King of Ultra Trails: How a GRUT Winner Lives and Trains. Let there be a king! Interview with Anton Golovin

One of the most sensational events in the life of Russian trail running has come to its logical conclusion. The markings have been assembled, the participants, exhausted by the Crimean kilometers, have gone home. But the aftertaste remains. Still, the Crimean golden autumn is special. It fascinates and inspires, giving strength to everyone who has entered the multi-day trail. Crimea X Run walk the path to the end.

The absolute winner of the 4 days Crimea X Run became Anton Golovin (Zarechny, Sverdlovsk region). Congratulations!!!

Results of the stage race Crimea X Run-2018 (absolute)


1. Anton Golovin - 19:55:27
2. Chegarovsky Mikhail - 20:44:00
3. Yuri Agafontsev - 21:44:47


1. Rachinskaya Irina - 22:18:31
2. Ershova Elizabeth - 25:22:31
3. Anosova Elena - 25:31:37

Blitz interview with Anton Golovin

The organizers this year made a little mistake with the numbers. The climb and mileage were greater. What are the feelings after that?

Anton: 175 km in 4 days is not quite a critical distance. The race went well. Satisfied with feeling.

Most difficult day and why?

Anton: I can not single out any of the days especially in terms of severity. The first two were fast, but short. Days 3 and 4 are long and with a set, but slower.

Strategic plan for a multi-day period.

Anton: Win. At the same time, not spending much on health. Crimea X Run 2018 was not the main start, I went for mountain experience.

Main competitors.

Anton: Whom I knew - did not come to the start. The other participants who fought in the end were not familiar to me.

Last year you were 4th overall, this year 1st. What did you have to change/add in training?

Anton A: I just arrived in a different state. In 2017, there was no form. This year I knew what awaited me and grabbed the sticks.

Anton, before we start the interview, it is impossible not to ask a question that torments absolutely everyone: if a war starts between machines and people, which side will you be on? On the side of the people!

We recently borrowed from Elena Nurgalieva, she is also a specialist in ultramarathons. You both switched to running from skiing. Why did you choose ultra distances and trails? All Elena's achievements are highway related (The Comrades and Two Oceans Marathon). I'm a cross-country runner. For the road, I'm too big (80 kg) to more or less show the results. In order for the guys to at least just impose a fight in a marathon, that is, to run out of 2:20, you need to be 10 kilograms lighter. And the result in the region of 2:25 - 2:30 is nothing. In addition, in skiing there was running only in the forest.

You live in a small town in the Sverdlovsk region. How is the infrastructure there? Do residents of big cities have any advantages in preparation compared to the rest? Yes, I was born in Serov, Sverdlovsk Region, and now I live in Zarechny. There are few forest paths, cars drive everywhere: the road is transported and the forest is taken out. I run mainly on asphalt, in the villages, around the city. The trail circle near the house is 4 km, but until August there are more ticks than mosquitoes. Gym Soviet type. The 50 m2 pool is modern, but I don't go there. The cinder stadium, I also run there. Everywhere you can develop if you have a head on your shoulders. But there is a limit in everything, so sooner or later progress will come in this place. What are the main principles of preparing for long trail runs?

  • First, run a lot! The base is the main one. Everything else follows. Of course, you need to run correctly and correctly.
  • The second moment is power, OFP. Many do not pull because of weak muscles of the ligaments, but are ready with their hearts.
  • The third is nutrition. Not everyone can eat a lot, for many, food does not fit, is not digested.

So if you want to switch from highways to trails, you need to start running in the woods, in parks, on any uneven surface. And also go to gym, strengthen muscles and ligaments, choose the right shoes.

A now about GRUT. You won it 4 times in a row. Each time, the audience wonders, “Is he even human?” How do you do it? Is there anyone who can compete with you? I don't think it's anything outstanding. I just know the track, I do a serious introspection, I train a lot. Law of sports: competition produces results. I will only be glad to meet with worthy opponents at the 5th GRUT "e. In social networks, you are talking about the embarrassment associated with a puddle on one of the sections of the T100 course. Have you really bathed in it? What are your feelings? Well, yes! He stopped and began to pour water over his head from it, knowing that Bykov was still far away under the scorching sun. The puddle turned out to be just very small, and the water quickly became dirty. But there was no choice.

You won the last GRUT even with a tick bite and

ice with strong overheating. Did you run on the moral-volitional? It was the toughest race! I have never had to endure like this before - to run and not overheat at the same time. The increase in pace strongly gave to my head, and so I wanted to run faster. He ran as fast as his body allowed, so as not to catch a heat stroke. It is this race that is the most difficult for me so far from all points of view. In one of your interviews, you said that running ultra trails of 5 min/km is not a problem for you (Anton's average speed on the Elton Volgabus was 12 km/h over a distance of 164 km, approx.). What can we convey to everyone who is now moving away from the emotional upheaval? There is no need to set boundaries or boundaries. An athlete must be born! If you do not enjoy the hardest workouts, then sports are not for you. Psychology cannot be trained, it is given at birth. On the trail, you can't predict or plan the course of a race. You go out and work in your comfort zone. What you are ready for, so you run! The walk/run itself, of course, changes. But how to plan in advance how you feel at the Valhalla Race at the hundredth kilometer?! One can only guess!

