What is the best bite perch in February. Perch in February: how to catch more effectively

The most widespread fish in our waters is perch, even if it cannot be classified as especially large. With a weight of 80 to 150 grams, its length usually does not exceed 20 cm. Larger individuals (500 or 700 grams each) are found in reservoirs. Sometimes perch fishing in February can result in the capture of a two-kilogram specimen.

Many fishermen believe that February is a deaf time for catching any fish. But on small rivers, which are loaded with dams, fishermen who know the water area well, as well as places where food organisms and fry accumulate, can quite successfully fish out perch even at this time.
Traditionally, the most favorite habitats of large specimens of perch are snarled pools and deep reaches. Usually, perch fishing in February should begin with determining the place of hunting. When fishing under ice perch on clear frosty days, they should be looked for at depth. In the evening this species fish prefers to move closer to the shore, that is, in the evening dawn, good perches can be caught in shallow places. In addition, fishing for perch in February in inclement weather and a thaw is possible under the lower edge of the ice.

Tackle for fishing perch

Each winter fisherman must have three types of fishing rods in his arsenal: for sheer lure, jigs with a gatehouse and float. For those anglers who focus on perch fishing, the main tool is a fishing rod for the so-called sheer lure or jigsaw tackle. In rare cases, perch fishing in February is carried out on float tackle. Also, among those who like to fish for perch, you can meet those who prefer miniature reelless fishing rods. Usually anglers refuse reels, who prefer compact rods that take up as little free space as possible. But still tackle with coils is much more convenient. They make it possible to quickly and extremely accurately set the length of the line required for fishing. As for the length of the rod, it must be selected so that the elastic whip creates a certain cushioning during cutting, thereby protecting the thin vein from breaking. A thin, flexible whip with a length of 10 to 15 cm will be well cushioned.

Nods for angling perch in February should be moderately hard, cone-shaped, with a length of about 10 cm. It is best to purchase nod designs that are made of lavsan, a polycarbonate plate, a metal plate supplemented with a stiffener, or copralone. Such nods will be less responsive to side wind. The stiffness and shape of the nods should allow the jig to carry out a high-speed game mode.

fishing line

Usually perch fishing in February is carried out using fishing line, the thickness of which is 0.08-0.15 mm. At the same time, the thinner the vein, the more bites you can count on. For winter fishing, a ten-meter supply of vein on reels or on a reel is enough.


Throughout the winter, the perch willingly bites on miniature vertical mormyshkas with a diameter of up to 4 mm and a hook height of 5 to 7 mm. The outer shell of a mormyshka, which is filled with lead along with hooks, or its Bottom part should be brass or copper. To increase the attractiveness of the bait, many additionally tie red hairs or rings made of colored insulation on the shank of the hook. Lead baits can be improved by painting the tip of the mormyshka red and the shank of the hooks black.

Lure fishing perch

in winter best time for catching perch, both on the lure and on the mormyshka, the first ice or the last ice is considered. Catching perch in February on a lure should begin with drilling several holes (from 5 to 10) at a distance of 15 meters from one another. At the same time, knowledgeable anglers advise drilling holes perpendicular to the coastline, but not along it. When you are done with the holes, you can proceed to next step fishing. The spinner is lowered first into the hole that is closest to the shore. It takes about five minutes to work it out with a lure. If you are not lucky enough to find a perch in it, then feel free to move on to the next hole. In principle, perch fishing in February consists in the gradual fishing of all holes. If there is no bite anywhere, then there is only one way out - to change the place of fishing. It is best to move a few hundred meters to the side and start all over from the beginning.

Now let's talk in more detail about the spinners themselves, which are used for perch fishing in February. Small spinners are considered the best, the length of which does not exceed 4 cm. As for the color of the spinner used, it can be red or white. On cloudy days, white metal baubles are most effective, but brass and copper are best left for bright sunny days.

Spinners designed for fishing perch are made on the basis of the following calculation - they, when free falling to the bottom, must perform zigzag planning, alternately going to the left, then to the right. Perch fishing in February can be quite catchy even when using gliding lures, which, as it were, roll over from one side to the other. Usually perches are taken on spinners that do not go too fast. Therefore, there is no need for constant pulling of the rod.

