Description of training. ABS classes (fitness) What is abs in fitness

Fitness abs- a set of muscle exercises abdominals, hips and buttocks, lower back. The emphasis, however, is on the abs, and all other exercises will be performed insofar as they can create a static load on the abdominal muscles. The term abs itself comes from the English abdominals - abdominal muscles.

Additional attention is paid to strengthening the back muscles, because muscles develop especially well when their antagonists are trained to the same extent as them. Abs is not yet a sport, but it is already physical education. Abs sport It has less stress on the abdominal, back and leg muscles than other sports. Exercises allow you to develop your abs proportionally along the entire length of the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles.

abs fitness classes

  • lead to strengthening of the press
  • burning excess fat deposits
  • removal of cellulite and “sides”
  • cause a decrease in waist size
  • increase endurance
  • have a beneficial effect on overall health and well-being
  • improve mood and normalize hormonal levels
  • do not create excess load
  • do not lead to injury or damage.

Abs sport

Modern system training - abs - allows you to quickly and permanently get rid of the layer subcutaneous fat at the waist. No more grueling and ineffective diets and hours of training in gym. Abs fitness is a path to health that can be started today. Now. At this very moment.

A slim body is relevant at all times. ABS stretching training improves body parameters over 1–3 months. If necessary, additional attributes are used: dumbbells, body bars, fitballs.

ABS stretching is strength exercises to work the back and abdominal muscles. The complex consists of aerobic, strength training, intense stretching. Regular execution does muscle tissue elastic, back – straight, waist – thin, stomach – elastic. Posture improves, the body becomes resilient, and health becomes strong.

ABS stretching classes are not required special training. They reduce the possibility of sprains and increase the effectiveness of weight loss complexes. Suitable for women and men (with weight adjustments).

The essence of ABS stretching is the benefits of stretching after a power block, since without this the effectiveness of the workout is gradually leveled. ABS + stretching is rest during the lesson. Muscle stress goes away, pain disappears.

Basic exercises

Stretching is done both in combination and independently. Performing ABS + stretching training corresponds to the rules:

  • Intensive performance of power blocks and slow performance of stretching ones.
  • Stretching lasts no more than 30 seconds until the tension is completely relieved.
  • Breathing is deep and calm. Approaches are done while inhaling.
  • Mental concentration on the area being worked on.

During training, it is very important to maintain proper breathing.

Basic ABS to strengthen the abdominal and back muscles is combined with stretching as follows:

  • Crunches (straight/reverse/diagonal): lying on your back, lift your upper and bottom part torso.
  • Side plank: raises on your side with emphasis on your elbow.
  • Raising legs (alternately).
  • Plank in front of the chest: raises on bent arms from a lying position.
  • Cross lifting of arms and legs. I.p. on the stomach face down.
  • Abdominal stretching. After the intense part, relaxation occurs. First: lying quietly on your back, place a rolled towel (fitball) under your lower back. Second: starting position on your stomach, emphasis on your palms, slowly lift top part torso - first the head, chest, then the stomach. Third option: standing, placing your hands on the back of your thighs, slowly bend back as low as possible.

This direction represents group classes including training gluteal muscles and abdominal muscles. The set of exercises is of medium severity, ideal for a variety of levels physical training gym visitors. Classes are accompanied by energetic music. In addition to actively working out the buttocks and abs, there is a general strengthening, tightening effect on the whole body.

The main feature of the ABS Bums complex exercises is the deceptive first impression. It seems to beginners that the exercises are elementary, but after a while they realize that this is far from the case. The load is colossal, but thanks to the correct anatomical design of each movement, the training is well tolerated and produces results.

Equipment for bams abs

During bams abs training, a variety of sports equipment is actively used:

1 step platform;

2 elastic bands;

3 dumbbells of different weights;

4 leg weights;


6 bodybars.

You can combine several subjects in one lesson. They are used to enhance the effectiveness of bams plus abs.