Background: The only time Anton Golovin stopped a race on his own was on Elton Volgabus in 2017. Then, against the background of severe fatigue, he heard a voice prompting him to withdraw from the race. Subsequently, Anton called it "a conversation with God." Was it a turning point in your career? What do you think about these long distances? It wasn't a turning point, but it was definitely memorable. It's all experience. And it is important to do introspection. Listen to your body, don't be led by your emotions. Spending health is as easy as shelling pears, but not to return. And I think about how to quickly run to the finish line. I keep track of my progress. I think about my family, about my parents. Assess the prospects for the development of trail running in Russia? Mass trail running is on the rise. The number of participants and races is increasing. But strong athletes do not come - those who would like to earn money with their talent. During the year, only Evgeny Pishchalov came (master of sports in athletics, co-founder of the Rocket ScienZe project, coach, runner, approx.). While in trail running development occurs at its own expense.

In social networks, you once talked about "fights" for Treadmills. Like, you can’t occupy the device for so long! How to explain to people that you can run on treadmills for more than 20 minutes? Probably, when in addition to Golovin there will be ultramarathon runners in Zarechny, then the people will realize. But everyone is already accustomed to and knows me. Just sometimes someone wants to show character. It happens that I also wait a long time for the track. Life outside sports. Do you have a job or own business? It's hard to call it a business. So we earn a little, help food lovers. And the idea itself came easily. In skiing, I lost a whole season due to a lack of nutrition in preparation. I just got so hungry that I could barely drag my legs for six months. It was then that the thought came that you need to help yourself with sports nutrition, because you can’t cope with ordinary food. At first I ate and eat myself, then I began to sell.

We know you are also a trail trainer. Who are the students? What are your pedagogical principles? Most of the students are 35 - 40 years old. There are no young people. In general, those who have the financial means to prepare. Everyone has their own goals, their own races, their own opportunities. I go individually. It can be difficult for some to show the right path, but someone understands perfectly. Behind every great man is a great woman - how does your family support you? Is your son already starting to look up to you? Of course the family is supportive. If possible, my Tanya is always with me (Anton's wife, approx.). So I'm in a hurry to the finish line to see her! But one athlete is enough in the family. The son is not equal, and he does not need it. An athlete must be born!

Anton Golovin's free time - what is it like? In our small town, there really isn't anywhere to go. We usually spend weekends at home with our family, we go for walks. Sometimes we go to Yekaterinburg for a walk, to go somewhere. I go to the bath in my free time. Rarely, but sometimes I meet friends in a cafe. Running is my hobby. All days are booked! Well, in the end, one more important question. Anton Golovin - king, czar or lord of ultratrails? I am an ordinary red-haired boy who goes his own way and builds his own destiny. But let there be a king!

It has no equal on difficult and long trails, whether it is dry and ruthless desert steppe or poorly passable and swampy fords. He quickly runs in the forest and over stones. He was the best ultramarathon three times Golden Ring Ultra Trail in Suzdal in 2015, 2016 and 2017, among his victories are the Konzhak mountain marathon, the TransUral mountain stage race and the Elton Volgabus Ultra-Trail ultramarathon. The “King of ultratrails” told how he lives and trains, what he dreams about and how he recovers.

Did you come to running from cross-country skiing? Tell me how it was?

I already had running experience. I was involved in athletics for 5 years when I studied at the institute. It so happened that in the 11th grade I had to finish with skiing, and a friend from the school desk suggested doing track and field athletics (he was a sprinter himself). It was just the spring and the period of relay races. During this period, it was not possible to realize myself in athletics, and one respected coach called me back to skiing. Then there was the national team of the region, the performance of the master of sports, participation in the Chechen Republic, the Kyrgyz Republic, victories in numerous marathons. And again the transition to the run. The last ski race was the Russian 70 km championship in Monchegorsk in April 2014.

What was your passion for running, and are skiing over now, or do you include them in your training?

Now I don’t use skis in preparation, I don’t ski at all. "To run, you must run!" Running, first of all, attracts with its accessibility. I put on my running shoes and ran out of the house. But, as in any sport, there are difficulties and nuances.

Do you train in the Urals or go to training camps? How are things going with training in the winter?