Bait for perch fishing in winter

Winter perch fishing, especially perch fishing in February, will be more effective if baits such as maggot, bloodworm, mugwort, fresh pork pieces, perch eyes, fish fillets, dung worms and fish giblets are attached to the mormyshka hook. As bait, it is best to take worms or the same bloodworm.

In this article we will talk about catching the February perch on the goat mormyshka. It is she who works perfectly in the days of February. The perch prefers mainly only this mormyshka, it is not for nothing that it is called the February bait.

Perch are very capricious in February, even though they are quite active at this time of the year. It cannot be said that the perch does not take at the end of winter. Many anglers believe that he begins to peck actively after the deaf winter only in March, and in February he has a lull. But there is no need to state so categorically, in March he simply becomes more hungry and begins to grab almost everything that comes across. But in February, he chooses the bait, takes only what he likes best, you just need to choose the right bait, looking ahead, choose the “goat”.


Where to look for perch in February

Let's start with where to look for the February perch. February is already the time when frosts are replaced by thaws, more and more oxygen enters the water. The perch no longer holds anything at depth, it begins to emerge from the wintering pits. In the spring, in April, the spawning period begins, and a couple of months before spawning, the perch begins to develop spawning places. That's why in February, he moves closer to the coast, where he begins to feed. He especially looks at places where there is last year's aquatic vegetation, where there are snags or coastal bushes. In such places, and you need to try to catch perch, and you can forget about deep areas at least until the summer, and if you are a fan of only ice fishing, then until December.

Gear for fishing in February

For catching February perch, choose medium-strength tackle. The weakest and thinnest tackle is in no way suitable for this fish, after all, even a small perch can provide good resistance, and can also quickly lead into snags or bushes. You may not even have time to react, as a prickly predator will go under a snag, from where it is unlikely that it will be possible to pull it out with a weak fishing line and a fragile fishing rod. That's why rod must have a certain strength.

Nod put not the softest, elasticity will be needed when hooking. If the nod is too soft, then there will be a lot of landings during hooking, it will not cushion. But it’s also useless to put a nod too hard; when catching a mormyshka, you won’t be able to play smoothly. And since we are talking about fishing for a goat, then all the tackle should be selected specifically for this mormyshka.

Lescu it is also necessary to put a strong one, avoiding subsequently a cliff, but at the same time it should not be thick, the perch does not like this. Though he is a predator, but to a thick fishing line in winter period is skeptical, and not only in winter, at the beginning of spring, while ice fishing is underway.

Goat for perch

Mormyshka goat is of two types that differ in color. She may be black and silver. Silvery are rare, and the perch pays less attention to them. And here black is in all fishing shops, and almost all anglers have it in their arsenal.

Some beginners who are just starting to master ice fishing may not even know what a goat is. It has an oblong shape, two hooks are brought out from below in the opposite direction, which are very similar to the horns of a real goat. A movable ball of red or translucent color is fixed on the hooks. In water, it can overflow.

The goat belongs to the mormyshka without nozzles, so it can be safely used without additional bait. Therefore, many anglers love it. In February, perch is mainly caught on bloodworms, and the red movable ball on the hooks of the mormyshka acts as a bloodworm.

Mormyshka game

The game of this mormyshka can be performed in different ways. Sometimes the perch likes it when the angler lowers the goat to the very bottom and begins to raise it in stepwise jerks half a meter from the bottom and lower it back, without pausing. But such a game does not always make the perch peck. In this case, you have to change tactics. You need to lower the lure to the bottom, also raise it in stepwise jerks to the same height, stop, after a pause lower it to the bottom in the form of a free fall, then pause again and repeat the manipulations in the same vein. But if the perch is bad at this, then you can change tactics cardinally.

