and the feeling of what is good and what is completely unsuitable for life takes place. Youth is characterized by spontaneity. I want to know the world, to define myself, to understand where to go and which way. Before the age of twenty, as a rule, they easily enter into acquaintances, start romantic relationships, life seems full of opportunities. Perhaps only one in ten young people will agree that stability is a sign of excellence. Who said meanwhile that this is bad? On the contrary, this is the beautiful time of youth, because it seems that it is possible to conquer the world, and everything will be as you want. Such a perception of life is often called pragmatism, and it is replaced most often because it turns out that life is not so simple, and expectations do not always coincide with opportunities.

Relationship to stability with age

The quote "stability is a sign of mastery", which means seeing the advantage in constancy, becomes close to us over time. After twenty years, very often young people are faced with the collapse of hopes.

IN school age we see ourselves as stars, travelers, writers or artists. Does anyone dream of becoming an office manager or a shop assistant? By the age of twenty, many are already trying themselves in their chosen field and understand that dreams are not destined to come true. Or destined, but for this you need to work hard, but it is not known whether the dream will come true. Meanwhile, I want to eat, get dressed, but money does not fall from the sky. You have to be puzzled by the choice of work, but not everything is going smoothly here either, finding a good job is far from easy. If found, then there is a fear of losing it. As a result, regarding work with age, anyone will say with confidence that "stability is a sign of mastery."

Stability relative to marital status

Despite the difference in perception of the world, most men and women will prefer the constancy of personal relationships to the variety of relationships. It's easy to explain. Imagine that on the same scale there is a loving and understanding person, a well-established life, convenient and comfortable living conditions, similarity of interests and pastime. On the other hand, there is such a huge number of strangers that can bring joy, or they can upset. Most often, people cannot choose a single life partner for themselves just because they cannot find someone who would be "perfect" for them. It turns out that the author guessed the quote "stability is a sign of mastery" about personal relationships. Most consider it happiness to find someone with whom you can live happily and peacefully and grow old together.

financial stability

Now the expression "financial independence" is quite fashionable. Behind these words, such a picture is drawn - you wake up when you want, do what you love, and your work takes several hours a day and brings thousands every month. This is how they often attract financial pyramids and other fraudulent money-making schemes - not for you, but for you, of course. But not everything is so clear. There are other ways to achieve this independence that work, such as opening your own store, doing a good job, attracting customers, and then just watching your business thrive. These options are bad in that they may not "burn out" - you will invest a lot of money and work that is incommensurable in monetary terms, and whether you get what you want as a result or not is still unknown. In this case, there is no need to talk about any constancy of income and results, and therefore the quote "stability is a sign of mastery" is inappropriate.

Moreover, the gurus of financial independence, training managers of success, on the contrary, suggest abandoning stability as a destructive element of success and not being afraid to dive into the maelstrom of the unknown. It's not a bad option at all - it's just not suitable for everyone. If you do not have entrepreneurial acumen, if you need a small but constant income, then it is better to look at the usual work for someone.

Bella Adzeeva

“It seems to me that any sensitive person should understand that violence cannot change the world, and if it does, then only temporarily,” Martin Scorsese, who is celebrating his 70th birthday today, said in an interview, “the best, according to Americans, the director of our time, whose violent gangster films are mentioned among his favorites by Quentin Tarantino, and individual films are studied by the prosecutor's office for extremism. Whether it's taxi driver Travis Bickle, whose outward cruelty hides agonizing loneliness, or billionaire Howard Hughes, who made the whole world talk about himself, but failed to overcome his own fears, are masterfully embodied by Scorsese's favorite actors - Robert De Niro and Leonardo DiCaprio with whom he has been collaborating for many years. The first, according to Scorsese himself, saved him from death back in 1978, and the second was saved by the director himself - according to DiCaprio, thanks to Scorsese, he got rid of the role of a hero-lover and "became the actor he always wanted to be."