Exercises for abs bums

The main block of exercises for abs bums is aimed at eliminating common women's problems- “ears” on the hips, flabby buttocks, perfect abs. Thanks to the small quantity additional equipment and the abs bums training scheme, the whole body is toned and endurance develops.

The entire structure of the classes is divided into three stages:

2 will give the body, abdominal and back an attractive appearance;

3 will stretch the body.

Each stage lasts 30 minutes. As practice shows, this is the best option for working out, but not overworking the body.

The abdominal muscles work regardless of the stage. Before you begin intense exercise, you need to do a good warm-up. 10 minutes of light aerobic program is enough to prepare the tissues for further stress. It is not recommended to use immediately heavy weight(dumbbells and other equipment) - at the first stage, the muscles are just warming up.

Bums abs training video

Benefits of bums abs

Benefit bums abs indisputable and obvious. Thanks to a properly developed system and design of classes, any body will be transformed in a matter of days. A moderate load will prevent you from overworking. Rhythmic musical sounds will set a working rhythm for your workouts, charging you with energy and mood for the whole day.

Systematic exercises will help:

  • increase muscle tone;
  • develop coordination and endurance;
  • get rid of excess weight;
  • strengthen the muscles of the back, torso and abs.

ABS stands for Abdominal Back Spine in English. This type of fitness uses the back and abdominal muscles. The rest of the body's muscles also work, but to a lesser extent. It is both powerful and functional training. For better effect, use additional sport equipment: dumbbells, body bars and others.

The back and abs are closely interconnected. If you pump up your abs, your back muscles will also develop. If you train your back, your abs will also be involved. Often, to get rid of back or lower back pain, you just need to pump your abs. The back muscles will warm up, become more elastic, congestion will disappear, and the pain will gradually go away.

  1. The activity is equally beneficial for men and women. Sculpted male abs delight women. A woman's flat tummy and slender back attract men. It's not just about beauty. This is important for health.
  2. For office workers, ABS training is extremely important and useful. Sedentary work blocks the muscles, the back and neck begin to hurt, and uneven load on the spine. Exercise helps tone stagnant muscles and get rid of discomfort.
  3. Anyone who wants to get rid of overweight, become slim and fit. Extra centimeters on the waist, stomach and hips will easily go away with regular exercise.
  4. For postpartum women, ABS training is especially beneficial. They help normalize the abdominal and back muscles, which experienced serious stress during pregnancy. This is a great way to lose belly fat.
  5. People with back and spine problems. If your doctor recommends additional physical exercise for better well-being and treatment, then take up ABS fitness.
  6. All people with an active lifestyle who love movement, sports, want to be healthy, slim and beautiful.

Benefits and Features

ABS in fitness has a lot of advantages that are noticeable immediately from the first workout:

  • strengthens the abs and back;
  • hundreds of calories are burned;
  • "melt" body fat;
  • cellulite, sides and sagging belly are reduced;
  • waist size decreases;
  • endurance develops;
  • mood and well-being improves.

Classes under the guidance of an experienced trainer completely eliminate possible injuries and damage. Loads on the muscles of the back and abdomen are given in doses and proportionally. When performing the exercises, the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles will actively work along their entire length. Healthy spine- this is everyone's dream. A set of exercises is aimed at stretching it and strengthening the muscles adjacent to it. After regular training the spine and back become more flexible and mobile, and do not react so painfully to daily stress.

Wellness club BIOSFERA invites you to training

If you need to tidy up your abs, stomach, waist and back, then sign up for ABS fitness in our club. Conducts classes experienced trainer, who will assess your problem and wishes and recommend the most suitable training pace. The club has small groups for beginners and advanced. Therefore, the pace of exercise will be optimal for you.

The hall has all the necessary equipment. The training plan includes exercises with dumbbells and other sports equipment. We invite men and women who want to have a straight back, beautiful posture, flat stomach and walk through life with your shoulders squared and your head held high.