Lower the mormyshka to the bottom, then after a short pause, raise by 5 centimeters, do a few wiggles with a nod and stop. The pause may last about 15 seconds. Then you pick it up again by 5 centimeters, download and wait. In such a rhythm, you can rise to the very ice, because the perch, when playing slowly with long pauses, the perch can follow it with his eyes to the very ice, and then break away and grab the mormyshka. Most often, perch are caught during the second and third variants of the game, and bites occur more often during stops in the game.

Perch bite in February is not too strong. He gently taps or pulls slightly downward, but may also throw a nod up, which happens less often.

Weather for perch fishing

Catch perch in February best on cloudy days. Often, it is sharply activated during heavy snowstorms, accompanied by strong gusty winds. In sunny and frosty weather, the red-finned minke whale, or, as it is also called, the sailor, may not peck at all or there will be bites, but occasionally and mostly a trifle.

Perch is the main trophy of the fisherman in winter. Big fish can be caught all winter. In mid-January, the biting calms down a bit, and in February, the best fishing for perch begins. Despite the winter difficulties, the perch does not stop eating. The February perch is constantly eager to catch prey, so this fish feeds even during the spawning period.


Perch is demanding on water, more precisely on its quality and oxygen saturation. In February, he begins acute oxygen starvation. Therefore, it is necessary to look for it in rivers with a good current, in underwater springs, streams or large rifts. The main flock keeps mainly near the shore.

A small number of perch choose to live in clean places without vegetation on the bottom. He also likes places with separately flooded tree trunks, shrubs or standing snags. In such places, fishing in February is more effective. Silence is not necessary for perch fishing, as perch are naturally curious fish that are always in a hurry to check the source of the noise. Even when holes are drilled, it swims to the surface.

Time to catch.

In February, perch biting falls during daylight hours, since the day is not very long yet. The most suitable time for fishing is before noon, although in the evening you can observe good perch bites. This fish likes to change places of parking. The most effective fishing is when the ice is still covered with snow in February.

Tackle and bait for perch in February.

To catch a large perch, you need to take a good bait, you can make it yourself. The balancer is perfect for this - a transverse spinner. Also, large perch are perfectly caught on mormyshka and sheer baubles. Due attention must be paid to the choice of nod.

With a long nod, the movements of the mormyshka will be more measured and smooth, and with a short nod, the game will be rhythmic and fast. A nod that allows you to make the game of the lure smoother should be made of a polymer plate. Large perch are best caught on brown line, while smaller ones prefer green line.

Spinners can be used both bright and darker colors. If the perch is active, then it is good to use a mormyshka with bloodworm replanting for catching. At the same time, we choose thinner tackle and fishing line, and a more sensitive nod. Mormyshka should be taken small in the form of a drop or pellet. And they can be completely different colors.

Bass fishing tactics.

To catch perch with a balancer, you need to take a fishing rod with a forked tip, while the line is wound around a fork. It is necessary to smoothly twitch the fishing rod so that the spinner moves with small tremors. Fishing should be continued, slowly lowering the line until the lure touches the bottom and raises the turbidity.

Only then can the balancer be lifted up. Sometimes perch can be caught in the area between the bottom and the end of the ice (under the ice itself). Large perch usually do not bite right away, so you can catch quite a long time near the same hole. After catching the first perch, we lower the balancer to the previous depth. If big fish broke, then the biting can immediately stop.

When fishing on a jig with bait, you need to lower it to the bottom, and at a distance of several centimeters make pauses with the jig swaying. Raising the mormyshka from the bottom by about half a meter, we begin to lower it again. A jig with a bloodworm is moved along the bottom, while making small rises. All movements are done very smoothly.

Each fisherman adheres to his tactics, which comes to him with experience and certain skills. With well-thought-out tactics and good choice fishing spots can provoke even the most passive perch to bite.

Catching perch in February is not an easy task, and even taking into account its activity this month, the angler needs to work hard, preparing the necessary gear and deciding on a promising fishing spot. In February, the perch does not live in all places; when oxygen starvation sets in, it moves in search of more comfortable parking places. This is relevant for small reservoirs, while on really large reservoirs the perch feels great even in February and practically does not change their parking places.