Raised in the same neighborhood of New York - Little Italy - Scorsese and De Niro met in 1972, when they were both in their thirties. Behind Scorsese was the one and only feature film "Who's Knocking on My Door?" De Niro played in eight films and even won the New York Film Critics Award. Director Brian De Palma, who directed it twice, learned that Scorsese was looking for an actor to play Johnny Boy in the film. "Mean Streets", and advised De Niro to try. The film about four Italian-American mafiosi was a success, but the real triumph was waiting for the Scorsese-De Niro duo three years later, when in 1976 it was released "Taxi driver".

In the center of the plot - 26-year-old Travis Bickle, a Vietnam War veteran, a loner, suffering from chronic insomnia. Having settled down to work as a taxi driver, every night through the car window he observes the cruelties of the peaceful life of New York, and the inability to establish relations with the girl he likes, Betsy, increases the feeling of loneliness and alienation. Travis hopes that the city will be cleansed of the vices that have filled it, but the reality is too cruel. After meeting 12-year-old prostitute Iris (Jodie Foster) who chooses to return to a pimp instead of a normal life, Bickle decides it's time to "clean up" the city of evil on his own. He decides to start with the murder of Senator Palantine, however, noticed by the guards, he runs away from the scene of the alleged assassination. But "lynching" still happens: the ending of the film, when Travis cold-bloodedly kills brothel regulars and shoots pimp Iris in the stomach, was even translated into monochrome - the scene turned out to be too bloody in color, and the Motion Picture Association of America refused to issue a rental certificate for the film.

In preparation for filming, Scorsese several times demanded that screenwriter Paul Schroeder rework the story - for example, the action from Los Angeles was moved to the director's native New York, and some scenes had to be changed for reasons of political correctness. De Niro, who at the time was filming in Rome with Bernardo Bertolucci, often came to New York, where he spent 12 hours a day driving and talking with former soldiers. Scene in front of a mirror with the famous line "Are you talking to me?" was invented by De Niro: the script only mentioned that "Travis is looking at his reflection." Scorsese himself played a cameo role - a taxi passenger, about to kill his wife and leading Travis to the idea of ​​reprisal.

Travis Bickle, who knew the meaninglessness of death in war and observed the meaninglessness of existence already in civilian life, was called by some critics "the most American of movie heroes", a victim of the ambitions of the entire nation. The film attracted even more attention in 1981, when John Hickley, who attempted to assassinate President Ronald Reagan, admitted that he had watched Taxi Driver at least 15 times. The film brought Scorsese and De Niro not only recognition, but also awards and nominations: despite accusations of promoting violence, the director received the main prize at the Cannes Film Festival from the chairman of the jury, Tennessee Williams, and De Niro was nominated for an Oscar for this role.

De Niro's most coveted award for the actor for the second time was brought by another role in the Scorsese film - boxer Jake LaMotta in "Raging Bull"(1980) (the actor received the first Oscar for the role of the young Vito Corleone in the second part of Coppola's The Godfather). Before that, Scorsese and De Niro managed to work together again - lyrical drama "New York, New York", where Liza Minnelli became De Niro's partner, failed at the box office, but was later recognized as a model of "concert cinema". "Raging Bull" - World Champion LaMotta's memories of sports career, rocky relationship with brother Joey and wife Vicky, fixed matches and relations with the underworld. Aggression and anger, which bring success in the ring, interfere with the hero's life: he has problems with the mafia and with his own brother, who, moreover, trains a boxer: having become jealous of his wife, Jake beats Joey in front of his family. The story of Jake LaMotta ends sadly: having hung up his gloves on a nail, he buys a nightclub, but things in show business are not set. The aged and out of shape boxer moonlights as an entertainer, and his attempts to improve relations with his brother lead to nothing.