I train at home. I don't go to training camps. Our winter is severe - from freezing rain to -35. I mostly run outdoors. In difficult weather conditions I use a treadmill and an arena in Yekaterinburg. I was lucky with the place of residence - the city of Zarechny, where the Beloyarsk nuclear power plant is located. Because of this, our city and nearby villages are constantly cleared of snow. From here I have up to 100 km of cross-country trails around.

I consider myself an amateur. A professional has contracts and receives money for his training. I train outside of work and free time from family affairs. There are two main sources of income - coaching and its own sports nutrition store G-Sports. I am approached by amateurs who want not just to warm the air, but to reveal their potential, who have certain tasks for the race.

Why trail running? What attracts you to trail running? Do you have good road marathons, would you like more speed and faster minutes on a classic marathon distance?

Speed ​​is always a priority, so I will leave the implementation of a fast road marathon for dessert in my career. I want to get close to 2.20 in a marathon. Now I'm into trail running. Why he? The answer is simple. I came out of the forest (cross-country skiing runs). Plus has always been predisposed to endurance. I hold very well average speed, so running GRUT or Elton from 5 min/km is not a problem.

Now there are friendly relations with the largest races in Russia. Their organizers invite me, and I support them with my participation (if possible). I believe that we, the Russians, should support our races, and not strive to compete abroad. Who if not us?

What type of training do you include when preparing for long trails?

I use all known methods of training - long run, fartlek, interval, repetition, uphill / downhill runs, developing crosses, power, etc. Each period has its own training.

What role do power training in your training?

No power anywhere. If you want to increase speed, strength must be included in the training process.

What is your favorite type of workout?

I love working on speed. Running slowly is boring.

Favorite workout spots?

I like to train at home. When I get bored, I go to the Uktus mountains in Yekaterinburg.

How much running volume is needed to show such high results?

I don't have a lot of running volume. The maximum reaches 500-550 km, usually up to 500 km. I don't think more is better. It is better to work on the quality of training. Giving any specific figures is not correct. Each person is individual.

How do you recover after hard workouts and starts?

Sleep and proper nutrition Those are the main two points. You can also add - a bath, massage, physiotherapy (lymphatic drainage, myostimulation, baths, etc.). After a tough race or competitive season, it's good to switch activities - swimming, cycling, cross-country skiing, ski mountaineering).

What does your typical training day look like?

8.30 - the first training, 15.00-15.30 - the second training. It is not always possible to do 2 workouts.

What equipment do you prefer?

There is no one brand that suits everyone and everything. I run in Nike, Hoka One One, Adidas, Mizuno sneakers.

Do you use pharmaceutical support?

IN training process use sports nutrition- gels, isotonics, minerals and vitamins, electrolytes, amino acids.

How do you manage to combine difficult workouts and everyday life? How to succeed?

Saves a clear planning of the day. When it's a hard training day, I'm all clear - training, sleep, training, family matters, the right meals for recovery. The day is scheduled by the minute.

How do your relatives, family, friends feel about your running?

Attitude is appropriate. There is an understanding of what I do.

What is your main motivation for running now? How not to lose her?

Why can a hobby get boring? The main motivation is to know the limit of your capabilities (under given training conditions). In order not to lose motivation, the desire to go to training every day, you must have a competent training process. We all know how to load, but who knows how to properly relax?

Race you would like to run? What are you dreaming about?

While I'm trail running, it's UTMB.

Which typical mistakes beginner trailrunners are allowed, and what would you like to wish them?

There are quite a few mistakes. Let me name 3 main ones, in my opinion:

- little attention to running technique;
- improper nutrition both in the training process (before, during, after training), and during the race;
- the desire to immediately run the ultra with the maximum climb.

What are your hobbies besides running?

I spend time with my family and love delicious food.

In 2015, the athlete won here at a distance of 100 km. Last year's race on the first Russian 100m didn't go well, and Anton retired after the first lap. And now - a brilliant revenge with a track record of 13:12:02 - 1 hour 18 minutes faster than the previous result shown by Maxim Voronkov. Congratulations champion!

The next day after the finish, Anton answered questions from the site. As always, the runner is restrained and laconic. However, the results speak for themselves: 164 km in 13:12:02. What else can you add here? Fantastic.

Satisfied with the result? What was the running goal?

Of course, I'm happy with the result. Goal: only victory.

What was missing to run out of 13?

I ran all the kilometers with a full backpack (sports pit, mandatory equipment), which adds 5-10 seconds per km.

How did you spread out in distance?

The first lap started a little faster than the target pace, the second lap ran as fast as possible.

Did the heat interfere?

Was the competition strong?

I ran 150 kilometers alone, no one supported my pace.

The brightest impression of these days?

Ovation at the finish line.

A few words about the organization - how is the race changing? What would you like to add/change?

Organization on highest level, as in previous years. Everything is great, I liked everything.

Will you be back to defend your title?