When fishing for perch in February in large reservoirs, the search should begin at medium depths, on dumps, in places of flooded snag, in front of pits, at the confluence of rivers. It is also possible to find perch in small reservoirs in February, but this is much more difficult to do.

In places of aquatic vegetation, it is definitely not worth looking for perch in February, since when they die off, they emit carbon dioxide.

Among promising places, one can note areas with a clean bottom, as well as places with underwater springs. It can stand on dumps, in whirlpools, along the riverbed. Perch fishing in February in the morning is carried out at great depths, and closer to dinner in warm weather, it shifts to shallow water. Frosty windless days are considered a good signal to catch perch in February, but nevertheless you can catch it even in a heavy snowstorm. For successful perch fishing in February, it is better to equip several rods at once, setting each of them to certain fishing conditions. When fishing for perch in February, you can put a handful of bloodworms into the hole, this will only increase the number of bites.

Among the most relevant lures for perch fishing in February, spinners and balancers are distinguished, and mainly large-sized individuals are caught on the balancer. Quite successfully they catch perch in February and on jig with a nozzle in the form of a large bloodworm or maggot, on rattlin and silicone lures.

Tackle for perch fishing in February

Choice winter fishing rod will depend on the chosen bait. Catching perch in February on a mormyshka is carried out with a simple fishing rod "balalaika", design feature which consists in a reel built into the handle of the fishing rod.

In this case, a nod acts as a bite signaling device, it is attached to the tip of the whip and has a passage ring for fishing line.

Nods are made of various materials and have different degrees of rigidity. For perch fishing, it is allowed to use nods made of lavsan or metal, for example, from a clock spring about 6 centimeters long. For most cases, a winter monofilament line with a diameter of 0.09 to 0.12 millimeters is suitable. With an uncertain bite and catching small perches, you can take a thinner fishing line, with a diameter of 0.06 to 0.08 millimeters.

When fishing for perch is carried out on spinners, balancers, silicone baits and an open-type reel is used, which is equipped with a nod made of lavsan, nipple rubber or a clock spring about 6 centimeters long. The fishing line is again used monofilament, designed for winter fishing with a diameter of 0.16 to 0.18 millimeters. With a weak bite and catching small individuals, a fishing line with a diameter of 0.12 to 0.14 millimeters will suffice.

Perch fishing in February allows the angler to use a short spinning class ultralight (UL) up to 1.2 meters long, on which a light spinning reel. Depending on the personal preferences of the angler, monofilament with a diameter of 0.16 to 0.18 millimeters or a braid with a diameter of about 0.06 millimeters acts as the main fishing line.

Lures for perch fishing in February

Spinners for winter perch fishing

Perch fishing in February from the ice is carried out on small spinners. The store has a wide selection of perch lures, but some anglers prefer to use homemade ones. Spinners are made of various metals, including lutan, copper, bronze, tin, silver and even cupronickel.

The size of the bait depends on the size of the intended prey and ranges from 3 to 5 centimeters for large individuals and from 1.5 to 2 centimeters for very small perches.

Spinners for perch fishing, as a rule, are equipped with a triple hook. Quite often, a red thread is wound on the hook or multi-colored beads are put on, which are an additional incentive and, for the most part, act as a “red rag” for perch attacks.

In addition, there are other options for equipping spinners. On sale there are spinners with a single hook soldered into it, with just a single or triple hook, both on a clockwork ring and on a chain.

In case of insufficient perch activity during fishing, they are used with a triple hook on a chain, equipped with various multi-colored decorations in the form of cambric, beads, threads and other elements that can stimulate the perch to bite. The choice of spinner depends on the strength of the current and the depth at the place of fishing. Catching perch in February in areas with no current and shallow depth is more productive on spinners in which the horizontal play is very pronounced.

When planning, such spinners are very displaced from the axis of the hole. As a rule, spinners of this type have a wide body, the center of gravity of which is located in the middle or at the top of the spinner. When an angler plans to fish for perch in areas with a current, at depths above average, lures with a center of gravity at the bottom are best suited. As a rule, such spinners have a narrow body and a minimum horizontal component when playing.