De Niro himself suggested that Scorsese make a film about sports when he visited him in the hospital in 1978 (the director ended up in the clinic after a drug overdose). Scorsese, who was about to leave the cinema, refused, but De Niro managed to persevere, as a result, "Raging Bull" was recognized as the best film about sports according to the American Film Institute, and De Niro - the best actor of the year. “During the filming of Raging Bull, I actually almost died from cocaine, but by a whim of fate everything ended well, I didn’t die, but finished the film. I didn’t care what would happen to him then, I just wanted to throw it into him everything. I was very angry. But it was a very productive anger. I knew that, most likely, this would be the last film that I would shoot. I felt that there was no more place for me in directing. Especially in America, "admitted later Scorsese.

And he was very wrong. Scorsese not only continued to make films, but also invited an old friend to play in them. In 1990, after a seven-year break in cooperation, his new film with De Niro was released - Crime Story "Good guys". Before its release, the director managed to shoot an Oscar-winning "The Color of Money" and ambiguous "The Last Temptation of Christ", and De Niro starred in another gangster movie "Once Upon a Time in America".

"Goodfellas" begins with a "hook" that immediately catches the viewer - three mafiosi are driving along a night highway, and after a minute it becomes clear that in the trunk of their car there is a corpse, which suddenly turns out to be still a living bandit. The heroes finish off the victim and bury the body in the forest. This crime becomes the plot of a further plot: teenager Henry Hill (Ray Liotta) dreams of becoming a gangster and since childhood has been working part-time with neighboring gangsters who take the guy under their protection. Authority Paul Cicero (Paul Sorvino) introduces the young talent to Jimmy Conway (Robert De Niro), who, despite his youth, managed to become a living legend thanks to his virtuoso robberies. Conway sets Henry up with another young "talent" - hot-tempered Tommy DeVito (Joe Pesci). Having earned respect from new comrades, Henry grows up, marries and, together with Jimmy and Tommy, pulls off several major crimes. Under the pretext of initiation into the "Family", the mafiosi kill Tommy - as revenge for the murder of a gangster, which the viewer sees in the first frames of the film. Jimmy and Henry's relationship becomes chilly, and it doesn't take long for Henry to realize that Jimmy is going to take him out. Saving himself, Henry testifies against former friends and, having changed his name, disappears from the city.

Scorsese decided to shoot another gangster tape after reading the book by crime journalist Nicholas Pileggi "Egghead". Inspired by finding a novel "which he had been looking for for years," the director contacted the author and, together with him, adapted the book over the course of two years. Film company Warner Bros. was ready to produce the picture only on the condition that Scorsese would attract a superstar to the shooting - and here the director again found himself in the company of an old friend. De Niro himself chose the role of Jimmy Conway for himself and advised the young Ray Liotta to leading role. Playing not the central character of the film, De Niro created a vivid image of a charismatic thief and gangster around whom all events are concentrated. For the role of Jimmy Conway, De Niro received a BAFTA award, and The Goodfellas is still considered one of the best examples of gangster cinema (the long-awaited The Godfather 3 by Francis Ford Coppola was released the same year, but it was the Goodfellas that critics called the best movie of the year).

In 1993, on the set of This Boy's Life, Robert De Niro met 19-year-old Leonardo DiCaprio and was so impressed by the young actor's persistence and performance that he advised Martin Scorsese to "one day work with this guy." "He's always kind to others, but he's never said that before. I saw the movie What's Eating Gilbert Grape? and I didn't know it was him. But Leo was great. And then, Titanic. I thought, that he is very good," Scorsese said in an interview. In 1995, Scorsese and De Niro made the last joint film to date - another gangster tape "Casino", and in 2002 in the film "Gangs of New York"A new tandem has formed. A large-scale picture of the confrontation between "native" Americans and emigrants received 10 Oscar nominations, but did not take a single statuette. However, with light hand Martin Scorsese about DiCaprio, whose most high-profile works at that time were roles in Titanic, Romeo and Juliet and The Beach, spoke in a completely different way, and after the next joint picture - "Aviator"(2004) - only the lazy did not talk about the deep and diverse dramatic talent of DiCaprio.