Vyacheslav wants to change the format of the race in the direction of increasing the mileage, I do not plan to run more than a hundred miles yet.


Russian amateur trail runner. Twice winner of the multi-day race TRANSURAL (2014-2015), winner of the GOLDEN RING ULTRA TRAIL-2015 at a distance of 100 km, winner of the ELTON ULTRA TRAIL-2015 distance of 100 km and so on, and so on, and so on.

In 2014, Anton took part for the last time in the Russian Championship in cross-country skiing in Monchegorsk. Finished skiing and started running.

“Running is flying!” says Anton. The first marathon in Chelyabinsk brought a personal record of 2:31.50. Then two weeks later Omsk and 2:37.50, Sylva at minus 25 - 2:38 and second place on the "Road of Life" in St. Petersburg - 2:38.

With a height of 183, Anton weighs 80 kilograms.

With such power, you should definitely go to trail running!

While still a skier, the famous Konjac ran 10 times. In 2013 he was third.

The first serious race in 2014 was TransUral and a confident victory. Then the first place at the Golden Ring Ultra Trail in 2015 (8:20:15), victory at ELTON ULTRA TRAIL-2015 (7:58:07) and the second victory at TransUral in the same year.

Anton Golovin has a very high index performance of 758!

Given the fact that Anton is an “amateur”, has no sponsors and trains for “his own”, with a professional level of training and support, Anton could show some of the best results among Russians and compete for prizes at international competitions.

Anton's plans for this year include the traditional TransUral, Suzdal and Konzhak.

We wish ANTON GOLOVIN victories, victories and only VICTORIES!


One of the strongest amateur trailrunners in Russia. In 2015 Kirill showed best result among Russians at UTMB for the entire history of the race. Kirill ran the distance of 170 kilometers with a climb of 10,000 meters in 26:54:53 and took 35th place in the overall standings!

Kirill is 34 years old. He comes from Feodosia, but now lives in Novosibirsk. Married. Two children.

Has been involved in sports since the age of 15. Specialized in medium distances. 800m personal best 1:51. At the age of 24, he stopped playing athletics professionally.

Once I saw a report about UTMB on TV and got excited about the idea to run this race. So, the usual TV plot can turn your whole life upside down! The first trail race took place in 2012, and after 3 years Kirill became one of the best Russian amateur trail runners.

At the multi-day race CrimiaXrun-2015, he took second place, losing just a couple of minutes to the Perm athlete Konstantin Ivanov.

Here are some races in 2016 where you can meet Kirill:

September 3-11 - TRANS ALPINE RUN multi-day stage race, distance 251 km, total climb at a distance of D + 15,000 meters. The race passes through the territory of three states: Germany, Austria, Italy.

October 5-8 CRIMEA Xrun four-day race in the Crimea. Last year, at this race, Kirill took 2nd place, losing some minutes to Konstantin Ivanov, whom we will also write about, of course.

November 11 - Skyrunning Championship of Portugal SKYRUNNER NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP. Distance ULTRA 112 km D+7 200.

December 3-4 - La SainteLyon night race 72 kilometers in France. The oldest trail in Europe 63rd start this year.

We wish Kirill the realization of all his plans and, of course, victories!

Read a very interesting interview with Kirill Rusin on


At the end of the 2015 season, Evgeny won the title of RUSSIAN CHAMPION in skyrunning.

Eugene was born in the village of Petrokamensk near Nizhny Tagil in 1986. He graduated from the Nizhny Tagil Pedagogical College with a degree in physical education teacher. Recently got married.

Until 2008, he was systematically engaged in cross-country skiing. Later, it was not possible to train regularly, but continued to participate in various sports events in cross-country skiing and athletics at the city and district levels. For a long time, the only marathon that I regularly went to was the well-known “Konzhak” in the Urals. And only since 2012, Eugene began to run constantly and seriously.

I became interested in Skyrunning quite by accident, taking part in the “Run to the Big Iremel” at the end of 2013. Big Iremel with a mark of 1,582 meters is the second highest peak in the Southern and Middle Urals.

“It all started with Iremel in 2013,” Evgeny says, “it was the last start of the season in skyrunning, but Vova Rodygin and I didn’t even know this, but when we ran and became 1-2, we found out. We read about skyrunning and in 2014 we already started going to some skyrunning competitions and at the end of the season got into the Russian team.

At the end of 2014, Salomon offered me cooperation, now I'm on their team!”

2015 was a difficult but fruitful year:

April - high-altitude race "Western Sayans. Borus” Stage of the Russian Skyrunning Cup - first place, vertical kilometer - 2nd place;

May - Elbrus, Russian Championship, vertical kilometer - 2nd place;

June - Altai, Russian Cup, high-altitude race -1 place, vertical kilometer -1 place;

July - "Konzhak", Russian Championship, marathon - 3rd place;