Catching perch in February is possible on lures in various designs, but among the popular models for catching perch, lures in the form of “carnation”, “crucian”, “diamond”, “torpedo” can be noted.

Balancers for perch fishing

Depending on the size of the intended object of fishing, the weight and size of the balancer is selected. Perch fishing in February is carried out on balancers of a relatively small size, usually the length of such a bait is from 2 to 5 centimeters.

If it is necessary to catch a large perch at a considerable depth, balancers are taken that have a large size and weight. The color of the balancer plays an important role when catching perch and therefore you need to choose it thoughtfully, based on the depth at the place of fishing and the color of the water. When catching perch in clear water at shallow depths, balancers with a natural color - gray, blue, silver, green - are best suited.

In the absence of bites on balancers with this color, you can switch to using baits with more bright color. For successful perch fishing in February, when choosing balancers, it is better to give preference to lures from a trusted manufacturer. Among these are Tasapaino balance 50 from Kuusamo, Jigging Rap from Rapala, Jigger from Nils Master. This list is rather arbitrary and when fishing for perch in February on a balancer, you need to experiment with different models.

Mormyshka for catching perch in February

In February, you can catch perch on a jig with or without a bait. The latter is called a revolver and, as a rule, is intended for fishing by anglers with experience. It requires a more rhythmic game without failures and without a “stuffed” hand, it is quite difficult to build the correct game with such a jig.

When catching perch on a mormyshka with a nozzle, a bunch of bloodworms act as bait, usually 2-3 larvae are planted on the hook at once.

For revolvers, the use of beads, cambric and other bright elements that increase the attractiveness for fishing is provided. You can start fishing with a mormyshka in the form of a pellet, and then try others, such as “drop”, “oatmeal”, “puck”. From revolvers for catching perch, classic models are suitable - “devil”, “goat”, “uralka”. Mormyshkas, like spinners, are also made of various metals. The best choice would be a wolfram mormyshka, which, compared to lead, has a smaller size with the same weight.

The color, size and weight of the mormyshka depends on the fishing conditions. In general, jigs with light and dark colors are suitable for catching perch, for example, the colors of silver, gold and black. In reservoirs with calm water at a shallow depth, a jig weighing 0.2-0.3 grams is suitable. In addition, with an increase in the thickness of the fishing line and other fishing conditions, the weight and mass of the mormyshka increases.

Silicone lures for perch fishing in February

For perch fishing in February, “edible” silicone baits are used, which are impregnated with various attractants for greater attractiveness.

Silicone baits are used in a small size, the length of such a bait ranges from 1.5 to 3 centimeters, occasionally silicone baits are used about 5 centimeters long. Most often, baits in the form of a twister and a vibrotail are used to catch perch on silicone, but it also perfectly grabs others - slugs, worms, crustaceans, silicone larvae. Twister is the main silicone bait when fishing for perch with micro jig. With a drop-shot rig, in addition to the indicated silicone lures, it is possible to use streamers and wabs.

Rattles for perch fishing in February

One of the varieties of wobblers is rattlin, which does not have a blade, and the fishing line attachment point is located at the top in the middle. Such wobblers play both on the rise and on the lowering. Catching perch in February on rattlins with the right game of this bait will be very effective.

As a rule, rattlin is equipped with a triple hook, but there are models with a single or double hook. The size of the rattlin for perch fishing depends on the depth at the place of fishing and other conditions. For perch fishing in February at a depth of up to 2 meters, a rattlin 4-5 centimeters long is suitable. When choosing a rattlin, pay attention to models from the following manufacturers Rattlin by Rapala, Flat Shad by Sebile, Baby Rattlin by Strike Pro. As in the case of balancers, this list is rather arbitrary and these wobblers may not work so well in your reservoir.

Bait for fishing in February

The need to use baits arises when fishing for perch with mormyshka, vertical jig and drop-shot, while using various baits of animal origin. The most popular bait for catching perch from the ice is bloodworm. Quite successfully, large perch can also be caught with other baits, such as maggot, worm, and even fish fry. These baits can be placed on a jig hook, jig head, articulated offset hook or drop-shot rig.