This film tells about the fate of the American inventor, producer and director, millionaire Howard Hughes (Leonardo DiCaprio). Hughes is about to shoot a huge and expensive Hells Angels movie about fighter jet combat during the First World War. Obsessed with his idea, Howard does not stop at either industry skepticism or financial loss, and creates a sound film that, despite the success with the audience, does not recoup the huge investment. After the Hells Angels, Hughes switched to developing aircraft for the US Department of Defense, absolutely fascinated by the creation of the huge Hercules, investing his own money in the work and personally participating in test flights, in one of which he miraculously survived. After the end of the war, the FBI begins an investigation into the spending of the allocated funds - the planes were never delivered. At the same time, Howard Hughes, who, despite his life in appearance, could not overcome his timidity and his own fears, is aggravated by obsessive-compulsive disorder.

DiCaprio, who convincingly embodied the energetic and timid, impulsive and lonely millionaire inventor, initially caused skepticism among some critics - at the time of filming the actor was 30 years old, and many considered him too young for this role. “Some said that Leo was too young to play Howard Hughes. But DiCaprio is such a good actor that he really gradually “aged” and became schizophrenic during the filming. A real metamorphosis happened to him,” Scorsese told DiCaprio. , as once De Niro, he himself offered to lead the entire project.

After The Aviator, which collected five Oscars, among which, however, there were no major awards, Scorsese proceeded to the third film with DiCaprio - "Renegades", which brought together superstars on the set - Jack Nicholson, Matt Damon, Mark Wahlberg, Alec Baldwin. Thriller about police academy graduates Billy Costigan (Leonardo DiCaprio) and Colin Sullivan (Matt Damon) who find themselves in different sides The barricade was a modified version of the 2002 Chinese trilogy Infernal Affairs.

Film company Warner Bros.

Shot from the movie "The Departed"

The characters are really like mirror projections of each other: DiCaprio's character is embedded in the mafia, and Damon's character at this time is "spying" for bandits in law enforcement agencies. Retelling the entire plot of The Departed is pointless - almost every scene of the crime drama makes unexpected changes. One has only to say that Martin Scorsese's version of the classic story about good and bad cops looks like the perfect crime thriller, where not a single detail is superfluous. American film critics, for the first time in their long career, nevertheless called Scorsese the best director of the year, could not fail to recognize this.

"Could you check the envelope again?" - Turned Scorsese, until 2007 five times nominated for an Oscar, to Francis Ford Coppola, George Lucas and Steven Spielberg, who handed him the long-awaited statuette for best director. His speech and, most importantly, the reaction of the audience, which stood up in unison and applauded for several minutes, became the most touching moments of the entire ceremony, the guests of which were waiting for Scorsese's name to sound, it seems, even more than himself.

DiCaprio also received his nomination - the actor was nominated for the Golden Globe, but even here the prize went only to the director.

After four films, each of which became an event (after The Departed, DiCaprio also played in "Shutter Island"), and a four-year break, "Leo and Marty" again work in tandem: the release of the crime drama "The Wolf of Wall Street" is scheduled for 2013, where DiCaprio will play the financier Jordan Belfort, who has risen to the top of the financial pyramid. Scorsese plans to cast his longtime friend De Niro in the drama The Irishman, where the actor will play the role of mafia mercenary Frank Sheeran, and Al Pacino and Joe Pesci will be his company. Scorsese, by the way, generally prefers constancy, and De Niro and DiCaprio are not the only creative companions of the director. The same Joe Pesci played in three Scorsese films, and Thelma Schoonmaker edited most of his films.

“Of course, it’s nice to read to yourself that you are the greatest living American director, but I have learned not to take it all seriously. You can’t be too arrogant, then everything starts to fall out of your hands. The most difficult thing is to maintain true simplicity,” Scorsese commented on the results. survey conducted in 2010 by Paste magazine. By his own admission, the main interest of the director is "people without fear", to which Scorsese, no doubt, belongs himself - either he takes on completely new topics for himself, or he suddenly shoots a family film that is completely atypical for him "Time Keeper"- and again receives eleven nominations for "Oscar".