Lure fishing for perch in February

Perch fishing in February is not a lure in terms of choosing the bait wiring is not very different from the other season. First, the angler lowers the lure into the hole and at a distance of about 5-10 centimeters from the bottom and leaves it stationary, that is, does not make any movements with the rod.

Then the angler swings the rod, throwing the lure up to a distance of 10-15 centimeters and returns the rod to its original position.

The spinner, at this time, making an oscillatory movement, descends to the lowest point. Now the angler needs to endure a short pause lasting about 5 seconds, during which time the lure should stop fluctuating. This process continues until the perch bites, usually 5-7 postings in the hole are enough.

In addition, you can attract attention when catching perch in February by tapping the lure on the bottom, then laying it on the ground, and start slowly lifting the bait. You need to catch various underwater horizons, it is difficult to say at what distance from the bottom at a particular moment the perch is located. To this end, for the spinner, the starting point is set at different distances, at 30 centimeters, then 60, and so on. It can be any other lifting height, but at least 10 postings must be made on each of them.

For detailed instructions on catching perch on a lure in winter, read this article:

Perch fishing in February on a balancer

When fishing for perch on a balancer, you need to be extremely careful, since in places with aquatic vegetation and snags, bait hooks very often occur. It is best when using this lure to fish in clean areas.

In addition to tackle and baits, it is recommended to take a special trap for fishing, but it can not always help.

Playing with a balancer is somewhat similar to trolling a lure, and therefore it will not be difficult for an angler who has experience in catching perch with a lure to master the technique of fishing with a lure. lifting the balancer by 20-30 centimeters. Now the angler holds the rod in this position for a few seconds, and then returns the rod to its original position.

The balancer, both when lifting and lowering, describes loops in the water that look like the number eight. Pause in lowest point is held until the balancer completely stops rotating. When playing, sharp and high strokes of the fishing rod are not allowed, since a sweeping game will only scare away the perch. It is good when catching perch on a balancer in February to knock or move the bait along the bottom in order to raise a cloud of turbidity that is attractive to perch.

For detailed instructions on catching perch on a balancer, read this article:

Catching perch in February on a mormyshka

Catching perch in February with a mormyshka implies an active search for fish. IN promising place fishing with an ice screw, you need to make about 8-10 holes, the distance between the holes should be at least 3-5 meters. This approach allows the angler to cover a variety of February perch sites and increases the chance of catching a trophy specimen.

A series of holes can be made in the coastal zone along the thickets of reeds, or you can start drilling from the shore and gradually go to the center of the reservoir. Catching perch on a jig involves using a small amount of bait in the form of bloodworms. The bloodworm is fed into the hole either with a pinch or in a special feeder, this is especially true when fishing at a considerable depth. The number of possible game options amazes with its number of novice anglers, but all of them, as a rule, are based on frequent fluctuations of the mormyshka in a vertical plane, both at one point and with an ascent. The game for mormyshka is selected based on the activity of the perch.

It is worth noting that all posting options can be combined, change the frequency of oscillations, amplitude of movements and add pauses with different durations. The following version of the game is used to catch an active perch. The angler, swinging the rod, raises the mormyshka at a distance of about 30 centimeters from the bottom. Of course, the mormyshka sways and attracts perch.

With such a game, the oscillation frequency can reach 3-5 per second. To successfully catch perch with passive behavior, it is necessary to make smoother and less frequent oscillations, approximately 1-3 per second. For the most part, experienced anglers catch perch, since the game with such a bait is distinguished by a high frequency of movements, while failures in such a game are not allowed.

For detailed instructions on catching perch on a mormyshka in winter, read this article:

Perch fishing in February on silicone

Catching perch in February with silicone lures is a vertical jig in the hole. Basic technique fishing for perch on silicone looks something like this. The angler smoothly lifts the silicone bait with wiggles or taps it on the bottom.

In another version, the bait rises to a distance of about 30-40 from the bottom and then drops sharply down. Installation of silicone baits for perch fishing in February is carried out on jig heads, offset hooks on hinged mounting with a small sinker in the form of cheburashka. A novice angler is more suitable option with a jig head.

Perch fishing in February on a drop-shot

Drop shot rigs are great for catching medium to large perch in February.

This equipment makes it possible not only to use soft artificial lures, but also natural ones. Catching perch in February in terms of posting the bait is analogous to playing jigsaw, in which the angler makes frequent movements with the rod and pauses with the hand, thereby giving the chosen bait vibrations. In another case, the bait is played precisely on the rise, but here it is important to consider that the sinker in such a game must be in a stationary state.

Simply put, the angler only plays with the bait, not the whole rig. To do this is quite simple. The angler lowers the bait to the bottom, while the line is weakened and begins to wiggle, lifting the bait up until the line is under tension and then throws it down. Then the process is repeated.

Perch fishing in February on rattlin

Ruttlins are just as prone to hooks as balancers, so the rule about fishing in clear areas applies to them as well. The game of such a bait is a smooth movement in a horizontal plane with swaying and rollovers from one side to another when lifting and planning the bait.

When catching perch on a rattlin, the angler makes a smooth sweep of the rod by 30-40 centimeters, in which the rattlin goes up. Then the angler lowers the tip of the rod, respectively, the rattlin swings down to the starting point. The angler then repeats the process.

Choosing a place for perch fishing in February

The search for a suitable place to fish for perch in February depends on the size of the reservoir, weather and other conditions. You can make it easier to find perch parking spots with the help of an echo sounder. In February, perch are most attracted to any source of oxygen, these can be large rifts, flowing streams and rivers, or underwater springs.

For successful perch fishing in February, pay attention to the following areas:

  • twisted pools;
  • deep stretches;
  • depth differences (various pits and hills);
  • on the eyebrows;
  • areas with natural obstacles.

Find out in which water bodies in your region it is possible to catch perch in February:

Like most other fish, perch does not tolerate the winter season, in particular February. But the need for food remains with the fish, and therefore the likelihood of successful fishing exists. The saturation of the water with oxygen and the presence of fry are the factors that influence the behavior of the perch at this time and the choice of parking sites.

It is effective in reservoirs with a sufficient amount of oxygen, which comes there from an underwater spring, flowing streams, etc. In full-flowing rivers, perch is best caught in pre-estuary areas.

Where to catch perch in February

The most successful fishing will be in places that are located closer to the channel and do not have vegetation on the bottom, with the exception of single snags and shrubs.

The presence of food in water bodies also has a significant impact on the activity of biting. From this point of view, the best major rivers with a strong current. Large reservoirs, lakes, ponds are also suitable, but to a much lesser extent. Small ponds without water circulation are the worst option for perch fishing in February. The best tackle for perch in February - is it a mormyshka, or flashing .

The rods used for lure must be reliable and with a reel. For convenience, you should replace the usual whip with a longer one. Suitable line diameter for February fishing- 0.15 - 0.20 mm. Large individuals are better caught on a brown line, small ones on a green one.

The nod should be made of a polymer plate, from 70 to 120 mm. This will provide the fisherman with a smooth play of the lure. in the right place and competent technique catching glimmer will make even the most lethargic fish show activity.

Tackle for perch in February is selected taking into account the activity of the fish. Therefore, the presence of activity in the fish indicates the possibility of using mormyshka with replanting bloodworms. In this case, the tackle and fishing line are selected thinner, and the nod is more sensitive. It is advisable to have mormyshkas of different colors with you.

Mormyshka playing techniques that help when catching perch are different. will be successful when using one of these techniques. To do this, you need to lower the mormyshka with bait to the bottom, raise it by 2 cm and start lifting. Every 5 cm it is necessary to stop, smoothly shaking the mormyshka.

When the distance from the bottom reaches 60 cm, the mormyshka is lowered down again. Moving the mormyshka along the bottom, make periodic rises of 1 cm from the bottom. After every 4 lifts, you must stop for 6 seconds, holding the mormyshka at the bottom, or close to the bottom. All movements must be done smoothly.

Rare footage, a look from the other side)